Ray-casting algorithm: Difference between revisions

Added Haskell.
(added ocaml)
(Added Haskell.)
Line 437:
end program Pointpoly</lang>
<lang haskell>import Data.Ratio
type Point = (Rational, Rational)
type Polygon = [Point]
data Line = Sloped {lineSlope, lineYIntercept :: Rational} |
Vert {lineXIntercept :: Rational}
polygonSides :: Polygon -> [(Point, Point)]
polygonSides poly@(p1 : ps) = zip poly $ ps ++ [p1]
intersects :: Point -> Line -> Bool
{- @intersects (px, py) l@ is true if the ray {(x, py) | x ≥ px}
intersects l. -}
intersects (px, _) (Vert xint) = px <= xint
intersects (px, py) (Sloped m b) | m < 0 = py <= m * px + b
| otherwise = py >= m * px + b
onLine :: Point -> Line -> Bool
{- Is the point on the line? -}
onLine (px, _) (Vert xint) = px == xint
onLine (px, py) (Sloped m b) = py == m * px + b
carrier :: (Point, Point) -> Line
{- Finds the line containing the given line segment. -}
carrier ((ax, ay), (bx, by)) | ax == bx = Vert ax
| otherwise = Sloped slope yint
where slope = (ay - by) / (ax - bx)
yint = ay - slope * ax
between :: Ord a => a -> a -> a -> Bool
between x a b | a > b = b <= x && x <= a
| otherwise = a <= x && x <= b
inPolygon :: Point -> Polygon -> Bool
inPolygon p@(px, py) = f 0 . polygonSides
where f n [] = odd n
f n (side : sides) | far = f n sides
| onSegment = True
| rayIntersects = f (n + 1) sides
| otherwise = f n sides
where far = not $ between py ay by
onSegment | ay == by = between px ax bx
| otherwise = p `onLine` line
rayIntersects =
intersects p line &&
(not (py == ay) || by < py) &&
(not (py == by) || ay < py)
((ax, ay), (bx, by)) = side
line = carrier side</lang>
<lang j>NB.*crossPnP v point in closed polygon, crossing number
