Remote agent/Agent logic: Difference between revisions

m (julia example)
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See [[Remote agent/Agent_logic/Julia]]
This is the agent. It talks over tcp. Start it with an argument of "host:port". With no argument
it will default to "localhost:3141". It should be run in a terminal that understand ANSI escape sequences,
because it shows the world it has found as it looks for all sectors first and then goes around cleaning up the
mismatches second. Empty sectors are shown in blue, sectors with a matching ball are shown in green, and
sectors with a mismatching ball are shown in red.
<lang perl>#!/usr/bin/perl
use strict; #
use warnings;
use IO::Socket;
use List::Util qw( shuffle first );
use Time::HiRes qw( sleep time );
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die @_ };
$/ = '.';
$| = 1;
my $delay = 0;
my $show = 1;
my $server = shift // 'localhost:3141';
my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new($server) or die $@;
getc $socket eq 'A' ? print $socket 'A' : die "no handshake";
my $start = time;
my ($wide, $high) = (3, 3);
my $grid = (' ' x $wide . " \n") x $high;
my $gap = $wide * 2 + 2;
my %gap = ( N => -$gap, E => 2, S => $gap, W => -2 );
my $dir = 'N';
my $agent = $gap * ($high >> 1) + 2 * ($wide >> 1);
my @wrong = map { my $f = $_;
map { $f eq $_ ? () : "$f\l$_" } qw(R G B Y) } qw(R G B Y);
my $wrong = qr/(?:@{[ join '|', @wrong ]})/;
my $success = '';
my $turns = 0;
$show and print "\e[H\e[J";
sub show
$show and print "\e[H$grid\n" =~ s/([RGBY])([rgby])/ $1 eq uc $2 ?
"\e[92m$1$2\e[m" : "\e[91m$1$2\e[m" /ger =~ s/[RGBY] /\e[94m$&\e[m/gr;
sub out { substr $grid, $agent, 2, shift }
sub at { substr $grid, shift, 2 }
sub command
$turns += print $socket @_;
local $_ = <$socket>;
/\|/ or $turns++;
sub set # sends command to rotate from current dir to requested dir
my $want = shift;
$want =~ /^[NESW]$/ or die "bad dir $want";
$want eq $dir and return;
command $_ for split //,
'NESWN' =~ /$dir$want/ ? '>' : 'NWSEN' =~ /$dir$want/ ? '<' : '>>';
$dir = $want;
sub expand # the grid if color sector on edge
if( $grid =~ /\w.*$/ )
$grid .= ' ' x $wide . " \n";
$high += 1;
elsif( $grid =~ /^.*\w/ )
$grid = ' ' x $wide . " \n" . $grid;
$agent += 2 * ($wide + 1);
$high += 1;
elsif( $grid =~ /^\w/m )
my $lines = $` =~ tr/\n//;
$grid =~ s/^/ /gm;
$agent += 2 * (1 + $lines);
elsif( $grid =~ /\w. \n/ )
my $lines = $` =~ tr/\n//;
$grid =~ s/\n/ \n/g;
$agent += 2 * $lines;
$gap = 2 * ($wide + 1); # if changed vertical step
%gap = ( N => -$gap, E => 2, S => $gap, W => -2 );
sub moveto
my ($to) = @_;
$agent == $to and return;
my $bloc = $agent >> 1;
local $_ = $grid =~ s/(.).| (\n)/$+/gr;
tr/RGBY |/ -/;
substr $_, $to >> 1, 1, 'd';
my $gap = /\n/ && $-[0];
substr $_, $bloc, 1, ' ';
while( ' ' eq substr $_, $bloc, 1 )
my $west = ((tr/-/ /r =~ s/(.*)./ $1/gr | $_) &
tr/dnesw / \xff/r) =~ tr/a-\x7f/w/r;
my $east = ((tr/-/ /r =~ s/.(.*)/$1 /gr | $_) &
tr/dnesw / \xff/r) =~ tr/a-\x7f/ e/r;
my $south = ((substr($_, $gap + 1) =~ tr/-/ /r | $_) &
tr/dnesw / \xff/r) =~ tr/a-\x7f/ s/r;
my $north = (((' ' x $gap . "\n" . substr($_, 0, -$gap - 1)) =~
tr/-/ /r | $_) & tr/dnesw / \xff/r) =~ tr/a-\x7f/ n/r;
$_ = ($_ & $south =~ tr/ w/\xff\0/r) | $south;
$_ = ($_ & $north =~ tr/ w/\xff\0/r) | $north;
$_ = ($_ & $west =~ tr/ w/\xff\0/r) | $west;
$_ = ($_ & $east =~ tr/ w/\xff\0/r) | $east;
"$east$west$north$south" =~ /\w/ or die "d not found";
my $path = '';
my %gap = (N => -$gap - 1, S => $gap + 1, E => 1, W => -1);
while( 1 )
my $dir = uc substr $_, $bloc, 1;
$dir =~ /[NESW]/ or last;
$path .= $dir;
$bloc += $gap{$dir};
set($_), $_ = command( '^' ), /[|]/ && die "wall during moveto"
for split //, $path; # walk agent along path
$agent = $to; # arrived
while( $grid =~ / / ) ############################################ main
$delay and sleep $delay;
$agent % 2 and die "$agent is odd";
my $v = qr/(?:..){$wide}/s;
if( $grid =~ /[RGBY]/ )
my ($in, $face) =
at( $agent - 2 ) eq ' ' ? ($agent, 'W') :
at( $agent + $gap{'N'} ) eq ' ' ? ($agent, 'N') :
at( $agent + $gap{'S'} ) eq ' ' ? ($agent, 'S') :
at( $agent + 2 ) eq ' ' ? ($agent, 'E') :
$grid =~ / ([RGBY].)/ ? ($-[1], 'W') :
$grid =~ /([RGBY].) / ? ($-[1], 'E') :
$grid =~ / $v([RGBY].)/ ? ($-[1], 'N') :
$grid =~ /([RGBY].)$v / ? ($-[1], 'S') : last;
$_ = command '^';
if( /\|/ ) { substr $grid, $agent + $gap{$dir}, 2, '||'; }
$agent += $gap{$dir};
out tr/RGBY//cdr . (tr/rgby//cdr || ' ');
substr($grid, $agent + $gap{$dir}, 2, '||'),
set('NESWN' =~ /$dir(.)/ ? $1 : die "bad dir")
while $_ = command('^'), /\|/;
$agent += $gap{$dir};
out tr/RGBY//cdr . (tr/rgby//cdr || ' ');
tr/R// >= tr/r// && tr/G// >= tr/g// && tr/B// >= tr/b// && tr/Y// >= tr/y//
&& tr/RGBY// > tr/rgby// or die "invalid ball counts" for $grid;
#$grid =~ /$wrong/ ? print "swapping\n" : print "no swapping needed";
sub any
my ($qr) = @_;
my @any;
push @any, $-[0] while $grid =~ /$qr/g;
$any[rand @any];
sub dist
my ($x, $y) = map $_ >> 1, @_;
my $w = $wide + 1;
abs($x % $w - $y % $w) + abs(int($x / $w) - int($y / $w));
sub nearest
my ($qr, $from) = @_;
my @dist;
$dist[dist( $from, $-[0] )] = $-[0] while $grid =~ /$qr/g;
first {defined} @dist;
while( 1 )
my $from = nearest( qr/$wrong/, $agent ) or last;
my $ball = substr $grid, $from + 1, 1;
$grid =~ /\u$ball / or $from = any( qr/$wrong/ ),
$ball = substr $grid, $from + 1, 1;
my $to = nearest( qr/\u$ball /, $from ) || any( qr/[RGBY] / );
# my $to = ( $grid =~ /\u$ball / && $-[0] ) || any( qr/[RGBY] / );
$_ = command '@';
/[as]/i and die "ERROR $_ on get";
substr $grid, $from + 1, 1, ' ';
$_ = command '!';
/[as]/i and die "ERROR $_ on drop";
substr $grid, $to + 1, 1, $ball;
/\+/ and $success = "\e[JSUCCESS ", last;
$delay and sleep $delay;
print $success, "\n";
printf "\n$turns turns took %.3f seconds %d usec/turn\n", time - $start,
(time - $start) / $turns * 1e6;
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