Rock-paper-scissors: Difference between revisions

Content added Content deleted
(Added Lua version)
Line 2,704: Line 2,704:
230 goto 110</lang>
230 goto 110</lang>

<lang Lua>
math.randomseed(os.time()) -- Randomness needed for cpuMove function

function cpuMove()
local totalChance = playerRecord.R + playerRecord.P + playerRecord.S
if totalChance == 0 then -- First game, unweighted random
local choice = math.random(1, 3)
if choice == 1 then return "R" end
if choice == 2 then return "P" end
if choice == 3 then return "S" end
local choice = math.random(1, totalChance) -- Weighted random bit
if choice <= playerRecord.R then return "P" end
if choice <= playerRecord.R + playerRecord.P then return "S" end
return "R"

function playerMove() -- Get user input for choice of 'weapon'
local choice
os.execute("cls") -- Windows specific command, change per OS
print("\nRock, Paper, Scissors")
print("Scores -\tPlayer:", score.player)
print("\t\tCPU:", score.cpu .. "\n\t\tDraws:", score.draws)
io.write("\nChoose [R]ock [P]aper or [S]cissors: ")
choice = string.upper(string.sub(, 1, 1))
until choice == "R" or choice == "P" or choice == "S"
return choice

function checkWinner (c, p) -- Decide who won, increment scores
io.write("I chose ")
if c == "R" then print("rock...") end
if c == "P" then print("paper...") end
if c == "S" then print("scissors...") end
if c == p then
score.draws = score.draws + 1
elseif (c == "R" and p == "P") or
(c == "P" and p == "S") or
(c == "S" and p == "R") then
print("\nYou win!")
score.player = score.player + 1
print("\nYou lose!")
score.cpu = score.cpu + 1

function updateRecord (move) -- Keep track of player move history
if move == "R" then playerRecord.R = playerRecord.R + 1 end
if move == "P" then playerRecord.P = playerRecord.P + 1 end
if move == "S" then playerRecord.S = playerRecord.S + 1 end

score = {player = 0, cpu = 0, draws = 0} -- Start of main procedure
playerRecord = {R = 0, P = 0, S = 0}
local playerChoice, cpuChoice
cpuChoice = cpuMove()
playerChoice = playerMove()
checkWinner(cpuChoice, playerChoice)
io.write("\nPress ENTER to continue or enter 'Q' to quit . . . ")
until string.upper(string.sub(, 1, 1)) == "Q"
Session in which I chose nothing but rock:
Rock, Paper, Scissors

Scores - Player: 1
CPU: 25
Draws: 0

Choose [R]ock [P]aper or [S]cissors: r
I chose paper...

You lose!

Press ENTER to continue or enter 'Q' to quit . . .
<lang mathematica>DynamicModule[{record, play, text = "\nRock-paper-scissors\n",
<lang mathematica>DynamicModule[{record, play, text = "\nRock-paper-scissors\n",