Rice coding is a variant of Golomb coding where the parameter is a power of two. This makes it easier to encode the remainder of the euclidean division.

Rice coding is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Implement Rice coding in your programming language and verify that you can consistently encode and decode a list of examples (for instance numbers from 0 to 10 or something).

Rice coding is initially meant to encode natural numbers, but since relative numbers are countable, it is fairly easy to modify Rice coding to encode them too. You can do that for extra credit.


// Rice coding. Nigel Galloway: September 21st., 2023
let rec fN g=[match g with 0->() |_->yield 1; yield! fN(g-1)]
let fI n=let rec fI n g=match List.head g with 1->fI (n+1) (List.tail g) |_->(n,List.foldBack(fun i (n,g)->(n*2,g+n*i)) (List.tail g) (1,0)|>snd) in fI 0 n
let rec fG n g=[match n with 1->yield g%2 |_->yield g%2; yield! fG (n-1) (g/2)]
let encode n g=let q=g/pown 2 n in [yield! fN q; yield 0; yield! fG n g|>List.rev]
let decode n g=let a,b=fI g in a*pown 2 n+b
let test=let test=encode 4 in [for n in 0..17 do yield test n] //encode 0 to 17
test|>List.iter(fun n->n|>List.iter(printf "%d"); printf " -> "; printfn "%d" (decode 4 n)) //print the encoded values and the decoded values
00000 -> 0
00001 -> 1
00010 -> 2
00011 -> 3
00100 -> 4
00101 -> 5
00110 -> 6
00111 -> 7
01000 -> 8
01001 -> 9
01010 -> 10
01011 -> 11
01100 -> 12
01101 -> 13
01110 -> 14
01111 -> 15
100000 -> 16
100001 -> 17


""" Golomb-Rice encoding of a positive number to bit vector using M of 2^k"""
function rice_encode(n::Integer, k = 2)
    @assert n >= 0
    m = 2^k
    q, r = divrem(n, m)
    return [fill(true, q); false; Bool.(reverse(digits(r, base=2, pad=k)))]
""" see wikipedia.org/wiki/Golomb_coding#Use_with_signed_integers """
extended_rice_encode(n, k = 2) = rice_encode(n < 0 ? -2n - 1 : 2n, k)

""" Golomb-Rice decoding of a vector of bits with M of 2^k """
function rice_decode(a::Vector{Bool}, k = 2)
    m = 2^k
    zpos = something(findfirst(==(0), a), 1)
    r = evalpoly(2, reverse(a[zpos:end]))
    q = zpos - 1
    return q * m + r
extended_rice_decode(a, k = 2) = (i = rice_decode(a, k); isodd(i) ? -((i + 1) ÷ 2) : i ÷ 2)

println("Base Rice Coding:")
for n in 0:10
    println(n, " -> ", join(map(d -> d ? "1" : "0", rice_encode(n))), 
       " -> ", rice_decode(rice_encode(n)))
println("Extended Rice Coding:")
for n in -10:10
    println(n, " -> ", join(map(d -> d ? "1" : "0", extended_rice_encode(n))), 
       " -> ", extended_rice_decode(extended_rice_encode(n)))
Base Rice Coding:
0 -> 000 -> 0
1 -> 001 -> 1
2 -> 010 -> 2
3 -> 011 -> 3
4 -> 1000 -> 4
5 -> 1001 -> 5
6 -> 1010 -> 6
7 -> 1011 -> 7
8 -> 11000 -> 8
9 -> 11001 -> 9
10 -> 11010 -> 10
Extended Rice Coding:
-10 -> 1111011 -> -10
-9 -> 1111001 -> -9
-8 -> 111011 -> -8
-7 -> 111001 -> -7
-6 -> 11011 -> -6
-5 -> 11001 -> -5
-4 -> 1011 -> -4
-3 -> 1001 -> -3
-2 -> 011 -> -2
-1 -> 001 -> -1
0 -> 000 -> 0
1 -> 010 -> 1
2 -> 1000 -> 2
3 -> 1010 -> 3
4 -> 11000 -> 4
5 -> 11010 -> 5
6 -> 111000 -> 6
7 -> 111010 -> 7
8 -> 1111000 -> 8
9 -> 1111010 -> 9
10 -> 11111000 -> 10


Translation of: Julia – Using strings to represent the bit vector
do -- Rice encoding  - translated from the Julia sample

    -- Golomb-Rice encoding helper function
    local function do_rice_encode( q, r, k )
        local result = {}
        for i = 1, q do result[ #result + 1 ] = "1" end
        result[ #result + 1 ] = "0"
        local dPos, digits, v = #result + 1, 0, r
        while v > 0 do
            digits = digits + 1
            local d = v % 2
            v = math.floor( v / 2 )
            table.insert( result, dPos, d ~= 0 and "1" or "0" )
        for pad = digits + 1, k do table.insert( result, dPos, "0" ) end
        return table.concat( result, "" )
    -- Golomb-Rice encoding of a positive number to a bit vector (string of 0s and 1s) using M of 2^k
    local function rice_encode( n, k )
        assert( n >= 0 )
        k = k or 2
        local m = math.floor( 2^k )
        local q, r = math.floor( n / m ), n % m
        return do_rice_encode( q, r, k )
    -- see wikipedia.org/wiki/Golomb_coding#Use_with_signed_integers
    local function extended_rice_encode( n, k )
        k = k or 2
        local n2 = 2 * n
        return rice_encode( n < 0 and -n2 - 1 or n2, k )

    -- Golomb-Rice decoding of a bit vector (string of 0s and 1s) with M of 2^k
    local function rice_decode( a, k )
        k = k or 2
        local m = math.floor( 2^k )
        local zpos, _ = a:find( "0" )
        local r = 0
        for z = zpos, #a do
            r = r * 2
            if a:sub( z, z ) == "1" then r = r + 1 end
        local q = zpos - 1
        return q * m + r

    local function extended_rice_decode( a, k )
        k =k or 2
        local i = rice_decode( a, k )
        return math.floor( i % 2 == 1 and - ( ( i + 1 ) / 2 ) or i / 2 )

    print( "Base Rice Coding:" )
    for n = 0, 10 do
        local e = rice_encode( n )
        print( n.." -> "..e.." -> "..rice_decode( e ) )
    print( "Extended Rice Coding:" )
    for n = -10, 10 do
        local e = extended_rice_encode( n )
        print( n.." -> "..e.." -> "..extended_rice_decode( e ) )


Same as the Julia sample,



use strict; # https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Rice_coding
use warnings;

sub rice # args k arrayofnumbers
  my $k = shift;
  join '', map { 1 x ($_ >> $k) . 0 . sprintf "%0*b", $k, $_ % 2**$k } @_;

sub derice # args k stringof0and1representingbinarydata
  (my $k, local $_) = @_;
  my @answers;
  push @answers, (length($1) << $k) + oct "0b$2" while /\G(1*)0(.{$k})/g;
  return @answers;

for my $k ( 2 .. 6)
  print "\nk = $k\n\n";
  my $rice = rice( $k, my @input = 0 .. 17 );
  my @decoded = derice $k, $rice;
  print "  input: @input\n   rice: $rice\ndecoded: @decoded\n";
  "@input" eq "@decoded" or die "MISMATCH";

k = 2

  input: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
   rice: 00000101001110001001101010111100011001110101101111100011100111101011101111110001111001
decoded: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

k = 3

  input: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
   rice: 000000010010001101000101011001111000010001100101001110100101011011010111110000110001
decoded: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

k = 4

  input: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
   rice: 00000000010001000011001000010100110001110100001001010100101101100011010111001111100000100001
decoded: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

k = 5

  input: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
   rice: 000000000001000010000011000100000101000110000111001000001001001010001011001100001101001110001111010000010001
decoded: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

k = 6

  input: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
   rice: 000000000000010000010000001100001000000101000011000001110001000000100100010100001011000110000011010001110000111100100000010001
decoded: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17


Translation of: Julia
with javascript_semantics
-- Golomb-Rice encoding of a positive number to bit vector using M of 2^k, with 
-- optional -ve as per wikipedia.org/wiki/Golomb_coding#Use_with_signed_integers
function rice_encode(integer n, k=2, bool extended=false)
    if extended then n = iff(n<0 ? -2*n-1 : 2*n) end if
    integer m = power(2,k), q = floor(n/m), r = rmdr(n,m)
    return repeat('1',q)&sprintf(sprintf("%%0%db",k+1),r)
end function

-- Golomb-Rice decoding of a vector of bits with M of 2^k, with optional -ves
function rice_decode(string a, integer k=2, bool extended=false)
    integer m = power(2,k),
            q = find('0',a),
            r = to_integer(a[q+1..$],0,2),
            i = (q-1) * m + r
    if extended then i := iff(odd(i) ? -(i+1)/2 : i/2) end if
    return i
end function

printf(1,"Base Rice Coding:\n")
for n=0 to 10 do
    string s = rice_encode(n)
    printf(1,"%d -> %s -> %d\n",{n,s,rice_decode(s)})
end for
printf(1,"Extended Rice Coding:\n")
for n=-10 to 10 do
    string s = rice_encode(n,2,true)
    printf(1,"%d -> %s -> %d\n",{n,s,rice_decode(s,2,true)})
end for

Same as Julia. Note that rice_decode on an input stream should probably get r from a[q+1..q+k] and strip q+k bits off the head of the stream.
Then again the above is using strings for demonstration purposes, so that code is hardly production-ready.


package Rice {

  our sub encode(Int $n, UInt :$k = 2) {
    my $d = 2**$k;
    my $q = $n div $d;
    my $b = sign(1 + sign($q));
    my $m = abs($q) + $b;
      $b xx $m, 1 - $b,
      ($n mod $d).polymod(2 xx $k - 1).reverse

  our sub decode(@bits is copy, UInt :$k = 2) {
    my $d = 2**$k;
    my $b = @bits.shift;
    my $m = 1;
    $m++ while @bits and @bits.shift == $b;
    my $q = $b ?? $m - 1 !! -$m;
    $q*$d + @bits.reduce(2 * * + *);


  use Test;
  constant N = 100;
  plan 2*N + 1;
  is $_, Rice::decode Rice::encode $_ for -N..N;


Translation of: Julia
Library: Wren-math
Library: Wren-check
Library: Wren-fmt
import "./math" for Int, Math
import "./check" for Check
import "./fmt" for Fmt

class Rice {
    static encode(n, k) {
        Check.nonNegInt("n", n)
        var m = 1 << k
        var q = Int.quo(n, m)
        var r = n % m
        var res = List.filled(q, 1)
        var digits = Int.digits(r, 2)
        var dc = digits.count
        if (dc < k) res.addAll([0] * (k - dc))
        return res

    static encodeEx(n, k) { encode(n < 0 ? -2 * n - 1 : 2 * n, k) }

    static decode(a, k) {
        var m = 1 << k
        var q = a.indexOf(0)
        if (q == -1) q = 0
        var r = Math.evalPoly(a[q..-1], 2)
        return q * m + r

    static decodeEx(a, k) {
        var i = decode(a, k)
        return i % 2 == 1 ? -Int.quo(i+1, 2) : Int.quo(i, 2)

System.print("Basic Rice coding (k = 2):")
for (i in 0..10) {
    var res = Rice.encode(i, 2)
    Fmt.print("$2d -> $-6s -> $d", i, res.join(""), Rice.decode(res, 2))

System.print("\nExtended Rice coding (k == 2):")
for (i in -10..10) {
    var res = Rice.encodeEx(i, 2)
    Fmt.print("$3d -> $-9s -> $ d", i, res.join(""), Rice.decodeEx(res, 2))

System.print("\nBasic Rice coding (k == 4):")
for (i in 0..17) {
    var res = Rice.encode(i, 4)
    Fmt.print("$2d -> $-6s -> $d", i, res.join(""), Rice.decode(res, 4))
Basic Rice coding (k = 2):
 0 -> 000    -> 0
 1 -> 001    -> 1
 2 -> 010    -> 2
 3 -> 011    -> 3
 4 -> 1000   -> 4
 5 -> 1001   -> 5
 6 -> 1010   -> 6
 7 -> 1011   -> 7
 8 -> 11000  -> 8
 9 -> 11001  -> 9
10 -> 11010  -> 10

Extended Rice coding (k == 2):
-10 -> 1111011   -> -10
 -9 -> 1111001   -> -9
 -8 -> 111011    -> -8
 -7 -> 111001    -> -7
 -6 -> 11011     -> -6
 -5 -> 11001     -> -5
 -4 -> 1011      -> -4
 -3 -> 1001      -> -3
 -2 -> 011       -> -2
 -1 -> 001       -> -1
  0 -> 000       ->  0
  1 -> 010       ->  1
  2 -> 1000      ->  2
  3 -> 1010      ->  3
  4 -> 11000     ->  4
  5 -> 11010     ->  5
  6 -> 111000    ->  6
  7 -> 111010    ->  7
  8 -> 1111000   ->  8
  9 -> 1111010   ->  9
 10 -> 11111000  ->  10

Basic Rice coding (k == 4):
 0 -> 00000  -> 0
 1 -> 00001  -> 1
 2 -> 00010  -> 2
 3 -> 00011  -> 3
 4 -> 00100  -> 4
 5 -> 00101  -> 5
 6 -> 00110  -> 6
 7 -> 00111  -> 7
 8 -> 01000  -> 8
 9 -> 01001  -> 9
10 -> 01010  -> 10
11 -> 01011  -> 11
12 -> 01100  -> 12
13 -> 01101  -> 13
14 -> 01110  -> 14
15 -> 01111  -> 15
16 -> 100000 -> 16
17 -> 100001 -> 17