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→‎{{header|NetRexx}}: Demonstrate other functions
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(→‎{{header|NetRexx}}: Demonstrate other functions)
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ha5 = 'ha'.copies(5)
There are several other built-in functions that can be used to achieve the same result depending on need:
<lang NetRexx>/* NetRexx */
sampleStr = 'ha' -- string to duplicate
say ' COPIES:' sampleStr.copies(5)
say 'CHANGESTR:' '.....'.changestr('.', sampleStr)
sampleChr = '*' -- character to duplicate
say ' LEFT:' sampleChr.left(5, sampleChr)
say ' RIGHT:' sampleChr.right(5, sampleChr)
say ' CENTRE:' sampleChr.centre(5, sampleChr)
say ' SUBSTR:' ''.substr(1, 5, sampleChr)
say 'TRANSLATE:' '.....'.translate(sampleChr, '.')
say ' OVERLAY:' sampleChr.overlay(sampleChr, 1, 5, sampleChr)
<lang objeck>bundle Default {
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