Rock-paper-scissors: Difference between revisions

Line 3,111:
p1.challengeOther(p2); //true (Win)
'''Adapted from [[#Wren|Wren]]'''
<syntaxhighlight lang=jq>
# To quit, enter a blank line or type "q" or "quit"
def choices: ["r", "p", "s", "q"];
# PRN in range(0;3)
def rand: now | floor | tostring[-2:] | tonumber % 3;
def tallies:
{pWins: 0, # player wins
cWins: 0, # computer wins
draws: 0, # neither wins
games: 0, # games played
pFreqs: [0, 0, 0] # player frequencies for each choice (rps)
# Update the tallies and populate .emit
def update($pChoice; $cChoice):
if $pChoice == "r" and $cChoice == "s"
then .emit += "Rock breaks scissors - You win!"
| .pWins += 1
elif $pChoice == "p" and $cChoice == "r"
then .emit += "Paper covers rock - You win!"
| .pWins += 1
elif $pChoice == "s" and $cChoice == "p"
then .emit += "Scissors cut paper - You win!"
| .pWins += 1
elif $pChoice == "s" and $cChoice == "r"
then .emit += "Rock breaks scissors - Computer wins!"
| .cWins += 1
elif $pChoice == "r" and $cChoice == "p"
then .emit += "Paper covers rock - Computer wins!"
| .cWins += 1
elif $pChoice == "p" and $cChoice == "s"
then .emit += "Scissors cut paper - Computer wins!"
| .cWins += 1
else .emit += "It's a draw!"
| .draws += 1
| .pFreqs[choices|index($pChoice)] += 1
| .games += 1 ;
def printScore:
"Wins: You \(.pWins), Computer \(.cWins), Neither \(.draws)\n";
def getComputerChoice:
# make a completely random choice until 3 games have been played
if .games < 3 then choices[rand]
else .games as $games
| (.pFreqs | map(3 * . / $games)) as $pFreqs
| rand as $num
| if $num < $pFreqs[0] then "p"
elif $num < $pFreqs[0] + $pFreqs[1] then "s"
else "r"
end ;
# Get player's choice (empty line or q or quit to quit).
# Return false if the choice is not recognized.
def pChoice:
(first(inputs) // null) as $in
| if $in == null or $in == "q" or $in == "quit" then null
else ($in|ascii_downcase) as $in
| if any(choices[]; . == $in) then $in
else false
# Solicit input
def prompt:
if .games == 0
then "Enter: (r)ock, (p)aper, (s)cissors or (q)uit"
else printScore + "---\n\nYour choice r/p/s/q : "
def play:
label $out
| foreach range(1; infinite) as $i (tallies ;
# if .prompt then it is time to get input:
if .prompt
then pChoice as $pChoice
| if $pChoice == null
then .prompt = false
| .emit = "OK, quitting", break $out
elif $pChoice == false
then .emit = "Valid responses are one of r p s q\nPlease try again."
else getComputerChoice as $cChoice
| .prompt = false
| .emit = "Computer's choice : \($cChoice)\n"
| update($pChoice; $cChoice)
else .prompt = prompt
| .emit = null
end )
| select(.emit).emit,
select(.prompt).prompt ;
'''Invocation:''' jq -nrR -f rock-paper-scissors.jq
'''Sample game'''
Enter: (r)ock, (p)aper, (s)cissors or (q)uit
Valid responses are one of r p s q
Please try again.
Enter: (r)ock, (p)aper, (s)cissors or (q)uit
Computer's choice : r
It's a draw!
Wins: You 0, Computer 0, Neither 1
Your choice r/p/s/q :
Computer's choice : s
Scissors cut paper - Computer wins!
Wins: You 0, Computer 1, Neither 1
Your choice r/p/s/q :
Computer's choice : s
It's a draw!
Wins: You 0, Computer 1, Neither 2
Your choice r/p/s/q :
OK, quitting
