Rock-paper-scissors: Difference between revisions

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Line 826:
else if (a == whatBeats(b))
return TResult(a);
return TResult.init();
Line 873:
Computer picked paper, scissors wins!
Your choice (empty to end game):</pre>
===Alternative Version===
This version is more similar to the functional solutions.
<lang d>import std.stdio, std.random, std.string, std.conv, std.array,
enum Choice { rock, paper, scissors }
bool beats(in Choice c1, in Choice c2) pure nothrow {
return (c1 == Choice.paper && c2 == Choice.rock) ||
(c1 == Choice.scissors && c2 == Choice.paper) ||
(c1 == Choice.rock && c2 == Choice.scissors);
Choice genMove(in int r, in int p, in int s) {
immutable x = uniform!"[]"(1, r + p + s);
if (x < s) return Choice.rock;
if (x <= s + r) return Choice.paper;
else return Choice.scissors;
template maybeTo(To) {
Nullable!To maybeTo(From)(From x) {
try {
return typeof(return)(!To);
} catch (ConvException e) {
return typeof(return)();
void main() {
int r = 1, p = 1, s = 1;
while (true) {
write("rock, paper or scissors? ");
immutable hs = readln.strip.toLower;
if (hs.empty)
immutable h = hs.maybeTo!Choice;
if (h.isNull) {
writeln("Wrong input: ", hs);
immutable c = genMove(r, p, s);
writeln("Player: ", h, " Computer: ", c);
if (beats(h, c)) writeln("Player wins\n");
else if (beats(c, h)) writeln("Player loses\n");
else writeln("Draw\n");
final switch (h.get) {
case Choice.rock: r++; break;
case Choice.paper: p++; break;
case Choice.scissors: s++; break;
<pre>rock, paper or scissors? paper
Player: paper Computer: paper
rock, paper or scissors? scissors
Player: scissors Computer: scissors
rock, paper or scissors? rock
Player: rock Computer: paper
Player loses
rock, paper or scissors? rock
Player: rock Computer: paper
Player loses
rock, paper or scissors?