RC POP.OUT: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
Content added Content deleted
m (→‎preamble: updated the number of computer programming languages.)
(→‎output, sorted by rank: updated the ranking of the computer programming languages by popularity.)
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===output, sorted by rank===
════════════════════════timestamp: 1415 May 2018 612:40pm═════════════════════════47pm════════════════════════
932 records read from file: RC_POP.LAN
6,465 records read from file: RC_POP.CAT
662663 (total) number of languages detected in the category file,
694 " " " " " " " language " ,
5758,940949 (total) number of entries detected.
rank: 1 (9801006 entries) RacketKotlin
rank: 2 (977980 entries) PythonRacket
rank: 3 (949977 entries) Perl 6Python
rank: 4 (918949 entries) TclPerl 6
rank: 5 (899918 entries) CTcl
rank: 6 (891899 entries) JC
rank: 7 (879891 entries) ZklJ
rank: 8 (870879 entries) JavaZkl
rank: 9 (860870 entries) DJava
rank: 10 (849860 entries) RubyD
rank: 11 (842849 entries) GoRuby
rank: 12 [tied] (827842 entries) HaskellGo
rank: 1213 [tied] (827 entries) REXXHaskell
rank: 14 13 [tied] (799827 entries) PerlREXX
rank: 15 (777799 entries) JuliaPerl
rank: 16 (771777 entries) PicoLispJulia
rank: 17 (764771 entries) SidefPicoLisp
rank: 18 (726764 entries) MathematicaSidef
rank: 19 (683726 entries) PhixMathematica
rank: 20 (677683 entries) C++Phix
rank: 21 (653678 entries) Common LispC++
rank: 22 (651653 entries) CCommon sharpLisp
rank: 23 (649651 entries) AdaC sharp
rank: 24 (631649 entries) ScalaAda
rank: 25 (621631 entries) AutoHotkeyScala
rank: 26 (591621 entries) JavaScriptAutoHotkey
rank: 27 (590591 entries) UniconJavaScript
rank: 28 [tied] (572590 entries) ClojureUnicon
rank: 2829 [tied] (572573 entries) LuaClojure
rank: 30 (571572 entries) RINGLua
rank: 31 (559571 entries) BBC BASICRING
rank: 32 (551559 entries) FortranBBC BASIC
rank: 33 (548551 entries) PureBasicFortran
rank: 34 (543548 entries) OCamlPureBasic
rank: 35 (542543 entries) ALGOL 68OCaml
rank: 36 (534542 entries) PARI/GPALGOL 68
rank: 37 (532534 entries) IconPARI/GP
rank: 38 (528532 entries) NimIcon
rank: 39 (513528 entries) ElixirNim
rank: 40 (489513 entries) ErlangElixir
rank: 41 (486489 entries) F SharpErlang
rank: 42 (476486 entries) PowerShellF Sharp
rank: 43 (458476 entries) FreeBASICPowerShell
rank: 44 (457458 entries) JqFreeBASIC
rank: 45 (434457 entries) ForthJq
rank: 46 (430434 entries) PascalForth
rank: 47 (420430 entries) AWKPascal
rank: 48 (410420 entries) RAWK
rank: 49 (409410 entries) FactorR
rank: 50 [tied] (407409 entries) RustFactor
rank: 5051 [tied] (407 entries) Seed7Rust
rank: 52 51 [tied] (402407 entries) PL/ISeed7
rank: 53 (392402 entries) GroovyPL/I
rank: 54 (387392 entries) PHPGroovy
rank: 55 (358387 entries) MATLABPHP
rank: 56 (353358 entries) SchemeMATLAB
rank: 57 (334353 entries) Liberty BASICScheme
rank: 58 (315334 entries) RunLiberty BASIC
rank: 59 (308315 entries) OforthRun BASIC
rank: 60 (306308 entries) OctaveOforth
rank: 61 [tied] (305306 entries) EchoLispOctave
rank: 6162 [tied] (305 entries) XPL0EchoLisp
rank: 63 62 [tied] (295305 entries) SwiftXPL0
rank: 64 (288295 entries) BracmatSwift
rank: 65 (287288 entries) NetRexxBracmat
rank: 66 (286287 entries) UNIX ShellNetRexx
rank: 67 [tied] (280286 entries) MapleUNIX Shell
rank: 6768 [tied] (280 entries) OzMaple
rank: 69 68 [tied] (277280 entries) PrologOz
rank: 70 (272278 entries) EProlog
rank: 71 (271272 entries) VBScriptE
rank: 72 (268271 entries) ObjeckVBScript
rank: 73 [tied] (264268 entries) BASICObjeck
rank: 7374 [tied] (264 entries) COBOLBASIC
rank: 75 74 [tied] (259264 entries) LassoCOBOL
rank: 76 (256259 entries) Wolfram LanguageLasso
rank: 77 (255256 entries) SmalltalkWolfram Language
rank: 78 (253255 entries) DelphiSmalltalk
rank: 79 (238253 entries) ElenaDelphi
rank: 80 (232238 entries) EuphoriaElena
rank: 81 (216232 entries) OoRexxEuphoria
rank: 82 (215216 entries) CoffeeScriptOoRexx
rank: 83 (214215 entries) AppleScriptCoffeeScript
rank: 84 (209214 entries) MaximaAppleScript
rank: 85 (206209 entries) LogoMaxima
rank: 86 (204206 entries) StataLogo
rank: 87 (202204 entries) Batch FileStata
rank: 88 (196202 entries) UrsalaBatch File
rank: 89 (194196 entries) LingoUrsala
rank: 90 (193194 entries) ZX Spectrum BASICLingo
rank: 91 (190193 entries) StandardZX MLSpectrum BASIC
rank: 92 (183190 entries) ERREStandard ML
rank: 93 (174183 entries) GAMBASERRE
rank: 94 (173174 entries) VBAGAMBAS
rank: 95 (171173 entries) 360 AssemblyVBA
rank: 96 [tied] (159171 entries) GAP360 Assembly
rank: 9697 [tied] (159 entries) Objective-CGAP
rank: 98 97 [tied] (156159 entries) HicEstObjective-C
rank: 99 (155156 entries) TUSCRIPTHicEst
rank: 100 (153155 entries) FantomTUSCRIPT
rank: 101 (151153 entries) EiffelFantom
rank: 102 (150151 entries) NemerleEiffel
rank: 103 (148150 entries) AimeNemerle
rank: 104 (145148 entries) REBOLAime
rank: 105 (144145 entries) ALGOL WREBOL
rank: 106 (139144 entries) TXRALGOL W
rank: 107 (137139 entries) NewLISPTXR
rank: 108 (136137 entries) Visual Basic .NETNewLISP
rank: 109 (130136 entries) BefungeVisual Basic .NET
rank: 110 (129130 entries) Applesoft BASICBefunge
rank: 111 (127129 entries) LiveCodeApplesoft BASIC
rank: 112 (126127 entries) SlateLiveCode
rank: 113 (121126 entries) ActionScriptSlate
rank: 114 (119121 entries) Modula-3ActionScript
rank: 115 (118119 entries) KModula-3
rank: 116 (117118 entries) Emacs LispK
rank: 117 [tied] (116117 entries) BaConEmacs Lisp
rank: 117118 [tied] (116 entries) Oberon-2BaCon
rank: 117118 [tied] (116 entries) SNOBOL4Oberon-2
rank: 120 118 [tied] (115116 entries) MAXScriptSNOBOL4
rank: 121 (112115 entries) UrsaMAXScript
rank: 122 (111112 entries) RetroUrsa
rank: 123 [tied] (107111 entries) Modula-2Retro
rank: 123124 [tied] (107 entries) TIModula-83 BASIC2
rank: 125124 [tied] (106107 entries) PikeTI-83 BASIC
rank: 125126 [tied] (106 entries) Vedit macro languagePike
rank: 127126 [tied] (105106 entries) DéjàVedit Vumacro language
rank: 127128 [tied] (105 entries) FrinkDéjà Vu
rank: 127128 [tied] (105 entries) MUMPSFrink
rank: 130 128 [tied] (104105 entries) DWScriptMUMPS
rank: 131 (100104 entries) ACL2DWScript
rank: 132 (98100 entries) APLACL2
rank: 133 [tied] (9698 entries) AutoItAPL
rank: 133134 [tied] (96 entries) Pop11AutoIt
rank: 135 134 [tied] (9596 entries) TI-89 BASICPop11
rank: 136 [tied] (9395 entries) AxeTI-89 BASIC
rank: 136137 [tied] (93 entries) IoAxe
rank: 138 137 [tied] (9293 entries) PostScriptIo
rank: 139 [tied] (9192 entries) FunLPostScript
rank: 139140 [tied] (91 entries) MercuryFunL
rank: 141 140 [tied] (8591 entries) BCMercury
rank: 142 [tied] (8185 entries) 8thBC
rank: 142143 [tied] (81 entries) MK-61/528th
rank: 144 143 [tied] (8081 entries) CeylonMK-61/52
rank: 145 (7980 entries) M4Ceylon
rank: 146 [tied] (7779 entries) LFEM4
rank: 146147 [tied] (77 entries) RavenLFE
rank: 148 147 [tied] (7677 entries) FutureBasicRaven
rank: 149 [tied] (7576 entries) Component PascalFutureBasic
rank: 149150 [tied] (75 entries) LogtalkComponent Pascal
rank: 149150 [tied] (75 entries) Sinclair ZX81 BASICLogtalk
rank: 152 150 [tied] (7475 entries) VisualSinclair ZX81 BasicBASIC
rank: 153 (7374 entries) X86Visual AssemblyBasic
rank: 154 (7273 entries) DartX86 Assembly
rank: 155 (7072 entries) SimulaDart
rank: 156 [tied] (6970 entries) ElaSimula
rank: 156157 [tied] (69 entries) SatherEla
rank: 156157 [tied] (69 entries) XLISPSather
rank: 159 157 [tied] (6869 entries) BratXLISP
rank: 160 (6768 entries) REDBrat
rank: 161 (6667 entries) ScilabRED
rank: 162 [tied] (6566 entries) LabVIEWScilab
rank: 162163 [tied] (65 entries) OxygenBasicLabVIEW
rank: 164 163 [tied] (6465 entries) SQLOxygenBasic
rank: 165 (6364 entries) IDLSQL
rank: 166 (6263 entries) WartIDL
rank: 167 (6162 entries) ColdFusionWart
rank: 168 (6061 entries) SequenceLColdFusion
rank: 169 (5960 entries) BurlesqueSequenceL
rank: 170 (5859 entries) ValaBurlesque
rank: 171 [tied] (5658 entries) FBSLVala
rank: 171172 [tied] (56 entries) SASFBSL
rank: 173 172 [tied] (5556 entries) Locomotive BasicSAS
rank: 174 (5455 entries) ABAPLocomotive Basic
rank: 175 (5354 entries) FALSEABAP
rank: 176 [tied] (5153 entries) OpenEdge/ProgressFALSE
rank: 176177 [tied] (51 entries) SPLOpenEdge/Progress
rank: 178177 [tied] (5051 entries) DcSPL
rank: 178179 [tied] (50 entries) MetafontDc
rank: 180179 [tied] (4950 entries) Lang5Metafont
rank: 180181 [tied] (49 entries) RascalLang5
rank: 182181 [tied] (4849 entries) Commodore BASICRascal
rank: 182183 [tied] (48 entries) DCLCommodore BASIC
rank: 184 183 [tied] (4748 entries) TokaDCL
rank: 185 [tied] (4647 entries) ATSToka
rank: 185186 [tied] (46 entries) Inform 7ATS
rank: 185186 [tied] (46 entries) PowerBASICInform 7
rank: 188 186 [tied] (4546 entries) JoyPowerBASIC
rank: 189 (4445 entries) BASIC256Joy
rank: 190 [tied] (4344 entries) WortelBASIC256
rank: 190191 [tied] (43 entries) XSLTWortel
rank: 192 191 [tied] (4243 entries) SparklingXSLT
rank: 193 [tied] (4142 entries) AikidoSparkling
rank: 193194 [tied] (41 entries) HolyCAikido
rank: 193194 [tied] (41 entries) TorqueScriptHolyC
rank: 193194 [tied] (41 entries) YorickTorqueScript
rank: 197194 [tied] (4041 entries) APEXYorick
rank: 197198 [tied] (40 entries) RapidQAPEX
rank: 197198 [tied] (40 entries) S-langRapidQ
rank: 197198 [tied] (40 entries) UnixPipesS-lang
rank: 197198 [tied] (40 entries) VUnixPipes
rank: 202 198 [tied] (3940 entries) SETLV
rank: 203 [tied] (3839 entries) FalconSETL
rank: 203204 [tied] (38 entries) HarbourFalcon
rank: 203204 [tied] (38 entries) LisaacHarbour
rank: 206 204 [tied] (3738 entries) BabelLisaac
rank: 207 [tied] (3637 entries) Brainf***Babel
rank: 207208 [tied] (36 entries) GW-BASICBrainf***
rank: 209208 [tied] (3536 entries) AmigaEGW-BASIC
rank: 209210 [tied] (35 entries) ChapelAmigaE
rank: 209210 [tied] (35 entries) ElmChapel
rank: 209210 [tied] (35 entries) REALbasicElm
rank: 209210 [tied] (35 entries) SedREALbasic
rank: 214210 [tied] (3435 entries) 6502 AssemblySed
rank: 214215 [tied] (34 entries) C6502 ShellAssembly
rank: 214215 [tied] (34 entries) CachéC ObjectScriptShell
rank: 214215 [tied] (34 entries) FutharkCaché ObjectScript
rank: 214215 [tied] (34 entries) GMLFuthark
rank: 214215 [tied] (34 entries) RLaBGML
rank: 214215 [tied] (34 entries) Vim ScriptRLaB
rank: 221 215 [tied] (3334 entries) SuperColliderVim Script
rank: 222 [tied] (3233 entries) EGLSuperCollider
rank: 222223 [tied] (32 entries) GnuplotEGL
rank: 222223 [tied] (32 entries) IGnuplot
rank: 222223 [tied] (32 entries) PL/SQLI
rank: 222223 [tied] (32 entries) Visual FoxProPL/SQL
rank: 227 223 [tied] (3132 entries) LOLCODEVisual FoxPro
-- More --
rank: 228 [tied] (30 entries) Agena
rank: 228 [tied] (3031 entries) CrystalLOLCODE
rank: 228229 [tied] (30 entries) GUISSAgena
rank: 228229 [tied] (30 entries) QiCrystal
rank: 228229 [tied] (30 entries) ZonnonGUISS
rank: 233229 [tied] (2930 entries) MIRC Scripting LanguageQi
rank: 233229 [tied] (2930 entries) SNUSPZonnon
rank: 233234 [tied] (29 entries) SmartMIRC BASICScripting Language
rank: 236234 [tied] (2829 entries) CMakeSNUSP
rank: 236234 [tied] (2829 entries) ECLSmart BASIC
rank: 236237 [tied] (28 entries) OrderCMake
rank: 236237 [tied] (28 entries) PlainTeXECL
rank: 240237 [tied] (2728 entries) HyOrder
rank: 240237 [tied] (2728 entries) LimboPlainTeX
rank: 240241 [tied] (27 entries) NialHy
rank: 240241 [tied] (27 entries) ProcessingLimbo
rank: 240241 [tied] (27 entries) SQL PLNial
rank: 245241 [tied] (2627 entries) CleanProcessing
rank: 245241 [tied] (2627 entries) ClipperSQL PL
rank: 245246 [tied] (26 entries) HaxeClean
rank: 245246 [tied] (26 entries) MLiteClipper
rank: 245246 [tied] (26 entries) PotionHaxe
rank: 245246 [tied] (26 entries) SalmonMLite
rank: 251246 [tied] (2526 entries) AntLangPotion
rank: 251246 [tied] (2526 entries) OlSalmon
rank: 253252 [tied] (2425 entries) MirahAntLang
rank: 253252 [tied] (2425 entries) SSEMOl
rank: 253254 [tied] (24 entries) TrithMirah
rank: 256254 [tied] (2324 entries) AstroSSEM
rank: 256254 [tied] (2324 entries) IokeTrith
rank: 256257 [tied] (23 entries) ML/IAstro
rank: 256257 [tied] (23 entries) PHLIoke
rank: 256257 [tied] (23 entries) ProDOSML/I
rank: 261257 [tied] (2223 entries) ARM AssemblyPHL
rank: 261257 [tied] (2223 entries) GolfscriptProDOS
rank: 261262 [tied] (22 entries) IdrisARM Assembly
rank: 261262 [tied] (22 entries) MLGolfscript
rank: 261262 [tied] (22 entries) SuneidoIdris
rank: 261262 [tied] (22 entries) WDTEML
rank: 267262 [tied] (2122 entries) ArgileSuneido
rank: 267262 [tied] (2122 entries) BeeswaxWDTE
rank: 267268 [tied] (21 entries) GosuArgile
rank: 267268 [tied] (21 entries) KlongBeeswax
rank: 267268 [tied] (21 entries) MIPS AssemblyGosu
rank: 267268 [tied] (21 entries) PelotonKlong
rank: 267268 [tied] (21 entries) PureMIPS Assembly
rank: 267268 [tied] (21 entries) ScratchPeloton
rank: 275268 [tied] (2021 entries) AssemblyPure
rank: 275268 [tied] (2021 entries) ChefScratch
rank: 275276 [tied] (20 entries) SelfAssembly
rank: 278276 [tied] (1920 entries) ChucKChef
rank: 278276 [tied] (1920 entries) VerbexxSelf
rank: 280279 [tied] (1819 entries) FancyChucK
rank: 280279 [tied] (1819 entries) GFA BasicVerbexx
rank: 280281 [tied] (18 entries) MakeFancy
rank: 283281 [tied] (1718 entries) 0815GFA Basic
rank: 283281 [tied] (1718 entries) DylanMake
rank: 283284 [tied] (17 entries) Efene0815
rank: 283284 [tied] (17 entries) HuginnDylan
rank: 283284 [tied] (17 entries) MMIXEfene
rank: 283284 [tied] (17 entries) MOOHuginn
rank: 289284 [tied] (1617 entries) ALGOL 60MMIX
rank: 289284 [tied] (1617 entries) EDSAC order codeMOO
rank: 289290 [tied] (16 entries) FriendlyALGOL interactive shell60
rank: 289290 [tied] (16 entries) LSLEDSAC order code
rank: 289290 [tied] (16 entries) QFriendly interactive shell
rank: 289290 [tied] (16 entries) ShenLSL
rank: 289290 [tied] (16 entries) WhitespaceQ
rank: 289290 [tied] (16 entries) WrenShen
rank: 297290 [tied] (1516 entries) FishWhitespace
rank: 297290 [tied] (1516 entries) GemaWren
rank: 297298 [tied] (15 entries) LSE64Fish
rank: 297298 [tied] (15 entries) LucidGema
rank: 297298 [tied] (15 entries) N/t/roffLSE64
rank: 297298 [tied] (15 entries) OpenscadLucid
rank: 297298 [tied] (15 entries) SystemVerilogN/t/roff
rank: 304298 [tied] (1415 entries) AxiomOpenscad
rank: 304298 [tied] (1415 entries) DaoSystemVerilog
rank: 304305 [tied] (14 entries) EzhilAxiom
rank: 304305 [tied] (14 entries) Inform 6Dao
rank: 304305 [tied] (14 entries) OOCEzhil
rank: 304305 [tied] (14 entries) Transact-SQLInform 6
rank: 304305 [tied] (14 entries) TypeScriptOOC
rank: 304305 [tied] (14 entries) Z80 AssemblyTransact-SQL
rank: 312305 [tied] (1314 entries) Computer/zero AssemblyTypeScript
rank: 312305 [tied] (1314 entries) KonsolScriptZ80 Assembly
rank: 312313 [tied] (13 entries) LaTeXComputer/zero Assembly
rank: 312313 [tied] (13 entries) Object PascalKonsolScript
rank: 312313 [tied] (13 entries) Pure DataLaTeX
rank: 317313 [tied] (1213 entries) BrlcadObject Pascal
rank: 317313 [tied] (1213 entries) ClayPure Data
rank: 317318 [tied] (12 entries) EgelBrlcad
rank: 317318 [tied] (12 entries) EsClay
rank: 317318 [tied] (12 entries) GenyrisEgel
rank: 317318 [tied] (12 entries) HalonEs
rank: 317318 [tied] (12 entries) NekoGenyris
rank: 317318 [tied] (12 entries) OASYS AssemblerHalon
rank: 317318 [tied] (12 entries) PandaNeko
rank: 317318 [tied] (12 entries) PietOASYS Assembler
rank: 317318 [tied] (12 entries) SPADPanda
rank: 317318 [tied] (12 entries) UnlambdaPiet
rank: 317318 [tied] (12 entries) VHDLSPAD
rank: 317318 [tied] (12 entries) VorpalUnlambda
rank: 317318 [tied] (12 entries) XQueryVHDL
rank: 332318 [tied] (1112 entries) ArendelleVorpal
rank: 332318 [tied] (1112 entries) BCPLXQuery
rank: 332333 [tied] (11 entries) CLIPSArendelle
rank: 332333 [tied] (11 entries) CocoBCPL
rank: 332333 [tied] (11 entries) FregeCLIPS
rank: 332333 [tied] (11 entries) GechoCoco
rank: 332333 [tied] (11 entries) Integer BASICFrege
rank: 332333 [tied] (11 entries) OnyxGecho
rank: 332333 [tied] (11 entries) SPARKInteger BASIC
rank: 332333 [tied] (11 entries) ShinyOnyx
rank: 332333 [tied] (11 entries) TSE SALSPARK
rank: 343333 [tied] (1011 entries) AgdaShiny
rank: 343333 [tied] (1011 entries) AppTSE InventorSAL
rank: 343344 [tied] (10 entries) AsymptoteAgda
rank: 343344 [tied] (10 entries) CurryApp Inventor
rank: 343344 [tied] (10 entries) ECAsymptote
rank: 343344 [tied] (10 entries) ElisaCurry
rank: 343344 [tied] (10 entries) LLVMEC
rank: 343344 [tied] (10 entries) LambdatalkElisa
rank: 343344 [tied] (10 entries) LotusScriptLLVM
rank: 343344 [tied] (10 entries) MathprogLambdatalk
rank: 343344 [tied] (10 entries) MontiLangLotusScript
rank: 343344 [tied] (10 entries) NiueMathprog
rank: 343344 [tied] (10 entries) RPGMontiLang
rank: 343344 [tied] (10 entries) WraplNiue
rank: 357344 [tied] (910 entries) 4DOS BatchRPG
rank: 357344 [tied] (910 entries) 8086 AssemblyWrapl
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) Alore4DOS Batch
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) Boo8086 Assembly
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) CoqAlore
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) EeroBoo
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) FortressCoq
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) Free PascalEero
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) IWBASICFortress
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) LilyFree Pascal
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) LuckIWBASIC
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) MonteLily
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) MorfaLuck
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) MySQLMonte
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) NSISMorfa
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) POV-RayMySQL
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) RaNSIS
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) SIMPOLPOV-Ray
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) SymsynRa
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) UTFoolSIMPOL
rank: 377358 [tied] (89 entries) 4DSymsyn
rank: 377358 [tied] (89 entries) 6800 AssemblyUTFool
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) 8051 Assembly4D
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) ALGOL-M6800 Assembly
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) Comal8051 Assembly
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) Dylan.NETALGOL-M
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) EgisonComal
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) FUZE BASICDylan.NET
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) FanEgison
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) HQ9+FUZE BASIC
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) HoonFan
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) LC3 AssemblyHQ9+
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) LhoghoHoon
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) MBSLC3 Assembly
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) NESLLhogho
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) NGSMBS
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) NitNESL
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) PILOTNGS
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) PIRNit
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) PonyPILOT
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) TIScriptPIR
rank: 398378 [tied] (78 entries) 68000 AssemblyPony
rank: 398378 [tied] (78 entries) AmbientTalkTIScript
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) Arbre68000 Assembly
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) ArcAmbientTalk
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) BlastArbre
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) CobraArc
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) CrackBlast
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) FOCALCobra
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) GleeCrack
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) IntercalFOCAL
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) KiteGlee
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) PurityIntercal
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) RhopeKite
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) Set langPurity
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) SkookumScriptRhope
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) SquirrelSet lang
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) VerilogSkookumScript
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) Visual PrologSquirrel
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) XEecVerilog
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) YacasVisual Prolog
rank: 418399 [tied] (67 entries) ANTLRXEec
rank: 418399 [tied] (67 entries) BlitzMaxYacas
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) C++/CLIANTLR
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) C1RBlitzMax
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) CatC++/CLI
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) Comefrom0x10C1R
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) DUPCat
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) Dodo0Comefrom0x10
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) FexlDUP
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) GastonaDodo0
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) GriFexl
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) JavaFX ScriptGastona
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) LispGri
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) MoonScriptJavaFX Script
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) OxygeneLisp
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) PASMMoonScript
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) SageOxygene
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) True BASICPASM
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) WheneverSage
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) µC++True BASIC
rank: 438419 [tied] (56 entries) 8080 AssemblyWhenever
rank: 438419 [tied] (56 entries) AlgaeµC++
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) Brace8080 Assembly
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) Clipper/XBase++Algae
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) DMSBrace
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) DelugeClipper/XBase++
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) ELLADMS
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) FDeluge
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) FeriteELLA
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) GEORGEF
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) HopeFerite
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) JAMES II/Rule-based Cellular AutomataGEORGE
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) JCLHope
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) L++JAMES II/Rule-based Cellular Automata
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) LilyPondJCL
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) MetapostL++
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) OPLLilyPond
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) OccamMetapost
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) PDP-11 AssemblyOPL
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) PL/MOccam
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) PSQLPDP-11 Assembly
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) PanoramicPL/M
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) QuillPSQL
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) Quite BASICPanoramic
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) RPL/2Quill
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) ScriptQuite BasicBASIC
-- More --
rank: 438 [tied] (5 entries) Sisal
rank: 438419 [tied] (56 entries) SnobolPASM
rank: 438419 [tied] (56 entries) TPPSage
rank: 438419 [tied] (56 entries) ThyrdTrue BASIC
rank: 438419 [tied] (56 entries) XProcWhenever
rank: 438419 [tied] (56 entries) XTalkµC++
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) ZPL8080 Assembly
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) 80386 AssemblyAlgae
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) AMPLBrace
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) AspectJClipper/XBase++
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) BifernoDMS
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) BoriDeluge
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) DMELLA
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) DafnyF
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) ESQLFerite
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) ElastiCGEORGE
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) FPHope
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) FelixJAMES II/Rule-based Cellular Automata
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) GenteeJCL
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) Go!L++
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) HLALilyPond
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) HPPPLMetapost
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) HeronOPL
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) HyperTalkOccam
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) InformixPDP-11 4GLAssembly
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) IptscraePL/M
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) JScript.NETPSQL
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) JoCamlPanoramic
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) JudoScriptQuill
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) LobsterQuite BASIC
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) LushRPL/2
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) MUFScript Basic
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) MythrylSisal
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) NetLogoSnobol
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) OmegaTPP
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) RTL/2Thyrd
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) SETL4XProc
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) SMEQLXTalk
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) SPARC AssemblyZPL
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) SheerPower80386 4GLAssembly
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) StreamItAMPL
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) TI-83 Hex AssemblyAspectJ
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) TecoBiferno
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) TransFORTHBori
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) TwelfDM
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) UnifaceDafny
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) VB6ESQL
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) Visual ObjectsElastiC
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) XSLT 2.0FP
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) XojoFelix
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) ZEDGentee
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) .QLGo!
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) 8 1/2HLA
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) A+HPPPL
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) ALGOLHeron
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) ANTHyperTalk
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) ASPInformix 4GL
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) ASP.NetIptscrae
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) Agda2JScript.NET
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) Alice MLJoCaml
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) Application MasterJudoScript
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) AspectC++Lobster
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) AutoLISPLush
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) AxumMUF
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) BMythryl
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) BMLNetLogo
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) BattlestarOmega
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) BetaRTL/2
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) C0HSETL4
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) CB80SMEQL
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) CamlSPARC Assembly
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) CecilSheerPower 4GL
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) CilkStreamIt
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) Cilk++TI-83 Hex Assembly
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) DatalogTeco
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) DieselTransFORTH
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) ElanTwelf
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) EulerUniface
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) FAUSTVB6
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) FPIVisual Objects
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) FeatureC++XSLT 2.0
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) FreeMatXojo
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) GlagolZED
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) Golo.QL
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) Goo8 1/2
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) JabacoA+
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) KayaALGOL
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) KeyList DatabasingANT
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) KittenASP
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) LASP.in.oleumNet
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) LiveScriptAgda2
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) LotusAlice 123 Macro ScriptingML
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) LoutApplication Master
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) M680x0AspectC++
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) MDLAutoLISP
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) ME10 macroAxum
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) MGSB
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) MaudeBML
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) MirelleBattlestar
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) MonicelliBeta
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) MythonC0H
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) NQPCB80
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) NiceCaml
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) OASYSCecil
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) OpenC++Cilk
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) PL/pgSQLCilk++
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) PLUSDatalog
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) PLZ/SYSDiesel
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) PPC AssemblyElan
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) PPLEuler
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) Pentium AssemblyFAUST
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) PowerbuilderFPI
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) PyretFeatureC++
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) QuakeCFreeMat
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) RLSLGlagol
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) RTSLGolo
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) RefalGoo
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) Script3DJabaco
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) Superbase BASICKaya
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) TALKeyList Databasing
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) TeLaKitten
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) ThistleL.in.oleum
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) TuringLiveScript
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) UScriptLotus 123 Macro Scripting
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) UserRPLLout
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) UyirM680x0
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) VRMLMDL
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) WMLME10 macro
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) XBaseMGS
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) XULMaude
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) CduceMirelle
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) GLBasicMonicelli
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) GLSLMython
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) HackNQP
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) JOVIALNice
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) JackOASYS
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) LunaOpenC++
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) MINILPL/pgSQL
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) MSX BasicPLUS
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) MalbolgePLZ/SYS
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) MathCortexPPC Assembly
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) MyrtleScriptPPL
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) OOCalcPentium Assembly
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) OpenLispPowerbuilder
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) PeopleCodePyret
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) Perl5iQuakeC
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) PictRLSL
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) RPLRTSL
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) ReasonRefal
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) RoboticScript3D
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) ScriptBasicSuperbase BASIC
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) SmileBASICTAL
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) TbasTeLa
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) TechBASICThistle
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) ToffeeScriptTuring
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) Viua VM assemblyUScript
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) VoxUserRPL
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) XLUyir
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) XSLT 1.0VRML
rank: 623516 [tied] (13 entryentries) Action!WML
rank: 623516 [tied] (13 entryentries) ApricotXBase
rank: 623516 [tied] (13 entryentries) B4JXUL
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) CHRCduce
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) CafeOBJGLBasic
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) ClarionGLSL
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) DDNCHack
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) DIV Games StudioJOVIAL
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) FRISC AssemblyJack
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) FormulaOneLuna
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) Jacquard LoomMINIL
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) MSX Kamailio ScriptBasic
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) Lambda PrologMalbolge
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) LibreOffice BasicMathCortex
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) MAPPERMyrtleScript
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) MELOOCalc
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) MondOpenLisp
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) MonkeyPeopleCode
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) NASLPerl5i
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) NeatPict
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) NewtonScriptRPL
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) NickleReason
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) NixRobotic
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) OpaScriptBasic
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) PareSmileBASIC
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) PicatTbas
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) QoreTechBASIC
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) RPGIVToffeeScript
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) Viua VM Rapiraassembly
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) SoarVox
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) SoneKing AssemblyXL
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) XSLT Supernova1.0
rank: 623624 [tied] (1 entry) TerraAction!
rank: 623624 [tied] (1 entry) TestMLApricot
rank: 623624 [tied] (1 entry) VAX AssemblyB4J
rank: 623624 [tied] (1 entry) WollokCHR
rank: 623624 [tied] (1 entry) X86 64 AssemblyCafeOBJ
rank: 623624 [tied] (1 entry) XPath 2.0Clarion
rank: 623624 [tied] (1 entry) XanaduDDNC
rank: 623624 [tied] (1 entry) YaDIV Games Studio
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) FRISC Assembly
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) FormulaOne
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Jacquard Loom
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Kamailio Script
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Lambda Prolog
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) LibreOffice Basic
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) MAPPER
rank: 228624 [tied] (301 entriesentry) Agena MEL
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Mond
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Monkey
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) NASL
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Neat
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) NewtonScript
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Nickle
rank: 438624 [tied] (51 entriesentry) Sisal Nix
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Opa
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Pare
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Picat
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Qore
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) RPGIV
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Rapira
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Soar
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) SoneKing Assembly
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Supernova
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Terra
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) TestML
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) VAX Assembly
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Wollok
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) X86 64 Assembly
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) XPath 2.0
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Xanadu
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Ya
☼ end─of─list. ☼

Revision as of 17:57, 15 May 2018



This is the output file from the     RC_POP.REX     example   (the REXX computer programming language
entry)   which is used to solve the Rosetta Code task:   Rank_languages_by_popularity.

The output file (shown below) contains the complete ranking   (current as of the timestamp shown below)  
of all   663   languages used on   Rosetta Code   as per the   Languages   page   (as indicated by the  
members   keyword).  

Tied rankings are handled correctly;   tied computer programming languages are sorted alphabetically.

output, sorted by rank

════════════════════════timestamp:  15 May 2018 12:47pm════════════════════════

      932 records read from file:  RC_POP.LAN
    6,465 records read from file:  RC_POP.CAT
      663 (total) number of languages detected in the category file,
      694    "       "    "     "         "     "  "  language   " ,
   58,949 (total) number of entries detected.

          rank:   1              (1006 entries)  Kotlin
          rank:   2               (980 entries)  Racket
          rank:   3               (977 entries)  Python
          rank:   4               (949 entries)  Perl 6
          rank:   5               (918 entries)  Tcl
          rank:   6               (899 entries)  C
          rank:   7               (891 entries)  J
          rank:   8               (879 entries)  Zkl
          rank:   9               (870 entries)  Java
          rank:  10               (860 entries)  D
          rank:  11               (849 entries)  Ruby
          rank:  12               (842 entries)  Go
          rank:  13  [tied]       (827 entries)  Haskell
          rank:  13  [tied]       (827 entries)  REXX
          rank:  15               (799 entries)  Perl
          rank:  16               (777 entries)  Julia
          rank:  17               (771 entries)  PicoLisp
          rank:  18               (764 entries)  Sidef
          rank:  19               (726 entries)  Mathematica
          rank:  20               (683 entries)  Phix
          rank:  21               (678 entries)  C++
          rank:  22               (653 entries)  Common Lisp
          rank:  23               (651 entries)  C sharp
          rank:  24               (649 entries)  Ada
          rank:  25               (631 entries)  Scala
          rank:  26               (621 entries)  AutoHotkey
          rank:  27               (591 entries)  JavaScript
          rank:  28               (590 entries)  Unicon
          rank:  29               (573 entries)  Clojure
          rank:  30               (572 entries)  Lua
          rank:  31               (571 entries)  RING
          rank:  32               (559 entries)  BBC BASIC
          rank:  33               (551 entries)  Fortran
          rank:  34               (548 entries)  PureBasic
          rank:  35               (543 entries)  OCaml
          rank:  36               (542 entries)  ALGOL 68
          rank:  37               (534 entries)  PARI/GP
          rank:  38               (532 entries)  Icon
          rank:  39               (528 entries)  Nim
          rank:  40               (513 entries)  Elixir
          rank:  41               (489 entries)  Erlang
          rank:  42               (486 entries)  F Sharp
          rank:  43               (476 entries)  PowerShell
          rank:  44               (458 entries)  FreeBASIC
          rank:  45               (457 entries)  Jq
          rank:  46               (434 entries)  Forth
          rank:  47               (430 entries)  Pascal
          rank:  48               (420 entries)  AWK
          rank:  49               (410 entries)  R
          rank:  50               (409 entries)  Factor
          rank:  51  [tied]       (407 entries)  Rust
          rank:  51  [tied]       (407 entries)  Seed7
          rank:  53               (402 entries)  PL/I
          rank:  54               (392 entries)  Groovy
          rank:  55               (387 entries)  PHP
          rank:  56               (358 entries)  MATLAB
          rank:  57               (353 entries)  Scheme
          rank:  58               (334 entries)  Liberty BASIC
          rank:  59               (315 entries)  Run BASIC
          rank:  60               (308 entries)  Oforth
          rank:  61               (306 entries)  Octave
          rank:  62  [tied]       (305 entries)  EchoLisp
          rank:  62  [tied]       (305 entries)  XPL0
          rank:  64               (295 entries)  Swift
          rank:  65               (288 entries)  Bracmat
          rank:  66               (287 entries)  NetRexx
          rank:  67               (286 entries)  UNIX Shell
          rank:  68  [tied]       (280 entries)  Maple
          rank:  68  [tied]       (280 entries)  Oz
          rank:  70               (278 entries)  Prolog
          rank:  71               (272 entries)  E
          rank:  72               (271 entries)  VBScript
          rank:  73               (268 entries)  Objeck
          rank:  74  [tied]       (264 entries)  BASIC
          rank:  74  [tied]       (264 entries)  COBOL
          rank:  76               (259 entries)  Lasso
          rank:  77               (256 entries)  Wolfram Language
          rank:  78               (255 entries)  Smalltalk
          rank:  79               (253 entries)  Delphi
          rank:  80               (238 entries)  Elena
          rank:  81               (232 entries)  Euphoria
          rank:  82               (216 entries)  OoRexx
          rank:  83               (215 entries)  CoffeeScript
          rank:  84               (214 entries)  AppleScript
          rank:  85               (209 entries)  Maxima
          rank:  86               (206 entries)  Logo
          rank:  87               (204 entries)  Stata
          rank:  88               (202 entries)  Batch File
          rank:  89               (196 entries)  Ursala
          rank:  90               (194 entries)  Lingo
          rank:  91               (193 entries)  ZX Spectrum BASIC
          rank:  92               (190 entries)  Standard ML
          rank:  93               (183 entries)  ERRE
          rank:  94               (174 entries)  GAMBAS
          rank:  95               (173 entries)  VBA
          rank:  96               (171 entries)  360 Assembly
          rank:  97  [tied]       (159 entries)  GAP
          rank:  97  [tied]       (159 entries)  Objective-C
          rank:  99               (156 entries)  HicEst
          rank: 100               (155 entries)  TUSCRIPT
          rank: 101               (153 entries)  Fantom
          rank: 102               (151 entries)  Eiffel
          rank: 103               (150 entries)  Nemerle
          rank: 104               (148 entries)  Aime
          rank: 105               (145 entries)  REBOL
          rank: 106               (144 entries)  ALGOL W
          rank: 107               (139 entries)  TXR
          rank: 108               (137 entries)  NewLISP
          rank: 109               (136 entries)  Visual Basic .NET
          rank: 110               (130 entries)  Befunge
          rank: 111               (129 entries)  Applesoft BASIC
          rank: 112               (127 entries)  LiveCode
          rank: 113               (126 entries)  Slate
          rank: 114               (121 entries)  ActionScript
          rank: 115               (119 entries)  Modula-3
          rank: 116               (118 entries)  K
          rank: 117               (117 entries)  Emacs Lisp
          rank: 118  [tied]       (116 entries)  BaCon
          rank: 118  [tied]       (116 entries)  Oberon-2
          rank: 118  [tied]       (116 entries)  SNOBOL4
          rank: 121               (115 entries)  MAXScript
          rank: 122               (112 entries)  Ursa
          rank: 123               (111 entries)  Retro
          rank: 124  [tied]       (107 entries)  Modula-2
          rank: 124  [tied]       (107 entries)  TI-83 BASIC
          rank: 126  [tied]       (106 entries)  Pike
          rank: 126  [tied]       (106 entries)  Vedit macro language
          rank: 128  [tied]       (105 entries)  Déjà Vu
          rank: 128  [tied]       (105 entries)  Frink
          rank: 128  [tied]       (105 entries)  MUMPS
          rank: 131               (104 entries)  DWScript
          rank: 132               (100 entries)  ACL2
          rank: 133                (98 entries)  APL
          rank: 134  [tied]        (96 entries)  AutoIt
          rank: 134  [tied]        (96 entries)  Pop11
          rank: 136                (95 entries)  TI-89 BASIC
          rank: 137  [tied]        (93 entries)  Axe
          rank: 137  [tied]        (93 entries)  Io
          rank: 139                (92 entries)  PostScript
          rank: 140  [tied]        (91 entries)  FunL
          rank: 140  [tied]        (91 entries)  Mercury
          rank: 142                (85 entries)  BC
          rank: 143  [tied]        (81 entries)  8th
          rank: 143  [tied]        (81 entries)  MK-61/52
          rank: 145                (80 entries)  Ceylon
          rank: 146                (79 entries)  M4
          rank: 147  [tied]        (77 entries)  LFE
          rank: 147  [tied]        (77 entries)  Raven
          rank: 149                (76 entries)  FutureBasic
          rank: 150  [tied]        (75 entries)  Component Pascal
          rank: 150  [tied]        (75 entries)  Logtalk
          rank: 150  [tied]        (75 entries)  Sinclair ZX81 BASIC
          rank: 153                (74 entries)  Visual Basic
          rank: 154                (73 entries)  X86 Assembly
          rank: 155                (72 entries)  Dart
          rank: 156                (70 entries)  Simula
          rank: 157  [tied]        (69 entries)  Ela
          rank: 157  [tied]        (69 entries)  Sather
          rank: 157  [tied]        (69 entries)  XLISP
          rank: 160                (68 entries)  Brat
          rank: 161                (67 entries)  RED
          rank: 162                (66 entries)  Scilab
          rank: 163  [tied]        (65 entries)  LabVIEW
          rank: 163  [tied]        (65 entries)  OxygenBasic
          rank: 165                (64 entries)  SQL
          rank: 166                (63 entries)  IDL
          rank: 167                (62 entries)  Wart
          rank: 168                (61 entries)  ColdFusion
          rank: 169                (60 entries)  SequenceL
          rank: 170                (59 entries)  Burlesque
          rank: 171                (58 entries)  Vala
          rank: 172  [tied]        (56 entries)  FBSL
          rank: 172  [tied]        (56 entries)  SAS
          rank: 174                (55 entries)  Locomotive Basic
          rank: 175                (54 entries)  ABAP
          rank: 176                (53 entries)  FALSE
          rank: 177  [tied]        (51 entries)  OpenEdge/Progress
          rank: 177  [tied]        (51 entries)  SPL
          rank: 179  [tied]        (50 entries)  Dc
          rank: 179  [tied]        (50 entries)  Metafont
          rank: 181  [tied]        (49 entries)  Lang5
          rank: 181  [tied]        (49 entries)  Rascal
          rank: 183  [tied]        (48 entries)  Commodore BASIC
          rank: 183  [tied]        (48 entries)  DCL
          rank: 185                (47 entries)  Toka
          rank: 186  [tied]        (46 entries)  ATS
          rank: 186  [tied]        (46 entries)  Inform 7
          rank: 186  [tied]        (46 entries)  PowerBASIC
          rank: 189                (45 entries)  Joy
          rank: 190                (44 entries)  BASIC256
          rank: 191  [tied]        (43 entries)  Wortel
          rank: 191  [tied]        (43 entries)  XSLT
          rank: 193                (42 entries)  Sparkling
          rank: 194  [tied]        (41 entries)  Aikido
          rank: 194  [tied]        (41 entries)  HolyC
          rank: 194  [tied]        (41 entries)  TorqueScript
          rank: 194  [tied]        (41 entries)  Yorick
          rank: 198  [tied]        (40 entries)  APEX
          rank: 198  [tied]        (40 entries)  RapidQ
          rank: 198  [tied]        (40 entries)  S-lang
          rank: 198  [tied]        (40 entries)  UnixPipes
          rank: 198  [tied]        (40 entries)  V
          rank: 203                (39 entries)  SETL
          rank: 204  [tied]        (38 entries)  Falcon
          rank: 204  [tied]        (38 entries)  Harbour
          rank: 204  [tied]        (38 entries)  Lisaac
          rank: 207                (37 entries)  Babel
          rank: 208  [tied]        (36 entries)  Brainf***
          rank: 208  [tied]        (36 entries)  GW-BASIC
          rank: 210  [tied]        (35 entries)  AmigaE
          rank: 210  [tied]        (35 entries)  Chapel
          rank: 210  [tied]        (35 entries)  Elm
          rank: 210  [tied]        (35 entries)  REALbasic
          rank: 210  [tied]        (35 entries)  Sed
          rank: 215  [tied]        (34 entries)  6502 Assembly
          rank: 215  [tied]        (34 entries)  C Shell
          rank: 215  [tied]        (34 entries)  Caché ObjectScript
          rank: 215  [tied]        (34 entries)  Futhark
          rank: 215  [tied]        (34 entries)  GML
          rank: 215  [tied]        (34 entries)  RLaB
          rank: 215  [tied]        (34 entries)  Vim Script
          rank: 222                (33 entries)  SuperCollider
          rank: 223  [tied]        (32 entries)  EGL
          rank: 223  [tied]        (32 entries)  Gnuplot
          rank: 223  [tied]        (32 entries)  I
          rank: 223  [tied]        (32 entries)  PL/SQL
          rank: 223  [tied]        (32 entries)  Visual FoxPro
-- More  --
          rank: 228                (31 entries)  LOLCODE
          rank: 229  [tied]        (30 entries)  Agena
          rank: 229  [tied]        (30 entries)  Crystal
          rank: 229  [tied]        (30 entries)  GUISS
          rank: 229  [tied]        (30 entries)  Qi
          rank: 229  [tied]        (30 entries)  Zonnon
          rank: 234  [tied]        (29 entries)  MIRC Scripting Language
          rank: 234  [tied]        (29 entries)  SNUSP
          rank: 234  [tied]        (29 entries)  Smart BASIC
          rank: 237  [tied]        (28 entries)  CMake
          rank: 237  [tied]        (28 entries)  ECL
          rank: 237  [tied]        (28 entries)  Order
          rank: 237  [tied]        (28 entries)  PlainTeX
          rank: 241  [tied]        (27 entries)  Hy
          rank: 241  [tied]        (27 entries)  Limbo
          rank: 241  [tied]        (27 entries)  Nial
          rank: 241  [tied]        (27 entries)  Processing
          rank: 241  [tied]        (27 entries)  SQL PL
          rank: 246  [tied]        (26 entries)  Clean
          rank: 246  [tied]        (26 entries)  Clipper
          rank: 246  [tied]        (26 entries)  Haxe
          rank: 246  [tied]        (26 entries)  MLite
          rank: 246  [tied]        (26 entries)  Potion
          rank: 246  [tied]        (26 entries)  Salmon
          rank: 252  [tied]        (25 entries)  AntLang
          rank: 252  [tied]        (25 entries)  Ol
          rank: 254  [tied]        (24 entries)  Mirah
          rank: 254  [tied]        (24 entries)  SSEM
          rank: 254  [tied]        (24 entries)  Trith
          rank: 257  [tied]        (23 entries)  Astro
          rank: 257  [tied]        (23 entries)  Ioke
          rank: 257  [tied]        (23 entries)  ML/I
          rank: 257  [tied]        (23 entries)  PHL
          rank: 257  [tied]        (23 entries)  ProDOS
          rank: 262  [tied]        (22 entries)  ARM Assembly
          rank: 262  [tied]        (22 entries)  Golfscript
          rank: 262  [tied]        (22 entries)  Idris
          rank: 262  [tied]        (22 entries)  ML
          rank: 262  [tied]        (22 entries)  Suneido
          rank: 262  [tied]        (22 entries)  WDTE
          rank: 268  [tied]        (21 entries)  Argile
          rank: 268  [tied]        (21 entries)  Beeswax
          rank: 268  [tied]        (21 entries)  Gosu
          rank: 268  [tied]        (21 entries)  Klong
          rank: 268  [tied]        (21 entries)  MIPS Assembly
          rank: 268  [tied]        (21 entries)  Peloton
          rank: 268  [tied]        (21 entries)  Pure
          rank: 268  [tied]        (21 entries)  Scratch
          rank: 276  [tied]        (20 entries)  Assembly
          rank: 276  [tied]        (20 entries)  Chef
          rank: 276  [tied]        (20 entries)  Self
          rank: 279  [tied]        (19 entries)  ChucK
          rank: 279  [tied]        (19 entries)  Verbexx
          rank: 281  [tied]        (18 entries)  Fancy
          rank: 281  [tied]        (18 entries)  GFA Basic
          rank: 281  [tied]        (18 entries)  Make
          rank: 284  [tied]        (17 entries)  0815
          rank: 284  [tied]        (17 entries)  Dylan
          rank: 284  [tied]        (17 entries)  Efene
          rank: 284  [tied]        (17 entries)  Huginn
          rank: 284  [tied]        (17 entries)  MMIX
          rank: 284  [tied]        (17 entries)  MOO
          rank: 290  [tied]        (16 entries)  ALGOL 60
          rank: 290  [tied]        (16 entries)  EDSAC order code
          rank: 290  [tied]        (16 entries)  Friendly interactive shell
          rank: 290  [tied]        (16 entries)  LSL
          rank: 290  [tied]        (16 entries)  Q
          rank: 290  [tied]        (16 entries)  Shen
          rank: 290  [tied]        (16 entries)  Whitespace
          rank: 290  [tied]        (16 entries)  Wren
          rank: 298  [tied]        (15 entries)  Fish
          rank: 298  [tied]        (15 entries)  Gema
          rank: 298  [tied]        (15 entries)  LSE64
          rank: 298  [tied]        (15 entries)  Lucid
          rank: 298  [tied]        (15 entries)  N/t/roff
          rank: 298  [tied]        (15 entries)  Openscad
          rank: 298  [tied]        (15 entries)  SystemVerilog
          rank: 305  [tied]        (14 entries)  Axiom
          rank: 305  [tied]        (14 entries)  Dao
          rank: 305  [tied]        (14 entries)  Ezhil
          rank: 305  [tied]        (14 entries)  Inform 6
          rank: 305  [tied]        (14 entries)  OOC
          rank: 305  [tied]        (14 entries)  Transact-SQL
          rank: 305  [tied]        (14 entries)  TypeScript
          rank: 305  [tied]        (14 entries)  Z80 Assembly
          rank: 313  [tied]        (13 entries)  Computer/zero Assembly
          rank: 313  [tied]        (13 entries)  KonsolScript
          rank: 313  [tied]        (13 entries)  LaTeX
          rank: 313  [tied]        (13 entries)  Object Pascal
          rank: 313  [tied]        (13 entries)  Pure Data
          rank: 318  [tied]        (12 entries)  Brlcad
          rank: 318  [tied]        (12 entries)  Clay
          rank: 318  [tied]        (12 entries)  Egel
          rank: 318  [tied]        (12 entries)  Es
          rank: 318  [tied]        (12 entries)  Genyris
          rank: 318  [tied]        (12 entries)  Halon
          rank: 318  [tied]        (12 entries)  Neko
          rank: 318  [tied]        (12 entries)  OASYS Assembler
          rank: 318  [tied]        (12 entries)  Panda
          rank: 318  [tied]        (12 entries)  Piet
          rank: 318  [tied]        (12 entries)  SPAD
          rank: 318  [tied]        (12 entries)  Unlambda
          rank: 318  [tied]        (12 entries)  VHDL
          rank: 318  [tied]        (12 entries)  Vorpal
          rank: 318  [tied]        (12 entries)  XQuery
          rank: 333  [tied]        (11 entries)  Arendelle
          rank: 333  [tied]        (11 entries)  BCPL
          rank: 333  [tied]        (11 entries)  CLIPS
          rank: 333  [tied]        (11 entries)  Coco
          rank: 333  [tied]        (11 entries)  Frege
          rank: 333  [tied]        (11 entries)  Gecho
          rank: 333  [tied]        (11 entries)  Integer BASIC
          rank: 333  [tied]        (11 entries)  Onyx
          rank: 333  [tied]        (11 entries)  SPARK
          rank: 333  [tied]        (11 entries)  Shiny
          rank: 333  [tied]        (11 entries)  TSE SAL
          rank: 344  [tied]        (10 entries)  Agda
          rank: 344  [tied]        (10 entries)  App Inventor
          rank: 344  [tied]        (10 entries)  Asymptote
          rank: 344  [tied]        (10 entries)  Curry
          rank: 344  [tied]        (10 entries)  EC
          rank: 344  [tied]        (10 entries)  Elisa
          rank: 344  [tied]        (10 entries)  LLVM
          rank: 344  [tied]        (10 entries)  Lambdatalk
          rank: 344  [tied]        (10 entries)  LotusScript
          rank: 344  [tied]        (10 entries)  Mathprog
          rank: 344  [tied]        (10 entries)  MontiLang
          rank: 344  [tied]        (10 entries)  Niue
          rank: 344  [tied]        (10 entries)  RPG
          rank: 344  [tied]        (10 entries)  Wrapl
          rank: 358  [tied]         (9 entries)  4DOS Batch
          rank: 358  [tied]         (9 entries)  8086 Assembly
          rank: 358  [tied]         (9 entries)  Alore
          rank: 358  [tied]         (9 entries)  Boo
          rank: 358  [tied]         (9 entries)  Coq
          rank: 358  [tied]         (9 entries)  Eero
          rank: 358  [tied]         (9 entries)  Fortress
          rank: 358  [tied]         (9 entries)  Free Pascal
          rank: 358  [tied]         (9 entries)  IWBASIC
          rank: 358  [tied]         (9 entries)  Lily
          rank: 358  [tied]         (9 entries)  Luck
          rank: 358  [tied]         (9 entries)  Monte
          rank: 358  [tied]         (9 entries)  Morfa
          rank: 358  [tied]         (9 entries)  MySQL
          rank: 358  [tied]         (9 entries)  NSIS
          rank: 358  [tied]         (9 entries)  POV-Ray
          rank: 358  [tied]         (9 entries)  Ra
          rank: 358  [tied]         (9 entries)  SIMPOL
          rank: 358  [tied]         (9 entries)  Symsyn
          rank: 358  [tied]         (9 entries)  UTFool
          rank: 378  [tied]         (8 entries)  4D
          rank: 378  [tied]         (8 entries)  6800 Assembly
          rank: 378  [tied]         (8 entries)  8051 Assembly
          rank: 378  [tied]         (8 entries)  ALGOL-M
          rank: 378  [tied]         (8 entries)  Comal
          rank: 378  [tied]         (8 entries)  Dylan.NET
          rank: 378  [tied]         (8 entries)  Egison
          rank: 378  [tied]         (8 entries)  FUZE BASIC
          rank: 378  [tied]         (8 entries)  Fan
          rank: 378  [tied]         (8 entries)  HQ9+
          rank: 378  [tied]         (8 entries)  Hoon
          rank: 378  [tied]         (8 entries)  LC3 Assembly
          rank: 378  [tied]         (8 entries)  Lhogho
          rank: 378  [tied]         (8 entries)  MBS
          rank: 378  [tied]         (8 entries)  NESL
          rank: 378  [tied]         (8 entries)  NGS
          rank: 378  [tied]         (8 entries)  Nit
          rank: 378  [tied]         (8 entries)  PILOT
          rank: 378  [tied]         (8 entries)  PIR
          rank: 378  [tied]         (8 entries)  Pony
          rank: 378  [tied]         (8 entries)  TIScript
          rank: 399  [tied]         (7 entries)  68000 Assembly
          rank: 399  [tied]         (7 entries)  AmbientTalk
          rank: 399  [tied]         (7 entries)  Arbre
          rank: 399  [tied]         (7 entries)  Arc
          rank: 399  [tied]         (7 entries)  Blast
          rank: 399  [tied]         (7 entries)  Cobra
          rank: 399  [tied]         (7 entries)  Crack
          rank: 399  [tied]         (7 entries)  FOCAL
          rank: 399  [tied]         (7 entries)  Glee
          rank: 399  [tied]         (7 entries)  Intercal
          rank: 399  [tied]         (7 entries)  Kite
          rank: 399  [tied]         (7 entries)  Purity
          rank: 399  [tied]         (7 entries)  Rhope
          rank: 399  [tied]         (7 entries)  Set lang
          rank: 399  [tied]         (7 entries)  SkookumScript
          rank: 399  [tied]         (7 entries)  Squirrel
          rank: 399  [tied]         (7 entries)  Verilog
          rank: 399  [tied]         (7 entries)  Visual Prolog
          rank: 399  [tied]         (7 entries)  XEec
          rank: 399  [tied]         (7 entries)  Yacas
          rank: 419  [tied]         (6 entries)  ANTLR
          rank: 419  [tied]         (6 entries)  BlitzMax
          rank: 419  [tied]         (6 entries)  C++/CLI
          rank: 419  [tied]         (6 entries)  C1R
          rank: 419  [tied]         (6 entries)  Cat
          rank: 419  [tied]         (6 entries)  Comefrom0x10
          rank: 419  [tied]         (6 entries)  DUP
          rank: 419  [tied]         (6 entries)  Dodo0
          rank: 419  [tied]         (6 entries)  Fexl
          rank: 419  [tied]         (6 entries)  Gastona
          rank: 419  [tied]         (6 entries)  Gri
          rank: 419  [tied]         (6 entries)  JavaFX Script
          rank: 419  [tied]         (6 entries)  Lisp
          rank: 419  [tied]         (6 entries)  MoonScript
          rank: 419  [tied]         (6 entries)  Oxygene
          rank: 419  [tied]         (6 entries)  PASM
          rank: 419  [tied]         (6 entries)  Sage
          rank: 419  [tied]         (6 entries)  True BASIC
          rank: 419  [tied]         (6 entries)  Whenever
          rank: 419  [tied]         (6 entries)  µC++
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  8080 Assembly
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  Algae
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  Brace
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  Clipper/XBase++
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  DMS
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  Deluge
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  ELLA
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  F
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  Ferite
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  GEORGE
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  Hope
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  JAMES II/Rule-based Cellular Automata
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  JCL
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  L++
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  LilyPond
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  Metapost
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  OPL
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  Occam
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  PDP-11 Assembly
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  PL/M
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  PSQL
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  Panoramic
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  Quill
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  Quite BASIC
-- More  --
          rank: 419  [tied]         (6 entries)  PASM
          rank: 419  [tied]         (6 entries)  Sage
          rank: 419  [tied]         (6 entries)  True BASIC
          rank: 419  [tied]         (6 entries)  Whenever
          rank: 419  [tied]         (6 entries)  µC++
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  8080 Assembly
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  Algae
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  Brace
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  Clipper/XBase++
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  DMS
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  Deluge
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  ELLA
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  F
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  Ferite
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  GEORGE
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  Hope
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  JAMES II/Rule-based Cellular Automata
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  JCL
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  L++
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  LilyPond
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  Metapost
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  OPL
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  Occam
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  PDP-11 Assembly
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  PL/M
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  PSQL
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  Panoramic
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  Quill
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  Quite BASIC
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  RPL/2
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  Script Basic
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  Sisal
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  Snobol
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  TPP
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  Thyrd
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  XProc
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  XTalk
          rank: 439  [tied]         (5 entries)  ZPL
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  80386 Assembly
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  AMPL
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  AspectJ
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  Biferno
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  Bori
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  DM
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  Dafny
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  ESQL
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  ElastiC
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  FP
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  Felix
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  Gentee
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  Go!
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  HLA
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  HPPPL
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  Heron
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  HyperTalk
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  Informix 4GL
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  Iptscrae
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  JScript.NET
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  JoCaml
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  JudoScript
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  Lobster
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  Lush
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  MUF
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  Mythryl
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  NetLogo
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  Omega
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  RTL/2
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  SETL4
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  SMEQL
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  SPARC Assembly
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  SheerPower 4GL
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  StreamIt
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  TI-83 Hex Assembly
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  Teco
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  TransFORTH
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  Twelf
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  Uniface
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  VB6
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  Visual Objects
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  XSLT 2.0
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  Xojo
          rank: 472  [tied]         (4 entries)  ZED
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  .QL
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  8 1/2
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  A+
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  ALGOL
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  ANT
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  ASP
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  ASP.Net
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Agda2
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Alice ML
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Application Master
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  AspectC++
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  AutoLISP
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Axum
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  B
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  BML
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Battlestar
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Beta
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  C0H
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  CB80
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Caml
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Cecil
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Cilk
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Cilk++
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Datalog
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Diesel
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Elan
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Euler
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  FAUST
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  FPI
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  FeatureC++
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  FreeMat
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Glagol
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Golo
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Goo
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Jabaco
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Kaya
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  KeyList Databasing
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Kitten
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  L.in.oleum
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  LiveScript
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Lotus 123 Macro Scripting
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Lout
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  M680x0
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  MDL
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  ME10 macro
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  MGS
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Maude
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Mirelle
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Monicelli
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Mython
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  NQP
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Nice
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  OASYS
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  OpenC++
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  PL/pgSQL
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  PLUS
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  PLZ/SYS
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  PPC Assembly
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  PPL
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Pentium Assembly
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Powerbuilder
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Pyret
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  QuakeC
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  RLSL
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  RTSL
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Refal
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Script3D
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Superbase BASIC
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  TAL
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  TeLa
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Thistle
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Turing
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  UScript
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  UserRPL
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  Uyir
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  VRML
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  WML
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  XBase
          rank: 516  [tied]         (3 entries)  XUL
          rank: 595  [tied]         (2 entries)  Cduce
          rank: 595  [tied]         (2 entries)  GLBasic
          rank: 595  [tied]         (2 entries)  GLSL
          rank: 595  [tied]         (2 entries)  Hack
          rank: 595  [tied]         (2 entries)  JOVIAL
          rank: 595  [tied]         (2 entries)  Jack
          rank: 595  [tied]         (2 entries)  Luna
          rank: 595  [tied]         (2 entries)  MINIL
          rank: 595  [tied]         (2 entries)  MSX Basic
          rank: 595  [tied]         (2 entries)  Malbolge
          rank: 595  [tied]         (2 entries)  MathCortex
          rank: 595  [tied]         (2 entries)  MyrtleScript
          rank: 595  [tied]         (2 entries)  OOCalc
          rank: 595  [tied]         (2 entries)  OpenLisp
          rank: 595  [tied]         (2 entries)  PeopleCode
          rank: 595  [tied]         (2 entries)  Perl5i
          rank: 595  [tied]         (2 entries)  Pict
          rank: 595  [tied]         (2 entries)  RPL
          rank: 595  [tied]         (2 entries)  Reason
          rank: 595  [tied]         (2 entries)  Robotic
          rank: 595  [tied]         (2 entries)  ScriptBasic
          rank: 595  [tied]         (2 entries)  SmileBASIC
          rank: 595  [tied]         (2 entries)  Tbas
          rank: 595  [tied]         (2 entries)  TechBASIC
          rank: 595  [tied]         (2 entries)  ToffeeScript
          rank: 595  [tied]         (2 entries)  Viua VM assembly
          rank: 595  [tied]         (2 entries)  Vox
          rank: 595  [tied]         (2 entries)  XL
          rank: 595  [tied]         (2 entries)  XSLT 1.0
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    Action!
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    Apricot
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    B4J
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    CHR
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    CafeOBJ
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    Clarion
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    DDNC
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    DIV Games Studio
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    FRISC Assembly
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    FormulaOne
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    Jacquard Loom
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    Kamailio Script
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    Lambda Prolog
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    LibreOffice Basic
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    MAPPER
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    MEL
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    Mond
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    Monkey
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    NASL
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    Neat
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    NewtonScript
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    Nickle
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    Nix
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    Opa
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    Pare
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    Picat
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    Qore
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    RPGIV
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    Rapira
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    Soar
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    SoneKing Assembly
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    Supernova
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    Terra
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    TestML
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    VAX Assembly
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    Wollok
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    X86 64 Assembly
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    XPath 2.0
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    Xanadu
          rank: 624  [tied]         (1 entry)    Ya

                            ☼  end─of─list.  ☼

output, sorted by programming language

════════════════════════timestamp:  14 May 2018 6:40pm═════════════════════════

      932 records read from file:  RC_POP.LAN
    6,465 records read from file:  RC_POP.CAT
      662 (total) number of languages detected in the category file,
      694    "       "    "     "         "     "  "  language   " ,
   57,940 (total) number of entries detected.

          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  .QL
          rank: 283  [tied]        (17 entries)  0815
          rank:  95               (171 entries)  360 Assembly
          rank: 377  [tied]         (8 entries)  4D
          rank: 357  [tied]         (9 entries)  4DOS Batch
          rank: 214  [tied]        (34 entries)  6502 Assembly
          rank: 377  [tied]         (8 entries)  6800 Assembly
          rank: 398  [tied]         (7 entries)  68000 Assembly
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  8 1/2
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  80386 Assembly
          rank: 377  [tied]         (8 entries)  8051 Assembly
          rank: 438  [tied]         (5 entries)  8080 Assembly
          rank: 357  [tied]         (9 entries)  8086 Assembly
          rank: 142  [tied]        (81 entries)  8th
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  A+
          rank: 174                (54 entries)  ABAP
          rank: 131               (100 entries)  ACL2
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    Action!
          rank: 113               (121 entries)  ActionScript
          rank:  23               (649 entries)  Ada
          rank: 343  [tied]        (10 entries)  Agda
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Agda2
          rank: 228  [tied]        (30 entries)  Agena
          rank: 193  [tied]        (41 entries)  Aikido
          rank: 103               (148 entries)  Aime
          rank: 438  [tied]         (5 entries)  Algae
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  ALGOL
          rank: 289  [tied]        (16 entries)  ALGOL 60
          rank:  35               (542 entries)  ALGOL 68
          rank: 105               (144 entries)  ALGOL W
          rank: 377  [tied]         (8 entries)  ALGOL-M
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Alice ML
          rank: 357  [tied]         (9 entries)  Alore
          rank: 398  [tied]         (7 entries)  AmbientTalk
          rank: 209  [tied]        (35 entries)  AmigaE
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  AMPL
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  ANT
          rank: 251  [tied]        (25 entries)  AntLang
          rank: 418  [tied]         (6 entries)  ANTLR
          rank: 197  [tied]        (40 entries)  APEX
          rank: 132                (98 entries)  APL
          rank: 343  [tied]        (10 entries)  App Inventor
          rank:  83               (214 entries)  AppleScript
          rank: 110               (129 entries)  Applesoft BASIC
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Application Master
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    Apricot
          rank: 398  [tied]         (7 entries)  Arbre
          rank: 398  [tied]         (7 entries)  Arc
          rank: 332  [tied]        (11 entries)  Arendelle
          rank: 267  [tied]        (21 entries)  Argile
          rank: 261  [tied]        (22 entries)  ARM Assembly
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  ASP
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  ASP.Net
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  AspectC++
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  AspectJ
          rank: 275  [tied]        (20 entries)  Assembly
          rank: 256  [tied]        (23 entries)  Astro
          rank: 343  [tied]        (10 entries)  Asymptote
          rank: 185  [tied]        (46 entries)  ATS
          rank:  25               (621 entries)  AutoHotkey
          rank: 133  [tied]        (96 entries)  AutoIt
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  AutoLISP
          rank:  47               (420 entries)  AWK
          rank: 136  [tied]        (93 entries)  Axe
          rank: 304  [tied]        (14 entries)  Axiom
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Axum
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  B
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    B4J
          rank: 206                (37 entries)  Babel
          rank: 117  [tied]       (116 entries)  BaCon
          rank:  73  [tied]       (264 entries)  BASIC
          rank: 189                (44 entries)  BASIC256
          rank:  87               (202 entries)  Batch File
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Battlestar
          rank:  31               (559 entries)  BBC BASIC
          rank: 141                (85 entries)  BC
          rank: 332  [tied]        (11 entries)  BCPL
          rank: 267  [tied]        (21 entries)  Beeswax
          rank: 109               (130 entries)  Befunge
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Beta
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  Biferno
          rank: 398  [tied]         (7 entries)  Blast
          rank: 418  [tied]         (6 entries)  BlitzMax
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  BML
          rank: 357  [tied]         (9 entries)  Boo
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  Bori
          rank: 438  [tied]         (5 entries)  Brace
          rank:  64               (288 entries)  Bracmat
          rank: 207  [tied]        (36 entries)  Brainf***
          rank: 159                (68 entries)  Brat
          rank: 317  [tied]        (12 entries)  Brlcad
          rank: 169                (59 entries)  Burlesque
          rank:   5               (899 entries)  C
          rank:  22               (651 entries)  C sharp
          rank: 214  [tied]        (34 entries)  C Shell
          rank:  20               (677 entries)  C++
          rank: 418  [tied]         (6 entries)  C++/CLI
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  C0H
          rank: 418  [tied]         (6 entries)  C1R
          rank: 214  [tied]        (34 entries)  Caché ObjectScript
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    CafeOBJ
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Caml
          rank: 418  [tied]         (6 entries)  Cat
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  CB80
          rank: 594  [tied]         (2 entries)  Cduce
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Cecil
          rank: 144                (80 entries)  Ceylon
          rank: 209  [tied]        (35 entries)  Chapel
          rank: 275  [tied]        (20 entries)  Chef
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    CHR
          rank: 278  [tied]        (19 entries)  ChucK
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Cilk
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Cilk++
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    Clarion
          rank: 317  [tied]        (12 entries)  Clay
          rank: 245  [tied]        (26 entries)  Clean
          rank: 245  [tied]        (26 entries)  Clipper
          rank: 438  [tied]         (5 entries)  Clipper/XBase++
          rank: 332  [tied]        (11 entries)  CLIPS
          rank:  28  [tied]       (572 entries)  Clojure
          rank: 236  [tied]        (28 entries)  CMake
          rank:  73  [tied]       (264 entries)  COBOL
          rank: 398  [tied]         (7 entries)  Cobra
          rank: 332  [tied]        (11 entries)  Coco
          rank:  82               (215 entries)  CoffeeScript
          rank: 167                (61 entries)  ColdFusion
          rank: 377  [tied]         (8 entries)  Comal
          rank: 418  [tied]         (6 entries)  Comefrom0x10
          rank: 182  [tied]        (48 entries)  Commodore BASIC
          rank:  21               (653 entries)  Common Lisp
          rank: 149  [tied]        (75 entries)  Component Pascal
          rank: 312  [tied]        (13 entries)  Computer/zero Assembly
          rank: 357  [tied]         (9 entries)  Coq
          rank: 398  [tied]         (7 entries)  Crack
          rank: 228  [tied]        (30 entries)  Crystal
          rank: 343  [tied]        (10 entries)  Curry
          rank:   9               (860 entries)  D
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  Dafny
          rank: 304  [tied]        (14 entries)  Dao
          rank: 154                (72 entries)  Dart
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Datalog
          rank: 178  [tied]        (50 entries)  Dc
          rank: 182  [tied]        (48 entries)  DCL
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    DDNC
          rank:  78               (253 entries)  Delphi
          rank: 438  [tied]         (5 entries)  Deluge
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Diesel
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    DIV Games Studio
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  DM
          rank: 438  [tied]         (5 entries)  DMS
          rank: 418  [tied]         (6 entries)  Dodo0
          rank: 418  [tied]         (6 entries)  DUP
          rank: 130               (104 entries)  DWScript
          rank: 283  [tied]        (17 entries)  Dylan
          rank: 377  [tied]         (8 entries)  Dylan.NET
          rank: 127  [tied]       (105 entries)  Déjà Vu
          rank:  70               (272 entries)  E
          rank: 343  [tied]        (10 entries)  EC
          rank:  61  [tied]       (305 entries)  EchoLisp
          rank: 236  [tied]        (28 entries)  ECL
          rank: 289  [tied]        (16 entries)  EDSAC order code
          rank: 357  [tied]         (9 entries)  Eero
          rank: 283  [tied]        (17 entries)  Efene
          rank: 317  [tied]        (12 entries)  Egel
          rank: 377  [tied]         (8 entries)  Egison
          rank: 222  [tied]        (32 entries)  EGL
          rank: 101               (151 entries)  Eiffel
          rank: 156  [tied]        (69 entries)  Ela
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Elan
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  ElastiC
          rank:  79               (238 entries)  Elena
          rank: 343  [tied]        (10 entries)  Elisa
          rank:  39               (513 entries)  Elixir
          rank: 438  [tied]         (5 entries)  ELLA
          rank: 209  [tied]        (35 entries)  Elm
          rank: 116               (117 entries)  Emacs Lisp
          rank:  40               (489 entries)  Erlang
          rank:  92               (183 entries)  ERRE
          rank: 317  [tied]        (12 entries)  Es
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  ESQL
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Euler
          rank:  80               (232 entries)  Euphoria
          rank: 304  [tied]        (14 entries)  Ezhil
          rank: 438  [tied]         (5 entries)  F
          rank:  41               (486 entries)  F Sharp
          rank:  49               (409 entries)  Factor
          rank: 203  [tied]        (38 entries)  Falcon
          rank: 175                (53 entries)  FALSE
          rank: 377  [tied]         (8 entries)  Fan
          rank: 280  [tied]        (18 entries)  Fancy
          rank: 100               (153 entries)  Fantom
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  FAUST
          rank: 171  [tied]        (56 entries)  FBSL
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  FeatureC++
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  Felix
          rank: 438  [tied]         (5 entries)  Ferite
          rank: 418  [tied]         (6 entries)  Fexl
          rank: 297  [tied]        (15 entries)  Fish
          rank: 398  [tied]         (7 entries)  FOCAL
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    FormulaOne
          rank:  45               (434 entries)  Forth
          rank:  32               (551 entries)  Fortran
          rank: 357  [tied]         (9 entries)  Fortress
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  FP
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  FPI
          rank: 357  [tied]         (9 entries)  Free Pascal
          rank:  43               (458 entries)  FreeBASIC
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  FreeMat
          rank: 332  [tied]        (11 entries)  Frege
          rank: 289  [tied]        (16 entries)  Friendly interactive shell
          rank: 127  [tied]       (105 entries)  Frink
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    FRISC Assembly
          rank: 139  [tied]        (91 entries)  FunL
          rank: 214  [tied]        (34 entries)  Futhark
          rank: 148                (76 entries)  FutureBasic
          rank: 377  [tied]         (8 entries)  FUZE BASIC
          rank:  93               (174 entries)  GAMBAS
          rank:  96  [tied]       (159 entries)  GAP
          rank: 418  [tied]         (6 entries)  Gastona
          rank: 332  [tied]        (11 entries)  Gecho
          rank: 297  [tied]        (15 entries)  Gema
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  Gentee
          rank: 317  [tied]        (12 entries)  Genyris
          rank: 438  [tied]         (5 entries)  GEORGE
          rank: 280  [tied]        (18 entries)  GFA Basic
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Glagol
          rank: 594  [tied]         (2 entries)  GLBasic
          rank: 398  [tied]         (7 entries)  Glee
          rank: 594  [tied]         (2 entries)  GLSL
          rank: 214  [tied]        (34 entries)  GML
          rank: 222  [tied]        (32 entries)  Gnuplot
          rank:  11               (842 entries)  Go
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  Go!
          rank: 261  [tied]        (22 entries)  Golfscript
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Golo
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Goo
          rank: 267  [tied]        (21 entries)  Gosu
          rank: 418  [tied]         (6 entries)  Gri
          rank:  53               (392 entries)  Groovy
          rank: 228  [tied]        (30 entries)  GUISS
          rank: 207  [tied]        (36 entries)  GW-BASIC
          rank: 594  [tied]         (2 entries)  Hack
          rank: 317  [tied]        (12 entries)  Halon
          rank: 203  [tied]        (38 entries)  Harbour
          rank:  12  [tied]       (827 entries)  Haskell
          rank: 245  [tied]        (26 entries)  Haxe
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  Heron
          rank:  98               (156 entries)  HicEst
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  HLA
          rank: 193  [tied]        (41 entries)  HolyC
          rank: 377  [tied]         (8 entries)  Hoon
          rank: 438  [tied]         (5 entries)  Hope
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  HPPPL
          rank: 377  [tied]         (8 entries)  HQ9+
          rank: 283  [tied]        (17 entries)  Huginn
          rank: 240  [tied]        (27 entries)  Hy
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  HyperTalk
          rank: 222  [tied]        (32 entries)  I
          rank:  37               (532 entries)  Icon
          rank: 165                (63 entries)  IDL
          rank: 261  [tied]        (22 entries)  Idris
          rank: 304  [tied]        (14 entries)  Inform 6
          rank: 185  [tied]        (46 entries)  Inform 7
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  Informix 4GL
          rank: 332  [tied]        (11 entries)  Integer BASIC
          rank: 398  [tied]         (7 entries)  Intercal
          rank: 136  [tied]        (93 entries)  Io
          rank: 256  [tied]        (23 entries)  Ioke
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  Iptscrae
          rank: 357  [tied]         (9 entries)  IWBASIC
          rank:   6               (891 entries)  J
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Jabaco
          rank: 594  [tied]         (2 entries)  Jack
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    Jacquard Loom
          rank: 438  [tied]         (5 entries)  JAMES II/Rule-based Cellular Automata
          rank:   8               (870 entries)  Java
          rank: 418  [tied]         (6 entries)  JavaFX Script
          rank:  26               (591 entries)  JavaScript
          rank: 438  [tied]         (5 entries)  JCL
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  JoCaml
          rank: 594  [tied]         (2 entries)  JOVIAL
          rank: 188                (45 entries)  Joy
          rank:  44               (457 entries)  Jq
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  JScript.NET
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  JudoScript
          rank:  15               (777 entries)  Julia
          rank: 115               (118 entries)  K
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    Kamailio Script
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Kaya
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  KeyList Databasing
          rank: 398  [tied]         (7 entries)  Kite
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Kitten
          rank: 267  [tied]        (21 entries)  Klong
          rank: 312  [tied]        (13 entries)  KonsolScript
          rank: 438  [tied]         (5 entries)  L++
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  L.in.oleum
          rank: 162  [tied]        (65 entries)  LabVIEW
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    Lambda Prolog
          rank: 343  [tied]        (10 entries)  Lambdatalk
          rank: 180  [tied]        (49 entries)  Lang5
          rank:  75               (259 entries)  Lasso
          rank: 312  [tied]        (13 entries)  LaTeX
          rank: 377  [tied]         (8 entries)  LC3 Assembly
          rank: 146  [tied]        (77 entries)  LFE
          rank: 377  [tied]         (8 entries)  Lhogho
          rank:  57               (334 entries)  Liberty BASIC
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    LibreOffice Basic
          rank: 357  [tied]         (9 entries)  Lily
          rank: 438  [tied]         (5 entries)  LilyPond
          rank: 240  [tied]        (27 entries)  Limbo
          rank:  89               (194 entries)  Lingo
          rank: 203  [tied]        (38 entries)  Lisaac
          rank: 418  [tied]         (6 entries)  Lisp
          rank: 111               (127 entries)  LiveCode
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  LiveScript
          rank: 343  [tied]        (10 entries)  LLVM
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  Lobster
          rank: 173                (55 entries)  Locomotive Basic
          rank:  85               (206 entries)  Logo
          rank: 149  [tied]        (75 entries)  Logtalk
          rank: 227                (31 entries)  LOLCODE
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Lotus 123 Macro Scripting
          rank: 343  [tied]        (10 entries)  LotusScript
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Lout
          rank: 297  [tied]        (15 entries)  LSE64
          rank: 289  [tied]        (16 entries)  LSL
          rank:  28  [tied]       (572 entries)  Lua
          rank: 297  [tied]        (15 entries)  Lucid
          rank: 357  [tied]         (9 entries)  Luck
          rank: 594  [tied]         (2 entries)  Luna
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  Lush
          rank: 145                (79 entries)  M4
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  M680x0
          rank: 280  [tied]        (18 entries)  Make
          rank: 594  [tied]         (2 entries)  Malbolge
          rank:  67  [tied]       (280 entries)  Maple
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    MAPPER
          rank: 594  [tied]         (2 entries)  MathCortex
          rank:  18               (726 entries)  Mathematica
          rank: 343  [tied]        (10 entries)  Mathprog
          rank:  55               (358 entries)  MATLAB
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Maude
          rank:  84               (209 entries)  Maxima
          rank: 120               (115 entries)  MAXScript
          rank: 377  [tied]         (8 entries)  MBS
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  MDL
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  ME10 macro
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    MEL
          rank: 139  [tied]        (91 entries)  Mercury
          rank: 178  [tied]        (50 entries)  Metafont
          rank: 438  [tied]         (5 entries)  Metapost
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  MGS
          rank: 594  [tied]         (2 entries)  MINIL
          rank: 267  [tied]        (21 entries)  MIPS Assembly
          rank: 253  [tied]        (24 entries)  Mirah
          rank: 233  [tied]        (29 entries)  MIRC Scripting Language
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Mirelle
          rank: 142  [tied]        (81 entries)  MK-61/52
          rank: 261  [tied]        (22 entries)  ML
          rank: 256  [tied]        (23 entries)  ML/I
          rank: 245  [tied]        (26 entries)  MLite
          rank: 283  [tied]        (17 entries)  MMIX
          rank: 123  [tied]       (107 entries)  Modula-2
          rank: 114               (119 entries)  Modula-3
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    Mond
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Monicelli
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    Monkey
          rank: 357  [tied]         (9 entries)  Monte
          rank: 343  [tied]        (10 entries)  MontiLang
          rank: 283  [tied]        (17 entries)  MOO
          rank: 418  [tied]         (6 entries)  MoonScript
          rank: 357  [tied]         (9 entries)  Morfa
          rank: 594  [tied]         (2 entries)  MSX Basic
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  MUF
          rank: 127  [tied]       (105 entries)  MUMPS
          rank: 594  [tied]         (2 entries)  MyrtleScript
          rank: 357  [tied]         (9 entries)  MySQL
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Mython
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  Mythryl
          rank: 297  [tied]        (15 entries)  N/t/roff
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    NASL
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    Neat
          rank: 317  [tied]        (12 entries)  Neko
          rank: 102               (150 entries)  Nemerle
          rank: 377  [tied]         (8 entries)  NESL
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  NetLogo
          rank:  65               (287 entries)  NetRexx
          rank: 107               (137 entries)  NewLISP
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    NewtonScript
          rank: 377  [tied]         (8 entries)  NGS
          rank: 240  [tied]        (27 entries)  Nial
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Nice
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    Nickle
          rank:  38               (528 entries)  Nim
          rank: 377  [tied]         (8 entries)  Nit
          rank: 343  [tied]        (10 entries)  Niue
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    Nix
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  NQP
          rank: 357  [tied]         (9 entries)  NSIS
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  OASYS
          rank: 317  [tied]        (12 entries)  OASYS Assembler
          rank: 117  [tied]       (116 entries)  Oberon-2
          rank:  72               (268 entries)  Objeck
          rank: 312  [tied]        (13 entries)  Object Pascal
          rank:  96  [tied]       (159 entries)  Objective-C
          rank:  34               (543 entries)  OCaml
          rank: 438  [tied]         (5 entries)  Occam
          rank:  60               (306 entries)  Octave
          rank:  59               (308 entries)  Oforth
          rank: 251  [tied]        (25 entries)  Ol
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  Omega
          rank: 332  [tied]        (11 entries)  Onyx
          rank: 304  [tied]        (14 entries)  OOC
          rank: 594  [tied]         (2 entries)  OOCalc
          rank:  81               (216 entries)  OoRexx
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    Opa
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  OpenC++
          rank: 176  [tied]        (51 entries)  OpenEdge/Progress
          rank: 594  [tied]         (2 entries)  OpenLisp
          rank: 297  [tied]        (15 entries)  Openscad
          rank: 438  [tied]         (5 entries)  OPL
          rank: 236  [tied]        (28 entries)  Order
          rank: 162  [tied]        (65 entries)  OxygenBasic
          rank: 418  [tied]         (6 entries)  Oxygene
          rank:  67  [tied]       (280 entries)  Oz
          rank: 317  [tied]        (12 entries)  Panda
          rank: 438  [tied]         (5 entries)  Panoramic
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    Pare
          rank:  36               (534 entries)  PARI/GP
          rank:  46               (430 entries)  Pascal
          rank: 418  [tied]         (6 entries)  PASM
          rank: 438  [tied]         (5 entries)  PDP-11 Assembly
          rank: 267  [tied]        (21 entries)  Peloton
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Pentium Assembly
          rank: 594  [tied]         (2 entries)  PeopleCode
          rank:  14               (799 entries)  Perl
          rank:   3               (949 entries)  Perl 6
          rank: 594  [tied]         (2 entries)  Perl5i
          rank:  19               (683 entries)  Phix
          rank: 256  [tied]        (23 entries)  PHL
          rank:  54               (387 entries)  PHP
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    Picat
          rank:  16               (771 entries)  PicoLisp
          rank: 594  [tied]         (2 entries)  Pict
          rank: 317  [tied]        (12 entries)  Piet
          rank: 125  [tied]       (106 entries)  Pike
          rank: 377  [tied]         (8 entries)  PILOT
          rank: 377  [tied]         (8 entries)  PIR
          rank:  52               (402 entries)  PL/I
          rank: 438  [tied]         (5 entries)  PL/M
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  PL/pgSQL
          rank: 222  [tied]        (32 entries)  PL/SQL
          rank: 236  [tied]        (28 entries)  PlainTeX
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  PLUS
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  PLZ/SYS
          rank: 377  [tied]         (8 entries)  Pony
          rank: 133  [tied]        (96 entries)  Pop11
          rank: 138                (92 entries)  PostScript
          rank: 245  [tied]        (26 entries)  Potion
          rank: 357  [tied]         (9 entries)  POV-Ray
          rank: 185  [tied]        (46 entries)  PowerBASIC
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Powerbuilder
          rank:  42               (476 entries)  PowerShell
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  PPC Assembly
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  PPL
          rank: 240  [tied]        (27 entries)  Processing
          rank: 256  [tied]        (23 entries)  ProDOS
          rank:  69               (277 entries)  Prolog
          rank: 438  [tied]         (5 entries)  PSQL
          rank: 267  [tied]        (21 entries)  Pure
          rank: 312  [tied]        (13 entries)  Pure Data
          rank:  33               (548 entries)  PureBasic
          rank: 398  [tied]         (7 entries)  Purity
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Pyret
          rank:   2               (977 entries)  Python
          rank: 289  [tied]        (16 entries)  Q
          rank: 228  [tied]        (30 entries)  Qi
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    Qore
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  QuakeC
          rank: 438  [tied]         (5 entries)  Quill
          rank: 438  [tied]         (5 entries)  Quite BASIC
          rank:  48               (410 entries)  R
          rank: 357  [tied]         (9 entries)  Ra
          rank:   1               (980 entries)  Racket
          rank: 197  [tied]        (40 entries)  RapidQ
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    Rapira
          rank: 180  [tied]        (49 entries)  Rascal
          rank: 146  [tied]        (77 entries)  Raven
          rank: 209  [tied]        (35 entries)  REALbasic
          rank: 594  [tied]         (2 entries)  Reason
          rank: 104               (145 entries)  REBOL
          rank: 160                (67 entries)  RED
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Refal
          rank: 122               (111 entries)  Retro
          rank:  12  [tied]       (827 entries)  REXX
          rank: 398  [tied]         (7 entries)  Rhope
          rank:  30               (571 entries)  RING
          rank: 214  [tied]        (34 entries)  RLaB
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  RLSL
          rank: 594  [tied]         (2 entries)  Robotic
          rank: 343  [tied]        (10 entries)  RPG
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    RPGIV
          rank: 594  [tied]         (2 entries)  RPL
          rank: 438  [tied]         (5 entries)  RPL/2
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  RTL/2
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  RTSL
          rank:  10               (849 entries)  Ruby
          rank:  58               (315 entries)  Run BASIC
          rank:  50  [tied]       (407 entries)  Rust
          rank: 197  [tied]        (40 entries)  S-lang
          rank: 418  [tied]         (6 entries)  Sage
          rank: 245  [tied]        (26 entries)  Salmon
          rank: 171  [tied]        (56 entries)  SAS
          rank: 156  [tied]        (69 entries)  Sather
          rank:  24               (631 entries)  Scala
          rank:  56               (353 entries)  Scheme
          rank: 161                (66 entries)  Scilab
          rank: 267  [tied]        (21 entries)  Scratch
          rank: 438  [tied]         (5 entries)  Script Basic
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Script3D
          rank: 594  [tied]         (2 entries)  ScriptBasic
          rank: 209  [tied]        (35 entries)  Sed
          rank:  50  [tied]       (407 entries)  Seed7
          rank: 275  [tied]        (20 entries)  Self
          rank: 168                (60 entries)  SequenceL
          rank: 398  [tied]         (7 entries)  Set lang
          rank: 202                (39 entries)  SETL
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  SETL4
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  SheerPower 4GL
          rank: 289  [tied]        (16 entries)  Shen
          rank: 332  [tied]        (11 entries)  Shiny
          rank:  17               (764 entries)  Sidef
          rank: 357  [tied]         (9 entries)  SIMPOL
          rank: 155                (70 entries)  Simula
          rank: 149  [tied]        (75 entries)  Sinclair ZX81 BASIC
          rank: 438  [tied]         (5 entries)  Sisal
          rank: 398  [tied]         (7 entries)  SkookumScript
          rank: 112               (126 entries)  Slate
          rank:  77               (255 entries)  Smalltalk
          rank: 233  [tied]        (29 entries)  Smart BASIC
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  SMEQL
          rank: 594  [tied]         (2 entries)  SmileBASIC
          rank: 438  [tied]         (5 entries)  Snobol
          rank: 117  [tied]       (116 entries)  SNOBOL4
          rank: 233  [tied]        (29 entries)  SNUSP
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    Soar
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    SoneKing Assembly
          rank: 317  [tied]        (12 entries)  SPAD
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  SPARC Assembly
          rank: 332  [tied]        (11 entries)  SPARK
          rank: 192                (42 entries)  Sparkling
          rank: 176  [tied]        (51 entries)  SPL
          rank: 164                (64 entries)  SQL
          rank: 240  [tied]        (27 entries)  SQL PL
          rank: 398  [tied]         (7 entries)  Squirrel
          rank: 253  [tied]        (24 entries)  SSEM
          rank:  91               (190 entries)  Standard ML
          rank:  86               (204 entries)  Stata
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  StreamIt
          rank: 261  [tied]        (22 entries)  Suneido
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Superbase BASIC
          rank: 221                (33 entries)  SuperCollider
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    Supernova
          rank:  63               (295 entries)  Swift
          rank: 357  [tied]         (9 entries)  Symsyn
          rank: 297  [tied]        (15 entries)  SystemVerilog
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  TAL
          rank: 594  [tied]         (2 entries)  Tbas
          rank:   4               (918 entries)  Tcl
          rank: 594  [tied]         (2 entries)  TechBASIC
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  Teco
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  TeLa
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    Terra
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    TestML
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Thistle
          rank: 438  [tied]         (5 entries)  Thyrd
          rank: 123  [tied]       (107 entries)  TI-83 BASIC
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  TI-83 Hex Assembly
          rank: 135                (95 entries)  TI-89 BASIC
          rank: 377  [tied]         (8 entries)  TIScript
          rank: 594  [tied]         (2 entries)  ToffeeScript
          rank: 184                (47 entries)  Toka
          rank: 193  [tied]        (41 entries)  TorqueScript
          rank: 438  [tied]         (5 entries)  TPP
          rank: 304  [tied]        (14 entries)  Transact-SQL
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  TransFORTH
          rank: 253  [tied]        (24 entries)  Trith
          rank: 418  [tied]         (6 entries)  True BASIC
          rank: 332  [tied]        (11 entries)  TSE SAL
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Turing
          rank:  99               (155 entries)  TUSCRIPT
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  Twelf
          rank: 106               (139 entries)  TXR
          rank: 304  [tied]        (14 entries)  TypeScript
          rank:  27               (590 entries)  Unicon
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  Uniface
          rank:  66               (286 entries)  UNIX Shell
          rank: 197  [tied]        (40 entries)  UnixPipes
          rank: 317  [tied]        (12 entries)  Unlambda
          rank: 121               (112 entries)  Ursa
          rank:  88               (196 entries)  Ursala
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  UScript
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  UserRPL
          rank: 357  [tied]         (9 entries)  UTFool
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  Uyir
          rank: 197  [tied]        (40 entries)  V
          rank: 170                (58 entries)  Vala
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    VAX Assembly
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  VB6
          rank:  94               (173 entries)  VBA
          rank:  71               (271 entries)  VBScript
          rank: 125  [tied]       (106 entries)  Vedit macro language
          rank: 278  [tied]        (19 entries)  Verbexx
          rank: 398  [tied]         (7 entries)  Verilog
          rank: 317  [tied]        (12 entries)  VHDL
          rank: 214  [tied]        (34 entries)  Vim Script
          rank: 152                (74 entries)  Visual Basic
          rank: 108               (136 entries)  Visual Basic .NET
          rank: 222  [tied]        (32 entries)  Visual FoxPro
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  Visual Objects
          rank: 398  [tied]         (7 entries)  Visual Prolog
          rank: 594  [tied]         (2 entries)  Viua VM assembly
          rank: 317  [tied]        (12 entries)  Vorpal
          rank: 594  [tied]         (2 entries)  Vox
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  VRML
          rank: 166                (62 entries)  Wart
          rank: 261  [tied]        (22 entries)  WDTE
          rank: 418  [tied]         (6 entries)  Whenever
          rank: 289  [tied]        (16 entries)  Whitespace
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  WML
          rank:  76               (256 entries)  Wolfram Language
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    Wollok
          rank: 190  [tied]        (43 entries)  Wortel
          rank: 343  [tied]        (10 entries)  Wrapl
          rank: 289  [tied]        (16 entries)  Wren
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    X86 64 Assembly
          rank: 153                (73 entries)  X86 Assembly
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    Xanadu
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  XBase
          rank: 398  [tied]         (7 entries)  XEec
          rank: 594  [tied]         (2 entries)  XL
          rank: 156  [tied]        (69 entries)  XLISP
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  Xojo
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    XPath 2.0
          rank:  61  [tied]       (305 entries)  XPL0
          rank: 438  [tied]         (5 entries)  XProc
          rank: 317  [tied]        (12 entries)  XQuery
          rank: 190  [tied]        (43 entries)  XSLT
          rank: 594  [tied]         (2 entries)  XSLT 1.0
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  XSLT 2.0
          rank: 438  [tied]         (5 entries)  XTalk
          rank: 515  [tied]         (3 entries)  XUL
          rank: 623  [tied]         (1 entry)    Ya
          rank: 398  [tied]         (7 entries)  Yacas
          rank: 193  [tied]        (41 entries)  Yorick
          rank: 304  [tied]        (14 entries)  Z80 Assembly
          rank: 471  [tied]         (4 entries)  ZED
          rank:   7               (879 entries)  Zkl
          rank: 228  [tied]        (30 entries)  Zonnon
          rank: 438  [tied]         (5 entries)  ZPL
          rank:  90               (193 entries)  ZX Spectrum BASIC
          rank: 418  [tied]         (6 entries)  µC++

                            ☼  end─of─list.  ☼