Recursive descent parser generator

Write a recursive descent parser generator that takes a description of a grammar as input and outputs the source code for a parser in the same language as the generator. (So a generator written in C++ would output C++ source code for the parser.) You can assume that all of the rules have been preprocessed into a form suitable for the construction of a recursive descent parser. See here for more details:

Recursive descent parser generator is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Use the parser generator and a grammar file to build a parser that takes an arithmetic expression and turns it in to three address code. The resulting parser should take this (or something similar) as input:

(one + two) * three - four * five

And generate this (or something similar) as output:

_0001 = one + two
_0002 = _0001 * three
_0003 = four * five
_0004 = _0002 - _0003


Works with: C++11

This program translates an annotated LL(1) grammar into a C++ lexer plus parser. Each rule is required to return a string of some kind and the return values of the already matched nonterminals (and matched text of terminals) can be accessed with $1, $2, etc. which are replaced by the appropriate string variable.

It can't handle newlines as part of the grammar, the error checking is fairly limited and the error reporting is basically non-existent, but the parser it generates (not shown below) is human readable.

<lang cpp>

  1. include <iostream>
  2. include <fstream>
  3. include <string>
  4. include <sstream>
  5. include <map>
  6. include <set>
  7. include <regex>

using namespace std;

map<string, string> terminals; map<string, vector<vector<string>>> nonterminalRules; map<string, set<string>> nonterminalFirst; map<string, vector<string>> nonterminalCode;

int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 3) { cout << "Usage: <input file> <output file>" << endl; return 1; }

ifstream inFile(argv[1]); ofstream outFile(argv[2]);

regex blankLine(R"(^\s*$)"); regex terminalPattern(R"((\w+)\s+(.+))"); regex rulePattern(R"(^!!\s*(\w+)\s*->\s*((?:\w+\s*)*)$)"); regex argPattern(R"(\$(\d+))"); smatch results;

// Read terminal patterns string line; while (true) { getline(inFile, line);

// Terminals section ends with a blank line if (regex_match(line, blankLine)) break;

regex_match(line, results, terminalPattern); terminals[results[1]] = results[2]; }

outFile << "#include <iostream>" << endl; outFile << "#include <fstream>" << endl; outFile << "#include <string>" << endl; outFile << "#include <regex>" << endl; outFile << "using namespace std;" << endl << endl;

// Generate the token processing functions outFile << "string input, nextToken, nextTokenValue;" << endl; outFile << "string prevToken, prevTokenValue;" << endl << endl;

outFile << "void advanceToken() {" << endl; outFile << " static smatch results;" << endl << endl;

outFile << " prevToken = nextToken;" << endl; outFile << " prevTokenValue = nextTokenValue;" << endl << endl;

for (auto i = terminals.begin(); i != terminals.end(); ++i) { string name = i->first + "_pattern"; string pattern = i->second;

outFile << " static regex " << name << "(R\"(^\\s*(" << pattern << "))\");" << endl; outFile << " if (regex_search(input, results, " << name << ", regex_constants::match_continuous)) {" << endl; outFile << " nextToken = \"" << i->first << "\";" << endl; outFile << " nextTokenValue = results[1];" << endl; outFile << " input = regex_replace(input, " << name << ", \"\");" << endl; outFile << " return;" << endl; outFile << " }" << endl << endl; }

outFile << " static regex eof(R\"(\\s*)\");" << endl; outFile << " if (regex_match(input, results, eof, regex_constants::match_continuous)) {" << endl; outFile << " nextToken = \"\";" << endl; outFile << " nextTokenValue = \"\";" << endl; outFile << " return;" << endl; outFile << " }" << endl << endl;

outFile << " throw \"Unknown token\";" << endl; outFile << "}" << endl << endl;

outFile << "bool same(string symbol) {" << endl; outFile << " if (symbol == nextToken) {" << endl; outFile << " advanceToken();" << endl; outFile << " return true;" << endl; outFile << " }" << endl; outFile << " return false;" << endl; outFile << "}" << endl << endl;

// Copy the header code to the output while (true) { getline(inFile, line);

// Copy lines until we reach the first rule if (regex_match(line, results, rulePattern)) break;

outFile << line << endl; }

// Build the nonterminal table while (true) { // results already contains the last matched rule string name = results[1]; stringstream ss(results[2]);

string tempString; vector<string> tempVector; while (ss >> tempString) tempVector.push_back(tempString); nonterminalRules[name].push_back(tempVector);

// Read code until another rule is found string code = ""; while (true) { getline(inFile, line);

if (!inFile || regex_match(line, results, rulePattern)) break;

// Replace $1 with results[1], etc. line = regex_replace(line, argPattern, "results[$1]");

code += line + "\n"; } nonterminalCode[name].push_back(code);

// Stop when we reach the end of the file if (!inFile) break; }

// Generate the first sets, inefficiently bool done = false; while (!done) for (auto i = nonterminalRules.begin(); i != nonterminalRules.end(); ++i) { string name = i->first; done = true;

if (nonterminalFirst.find(i->first) == nonterminalFirst.end()) nonterminalFirst[i->first] = set<string>();

for (int j = 0; j < i->second.size(); ++j) { if (i->second[j].size() == 0) nonterminalFirst[i->first].insert(""); else { string first = i->second[j][0]; if (nonterminalFirst.find(first) != nonterminalFirst.end()) { for (auto k = nonterminalFirst[first].begin(); k != nonterminalFirst[first].end(); ++k) { if (nonterminalFirst[name].find(*k) == nonterminalFirst[name].end()) { nonterminalFirst[name].insert(*k); done = false; } } } else if (nonterminalFirst[name].find(first) == nonterminalFirst[name].end()) { nonterminalFirst[name].insert(first); done = false; } } } }

// Generate function signatures for the nonterminals for (auto i = nonterminalRules.begin(); i != nonterminalRules.end(); ++i) { string name = i->first + "_rule"; outFile << "string " << name << "();" << endl; } outFile << endl;

// Generate the nonterminal functions for (auto i = nonterminalRules.begin(); i != nonterminalRules.end(); ++i) { string name = i->first + "_rule"; outFile << "string " << name << "() {" << endl; outFile << " vector<string> results;" << endl; outFile << " results.push_back(\"\");" << endl << endl;

// Check if this rule can match an empty string int epsilon = -1; for (int j = 0; epsilon == -1 && j < i->second.size(); ++j) if (i->second[j].size() == 0) epsilon = j;

// Generate each production for (int j = 0; j < i->second.size(); ++j) { // Nothing to generate for an empty rule if (j == epsilon) continue;

string token = i->second[j][0]; if (terminals.find(token) != terminals.end()) outFile << " if (nextToken == \"" << i->second[j][0] << "\") {" << endl; else { outFile << " if ("; bool first = true; for (auto k = nonterminalFirst[token].begin(); k != nonterminalFirst[token].end(); ++k, first = false) { if (!first) outFile << " || "; outFile << "nextToken == \"" << (*k) << "\""; } outFile << ") {" << endl; }

for (int k = 0; k < i->second[j].size(); ++k) { if (terminals.find(i->second[j][k]) != terminals.end()) { outFile << " if(same(\"" << i->second[j][k] << "\"))" << endl; outFile << " results.push_back(prevTokenValue);" << endl; outFile << " else" << endl; outFile << " throw \"Syntax error - mismatched token\";" << endl; } else outFile << " results.push_back(" << i->second[j][k] << "_rule());" << endl; }

// Copy rule code to output outFile << nonterminalCode[i->first][j];

outFile << " }" << endl << endl; }

if (epsilon == -1) outFile << " throw \"Syntax error - unmatched token\";" << endl; else outFile << nonterminalCode[i->first][epsilon];

outFile << "}" << endl << endl; }

// Generate the main function outFile << "int main(int argc, char **argv) {" << endl; outFile << " if(argc < 2) {" << endl; outFile << " cout << \"Usage: <input file>\" << endl;" << endl; outFile << " return 1;" << endl; outFile << " }" << endl << endl;

outFile << " ifstream file(argv[1]);" << endl; outFile << " string line;" << endl; outFile << " input = \"\";" << endl << endl;

outFile << " while(true) {" << endl; outFile << " getline(file, line);" << endl; outFile << " if(!file) break;" << endl; outFile << " input += line + \"\\n\";" << endl; outFile << " }" << endl << endl;

outFile << " advanceToken();" << endl << endl;

outFile << " start_rule();" << endl; outFile << "}" << endl; } </lang>

Example grammar:

plus	\+
minus	-
times	\*
div	/
open	\(
close	\)
num	[0-9]+
var	[a-z]+

string nextLabel() {
	static string label = "0000";
	for(int i = label.length() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
		if(label[i] == '9')
			label[i] = '0';
		else {
	return "_" + label;

!! start -> expr start2
if($2 == "")
	return $1;
else {
	string label = nextLabel();
	cout << label << " = " << $1 << " " << $2 << endl;
	return label;

!! start2 -> plus start
return "+ " + $2;

!! start2 -> minus start
return "- " + $2;

!! start2 -> 
return "";

!! expr -> term expr2
if($2 == "")
	return $1;
else {
	string label = nextLabel();
	cout << label << " = " << $1 << " " << $2 << endl;
	return label;

!! expr2 -> times expr
return "* " + $2;

!! expr2 -> div expr
return "/ " + $2;

!! expr2 ->
return "";

!! term -> var
return $1;

!! term -> num
return $1;

!! term -> open start close
return $2;

Example input to parser (filename passed through command line):

(one + two) * three + four * five

Output (to standard out):

_0001 = one + two
_0002 = _0001 * three
_0003 = four * five
_0004 = _0002 + _0003