Red black tree sort/Julia: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
Content added Content deleted
m (typo)
m (clean up print)
Line 404:
right = node.rightChild === tree.nil ? "empty" : string(
parent = node.parent isa Nothing ? "empty" : string(
println(io, "(left: $left, color: $color, current: $(, right: $right, parent: $parent))")
Line 428:
After adding 30 nodes, Red-Black tree node list is:
(left: empty, color: red, current: 12, right: empty, parent: 18))
(left: 12, color: black, current: 18, right: 19, parent: 58))
(left: empty, color: red, current: 19, right: empty, parent: 18))
(left: 18, color: red, current: 58, right: 67, parent: 94))
(left: empty, color: black, current: 67, right: 78, parent: 58))
(left: empty, color: red, current: 78, right: empty, parent: 67))
(left: 58, color: black, current: 94, right: 155, parent: 207))
(left: empty, color: black, current: 112, right: 153, parent: 155))
(left: empty, color: red, current: 153, right: empty, parent: 112))
(left: 112, color: red, current: 155, right: 187, parent: 94))
(left: empty, color: red, current: 181, right: empty, parent: 187))
(left: 181, color: black, current: 187, right: empty, parent: 155))
(left: 94, color: black, current: 207, right: 488, parent: empty))
(left: empty, color: black, current: 215, right: empty, parent: 253))
(left: 215, color: black, current: 253, right: 401, parent: 488))
(left: empty, color: red, current: 305, right: empty, parent: 319))
(left: 305, color: black, current: 319, right: 390, parent: 401))
(left: empty, color: red, current: 390, right: empty, parent: 319))
(left: 319, color: red, current: 401, right: 408, parent: 253))
(left: empty, color: black, current: 408, right: 445, parent: 401))
(left: empty, color: red, current: 445, right: empty, parent: 408))
(left: 253, color: red, current: 488, right: 862, parent: 207))
(left: empty, color: red, current: 606, right: empty, parent: 653))
(left: 606, color: black, current: 653, right: 731, parent: 754))
(left: empty, color: red, current: 731, right: empty, parent: 653))
(left: 653, color: red, current: 754, right: 842, parent: 862))
(left: empty, color: black, current: 842, right: empty, parent: 754))
(left: 754, color: black, current: 862, right: 1000, parent: 488))
(left: empty, color: red, current: 948, right: empty, parent: 1000))
(left: 948, color: black, current: 1000, right: empty, parent: 862))
After deleting 15 of the nodes, Red-Black tree node list is:
(left: empty, color: red, current: 12, right: empty, parent: 18))
(left: 12, color: black, current: 18, right: 19, parent: 58))
(left: empty, color: red, current: 19, right: empty, parent: 18))
(left: 18, color: red, current: 58, right: 78, parent: 153))
(left: empty, color: black, current: 78, right: empty, parent: 58))
(left: 58, color: black, current: 153, right: 181, parent: 305))
(left: empty, color: black, current: 181, right: empty, parent: 153))
(left: 153, color: black, current: 305, right: 606, parent: empty))
(left: empty, color: black, current: 319, right: empty, parent: 401))
(left: 319, color: black, current: 401, right: 445, parent: 606))
(left: empty, color: black, current: 445, right: empty, parent: 401))
(left: 401, color: red, current: 606, right: 754, parent: 305))
(left: empty, color: black, current: 731, right: empty, parent: 754))
(left: 731, color: black, current: 754, right: 948, parent: 606))
(left: empty, color: black, current: 948, right: empty, parent: 754))

Revision as of 09:24, 15 June 2022


Code originally by Koustav Chowdhury. <lang ruby>""" Modified from JuliaCollections/DataStructures.jl's file red_black_tree.jl """

  1. leftChild has keys which are less than the node
  2. rightChild has keys which are greater than the node
  3. isred is true if it's a Red Node, else it's false
  4. keys are unique

mutable struct RBTreeNode{K}

   data::Union{K, Nothing}
   leftChild::Union{Nothing, RBTreeNode{K}}
   rightChild::Union{Nothing, RBTreeNode{K}}
   parent::Union{Nothing, RBTreeNode{K}}
   RBTreeNode{K}() where K = new{K}(true, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing)
   RBTreeNode{K}(d::K) where K = new{K}(true, d, nothing, nothing, nothing)


RBTreeNode() = RBTreeNode{Any}() RBTreeNode(d) = RBTreeNode{Any}(d)

function create_null_node(K::Type)

   node = RBTreeNode{K}()
   node.isred = false
   return node


mutable struct RBTree{K}

   function RBTree{K}() where K
       rb = new()
       rb.nil = create_null_node(K)
       rb.root = rb.nil
       rb.count = 0
       return rb


RBTree() = RBTree{Any}()

Base.length(tree::RBTree) = tree.count


   search_node(tree, key)

Returns the last visited node, while traversing through in binary-search-tree fashion looking for `key`. """ function search_node(tree::RBTree{K}, d::K) where K

   node = tree.root
   while node !== tree.nil && d !=
       if d <
           node = node.leftChild
           node = node.rightChild
   return node



   haskey(tree, key)

Returns true if `key` is present in the `tree`, else returns false. """ function Base.haskey(tree::RBTree{K}, d::K) where K

   node = search_node(tree, d)
   return ( == d)



   insert_node!(tree::RBTree, node::RBTreeNode)

Inserts `node` at proper location by traversing through the `tree` in a binary-search-tree fashion. """ function insert_node!(tree::RBTree, node::RBTreeNode)

   node_y = nothing
   node_x = tree.root
   while node_x !== tree.nil
       node_y = node_x
       if <
           node_x = node_x.leftChild
           node_x = node_x.rightChild
   node.parent = node_y
   if node_y == nothing
       tree.root = node
   elseif <
       node_y.leftChild = node
       node_y.rightChild = node



   left_rotate!(tree::RBTree, node_x::RBTreeNode)

Performs a left-rotation on `node_x` and updates `tree.root`, if required. """ function left_rotate!(tree::RBTree, node_x::RBTreeNode)

   node_y = node_x.rightChild
   node_x.rightChild = node_y.leftChild
   if node_y.leftChild !== tree.nil
       node_y.leftChild.parent = node_x
   node_y.parent = node_x.parent
   if (node_x.parent == nothing)
       tree.root = node_y
   elseif (node_x == node_x.parent.leftChild)
       node_x.parent.leftChild = node_y
       node_x.parent.rightChild = node_y
   node_y.leftChild = node_x
   node_x.parent = node_y



   right_rotate!(tree::RBTree, node_x::RBTreeNode)

Performs a right-rotation on `node_x` and updates `tree.root`, if required. """ function right_rotate!(tree::RBTree, node_x::RBTreeNode)

   node_y = node_x.leftChild
   node_x.leftChild = node_y.rightChild
   if node_y.rightChild !== tree.nil
       node_y.rightChild.parent = node_x
   node_y.parent = node_x.parent
   if (node_x.parent == nothing)
       tree.root = node_y
   elseif (node_x == node_x.parent.leftChild)
       node_x.parent.leftChild = node_y
       node_x.parent.rightChild = node_y
   node_y.rightChild = node_x
   node_x.parent = node_y



  fix_insert!(tree::RBTree, node::RBTreeNode)

This method is called to fix the property of having no two adjacent nodes of red color in the `tree`. """ function fix_insert!(tree::RBTree, node::RBTreeNode)

   parent = nothing
   grand_parent = nothing
   # for root node, we need to change the color to black
   # other nodes, we need to maintain the property such that
   # no two adjacent nodes are red in color
   while  node != tree.root && node.parent.isred
       parent = node.parent
       grand_parent = parent.parent
       if (parent == grand_parent.leftChild) # parent is the leftChild of grand_parent
           uncle = grand_parent.rightChild
           if (uncle.isred) # uncle is red in color
               grand_parent.isred = true
               parent.isred = false
               uncle.isred = false
               node = grand_parent
           else  # uncle is black in color
               if (node == parent.rightChild) # node is rightChild of its parent
                   node = parent
                   left_rotate!(tree, node)
               # node is leftChild of its parent
               node.parent.isred = false
               node.parent.parent.isred = true
               right_rotate!(tree, node.parent.parent)
       else # parent is the rightChild of grand_parent
           uncle = grand_parent.leftChild
           if (uncle.isred) # uncle is red in color
               grand_parent.isred = true
               parent.isred = false
               uncle.isred = false
               node = grand_parent
           else  # uncle is black in color
               if (node == parent.leftChild) # node is leftChild of its parent
                   node = parent
                   right_rotate!(tree, node)
               # node is rightChild of its parent
               node.parent.isred = false
               node.parent.parent.isred = true
               left_rotate!(tree, node.parent.parent)
   tree.root.isred = false



   insert!(tree, key)

Inserts `key` in the `tree` if it is not present. """ function Base.insert!(tree::RBTree{K}, d::K) where K

   # if the key exists in the tree, no need to insert
   haskey(tree, d) && return tree
   # insert, if not present in the tree
   node = RBTreeNode{K}(d)
   node.leftChild = node.rightChild = tree.nil
   insert_node!(tree, node)
   if node.parent == nothing
       node.isred = false
   elseif node.parent.parent == nothing
       fix_insert!(tree, node)
   tree.count += 1
   return tree



   delete_fix(tree::RBTree, node::Union{RBTreeNode, Nothing})

This method is called when a black node is deleted because it violates the black depth property of the RBTree. """ function delete_fix(tree::RBTree, node::Union{RBTreeNode, Nothing})

   while node != tree.root && !node.isred
        if node == node.parent.leftChild
           sibling = node.parent.rightChild
           if sibling.isred
               sibling.isred = false
               node.parent.isred = true
               left_rotate!(tree, node.parent)
               sibling = node.parent.rightChild
           if !sibling.rightChild.isred && !sibling.leftChild.isred
               sibling.isred = true
               node = node.parent
               if !sibling.rightChild.isred
                   sibling.leftChild.isred = false
                   sibling.isred = true
                   right_rotate!(tree, sibling)
                   sibling = node.parent.rightChild
               sibling.isred = node.parent.isred
               node.parent.isred = false
               sibling.rightChild.isred = false
               left_rotate!(tree, node.parent)
               node = tree.root
           sibling = node.parent.leftChild
           if sibling.isred
               sibling.isred = false
               node.parent.isred = true
               right_rotate!(tree, node.parent)
               sibling = node.parent.leftChild
           if !sibling.rightChild.isred && !sibling.leftChild.isred
               sibling.isred = true
               node = node.parent
               if !sibling.leftChild.isred
                   sibling.rightChild.isred = false
                   sibling.isred = true
                   left_rotate!(tree, sibling)
                   sibling = node.parent.leftChild
               sibling.isred = node.parent.isred
               node.parent.isred = false
               sibling.leftChild.isred = false
               right_rotate!(tree, node.parent)
               node = tree.root
   node.isred = false
   return nothing



   rb_transplant(tree::RBTree, u::Union{RBTreeNode, Nothing}, v::Union{RBTreeNode, Nothing})

Replaces `u` by `v` in the `tree` and updates the `tree` accordingly. """ function rb_transplant(tree::RBTree, u::Union{RBTreeNode, Nothing}, v::Union{RBTreeNode, Nothing})

   if u.parent == nothing
       tree.root = v
   elseif u == u.parent.leftChild
       u.parent.leftChild = v
       u.parent.rightChild = v
   v.parent = u.parent



  minimum_node(tree::RBTree, node::RBTreeNode)

Returns the RBTreeNode with minimum value in subtree of `node`. """ function minimum_node(tree::RBTree, node::RBTreeNode)

   (node === tree.nil) && return node
   while node.leftChild !== tree.nil
       node = node.leftChild
   return node



   delete!(tree::RBTree, key)

Deletes `key` from `tree`, if present, else returns the unmodified tree. """ function Base.delete!(tree::RBTree{K}, d::K) where K

   z = tree.nil
   node = tree.root
   while node !== tree.nil
       if == d
           z = node
       if d <
           node = node.leftChild
           node = node.rightChild
   (z === tree.nil) && return tree
   y = z
   y_original_color = y.isred
   x = RBTreeNode{K}()
   if z.leftChild === tree.nil
       x = z.rightChild
       rb_transplant(tree, z, z.rightChild)
   elseif z.rightChild === tree.nil
       x = z.leftChild
       rb_transplant(tree, z, z.leftChild)
       y = minimum_node(tree, z.rightChild)
       y_original_color = y.isred
       x = y.rightChild
       if y.parent == z
           x.parent = y
           rb_transplant(tree, y, y.rightChild)
           y.rightChild = z.rightChild
           y.rightChild.parent = y
       rb_transplant(tree, z, y)
       y.leftChild = z.leftChild
       y.leftChild.parent = y
       y.isred = z.isred
   !y_original_color && delete_fix(tree, x)
   tree.count -= 1
   return tree



   function sortednodes(node::RBTreeNode{K}) where K

Return a sorted node list. Recursive. """ function sortednodes(node::RBTreeNode{K}, nilnode) where K

   if (node !== nilnode)
       left = sortednodes(node.leftChild, nilnode)
       right = sortednodes(node.rightChild, nilnode)
       return append!(push!(left, node), right)
       return RBTreeNode{K}[]



  Print the RBTree (red black tree) as a list of nodes with their keys.

""" function Base.print(io::IO, tree::RBTree)

   println(io, "Red-Black tree node list is:")
   for node in sortednodes(tree.root, tree.nil)
       left = node.leftChild === tree.nil ? "empty" : string(
       color = node.isred ? "red" : "black"
       right = node.rightChild === tree.nil ? "empty" : string(
       parent = node.parent isa Nothing ? "empty" : string(
       println(io, "(left: $left, color: $color, current: $(, right: $right, parent: $parent)")


function RBTsort()

   tree, data = RBTree(), Int[]
   while length(unique(data)) < 30
       data = rand(1:1000, 30)
   for i in data
       insert!(tree, i)
   println("After adding 30 nodes, ", tree)
   # data is already in random order here, so use that order for deletion task
   for i in 1:15
       delete!(tree, data[i])
   println("After deleting 15 of the nodes, ", tree)




After adding 30 nodes, Red-Black tree node list is:
(left: empty, color: red, current: 12, right: empty, parent: 18)
(left: 12, color: black, current: 18, right: 19, parent: 58)
(left: empty, color: red, current: 19, right: empty, parent: 18)
(left: 18, color: red, current: 58, right: 67, parent: 94)
(left: empty, color: black, current: 67, right: 78, parent: 58)
(left: empty, color: red, current: 78, right: empty, parent: 67)
(left: 58, color: black, current: 94, right: 155, parent: 207)
(left: empty, color: black, current: 112, right: 153, parent: 155)
(left: empty, color: red, current: 153, right: empty, parent: 112)
(left: 112, color: red, current: 155, right: 187, parent: 94)
(left: empty, color: red, current: 181, right: empty, parent: 187)
(left: 181, color: black, current: 187, right: empty, parent: 155)
(left: 94, color: black, current: 207, right: 488, parent: empty)
(left: empty, color: black, current: 215, right: empty, parent: 253)
(left: 215, color: black, current: 253, right: 401, parent: 488)
(left: empty, color: red, current: 305, right: empty, parent: 319)
(left: 305, color: black, current: 319, right: 390, parent: 401)
(left: empty, color: red, current: 390, right: empty, parent: 319)
(left: 319, color: red, current: 401, right: 408, parent: 253)
(left: empty, color: black, current: 408, right: 445, parent: 401)
(left: empty, color: red, current: 445, right: empty, parent: 408)
(left: 253, color: red, current: 488, right: 862, parent: 207)
(left: empty, color: red, current: 606, right: empty, parent: 653)
(left: 606, color: black, current: 653, right: 731, parent: 754)
(left: empty, color: red, current: 731, right: empty, parent: 653)
(left: 653, color: red, current: 754, right: 842, parent: 862)
(left: empty, color: black, current: 842, right: empty, parent: 754)
(left: 754, color: black, current: 862, right: 1000, parent: 488)
(left: empty, color: red, current: 948, right: empty, parent: 1000)
(left: 948, color: black, current: 1000, right: empty, parent: 862)

After deleting 15 of the nodes, Red-Black tree node list is:
(left: empty, color: red, current: 12, right: empty, parent: 18)
(left: 12, color: black, current: 18, right: 19, parent: 58)
(left: empty, color: red, current: 19, right: empty, parent: 18)
(left: 18, color: red, current: 58, right: 78, parent: 153)
(left: empty, color: black, current: 78, right: empty, parent: 58)
(left: 58, color: black, current: 153, right: 181, parent: 305)
(left: empty, color: black, current: 181, right: empty, parent: 153)
(left: 153, color: black, current: 305, right: 606, parent: empty)
(left: empty, color: black, current: 319, right: empty, parent: 401)
(left: 319, color: black, current: 401, right: 445, parent: 606)
(left: empty, color: black, current: 445, right: empty, parent: 401)
(left: 401, color: red, current: 606, right: 754, parent: 305)
(left: empty, color: black, current: 731, right: empty, parent: 754)
(left: 731, color: black, current: 754, right: 948, parent: 606)
(left: empty, color: black, current: 948, right: empty, parent: 754)