Random sentence from book: Difference between revisions

Content deleted Content added
PureFox (talk | contribs)
→‎{{header|Wren}}: Added some code to replace EM DASH with a space.
Peak (talk | contribs)
→‎{{header|jq}}: include "MRG32k3a";
(12 intermediate revisions by 7 users not shown)
Line 20:
=={{header|ALGOL 68}}==
{{works with|ALGOL 68G|Any - tested with release 2.8.3.win32}}
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="algol68"># generate random sentences using text from a book as a basis #
# use the associative array in the Associate array/iteration task #
Line 290:
close( input file )
Sample output produced with the command-line:
Line 319:
Presently, he came hurrying after me he barked shortly.
<syntaxhighlight lang="autohotkey>
#SingleInstance, force
; press Esc to stop and display the output text
; (a debug file describing ongoing steps will be created in the end)
FileEncoding, UTF-8
FileRead, warWords, war of words.txt ; wrapped booktext
global textOut := " "
global warWords := strreplace(warWords,"`r`n", " ")
warWords := strreplace(warWords,"`r", " ")
warWords := strreplace(warWords,"`n", " ")
warWords := strreplace(warWords,"-", " ")
warWords := strreplace(warWords,"—", " ")
warWords := strreplace(warWords,"`t", " ")
warWords := strreplace(warWords,"“")
warWords := strreplace(warWords,"_")
warWords := strreplace(warWords,"”")
warWords := strreplace(warWords,"’")
warWords := strreplace(warWords,"'")
warWords := strreplace(warWords,"""")
warWords := strreplace(warWords,")")
warWords := strreplace(warWords,"(")
warWords := strreplace(warWords,"[")
warWords := strreplace(warWords,"]")
warWords := strreplace(warWords,"{")
warWords := strreplace(warWords,"}")
warWords := strreplace(warWords,"»")
warWords := strreplace(warWords,"«")
warWords := trim(warWords)
warWords := strreplace(warWords," ", " ")
if (Errorlevel = 0)
FileDelete, debug.txt
InputBox, fOne, War of Words, Choice a punctuation to start ( . or ! or ? or `, ),,,,,,,,.
treco := NextPunct(fOne)
loop,parse,treco," "
if A_LoopField
fOne := trim(A_LoopField)
textOut .= fOne . " "
tremPos := InStr(textOut," ",,0,3)
tremText := trim(substr(textOut,tremPos))
if tremText
tremText := strreplace(tremText,".","\.")
tremText := strreplace(tremText,";","\;")
tremText := strreplace(tremText,",","\,")
tremText := strreplace(tremText,"!","\!")
tremText := " " . strreplace(tremText,"?","\?")
treco := NextWord(tremText)
treco := NextWord(fOne)
NextPunct(punct) {
xpos := 1
prox := []
spos := RegExMatch(warWords, "(*UCP)\" . punct . " \w+.",gg,xpos)
if (spos = 0)
prox[a_index] := gg
xpos := spos + 1
proximas := ""
loop, % prox.MaxIndex()
proximas .= a_index . " -> " . prox[a_index] . "`n"
FileAppend, %proximas%, debug.txt, UTF-8
Random, linha, 1, prox.MaxIndex()
FileAppend, % "---------------`nescolhido = " . linha . " -> " . prox[linha] . " -> " . textOut . "`n----------------`n", debug.txt, UTF-8
return prox[linha]
NextWord(word) {
xpos := 1
prox := []
spos := RegExMatch(warWords, "(*UCP)" . word . " \w+.",gg,xpos)
if !spos
prox[a_index] := gg
xpos := spos + 1
if (prox.MaxIndex() > 0)
proximas := ""
loop, % prox.MaxIndex()
proximas .= a_index . " -> " . prox[a_index] . "`n"
FileAppend, %proximas%, debug.txt, UTF-8
Random, linha, 1, prox.MaxIndex()
FileAppend, % "---------------`nescolhido = " . linha . " -> " . prox[linha] . " -> " . textOut . "`n----------------`n", debug.txt, UTF-8
return % prox[linha]
loop,parse,word," "
wrd := A_LoopField
word := wrd
spos := xpos := 1
prox := []
spos := RegExMatch(warWords, "(*UCP)" . word . " \w+.",gg,xpos)
if (spos = 0)
prox[a_index] := gg
xpos := spos + 1
proximas := ""
loop, % prox.MaxIndex()
proximas .= a_index . " -> " . prox[a_index] . "`n"
FileAppend, %proximas%, debug.txt, UTF-8
Random, linha, 1, prox.MaxIndex()
FileAppend, % "---------------`nescolhido = " . linha . " -> " . prox[linha] . " -> " . textOut . "`n----------------`n", debug.txt, UTF-8
return % prox[linha]
msgbox % textOut . "..."
War of Words.ahk
(start = ".") I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse scattered and gnawed. For a minute she seemed halfway between the life on Mars and terrestrial life, I may remark here, as dissection has since shown, was almost equally simple. The greater ...
(start = ".") Then silence that passed into the dining room and drank beer out of my temerity. In front was a little child, with all my ears. He made me pity him. Then he would suddenly revert to the window, straining to hear the spades and pickaxes. Stent was giving directions in a heap of bicycles. In addition, a large number of people, shop people and so greatly had the best part of a milking stool imagine it a great deal better educated than the pit had increased, and stood there in the air. I believe theyve built a flying machine, and are learning to ride the bicycle, and busy upon a great deal better educated than the provision ...
(start = ".") Only the fact that it was seen on Friday night you had taken when I looked at me spectrally. The windows in the power of terrestrial conditions, this was firewood; there was a tumultuous murmuring grew stronger. They began to waddle away towards Knaphill I saw everyone tracking away south. Says I, fingering my wineglass. They are coming! Go on! Go on! cried the voice, coming, as it had failed to interpret the fluctuating appearances of the growing light of Woking station standing in groups at the heap, and the policemen were shouting. People were fighting savagely for standing room in the streets of Richmond, and the splintered spire of the curate, at the three or four black government waggons, with crosses in white circles, and an almost continuous streamer of smoke. And then a strange atmosphere, ...
(start = "!") Cant you see them, man? Cant you see that? Not begun! I exclaimed. Not begun. All thats happened so far advanced that the Heat Rays. Heavy losses of soldiers to protect these strange creatures from violence. After that experience I avoided the hole in the northern arch of the blow I had aroused; they are doing over there, Hampstead way, the sky to herself. I heard it fumbling at the shape, since most meteorites are rounded more or less completely. It was, I know, a night I heard a faint cry. I came, she said. Down the road to approach the Martians like a thing or two. He was now dusk, and after a time I could see the place quite tranquil, quite desolate under the window, but he got up presently, walked perhaps half a mile beyond the centre of the guns that began about that hour in the distance. My wife stood in the sunset and starlight this dexterous machine must have seemed to hesitate whether to apologise, met my eyes, and a ...
(start = "?") said the landlord; whats the hurry? Im selling my bit of money that would make any novelty, the excuse for walking together and halted, and the passage of light creeping zenithward, towards which so many telescopes were pointed. It was a little boy, in a moment I had been there. It must be, if the worst had happened to me. At the same time I ventured so far as I was cut down, and asked me if I would come upon perfectly undisturbed spaces, houses with their pit, that in a blue jersey. Yonder! Dyer see them? Yonder! Quickly, one after the sailors and lightermen had to do tricks who knows? get sentimental over the world; a thousand yards range. The shells flashed all over the trees. I stopped at the farther bank, and in the body of water that was driving from the window from which other tentacles were now interrupted. The porters told him it would seem that a number of such advances as we did so the screw must have a pound, said the ...
Debug file for first example:
<pre style="height:45ex;overflow:scroll">
1 -> . No
2 -> . With
3 -> . It
4 -> . No
5 -> . It
6 -> . At
7 -> . Yet
8 -> . And
9 -> . The
10 -> . It
11 -> . The
12 -> . It
13 -> . Yet
14 -> . Nor
15 -> . The
16 -> . Its
17 -> . Its
18 -> . That
19 -> . The
20 -> . And
21 -> . And
22 -> . The
23 -> . Their
24 -> . To
25 -> . And
26 -> . The
27 -> . Are
28 -> . Had
29 -> . Men
30 -> . All
31 -> . During
32 -> . English
33 -> . I
34 -> . Peculiar
35 -> . The
36 -> . As
37 -> . It
38 -> . This
39 -> . He
40 -> . A
41 -> . Yet
42 -> . I
43 -> . He
44 -> . In
45 -> . Ogilvy
46 -> . Looking
47 -> . It
48 -> . But
49 -> . As
50 -> . Forty
51 -> . Few
52 -> . Near
53 -> . You
54 -> . In
55 -> . And
56 -> . I
57 -> . That
58 -> . I
59 -> . A
60 -> . The
61 -> . That
62 -> . I
63 -> . I
64 -> . Ogilvy
65 -> . Down
66 -> . He
67 -> . His
68 -> . He
69 -> . The
70 -> . Hundreds
71 -> . Why
72 -> . It
73 -> . Dense
74 -> . Even
75 -> . The
76 -> . And,
77 -> . It
78 -> . I
79 -> . People
80 -> . For
81 -> . One
82 -> . It
83 -> . It
84 -> . Coming
85 -> . There
86 -> . From
87 -> . My
88 -> . It
89 -> . THE
90 -> . Then
91 -> . It
92 -> . Hundreds
93 -> . Albin
94 -> . Denning,
95 -> . It
96 -> . I
97 -> . Yet
98 -> . Some
99 -> . I
100 -> . Many
101 -> . No
102 -> . But
103 -> . Find
104 -> . An
105 -> . The
106 -> . The
107 -> . The
108 -> . It
109 -> . He
110 -> . It
111 -> . A
112 -> . He
113 -> . The
114 -> . He
115 -> . He
116 -> . Then
117 -> . It
118 -> . A
119 -> . For
120 -> . He
121 -> . And
122 -> . It
123 -> . Even
124 -> . Then
125 -> . The
126 -> . Theres
127 -> . The
128 -> . But
129 -> . At
130 -> . The
131 -> . He
132 -> . He
133 -> . The
134 -> . That
135 -> . Henderson,
136 -> . Its
137 -> . Good
138 -> . Fallen
139 -> . But
140 -> . Its
141 -> . Henderson
142 -> . Whats
143 -> . He
144 -> . Ogilvy
145 -> . Henderson
146 -> . Then
147 -> . The
148 -> . But
149 -> . Air
150 -> . They
151 -> . Of
152 -> . They
153 -> . One
154 -> . Henderson
155 -> . The
156 -> . By
157 -> . That
158 -> . I
159 -> . I
160 -> . ON
161 -> . I
162 -> . I
163 -> . The
164 -> . No
165 -> . Henderson
166 -> . I
167 -> . There
168 -> . After
169 -> . Among
170 -> . There
171 -> . Few
172 -> . Most
173 -> . I
174 -> . Some
175 -> . I
176 -> . The
177 -> . It
178 -> . At
179 -> . Not
180 -> . It
181 -> . It
182 -> . Extra
183 -> . At
184 -> . I
185 -> . In
186 -> . My
187 -> . Yet
188 -> . I
189 -> . About
190 -> . But
191 -> . In
192 -> . The
193 -> . In
194 -> . There
195 -> . Besides
196 -> . In
197 -> . It
198 -> . The
199 -> . An
200 -> . Going
201 -> . Stent
202 -> . He
203 -> . A
204 -> . As
205 -> . The
206 -> . They
207 -> . He
208 -> . The
209 -> . I
210 -> . I
211 -> . THE
212 -> . When
213 -> . Scattered
214 -> . The
215 -> . There
216 -> . Strange
217 -> . As
218 -> . Its
219 -> . I
220 -> . Im
221 -> . I
222 -> . There
223 -> . Hes
224 -> . Keep
225 -> . The
226 -> . Every
227 -> . I
228 -> . I
229 -> . We
230 -> . The
231 -> . The
232 -> . Nearly
233 -> . Somebody
234 -> . I
235 -> . I
236 -> . For
237 -> . I
238 -> . I
239 -> . I
240 -> . But,
241 -> . Then
242 -> . A
243 -> . There
244 -> . I
245 -> . I
246 -> . I
247 -> . There
248 -> . I
249 -> . I
250 -> . I
251 -> . I
252 -> . A
253 -> . As
254 -> . Two
255 -> . The
256 -> . There
257 -> . The
258 -> . A
259 -> . Those
260 -> . The
261 -> . There
262 -> . Even
263 -> . Suddenly
264 -> . It
265 -> . I
266 -> . I
267 -> . There,
268 -> . The
269 -> . And
270 -> . It
271 -> . Now
272 -> . Suddenly
273 -> . I
274 -> . Everything
275 -> . Anyone
276 -> . The
277 -> . THE
278 -> . After
279 -> . I
280 -> . I
281 -> . I
282 -> . I
283 -> . Once
284 -> . What
285 -> . Evidently
286 -> . There
287 -> . One
288 -> . But
289 -> . What
290 -> . Good
291 -> . Did
292 -> . We
293 -> . Then
294 -> . The
295 -> . The
296 -> . The
297 -> . There
298 -> . It
299 -> . At
300 -> . Vertical
301 -> . I,
302 -> . Then
303 -> . I
304 -> . And
305 -> . This
306 -> . There
307 -> . Flutter,
308 -> . It
309 -> . This
310 -> . Suddenly
311 -> . This
312 -> . At
313 -> . Beyond
314 -> . As
315 -> . Then
316 -> . Slowly
317 -> . Forthwith
318 -> . It
319 -> . It
320 -> . Then,
321 -> . I
322 -> . All
323 -> . An
324 -> . And
325 -> . It
326 -> . I
327 -> . I
328 -> . Then
329 -> . Something
330 -> . Forth
331 -> . All
332 -> . Had
333 -> . But
334 -> . The
335 -> . It
336 -> . Overhead
337 -> . The
338 -> . The
339 -> . Patches
340 -> . Nothing
341 -> . The
342 -> . It
343 -> . Suddenly,
344 -> . With
345 -> . The
346 -> . Such
347 -> . Once
348 -> . I
349 -> . THE
350 -> . It
351 -> . Many
352 -> . This
353 -> . But
354 -> . However
355 -> . Heat,
356 -> . Whatever
357 -> . That
358 -> . The
359 -> . In
360 -> . You
361 -> . You
362 -> . As
363 -> . As
364 -> . By
365 -> . There
366 -> . There
367 -> . Stent
368 -> . After
369 -> . The
370 -> . But
371 -> . Only
372 -> . Had
373 -> . They
374 -> . Then,
375 -> . In
376 -> . Sparks
377 -> . Hats
378 -> . Then
379 -> . There
380 -> . Theyre
381 -> . They
382 -> . Where
383 -> . All
384 -> . HOW
385 -> . For
386 -> . All
387 -> . I
388 -> . At
389 -> . That
390 -> . I
391 -> . I
392 -> . I
393 -> . For
394 -> . My
395 -> . My
396 -> . A
397 -> . Now
398 -> . There
399 -> . I
400 -> . The
401 -> . I
402 -> . I
403 -> . My
404 -> . My
405 -> . I
406 -> . A
407 -> . Beside
408 -> . He
409 -> . I
410 -> . I
411 -> . Over
412 -> . A
413 -> . It
414 -> . And
415 -> . Perhaps
416 -> . I
417 -> . At
418 -> . This
419 -> . Here
420 -> . But
421 -> . There
422 -> . I
423 -> . What
424 -> . There
425 -> . Eh?
426 -> . What
427 -> . Aint
428 -> . People
429 -> . Whats
430 -> . Thenks;
431 -> . I
432 -> . I
433 -> . They
434 -> . Youll
435 -> . I
436 -> . I
437 -> . The
438 -> . There
439 -> . They
440 -> . But
441 -> . Poor
442 -> . To
443 -> . When
444 -> . They
445 -> . I
446 -> . They
447 -> . I
448 -> . In
449 -> . On
450 -> . A
451 -> . His
452 -> . That,
453 -> . Both
454 -> . The
455 -> . The
456 -> . And,
457 -> . But
458 -> . With
459 -> . They
460 -> . They
461 -> . Perhaps
462 -> . A
463 -> . The
464 -> . I
465 -> . My
466 -> . At
467 -> . So
468 -> . We
469 -> . I
470 -> . FRIDAY
471 -> . The
472 -> . If
473 -> . Many
474 -> . In
475 -> . Even
476 -> . I
477 -> . All
478 -> . Maybe
479 -> . Even
480 -> . In
481 -> . A
482 -> . The
483 -> . People
484 -> . It
485 -> . There
486 -> . There
487 -> . A
488 -> . One
489 -> . Save
490 -> . A
491 -> . So
492 -> . In
493 -> . But
494 -> . Around
495 -> . Here
496 -> . Beyond
497 -> . In
498 -> . The
499 -> . All
500 -> . About
501 -> . Later
502 -> . Several
503 -> . The
504 -> . The
505 -> . About
506 -> . A
507 -> . It
508 -> . This
509 -> . THE
510 -> . Saturday
511 -> . It
512 -> . I
513 -> . I
514 -> . The
515 -> . I
516 -> . He
517 -> . Then
518 -> . They
519 -> . I
520 -> . It
521 -> . My
522 -> . Its
523 -> . It
524 -> . He
525 -> . At
526 -> . They
527 -> . But
528 -> . This
529 -> . He
530 -> . The
531 -> . They
532 -> . After
533 -> . Under
534 -> . They
535 -> . I
536 -> . None
537 -> . They
538 -> . The
539 -> . I
540 -> . Crawl
541 -> . Get
542 -> . Whats
543 -> . Blow
544 -> . Aint
545 -> . I
546 -> . Octopuses,
547 -> . Talk
548 -> . Why
549 -> . You
550 -> . Wheres
551 -> . There
552 -> . Do
553 -> . So
554 -> . After
555 -> . But
556 -> . I
557 -> . The
558 -> . I
559 -> . The
560 -> . I
561 -> . About
562 -> . But
563 -> . The
564 -> . They
565 -> . Apparently
566 -> . Fresh
567 -> . A
568 -> . The
569 -> . I
570 -> . My
571 -> . It
572 -> . They
573 -> . About
574 -> . I
575 -> . It
576 -> . About
577 -> . Close
578 -> . The
579 -> . One
580 -> . I
581 -> . Then
582 -> . At
583 -> . Then
584 -> . We
585 -> . But
586 -> . I
587 -> . Then
588 -> . Leatherhead!
589 -> . She
590 -> . The
591 -> . How
592 -> . Down
593 -> . The
594 -> . Stop
595 -> . I
596 -> . I
597 -> . A
598 -> . I
599 -> . Ill
600 -> . What
601 -> . Lord!
602 -> . Two
603 -> . At
604 -> . I
605 -> . The
606 -> . While
607 -> . He
608 -> . He
609 -> . I
610 -> . A
611 -> . I
612 -> . I
613 -> . In
614 -> . In
615 -> . I
616 -> . At
617 -> . Thick
618 -> . The
619 -> . The
620 -> . And
621 -> . Apparently
622 -> . I
623 -> . When
624 -> . I
625 -> . I
626 -> . IN
627 -> . Leatherhead
628 -> . The
629 -> . The
630 -> . We
631 -> . My
632 -> . I
633 -> . Had
634 -> . Would
635 -> . For
636 -> . Something
637 -> . I
638 -> . I
639 -> . It
640 -> . The
641 -> . Overhead
642 -> . My
643 -> . Happily,
644 -> . My
645 -> . Then
646 -> . I
647 -> . At
648 -> . I
649 -> . As
650 -> . The
651 -> . Ripley
652 -> . They
653 -> . I
654 -> . From
655 -> . As
656 -> . Then
657 -> . Even
658 -> . I
659 -> . I
660 -> . It
661 -> . The
662 -> . A
663 -> . Once
664 -> . The
665 -> . The
666 -> . At
667 -> . At
668 -> . It
669 -> . And
670 -> . A
671 -> . Can
672 -> . But
673 -> . Then
674 -> . And
675 -> . Not
676 -> . I
677 -> . The
678 -> . In
679 -> . Seen
680 -> . Machine
681 -> . It
682 -> . Behind
683 -> . And
684 -> . So
685 -> . As
686 -> . I
687 -> . For
688 -> . A
689 -> . Now
690 -> . I
691 -> . It
692 -> . Not
693 -> . I
694 -> . I
695 -> . Under
696 -> . I
697 -> . It
698 -> . If
699 -> . But
700 -> . I
701 -> . I
702 -> . I
703 -> . There
704 -> . He
705 -> . So
706 -> . I
707 -> . Near
708 -> . Before
709 -> . I
710 -> . When
711 -> . Overcoming
712 -> . He
713 -> . Apparently
714 -> . The
715 -> . I
716 -> . It
717 -> . I
718 -> . I
719 -> . Nothing
720 -> . So
721 -> . By
722 -> . Down
723 -> . I
724 -> . My
725 -> . I
726 -> . AT
727 -> . I
728 -> . After
729 -> . I
730 -> . After
731 -> . The
732 -> . In
733 -> . The
734 -> . I
735 -> . The
736 -> . The
737 -> . Across
738 -> . It
739 -> . Every
740 -> . I
741 -> . Neither
742 -> . A
743 -> . I
744 -> . As
745 -> . There
746 -> . The
747 -> . Then
748 -> . Between
749 -> . It
750 -> . It
751 -> . At
752 -> . Later
753 -> . And
754 -> . With
755 -> . They
756 -> . I
757 -> . Were
758 -> . Or
759 -> . The
760 -> . I
761 -> . At
762 -> . Hist!
763 -> . He
764 -> . Then
765 -> . He
766 -> . Whos
767 -> . Where
768 -> . God
769 -> . Are
770 -> . Come
771 -> . I
772 -> . I
773 -> . He
774 -> . My
775 -> . What
776 -> . What
777 -> . They
778 -> . He
779 -> . Take
780 -> . He
781 -> . Then
782 -> . It
783 -> . He
784 -> . At
785 -> . Later
786 -> . The
787 -> . As
788 -> . At
789 -> . I
790 -> . Wed
791 -> . And
792 -> . Just
793 -> . He
794 -> . The
795 -> . Then
796 -> . A
797 -> . In
798 -> . The
799 -> . He
800 -> . The
801 -> . Then
802 -> . As
803 -> . The
804 -> . He
805 -> . There
806 -> . The
807 -> . It
808 -> . He
809 -> . He
810 -> . At
811 -> . Since
812 -> . People
813 -> . He
814 -> . That
815 -> . He
816 -> . He
817 -> . We
818 -> . As
819 -> . It
820 -> . I
821 -> . When
822 -> . In
823 -> . The
824 -> . Where
825 -> . Yet
826 -> . Never
827 -> . And
828 -> . It
829 -> . Beyond
830 -> . They
831 -> . WHAT
832 -> . As
833 -> . The
834 -> . He
835 -> . 12,
836 -> . My
837 -> . For
838 -> . Between
839 -> . Had
840 -> . But
841 -> . Thence
842 -> . I
843 -> . He
844 -> . Then
845 -> . The
846 -> . In
847 -> . At
848 -> . A
849 -> . Except
850 -> . The
851 -> . Yet,
852 -> . The
853 -> . We
854 -> . We
855 -> . The
856 -> . On
857 -> . In
858 -> . Hard
859 -> . There
860 -> . Even
861 -> . Once
862 -> . After
863 -> . We
864 -> . It
865 -> . You
866 -> . Whats
867 -> . The
868 -> . The
869 -> . Gun
870 -> . Have
871 -> . Trying
872 -> . Youll
873 -> . What
874 -> . Giants
875 -> . Hundred
876 -> . Three
877 -> . Get
878 -> . What
879 -> . They
880 -> . What
881 -> . Halfway
882 -> . I
883 -> . Its
884 -> . Well,
885 -> . Look
886 -> . Youd
887 -> . Hes
888 -> . Know
889 -> . Half
890 -> . At
891 -> . He
892 -> . Farther
893 -> . They
894 -> . They
895 -> . By
896 -> . We
897 -> . Several
898 -> . The
899 -> . The
900 -> . Thats
901 -> . They
902 -> . The
903 -> . I
904 -> . Farther
905 -> . Its
906 -> . They
907 -> . The
908 -> . Byfleet
909 -> . Three
910 -> . There
911 -> . The
912 -> . We
913 -> . I
914 -> . Do
915 -> . Eh?
916 -> . I
917 -> . Death!
918 -> . Death
919 -> . At
920 -> . The
921 -> . No
922 -> . Carts,
923 -> . The
924 -> . In
925 -> . I
926 -> . Patrols
927 -> . We
928 -> . The
929 -> . We
930 -> . Part
931 -> . The
932 -> . On
933 -> . Here
934 -> . As
935 -> . People
936 -> . One
937 -> . There
938 -> . The
939 -> . Every
940 -> . Across
941 -> . The
942 -> . The
943 -> . Three
944 -> . The
945 -> . Whats
946 -> . Then
947 -> . The
948 -> . Almost
949 -> . A
950 -> . Everyone
951 -> . Nothing
952 -> . The
953 -> . A
954 -> . Then
955 -> . Here
956 -> . Yonder!
957 -> . Little
958 -> . Then,
959 -> . Their
960 -> . One
961 -> . At
962 -> . There
963 -> . Then
964 -> . A
965 -> . A
966 -> . I
967 -> . The
968 -> . To
969 -> . I
970 -> . Others
971 -> . A
972 -> . The
973 -> . Then,
974 -> . The
975 -> . People
976 -> . But
977 -> . When,
978 -> . In
979 -> . The
980 -> . Forthwith
981 -> . The
982 -> . The
983 -> . I
984 -> . I
985 -> . Simultaneously
986 -> . The
987 -> . The
988 -> . Hit!
989 -> . I
990 -> . I
991 -> . The
992 -> . It
993 -> . The
994 -> . It
995 -> . It
996 -> . A
997 -> . As
998 -> . In
999 -> . I
1000 -> . For
1001 -> . I
1002 -> . Half
1003 -> . The
1004 -> . Thick
1005 -> . The
1006 -> . Enormous
1007 -> . My
1008 -> . A
1009 -> . Looking
1010 -> . The
1011 -> . At
1012 -> . The
1013 -> . When
1014 -> . The
1015 -> . Then
1016 -> . They
1017 -> . The
1018 -> . The
1019 -> . The
1020 -> . Dense
1021 -> . The
1022 -> . For
1023 -> . Through
1024 -> . Then
1025 -> . The
1026 -> . The
1027 -> . It
1028 -> . I
1029 -> . In
1030 -> . I
1031 -> . Had
1032 -> . I
1033 -> . I
1034 -> . I
1035 -> . And
1036 -> . HOW
1037 -> . After
1038 -> . Had
1039 -> . But
1040 -> . Cylinder
1041 -> . And
1042 -> . Every
1043 -> . And
1044 -> . But
1045 -> . It
1046 -> . Over
1047 -> . They
1048 -> . And
1049 -> . I
1050 -> . There
1051 -> . I
1052 -> . The
1053 -> . Once,
1054 -> . Halliford,
1055 -> . It
1056 -> . Never
1057 -> . A
1058 -> . For
1059 -> . Then
1060 -> . The
1061 -> . At
1062 -> . I
1063 -> . I
1064 -> . I
1065 -> . I
1066 -> . It
1067 -> . I
1068 -> . I
1069 -> . The
1070 -> . I
1071 -> . Have
1072 -> . He
1073 -> . You
1074 -> . For
1075 -> . I
1076 -> . His
1077 -> . He
1078 -> . What
1079 -> . What
1080 -> . He
1081 -> . Why
1082 -> . He
1083 -> . For
1084 -> . I
1085 -> . And
1086 -> . Presently
1087 -> . All
1088 -> . The
1089 -> . Gone!
1090 -> . The
1091 -> . His
1092 -> . By
1093 -> . The
1094 -> . Are
1095 -> . What
1096 -> . Are
1097 -> . You
1098 -> . There
1099 -> . Hope!
1100 -> . Plentiful
1101 -> . He
1102 -> . This
1103 -> . The
1104 -> . I
1105 -> . Be
1106 -> . You
1107 -> . For
1108 -> . But
1109 -> . They
1110 -> . Neither
1111 -> . And
1112 -> . One
1113 -> . Killed!
1114 -> . How
1115 -> . I
1116 -> . We
1117 -> . What
1118 -> . I
1119 -> . We
1120 -> . That
1121 -> . Yonder,
1122 -> . Presently
1123 -> . And
1124 -> . Listen!
1125 -> . From
1126 -> . Then
1127 -> . A
1128 -> . High
1129 -> . We
1130 -> . IN
1131 -> . My
1132 -> . He
1133 -> . The
1134 -> . The
1135 -> . The
1136 -> . Probably
1137 -> . On
1138 -> . Of
1139 -> . The
1140 -> . They
1141 -> . Then
1142 -> . Jamess
1143 -> . This
1144 -> . Nothing
1145 -> . My
1146 -> . He
1147 -> . He
1148 -> . In
1149 -> . On
1150 -> . The
1151 -> . There
1152 -> . They
1153 -> . A
1154 -> . Few
1155 -> . I
1156 -> . As
1157 -> . Plenty
1158 -> . Those
1159 -> . The
1160 -> . The
1161 -> . No
1162 -> . Maxims
1163 -> . Flying
1164 -> . The
1165 -> . Great
1166 -> . That
1167 -> . No
1168 -> . None
1169 -> . The
1170 -> . But
1171 -> . It
1172 -> . My
1173 -> . There
1174 -> . Coming
1175 -> . He
1176 -> . The
1177 -> . People
1178 -> . At
1179 -> . The
1180 -> . My
1181 -> . Theres
1182 -> . The
1183 -> . Quite
1184 -> . One
1185 -> . It
1186 -> . One
1187 -> . A
1188 -> . Theres
1189 -> . They
1190 -> . We
1191 -> . What
1192 -> . Afterwards
1193 -> . Everyone
1194 -> . About
1195 -> . These
1196 -> . There
1197 -> . A
1198 -> . The
1199 -> . On
1200 -> . The
1201 -> . There
1202 -> . One
1203 -> . In
1204 -> . Dreadful
1205 -> . Fighting
1206 -> . Then
1207 -> . He
1208 -> . They
1209 -> . Masked
1210 -> . Five
1211 -> . In
1212 -> . Heavy
1213 -> . The
1214 -> . They
1215 -> . Signallers
1216 -> . Guns
1217 -> . Altogether
1218 -> . Never
1219 -> . Any
1220 -> . No
1221 -> . No
1222 -> . The
1223 -> . And
1224 -> . The
1225 -> . And
1226 -> . This
1227 -> . It
1228 -> . All
1229 -> . Men
1230 -> . Certainly
1231 -> . The
1232 -> . Going
1233 -> . There
1234 -> . He
1235 -> . The
1236 -> . People
1237 -> . They
1238 -> . Some
1239 -> . He
1240 -> . My
1241 -> . He
1242 -> . He
1243 -> . Some
1244 -> . One
1245 -> . Boilers
1246 -> . Most
1247 -> . Beyond
1248 -> . At
1249 -> . They
1250 -> . My
1251 -> . None
1252 -> . I
1253 -> . Then
1254 -> . We
1255 -> . Then
1256 -> . So
1257 -> . At
1258 -> . About
1259 -> . My
1260 -> . He
1261 -> . He
1262 -> . His
1263 -> . He
1264 -> . There
1265 -> . The
1266 -> . He
1267 -> . He
1268 -> . He
1269 -> . He
1270 -> . Red
1271 -> . For
1272 -> . Then
1273 -> . His
1274 -> . Enquiries
1275 -> . They
1276 -> . The
1277 -> . There
1278 -> . Up
1279 -> . Close
1280 -> . For
1281 -> . Then
1282 -> . What
1283 -> . A
1284 -> . People
1285 -> . What
1286 -> . My
1287 -> . And
1288 -> . Pancras,
1289 -> . Johns
1290 -> . It
1291 -> . London,
1292 -> . Unable
1293 -> . The
1294 -> . Black
1295 -> . As
1296 -> . The
1297 -> . And
1298 -> . They
1299 -> . It
1300 -> . There
1301 -> . The
1302 -> . Black
1303 -> . Fire!
1304 -> . Sickly
1305 -> . And
1306 -> . He
1307 -> . His
1308 -> . As
1309 -> . WHAT
1310 -> . It
1311 -> . So
1312 -> . But
1313 -> . These
1314 -> . They
1315 -> . It
1316 -> . Georges
1317 -> . The
1318 -> . The
1319 -> . Georges
1320 -> . Hidden
1321 -> . They
1322 -> . The
1323 -> . Everybody
1324 -> . The
1325 -> . It
1326 -> . The
1327 -> . The
1328 -> . After
1329 -> . The
1330 -> . About
1331 -> . It
1332 -> . A
1333 -> . Georges
1334 -> . A
1335 -> . At
1336 -> . They
1337 -> . At
1338 -> . He
1339 -> . The
1340 -> . The
1341 -> . It
1342 -> . Never
1343 -> . To
1344 -> . Georges
1345 -> . But
1346 -> . The
1347 -> . The
1348 -> . No
1349 -> . Did
1350 -> . A
1351 -> . And
1352 -> . Had
1353 -> . Another
1354 -> . And
1355 -> . The
1356 -> . There
1357 -> . I
1358 -> . As
1359 -> . I
1360 -> . But
1361 -> . And
1362 -> . The
1363 -> . What
1364 -> . Heaven
1365 -> . A
1366 -> . A
1367 -> . I
1368 -> . Every
1369 -> . The
1370 -> . By
1371 -> . Towards
1372 -> . These
1373 -> . Moved
1374 -> . Everything
1375 -> . Far
1376 -> . But
1377 -> . Now
1378 -> . Each
1379 -> . Some
1380 -> . These
1381 -> . And
1382 -> . It
1383 -> . And
1384 -> . The
1385 -> . The
1386 -> . It
1387 -> . Save
1388 -> . Once
1389 -> . The
1390 -> . For
1391 -> . But
1392 -> . As
1393 -> . This
1394 -> . From
1395 -> . These
1396 -> . Then
1397 -> . Before
1398 -> . So,
1399 -> . The
1400 -> . All
1401 -> . Never
1402 -> . Georges
1403 -> . Wherever
1404 -> . By
1405 -> . And
1406 -> . They
1407 -> . In
1408 -> . Sunday
1409 -> . After
1410 -> . Even
1411 -> . The
1412 -> . One
1413 -> . Survivors
1414 -> . One
1415 -> . One
1416 -> . And
1417 -> . Before
1418 -> . THE
1419 -> . So
1420 -> . By
1421 -> . All
1422 -> . People
1423 -> . By
1424 -> . And
1425 -> . By
1426 -> . Another
1427 -> . After
1428 -> . The
1429 -> . The
1430 -> . So
1431 -> . Along
1432 -> . He
1433 -> . A
1434 -> . He
1435 -> . There
1436 -> . He
1437 -> . For
1438 -> . The
1439 -> . Many
1440 -> . There
1441 -> . At
1442 -> . Most
1443 -> . Albans.
1444 -> . It
1445 -> . Presently
1446 -> . He
1447 -> . He
1448 -> . He
1449 -> . He
1450 -> . One
1451 -> . My
1452 -> . One
1453 -> . It
1454 -> . He
1455 -> . Partly
1456 -> . The
1457 -> . Then,
1458 -> . Suddenly
1459 -> . He
1460 -> . It
1461 -> . She
1462 -> . The
1463 -> . They
1464 -> . Take
1465 -> . Go
1466 -> . She
1467 -> . The
1468 -> . When
1469 -> . Ill
1470 -> . The
1471 -> . Give
1472 -> . In
1473 -> . So,
1474 -> . He
1475 -> . He
1476 -> . He
1477 -> . He
1478 -> . They
1479 -> . That
1480 -> . He
1481 -> . They
1482 -> . He
1483 -> . The
1484 -> . Several
1485 -> . Every
1486 -> . He
1487 -> . We
1488 -> . Her
1489 -> . So
1490 -> . She
1491 -> . Albans
1492 -> . My
1493 -> . Mrs.
1494 -> . Elphinstone
1495 -> . So,
1496 -> . As
1497 -> . The
1498 -> . And
1499 -> . They
1500 -> . For
1501 -> . One
1502 -> . They
1503 -> . His
1504 -> . As
1505 -> . Then
1506 -> . There
1507 -> . Thisll
1508 -> . My
1509 -> . Mrs.
1510 -> . Elphinstone
1511 -> . The
1512 -> . The
1513 -> . Good
1514 -> . Elphinstone.
1515 -> . What
1516 -> . For
1517 -> . A
1518 -> . Way!
1519 -> . Make
1520 -> . And,
1521 -> . Two
1522 -> . Then
1523 -> . A
1524 -> . So
1525 -> . Go
1526 -> . Way!
1527 -> . My
1528 -> . Irresistibly
1529 -> . Edgware
1530 -> . It
1531 -> . It
1532 -> . The
1533 -> . Along
1534 -> . The
1535 -> . Push
1536 -> . Push
1537 -> . Some
1538 -> . The
1539 -> . There
1540 -> . Pancras,
1541 -> . A
1542 -> . Clear
1543 -> . Clear
1544 -> . There
1545 -> . With
1546 -> . Fighting
1547 -> . There
1548 -> . But
1549 -> . There
1550 -> . A
1551 -> . The
1552 -> . Their
1553 -> . They
1554 -> . And
1555 -> . Through
1556 -> . The
1557 -> . Yet
1558 -> . A
1559 -> . He
1560 -> . A
1561 -> . I
1562 -> . So
1563 -> . Ellen!
1564 -> . Out
1565 -> . The
1566 -> . My
1567 -> . It
1568 -> . My
1569 -> . One
1570 -> . Where
1571 -> . He
1572 -> . It
1573 -> . Lord
1574 -> . There
1575 -> . We
1576 -> . I
1577 -> . The
1578 -> . Go
1579 -> . They
1580 -> . They
1581 -> . The
1582 -> . He
1583 -> . Way!
1584 -> . Make
1585 -> . A
1586 -> . Stop!
1587 -> . Before
1588 -> . The
1589 -> . The
1590 -> . The
1591 -> . My
1592 -> . Get
1593 -> . But
1594 -> . Go
1595 -> . Way!
1596 -> . My
1597 -> . There
1598 -> . A
1599 -> . He
1600 -> . He
1601 -> . He
1602 -> . Let
1603 -> . We
1604 -> . As
1605 -> . The
1606 -> . Then
1607 -> . Miss
1608 -> . My
1609 -> . So
1610 -> . He
1611 -> . We
1612 -> . For
1613 -> . To
1614 -> . A
1615 -> . In
1616 -> . My
1617 -> . Point
1618 -> . No!
1619 -> . Then
1620 -> . But
1621 -> . They
1622 -> . It
1623 -> . They
1624 -> . And
1625 -> . My
1626 -> . Near
1627 -> . They
1628 -> . And
1629 -> . THE
1630 -> . Had
1631 -> . Not
1632 -> . If
1633 -> . I
1634 -> . Never
1635 -> . The
1636 -> . And
1637 -> . It
1638 -> . Directly
1639 -> . Over
1640 -> . Steadily,
1641 -> . And
1642 -> . They
1643 -> . They
1644 -> . They
1645 -> . They
1646 -> . It
1647 -> . Certain
1648 -> . Until
1649 -> . Steamboats
1650 -> . About
1651 -> . At
1652 -> . People
1653 -> . When,
1654 -> . Of
1655 -> . The
1656 -> . My
1657 -> . On
1658 -> . The
1659 -> . They
1660 -> . But
1661 -> . That
1662 -> . As
1663 -> . Farmers
1664 -> . A
1665 -> . These
1666 -> . He
1667 -> . He
1668 -> . Albans
1669 -> . There
1670 -> . But
1671 -> . Nor,
1672 -> . That
1673 -> . It
1674 -> . She
1675 -> . On
1676 -> . Here
1677 -> . People
1678 -> . My
1679 -> . By
1680 -> . Near
1681 -> . For
1682 -> . They
1683 -> . Close
1684 -> . About
1685 -> . This
1686 -> . It
1687 -> . At
1688 -> . Elphinstone,
1689 -> . She
1690 -> . She
1691 -> . She
1692 -> . Her
1693 -> . Things
1694 -> . They
1695 -> . It
1696 -> . They
1697 -> . The
1698 -> . It
1699 -> . There
1700 -> . There
1701 -> . He
1702 -> . As
1703 -> . A
1704 -> . Some
1705 -> . At
1706 -> . But
1707 -> . He
1708 -> . The
1709 -> . At
1710 -> . Every
1711 -> . It
1712 -> . Then,
1713 -> . They
1714 -> . In
1715 -> . Glancing
1716 -> . He
1717 -> . And
1718 -> . There
1719 -> . The
1720 -> . He
1721 -> . A
1722 -> . When
1723 -> . Big
1724 -> . It
1725 -> . Keeping
1726 -> . Thus
1727 -> . It
1728 -> . To
1729 -> . The
1730 -> . It
1731 -> . They
1732 -> . One
1733 -> . She
1734 -> . Suddenly
1735 -> . It
1736 -> . To
1737 -> . They
1738 -> . He
1739 -> . It
1740 -> . A
1741 -> . In
1742 -> . The
1743 -> . But
1744 -> . At
1745 -> . And
1746 -> . For,
1747 -> . She
1748 -> . She
1749 -> . Then
1750 -> . The
1751 -> . My
1752 -> . A
1753 -> . Two!
1754 -> . Everyone
1755 -> . The
1756 -> . The
1757 -> . And
1758 -> . But
1759 -> . The
1760 -> . The
1761 -> . After
1762 -> . The
1763 -> . Then
1764 -> . Everyone
1765 -> . A
1766 -> . The
1767 -> . The
1768 -> . It
1769 -> . My
1770 -> . Something
1771 -> . And
1772 -> . UNDER
1773 -> . In
1774 -> . There
1775 -> . We
1776 -> . We
1777 -> . My
1778 -> . I
1779 -> . I
1780 -> . My
1781 -> . What
1782 -> . My
1783 -> . Such
1784 -> . I
1785 -> . After
1786 -> . When
1787 -> . We
1788 -> . There
1789 -> . But
1790 -> . We
1791 -> . The
1792 -> . A
1793 -> . When
1794 -> . Looking
1795 -> . For
1796 -> . But
1797 -> . So
1798 -> . But
1799 -> . We
1800 -> . I
1801 -> . I
1802 -> . When
1803 -> . And
1804 -> . In
1805 -> . That
1806 -> . We
1807 -> . We
1808 -> . These
1809 -> . Away
1810 -> . Twickenham
1811 -> . For
1812 -> . I
1813 -> . Here
1814 -> . I
1815 -> . We
1816 -> . We
1817 -> . I
1818 -> . Here
1819 -> . We
1820 -> . Up
1821 -> . Then
1822 -> . We
1823 -> . We
1824 -> . There
1825 -> . But
1826 -> . I
1827 -> . The
1828 -> . That
1829 -> . For
1830 -> . No
1831 -> . Four
1832 -> . In
1833 -> . He
1834 -> . Apparently
1835 -> . It
1836 -> . We
1837 -> . I
1838 -> . In
1839 -> . Sheen,
1840 -> . Here
1841 -> . In
1842 -> . The
1843 -> . There
1844 -> . We
1845 -> . Here
1846 -> . I
1847 -> . Bottled
1848 -> . This
1849 -> . We
1850 -> . The
1851 -> . It
1852 -> . Everything
1853 -> . And
1854 -> . So
1855 -> . I
1856 -> . I
1857 -> . For
1858 -> . Then
1859 -> . A
1860 -> . Are
1861 -> . At
1862 -> . I
1863 -> . Dont
1864 -> . The
1865 -> . You
1866 -> . We
1867 -> . Everything
1868 -> . Outside
1869 -> . That!
1870 -> . Yes,
1871 -> . But
1872 -> . I
1873 -> . It
1874 -> . Our
1875 -> . And
1876 -> . The
1877 -> . The
1878 -> . Outside,
1879 -> . At
1880 -> . The
1881 -> . Contrasting
1882 -> . As
1883 -> . At
1884 -> . Abruptly
1885 -> . The
1886 -> . Save
1887 -> . I
1888 -> . Outside
1889 -> . These
1890 -> . Presently
1891 -> . Once
1892 -> . For
1893 -> . At
1894 -> . I
1895 -> . My
1896 -> . I
1897 -> . He
1898 -> . WHAT
1899 -> . After
1900 -> . The
1901 -> . I
1902 -> . It
1903 -> . His
1904 -> . I
1905 -> . Through
1906 -> . For
1907 -> . I
1908 -> . I
1909 -> . Then
1910 -> . The
1911 -> . Vast,
1912 -> . The
1913 -> . The
1914 -> . The
1915 -> . The
1916 -> . It
1917 -> . Our
1918 -> . Over
1919 -> . The
1920 -> . The
1921 -> . At
1922 -> . The
1923 -> . It
1924 -> . As
1925 -> . Most
1926 -> . These,
1927 -> . Its
1928 -> . The
1929 -> . People
1930 -> . I
1931 -> . The
1932 -> . He
1933 -> . The
1934 -> . They
1935 -> . To
1936 -> . At
1937 -> . But
1938 -> . With
1939 -> . Already
1940 -> . Moreover,
1941 -> . They
1942 -> . They
1943 -> . This
1944 -> . In
1945 -> . In
1946 -> . These
1947 -> . Even
1948 -> . There
1949 -> . The
1950 -> . The
1951 -> . Besides
1952 -> . The
1953 -> . And
1954 -> . Strange
1955 -> . They
1956 -> . Entrails
1957 -> . They
1958 -> . Instead,
1959 -> . I
1960 -> . But,
1961 -> . Let
1962 -> . The
1963 -> . The
1964 -> . Our
1965 -> . The
1966 -> . Men
1967 -> . But
1968 -> . Their
1969 -> . These
1970 -> . Two
1971 -> . It
1972 -> . And
1973 -> . In
1974 -> . Their
1975 -> . Since
1976 -> . They
1977 -> . On
1978 -> . In
1979 -> . In
1980 -> . A
1981 -> . In
1982 -> . Among
1983 -> . On
1984 -> . It
1985 -> . His
1986 -> . He
1987 -> . The
1988 -> . Only
1989 -> . While
1990 -> . There
1991 -> . To
1992 -> . Without
1993 -> . The
1994 -> . Micro
1995 -> . A
1996 -> . And
1997 -> . Apparently
1998 -> . At
1999 -> . Only
2000 -> . The
2001 -> . For
2002 -> . It
2003 -> . And
2004 -> . The
2005 -> . It
2006 -> . Now
2007 -> . I
2008 -> . And
2009 -> . Their
2010 -> . I
2011 -> . And
2012 -> . Before
2013 -> . The
2014 -> . Their
2015 -> . Yet
2016 -> . We
2017 -> . They
2018 -> . And
2019 -> . One
2020 -> . And
2021 -> . And
2022 -> . Almost
2023 -> . And
2024 -> . In
2025 -> . Such
2026 -> . It
2027 -> . While
2028 -> . I
2029 -> . He
2030 -> . When
2031 -> . This
2032 -> . It
2033 -> . So
2034 -> . THE
2035 -> . The
2036 -> . At
2037 -> . Yet
2038 -> . And
2039 -> . We
2040 -> . The
2041 -> . At
2042 -> . His
2043 -> . He
2044 -> . He
2045 -> . And
2046 -> . He
2047 -> . He
2048 -> . He
2049 -> . As
2050 -> . That
2051 -> . But
2052 -> . It
2053 -> . Those
2054 -> . But
2055 -> . And
2056 -> . Let
2057 -> . After
2058 -> . These
2059 -> . The
2060 -> . This
2061 -> . The
2062 -> . With
2063 -> . Another
2064 -> . From
2065 -> . As
2066 -> . In
2067 -> . Between
2068 -> . The
2069 -> . The
2070 -> . I
2071 -> . He
2072 -> . He
2073 -> . His
2074 -> . At
2075 -> . The
2076 -> . The
2077 -> . Over
2078 -> . The
2079 -> . And
2080 -> . I
2081 -> . As
2082 -> . And
2083 -> . Then
2084 -> . For
2085 -> . He
2086 -> . I
2087 -> . He
2088 -> . And
2089 -> . I
2090 -> . The
2091 -> . That
2092 -> . The
2093 -> . Practically
2094 -> . But
2095 -> . It
2096 -> . Our
2097 -> . Or
2098 -> . I
2099 -> . And
2100 -> . The
2101 -> . It
2102 -> . It
2103 -> . After
2104 -> . I
2105 -> . I
2106 -> . And
2107 -> . It
2108 -> . But
2109 -> . It
2110 -> . The
2111 -> . Except
2112 -> . That
2113 -> . I
2114 -> . Then
2115 -> . Six
2116 -> . And
2117 -> . THE
2118 -> . It
2119 -> . Instead
2120 -> . I
2121 -> . I
2122 -> . In
2123 -> . I
2124 -> . For
2125 -> . The
2126 -> . We
2127 -> . In
2128 -> . I
2129 -> . I
2130 -> . In
2131 -> . I
2132 -> . All
2133 -> . It
2134 -> . And
2135 -> . For
2136 -> . There
2137 -> . But
2138 -> . He
2139 -> . The
2140 -> . Slowly
2141 -> . From
2142 -> . I
2143 -> . It
2144 -> . On
2145 -> . It
2146 -> . It
2147 -> . On
2148 -> . We
2149 -> . There
2150 -> . I
2151 -> . Oppressors
2152 -> . He
2153 -> . He
2154 -> . For
2155 -> . I
2156 -> . But
2157 -> . He
2158 -> . Then
2159 -> . Be
2160 -> . He
2161 -> . I
2162 -> . Woe
2163 -> . For
2164 -> . Speak!
2165 -> . I
2166 -> . I
2167 -> . In
2168 -> . I
2169 -> . Before
2170 -> . With
2171 -> . He
2172 -> . I
2173 -> . He
2174 -> . Suddenly
2175 -> . I
2176 -> . One
2177 -> . I
2178 -> . Then
2179 -> . I
2180 -> . The
2181 -> . For
2182 -> . Then,
2183 -> . I
2184 -> . I
2185 -> . Had
2186 -> . Then
2187 -> . Irresistibly
2188 -> . In
2189 -> . I
2190 -> . I
2191 -> . Every
2192 -> . Then
2193 -> . I
2194 -> . Presently
2195 -> . I
2196 -> . I
2197 -> . It
2198 -> . An
2199 -> . In
2200 -> . It
2201 -> . Once,
2202 -> . I
2203 -> . For
2204 -> . I
2205 -> . Presently,
2206 -> . For
2207 -> . Apparently
2208 -> . I
2209 -> . I
2210 -> . Then
2211 -> . Slowly,
2212 -> . While
2213 -> . I
2214 -> . Then
2215 -> . Had
2216 -> . It
2217 -> . It
2218 -> . THE
2219 -> . My
2220 -> . But
2221 -> . Apparently,
2222 -> . At
2223 -> . I
2224 -> . At
2225 -> . I
2226 -> . My
2227 -> . I
2228 -> . I
2229 -> . On
2230 -> . I
2231 -> . During
2232 -> . On
2233 -> . Whenever
2234 -> . The
2235 -> . To
2236 -> . On
2237 -> . It
2238 -> . Going
2239 -> . This
2240 -> . At
2241 -> . I
2242 -> . I
2243 -> . I
2244 -> . I
2245 -> . For
2246 -> . Once
2247 -> . At
2248 -> . Except
2249 -> . I
2250 -> . All
2251 -> . Save
2252 -> . Slowly
2253 -> . I
2254 -> . The
2255 -> . My
2256 -> . I
2257 -> . I
2258 -> . I
2259 -> . To
2260 -> . When
2261 -> . Now
2262 -> . The
2263 -> . The
2264 -> . The
2265 -> . Below
2266 -> . A
2267 -> . Far
2268 -> . The
2269 -> . A
2270 -> . And
2271 -> . THE
2272 -> . For
2273 -> . Within
2274 -> . I
2275 -> . I
2276 -> . For
2277 -> . I
2278 -> . I
2279 -> . With
2280 -> . But
2281 -> . In
2282 -> . This
2283 -> . The
2284 -> . The
2285 -> . So
2286 -> . Here
2287 -> . Some
2288 -> . These
2289 -> . At
2290 -> . Directly
2291 -> . Its
2292 -> . At
2293 -> . As
2294 -> . In
2295 -> . A
2296 -> . Now
2297 -> . The
2298 -> . They
2299 -> . My
2300 -> . I
2301 -> . I
2302 -> . I
2303 -> . Here
2304 -> . The
2305 -> . I
2306 -> . I
2307 -> . All
2308 -> . I
2309 -> . Near
2310 -> . But
2311 -> . After
2312 -> . And
2313 -> . From
2314 -> . The
2315 -> . And
2316 -> . It
2317 -> . For
2318 -> . Hard
2319 -> . As
2320 -> . The
2321 -> . Perhaps
2322 -> . THE
2323 -> . I
2324 -> . I
2325 -> . The
2326 -> . In
2327 -> . The
2328 -> . I
2329 -> . Before
2330 -> . I
2331 -> . As
2332 -> . During
2333 -> . But
2334 -> . Three
2335 -> . The
2336 -> . I
2337 -> . I
2338 -> . In
2339 -> . I
2340 -> . We
2341 -> . Had
2342 -> . But
2343 -> . And
2344 -> . There
2345 -> . But
2346 -> . And
2347 -> . For
2348 -> . And
2349 -> . I
2350 -> . I
2351 -> . Since
2352 -> . I
2353 -> . Strange
2354 -> . Perhaps
2355 -> . Surely,
2356 -> . The
2357 -> . In
2358 -> . There
2359 -> . My
2360 -> . I
2361 -> . Certainly,
2362 -> . I
2363 -> . I
2364 -> . From
2365 -> . That
2366 -> . I
2367 -> . I
2368 -> . And
2369 -> . I
2370 -> . I
2371 -> . I
2372 -> . He
2373 -> . As
2374 -> . Nearer,
2375 -> . His
2376 -> . There
2377 -> . Stop!
2378 -> . His
2379 -> . Where
2380 -> . I
2381 -> . I
2382 -> . I
2383 -> . I
2384 -> . There
2385 -> . This
2386 -> . All
2387 -> . There
2388 -> . Which
2389 -> . I
2390 -> . I
2391 -> . I
2392 -> . He
2393 -> . Ive
2394 -> . I
2395 -> . He
2396 -> . It
2397 -> . And
2398 -> . You
2399 -> . Good
2400 -> . We
2401 -> . I
2402 -> . But
2403 -> . And
2404 -> . But
2405 -> . He
2406 -> . Only
2407 -> . One
2408 -> . This
2409 -> . Let
2410 -> . Have
2411 -> . Since
2412 -> . I
2413 -> . Of
2414 -> . Its
2415 -> . By
2416 -> . But
2417 -> . Then
2418 -> . And
2419 -> . I
2420 -> . I
2421 -> . Fly!
2422 -> . I
2423 -> . It
2424 -> . If
2425 -> . He
2426 -> . They
2427 -> . But
2428 -> . And
2429 -> . Arent
2430 -> . Were
2431 -> . I
2432 -> . Strange
2433 -> . I
2434 -> . He
2435 -> . They
2436 -> . Its
2437 -> . Theyve
2438 -> . And
2439 -> . Theyve
2440 -> . The
2441 -> . And
2442 -> . They
2443 -> . These
2444 -> . Nothings
2445 -> . Were
2446 -> . I
2447 -> . This
2448 -> . It
2449 -> . Suddenly
2450 -> . After
2451 -> . How
2452 -> . I
2453 -> . He
2454 -> . Something
2455 -> . But
2456 -> . And
2457 -> . Theres
2458 -> . Thats
2459 -> . Only
2460 -> . Were
2461 -> . We
2462 -> . And
2463 -> . Thats
2464 -> . After
2465 -> . I
2466 -> . Most
2467 -> . But
2468 -> . Ive
2469 -> . And
2470 -> . I
2471 -> . Says
2472 -> . I
2473 -> . All
2474 -> . He
2475 -> . No
2476 -> . He
2477 -> . Canned
2478 -> . Well,
2479 -> . First,
2480 -> . All
2481 -> . If
2482 -> . But
2483 -> . Its
2484 -> . Thats
2485 -> . Eh?
2486 -> . It
2487 -> . Very
2488 -> . A
2489 -> . And
2490 -> . But
2491 -> . So
2492 -> . Thats
2493 -> . Lord!
2494 -> . Dont
2495 -> . Not
2496 -> . All
2497 -> . And
2498 -> . They
2499 -> . Theyre
2500 -> . Very
2501 -> . And
2502 -> . Thats
2503 -> . It
2504 -> . And
2505 -> . Cities,
2506 -> . That
2507 -> . Were
2508 -> . But
2509 -> . There
2510 -> . If
2511 -> . If
2512 -> . They
2513 -> . You
2514 -> . I
2515 -> . And
2516 -> . We
2517 -> . And
2518 -> . Ugh!
2519 -> . Im
2520 -> . Ive
2521 -> . We
2522 -> . We
2523 -> . Weve
2524 -> . And
2525 -> . See!
2526 -> . I
2527 -> . Great
2528 -> . But
2529 -> . Eh!
2530 -> . Ive
2531 -> . Well,
2532 -> . Im
2533 -> . Mind
2534 -> . Thats
2535 -> . I
2536 -> . Youre
2537 -> . I
2538 -> . All
2539 -> . They
2540 -> . Lives
2541 -> . And
2542 -> . As
2543 -> . Nice
2544 -> . After
2545 -> . Theyll
2546 -> . Theyll
2547 -> . And
2548 -> . I
2549 -> . Therell
2550 -> . Theres
2551 -> . Theres
2552 -> . Now
2553 -> . Very
2554 -> . Its
2555 -> . These
2556 -> . And
2557 -> . He
2558 -> . Very
2559 -> . And
2560 -> . No,
2561 -> . Theres
2562 -> . What
2563 -> . If
2564 -> . I
2565 -> . I
2566 -> . In
2567 -> . What
2568 -> . What
2569 -> . Well,
2570 -> . What
2571 -> . Yes
2572 -> . The
2573 -> . You
2574 -> . Ive
2575 -> . Of
2576 -> . The
2577 -> . Then
2578 -> . And
2579 -> . Eh?
2580 -> . Were
2581 -> . Weaklings
2582 -> . As
2583 -> . Go
2584 -> . Those
2585 -> . Able
2586 -> . No
2587 -> . We
2588 -> . Life
2589 -> . They
2590 -> . They
2591 -> . Its
2592 -> . And
2593 -> . Moreover,
2594 -> . And
2595 -> . Our
2596 -> . And
2597 -> . Play
2598 -> . Thats
2599 -> . Eh?
2600 -> . As
2601 -> . Its
2602 -> . There
2603 -> . Theres
2604 -> . We
2605 -> . Thats
2606 -> . We
2607 -> . Especially
2608 -> . We
2609 -> . Some
2610 -> . When
2611 -> . Get
2612 -> . And
2613 -> . We
2614 -> . If
2615 -> . We
2616 -> . Yes,
2617 -> . But
2618 -> . The
2619 -> . After
2620 -> . Not
2621 -> . It
2622 -> . Fancy
2623 -> . And
2624 -> . For
2625 -> . I
2626 -> . We
2627 -> . It
2628 -> . Such
2629 -> . But
2630 -> . We
2631 -> . We
2632 -> . I
2633 -> . As
2634 -> . After
2635 -> . My
2636 -> . It
2637 -> . And
2638 -> . Were
2639 -> . He
2640 -> . Let
2641 -> . I
2642 -> . I
2643 -> . I
2644 -> . Why
2645 -> . I
2646 -> . Its
2647 -> . But
2648 -> . He
2649 -> . We
2650 -> . I
2651 -> . We
2652 -> . No
2653 -> . From
2654 -> . The
2655 -> . It
2656 -> . About
2657 -> . Beyond
2658 -> . The
2659 -> . One
2660 -> . A
2661 -> . And
2662 -> . Heaven
2663 -> . It
2664 -> . He
2665 -> . Grotesque
2666 -> . He
2667 -> . He
2668 -> . But
2669 -> . And
2670 -> . After
2671 -> . Neither
2672 -> . He
2673 -> . We
2674 -> . He
2675 -> . Theres
2676 -> . We
2677 -> . No,
2678 -> . Champagne!
2679 -> . Look
2680 -> . He
2681 -> . Grotesque
2682 -> . Strange
2683 -> . Afterwards
2684 -> . When
2685 -> . After
2686 -> . We
2687 -> . He
2688 -> . He
2689 -> . I
2690 -> . I
2691 -> . At
2692 -> . The
2693 -> . All
2694 -> . Then,
2695 -> . For
2696 -> . With
2697 -> . I
2698 -> . I
2699 -> . I
2700 -> . I
2701 -> . I
2702 -> . My
2703 -> . I
2704 -> . I
2705 -> . There,
2706 -> . I
2707 -> . DEAD
2708 -> . After
2709 -> . The
2710 -> . At
2711 -> . He
2712 -> . I
2713 -> . I
2714 -> . There
2715 -> . The
2716 -> . I
2717 -> . Some
2718 -> . Going
2719 -> . Here
2720 -> . I
2721 -> . They
2722 -> . The
2723 -> . One
2724 -> . Where
2725 -> . In
2726 -> . A
2727 -> . I
2728 -> . Farther
2729 -> . She
2730 -> . The
2731 -> . But
2732 -> . At
2733 -> . It
2734 -> . In
2735 -> . It
2736 -> . It
2737 -> . It
2738 -> . When
2739 -> . It
2740 -> . I
2741 -> . It
2742 -> . Ulla,
2743 -> . I
2744 -> . I
2745 -> . But
2746 -> . All
2747 -> . At
2748 -> . I
2749 -> . The
2750 -> . Ulla,
2751 -> . The
2752 -> . The
2753 -> . The
2754 -> . I
2755 -> . It
2756 -> . Why
2757 -> . My
2758 -> . I
2759 -> . I
2760 -> . I
2761 -> . With
2762 -> . I
2763 -> . I
2764 -> . It
2765 -> . And
2766 -> . I
2767 -> . I
2768 -> . I
2769 -> . He
2770 -> . I
2771 -> . That
2772 -> . Perhaps
2773 -> . Certainly
2774 -> . I
2775 -> . Johns
2776 -> . A
2777 -> . He
2778 -> . As
2779 -> . I
2780 -> . Johns
2781 -> . At
2782 -> . It
2783 -> . The
2784 -> . It
2785 -> . It
2786 -> . I
2787 -> . Wondering
2788 -> . Far
2789 -> . A
2790 -> . As
2791 -> . It
2792 -> . The
2793 -> . The
2794 -> . All
2795 -> . Night,
2796 -> . But
2797 -> . Then
2798 -> . Nothing
2799 -> . London
2800 -> . The
2801 -> . About
2802 -> . Terror
2803 -> . In
2804 -> . I
2805 -> . I
2806 -> . Johns
2807 -> . I
2808 -> . But
2809 -> . I
2810 -> . On
2811 -> . An
2812 -> . I
2813 -> . And
2814 -> . I
2815 -> . At
2816 -> . I
2817 -> . Edmunds
2818 -> . Great
2819 -> . Against
2820 -> . The
2821 -> . I
2822 -> . Out
2823 -> . In
2824 -> . A
2825 -> . And
2826 -> . For
2827 -> . These
2828 -> . But
2829 -> . But
2830 -> . Already
2831 -> . It
2832 -> . By
2833 -> . For
2834 -> . Here
2835 -> . To
2836 -> . All
2837 -> . For
2838 -> . I
2839 -> . The
2840 -> . A
2841 -> . Across
2842 -> . Death
2843 -> . At
2844 -> . I
2845 -> . The
2846 -> . They
2847 -> . All
2848 -> . Those
2849 -> . Eastward,
2850 -> . Northward
2851 -> . Far
2852 -> . The
2853 -> . Pauls
2854 -> . And
2855 -> . The
2856 -> . Even
2857 -> . The
2858 -> . Whatever
2859 -> . All
2860 -> . At
2861 -> . In
2862 -> . With
2863 -> . WRECKAGE.
2864 -> . And
2865 -> . Yet,
2866 -> . I
2867 -> . And
2868 -> . Of
2869 -> . I
2870 -> . One
2871 -> . Martins
2872 -> . Thence
2873 -> . Already
2874 -> . The
2875 -> . Men
2876 -> . And
2877 -> . All
2878 -> . But
2879 -> . I
2880 -> . I
2881 -> . Johns
2882 -> . They
2883 -> . Apparently
2884 -> . Very
2885 -> . Two
2886 -> . He
2887 -> . I
2888 -> . I
2889 -> . I
2890 -> . All
2891 -> . It
2892 -> . They
2893 -> . They
2894 -> . But
2895 -> . Already
2896 -> . I
2897 -> . So
2898 -> . But
2899 -> . Their
2900 -> . Save
2901 -> . The
2902 -> . The
2903 -> . Haggard
2904 -> . I
2905 -> . At
2906 -> . It
2907 -> . I
2908 -> . Most
2909 -> . The
2910 -> . I
2911 -> . Among
2912 -> . At
2913 -> . The
2914 -> . There
2915 -> . I
2916 -> . And
2917 -> . To
2918 -> . All
2919 -> . Walton,
2920 -> . The
2921 -> . The
2922 -> . Beyond
2923 -> . A
2924 -> . Over
2925 -> . The
2926 -> . Ones
2927 -> . The
2928 -> . Here,
2929 -> . For
2930 -> . Then
2931 -> . A
2932 -> . I
2933 -> . The
2934 -> . It
2935 -> . The
2936 -> . No
2937 -> . The
2938 -> . I
2939 -> . The
2940 -> . Our
2941 -> . I
2942 -> . For
2943 -> . It
2944 -> . I
2945 -> . I
2946 -> . I
2947 -> . There
2948 -> . My
2949 -> . I
2950 -> . And
2951 -> . It
2952 -> . The
2953 -> . No
2954 -> . Do
2955 -> . No
2956 -> . I
2957 -> . Had
2958 -> . I
2959 -> . And
2960 -> . She
2961 -> . I
2962 -> . I
2963 -> . I
2964 -> . THE
2965 -> . I
2966 -> . In
2967 -> . My
2968 -> . My
2969 -> . I
2970 -> . At
2971 -> . That
2972 -> . But
2973 -> . Neither
2974 -> . The
2975 -> . Spectrum
2976 -> . But
2977 -> . None
2978 -> . The
2979 -> . But
2980 -> . A
2981 -> . I
2982 -> . At
2983 -> . In
2984 -> . It
2985 -> . In
2986 -> . It
2987 -> . Possibly
2988 -> . Lessing
2989 -> . Seven
2990 -> . Subsequently
2991 -> . One
2992 -> . At
2993 -> . We
2994 -> . It
2995 -> . It
2996 -> . Be
2997 -> . The
2998 -> . Before
2999 -> . Now
3000 -> . If
3001 -> . Dim
3002 -> . But
3003 -> . It
3004 -> . To
3005 -> . I
3006 -> . I
3007 -> . I
3008 -> . Of
3009 -> . They
3010 -> . I
3011 -> . And
3012 -> . And
escolhido = 2123 -> . I ->
1 -> I scarcely
2 -> I am
3 -> I might
4 -> I not
5 -> I still
6 -> I watched,
7 -> I remember,
8 -> I never
9 -> I watched;
10 -> I saw
11 -> I told
12 -> I was
13 -> I went
14 -> I remember
15 -> I sat
16 -> I wished
17 -> I had
18 -> I had
19 -> I remember,
20 -> I remember
21 -> I was
22 -> I went
23 -> I explained
24 -> I was
25 -> I loved
26 -> I saw
27 -> I was
28 -> I only
29 -> I myself
30 -> I heard
31 -> I went
32 -> I was
33 -> I found
34 -> I have
35 -> I think
36 -> I stopped
37 -> I had
38 -> I employed
39 -> I fancy
40 -> I was
41 -> I clambered
42 -> I heard
43 -> I got
44 -> I judged
45 -> I thought
46 -> I still
47 -> I felt
48 -> I walked
49 -> I found
50 -> I found
51 -> I afterwards
52 -> I would
53 -> I was
54 -> I failed
55 -> I was
56 -> I went
57 -> I returned
58 -> I drew
59 -> I heard
60 -> I dont
61 -> I am.
62 -> I went
63 -> I should
64 -> I elbowed
65 -> I heard
66 -> I say!
67 -> I saw
68 -> I believe
69 -> I narrowly
70 -> I turned,
71 -> I did
72 -> I stuck
73 -> I had
74 -> I think
75 -> I know
76 -> I did.
77 -> I presently
78 -> I half
79 -> I saw
80 -> I heard
81 -> I saw
82 -> I found
83 -> I looked
84 -> I stood
85 -> I was
86 -> I heard
87 -> I turned
88 -> I ran
89 -> I could
90 -> I stopped,
91 -> I saw
92 -> I could
93 -> I had
94 -> I had
95 -> I remained
96 -> I was
97 -> I did
98 -> I felt
99 -> I began
100 -> I approached
101 -> I perceived,
102 -> I did
103 -> I said;
104 -> I fancy,
105 -> I shifted
106 -> I looked
107 -> I heard
108 -> I suppose
109 -> I saw
110 -> I saw
111 -> I noted
112 -> I learned
113 -> I saw
114 -> I stood
115 -> I felt
116 -> I saw
117 -> I perceived
118 -> I heard
119 -> I had
120 -> I was
121 -> I turned
122 -> I felt
123 -> I ran
124 -> I had
125 -> I did
126 -> I remember
127 -> I felt
128 -> I was
129 -> I was
130 -> I REACHED
131 -> I remember
132 -> I came
133 -> I could
134 -> I was
135 -> I staggered
136 -> I fell
137 -> I must
138 -> I sat
139 -> I could
140 -> I came
141 -> I was
142 -> I asked
143 -> I could
144 -> I rose
145 -> I dare
146 -> I staggered
147 -> I was
148 -> I answered
149 -> I told
150 -> I am
151 -> I do
152 -> I suffer
153 -> I seem
154 -> I stopped
155 -> I said.
156 -> I felt
157 -> I tried
158 -> I could
159 -> I had
160 -> I said,
161 -> I startled
162 -> I went
163 -> I could
164 -> I told
165 -> I had
166 -> I told
167 -> I said,
168 -> I had
169 -> I ever
170 -> I said.
171 -> I saw
172 -> I ceased
173 -> I pressed
174 -> I said.
175 -> I began
176 -> I laid
177 -> I did,
178 -> I did
179 -> I grew
180 -> I remember
181 -> I sat,
182 -> I did
183 -> I was
184 -> I doubt
185 -> I have
186 -> I spoke.
187 -> I am
188 -> I had
189 -> I rose
190 -> I went
191 -> I heard
192 -> I went
193 -> I heard
194 -> I saw
195 -> I decided
196 -> I found
197 -> I think,
198 -> I saw
199 -> I talked
200 -> I told
201 -> I described
202 -> I repeated
203 -> I calls
204 -> I left
205 -> I could.
206 -> I will
207 -> I did
208 -> I addressed
209 -> I found
210 -> I heard
211 -> I got
212 -> I have
213 -> I took
214 -> I went
215 -> I didnt
216 -> I must
217 -> I learned
218 -> I sat
219 -> I heard
220 -> I saw
221 -> I and
222 -> I realised
223 -> I gripped
224 -> I fetched
225 -> I would
226 -> I said;
227 -> I spoke
228 -> I thought
229 -> I remembered
230 -> I shouted
231 -> I saw
232 -> I started
233 -> I knew
234 -> I ran,
235 -> I perceived
236 -> I found
237 -> I must
238 -> I said.
239 -> I explained
240 -> I had
241 -> I took
242 -> I did
243 -> I was
244 -> I came
245 -> I shouted
246 -> I ran
247 -> I already
248 -> I went
249 -> I saw
250 -> I turned
251 -> I was
252 -> I am
253 -> I had
254 -> I looked
255 -> I slashed
256 -> I overtook
257 -> I took
258 -> I talked
259 -> I think,
260 -> I had!
261 -> I remember,
262 -> I had
263 -> I was
264 -> I had
265 -> I was
266 -> I had
267 -> I can
268 -> I wanted
269 -> I started
270 -> I knew
271 -> I jumped
272 -> I was
273 -> I was
274 -> I did
275 -> I came
276 -> I returned,
277 -> I saw
278 -> I drew
279 -> I narrowly
280 -> I passed.
281 -> I do
282 -> I know
283 -> I passed
284 -> I came
285 -> I was
286 -> I ascended
287 -> I heard
288 -> I beheld
289 -> I felt
290 -> I saw
291 -> I have
292 -> I drove
293 -> I regarded
294 -> I took
295 -> I saw!
296 -> I describe
297 -> I was
298 -> I wrenched
299 -> I was
300 -> I crawled
301 -> I saw
302 -> I saw
303 -> I have
304 -> I lay
305 -> I was
306 -> I struggled
307 -> I made
308 -> I hammered
309 -> I could
310 -> I desisted,
311 -> I pushed
312 -> I walked
313 -> I had
314 -> I had
315 -> I should
316 -> I was
317 -> I had
318 -> I had.
319 -> I staggered
320 -> I say
321 -> I could
322 -> I had
323 -> I went
324 -> I stumbled
325 -> I could
326 -> I stood
327 -> I saw
328 -> I stooped
329 -> I sprang
330 -> I had
331 -> I stepped
332 -> I made
333 -> I could
334 -> I had
335 -> I let
336 -> I crouched
337 -> I have
338 -> I discovered
339 -> I was
340 -> I got
341 -> I was
342 -> I had
343 -> I went
344 -> I did
345 -> I do
346 -> I stopped
347 -> I could
348 -> I see
349 -> I closed
350 -> I did
351 -> I perceived
352 -> I could
353 -> I peered
354 -> I saw
355 -> I had
356 -> I still
357 -> I know,
358 -> I was
359 -> I had
360 -> I turned
361 -> I began
362 -> I felt
363 -> I began
364 -> I heard
365 -> I looked
366 -> I leaned
367 -> I asked.
368 -> I said.
369 -> I went
370 -> I could
371 -> I drew
372 -> I asked.
373 -> I could
374 -> I said,
375 -> I had
376 -> I lay
377 -> I was
378 -> I had
379 -> I felt
380 -> I got
381 -> I found
382 -> I began
383 -> I looked
384 -> I SAW
385 -> I had
386 -> I already
387 -> I been
388 -> I think
389 -> I should
390 -> I agreed
391 -> I parted
392 -> I would
393 -> I should
394 -> I had
395 -> I suppose,
396 -> I had
397 -> I drove
398 -> I and
399 -> I expect,
400 -> I was
401 -> I said.
402 -> I suppose
403 -> I do,
404 -> I said;
405 -> I answered,
406 -> I shall
407 -> I stopped
408 -> I said,
409 -> I was
410 -> I shouted.
411 -> I hurried
412 -> I looked
413 -> I had
414 -> I and
415 -> I believe,
416 -> I have
417 -> I had
418 -> I turned
419 -> I was
420 -> I shouted,
421 -> I faced
422 -> I rushed
423 -> I ran
424 -> I flung
425 -> I raised
426 -> I gave
427 -> I saw
428 -> I heard
429 -> I could
430 -> I saw
431 -> I heeded
432 -> I splashed
433 -> I could
434 -> I could
435 -> I saw
436 -> I ducked
437 -> I could.
438 -> I raised
439 -> I saw
440 -> I stood
441 -> I could
442 -> I stood.
443 -> I turned
444 -> I screamed
445 -> I staggered
446 -> I fell
447 -> I expected
448 -> I have
449 -> I realised
450 -> I had
451 -> I FELL
452 -> I made
453 -> I saw
454 -> I went
455 -> I contrived
456 -> I followed
457 -> I considered
458 -> I could
459 -> I made
460 -> I seen
461 -> I drifted,
462 -> I after
463 -> I had
464 -> I resumed
465 -> I landed
466 -> I suppose
467 -> I got
468 -> I seem
469 -> I was
470 -> I had
471 -> I felt
472 -> I cannot
473 -> I do
474 -> I dozed.
475 -> I became
476 -> I sat
477 -> I asked
478 -> I dare
479 -> I stared
480 -> I was
481 -> I answered,
482 -> I was
483 -> I was
484 -> I said,
485 -> I officiated
486 -> I said,
487 -> I began
488 -> I went
489 -> I began
490 -> I ceased
491 -> I answered.
492 -> I saw
493 -> I proceeded
494 -> I told
495 -> I said,
496 -> I take
497 -> I spoke
498 -> I said,
499 -> I have
500 -> I tell
501 -> I come
502 -> I knew
503 -> I turned
504 -> I was
505 -> I watched
506 -> I was
507 -> I so
508 -> I did
509 -> I expected
510 -> I saw
511 -> I looked
512 -> I expected
513 -> I looked
514 -> I perceived
515 -> I was
516 -> I have
517 -> I have
518 -> I learned
519 -> I believe,
520 -> I may;
521 -> I cant
522 -> I cant
523 -> I dare
524 -> I have
525 -> I have
526 -> I have
527 -> I and
528 -> I will
529 -> I figured
530 -> I paced
531 -> I thought
532 -> I was
533 -> I knew
534 -> I grew
535 -> I tired
536 -> I kept
537 -> I went
538 -> I do
539 -> I perceived
540 -> I realised
541 -> I resolved
542 -> I had!
543 -> I sought
544 -> I had
545 -> I also
546 -> I found
547 -> I meant
548 -> I should
549 -> I had
550 -> I have
551 -> I remember
552 -> I noticed
553 -> I did
554 -> I put
555 -> I ventured
556 -> I went
557 -> I left
558 -> I ever
559 -> I realised
560 -> I suppose
561 -> I on
562 -> I found
563 -> I took
564 -> I give
565 -> I was
566 -> I said,
567 -> I have
568 -> I was
569 -> I was
570 -> I came
571 -> I found
572 -> I could
573 -> I answered
574 -> I sat
575 -> I fancy
576 -> I said.
577 -> I listened
578 -> I said,
579 -> I was
580 -> I had
581 -> I suppose,
582 -> I whispered,
583 -> I heard
584 -> I for
585 -> I could
586 -> I found
587 -> I am
588 -> I told
589 -> I was
590 -> I began
591 -> I made
592 -> I heard
593 -> I must
594 -> I looked
595 -> I was
596 -> I whispered
597 -> I perceived
598 -> I could
599 -> I could
600 -> I remained
601 -> I advanced,
602 -> I touched
603 -> I gripped
604 -> I turned
605 -> I was
606 -> I had
607 -> I scarcely
608 -> I saw
609 -> I did
610 -> I recall
611 -> I mention
612 -> I saw
613 -> I say,
614 -> I perceived
615 -> I had
616 -> I was
617 -> I now
618 -> I scarcely
619 -> I saw
620 -> I may
621 -> I have
622 -> I shall
623 -> I may
624 -> I cannot
625 -> I could
626 -> I think
627 -> I am
628 -> I may
629 -> I remember,
630 -> I recall
631 -> I may
632 -> I found
633 -> I have
634 -> I did.
635 -> I take
636 -> I assert
637 -> I watched
638 -> I have
639 -> I believe,
640 -> I have
641 -> I am
642 -> I am
643 -> I have
644 -> I had
645 -> I watched
646 -> I was
647 -> I turned
648 -> I had
649 -> I looked
650 -> I could
651 -> I recall
652 -> I had
653 -> I made
654 -> I verily
655 -> I would
656 -> I did,
657 -> I pointed
658 -> I had,
659 -> I loathed
660 -> I set
661 -> I ventured
662 -> I looked,
663 -> I had
664 -> I was
665 -> I shared
666 -> I rose
667 -> I could
668 -> I entertained
669 -> I crouched,
670 -> I could
671 -> I heard
672 -> I saw
673 -> I could
674 -> I slid
675 -> I passed,
676 -> I felt
677 -> I tried
678 -> I was
679 -> I found,
680 -> I gripped
681 -> I could
682 -> I also
683 -> I should
684 -> I saw
685 -> I actually
686 -> I avoided
687 -> I went
688 -> I had
689 -> I did
690 -> I lost
691 -> I abandoned
692 -> I entertained
693 -> I heard
694 -> I heard
695 -> I heard
696 -> I counted,
697 -> I peeped
698 -> I was
699 -> I went
700 -> I heard
701 -> I snatched
702 -> I desisted
703 -> I planted
704 -> I divided
705 -> I would
706 -> I had
707 -> I was
708 -> I weary
709 -> I know,
710 -> I beat
711 -> I cajoled
712 -> I tried
713 -> I could
714 -> I began
715 -> I am
716 -> I had
717 -> I slept.
718 -> I am
719 -> I could
720 -> I held
721 -> I preached
722 -> I should
723 -> I died
724 -> I withheld
725 -> I prayed
726 -> I defied
727 -> I felt
728 -> I must
729 -> I implored.
730 -> I have
731 -> I must
732 -> I said,
733 -> I must
734 -> I go!
735 -> I put
736 -> I was
737 -> I was
738 -> I had
739 -> I turned
740 -> I stumbled
741 -> I heard
742 -> I looked
743 -> I stood
744 -> I saw
745 -> I turned
746 -> I stood
747 -> I forced
748 -> I trembled
749 -> I could
750 -> I opened
751 -> I knew
752 -> I crept
753 -> I saw
754 -> I thought
755 -> I had
756 -> I crept
757 -> I could,
758 -> I paused,
759 -> I traced
760 -> I heard
761 -> I judged.
762 -> I thought
763 -> I prayed
764 -> I heard
765 -> I could
766 -> I was
767 -> I bit
768 -> I could
769 -> I thought
770 -> I was
771 -> I seized
772 -> I whispered
773 -> I heard
774 -> I was
775 -> I heard
776 -> I decided
777 -> I lay
778 -> I craved.
779 -> I ventured
780 -> I went
781 -> I despaired
782 -> I took
783 -> I sat
784 -> I thought
785 -> I had
786 -> I had
787 -> I did
788 -> I would
789 -> I attacked
790 -> I was
791 -> I thought
792 -> I drank
793 -> I dozed
794 -> I dreamt
795 -> I felt
796 -> I went
797 -> I was
798 -> I heard
799 -> I saw
800 -> I thought
801 -> I could
802 -> I should
803 -> I crept
804 -> I listened
805 -> I was
806 -> I heard
807 -> I lay
808 -> I heard
809 -> I looked
810 -> I stared
811 -> I thrust
812 -> I could
813 -> I began
814 -> I hesitated
815 -> I scrambled
816 -> I had
817 -> I looked
818 -> I had
819 -> I stood
820 -> I saw
821 -> I stood
822 -> I had
823 -> I had
824 -> I had
825 -> I had
826 -> I found
827 -> I touched
828 -> I felt
829 -> I felt
830 -> I was
831 -> I saw,
832 -> I went
833 -> I attempted
834 -> I found
835 -> I could
836 -> I went
837 -> I coveted.
838 -> I found
839 -> I secured,
840 -> I devoured,
841 -> I came
842 -> I was
843 -> I discovered
844 -> I afterwards
845 -> I explored,
846 -> I drank
847 -> I found
848 -> I turned
849 -> I managed
850 -> I got
851 -> I would
852 -> I hunted
853 -> I also
854 -> I rested
855 -> I saw
856 -> I encountered
857 -> I made
858 -> I had
859 -> I found
860 -> I gnawed
861 -> I struggled
862 -> I think
863 -> I got
864 -> I believed
865 -> I stood
866 -> I came
867 -> I proceeded
868 -> I became
869 -> I thought,
870 -> I spent
871 -> I will
872 -> I had
873 -> I found
874 -> I ransacked
875 -> I found
876 -> I afterwards
877 -> I could
878 -> I lit
879 -> I went
880 -> I had
881 -> I slept
882 -> I lay
883 -> I found
884 -> I do
885 -> I suppose,
886 -> I had
887 -> I thought.
888 -> I saw
889 -> I saw
890 -> I see
891 -> I felt
892 -> I stood
893 -> I retraced
894 -> I had
895 -> I foreseen,
896 -> I should
897 -> I did
898 -> I set
899 -> I have
900 -> I might
901 -> I set
902 -> I had
903 -> I faced
904 -> I had
905 -> I could
906 -> I could
907 -> I found
908 -> I found
909 -> I had
910 -> I had
911 -> I was
912 -> I prayed
913 -> I had
914 -> I knew
915 -> I had
916 -> I might
917 -> I knew
918 -> I wanted
919 -> I had
920 -> I was
921 -> I went,
922 -> I prowled,
923 -> I came
924 -> I stopped
925 -> I beheld
926 -> I stood
927 -> I made
928 -> I approached
929 -> I drew
930 -> I perceived
931 -> I distinguished
932 -> I did
933 -> I was
934 -> I stopped.
935 -> I thought,
936 -> I come
937 -> I said.
938 -> I was
939 -> I have
940 -> I answered
941 -> I dont
942 -> I said.
943 -> I have
944 -> I dont
945 -> I think
946 -> I shall
947 -> I recognised
948 -> I took
949 -> I crawled
950 -> I got
951 -> I said.
952 -> I crawled
953 -> I guess
954 -> I havent
955 -> I saw
956 -> I believe
957 -> I stopped,
958 -> I went
959 -> I said.
960 -> I am.
961 -> I stared.
962 -> I had
963 -> I had
964 -> I had
965 -> I made
966 -> I sat
967 -> I recalled
968 -> I explained.
969 -> I said.
970 -> I said.
971 -> I went
972 -> I saw
973 -> I saw
974 -> I turned
975 -> I went
976 -> I was
977 -> I was
978 -> I said,
979 -> I assented.
980 -> I saw
981 -> I exclaimed.
982 -> I figure
983 -> I acted
984 -> I reckon
985 -> I mean
986 -> I tell
987 -> I dont
988 -> I do.
989 -> I stared,
990 -> I gripped
991 -> I said.
992 -> I watched
993 -> I had
994 -> I didnt
995 -> I can
996 -> I can
997 -> I saw
998 -> I cried,
999 -> I succumbed
1000 -> I sat
1001 -> I could
1002 -> I had
1003 -> I said
1004 -> I think
1005 -> I mean
1006 -> I parleyed,
1007 -> I say,
1008 -> I will.
1009 -> I mean.
1010 -> I know.
1011 -> I reckon
1012 -> I believed
1013 -> I saw
1014 -> I had
1015 -> I could
1016 -> I believed
1017 -> I found
1018 -> I turned
1019 -> I worked
1020 -> I to
1021 -> I began
1022 -> I was
1023 -> I think
1024 -> I was
1025 -> I was
1026 -> I stopped,
1027 -> I said,
1028 -> I was
1029 -> I saw
1030 -> I was
1031 -> I more
1032 -> I was
1033 -> I could
1034 -> I noted
1035 -> I was
1036 -> I am
1037 -> I taking
1038 -> I found
1039 -> I beat
1040 -> I had
1041 -> I remember
1042 -> I took
1043 -> I stared
1044 -> I perceived
1045 -> I could
1046 -> I knew
1047 -> I glanced
1048 -> I remained
1049 -> I recalled
1050 -> I had
1051 -> I remember
1052 -> I flung
1053 -> I seemed
1054 -> I was
1055 -> I resolved
1056 -> I had
1057 -> I was
1058 -> I had
1059 -> I went
1060 -> I found
1061 -> I could
1062 -> I think
1063 -> I should
1064 -> I got
1065 -> I passed
1066 -> I came
1067 -> I saw
1068 -> I hurried
1069 -> I did
1070 -> I penetrated
1071 -> I first
1072 -> I passed
1073 -> I stopped,
1074 -> I turned
1075 -> I had
1076 -> I decided
1077 -> I came
1078 -> I puzzled
1079 -> I could
1080 -> I found
1081 -> I was
1082 -> I wandering
1083 -> I alone
1084 -> I felt
1085 -> I had
1086 -> I thought
1087 -> I recalled
1088 -> I knew,
1089 -> I came
1090 -> I grew
1091 -> I managed
1092 -> I was
1093 -> I found
1094 -> I awoke
1095 -> I had
1096 -> I wandered
1097 -> I can
1098 -> I emerged
1099 -> I saw
1100 -> I was
1101 -> I came
1102 -> I watched
1103 -> I could
1104 -> I tried
1105 -> I was
1106 -> I was
1107 -> I turned
1108 -> I heard
1109 -> I might
1110 -> I came
1111 -> I thought
1112 -> I clambered
1113 -> I saw,
1114 -> I could
1115 -> I had
1116 -> I pushed
1117 -> I saw
1118 -> I came
1119 -> I crossed
1120 -> I knew
1121 -> I saw
1122 -> I could
1123 -> I turned
1124 -> I hid
1125 -> I turned
1126 -> I missed
1127 -> I would
1128 -> I would
1129 -> I marched
1130 -> I drew
1131 -> I saw
1132 -> I began
1133 -> I hurried
1134 -> I waded
1135 -> I felt
1136 -> I ran
1137 -> I had
1138 -> I and
1139 -> I watched
1140 -> I knew
1141 -> I believed
1142 -> I stood
1143 -> I could
1144 -> I looked
1145 -> I turned
1146 -> I had
1147 -> I saw
1148 -> I looked
1149 -> I thought
1150 -> I realised
1151 -> I felt
1152 -> I extended
1153 -> I in
1154 -> I remember,
1155 -> I did
1156 -> I stood
1157 -> I forget.
1158 -> I know
1159 -> I have
1160 -> I sheltered
1161 -> I stood
1162 -> I have
1163 -> I have
1164 -> I drifted
1165 -> I found
1166 -> I was
1167 -> I would
1168 -> I may
1169 -> I was
1170 -> I was
1171 -> I was
1172 -> I remained
1173 -> I felt
1174 -> I could
1175 -> I will
1176 -> I went
1177 -> I saw
1178 -> I remember
1179 -> I went
1180 -> I noticed
1181 -> I met,
1182 -> I saw
1183 -> I reached
1184 -> I saw
1185 -> I saw
1186 -> I bought
1187 -> I found
1188 -> I learned
1189 -> I did
1190 -> I found
1191 -> I was
1192 -> I got
1193 -> I descended
1194 -> I and
1195 -> I turned
1196 -> I stood
1197 -> I returned
1198 -> I passed.
1199 -> I looked
1200 -> I approached.
1201 -> I and
1202 -> I had
1203 -> I stumbled
1204 -> I had
1205 -> I saw
1206 -> I followed
1207 -> I had
1208 -> I stood
1209 -> I had
1210 -> I remembered
1211 -> I had
1212 -> I remembered
1213 -> I went
1214 -> I had
1215 -> I came
1216 -> I and
1217 -> I perceived
1218 -> I had
1219 -> I was
1220 -> I spoken
1221 -> I turned,
1222 -> I made
1223 -> I stood
1224 -> I came,
1225 -> I knew
1226 -> I made
1227 -> I cannot
1228 -> I am
1229 -> I am
1230 -> I shall
1231 -> I have
1232 -> I have
1233 -> I do
1234 -> I have
1235 -> I must
1236 -> I sit
1237 -> I see
1238 -> I go
1239 -> I hurry
1240 -> I see
1241 -> I wake,
1242 -> I go
1243 -> I have
1244 -> I did
1245 -> I saw
1246 -> I have
escolhido = 324 -> I stumbled -> I
1 -> I stumbled upon
2 -> I stumbled over
3 -> I stumbled into
escolhido = 3 -> I stumbled into -> I stumbled
1 -> stumbled into the
escolhido = 1 -> stumbled into the -> I stumbled into
1 -> into the pit
2 -> into the taproom.
3 -> into the road.
4 -> into the railway
5 -> into the pit
6 -> into the person
7 -> into the pit,
8 -> into the sand
9 -> into the still
10 -> into the pit.
11 -> into the stillness
12 -> into the road,
13 -> into the road
14 -> into the dining
15 -> into the station
16 -> into the darkness
17 -> into the darkness
18 -> into the skin
19 -> into the pine
20 -> into the road.
21 -> into the drivers
22 -> into the still
23 -> into the dog
24 -> into the field
25 -> into the pine
26 -> into the lane
27 -> into the dining
28 -> into the west,
29 -> into the house,
30 -> into the dining
31 -> into the ditch
32 -> into the room.
33 -> into the woods
34 -> into the road
35 -> into the air
36 -> into the water.
37 -> into the river
38 -> into the river
39 -> into the sky.
40 -> into the air.
41 -> into the loose
42 -> into the pit.
43 -> into the night,
44 -> into the heat
45 -> into the station
46 -> into the street
47 -> into the street:
48 -> into the street,
49 -> into the streets.
50 -> into the broad
51 -> into the line
52 -> into the hedge
53 -> into the valleys
54 -> into the sunlight.
55 -> into the ground.
56 -> into the disorderly
57 -> into the smoke
58 -> into the main
59 -> into the lane.
60 -> into the hedge,
61 -> into the cart
62 -> into the torrent
63 -> into the traffic
64 -> into the chaise
65 -> into the water
66 -> into the thickening
67 -> into the blinding
68 -> into the sky
69 -> into the luminous
70 -> into the grey
71 -> into the road
72 -> into the great
73 -> into the road,
74 -> into the side
75 -> into the darkness
76 -> into the midst
77 -> into the recipient
78 -> into the scullery,
79 -> into the scullery
80 -> into the pear
81 -> into the quiet
82 -> into the scullery.
83 -> into the scullery,
84 -> into the scullery.
85 -> into the scullery.
86 -> into the kitchen.
87 -> into the kitchen,
88 -> into the kitchen.
89 -> into the pantry,
90 -> into the scullery
91 -> into the pantry
92 -> into the scullery
93 -> into the kitchen,
94 -> into the kitchen,
95 -> into the place
96 -> into the garden
97 -> into the water
98 -> into the stillness
99 -> into the now
100 -> into the drain
101 -> into the sunlight.
102 -> into the Natural
103 -> into the parlour
104 -> into the pit,
105 -> into the streets
106 -> into the hall,
107 -> into the dining
108 -> into the Byfleet
109 -> into the vague
escolhido = 13 -> into the road -> I stumbled into the
1 -> the road by
2 -> the road from
3 -> the road from
4 -> the road between
5 -> the road in
6 -> the road to
7 -> the road grows
8 -> the road between
9 -> the road towards
10 -> the road glowed
11 -> the road hid
12 -> the road intimately.
13 -> the road to
14 -> the road about
15 -> the road before
16 -> the road towards
17 -> the road beyond
18 -> the road lay
19 -> the road I
20 -> the road and
21 -> the road to
22 -> the road that
23 -> the road people
24 -> the road was
25 -> the road to
26 -> the road hid
27 -> the road across
28 -> the road that
29 -> the road a
30 -> the road to
31 -> the road Londonward
32 -> the road forks
33 -> the road nearby
34 -> the road through
35 -> the road through
36 -> the road the
37 -> the road by
38 -> the road towards
39 -> the road turns
40 -> the road by
41 -> the road towards
42 -> the road that
43 -> the road towards
44 -> the road were
45 -> the road became
46 -> the road to
escolhido = 5 -> the road in -> I stumbled into the road
1 -> road in the
escolhido = 1 -> road in the -> I stumbled into the road in
1 -> in the last
2 -> in the twentieth
3 -> in the space
4 -> in the same
5 -> in the nineteenth
6 -> in the issue
7 -> in the vast
8 -> in the papers
9 -> in the Daily
10 -> in the excess
11 -> in the corner,
12 -> in the roof
13 -> in the field.
14 -> in the field,
15 -> in the darkness,
16 -> in the blackness,
17 -> in the darkness
18 -> in the two
19 -> in the political
20 -> in the upper
21 -> in the distance
22 -> in the morning,
23 -> in the atmosphere.
24 -> in the morning
25 -> in the pit
26 -> in the same
27 -> in the bright
28 -> in the ground.
29 -> in the crack
30 -> in the three
31 -> in the road
32 -> in the sky
33 -> in the Chobham
34 -> in the interior.
35 -> in the pit!
36 -> in the confounded
37 -> in the air
38 -> in the air.
39 -> in the oily
40 -> in the clumsy
41 -> in the deep
42 -> in the sand
43 -> in the heather,
44 -> in the direction
45 -> in the pit?
46 -> in the sand
47 -> in the west
48 -> in the gloaming.
49 -> in the gate
50 -> in the pretty
51 -> in the second
52 -> in the pit,
53 -> in the Mauritius
54 -> in the village
55 -> in the public
56 -> in the sky.
57 -> in the most
58 -> in the day,
59 -> in the Chertsey
60 -> in the hands
61 -> in the town
62 -> in the presence
63 -> in the afternoon.
64 -> in the hope
65 -> in the evening,
66 -> in the summerhouse
67 -> in the air
68 -> in the light
69 -> in the dark
70 -> in the valley
71 -> in the air,
72 -> in the pine
73 -> in the water,
74 -> in the field.
75 -> in the field
76 -> in the rain
77 -> in the distance
78 -> in the lightning,
79 -> in the wood,
80 -> in the heavy
81 -> in the darkness
82 -> in the road.
83 -> in the doorway.
84 -> in the air.
85 -> in the last
86 -> in the glare
87 -> in the artillery,
88 -> in the hope
89 -> in the pantry
90 -> in the pitiless
91 -> in the history
92 -> in the end
93 -> in the road,
94 -> in the same
95 -> in the village
96 -> in the special
97 -> in the end.
98 -> in the warm
99 -> in the houses
100 -> in the sun
101 -> in the air,
102 -> in the boats
103 -> in the air
104 -> in the face
105 -> in the water
106 -> in the water,
107 -> in the steam,
108 -> in the almost
109 -> in the river
110 -> in the power
111 -> in the boat,
112 -> in the shadow
113 -> in the direction
114 -> in the sky?
115 -> in the sky.
116 -> in the midst
117 -> in the sky
118 -> in the west
119 -> in the planets,
120 -> in the crammers
121 -> in the streets.
122 -> in the papers
123 -> in the station,
124 -> in the Sunday
125 -> in the Londoners
126 -> in the papers,
127 -> in the Referee
128 -> in the afternoon,
129 -> in the morning,
130 -> in the morning
131 -> in the air.
132 -> in the station
133 -> in the west.
134 -> in the country
135 -> in the circle
136 -> in the extreme,
137 -> in the threatened
138 -> in the Strand
139 -> in the face.
140 -> in the early
141 -> in the streets
142 -> in the main
143 -> in the Marylebone
144 -> in the south.
145 -> in the small
146 -> in the street,
147 -> in the houses
148 -> in the distance.
149 -> in the Thames
150 -> in the rooms
151 -> in the houses
152 -> in the Park
153 -> in the hundred
154 -> in the small
155 -> in the houses,
156 -> in the rooms,
157 -> in the flat
158 -> in the Horsell
159 -> in the repair
160 -> in the huge
161 -> in the early
162 -> in the back
163 -> in the twilight.
164 -> in the great
165 -> in the case
166 -> in the form
167 -> in the blue
168 -> in the air,
169 -> in the starlight
170 -> in the southwest,
171 -> in the twilight.
172 -> in the world
173 -> in the Thames,
174 -> in the carriages
175 -> in the goods
176 -> in the sack
177 -> in the roadway,
178 -> in the main
179 -> in the doorways
180 -> in the place.
181 -> in the direction
182 -> in the face.
183 -> in the road
184 -> in the small
185 -> in the morning,
186 -> in the hedge.
187 -> in the sky,
188 -> in the other.
189 -> in the cart.
190 -> in the blaze
191 -> in the lane.
192 -> in the ditches,
193 -> in the uniform
194 -> in the dust.
195 -> in the carts
196 -> in the bottoms
197 -> in the clothes
198 -> in the crowd,
199 -> in the traces.
200 -> in the dust
201 -> in the torrent
202 -> in the lane
203 -> in the ditch
204 -> in the stream
205 -> in the evening
206 -> in the direction
207 -> in the blazing
208 -> in the last
209 -> in the history
210 -> in the southward
211 -> in the afternoon
212 -> in the northern
213 -> in the chaise
214 -> in the northern
215 -> in the neighbourhood.
216 -> in the water,
217 -> in the afternoon,
218 -> in the south.
219 -> in the southeast
220 -> in the south.
221 -> in the remote
222 -> in the air,
223 -> in the water
224 -> in the air.
225 -> in the crowding
226 -> in the strangest
227 -> in the western
228 -> in the empty
229 -> in the next
230 -> in the distance
231 -> in the blackened
232 -> in the twilight
233 -> in the shed,
234 -> in the direction
235 -> in the place
236 -> in the pantry
237 -> in the adjacent
238 -> in the dark
239 -> in the kitchen
240 -> in the wall
241 -> in the fashion,
242 -> in the wall
243 -> in the scullery;
244 -> in the pantry
245 -> in the wall
246 -> in the debris,
247 -> in the centre
248 -> in the excavation,
249 -> in the convulsive
250 -> in the Martians.
251 -> in the fresh
252 -> in the direction
253 -> in the Martians
254 -> in the able
255 -> in the other
256 -> in the beginning
257 -> in the wet.
258 -> in the crablike
259 -> in the sunset
260 -> in the sunlight,
261 -> in the dazzle
262 -> in the darkness
263 -> in the house
264 -> in the pitiless
265 -> in the pit.
266 -> in the darkness,
267 -> in the scullery,
268 -> in the possibility
269 -> in the wall
270 -> in the night,
271 -> in the remoter
272 -> in the darkness,
273 -> in the pantry,
274 -> in the dust,
275 -> in the darkness
276 -> in the wall
277 -> in the room,
278 -> in the darkness
279 -> in the darkness,
280 -> in the scullery,
281 -> in the close
282 -> in the darkness
283 -> in the wall,
284 -> in the kitchen,
285 -> in the corner,
286 -> in the pit.
287 -> in the sand.
288 -> in the daylight
289 -> in the red
290 -> in the wood
291 -> in the garden
292 -> in the dusk
293 -> in the inn
294 -> in the night.
295 -> in the night
296 -> in the ruins
297 -> in the glare
298 -> in the air.
299 -> in the world.
300 -> in the observatory.
301 -> in the open
302 -> in the practicability
303 -> in the bushes
304 -> in the cellar,
305 -> in the morning.
306 -> in the deep
307 -> in the west,
308 -> in the streets
309 -> in the length
310 -> in the City,
311 -> in the chemists
312 -> in the bar
313 -> in the clearness
314 -> in the trees,
315 -> in the park
316 -> in the dimness.
317 -> in the white
318 -> in the sky
319 -> in the half
320 -> in the now
321 -> in the night.
322 -> in the depth
323 -> in the brightness
324 -> in the great
325 -> in the sunrise,
326 -> in the streets,
327 -> in the empty
328 -> in the cabmens
329 -> in the world
330 -> in the mere
331 -> in the train,
332 -> in the midst
333 -> in the morning
334 -> in the thunderstorm.
335 -> in the body
336 -> in the green,
337 -> in the blood.
338 -> in the failure
339 -> in the same
340 -> in the larger
341 -> in the future
342 -> in the darkness
escolhido = 114 -> in the sky? -> I stumbled into the road in the
1 -> the sky? he
escolhido = 1 -> the sky? he -> I stumbled into the road in the sky?
1 -> sky? he asked
escolhido = 1 -> sky? he asked -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he
1 -> he asked abruptly.
escolhido = 1 -> he asked abruptly. -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked
1 -> asked abruptly. He
2 -> asked abruptly. I
escolhido = 2 -> asked abruptly. I -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly.
1 -> abruptly. I told
2 -> abruptly. I remembered
escolhido = 1 -> abruptly. I told -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I
1 -> I told Ogilvy
2 -> I told myself,
3 -> I told her
4 -> I told my
5 -> I told them
6 -> I told him
7 -> I told the
escolhido = 5 -> I told them -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told
1 -> told them of
2 -> told them to
3 -> told them to
4 -> told them of
escolhido = 3 -> told them to -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them
1 -> them to death
2 -> them to get
3 -> them to drive
4 -> them to form
5 -> them to repent
6 -> them to do
7 -> them to my
escolhido = 1 -> them to death -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to
1 -> to death tomorrow,
escolhido = 1 -> to death tomorrow, -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death
1 -> death tomorrow, my
escolhido = 1 -> death tomorrow, my -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow,
1 -> tomorrow, my dear.
escolhido = 1 -> tomorrow, my dear. -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my
1 -> my dear. I
escolhido = 1 -> my dear. I -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear.
1 -> dear. I did
escolhido = 1 -> dear. I did -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I
1 -> I did so
2 -> I did not
3 -> I did not
4 -> I did not
5 -> I did not
6 -> I did not
7 -> I did not
8 -> I did this,
9 -> I did not
10 -> I did so
11 -> I did so,
12 -> I did so
13 -> I did not
14 -> I did not
15 -> I did not
16 -> I did not
17 -> I did not
18 -> I did not
19 -> I did not
20 -> I did that
21 -> I did not
22 -> I did but
escolhido = 2 -> I did not -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did
1 -> did not remember
2 -> did not dare
3 -> did not know
4 -> did not dare
5 -> did not escape;
6 -> did not find
7 -> did not consider
8 -> did not know
9 -> did not make
10 -> did not know
11 -> did not succeed
12 -> did not show
13 -> did not seem
14 -> did not know
15 -> did not know;
16 -> did not seem
17 -> did not fall
18 -> did not clearly
19 -> did not hear
20 -> did not advance
21 -> did not explode
22 -> did not diffuse
23 -> did not wish
24 -> did not learn.
25 -> did not come
26 -> did not come
27 -> did not deter
28 -> did not know
29 -> did not see
30 -> did not know
31 -> did not see
32 -> did not impress
33 -> did not exist
34 -> did not eat,
35 -> did not sleep,
36 -> did not dare
37 -> did not feel
38 -> did not foresee;
39 -> did not recognise
40 -> did not trouble
41 -> did not move.
42 -> did not believe
43 -> did not bury
escolhido = 18 -> did not clearly -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not
1 -> not clearly understand
2 -> not clearly remember
3 -> not clearly know
escolhido = 1 -> not clearly understand -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly
1 -> clearly understand how
escolhido = 1 -> clearly understand how -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand
1 -> understand how I
escolhido = 1 -> understand how I -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how
1 -> how I sat
2 -> how I came
3 -> how I was
4 -> how I ransacked
5 -> how I figure
6 -> how I mean
7 -> how I had
8 -> how I went
9 -> how I had
escolhido = 5 -> how I figure -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I
1 -> I figure it
escolhido = 1 -> I figure it -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure
1 -> figure it out.
escolhido = 1 -> figure it out. -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it
1 -> it out. Very
2 -> it out. It
3 -> it out. We
escolhido = 2 -> it out. It -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out.
1 -> out. It isnt
escolhido = 1 -> out. It isnt -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It
1 -> It isnt quite
escolhido = 1 -> It isnt quite -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt
1 -> isnt quite according
escolhido = 1 -> isnt quite according -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite
1 -> quite according to
escolhido = 1 -> quite according to -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according
1 -> according to my
2 -> according to Philips,
3 -> according to their
4 -> according to the
5 -> according to what
escolhido = 5 -> according to what -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to
1 -> to what a
escolhido = 1 -> to what a -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what
1 -> what a man
escolhido = 1 -> what a man -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a
1 -> a man with
2 -> a man in
3 -> a man emerge
4 -> a man in
5 -> a man fell
6 -> a man of
7 -> a man in
8 -> a man thrusting
9 -> a man blundered
10 -> a man near
11 -> a man in
12 -> a man would
13 -> a man in
14 -> a man ventured
15 -> a man in
16 -> a man with
17 -> a man in
18 -> a man on
19 -> a man in
20 -> a man so
21 -> a man with
22 -> a man on
23 -> a man on
24 -> a man than
25 -> a man of
26 -> a man insane.
27 -> a man armed
28 -> a man wants
29 -> a man indeed!
30 -> a man who
31 -> a man lying.
escolhido = 2 -> a man in -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man
1 -> man in it
2 -> man in the
3 -> man in that
4 -> man in a
5 -> man in black,
6 -> man in a
7 -> man in black
8 -> man in a
9 -> man in his
10 -> man in workday
11 -> man in evening
12 -> man in dirty
13 -> man in the
14 -> man in the
escolhido = 10 -> man in workday -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in
1 -> in workday clothes,
escolhido = 1 -> in workday clothes, -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday
1 -> workday clothes, riding
escolhido = 1 -> workday clothes, riding -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes,
1 -> clothes, riding one
escolhido = 1 -> clothes, riding one -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding
1 -> riding one of
escolhido = 1 -> riding one of -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one
1 -> one of the
2 -> one of the
3 -> one of whom
4 -> one of the
5 -> one of the
6 -> one of the
7 -> one of the
8 -> one of which
9 -> one of the
10 -> one of its
11 -> one of the
12 -> one of the
13 -> one of those
14 -> one of the
15 -> one of these,
16 -> one of those
17 -> one of the
18 -> one of the
19 -> one of them
20 -> one of the
21 -> one of the
22 -> one of the
23 -> one of the
24 -> one of those
25 -> one of the
26 -> one of the
27 -> one of us
28 -> one of those
29 -> one of the
30 -> one of them
31 -> one of the
32 -> one of two
33 -> one of the
escolhido = 7 -> one of the -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of
1 -> of the nineteenth
2 -> of the mental
3 -> of the beasts
4 -> of the volume
5 -> of the earth
6 -> of the nineteenth
7 -> of the superficial
8 -> of the minds
9 -> of the markings
10 -> of the disk,
11 -> of the huge
12 -> of the astronomical
13 -> of the twelfth;
14 -> of the planet,
15 -> of the gravest
16 -> of the eruption
17 -> of the red
18 -> of the clockwork
19 -> of the telescope,
20 -> of the clockwork
21 -> of the material
22 -> of the outline
23 -> of the minute
24 -> of the firing
25 -> of the planets
26 -> of the planet
27 -> of the Zodiac
28 -> of the houses
29 -> of the red,
30 -> of the first
31 -> of the projectile,
32 -> of the pit
33 -> of the grey
34 -> of the end.
35 -> of the body
36 -> of the cylinder.
37 -> of the cylinder
38 -> of the circumference.
39 -> of the confined
40 -> of the pit,
41 -> of the public
42 -> of the cylinder.
43 -> of the idea.
44 -> of the Pit,
45 -> of the group
46 -> of the common
47 -> of the cylinder,
48 -> of the Thing
49 -> of the onlookers.
50 -> of the common
51 -> of the evening
52 -> of the heat
53 -> of the day,
54 -> of the few
55 -> of the pit,
56 -> of the cylinder
57 -> of the pit
58 -> of the manor.
59 -> of the privileged
60 -> of the sky
61 -> of the hole
62 -> of the cylinder
63 -> of the screw.
64 -> of the cylinder
65 -> of the writhing
66 -> of the pit.
67 -> of the people
68 -> of the pit.
69 -> of the pit
70 -> of the cylinder.
71 -> of the thing,
72 -> of the cylinder,
73 -> of the lungs
74 -> of the earth
75 -> of the immense
76 -> of the tedious
77 -> of the cylinder
78 -> of the aperture.
79 -> of the pit
80 -> of the pit.
81 -> of the shopman
82 -> of the cylinder
83 -> of the Martians
84 -> of the spectators
85 -> of the evening
86 -> of the pit,
87 -> of the now
88 -> of the pit
89 -> of the pit,
90 -> of the early
91 -> of the pine
92 -> of the evening
93 -> of the evening,
94 -> of the Martians,
95 -> of the dusk
96 -> of the matter.
97 -> of the massacre
98 -> of the day,
99 -> of the occasion.
100 -> of the Heat
101 -> of the parabolic
102 -> of the pit,
103 -> of the beech
104 -> of the gable
105 -> of the house
106 -> of the igniting
107 -> of the Martians;
108 -> of the night
109 -> of the bridge.
110 -> of the houses
111 -> of the stress
112 -> of the men,
113 -> of the men
114 -> of the impossibility
115 -> of the Martians
116 -> of the earth
117 -> of the earth,
118 -> of the invaders.
119 -> of the events
120 -> of the Martians.
121 -> of the commonplace
122 -> of the series
123 -> of the three
124 -> of the cylinder,
125 -> of the shot
126 -> of the men
127 -> of the day,
128 -> of the later
129 -> of the engines
130 -> of the common
131 -> of the three
132 -> of the world
133 -> of the common
134 -> of the common.
135 -> of the regiment
136 -> of the business.
137 -> of the Cardigan
138 -> of the burning
139 -> of the pine
140 -> of the greatest
141 -> of the thick
142 -> of the Cardigan
143 -> of the Martians
144 -> of the troops;
145 -> of the possible
146 -> of the longer
147 -> of the common,
148 -> of the military
149 -> of the military,
150 -> of the killing
151 -> of the papers.
152 -> of the lowing
153 -> of the trees
154 -> of the little
155 -> of the mosque
156 -> of the college
157 -> of the Martians
158 -> of the way.
159 -> of the Oriental
160 -> of the trees,
161 -> of the hill
162 -> of the dismounted
163 -> of the house
164 -> of the dog
165 -> of the smoke
166 -> of the road,
167 -> of the hill
168 -> of the lighted
169 -> of the doorway,
170 -> of the evenings
171 -> of the gathering
172 -> of the road
173 -> of the things
174 -> of the night.
175 -> of the Wey,
176 -> of the storm
177 -> of the gathering
178 -> of the Orphanage
179 -> of the hill,
180 -> of the pine
181 -> of the thunder.
182 -> of the second
183 -> of the overturned
184 -> of the wheel
185 -> of the limbs
186 -> of the lightning,
187 -> of the ten
188 -> of the way,
189 -> of the storm
190 -> of the Spotted
191 -> of the staircase,
192 -> of the dead
193 -> of the staircase
194 -> of the room
195 -> of the Oriental
196 -> of the dying
197 -> of the study.
198 -> of the houses
199 -> of the Potteries
200 -> of the burning
201 -> of the window
202 -> of the fence
203 -> of the house.
204 -> of the fighting
205 -> of the ground.
206 -> of the horse,
207 -> of the funnel
208 -> of the ground,
209 -> of the pit.
210 -> of the road,
211 -> of the Martian
212 -> of the survivors
213 -> of the water
214 -> of the darkness,
215 -> of the open
216 -> of the east,
217 -> of the metallic
218 -> of the Horse
219 -> of the Martians
220 -> of the country
221 -> of the woods,
222 -> of the house,
223 -> of the houses
224 -> of the inhabitants
225 -> of the Old
226 -> of the man
227 -> of the hill.
228 -> of the 8th
229 -> of the Martians,
230 -> of the Heat
231 -> of the road.
232 -> of the Heat
233 -> of the houses,
234 -> of the place,
235 -> of the drinking
236 -> of the passage
237 -> of the time
238 -> of the inn,
239 -> of the trees,
240 -> of the armoured
241 -> of the people,
242 -> of the people
243 -> of the river.
244 -> of the people
245 -> of the confusion
246 -> of the Heat
247 -> of the other
248 -> of the Thing.
249 -> of the water
250 -> of the Heat
251 -> of the Martians
252 -> of the heat,
253 -> of the waves.
254 -> of the machine.
255 -> of the thing
256 -> of the Heat
257 -> of the Martians,
258 -> of the water
259 -> of the Heat
260 -> of the Martians,
261 -> of the Wey
262 -> of the foot
263 -> of the four
264 -> of the tidings
265 -> of the Martian
266 -> of the afternoon
267 -> of the houses
268 -> of the afternoon.
269 -> of the curate,
270 -> of the end,
271 -> of the Lord!
272 -> of the gathering
273 -> of the sunset.
274 -> of the arrival
275 -> of the earths
276 -> of the pine
277 -> of the interruption
278 -> of the fighting
279 -> of the accident
280 -> of the Southampton
281 -> of the Martians
282 -> of the cylinder,
283 -> of the Cardigan
284 -> of the nature
285 -> of the armoured
286 -> of the telegrams
287 -> of the local
288 -> of the underground
289 -> of the line
290 -> of the most
291 -> of the men
292 -> of the Martians!
293 -> of the full
294 -> of the speed
295 -> of the machines
296 -> of the dispatch
297 -> of the strangest
298 -> of the cylinders,
299 -> of the approach
300 -> of the people
301 -> of the safety
302 -> of the authorities
303 -> of the paper
304 -> of the fugitives
305 -> of the people
306 -> of the refugees
307 -> of the invaders
308 -> of the trouble.
309 -> of the suddenly
310 -> of the window
311 -> of the window,
312 -> of the side
313 -> of the growing
314 -> of the coming
315 -> of the great
316 -> of the houses
317 -> of the Commander
318 -> of the great
319 -> of the neighbouring
320 -> of the passing
321 -> of the expectant
322 -> of the guns
323 -> of the tripod
324 -> of the shells.
325 -> of the second
326 -> of the Martian
327 -> of the men
328 -> of the hill
329 -> of the three,
330 -> of the hills
331 -> of the road.
332 -> of the Martians
333 -> of the darkling
334 -> of the daylight,
335 -> of the river,
336 -> of the Martian
337 -> of the farther
338 -> of the Martians,
339 -> of the gunlike
340 -> of the one
341 -> of the gas,
342 -> of the land
343 -> of the air,
344 -> of the spectrum
345 -> of the nature
346 -> of the strangeness
347 -> of the village
348 -> of the distant
349 -> of the huge
350 -> of the electric
351 -> of the crescent
352 -> of the black
353 -> of the Thames
354 -> of the Heat
355 -> of the organised
356 -> of the torpedo
357 -> of the shots
358 -> of the attention,
359 -> of the opaque
360 -> of the social
361 -> of the Thames
362 -> of the people
363 -> of the flight
364 -> of the trains
365 -> of the machine
366 -> of the fury
367 -> of the panic,
368 -> of the crowd.
369 -> of the wheel
370 -> of the place,
371 -> of the invaders
372 -> of the fugitives
373 -> of the little
374 -> of the ladies,
375 -> of the men
376 -> of the chaise.
377 -> of the man
378 -> of the chaise
379 -> of the robbers
380 -> of the Martian
381 -> of the growing
382 -> of the great
383 -> of the immediate
384 -> of the Londoners
385 -> of the woman
386 -> of the lane,
387 -> of the villas.
388 -> of the sun,
389 -> of the ground
390 -> of the lane
391 -> of the road
392 -> of the villas.
393 -> of the Salvation
394 -> of the people
395 -> of the stream,
396 -> of the way,
397 -> of the way.
398 -> of the men
399 -> of the houses.
400 -> of the corner
401 -> of the horse.
402 -> of the cart
403 -> of the road,
404 -> of the poor
405 -> of the lane,
406 -> of the dying
407 -> of the town
408 -> of the way.
409 -> of the road,
410 -> of the people
411 -> of the afternoon,
412 -> of the day
413 -> of the Thames
414 -> of the tangled
415 -> of the road
416 -> of the world
417 -> of the rout
418 -> of the massacre
419 -> of the river,
420 -> of the conquered
421 -> of the black
422 -> of the Tower
423 -> of the bridge
424 -> of the fifth
425 -> of the whole
426 -> of the Black
427 -> of the government
428 -> of the first
429 -> of the home
430 -> of the bread
431 -> of the inhabitants,
432 -> of the destruction
433 -> of the invaders.
434 -> of the sea,
435 -> of the sea
436 -> of the Channel
437 -> of the Martian
438 -> of the sea,
439 -> of the assurances
440 -> of the seats
441 -> of the passengers
442 -> of the sea,
443 -> of the distant
444 -> of the big
445 -> of the steamer
446 -> of the multitudinous
447 -> of the throbbing
448 -> of the engines
449 -> of the little
450 -> of the steamboat
451 -> of the threatened
452 -> of the Essex
453 -> of the black
454 -> of the water
455 -> of the Heat
456 -> of the ships
457 -> of the Thunder
458 -> of the Martians
459 -> of the Thunder
460 -> of the golden
461 -> of the sunset
462 -> of the steamer
463 -> of the west,
464 -> of the sun.
465 -> of the greyness
466 -> of the night.
467 -> of the experiences
468 -> of the panic
469 -> of the world.
470 -> of the sight
471 -> of the house
472 -> of the next.
473 -> of the front
474 -> of the scorched
475 -> of the Black
476 -> of the bedrooms.
477 -> of the destruction
478 -> of the houses
479 -> of the Martians
480 -> of the Black
481 -> of the field,
482 -> of the place.
483 -> of the houses.
484 -> of the same
485 -> of the ceiling
486 -> of the great
487 -> of the kitchen
488 -> of the window
489 -> of the kitchen
490 -> of the house
491 -> of the twilight
492 -> of the kitchen
493 -> of the scullery.
494 -> of the kitchen
495 -> of the kitchen.
496 -> of the plaster
497 -> of the house
498 -> of the adjacent
499 -> of the great
500 -> of the pit,
501 -> of the pit,
502 -> of the great
503 -> of the extraordinary
504 -> of the strange
505 -> of the cylinder.
506 -> of the first
507 -> of the war.
508 -> of the fighting
509 -> of the crabs
510 -> of the other
511 -> of the structure
512 -> of the outer
513 -> of the Martian
514 -> of the practice
515 -> of the tremendous
516 -> of the remains
517 -> of the victims
518 -> of the silicious
519 -> of the tumultuous
520 -> of the vertebrated
521 -> of the human
522 -> of the body
523 -> of the brain.
524 -> of the body
525 -> of the animal
526 -> of the organism
527 -> of the rest
528 -> of the body.
529 -> of the emotional
530 -> of the human
531 -> of the differences
532 -> of the red
533 -> of the pit
534 -> of the head
535 -> of the Martians
536 -> of the evolution
537 -> of the fixed
538 -> of the machinery
539 -> of the disks
540 -> of the slit,
541 -> of the pieces
542 -> of the cylinder
543 -> of the sunlight
544 -> of the infinite
545 -> of the Martians
546 -> of the fighting
547 -> of the novel
548 -> of the handling
549 -> of the machine.
550 -> of the pit.
551 -> of the crude
552 -> of the pit.
553 -> of the two
554 -> of the slit
555 -> of the slit,
556 -> of the pit.
557 -> of the machinery,
558 -> of the machine
559 -> of the Martians
560 -> of the pit
561 -> of the pit
562 -> of the handling
563 -> of the curate
564 -> of the poor
565 -> of the food
566 -> of the eighth
567 -> of the earth
568 -> of the other
569 -> of the trumpet
570 -> of the Lord
571 -> of the body
572 -> of the coal
573 -> of the kitchen
574 -> of the blow
575 -> of the cellar
576 -> of the scullery,
577 -> of the curate
578 -> of the manner
579 -> of the death
580 -> of the curate,
581 -> of the red
582 -> of the place
583 -> of the Martians.
584 -> of the dog
585 -> of the dead
586 -> of the killed,
587 -> of the ruins.
588 -> of the mound
589 -> of the air!
590 -> of the weed
591 -> of the pit.
592 -> of the red
593 -> of the Wey
594 -> of the Thames
595 -> of the desolation
596 -> of the familiar:
597 -> of the daylight
598 -> of the Martians.
599 -> of the place
600 -> of the flooded
601 -> of the body.
602 -> of the world.
603 -> of the curate,
604 -> of the Martians,
605 -> of the night,
606 -> of the nearness
607 -> of the Martians
608 -> of the house
609 -> of the panic
610 -> of the vaguest.
611 -> of the open,
612 -> of the common.
613 -> of the way,
614 -> of the way.
615 -> of the people
616 -> of the breed.
617 -> of the back
618 -> of the hereafter.
619 -> of the Lord.
620 -> of the run,
621 -> of the artilleryman,
622 -> of the bushes,
623 -> of the place,
624 -> of the gulf
625 -> of the world
626 -> of the manholes,
627 -> of the house.
628 -> of the roof
629 -> of the parapet.
630 -> of the sort
631 -> of the possibility
632 -> of the proportion
633 -> of the day.
634 -> of the lane
635 -> of the burning
636 -> of the Fulham
637 -> of the metropolis,
638 -> of the towers,
639 -> of the road
640 -> of the houses.
641 -> of the park,
642 -> of the dead?
643 -> of the poisons
644 -> of the liquors
645 -> of the cellars
646 -> of the houses.
647 -> of the sunset
648 -> of the Martian
649 -> of the terraces,
650 -> of the Martian
651 -> of the early
652 -> of the sun.
653 -> of the hill,
654 -> of the hood
655 -> of the redoubt
656 -> of the earth,
657 -> of the shadows
658 -> of the pit,
659 -> of the hill
660 -> of the rising
661 -> of the silent
662 -> of the Albert
663 -> of the church,
664 -> of the Albert
665 -> of the Brompton
666 -> of the Crystal
667 -> of the multitudinous
668 -> of the swift
669 -> of the people
670 -> of the destroyer
671 -> of the hill,
672 -> of the restorers
673 -> of the Martian
674 -> of the pit.
675 -> of the fate
676 -> of the little
677 -> of the population
678 -> of the people
679 -> of the men,
680 -> of the faces,
681 -> of the few
682 -> of the mischief
683 -> of the bridge,
684 -> of the common
685 -> of the red
686 -> of the first
687 -> of the Martian
688 -> of the railway
689 -> of the Black
690 -> of the country
691 -> of the red
692 -> of the line,
693 -> of the foreground
694 -> of the eastward
695 -> of the horse
696 -> of the Spotted
697 -> of the open
698 -> of the catastrophe.
699 -> of the opening
700 -> of the cylinder.
701 -> of the civilising
702 -> of the faint
703 -> of the many
704 -> of the rapid
705 -> of the Martians
706 -> of the Martians
707 -> of the putrefactive
708 -> of the Black
709 -> of the Heat
710 -> of the black
711 -> of the brown
712 -> of the Martians,
713 -> of the matter.
714 -> of the gun
715 -> of the planet,
716 -> of the next
717 -> of the inner
718 -> of the Martian
719 -> of the human
720 -> of the universe
721 -> of the commonweal
722 -> of the eager
723 -> of the Martian
724 -> of the sky,
725 -> of the sun
726 -> of the solar
727 -> of the Martians
728 -> of the time
729 -> of the night.
730 -> of the past,
731 -> of the smoke
escolhido = 337 -> of the farther -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the
1 -> the farther bank,
2 -> the farther country;
3 -> the farther edge
escolhido = 1 -> the farther bank, -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther
1 -> farther bank, and
escolhido = 1 -> farther bank, and -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank,
1 -> bank, and in
2 -> bank, and in
escolhido = 2 -> bank, and in -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and
1 -> and in the
2 -> and in the
3 -> and in the
4 -> and in order
5 -> and in my
6 -> and in another
7 -> and in another
8 -> and in the
9 -> and in a
10 -> and in another
11 -> and in their
12 -> and in front
13 -> and in the
14 -> and in vehicles
15 -> and in the
16 -> and in another
17 -> and in a
18 -> and in the
19 -> and in another
20 -> and in the
21 -> and in a
22 -> and in the
23 -> and in this
24 -> and in this
25 -> and in a
26 -> and in any
27 -> and in a
28 -> and in the
29 -> and in the
30 -> and in the
31 -> and in a
32 -> and in its
escolhido = 5 -> and in my -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in
1 -> in my study;
2 -> in my own
3 -> in my eyes.
4 -> in my surprise.
5 -> in my glass,
6 -> in my memory
7 -> in my heart
8 -> in my life
9 -> in my mind.
10 -> in my ears.
11 -> in my mind
12 -> in my absence.
13 -> in my mind,
14 -> in my enfeebled
15 -> in my mouth,
16 -> in my time,
17 -> in my mind,
18 -> in my ears,
19 -> in my story.
20 -> in my past.
21 -> in my pocket.
22 -> in my arms.
23 -> in my mind
24 -> in my mind.
25 -> in my study
escolhido = 14 -> in my enfeebled -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my
1 -> my enfeebled condition,
escolhido = 1 -> my enfeebled condition, -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled
1 -> enfeebled condition, too
escolhido = 1 -> enfeebled condition, too -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition,
1 -> condition, too fatigued
escolhido = 1 -> condition, too fatigued -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too
1 -> too fatigued to
escolhido = 1 -> too fatigued to -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued
1 -> fatigued to push
escolhido = 1 -> fatigued to push -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to
1 -> to push on
2 -> to push on.
escolhido = 1 -> to push on -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push
1 -> push on at
escolhido = 1 -> push on at -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on
1 -> on at a
2 -> on at once
escolhido = 2 -> on at once -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at
1 -> at once resorted,
2 -> at once to
3 -> at once vital,
4 -> at once for
5 -> at once to
6 -> at once under
7 -> at once to
8 -> at once because
9 -> at once annihilated
10 -> at once by
11 -> at once without
12 -> at once to
13 -> at once that
14 -> at once down
15 -> at once with
escolhido = 6 -> at once under -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once
1 -> once under water,
escolhido = 1 -> once under water, -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under
1 -> under water, and,
escolhido = 1 -> under water, and, -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water,
1 -> water, and, holding
escolhido = 1 -> water, and, holding -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and,
1 -> and, holding my
escolhido = 1 -> and, holding my -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding
1 -> holding my breath
escolhido = 1 -> holding my breath -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my
1 -> my breath until
escolhido = 1 -> my breath until -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath
1 -> breath until movement
escolhido = 1 -> breath until movement -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until
1 -> until movement was
escolhido = 1 -> until movement was -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement
1 -> movement was an
escolhido = 1 -> movement was an -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was
1 -> was an elusive
2 -> was an inn
3 -> was an agony,
4 -> was an exchange
5 -> was an attic
6 -> was an astonishing
7 -> was an intermittent,
8 -> was an accident.
9 -> was an absolute
escolhido = 7 -> was an intermittent, -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an
1 -> an intermittent, metallic
escolhido = 1 -> an intermittent, metallic -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent,
1 -> intermittent, metallic rattle.
escolhido = 1 -> intermittent, metallic rattle. -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic
1 -> metallic rattle. That!
escolhido = 1 -> metallic rattle. That! -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle.
1 -> rattle. That! said
escolhido = 1 -> rattle. That! said -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That!
1 -> That! said the
escolhido = 1 -> That! said the -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said
1 -> said the woman
2 -> said the woman
3 -> said the milkman,
4 -> said the first
5 -> said the little
6 -> said the first
7 -> said the landlord,
8 -> said the landlord;
9 -> said the first
10 -> said the lieutenant.
11 -> said the lieutenant.
12 -> said the lieutenant,
13 -> said the artilleryman.
14 -> said the curate,
15 -> said the slender
16 -> said the slender
17 -> said the people,
18 -> said the curate,
19 -> said the curate.
20 -> said the artilleryman.
21 -> said the artilleryman.
22 -> said the artilleryman.
escolhido = 1 -> said the woman -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the
1 -> the woman over
2 -> the woman over
3 -> the woman in
escolhido = 1 -> the woman over -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman
1 -> woman over the
2 -> woman over the
escolhido = 2 -> woman over the -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over
1 -> over the heath,
2 -> over the palings
3 -> over the brim
4 -> over the Horsell
5 -> over the sand
6 -> over the arch,
7 -> over the bridge.
8 -> over the gate.
9 -> over the gate.
10 -> over the district
11 -> over the canal,
12 -> over the strangers
13 -> over the young
14 -> over the hedge
15 -> over the trees
16 -> over the smoke
17 -> over the palings.
18 -> over the railway
19 -> over the treetops
20 -> over the railway
21 -> over the bridge,
22 -> over the treetops
23 -> over the trees.
24 -> over the treetops.
25 -> over the little
26 -> over the frothing,
27 -> over the sky.
28 -> over the hedge
29 -> over the South
30 -> over the south
31 -> over the trees
32 -> over the crest
33 -> over the surrounding
34 -> over the ground
35 -> over the Londonward
36 -> over the trees
37 -> over the bridges
38 -> over the poor
39 -> over the blue
40 -> over the smooth
41 -> over the housetops,
42 -> over the table
43 -> over the still
44 -> over the shoulder
45 -> over the fallen
46 -> over the curate,
47 -> over the kitchen.
48 -> over the skeletons
49 -> over the pet
50 -> over the Serpentine.
51 -> over the trees
52 -> over the bodies
53 -> over the blackened
54 -> over the country
55 -> over the world;
56 -> over the buttresses
escolhido = 34 -> over the ground -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the
1 -> the ground heaved
2 -> the ground heave.
3 -> the ground they
4 -> the ground in
5 -> the ground grey
6 -> the ground floor,
escolhido = 1 -> the ground heaved -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground
1 -> ground heaved under
escolhido = 1 -> ground heaved under -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved
1 -> heaved under foot
escolhido = 1 -> heaved under foot -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under
1 -> under foot for
2 -> under foot and
3 -> under foot a
escolhido = 1 -> under foot for -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot
1 -> foot for days,
escolhido = 1 -> foot for days, -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for
1 -> for days, on
escolhido = 1 -> for days, on -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days,
1 -> days, on account
escolhido = 1 -> days, on account -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on
1 -> on account of
2 -> on account of
3 -> on account of
4 -> on account of
escolhido = 1 -> on account of -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account
1 -> account of the
2 -> account of the
3 -> account of these
4 -> account of the
5 -> account of the
6 -> account of the
7 -> account of the
8 -> account of the
escolhido = 7 -> account of the -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of
1 -> of the nineteenth
2 -> of the mental
3 -> of the beasts
4 -> of the volume
5 -> of the earth
6 -> of the nineteenth
7 -> of the superficial
8 -> of the minds
9 -> of the markings
10 -> of the disk,
11 -> of the huge
12 -> of the astronomical
13 -> of the twelfth;
14 -> of the planet,
15 -> of the gravest
16 -> of the eruption
17 -> of the red
18 -> of the clockwork
19 -> of the telescope,
20 -> of the clockwork
21 -> of the material
22 -> of the outline
23 -> of the minute
24 -> of the firing
25 -> of the planets
26 -> of the planet
27 -> of the Zodiac
28 -> of the houses
29 -> of the red,
30 -> of the first
31 -> of the projectile,
32 -> of the pit
33 -> of the grey
34 -> of the end.
35 -> of the body
36 -> of the cylinder.
37 -> of the cylinder
38 -> of the circumference.
39 -> of the confined
40 -> of the pit,
41 -> of the public
42 -> of the cylinder.
43 -> of the idea.
44 -> of the Pit,
45 -> of the group
46 -> of the common
47 -> of the cylinder,
48 -> of the Thing
49 -> of the onlookers.
50 -> of the common
51 -> of the evening
52 -> of the heat
53 -> of the day,
54 -> of the few
55 -> of the pit,
56 -> of the cylinder
57 -> of the pit
58 -> of the manor.
59 -> of the privileged
60 -> of the sky
61 -> of the hole
62 -> of the cylinder
63 -> of the screw.
64 -> of the cylinder
65 -> of the writhing
66 -> of the pit.
67 -> of the people
68 -> of the pit.
69 -> of the pit
70 -> of the cylinder.
71 -> of the thing,
72 -> of the cylinder,
73 -> of the lungs
74 -> of the earth
75 -> of the immense
76 -> of the tedious
77 -> of the cylinder
78 -> of the aperture.
79 -> of the pit
80 -> of the pit.
81 -> of the shopman
82 -> of the cylinder
83 -> of the Martians
84 -> of the spectators
85 -> of the evening
86 -> of the pit,
87 -> of the now
88 -> of the pit
89 -> of the pit,
90 -> of the early
91 -> of the pine
92 -> of the evening
93 -> of the evening,
94 -> of the Martians,
95 -> of the dusk
96 -> of the matter.
97 -> of the massacre
98 -> of the day,
99 -> of the occasion.
100 -> of the Heat
101 -> of the parabolic
102 -> of the pit,
103 -> of the beech
104 -> of the gable
105 -> of the house
106 -> of the igniting
107 -> of the Martians;
108 -> of the night
109 -> of the bridge.
110 -> of the houses
111 -> of the stress
112 -> of the men,
113 -> of the men
114 -> of the impossibility
115 -> of the Martians
116 -> of the earth
117 -> of the earth,
118 -> of the invaders.
119 -> of the events
120 -> of the Martians.
121 -> of the commonplace
122 -> of the series
123 -> of the three
124 -> of the cylinder,
125 -> of the shot
126 -> of the men
127 -> of the day,
128 -> of the later
129 -> of the engines
130 -> of the common
131 -> of the three
132 -> of the world
133 -> of the common
134 -> of the common.
135 -> of the regiment
136 -> of the business.
137 -> of the Cardigan
138 -> of the burning
139 -> of the pine
140 -> of the greatest
141 -> of the thick
142 -> of the Cardigan
143 -> of the Martians
144 -> of the troops;
145 -> of the possible
146 -> of the longer
147 -> of the common,
148 -> of the military
149 -> of the military,
150 -> of the killing
151 -> of the papers.
152 -> of the lowing
153 -> of the trees
154 -> of the little
155 -> of the mosque
156 -> of the college
157 -> of the Martians
158 -> of the way.
159 -> of the Oriental
160 -> of the trees,
161 -> of the hill
162 -> of the dismounted
163 -> of the house
164 -> of the dog
165 -> of the smoke
166 -> of the road,
167 -> of the hill
168 -> of the lighted
169 -> of the doorway,
170 -> of the evenings
171 -> of the gathering
172 -> of the road
173 -> of the things
174 -> of the night.
175 -> of the Wey,
176 -> of the storm
177 -> of the gathering
178 -> of the Orphanage
179 -> of the hill,
180 -> of the pine
181 -> of the thunder.
182 -> of the second
183 -> of the overturned
184 -> of the wheel
185 -> of the limbs
186 -> of the lightning,
187 -> of the ten
188 -> of the way,
189 -> of the storm
190 -> of the Spotted
191 -> of the staircase,
192 -> of the dead
193 -> of the staircase
194 -> of the room
195 -> of the Oriental
196 -> of the dying
197 -> of the study.
198 -> of the houses
199 -> of the Potteries
200 -> of the burning
201 -> of the window
202 -> of the fence
203 -> of the house.
204 -> of the fighting
205 -> of the ground.
206 -> of the horse,
207 -> of the funnel
208 -> of the ground,
209 -> of the pit.
210 -> of the road,
211 -> of the Martian
212 -> of the survivors
213 -> of the water
214 -> of the darkness,
215 -> of the open
216 -> of the east,
217 -> of the metallic
218 -> of the Horse
219 -> of the Martians
220 -> of the country
221 -> of the woods,
222 -> of the house,
223 -> of the houses
224 -> of the inhabitants
225 -> of the Old
226 -> of the man
227 -> of the hill.
228 -> of the 8th
229 -> of the Martians,
230 -> of the Heat
231 -> of the road.
232 -> of the Heat
233 -> of the houses,
234 -> of the place,
235 -> of the drinking
236 -> of the passage
237 -> of the time
238 -> of the inn,
239 -> of the trees,
240 -> of the armoured
241 -> of the people,
242 -> of the people
243 -> of the river.
244 -> of the people
245 -> of the confusion
246 -> of the Heat
247 -> of the other
248 -> of the Thing.
249 -> of the water
250 -> of the Heat
251 -> of the Martians
252 -> of the heat,
253 -> of the waves.
254 -> of the machine.
255 -> of the thing
256 -> of the Heat
257 -> of the Martians,
258 -> of the water
259 -> of the Heat
260 -> of the Martians,
261 -> of the Wey
262 -> of the foot
263 -> of the four
264 -> of the tidings
265 -> of the Martian
266 -> of the afternoon
267 -> of the houses
268 -> of the afternoon.
269 -> of the curate,
270 -> of the end,
271 -> of the Lord!
272 -> of the gathering
273 -> of the sunset.
274 -> of the arrival
275 -> of the earths
276 -> of the pine
277 -> of the interruption
278 -> of the fighting
279 -> of the accident
280 -> of the Southampton
281 -> of the Martians
282 -> of the cylinder,
283 -> of the Cardigan
284 -> of the nature
285 -> of the armoured
286 -> of the telegrams
287 -> of the local
288 -> of the underground
289 -> of the line
290 -> of the most
291 -> of the men
292 -> of the Martians!
293 -> of the full
294 -> of the speed
295 -> of the machines
296 -> of the dispatch
297 -> of the strangest
298 -> of the cylinders,
299 -> of the approach
300 -> of the people
301 -> of the safety
302 -> of the authorities
303 -> of the paper
304 -> of the fugitives
305 -> of the people
306 -> of the refugees
307 -> of the invaders
308 -> of the trouble.
309 -> of the suddenly
310 -> of the window
311 -> of the window,
312 -> of the side
313 -> of the growing
314 -> of the coming
315 -> of the great
316 -> of the houses
317 -> of the Commander
318 -> of the great
319 -> of the neighbouring
320 -> of the passing
321 -> of the expectant
322 -> of the guns
323 -> of the tripod
324 -> of the shells.
325 -> of the second
326 -> of the Martian
327 -> of the men
328 -> of the hill
329 -> of the three,
330 -> of the hills
331 -> of the road.
332 -> of the Martians
333 -> of the darkling
334 -> of the daylight,
335 -> of the river,
336 -> of the Martian
337 -> of the farther
338 -> of the Martians,
339 -> of the gunlike
340 -> of the one
341 -> of the gas,
342 -> of the land
343 -> of the air,
344 -> of the spectrum
345 -> of the nature
346 -> of the strangeness
347 -> of the village
348 -> of the distant
349 -> of the huge
350 -> of the electric
351 -> of the crescent
352 -> of the black
353 -> of the Thames
354 -> of the Heat
355 -> of the organised
356 -> of the torpedo
357 -> of the shots
358 -> of the attention,
359 -> of the opaque
360 -> of the social
361 -> of the Thames
362 -> of the people
363 -> of the flight
364 -> of the trains
365 -> of the machine
366 -> of the fury
367 -> of the panic,
368 -> of the crowd.
369 -> of the wheel
370 -> of the place,
371 -> of the invaders
372 -> of the fugitives
373 -> of the little
374 -> of the ladies,
375 -> of the men
376 -> of the chaise.
377 -> of the man
378 -> of the chaise
379 -> of the robbers
380 -> of the Martian
381 -> of the growing
382 -> of the great
383 -> of the immediate
384 -> of the Londoners
385 -> of the woman
386 -> of the lane,
387 -> of the villas.
388 -> of the sun,
389 -> of the ground
390 -> of the lane
391 -> of the road
392 -> of the villas.
393 -> of the Salvation
394 -> of the people
395 -> of the stream,
396 -> of the way,
397 -> of the way.
398 -> of the men
399 -> of the houses.
400 -> of the corner
401 -> of the horse.
402 -> of the cart
403 -> of the road,
404 -> of the poor
405 -> of the lane,
406 -> of the dying
407 -> of the town
408 -> of the way.
409 -> of the road,
410 -> of the people
411 -> of the afternoon,
412 -> of the day
413 -> of the Thames
414 -> of the tangled
415 -> of the road
416 -> of the world
417 -> of the rout
418 -> of the massacre
419 -> of the river,
420 -> of the conquered
421 -> of the black
422 -> of the Tower
423 -> of the bridge
424 -> of the fifth
425 -> of the whole
426 -> of the Black
427 -> of the government
428 -> of the first
429 -> of the home
430 -> of the bread
431 -> of the inhabitants,
432 -> of the destruction
433 -> of the invaders.
434 -> of the sea,
435 -> of the sea
436 -> of the Channel
437 -> of the Martian
438 -> of the sea,
439 -> of the assurances
440 -> of the seats
441 -> of the passengers
442 -> of the sea,
443 -> of the distant
444 -> of the big
445 -> of the steamer
446 -> of the multitudinous
447 -> of the throbbing
448 -> of the engines
449 -> of the little
450 -> of the steamboat
451 -> of the threatened
452 -> of the Essex
453 -> of the black
454 -> of the water
455 -> of the Heat
456 -> of the ships
457 -> of the Thunder
458 -> of the Martians
459 -> of the Thunder
460 -> of the golden
461 -> of the sunset
462 -> of the steamer
463 -> of the west,
464 -> of the sun.
465 -> of the greyness
466 -> of the night.
467 -> of the experiences
468 -> of the panic
469 -> of the world.
470 -> of the sight
471 -> of the house
472 -> of the next.
473 -> of the front
474 -> of the scorched
475 -> of the Black
476 -> of the bedrooms.
477 -> of the destruction
478 -> of the houses
479 -> of the Martians
480 -> of the Black
481 -> of the field,
482 -> of the place.
483 -> of the houses.
484 -> of the same
485 -> of the ceiling
486 -> of the great
487 -> of the kitchen
488 -> of the window
489 -> of the kitchen
490 -> of the house
491 -> of the twilight
492 -> of the kitchen
493 -> of the scullery.
494 -> of the kitchen
495 -> of the kitchen.
496 -> of the plaster
497 -> of the house
498 -> of the adjacent
499 -> of the great
500 -> of the pit,
501 -> of the pit,
502 -> of the great
503 -> of the extraordinary
504 -> of the strange
505 -> of the cylinder.
506 -> of the first
507 -> of the war.
508 -> of the fighting
509 -> of the crabs
510 -> of the other
511 -> of the structure
512 -> of the outer
513 -> of the Martian
514 -> of the practice
515 -> of the tremendous
516 -> of the remains
517 -> of the victims
518 -> of the silicious
519 -> of the tumultuous
520 -> of the vertebrated
521 -> of the human
522 -> of the body
523 -> of the brain.
524 -> of the body
525 -> of the animal
526 -> of the organism
527 -> of the rest
528 -> of the body.
529 -> of the emotional
530 -> of the human
531 -> of the differences
532 -> of the red
533 -> of the pit
534 -> of the head
535 -> of the Martians
536 -> of the evolution
537 -> of the fixed
538 -> of the machinery
539 -> of the disks
540 -> of the slit,
541 -> of the pieces
542 -> of the cylinder
543 -> of the sunlight
544 -> of the infinite
545 -> of the Martians
546 -> of the fighting
547 -> of the novel
548 -> of the handling
549 -> of the machine.
550 -> of the pit.
551 -> of the crude
552 -> of the pit.
553 -> of the two
554 -> of the slit
555 -> of the slit,
556 -> of the pit.
557 -> of the machinery,
558 -> of the machine
559 -> of the Martians
560 -> of the pit
561 -> of the pit
562 -> of the handling
563 -> of the curate
564 -> of the poor
565 -> of the food
566 -> of the eighth
567 -> of the earth
568 -> of the other
569 -> of the trumpet
570 -> of the Lord
571 -> of the body
572 -> of the coal
573 -> of the kitchen
574 -> of the blow
575 -> of the cellar
576 -> of the scullery,
577 -> of the curate
578 -> of the manner
579 -> of the death
580 -> of the curate,
581 -> of the red
582 -> of the place
583 -> of the Martians.
584 -> of the dog
585 -> of the dead
586 -> of the killed,
587 -> of the ruins.
588 -> of the mound
589 -> of the air!
590 -> of the weed
591 -> of the pit.
592 -> of the red
593 -> of the Wey
594 -> of the Thames
595 -> of the desolation
596 -> of the familiar:
597 -> of the daylight
598 -> of the Martians.
599 -> of the place
600 -> of the flooded
601 -> of the body.
602 -> of the world.
603 -> of the curate,
604 -> of the Martians,
605 -> of the night,
606 -> of the nearness
607 -> of the Martians
608 -> of the house
609 -> of the panic
610 -> of the vaguest.
611 -> of the open,
612 -> of the common.
613 -> of the way,
614 -> of the way.
615 -> of the people
616 -> of the breed.
617 -> of the back
618 -> of the hereafter.
619 -> of the Lord.
620 -> of the run,
621 -> of the artilleryman,
622 -> of the bushes,
623 -> of the place,
624 -> of the gulf
625 -> of the world
626 -> of the manholes,
627 -> of the house.
628 -> of the roof
629 -> of the parapet.
630 -> of the sort
631 -> of the possibility
632 -> of the proportion
633 -> of the day.
634 -> of the lane
635 -> of the burning
636 -> of the Fulham
637 -> of the metropolis,
638 -> of the towers,
639 -> of the road
640 -> of the houses.
641 -> of the park,
642 -> of the dead?
643 -> of the poisons
644 -> of the liquors
645 -> of the cellars
646 -> of the houses.
647 -> of the sunset
648 -> of the Martian
649 -> of the terraces,
650 -> of the Martian
651 -> of the early
652 -> of the sun.
653 -> of the hill,
654 -> of the hood
655 -> of the redoubt
656 -> of the earth,
657 -> of the shadows
658 -> of the pit,
659 -> of the hill
660 -> of the rising
661 -> of the silent
662 -> of the Albert
663 -> of the church,
664 -> of the Albert
665 -> of the Brompton
666 -> of the Crystal
667 -> of the multitudinous
668 -> of the swift
669 -> of the people
670 -> of the destroyer
671 -> of the hill,
672 -> of the restorers
673 -> of the Martian
674 -> of the pit.
675 -> of the fate
676 -> of the little
677 -> of the population
678 -> of the people
679 -> of the men,
680 -> of the faces,
681 -> of the few
682 -> of the mischief
683 -> of the bridge,
684 -> of the common
685 -> of the red
686 -> of the first
687 -> of the Martian
688 -> of the railway
689 -> of the Black
690 -> of the country
691 -> of the red
692 -> of the line,
693 -> of the foreground
694 -> of the eastward
695 -> of the horse
696 -> of the Spotted
697 -> of the open
698 -> of the catastrophe.
699 -> of the opening
700 -> of the cylinder.
701 -> of the civilising
702 -> of the faint
703 -> of the many
704 -> of the rapid
705 -> of the Martians
706 -> of the Martians
707 -> of the putrefactive
708 -> of the Black
709 -> of the Heat
710 -> of the black
711 -> of the brown
712 -> of the Martians,
713 -> of the matter.
714 -> of the gun
715 -> of the planet,
716 -> of the next
717 -> of the inner
718 -> of the Martian
719 -> of the human
720 -> of the universe
721 -> of the commonweal
722 -> of the eager
723 -> of the Martian
724 -> of the sky,
725 -> of the sun
726 -> of the solar
727 -> of the Martians
728 -> of the time
729 -> of the night.
730 -> of the past,
731 -> of the smoke
escolhido = 298 -> of the cylinders, -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the
1 -> the cylinders, that
escolhido = 1 -> the cylinders, that -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders,
1 -> cylinders, that at
escolhido = 1 -> cylinders, that at -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that
1 -> that at first
2 -> that at the
3 -> that at last
4 -> that at first
5 -> that at first
6 -> that at first
escolhido = 3 -> that at last -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at
1 -> at last upon
2 -> at last the
3 -> at last they
4 -> at last in
5 -> at last induced
6 -> at last agreed
7 -> at last in
8 -> at last towards
9 -> at last the
10 -> at last indistinguishable
11 -> at last along
12 -> at last we
13 -> at last felt
14 -> at last at
15 -> at last to
16 -> at last to
17 -> at last in
18 -> at last threatening.
19 -> at last upon
20 -> at last I
21 -> at last it
22 -> at last into
escolhido = 5 -> at last induced -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last
1 -> last induced my
escolhido = 1 -> last induced my -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced
1 -> induced my brother
escolhido = 1 -> induced my brother -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my
1 -> my brother went
2 -> my brother reached
3 -> my brother for
4 -> my brother went
5 -> my brother he
6 -> my brother met
7 -> my brother said,
8 -> my brother said,
9 -> my brother saw
10 -> my brother said,
11 -> my brother stared
12 -> my brother went
13 -> my brother hesitated
14 -> my brother read
15 -> my brother began
16 -> my brother was
17 -> my brother emerged
18 -> my brother struck
19 -> my brother to
20 -> my brother laid
21 -> my brother her
22 -> my brother looked
23 -> my brother found
24 -> my brother and
25 -> my brother in
26 -> my brother gathered
27 -> my brother leading
28 -> my brother told
29 -> my brother heard
30 -> my brother could
31 -> my brother noticed,
32 -> my brother touched
33 -> my brother saw
34 -> my brother lugged
35 -> my brother fiercely,
36 -> my brother was
37 -> my brother saw
38 -> my brother stopped
39 -> my brother plunged
40 -> my brother had
41 -> my brother could
42 -> my brother succeeded
43 -> my brother had
44 -> my brother saw
45 -> my brother for
46 -> my brother looked
47 -> my brother that
escolhido = 27 -> my brother leading -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother
1 -> brother leading the
escolhido = 1 -> brother leading the -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading
1 -> leading the pony
escolhido = 1 -> leading the pony -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the
1 -> the pony became
2 -> the pony to
3 -> the pony and
4 -> the pony round.
5 -> the pony round
6 -> the pony across
7 -> the pony as
escolhido = 6 -> the pony across -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony
1 -> pony across its
escolhido = 1 -> pony across its -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across
1 -> across its head.
escolhido = 1 -> across its head. -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its
1 -> its head. A
escolhido = 1 -> its head. A -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head.
1 -> head. A waggon
escolhido = 1 -> head. A waggon -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A
1 -> A waggon locked
escolhido = 1 -> A waggon locked -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon
1 -> waggon locked wheels
escolhido = 1 -> waggon locked wheels -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked
1 -> locked wheels for
escolhido = 1 -> locked wheels for -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels
1 -> wheels for a
escolhido = 1 -> wheels for a -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for
1 -> for a walk
2 -> for a moment,
3 -> for a time
4 -> for a time,
5 -> for a time;
6 -> for a struggle.
7 -> for a moment
8 -> for a moment.
9 -> for a lighted
10 -> for a third
11 -> for a long
12 -> for a time
13 -> for a flask,
14 -> for a moment
15 -> for a moment
16 -> for a days
17 -> for a copy
18 -> for a shilling
19 -> for a milky
20 -> for a place
21 -> for a moment
22 -> for a pair
23 -> for a moment
24 -> for a chance
25 -> for a few
26 -> for a moment.
27 -> for a second
28 -> for a moment
29 -> for a long
30 -> for a time
31 -> for a long
32 -> for a dominant
33 -> for a time
34 -> for a time.
35 -> for a moment
36 -> for a moment
37 -> for a long
38 -> for a fighting
39 -> for a minute,
40 -> for a time
41 -> for a day
42 -> for a bit,
43 -> for a moment.
44 -> for a million
45 -> for a sort
46 -> for a time,
47 -> for a blackened
escolhido = 25 -> for a few -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a
1 -> a few heaps
2 -> a few yards
3 -> a few dark,
4 -> a few valuables,
5 -> a few minutes
6 -> a few people
7 -> a few paces,
8 -> a few minutes
9 -> a few furtive
10 -> a few inches
11 -> a few minutes
12 -> a few score
13 -> a few miles
14 -> a few generations
15 -> a few days
escolhido = 1 -> a few heaps -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few
1 -> few heaps of
escolhido = 1 -> few heaps of -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps
1 -> heaps of sand.
2 -> heaps of broken
3 -> heaps of sawdust
escolhido = 2 -> heaps of broken -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of
1 -> of broken red
2 -> of broken wall
3 -> of broken bricks
escolhido = 3 -> of broken bricks -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken
1 -> broken bricks in
escolhido = 1 -> broken bricks in -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks
1 -> bricks in the
escolhido = 1 -> bricks in the -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in
1 -> in the last
2 -> in the twentieth
3 -> in the space
4 -> in the same
5 -> in the nineteenth
6 -> in the issue
7 -> in the vast
8 -> in the papers
9 -> in the Daily
10 -> in the excess
11 -> in the corner,
12 -> in the roof
13 -> in the field.
14 -> in the field,
15 -> in the darkness,
16 -> in the blackness,
17 -> in the darkness
18 -> in the two
19 -> in the political
20 -> in the upper
21 -> in the distance
22 -> in the morning,
23 -> in the atmosphere.
24 -> in the morning
25 -> in the pit
26 -> in the same
27 -> in the bright
28 -> in the ground.
29 -> in the crack
30 -> in the three
31 -> in the road
32 -> in the sky
33 -> in the Chobham
34 -> in the interior.
35 -> in the pit!
36 -> in the confounded
37 -> in the air
38 -> in the air.
39 -> in the oily
40 -> in the clumsy
41 -> in the deep
42 -> in the sand
43 -> in the heather,
44 -> in the direction
45 -> in the pit?
46 -> in the sand
47 -> in the west
48 -> in the gloaming.
49 -> in the gate
50 -> in the pretty
51 -> in the second
52 -> in the pit,
53 -> in the Mauritius
54 -> in the village
55 -> in the public
56 -> in the sky.
57 -> in the most
58 -> in the day,
59 -> in the Chertsey
60 -> in the hands
61 -> in the town
62 -> in the presence
63 -> in the afternoon.
64 -> in the hope
65 -> in the evening,
66 -> in the summerhouse
67 -> in the air
68 -> in the light
69 -> in the dark
70 -> in the valley
71 -> in the air,
72 -> in the pine
73 -> in the water,
74 -> in the field.
75 -> in the field
76 -> in the rain
77 -> in the distance
78 -> in the lightning,
79 -> in the wood,
80 -> in the heavy
81 -> in the darkness
82 -> in the road.
83 -> in the doorway.
84 -> in the air.
85 -> in the last
86 -> in the glare
87 -> in the artillery,
88 -> in the hope
89 -> in the pantry
90 -> in the pitiless
91 -> in the history
92 -> in the end
93 -> in the road,
94 -> in the same
95 -> in the village
96 -> in the special
97 -> in the end.
98 -> in the warm
99 -> in the houses
100 -> in the sun
101 -> in the air,
102 -> in the boats
103 -> in the air
104 -> in the face
105 -> in the water
106 -> in the water,
107 -> in the steam,
108 -> in the almost
109 -> in the river
110 -> in the power
111 -> in the boat,
112 -> in the shadow
113 -> in the direction
114 -> in the sky?
115 -> in the sky.
116 -> in the midst
117 -> in the sky
118 -> in the west
119 -> in the planets,
120 -> in the crammers
121 -> in the streets.
122 -> in the papers
123 -> in the station,
124 -> in the Sunday
125 -> in the Londoners
126 -> in the papers,
127 -> in the Referee
128 -> in the afternoon,
129 -> in the morning,
130 -> in the morning
131 -> in the air.
132 -> in the station
133 -> in the west.
134 -> in the country
135 -> in the circle
136 -> in the extreme,
137 -> in the threatened
138 -> in the Strand
139 -> in the face.
140 -> in the early
141 -> in the streets
142 -> in the main
143 -> in the Marylebone
144 -> in the south.
145 -> in the small
146 -> in the street,
147 -> in the houses
148 -> in the distance.
149 -> in the Thames
150 -> in the rooms
151 -> in the houses
152 -> in the Park
153 -> in the hundred
154 -> in the small
155 -> in the houses,
156 -> in the rooms,
157 -> in the flat
158 -> in the Horsell
159 -> in the repair
160 -> in the huge
161 -> in the early
162 -> in the back
163 -> in the twilight.
164 -> in the great
165 -> in the case
166 -> in the form
167 -> in the blue
168 -> in the air,
169 -> in the starlight
170 -> in the southwest,
171 -> in the twilight.
172 -> in the world
173 -> in the Thames,
174 -> in the carriages
175 -> in the goods
176 -> in the sack
177 -> in the roadway,
178 -> in the main
179 -> in the doorways
180 -> in the place.
181 -> in the direction
182 -> in the face.
183 -> in the road
184 -> in the small
185 -> in the morning,
186 -> in the hedge.
187 -> in the sky,
188 -> in the other.
189 -> in the cart.
190 -> in the blaze
191 -> in the lane.
192 -> in the ditches,
193 -> in the uniform
194 -> in the dust.
195 -> in the carts
196 -> in the bottoms
197 -> in the clothes
198 -> in the crowd,
199 -> in the traces.
200 -> in the dust
201 -> in the torrent
202 -> in the lane
203 -> in the ditch
204 -> in the stream
205 -> in the evening
206 -> in the direction
207 -> in the blazing
208 -> in the last
209 -> in the history
210 -> in the southward
211 -> in the afternoon
212 -> in the northern
213 -> in the chaise
214 -> in the northern
215 -> in the neighbourhood.
216 -> in the water,
217 -> in the afternoon,
218 -> in the south.
219 -> in the southeast
220 -> in the south.
221 -> in the remote
222 -> in the air,
223 -> in the water
224 -> in the air.
225 -> in the crowding
226 -> in the strangest
227 -> in the western
228 -> in the empty
229 -> in the next
230 -> in the distance
231 -> in the blackened
232 -> in the twilight
233 -> in the shed,
234 -> in the direction
235 -> in the place
236 -> in the pantry
237 -> in the adjacent
238 -> in the dark
239 -> in the kitchen
240 -> in the wall
241 -> in the fashion,
242 -> in the wall
243 -> in the scullery;
244 -> in the pantry
245 -> in the wall
246 -> in the debris,
247 -> in the centre
248 -> in the excavation,
249 -> in the convulsive
250 -> in the Martians.
251 -> in the fresh
252 -> in the direction
253 -> in the Martians
254 -> in the able
255 -> in the other
256 -> in the beginning
257 -> in the wet.
258 -> in the crablike
259 -> in the sunset
260 -> in the sunlight,
261 -> in the dazzle
262 -> in the darkness
263 -> in the house
264 -> in the pitiless
265 -> in the pit.
266 -> in the darkness,
267 -> in the scullery,
268 -> in the possibility
269 -> in the wall
270 -> in the night,
271 -> in the remoter
272 -> in the darkness,
273 -> in the pantry,
274 -> in the dust,
275 -> in the darkness
276 -> in the wall
277 -> in the room,
278 -> in the darkness
279 -> in the darkness,
280 -> in the scullery,
281 -> in the close
282 -> in the darkness
283 -> in the wall,
284 -> in the kitchen,
285 -> in the corner,
286 -> in the pit.
287 -> in the sand.
288 -> in the daylight
289 -> in the red
290 -> in the wood
291 -> in the garden
292 -> in the dusk
293 -> in the inn
294 -> in the night.
295 -> in the night
296 -> in the ruins
297 -> in the glare
298 -> in the air.
299 -> in the world.
300 -> in the observatory.
301 -> in the open
302 -> in the practicability
303 -> in the bushes
304 -> in the cellar,
305 -> in the morning.
306 -> in the deep
307 -> in the west,
308 -> in the streets
309 -> in the length
310 -> in the City,
311 -> in the chemists
312 -> in the bar
313 -> in the clearness
314 -> in the trees,
315 -> in the park
316 -> in the dimness.
317 -> in the white
318 -> in the sky
319 -> in the half
320 -> in the now
321 -> in the night.
322 -> in the depth
323 -> in the brightness
324 -> in the great
325 -> in the sunrise,
326 -> in the streets,
327 -> in the empty
328 -> in the cabmens
329 -> in the world
330 -> in the mere
331 -> in the train,
332 -> in the midst
333 -> in the morning
334 -> in the thunderstorm.
335 -> in the body
336 -> in the green,
337 -> in the blood.
338 -> in the failure
339 -> in the same
340 -> in the larger
341 -> in the future
342 -> in the darkness
escolhido = 83 -> in the doorway. -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the
1 -> the doorway. The
escolhido = 1 -> the doorway. The -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway.
1 -> doorway. The thunderstorm
escolhido = 1 -> doorway. The thunderstorm -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The
1 -> The thunderstorm had
escolhido = 1 -> The thunderstorm had -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm
1 -> thunderstorm had passed.
escolhido = 1 -> thunderstorm had passed. -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had
1 -> had passed. I
2 -> had passed. The
escolhido = 2 -> had passed. The -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed.
1 -> passed. The towers
2 -> passed. The wailing
escolhido = 1 -> passed. The towers -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The
1 -> The towers of
escolhido = 1 -> The towers of -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers
1 -> towers of the
2 -> towers of shining
3 -> towers of the
escolhido = 1 -> towers of the -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of
1 -> of the nineteenth
2 -> of the mental
3 -> of the beasts
4 -> of the volume
5 -> of the earth
6 -> of the nineteenth
7 -> of the superficial
8 -> of the minds
9 -> of the markings
10 -> of the disk,
11 -> of the huge
12 -> of the astronomical
13 -> of the twelfth;
14 -> of the planet,
15 -> of the gravest
16 -> of the eruption
17 -> of the red
18 -> of the clockwork
19 -> of the telescope,
20 -> of the clockwork
21 -> of the material
22 -> of the outline
23 -> of the minute
24 -> of the firing
25 -> of the planets
26 -> of the planet
27 -> of the Zodiac
28 -> of the houses
29 -> of the red,
30 -> of the first
31 -> of the projectile,
32 -> of the pit
33 -> of the grey
34 -> of the end.
35 -> of the body
36 -> of the cylinder.
37 -> of the cylinder
38 -> of the circumference.
39 -> of the confined
40 -> of the pit,
41 -> of the public
42 -> of the cylinder.
43 -> of the idea.
44 -> of the Pit,
45 -> of the group
46 -> of the common
47 -> of the cylinder,
48 -> of the Thing
49 -> of the onlookers.
50 -> of the common
51 -> of the evening
52 -> of the heat
53 -> of the day,
54 -> of the few
55 -> of the pit,
56 -> of the cylinder
57 -> of the pit
58 -> of the manor.
59 -> of the privileged
60 -> of the sky
61 -> of the hole
62 -> of the cylinder
63 -> of the screw.
64 -> of the cylinder
65 -> of the writhing
66 -> of the pit.
67 -> of the people
68 -> of the pit.
69 -> of the pit
70 -> of the cylinder.
71 -> of the thing,
72 -> of the cylinder,
73 -> of the lungs
74 -> of the earth
75 -> of the immense
76 -> of the tedious
77 -> of the cylinder
78 -> of the aperture.
79 -> of the pit
80 -> of the pit.
81 -> of the shopman
82 -> of the cylinder
83 -> of the Martians
84 -> of the spectators
85 -> of the evening
86 -> of the pit,
87 -> of the now
88 -> of the pit
89 -> of the pit,
90 -> of the early
91 -> of the pine
92 -> of the evening
93 -> of the evening,
94 -> of the Martians,
95 -> of the dusk
96 -> of the matter.
97 -> of the massacre
98 -> of the day,
99 -> of the occasion.
100 -> of the Heat
101 -> of the parabolic
102 -> of the pit,
103 -> of the beech
104 -> of the gable
105 -> of the house
106 -> of the igniting
107 -> of the Martians;
108 -> of the night
109 -> of the bridge.
110 -> of the houses
111 -> of the stress
112 -> of the men,
113 -> of the men
114 -> of the impossibility
115 -> of the Martians
116 -> of the earth
117 -> of the earth,
118 -> of the invaders.
119 -> of the events
120 -> of the Martians.
121 -> of the commonplace
122 -> of the series
123 -> of the three
124 -> of the cylinder,
125 -> of the shot
126 -> of the men
127 -> of the day,
128 -> of the later
129 -> of the engines
130 -> of the common
131 -> of the three
132 -> of the world
133 -> of the common
134 -> of the common.
135 -> of the regiment
136 -> of the business.
137 -> of the Cardigan
138 -> of the burning
139 -> of the pine
140 -> of the greatest
141 -> of the thick
142 -> of the Cardigan
143 -> of the Martians
144 -> of the troops;
145 -> of the possible
146 -> of the longer
147 -> of the common,
148 -> of the military
149 -> of the military,
150 -> of the killing
151 -> of the papers.
152 -> of the lowing
153 -> of the trees
154 -> of the little
155 -> of the mosque
156 -> of the college
157 -> of the Martians
158 -> of the way.
159 -> of the Oriental
160 -> of the trees,
161 -> of the hill
162 -> of the dismounted
163 -> of the house
164 -> of the dog
165 -> of the smoke
166 -> of the road,
167 -> of the hill
168 -> of the lighted
169 -> of the doorway,
170 -> of the evenings
171 -> of the gathering
172 -> of the road
173 -> of the things
174 -> of the night.
175 -> of the Wey,
176 -> of the storm
177 -> of the gathering
178 -> of the Orphanage
179 -> of the hill,
180 -> of the pine
181 -> of the thunder.
182 -> of the second
183 -> of the overturned
184 -> of the wheel
185 -> of the limbs
186 -> of the lightning,
187 -> of the ten
188 -> of the way,
189 -> of the storm
190 -> of the Spotted
191 -> of the staircase,
192 -> of the dead
193 -> of the staircase
194 -> of the room
195 -> of the Oriental
196 -> of the dying
197 -> of the study.
198 -> of the houses
199 -> of the Potteries
200 -> of the burning
201 -> of the window
202 -> of the fence
203 -> of the house.
204 -> of the fighting
205 -> of the ground.
206 -> of the horse,
207 -> of the funnel
208 -> of the ground,
209 -> of the pit.
210 -> of the road,
211 -> of the Martian
212 -> of the survivors
213 -> of the water
214 -> of the darkness,
215 -> of the open
216 -> of the east,
217 -> of the metallic
218 -> of the Horse
219 -> of the Martians
220 -> of the country
221 -> of the woods,
222 -> of the house,
223 -> of the houses
224 -> of the inhabitants
225 -> of the Old
226 -> of the man
227 -> of the hill.
228 -> of the 8th
229 -> of the Martians,
230 -> of the Heat
231 -> of the road.
232 -> of the Heat
233 -> of the houses,
234 -> of the place,
235 -> of the drinking
236 -> of the passage
237 -> of the time
238 -> of the inn,
239 -> of the trees,
240 -> of the armoured
241 -> of the people,
242 -> of the people
243 -> of the river.
244 -> of the people
245 -> of the confusion
246 -> of the Heat
247 -> of the other
248 -> of the Thing.
249 -> of the water
250 -> of the Heat
251 -> of the Martians
252 -> of the heat,
253 -> of the waves.
254 -> of the machine.
255 -> of the thing
256 -> of the Heat
257 -> of the Martians,
258 -> of the water
259 -> of the Heat
260 -> of the Martians,
261 -> of the Wey
262 -> of the foot
263 -> of the four
264 -> of the tidings
265 -> of the Martian
266 -> of the afternoon
267 -> of the houses
268 -> of the afternoon.
269 -> of the curate,
270 -> of the end,
271 -> of the Lord!
272 -> of the gathering
273 -> of the sunset.
274 -> of the arrival
275 -> of the earths
276 -> of the pine
277 -> of the interruption
278 -> of the fighting
279 -> of the accident
280 -> of the Southampton
281 -> of the Martians
282 -> of the cylinder,
283 -> of the Cardigan
284 -> of the nature
285 -> of the armoured
286 -> of the telegrams
287 -> of the local
288 -> of the underground
289 -> of the line
290 -> of the most
291 -> of the men
292 -> of the Martians!
293 -> of the full
294 -> of the speed
295 -> of the machines
296 -> of the dispatch
297 -> of the strangest
298 -> of the cylinders,
299 -> of the approach
300 -> of the people
301 -> of the safety
302 -> of the authorities
303 -> of the paper
304 -> of the fugitives
305 -> of the people
306 -> of the refugees
307 -> of the invaders
308 -> of the trouble.
309 -> of the suddenly
310 -> of the window
311 -> of the window,
312 -> of the side
313 -> of the growing
314 -> of the coming
315 -> of the great
316 -> of the houses
317 -> of the Commander
318 -> of the great
319 -> of the neighbouring
320 -> of the passing
321 -> of the expectant
322 -> of the guns
323 -> of the tripod
324 -> of the shells.
325 -> of the second
326 -> of the Martian
327 -> of the men
328 -> of the hill
329 -> of the three,
330 -> of the hills
331 -> of the road.
332 -> of the Martians
333 -> of the darkling
334 -> of the daylight,
335 -> of the river,
336 -> of the Martian
337 -> of the farther
338 -> of the Martians,
339 -> of the gunlike
340 -> of the one
341 -> of the gas,
342 -> of the land
343 -> of the air,
344 -> of the spectrum
345 -> of the nature
346 -> of the strangeness
347 -> of the village
348 -> of the distant
349 -> of the huge
350 -> of the electric
351 -> of the crescent
352 -> of the black
353 -> of the Thames
354 -> of the Heat
355 -> of the organised
356 -> of the torpedo
357 -> of the shots
358 -> of the attention,
359 -> of the opaque
360 -> of the social
361 -> of the Thames
362 -> of the people
363 -> of the flight
364 -> of the trains
365 -> of the machine
366 -> of the fury
367 -> of the panic,
368 -> of the crowd.
369 -> of the wheel
370 -> of the place,
371 -> of the invaders
372 -> of the fugitives
373 -> of the little
374 -> of the ladies,
375 -> of the men
376 -> of the chaise.
377 -> of the man
378 -> of the chaise
379 -> of the robbers
380 -> of the Martian
381 -> of the growing
382 -> of the great
383 -> of the immediate
384 -> of the Londoners
385 -> of the woman
386 -> of the lane,
387 -> of the villas.
388 -> of the sun,
389 -> of the ground
390 -> of the lane
391 -> of the road
392 -> of the villas.
393 -> of the Salvation
394 -> of the people
395 -> of the stream,
396 -> of the way,
397 -> of the way.
398 -> of the men
399 -> of the houses.
400 -> of the corner
401 -> of the horse.
402 -> of the cart
403 -> of the road,
404 -> of the poor
405 -> of the lane,
406 -> of the dying
407 -> of the town
408 -> of the way.
409 -> of the road,
410 -> of the people
411 -> of the afternoon,
412 -> of the day
413 -> of the Thames
414 -> of the tangled
415 -> of the road
416 -> of the world
417 -> of the rout
418 -> of the massacre
419 -> of the river,
420 -> of the conquered
421 -> of the black
422 -> of the Tower
423 -> of the bridge
424 -> of the fifth
425 -> of the whole
426 -> of the Black
427 -> of the government
428 -> of the first
429 -> of the home
430 -> of the bread
431 -> of the inhabitants,
432 -> of the destruction
433 -> of the invaders.
434 -> of the sea,
435 -> of the sea
436 -> of the Channel
437 -> of the Martian
438 -> of the sea,
439 -> of the assurances
440 -> of the seats
441 -> of the passengers
442 -> of the sea,
443 -> of the distant
444 -> of the big
445 -> of the steamer
446 -> of the multitudinous
447 -> of the throbbing
448 -> of the engines
449 -> of the little
450 -> of the steamboat
451 -> of the threatened
452 -> of the Essex
453 -> of the black
454 -> of the water
455 -> of the Heat
456 -> of the ships
457 -> of the Thunder
458 -> of the Martians
459 -> of the Thunder
460 -> of the golden
461 -> of the sunset
462 -> of the steamer
463 -> of the west,
464 -> of the sun.
465 -> of the greyness
466 -> of the night.
467 -> of the experiences
468 -> of the panic
469 -> of the world.
470 -> of the sight
471 -> of the house
472 -> of the next.
473 -> of the front
474 -> of the scorched
475 -> of the Black
476 -> of the bedrooms.
477 -> of the destruction
478 -> of the houses
479 -> of the Martians
480 -> of the Black
481 -> of the field,
482 -> of the place.
483 -> of the houses.
484 -> of the same
485 -> of the ceiling
486 -> of the great
487 -> of the kitchen
488 -> of the window
489 -> of the kitchen
490 -> of the house
491 -> of the twilight
492 -> of the kitchen
493 -> of the scullery.
494 -> of the kitchen
495 -> of the kitchen.
496 -> of the plaster
497 -> of the house
498 -> of the adjacent
499 -> of the great
500 -> of the pit,
501 -> of the pit,
502 -> of the great
503 -> of the extraordinary
504 -> of the strange
505 -> of the cylinder.
506 -> of the first
507 -> of the war.
508 -> of the fighting
509 -> of the crabs
510 -> of the other
511 -> of the structure
512 -> of the outer
513 -> of the Martian
514 -> of the practice
515 -> of the tremendous
516 -> of the remains
517 -> of the victims
518 -> of the silicious
519 -> of the tumultuous
520 -> of the vertebrated
521 -> of the human
522 -> of the body
523 -> of the brain.
524 -> of the body
525 -> of the animal
526 -> of the organism
527 -> of the rest
528 -> of the body.
529 -> of the emotional
530 -> of the human
531 -> of the differences
532 -> of the red
533 -> of the pit
534 -> of the head
535 -> of the Martians
536 -> of the evolution
537 -> of the fixed
538 -> of the machinery
539 -> of the disks
540 -> of the slit,
541 -> of the pieces
542 -> of the cylinder
543 -> of the sunlight
544 -> of the infinite
545 -> of the Martians
546 -> of the fighting
547 -> of the novel
548 -> of the handling
549 -> of the machine.
550 -> of the pit.
551 -> of the crude
552 -> of the pit.
553 -> of the two
554 -> of the slit
555 -> of the slit,
556 -> of the pit.
557 -> of the machinery,
558 -> of the machine
559 -> of the Martians
560 -> of the pit
561 -> of the pit
562 -> of the handling
563 -> of the curate
564 -> of the poor
565 -> of the food
566 -> of the eighth
567 -> of the earth
568 -> of the other
569 -> of the trumpet
570 -> of the Lord
571 -> of the body
572 -> of the coal
573 -> of the kitchen
574 -> of the blow
575 -> of the cellar
576 -> of the scullery,
577 -> of the curate
578 -> of the manner
579 -> of the death
580 -> of the curate,
581 -> of the red
582 -> of the place
583 -> of the Martians.
584 -> of the dog
585 -> of the dead
586 -> of the killed,
587 -> of the ruins.
588 -> of the mound
589 -> of the air!
590 -> of the weed
591 -> of the pit.
592 -> of the red
593 -> of the Wey
594 -> of the Thames
595 -> of the desolation
596 -> of the familiar:
597 -> of the daylight
598 -> of the Martians.
599 -> of the place
600 -> of the flooded
601 -> of the body.
602 -> of the world.
603 -> of the curate,
604 -> of the Martians,
605 -> of the night,
606 -> of the nearness
607 -> of the Martians
608 -> of the house
609 -> of the panic
610 -> of the vaguest.
611 -> of the open,
612 -> of the common.
613 -> of the way,
614 -> of the way.
615 -> of the people
616 -> of the breed.
617 -> of the back
618 -> of the hereafter.
619 -> of the Lord.
620 -> of the run,
621 -> of the artilleryman,
622 -> of the bushes,
623 -> of the place,
624 -> of the gulf
625 -> of the world
626 -> of the manholes,
627 -> of the house.
628 -> of the roof
629 -> of the parapet.
630 -> of the sort
631 -> of the possibility
632 -> of the proportion
633 -> of the day.
634 -> of the lane
635 -> of the burning
636 -> of the Fulham
637 -> of the metropolis,
638 -> of the towers,
639 -> of the road
640 -> of the houses.
641 -> of the park,
642 -> of the dead?
643 -> of the poisons
644 -> of the liquors
645 -> of the cellars
646 -> of the houses.
647 -> of the sunset
648 -> of the Martian
649 -> of the terraces,
650 -> of the Martian
651 -> of the early
652 -> of the sun.
653 -> of the hill,
654 -> of the hood
655 -> of the redoubt
656 -> of the earth,
657 -> of the shadows
658 -> of the pit,
659 -> of the hill
660 -> of the rising
661 -> of the silent
662 -> of the Albert
663 -> of the church,
664 -> of the Albert
665 -> of the Brompton
666 -> of the Crystal
667 -> of the multitudinous
668 -> of the swift
669 -> of the people
670 -> of the destroyer
671 -> of the hill,
672 -> of the restorers
673 -> of the Martian
674 -> of the pit.
675 -> of the fate
676 -> of the little
677 -> of the population
678 -> of the people
679 -> of the men,
680 -> of the faces,
681 -> of the few
682 -> of the mischief
683 -> of the bridge,
684 -> of the common
685 -> of the red
686 -> of the first
687 -> of the Martian
688 -> of the railway
689 -> of the Black
690 -> of the country
691 -> of the red
692 -> of the line,
693 -> of the foreground
694 -> of the eastward
695 -> of the horse
696 -> of the Spotted
697 -> of the open
698 -> of the catastrophe.
699 -> of the opening
700 -> of the cylinder.
701 -> of the civilising
702 -> of the faint
703 -> of the many
704 -> of the rapid
705 -> of the Martians
706 -> of the Martians
707 -> of the putrefactive
708 -> of the Black
709 -> of the Heat
710 -> of the black
711 -> of the brown
712 -> of the Martians,
713 -> of the matter.
714 -> of the gun
715 -> of the planet,
716 -> of the next
717 -> of the inner
718 -> of the Martian
719 -> of the human
720 -> of the universe
721 -> of the commonweal
722 -> of the eager
723 -> of the Martian
724 -> of the sky,
725 -> of the sun
726 -> of the solar
727 -> of the Martians
728 -> of the time
729 -> of the night.
730 -> of the past,
731 -> of the smoke
escolhido = 695 -> of the horse -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the
1 -> the horse with
2 -> the horse had
3 -> the horse scattered
escolhido = 3 -> the horse scattered -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse
1 -> horse scattered and
escolhido = 1 -> horse scattered and -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse scattered
1 -> scattered and gnawed.
escolhido = 1 -> scattered and gnawed. -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse scattered and
1 -> and gnawed. For
escolhido = 1 -> and gnawed. For -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse scattered and gnawed.
1 -> gnawed. For a
escolhido = 1 -> gnawed. For a -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse scattered and gnawed. For
1 -> For a minute
2 -> For a moment
3 -> For a moment,
4 -> For a moment
5 -> For a moment
6 -> For a long
7 -> For a moment
8 -> For a time
9 -> For a moment
10 -> For a long
11 -> For a day
12 -> For a time
13 -> For a time
14 -> For a time
15 -> For a minute
16 -> For a time,
17 -> For a few
18 -> For a time
19 -> For a while
20 -> For a time
21 -> For a minute
22 -> For a long
23 -> For a time
24 -> For a while
25 -> For a space
26 -> For a moment
27 -> For a time
28 -> For a space
escolhido = 1 -> For a minute -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse scattered and gnawed. For a
1 -> a minute he
2 -> a minute or
3 -> a minute before
4 -> a minute she
5 -> a minute or
6 -> a minute I
escolhido = 4 -> a minute she -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse scattered and gnawed. For a minute
1 -> minute she seemed
escolhido = 1 -> minute she seemed -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse scattered and gnawed. For a minute she
1 -> she seemed halfway
escolhido = 1 -> she seemed halfway -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse scattered and gnawed. For a minute she seemed
1 -> seemed halfway between
escolhido = 1 -> seemed halfway between -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse scattered and gnawed. For a minute she seemed halfway
1 -> halfway between the
escolhido = 1 -> halfway between the -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse scattered and gnawed. For a minute she seemed halfway between
1 -> between the top
2 -> between the lid
3 -> between the hedges
4 -> between the high
5 -> between the crossroads
6 -> between the South
7 -> between the Woking
8 -> between the parapets
9 -> between the eyes,
10 -> between the villas
11 -> between the backs
12 -> between the houses
13 -> between the villas
14 -> between the arches
15 -> between the steamboat
16 -> between the ironclads
17 -> between the life
18 -> between the swift
19 -> between the kitchen
20 -> between the tall
escolhido = 17 -> between the life -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse scattered and gnawed. For a minute she seemed halfway between the
1 -> the life on
escolhido = 1 -> the life on -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse scattered and gnawed. For a minute she seemed halfway between the life
1 -> life on Mars
escolhido = 1 -> life on Mars -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse scattered and gnawed. For a minute she seemed halfway between the life on
1 -> on Mars are
2 -> on Mars they
3 -> on Mars and
escolhido = 3 -> on Mars and -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse scattered and gnawed. For a minute she seemed halfway between the life on Mars
1 -> Mars and terrestrial
escolhido = 1 -> Mars and terrestrial -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse scattered and gnawed. For a minute she seemed halfway between the life on Mars and
1 -> and terrestrial life,
escolhido = 1 -> and terrestrial life, -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse scattered and gnawed. For a minute she seemed halfway between the life on Mars and terrestrial
1 -> terrestrial life, I
escolhido = 1 -> terrestrial life, I -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse scattered and gnawed. For a minute she seemed halfway between the life on Mars and terrestrial life,
1 -> life, I may
escolhido = 1 -> life, I may -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse scattered and gnawed. For a minute she seemed halfway between the life on Mars and terrestrial life, I
1 -> I may remark
2 -> I may seem,
3 -> I may add
4 -> I may allude
5 -> I may not
escolhido = 1 -> I may remark -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse scattered and gnawed. For a minute she seemed halfway between the life on Mars and terrestrial life, I may
1 -> may remark here,
escolhido = 1 -> may remark here, -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse scattered and gnawed. For a minute she seemed halfway between the life on Mars and terrestrial life, I may remark
1 -> remark here, as
escolhido = 1 -> remark here, as -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse scattered and gnawed. For a minute she seemed halfway between the life on Mars and terrestrial life, I may remark here,
1 -> here, as dissection
escolhido = 1 -> here, as dissection -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse scattered and gnawed. For a minute she seemed halfway between the life on Mars and terrestrial life, I may remark here, as
1 -> as dissection has
escolhido = 1 -> as dissection has -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse scattered and gnawed. For a minute she seemed halfway between the life on Mars and terrestrial life, I may remark here, as dissection
1 -> dissection has since
escolhido = 1 -> dissection has since -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse scattered and gnawed. For a minute she seemed halfway between the life on Mars and terrestrial life, I may remark here, as dissection has
1 -> has since shown,
escolhido = 1 -> has since shown, -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse scattered and gnawed. For a minute she seemed halfway between the life on Mars and terrestrial life, I may remark here, as dissection has since
1 -> since shown, was
escolhido = 1 -> since shown, was -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse scattered and gnawed. For a minute she seemed halfway between the life on Mars and terrestrial life, I may remark here, as dissection has since shown,
1 -> shown, was almost
escolhido = 1 -> shown, was almost -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse scattered and gnawed. For a minute she seemed halfway between the life on Mars and terrestrial life, I may remark here, as dissection has since shown, was
1 -> was almost equally
2 -> was almost lost
escolhido = 1 -> was almost equally -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse scattered and gnawed. For a minute she seemed halfway between the life on Mars and terrestrial life, I may remark here, as dissection has since shown, was almost
1 -> almost equally simple.
escolhido = 1 -> almost equally simple. -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse scattered and gnawed. For a minute she seemed halfway between the life on Mars and terrestrial life, I may remark here, as dissection has since shown, was almost equally
1 -> equally simple. The
escolhido = 1 -> equally simple. The -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse scattered and gnawed. For a minute she seemed halfway between the life on Mars and terrestrial life, I may remark here, as dissection has since shown, was almost equally simple.
1 -> simple. The greater
escolhido = 1 -> simple. The greater -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse scattered and gnawed. For a minute she seemed halfway between the life on Mars and terrestrial life, I may remark here, as dissection has since shown, was almost equally simple. The
1 -> The greater part
escolhido = 1 -> The greater part -> I stumbled into the road in the sky? he asked abruptly. I told them to death tomorrow, my dear. I did not clearly understand how I figure it out. It isnt quite according to what a man in workday clothes, riding one of the farther bank, and in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on at once under water, and, holding my breath until movement was an intermittent, metallic rattle. That! said the woman over the ground heaved under foot for days, on account of the cylinders, that at last induced my brother leading the pony across its head. A waggon locked wheels for a few heaps of broken bricks in the doorway. The thunderstorm had passed. The towers of the horse scattered and gnawed. For a minute she seemed halfway between the life on Mars and terrestrial life, I may remark here, as dissection has since shown, was almost equally simple. The greater
'''Adapted from [[#Wren|Wren]]'''
'''Works with jq, the C implementation of jq'''
'''Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq'''
In the following, the MRG32k3a combined recursive PRNG is used to generate random numbers;
the code is available at [[:Category:Jq/MRG32k3a.jq]].
See also [[Pseudo-random_numbers/Combined_recursive_generator_MRG32k3a#jq|RosettaCode.org]].
Invocation of jq is along the lines of
< 36-0.txt jq -ncrR -f random-sentences-from-book.jq
<syntaxhighlight lang="jq">
include "MRG32k3a" {search: "."}; # see above
### Generic functions
def sum(stream): reduce stream as $s (0; . +$s);
### Random sentences
# puctuation to keep (also keep hyphen and apostrophe but do not count as words)
def ending: ".!?";
def pausing:" ,:;";
# regex for removing puctuation
def removing: "[\"#\\$\\%&\\(\\)\\*\\+/<=>@\\[\\\\]^_`{|}~“”]";
# Emit a stream of lines
def text:
foreach inputs as $in (null;
if . then $in
else # skip to start
($in|index("No one would have believed")) as $ix
| if $ix then $in[$ix:] end
| gsub( removing; "" ) # remove extraneous punctuation
| gsub("[\r—]"; " ") # replace \r and EM DASH (unicode 8212) with a space
def pairsAndTriples(stream):
reduce stream as $x ({};
.pair as $in2
| .triple as $in3
| if .pair | length <= 1 then .pair += [$x] end
| if .triple | length <= 2 then .triple += [$x] end
| if .pair | length == 2
then # .dict2[ .pair | join(" ")] += 1
.dict[ .pair[0] ][.pair[1]] += 1
| if $in2 | length == 2
then .pair |= [ last, $x]
| if .triple | length == 3
then .dict3[.triple[0:2]|join(" ")][ .triple[2]] += 1
| if $in3 | length == 3
then .triple |= .[1:] + [$x]
) ;
# split into words
def words:
| splits(" +")
| select(length>0)
| (first( foreach (ending, pausing | split("")[]) as $x (.;
if endswith($x) then [.[:-1], .[-1:]] end)
| select(type=="array")) | .[])
// .
# $randomFloat should be a randomFloat value
# . should be a JSON object with {WORD: count} pairs
def weightedRandomChoice($randomFloat):
| . as $entries
| .[0].key as $default
| sum( .[] | .value) as $n
| ($n * $randomFloat | floor) as $r
| first(
{ sum: 0 }
| foreach $entries[] as $kv (.;
.key = $kv.key
| .sum += $kv.value )
| if $r < .sum then .key else empty end)
// $default;
# build 5 random sentences
def sentences:
pairsAndTriples(words) as $library
| range(1;6) as $u
# First word:
| { prng: (seed((now + $u) % D) | nextFloat)}
| .prng.nextFloat as $nf
| .sentence = ($library.dict["."] | weightedRandomChoice($nf))
| .lastOne = .sentence
| .lastTwo = ". " + .sentence
| until(.break;
$library.dict3[.lastTwo] as $x
| if $x
then .prng |= nextFloat
| (.prng.nextFloat) as $nf
| ($x | weightedRandomChoice($nf)) as $nextOne
| .sentence += " " + $nextOne
# stop on reaching ending punctuation
| if any(ending|split("")[]; . as $punctuation | $nextOne | index($punctuation))
then .break = true
else .lastTwo = .lastOne + " " + $nextOne
| .lastOne = $nextOne
else debug("unexpected failure") | .break=true
end )
# tidy up sentence
| .sentence
| reduce (ending + pausing | split("")[]) as $p (.; . |= gsub(" [\($p)]"; "\($p)") )
| if startswith("“") and (test("”")|not) then .sentence += "”" end ;
It was the preparation of mines and pitfalls, and the Martians, and immediately a second company marched through Chobham to deploy on the steamer’s stern shouted together.
It seems to me then that the Martians behind me.
It seems there were shops half opened in the twilight of the window.
It was on fire, and then another.
It may be, the wheel had broken off to get an evening paper, for a time lost in a methodical and discriminating manner.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="julia">""" weighted random pick of items in a Dict{String, Int} where keys are words, values counts """
function weightedrandompick(dict, total)
n = rand(1:total)
Line 395 ⟶ 9,141:
makesentence(); makesentence(); makesentence()
Line 437 ⟶ 9,183:
Inspired by Julia solution, but not a translation actually.
<syntaxhighlight lang="nim">import random, sequtils, strutils, tables
from unicode import utf8
const StopChars = [".", "?", "!"]
proc weightedChoice(choices: CountTable[string]; totalCount: int): string =
## Return a string from "choices" key using counts as weights.
var n = rand(1..totalCount)
for word, count in choices.pairs:
dec n, count
if n <= 0: return word
assert false, "internal error"
proc finalFilter(words: seq[string]): seq[string] =
## Eliminate words of length one (except those of a given list)
## and words containing only uppercase letters (words from titles).
for word in words:
if word in [".", "?", "!", "I", "A", "a"]:
result.add word
elif word.len > 1 and any(word, isLowerAscii):
result.add word
var text = readFile("The War of the Worlds.txt")
# Extract the actual text from the book.
EndText = "End of the Project Gutenberg EBook"
let startIndex = text.find(StartText)
let endIndex = text.find(EndText)
text = text[startIndex..<endIndex]
# Clean the text by removing some characters and replacing others.
# As there are some non ASCII characters, we have to apply special rules.
var processedText: string
for uchar in text.utf8():
if uchar.len == 1:
# ASCII character.
let ch = uchar[0]
case ch
of '0'..'9', 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', ' ': processedText.add ch # Keep as is.
of '\n': processedText.add ' ' # Replace with a space.
of '.', '?', '!': processedText.add ' ' & ch # Make sure these characters are isolated.
else: discard # Remove others.
# Some UTF-8 representation of a non ASCII character.
case uchar
of "—": processedText.add ' ' # Replace EM DASH with space.
of "ç", "æ", "’": processedText.add uchar # Keep these characters as they are parts of words.
of "“", "”", "‘": discard # Removed these ones.
else: echo "encountered: ", uchar # Should not go here.
# Extract words and filter them.
let words = processedText.splitWhitespace().finalFilter()
# Build count tables.
var followCount, followCount2: Table[string, CountTable[string]]
for i in 1..words.high:
followCount.mgetOrPut(words[i - 1], initCountTable[string]()).inc(words[i])
for i in 2..words.high:
followCount2.mgetOrPut(words[i - 2] & ' ' & words[i - 1], initCountTable[string]()).inc words[i]
# Build sum tables.
var followSum, followSum2: CountTable[string]
for key in followCount.keys:
for count in followCount[key].values:
followSum.inc key, count
for key in followCount2.keys:
for count in followCount2[key].values:
followSum2.inc key, count
# Build table of starting words and compute the sum.
startingWords: CountTable[string]
startingSum: int
for stopChar in StopChars:
for word, count in followCount[stopChar].pairs:
startingWords.inc word, count
inc startingSum, count
# Build a sentence.
let firstWord = weightedChoice(startingWords, startingSum)
var sentence = @[firstWord]
var lastWord = weightedChoice(followCount[firstWord], followSum[firstWord])
while lastWord notin StopChars:
sentence.add lastWord
let key = sentence[^2] & ' ' & lastWord
lastWord = if key in followCount2:
weightedChoice(followCount2[key], followSum2[key])
weightedChoice(followCount[lastWord], followSum[lastWord])
echo sentence.join(" ") & lastWord</syntaxhighlight>
Here are some generated sentences. Short sentences are of course more likely to have a meaning.
<pre>But they won’t hunt us.
There was a whole population in movement.
The one had closed it.
Then he dropped his spade.
It’s out on the London valley.
I narrowly escaped an accident.
I assert that I had immediately to turn my attention first.
Halfway through the deserted village while the Martian approach.
I have no doubt they are mad with terror.
He told me no answer to that.
That’s how we shall save the race.
As if it had driven blindly straight at the group of soldiers to protect these strange creatures from Mars?
In the afternoon for the next day there was a carriage crashed into the parlour behind the engines going northward along the road.</pre>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="perl">#!/usr/bin/perl
use strict; # https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Random_sentence_from_book
Line 471 ⟶ 9,330:
print sentence() for 1 .. 10;</langsyntaxhighlight>
Line 501 ⟶ 9,360:
<!--<syntaxhighlight lang="phix">(notonline)-->
<lang Phix>-- demo/rosetta/RandomSentence.exw
<span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- demo/rosetta/RandomSentence.exw</span>
include builtins\libcurl.e
<span style="color: #008080;">include</span> <span style="color: #000000;">builtins</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">\</span><span style="color: #000000;">libcurl</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">.</span><span style="color: #000000;">e</span>
constant url = "http://www.gutenberg.org/files/36/36-0.txt",
<span style="color: #008080;">constant</span> <span style="color: #000000;">url</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #008000;">"http://www.gutenberg.org/files/36/36-0.txt"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span>
filename = "war_of_the_worlds.txt",
<span style="color: #000000;">filename</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #008000;">"war_of_the_worlds.txt"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span>
fsent = "No one would have believed",
<span style="color: #000000;">fsent</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #008000;">"No one would have believed"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span>
lasts = "End of the Project Gutenberg EBook",
<span style="color: #000000;">lasts</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #008000;">"End of the Project Gutenberg EBook"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span>
unicodes = {utf32_to_utf8({#2019}), -- rsquo
<span style="color: #000000;">unicodes</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">{</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">utf32_to_utf8</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">({</span><span style="color: #000000;">#2019</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">}),</span> <span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- rsquo</span>
utf32_to_utf8({#2014})}, -- hyphen
<span style="color: #7060A8;">utf32_to_utf8</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">({</span><span style="color: #000000;">#2014</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">})},</span> <span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- hyphen</span>
asciis = {"'","-"},
<span style="color: #000000;">asciis</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">{</span><span style="color: #008000;">"'"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"-"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">},</span>
aleph = tagset('Z','A')&tagset('z','a')&tagset('9','0')&",'.?! ",
<span style="color: #000000;">aleph</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">tagset</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #008000;">'Z'</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">'A'</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)&</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">tagset</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #008000;">'z'</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">'a'</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)&</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">tagset</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #008000;">'9'</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">'0'</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)&</span><span style="color: #008000;">",'.?! "</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span>
follow = new_dict(), -- {word} -> {words,counts}
<span style="color: #000000;">follow</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">new_dict</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(),</span> <span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- {word} -&gt; {words,counts}</span>
follow2 = new_dict() -- {word,word} -> {words,counts}
<span style="color: #000000;">follow2</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">new_dict</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">()</span> <span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- {word,word} -&gt; {words,counts}</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">if</span> <span style="color: #008080;">not</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">file_exists</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">filename</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span> <span style="color: #008080;">then</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"Downloading %s...\n"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,{</span><span style="color: #000000;">filename</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">})</span>
<span style="color: #004080;">CURLcode</span> <span style="color: #000000;">res</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">curl_easy_get_file</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">url</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">""</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">filename</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">if</span> <span style="color: #000000;">res</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">!=</span><span style="color: #004600;">CURLE_OK</span> <span style="color: #008080;">then</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">crash</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #008000;">"cannot download"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span> <span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">if</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">if</span>
<span style="color: #004080;">string</span> <span style="color: #000000;">text</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">get_text</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">filename</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">text</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">text</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">match</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">fsent</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">text</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)..</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">match</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">lasts</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">text</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)-</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">]</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">text</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">substitute_all</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">text</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">unicodes</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">asciis</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">text</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">substitute_all</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">text</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">".?!-\n"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,{</span><span style="color: #008000;">" ."</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">" ? "</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">" ! "</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">" "</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">" "</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">})</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">text</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">filter</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">text</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"in"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">aleph</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #004080;">sequence</span> <span style="color: #000000;">words</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">split</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">text</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">procedure</span> <span style="color: #000000;">account</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #004080;">sequence</span> <span style="color: #000000;">words</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
if not file_exists(filename) then
<span style="color: #004080;">string</span> <span style="color: #000000;">next</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">words</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[$]</span>
printf(1,"Downloading %s...\n",{filename})
<span style="color: #000000;">words</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">words</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">..$-</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">]</span>
CURLcode res = curl_easy_get_file(url,"",filename)
<span style="color: #008080;">for</span> <span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">length</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">words</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span> <span style="color: #008080;">to</span> <span style="color: #000000;">1</span> <span style="color: #008080;">by</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">-</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span> <span style="color: #008080;">do</span>
if res!=CURLE_OK then crash("cannot download") end if
<span style="color: #004080;">integer</span> <span style="color: #000000;">d</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">{</span><span style="color: #000000;">follow</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">follow2</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">}[</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">]</span>
end if
<span style="color: #004080;">sequence</span> <span style="color: #000000;">t</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">getdd</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">words</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,{{},{}},</span><span style="color: #000000;">d</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
string text = get_text(filename)
<span style="color: #004080;">integer</span> <span style="color: #000000;">tk</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">find</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">next</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">t</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">])</span>
text = text[match(fsent,text)..match(lasts,text)-1]
<span style="color: #008080;">if</span> <span style="color: #000000;">tk</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span><span style="color: #000000;">0</span> <span style="color: #008080;">then</span>
text = substitute_all(text,unicodes,asciis)
<span style="color: #000000;">t</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">]</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">append</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">t</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">],</span><span style="color: #000000;">next</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
text = substitute_all(text,".?!-\n",{" ."," ? "," ! "," "," "})
<span style="color: #000000;">t</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">2</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">]</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">append</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">t</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">2</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">],</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
text = filter(text,"in",aleph)
<span style="color: #008080;">else</span>
sequence words = split(text)
<span style="color: #000000;">t</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">2</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">][</span><span style="color: #000000;">tk</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">]</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">+=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">1</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">if</span>
procedure account(sequence words)
<span style="color: #7060A8;">setd</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">words</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">t</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">d</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
string next = words[$]
<span style="color: #000000;">words</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">words</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">2</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">..$]</span>
words = words[1..$-1]
<span style="color: #008080;">if</span> <span style="color: #000000;">words</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">!={</span><span style="color: #008000;">"."</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">}</span> <span style="color: #008080;">then</span> <span style="color: #008080;">exit</span> <span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">if</span> <span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- (may as well quit)</span>
for i=length(words) to 1 by -1 do
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">for</span>
integer d = {follow,follow2}[i]
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">procedure</span>
sequence t = getdd(words,{{},{}},d)
integer tk = find(next,t[1])
<span style="color: #008080;">for</span> <span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span><span style="color: #000000;">2</span> <span style="color: #008080;">to</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">length</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">words</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span> <span style="color: #008080;">do</span>
if tk=0 then
<span style="color: #008080;">if</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">find</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">words</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">],{</span><span style="color: #008000;">"."</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"?"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"!"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">})</span>
t[1] = append(t[1],next)
<span style="color: #008080;">and</span> <span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;"><</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">length</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">words</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span> <span style="color: #008080;">then</span>
t[2] = append(t[2],1)
<span style="color: #000000;">words</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">+</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">]</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">lower</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">words</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">+</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">])</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">if</span>
t[2][tk] += 1
<span style="color: #000000;">account</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">words</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">max</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">-</span><span style="color: #000000;">2</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)..</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">])</span>
end if
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">for</span>
words = words[2..$]
<span style="color: #008080;">function</span> <span style="color: #000000;">weighted_random_pick</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #004080;">sequence</span> <span style="color: #000000;">words</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #004080;">integer</span> <span style="color: #000000;">dict</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
if words!={"."} then exit end if -- (may as well quit)
<span style="color: #004080;">sequence</span> <span style="color: #000000;">t</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">getd</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">words</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">dict</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
end for
<span style="color: #004080;">integer</span> <span style="color: #000000;">total</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">sum</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">t</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">2</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">]),</span>
end procedure
<span style="color: #000000;">r</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">rand</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">total</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">for</span> <span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span> <span style="color: #008080;">to</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">length</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">t</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">2</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">])</span> <span style="color: #008080;">do</span>
for i=2 to length(words) do
<span style="color: #000000;">r</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">-=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">t</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">2</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">][</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">]</span>
if find(words[i],{".","?","!"})
<span style="color: #008080;">if</span> <span style="color: #000000;">r</span><span style="color: #0000FF;"><=</span><span style="color: #000000;">0</span> <span style="color: #008080;">then</span>
and i<length(words) then
<span style="color: #008080;">return</span> <span style="color: #000000;">t</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">][</span><span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">]</span>
words[i+1] = lower(words[i+1])
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">if</span>
end if
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">for</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">function</span>
end for
<span style="color: #008080;">for</span> <span style="color: #000000;">i</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span> <span style="color: #008080;">to</span> <span style="color: #000000;">5</span> <span style="color: #008080;">do</span>
function weighted_random_pick(sequence words, integer dict)
<span style="color: #004080;">sequence</span> <span style="color: #000000;">sentence</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">{</span><span style="color: #008000;">"."</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">weighted_random_pick</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">({</span><span style="color: #008000;">"."</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">},</span><span style="color: #000000;">follow</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)}</span>
sequence t = getd(words,dict)
<span style="color: #008080;">while</span> <span style="color: #004600;">true</span> <span style="color: #008080;">do</span>
integer total = sum(t[2]),
<span style="color: #004080;">string</span> <span style="color: #000000;">next</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">weighted_random_pick</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">sentence</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[-</span><span style="color: #000000;">2</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">..-</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">],</span><span style="color: #000000;">follow2</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
r = rand(total)
<span style="color: #000000;">sentence</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">append</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">sentence</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">next</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
for i=1 to length(t[2]) do
<span style="color: #008080;">if</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">find</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">next</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,{</span><span style="color: #008000;">"."</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"?"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"!"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">})</span> <span style="color: #008080;">then</span> <span style="color: #008080;">exit</span> <span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">if</span>
r -= t[2][i]
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">while</span>
if r<=0 then
<span style="color: #000000;">sentence</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">2</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">][</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">]</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">upper</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">sentence</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">2</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">][</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">])</span>
return t[1][i]
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"%s\n"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,{</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">join</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">sentence</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[</span><span style="color: #000000;">2</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">..$-</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">])&</span><span style="color: #000000;">sentence</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">[$]})</span>
end if
<span style="color: #008080;">end</span> <span style="color: #008080;">for</span>
end for
<span style="color: #0000FF;">{}</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">wait_key</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">()</span>
end function
for i=1 to 5 do
sequence sentence = {".",weighted_random_pick({"."},follow)}
while true do
string next = weighted_random_pick(sentence[-2..-1],follow2)
sentence = append(sentence,next)
if find(next,{".","?","!"}) then exit end if
end while
sentence[2][1] = upper(sentence[2][1])
end for
{} = wait_key()</lang>
Line 588 ⟶ 9,449:
Extended to preserve some extra "sentence pausing" characters and try and tidy-up apostrophes.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="python">from urllib.request import urlopen
import re
from string import punctuation
Line 655 ⟶ 9,516:
sentence = gen_sentence(word2next, word2next2)
Line 671 ⟶ 9,532:
The ringing impact of trucks, the person or entity that provided you with the torrent to recover it.
Started out as translation of [[Random_sentence_from_book#Perl|Perl]], but diverged.
<syntaxhighlight lang="raku" line>my $text = '36-0.txt'.IO.slurp.subst(/.+ '*** START OF THIS' .+? \n (.*?) 'End of the Project Gutenberg EBook' .*/, {$0} );
$text.=subst(/ <+punct-[.!?\’,]> /, ' ', :g);
$text.=subst(/ (\s) '’' (\s) /, '', :g);
$text.=subst(/ (\w) '’' (\s) /, {$0~$1}, :g);
$text.=subst(/ (\s) '’' (\w) /, {$0~$1}, :g);
my (%one, %two);
for $text.comb(/[\w+(\’\w+)?]','?|<punct>/).rotor(3 => -2) {
sub weightedpick (%hash) { %hash.keys.map( { $_ xx %hash{$_} } ).pick }
sub sentence {
my @sentence = <. ! ?>.roll;
@sentence.push: weightedpick( %one{ @sentence[0] } );
@sentence.push: weightedpick( %two{ @sentence[*-2] }{ @sentence[*-1] } // %('.' => 1) )[0]
until @sentence[*-1] ∈ <. ! ?>;
shift @sentence;
redo if @sentence < 7;
@sentence.join(' ').tc.subst(/\s(<:punct>)/, {$0}, :g);
say sentence() ~ "\n" for ^10;</syntaxhighlight>
{{out|Sample output}}
<pre>To the inhabitants calling itself the Committee of Public Supply seized the opportunity of slightly shifting my position, which had caused a silent mass of smoke rose slanting and barred the face.
Why was I after the Martian within the case, but that these monsters.
As if hell was built for rabbits!
Thenks and all that the Secret of Flying, was discovered.
Or did a Martian standing sentinel I suppose the time we drew near the railway officials connected the breakdown with the butt.
Flutter, flutter, went the bats, heeding it not been for the big table like end of it a great light was seen by the humblest things that God, in his jaws coming headlong towards me, and rapidly growing hotter.
Survivors there were no longer venturing into the side roads of the planet in view.
Just as they began playing at touch in and out into the west, but nothing to me the landscape, weird and vague and strange and incomprehensible that for the wet.
Just as they seem to remember talking, wanderingly, to myself for an accident, but the captain lay off the platforms, and my wife to their former stare, and his lower limbs lay limp and dead horses.
Entrails they had fought across to the post office a little one roomed squatter’s hut of wood, surrounded by a gradual development of brain and hands, the latter giving rise to the corner.</pre>
<langsyntaxhighlight ecmascriptlang="wren">import "io" for File
import "random" for Random
import "./seq" for Lst
// puctuation to keep (also keep hyphen and apostrophe but don't count as words)
Line 765 ⟶ 9,678: