Reduced row echelon form: Difference between revisions

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Thundergnat (talk | contribs)
m Reverted edits by BobG112 (talk) to last revision by Thundergnat
Line 809:
return 0;
Note: This code is written in generic form. While it slightly complicates the code, it allows to use the same code for both built-in arrays and matrix classes. To use it with a matrix class, either program the matrix class to the specifications given in the matrix_traits comment, or specialize matrix_traits for the specific interface of your matrix class.
The test code uses a built-in array for the matrix.
{{works with|g++|4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-21)}}
<lang cpp>#include <algorithm> // for std::swap
#include <cstddef>
#include <cassert>
// Matrix traits: This describes how a matrix is accessed. By
// externalizing this information into a traits class, the same code
// can be used both with native arrays and matrix classes. To use the
// default implementation of the traits class, a matrix type has to
// provide the following definitions as members:
// * typedef ... index_type;
// - The type used for indexing (e.g. size_t)
// * typedef ... value_type;
// - The element type of the matrix (e.g. double)
// * index_type min_row() const;
// - returns the minimal allowed row index
// * index_type max_row() const;
// - returns the maximal allowed row index
// * index_type min_column() const;
// - returns the minimal allowed column index
// * index_type max_column() const;
// - returns the maximal allowed column index
// * value_type& operator()(index_type i, index_type k)
// - returns a reference to the element i,k, where
// min_row() <= i <= max_row()
// min_column() <= k <= max_column()
// * value_type operator()(index_type i, index_type k) const
// - returns the value of element i,k
// Note that the functions are all inline and simple, so the compiler
// should completely optimize them away.
template<typename MatrixType> struct matrix_traits
typedef typename MatrixType::index_type index_type;
typedef typename MatrixType::value_type value_type;
static index_type min_row(MatrixType const& A)
{ return A.min_row(); }
static index_type max_row(MatrixType const& A)
{ return A.max_row(); }
static index_type min_column(MatrixType const& A)
{ return A.min_column(); }
static index_type max_column(MatrixType const& A)
{ return A.max_column(); }
static value_type& element(MatrixType& A, index_type i, index_type k)
{ return A(i,k); }
static value_type element(MatrixType const& A, index_type i, index_type k)
{ return A(i,k); }
// specialization of the matrix traits for built-in two-dimensional
// arrays
template<typename T, std::size_t rows, std::size_t columns>
struct matrix_traits<T[rows][columns]>
typedef std::size_t index_type;
typedef T value_type;
static index_type min_row(T const (&)[rows][columns])
{ return 0; }
static index_type max_row(T const (&)[rows][columns])
{ return rows-1; }
static index_type min_column(T const (&)[rows][columns])
{ return 0; }
static index_type max_column(T const (&)[rows][columns])
{ return columns-1; }
static value_type& element(T (&A)[rows][columns],
index_type i, index_type k)
{ return A[i][k]; }
static value_type element(T const (&A)[rows][columns],
index_type i, index_type k)
{ return A[i][k]; }
// Swap rows i and k of a matrix A
// Note that due to the reference, both dimensions are preserved for
// built-in arrays
template<typename MatrixType>
void swap_rows(MatrixType& A,
typename matrix_traits<MatrixType>::index_type i,
typename matrix_traits<MatrixType>::index_type k)
matrix_traits<MatrixType> mt;
typedef typename matrix_traits<MatrixType>::index_type index_type;
// check indices
assert(mt.min_row(A) <= i);
assert(i <= mt.max_row(A));
assert(mt.min_row(A) <= k);
assert(k <= mt.max_row(A));
for (index_type col = mt.min_column(A); col <= mt.max_column(A); ++col)
std::swap(mt.element(A, i, col), mt.element(A, k, col));
// divide row i of matrix A by v
template<typename MatrixType>
void divide_row(MatrixType& A,
typename matrix_traits<MatrixType>::index_type i,
typename matrix_traits<MatrixType>::value_type v)
matrix_traits<MatrixType> mt;
typedef typename matrix_traits<MatrixType>::index_type index_type;
assert(mt.min_row(A) <= i);
assert(i <= mt.max_row(A));
assert(v != 0);
for (index_type col = mt.min_column(A); col <= mt.max_column(A); ++col)
mt.element(A, i, col) /= v;
// in matrix A, add v times row k to row i
template<typename MatrixType>
void add_multiple_row(MatrixType& A,
typename matrix_traits<MatrixType>::index_type i,
typename matrix_traits<MatrixType>::index_type k,
typename matrix_traits<MatrixType>::value_type v)
matrix_traits<MatrixType> mt;
typedef typename matrix_traits<MatrixType>::index_type index_type;
assert(mt.min_row(A) <= i);
assert(i <= mt.max_row(A));
assert(mt.min_row(A) <= k);
assert(k <= mt.max_row(A));
for (index_type col = mt.min_column(A); col <= mt.max_column(A); ++col)
mt.element(A, i, col) += v * mt.element(A, k, col);
// convert A to reduced row echelon form
template<typename MatrixType>
void to_reduced_row_echelon_form(MatrixType& A)
matrix_traits<MatrixType> mt;
typedef typename matrix_traits<MatrixType>::index_type index_type;
index_type lead = mt.min_row(A);
for (index_type row = mt.min_row(A); row <= mt.max_row(A); ++row)
if (lead > mt.max_column(A))
index_type i = row;
while (mt.element(A, i, lead) == 0)
if (i > mt.max_row(A))
i = row;
if (lead > mt.max_column(A))
swap_rows(A, i, row);
divide_row(A, row, mt.element(A, row, lead));
for (i = mt.min_row(A); i <= mt.max_row(A); ++i)
if (i != row)
add_multiple_row(A, i, row, -mt.element(A, i, lead));
// test code
#include <iostream>
int main()
double M[3][4] = { { 1, 2, -1, -4 },
{ 2, 3, -1, -11 },
{ -2, 0, -3, 22 } };
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
std::cout << M[i][j] << '\t';
std::cout << "\n";
1 0 0 -8
-0 1 0 1
-0 -0 1 -2
=={{header|C sharp|C#}}==