Reduced row echelon form: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|Perl 6}}: Update to more modern, idiomatic syntax)
m (→‎{{header|REXX}}: added/changed comments and whitespace.)
Line 2,958:
mat.2= ' 2 3 -1 -11 '
mat.3= ' -2 0 -3 22 '
do r=1 until mat.r==''; _=mat.r /*build @.row.col from (matrix) mat.X*/
do c=1 until _=''; parse var _ @.r.c _
w=max(w, length(@.r.c) + 1) /*find the maximum width of an element.*/
end /*c*/
cols=max(cols, c) /*remembersave maxthe maximum number of colscolumns. */
end /*r*/
rows=r -1 1 /*adjust the row count (from DO loop).*/
call showMat 'original matrix' /*display the original matrix to screen*/
!=1 /*set the working column pointer to 1.*/
/* ┌─────────────────────────────────────────◄──┌──────────────────────◄────────────────◄──── Reduced Row Echelon Form on matrix.*/
do r=1 for rows while cols>! /*begin to perform the heavy lifting. */
j=r /*use a subsitute index for the DO loop*/
do while @.j.!==0; j=j + 1
if j==rows then do; j=r; !=! + 1; if cols==! then leave r; end
end /*while*/
/* [↓] swap rows J,R (but not if same)*/
do _=1 for cols while j\==r; parse value @.r._ @.j._ with @.j._ @._._; end /*_*/
end /*_*/
do d=1 for cols while ?\=1; @.r.d= @.r.d / ?; end /*d*/
end /*d*/ /* [↑] divide row J by @.r.p ──unless≡1*/
do k=1 for rows; ?=@.k.! ?= @.k.! /*subtract (row K) @.r.s from row K.*/
if k==r | ?=0 then iterate /*skip if row K is the same as row R.*/
do s=1 for cols; @.k.s= @.k.s - ? * @.r.s; end /*s*/
end /*k*/ end /* [↑] for the rest of numbers in row.s*/
!=!+1 end /*k*/ /*bump the column pointer. [↑] for the rest of numbers in row.*/
!=! + 1 /*bump the column pointer. */
end /*r*/
Line 2,988 ⟶ 2,990:
exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
showMat: parse arg title; say; say center(title, 3 + (cols+1) * w, '─'); say
do r=1 for rows; _=
do c=1 for cols
if @.r.c=='' then do; say "***error*** matrix element isn't defined:"
say 'row' row", column" c'.'; exit 13
_=_ right(@.r.c, w)
end /*c*/
say _ /*display a matrix row ofto the matrix to screenterminal.*/
end /*r*/; return</lang>
{{out|output|text=&nbsp; when using the default (internal) input:}}