Read a specific line from a file: Difference between revisions

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Line 107:
readLineT=: <:@[ {:: 'b'&freads@]</lang>
This is not quite equivalent to the code above as it handles cross-platform line-endings and those line end character(s) are removed from the result.
=={{header|Liberty BASIC}}==
We read the whole file into memory, and use 'word$( string, number, delimiter)'. Line delimiter is assumed to be CRLF, and the file is assumed to exist at the path given.
<lang lb>
fileName$ ="F:\sample.txt"
requiredLine =7
open fileName$ for input as #i
f$ =input$( #i, lof( #i))
close #i
line7$ =word$( f$, 7, chr$( 13))
if line7$ =chr$( 13) +chr$( 10) or line7$ ="" then notice "Empty line! ( or file has fewer lines)."
print line7$
=={{header|Perl 6}}==
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