Random sentence from book: Difference between revisions

Content added Content deleted
m (simplified phrase: "when the sentence ends in a sentence ending" => "after adding a sentence ending")
(Added Wren)
Line 670: Line 670:

The ringing impact of trucks, the person or entity that provided you with the torrent to recover it.
The ringing impact of trucks, the person or entity that provided you with the torrent to recover it.

<lang ecmascript>import "io" for File
import "random" for Random
import "/seq" for Lst

// puctuation to keep (also keep hyphen and apostrophe but don't count as words)
var ending = ".!?"
var pausing = ",:;"

// puctuation to remove
var removing = "\"#$\%&()*+/<=>@[\\]^_`{|}~“”"

// read in book
var fileName = "36-0.txt" // local copy of http://www.gutenberg.org/files/36/36-0.txt
var text = File.read(fileName)

// skip to start
var ix = text.indexOf("No one would have believed")
text = text[ix..-1]

// remove extraneous punctuation
for (r in removing) text = text.replace(r, "")

// split into words
var words = text.split(" ").where { |w| w != "" }.toList
// treat 'ending' and 'pausing' punctuation as words
for (i in 0...words.count) {
var w = words[i]
for (p in ending + pausing) if (w.endsWith(p)) words[i] = [w[0...-1], w[-1]]
words = Lst.flatten(words)

// Keep account of what words follow words and how many times it is seen
var dict1 = {}
for (i in 0...words.count-1) {
var w1 = words[i]
var w2 = words[i+1]
if (dict1[w1]) {
} else {
dict1[w1] = [w2]
for (key in dict1.keys) dict1[key] = [dict1[key].count, Lst.individuals(dict1[key])]

// Keep account of what words follow two words and how many times it is seen
var dict2 = {}
for (i in 0...words.count-2) {
var w12 = words[i] + " " + words[i+1]
var w3 = words[i+2]
if (dict2[w12]) {
} else {
dict2[w12] = [w3]
for (key in dict2.keys) dict2[key] = [dict2[key].count, Lst.individuals(dict2[key])]

var rand = Random.new()

var weightedRandomChoice = Fn.new { |value|
var n = value[0]
var indivs = value[1]
var r = rand.int(n)
var sum = 0
for (indiv in indivs) {
sum = sum + indiv[1]
if (r < sum) return indiv[0]

// build 5 random sentences say
for (i in 1..5) {
var sentence = weightedRandomChoice.call(dict1["."])
var lastOne = sentence
var lastTwo = ". " + sentence
while (true) {
var nextOne = weightedRandomChoice.call(dict2[lastTwo])
sentence = sentence + " " + nextOne
if (ending.contains(nextOne)) break // stop on reaching ending punctuation
lastTwo = lastOne + " " + nextOne
lastOne = nextOne

// tidy up sentence
for (p in ending + pausing) sentence = sentence.replace(" %(p)", "%(p)")
sentence = sentence.replace("\n", " ")

Sample run:
In another second it had come into my mind.

He stopped behind to tell the neighbours.

A woman screamed.

Woe unto this unfaithful city!

As Mars approached opposition, Lavelle of Java set the wires of the afternoon.