Rock-paper-scissors: Difference between revisions

Added Racket
(Explain KEYBOARD reads and the behavior of the program)
(Added Racket)
Line 2,203:
str: "Computer played Paper. Paper wins!"</lang>
<lang racket>
#lang racket
(require math)
(define history (make-hash '((paper . 1) (scissors . 1) (rock . 1))))
(define total 3)
(define (update-history! human-choice)
(set! total (+ total 1))
(hash-update! history human-choice add1 0))
(define (pick-one)
(discrete-dist '(paper scissors rock)
(map (λ (x) (hash-ref history x))
'(scissors paper rock)))))
(define (find-winner computer human)
(define order '(scissors paper rock scissors))
[(eq? computer human) 'none]
[(eq? (second (member computer order)) human) 'computer]
[ 'human]))
(define (game-loop)
(define computer-choice (pick-one))
(define human-choice (read))
(define winner (find-winner computer-choice human-choice))
(update-history! human-choice)
(displayln (~a "Computer picked " computer-choice ", "
"human picked " human-choice ", "
winner " wins."))
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