Rep-string: Difference between revisions

31 bytes removed ,  3 years ago
→‎{{header|Haskell}}: Applied Hlint to first version.
m (→‎{{header|Haskell}}: Applied Hlint to first version.)
Line 1,331:
<lang haskell>import Data.List (maximumByinits, initsmaximumBy)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
repstring :: String -> Maybe String
Line 1,337 ⟶ 1,338:
repstring [] = Nothing
-- strings with only one character are not rep strings
repstring (_:[_]) = Nothing
repstring xs
| any (`notElem` "01") xs = Nothing
| otherwise = longest xs
-- length of the original string
lxs = length xs
-- half that length
lq2 = lxs `quot` 2
-- make a string of same length using repetitions of a part
-- of the original string, and also return the substring used
subrepeat x = (x, take lxs $ concat $ repeat x)
-- check if a repeated string matches the original string
sndValid (_, ys) = ys == xs
-- make all possible strings out of repetitions of parts of
-- the original string, which have max. length lq2
possible = map subrepeat . take lq2 . tail . inits
-- filter only valid possibilities, and return the substrings
-- used for building them
valid = map fst . filter sndValid . possible
-- see which string is longer
compLength a b = compare (length a) (length b)
-- get the longest substring that, repeated, builds a string
-- that matches the original string
longest ys = case valid ys of
[] -> Nothing
zs -> Just $ maximumBy compLength zs
main :: IO ()
main = do
mapM_ processIO examples
examples = ["1001110011", "1110111011", "0010010010",
[ "1001110011",
"1010101010", "1111111111", "0100101101", "0100100",
"1011110111011", "11", "00", "1"]
process = maybe "Not a rep string" id . repstring
processIO xs = do"1010101010",
putStr (xs ++ ": 1111111111"),
putStrLn $ process xs</lang>
process = maybefromMaybe "Not a rep string" id . repstring
processIO xs = do
putStr (xs <> ": ")
putStrLn $ process xs</lang>
<pre>1001110011: 10011
