Rock-paper-scissors: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|Ruby}}: constant CHOICES,BEATS, add quit choice, output draw and chosen)
Line 3,750: Line 3,750:
You can invoke this game with an arbitrary number of weapons:
<lang Scala>object RockPaperScissors extends App {
import scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashMap
def play(beats: LinkedHashMap[Symbol,Set[Symbol]], played: scala.collection.Map[Symbol,Int]) {
val h = readLine(s"""Your move (${beats.keys mkString ", "}): """) match {
case null => println; return
case "" => return
case s => Symbol(s)
beats get h match {
case Some(losers) =>
def weighted(todo: Iterator[(Symbol,Int)], rand: Int, accum: Int = 0): Symbol = match {
case (s, i) if rand <= (accum + i) => s
case (_, i) => weighted(todo, rand, accum + i)
val c = weighted(played.toIterator, 1 + scala.util.Random.nextInt(played.values.sum)) match {
// choose an opponent that would beat the player's anticipated move
case h => beats.find{case (s, l) => l contains h}.getOrElse(beats.head)._1
print(s" My move: $c\n ")
c match {
case c if losers contains c => println("You won")
case c if beats(c) contains h => println("You lost")
case _ => println("We drew") // or underspecified
case x => println(" Unknown weapon, try again.")
play(beats, played get h match {
case None => played
case Some(count) => played.updated(h, count + 1)

def play(beats: LinkedHashMap[Symbol,Set[Symbol]]): Unit =
play(beats, beats.mapValues(_ => 1)) // init with uniform probabilities

'rock -> Set('lizard, 'scissors),
'paper -> Set('rock, 'spock),
'scissors -> Set('paper, 'lizard),
'lizard -> Set('spock, 'paper),
'spock -> Set('scissors, 'rock)
<pre>Your move ('rock, 'paper, 'scissors, 'lizard, 'spock): paper
My move: 'paper
We drew
Your move ('rock, 'paper, 'scissors, 'lizard, 'spock): scissors
My move: 'paper
You won
Your move ('rock, 'paper, 'scissors, 'lizard, 'spock): rock
My move: 'scissors
You won
Your move ('rock, 'paper, 'scissors, 'lizard, 'spock): rock
My move: 'rock
We drew
Your move ('rock, 'paper, 'scissors, 'lizard, 'spock): rock
My move: 'paper
You lost
Your move ('rock, 'paper, 'scissors, 'lizard, 'spock): rock
My move: 'rock
We drew
Your move ('rock, 'paper, 'scissors, 'lizard, 'spock): rock
My move: 'paper
You lost
Your move ('rock, 'paper, 'scissors, 'lizard, 'spock): rock
My move: 'paper
You lost</pre>
