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Dalmatians: +100 +2
Dalmatians: +100 +2
Gives 101 dogs
Gives 101 dogs

=={{header|ALGOL 68}}==
task 1: match a string against a regular expression (Hopper use POSIX):
<lang Amazing Hopper>
#include <hopper.h>

expReg="[A-Z]{1,2}[0-9][0-9A-Z]? +[0-9][A-Z]{2}"
flag compile = REG_EXTENDED
flag match=0
número de matches=10, T1=0
{flag compile,expReg} reg compile(T1) // compile regular expression, pointed whit T1
{flag match,número de matches,T1,"We are at SN12 7NY for this course"},reg match, // execute
reg free(T1) // free pointer to regular expression compiled.
11 18 SN12 7NY
Task 2: Hopper does not substitute using regular expressions, but using proper functions.
<lang Amazing Hopper>
#include <hopper.h>

expReg="[A-Z]{1,2}[0-9][0-9A-Z]? +[0-9][A-Z]{2}"
cadena = "We are at SN12 7NY for this course"
flag compile = REG_EXTENDED
flag match=0
número de matches=10, T1=0
{flag compile,expReg} reg compile(T1) // compile regular expression, pointed whit T1
{flag match,número de matches,T1,cadena},reg match, // execute
reg free(T1) // free pointer to regular expression compiled.
From=0, To=0, toSearch=""
[1,1]get(matches), mov(From)
[1,2]get(matches), mov(To)
[1,3]get(matches), mov(toSearch)
// substitute with "transform":
{"another thing",toSearch,cadena}transform, println
// substitute with "delete"/"insert":
{To}minus(From),plus(1), {From, cadena} delete, mov(cadena)
{From,"another thing",cadena}insert , println

We are at another thing for this course
We are at another thing for this course