Rhonda numbers: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|HicEst}}: Add Hoon example.
m (syntax highlighting fixup automation)
(→‎{{header|HicEst}}: Add Hoon example.)
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In base 36: rs 3pc 4di 6bi 8hi 9ks a9g c5i cz9 hrc 13to 14ou 1g9s 1iq9 1lw6
Library file (e.g. <code>/lib/rhonda.hoon</code>):
<syntaxhighlight lang="hoon">::
:: A library for producing Rhonda numbers and testing if numbers are Rhonda.
:: A number is Rhonda if the product of its digits of in base b equals
:: the product of the base b and the sum of its prime factors.
:: see also: https://mathworld.wolfram.com/RhondaNumber.html
:: +check: test whether the number n is Rhonda to base b
++ check
|= [b=@ud n=@ud]
^- ?
~_ leaf+"base b must be >= 2"
?> (gte b 2)
~_ leaf+"candidate number n must be >= 2"
?> (gte n 2)
.= (roll (base-digits b n) mul)
%+ mul
(roll (prime-factors n) add)
:: +series: produce the first n numbers which are Rhonda in base b
:: produce ~ if base b has no Rhonda numbers
++ series
|= [b=@ud n=@ud]
^- (list @ud)
~_ leaf+"base b must be >= 2"
?> (gte b 2)
?: =((prime-factors b) ~[b])
=/ candidate=@ud 2
=+ rhondas=*(list @ud)
?: =(n 0)
(flop rhondas)
=/ is-rhonda=? (check b candidate)
%= $
rhondas ?:(is-rhonda [candidate rhondas] rhondas)
n ?:(is-rhonda (dec n) n)
candidate +(candidate)
:: +base-digits: produce a list of the digits of n represented in base b
:: This arm has two behaviors which may be at first surprising, but do not
:: matter for the purposes of the ++check and ++series arms, and allow for
:: some simplifications to its implementation.
:: - crashes on n=0
:: - orders the list of digits with least significant digits first
:: ex: (base-digits 4 10.206) produces ~[2 3 1 3 3 1 2]
++ base-digits
|= [b=@ud n=@ud]
^- (list @ud)
?> (gte b 2)
?< =(n 0)
?: =(n 0)
:- (mod n b)
$(n (div n b))
:: +prime-factors: produce a list of the prime factors of n
:: by trial division
:: n must be >= 2
:: if n is prime, produce ~[n]
:: ex: (prime-factors 10.206) produces ~[7 3 3 3 3 3 3 2]
++ prime-factors
|= [n=@ud]
^- (list @ud)
?> (gte n 2)
=+ factors=*(list @ud)
=/ wheel new-wheel
:: test candidates as produced by the wheel, not exceeding sqrt(n)
=^ candidate wheel (next:wheel)
?. (lte (mul candidate candidate) n)
?:((gth n 1) [n factors] factors)
?: =((mod n candidate) 0)
:: repeat the prime factor as many times as possible
$(factors [candidate factors], n (div n candidate))
:: +new-wheel: a door for generating numbers that may be prime
:: This uses wheel factorization with a basis of {2, 3, 5} to limit the
:: number of composites produced. It produces numbers in increasing order
:: starting from 2.
++ new-wheel
=/ fixed=(list @ud) ~[2 3 5 7]
=/ skips=(list @ud) ~[4 2 4 2 4 6 2 6]
=/ lent-fixed=@ud (lent fixed)
=/ lent-skips=@ud (lent skips)
|_ [current=@ud fixed-i=@ud skips-i=@ud]
:: +next: produce the next number and the new wheel state
++ next
:: Exhaust the numbers in fixed. Then calculate successive values by
:: cycling through skips and increasing from the previous number by
:: the current skip-value.
=/ fixed-done=? =(fixed-i lent-fixed)
=/ next-fixed-i ?:(fixed-done fixed-i +(fixed-i))
=/ next-skips-i ?:(fixed-done (mod +(skips-i) lent-skips) skips-i)
=/ next
?. fixed-done
(snag fixed-i fixed)
(add current (snag skips-i skips))
:- next
+.$(current next, fixed-i next-fixed-i, skips-i next-skips-i)
Script file ("generator") (e.g. <code>/gen/rhonda.hoon</code>):
<syntaxhighlight lang="hoon">/+ *rhonda
:- %say
|= [* [base=@ud many=@ud ~] ~]
:- %noun
(series base many)</syntaxhighlight>
Alternative library file using <code>map</code> (associative array):
<syntaxhighlight lang="hoon">|%
++ check
|= [n=@ud base=@ud]
:: if base is prime, automatic no
?: =((~(gut by (prime-map +(base))) base 0) 0)
:: if not multiply the digits and compare to base x sum of factors
?: =((roll (digits [base n]) mul) (mul base (roll (factor n) add)))
++ series
|= [base=@ud many=@ud]
=/ rhondas *(list @ud)
?: =((~(gut by (prime-map +(base))) base 0) 0)
=/ itr 1
?: =((lent rhondas) many)
(flop rhondas)
?: =((check itr base) %.n)
$(itr +(itr))
$(rhondas [itr rhondas], itr +(itr))
:: digits: gives the list of digits of a number in a base
:: We strip digits least to most significant.
:: The least significant digit (lsd) of n in base b is just n mod b.
:: Subtract the lsd, divide by b, and repeat.
:: To know when to stop, we need to know how many digits there are.
++ digits
|= [base=@ud num=@ud]
^- (list @ud)
=/ modulus=@ud (mod num base)
?: =((num-digits base num) 1)
[modulus $(num (div (sub num modulus) base))]
:: num-digits: gives the number of digits of a number in a base
:: Simple idea: k is the number of digits of n in base b if and
:: only if k is the smallest number such that b^k > n.
++ num-digits
|= [base=@ud num=@ud]
^- @ud
=/ digits=@ud 1
?: (gth (pow base digits) num)
$(digits +(digits))
:: factor: produce a list of prime factors
:: The idea is to identify "small factors" of n, i.e. prime factors less than
:: the square root. We then divide n by these factors to reduce the
:: magnitude of n. It's easy to argue that after this is done, we obtain 1
:: or the largest prime factor.
++ factor
|= n=@ud
^- (list @ud)
?: ?|(=(n 0) =(n 1))
=/ factorization *(list @ud)
:: produce primes less than or equal to root n
=/ root (sqrt n)
=/ primes (prime-map +(root))
:: itr = iterate; we want to iterate through the primes less than root n
=/ itr 2
?: =(itr +(root))
:: if n is now 1 we're done
?: =(n 1)
:: otherwise it's now the original n's largest primes factor
[n factorization]
:: if itr not prime move on
?: =((~(gut by primes) itr 0) 1)
$(itr +(itr))
:: if it is prime, divide out by the highest power that divides num
?: =((mod n itr) 0)
$(n (div n itr), factorization [itr factorization])
:: once done, move to next prime
$(itr +(itr))
:: sqrt: gives the integer square root of a number
:: It's based on an algorithm that predates the Greeks:
:: To find the square root of A, think of A as an area.
:: Guess the side of the square x. Compute the other side y = A/x.
:: If x is an over/underestimate then y is an under/overestimate.
:: So (x+y)/2 is the average of an over and underestimate, thus better than x.
:: Repeatedly doing x --> (x + A/x)/2 converges to sqrt(A).
:: This algorithm is the same but with integer valued operations.
:: The algorithm either converges to the integer square root and repeats,
:: or gets trapped in a two-cycle of adjacent integers.
:: In the latter case, the smaller number is the answer.
++ sqrt
|= n=@ud
=/ guess=@ud 1
=/ new-guess (div (add guess (div n guess)) 2)
:: sequence stabilizes
?: =(guess new-guess)
:: sequence is trapped in 2-cycle
?: =(guess +(new-guess))
?: =(new-guess +(guess))
$(guess new-guess)
:: prime-map: (effectively) produces primes less than a given input
:: This is the sieve of Eratosthenes to produce primes less than n.
:: I used a map because it had much faster performance than a list.
:: Any key in the map is a non-prime. The value 1 indicates "false."
:: I.e. it's not a prime.
++ prime-map
|= n=@ud
^- (map @ud @ud)
=/ prime-map `(map @ud @ud)`(my ~[[0 1] [1 1]])
:: start sieving with 2
=/ sieve 2
:: if sieve is too large to be a factor we're done
?: (gte (mul sieve sieve) n)
:: if not too large but not prime, move on
?: =((~(gut by prime-map) sieve 0) 1)
$(sieve +(sieve))
:: sequence: explanation
:: If s is the sieve number, we start sieving multiples
:: of s at s^2 in sequence: s^2, s^2 + s, s^2 + 2s, ...
:: We start at s^2 because any number smaller than s^2
:: has prime factors less than s and would have been
:: eliminated earlier in the sieving process.
=/ sequence (mul sieve sieve)
:: done sieving with s once sequence is past n
?: (gte sequence n)
^$(sieve +(sieve))
:: if sequence position is known not prime we move on
?: =((~(gut by prime-map) sequence 0) 1)
$(sequence (add sequence sieve))
:: otherwise we mark position of sequence as not prime and move on
$(prime-map (~(put by prime-map) sequence 1), sequence (add sequence sieve))