RC POP.OUT: Difference between revisions

Content added Content deleted
m (→‎preamble: updated the number of computer programming languages that are used on Rosetta Code based on the number of members.)
m (→‎output, sorted by rank: updated the ranking of computer programming languages that are used on Rosetta Code based on the number of members.)
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===output, sorted by rank===
════════════════════════timestamp: 516 May 2021 122:52pm═════════════════════════00pm═════════════════════════
1,097098 records read from file: RC_POP.LAN
8,178180 records read from file: RC_POP.CAT
799800 (total) number of languages detected in the category file
838839 " " " " " " " language "
7879,972272 (total) number of entries (solutions) detected
rank: 1 (1,355358 entries) Phix
rank: 2 [tied] (1,350 entries) Go
rank: 3 2 [tied] (1,348350 entries) Julia
rank: 4 (1,330333 entries) Raku
rank: 5 (1,279283 entries) Perl
rank: 6 (1,237243 entries) Python
rank: 7 (1,124146 entries) KotlinWren
rank: 8 [tied] (1,121126 entries) C
rank: 89 [tied] (1,121125 entries) WrenKotlin
rank: 10 (1,102107 entries) JavaNim
rank: 11 (1,099104 entries) NimJava
rank: 12 (1,086088 entries) REXX
rank: 13 (1,061 entries) Racket
rank: 14 (1,032 entries) J
rank: 15 (1,018024 entries) C++
rank: 16 (1,017 entries) Haskell
rank: 17 [tied] (1,012016 entries) Ruby
rank: 1718 [tied] (1,012 entries) Zkl
rank: 19 (970974 entries) DTcl
rank: 20 (969971 entries) TclD
rank: 21 (915 entries) Scala
rank: 22 (886 entries) C sharp
rank: 23 (878880 entries) Factor
rank: 24 (870 entries) Sidef
rank: 25 (830 entries) PicoLisp
rank: 26 (819828 entries) RustAda
rank: 27 (818823 entries) AdaRust
rank: 28 (795797 entries) Lua
rank: 29 (762763 entries) Mathematica
rank: 30 (738746 entries) FreeBASIC
rank: 31 (732733 entries) Ring
rank: 32 (726 entries) Common Lisp
rank: 33 (716 entries) JavaScript
rank: 34 (707 entries) AutoHotkey
rank: 35 (681683 entries) F Sharp
rank: 36 (646651 entries) ALGOL 68Delphi
rank: 37 (635647 entries) DelphiALGOL 68
rank: 38 (631632 entries) Clojure
rank: 39 (599607 entries) PureBasic
rank: 40 [tied] (596600 entries) AWK
rank: 4041 [tied] (596 entries) Unicon
rank: 42 (593 entries) OCaml
rank: 43 (588589 entries) Fortran
rank: 44 (567 entries) BBC BASIC
rank: 45 (553 entries) PARI/GP
rank: 46 (537 entries) Icon
rank: 47 (529533 entries) Swift11l
rank: 48 (528530 entries) ElixirSwift
rank: 49 [tied] (527528 entries) ForthElixir
rank: 5049 [tied] (519528 entries) 11lForth
rank: 5051 [tied] (519523 entries) Pascal
rank: 52 (505 entries) Erlang
rank: 53 [tied] (504 entries) PowerShell
rank: 54 53 [tied] (502504 entries) R
rank: 55 (488489 entries) Groovy
rank: 56 (479487 entries) Jq
rank: 57 (453 entries) Seed7
rank: 58 (451 entries) PHP
Line 104:
rank: 60 (409 entries) Maple
rank: 61 (405 entries) PL/I
rank: 62 (402403 entries) VBA
rank: 63 (391392 entries) Visual Basic .NET
rank: 64 (385 entries) MATLAB
rank: 65 (377379 entries) XPL0
rank: 68 66 [tied] (367370 entries) AppleScript
rank: 66 [tied] (370 entries) M2000 Interpreter
rank: 66 [tied] (370 entries) Scheme
rank: 68 (367 entries) AppleScript
rank: 69 (348 entries) Liberty BASIC
rank: 70 (328 entries) OCTAVE
rank: 71 (323324 entries) Objeck
rank: 72 (322 entries) Smalltalk
rank: 73 [tied] (316 entries) Run BASICArturo
rank: 74 73 [tied] (315316 entries) ArturoRun BASIC
rank: 75 (309313 entries) UNIX ShellBASIC
rank: 76 (308311 entries) OforthUNIX Shell
rank: 77 (307308 entries) VBScriptOforth
rank: 78 (306307 entries) BracmatVBScript
rank: 79 [tied] (305306 entries) BASICBracmat
rank: 7980 [tied] (305 entries) EchoLisp
rank: 81 (294 entries) COBOL
rank: 82 (287 entries) NetRexx
Line 131:
rank: 87 (259 entries) Lasso
rank: 88 (244 entries) Elena
rank: 89 (237239 entries) EuphoriaALGOL W
rank: 90 (235237 entries) ALGOL WEuphoria
rank: 91 (222 entries) OoREXX
rank: 92 (221 entries) Crystal
Line 144:
rank: 100 (199 entries) Nanoquery
rank: 101 (198 entries) IS-BASIC
rank: 102 [tied] (196 entries) UrsalaAPL
rank: 103 102 [tied] (194196 entries) LingoUrsala
rank: 104 (191194 entries) LambdatalkLingo
rank: 105 (188191 entries) APLLambdatalk
rank: 106 [tied] (187 entries) ARM Assembly
rank: 106 [tied] (187 entries) BaCon
Line 182:
rank: 138 [tied] (121 entries) ActionScript
rank: 138 [tied] (121 entries) TI-83 BASIC
rank: 140 [tied] (119 entries) MAXScriptCommodore BASIC
rank: 141 140 [tied] (118119 entries) Commodore BASICMAXScript
rank: 142 [tied] (116 entries) Dyalect
rank: 142 [tied] (116 entries) Phixmonti
Line 201:
rank: 157 (103 entries) DWScript
rank: 158 [tied] (100 entries) ACL2
rank: 168158 [tied] (93100 entries) IoCowgol
rank: 158 [tied] (100 entries) Simula
rank: 160 (99 entries) Cowgol
rank: 161 [tied] (97 entries) AutoIt
rank: 161 [tied] (97 entries) Dart
Line 208:
rank: 163 [tied] (96 entries) Pop11
rank: 165 (95 entries) TI-89 BASIC
rank: 405166 [tied] (1194 entries) TSE8080 SALAssembly
rank: 166 [tied] (94 entries) Ceylon
rank: 166 [tied] (94 entries) X86 Assembly
rank: 168169 [tied] (93 entries) 8080 AssemblyAxe
rank: 168169 [tied] (93 entries) AxeIo
rank: 168 [tied] (93 entries) Io
rank: 171 (92 entries) PostScript
rank: 172 (90 entries) FunL
Line 223:
rank: 179 (82 entries) Plain English
rank: 180 (81 entries) M4
rank: 181 [tied] (78 entries) LangurFutureBasic
rank: 182181 [tied] (7778 entries) LFELangur
rank: 182183 [tied] (77 entries) RavenLFE
rank: 182183 [tied] (77 entries) SQLRaven
rank: 185 183 [tied] (7677 entries) FutureBasicSQL
rank: 186 [tied] (75 entries) Dc
rank: 186 [tied] (75 entries) Logtalk
Line 233:
rank: 189 (74 entries) Sather
rank: 190 (73 entries) Component Pascal
rank: 191 (7172 entries) Locomotive BasicBCPL
rank: 192 [tied] (7071 entries) ABAPLocomotive Basic
rank: 192 [tied] (7071 entries) NekoQB64
rank: 192194 [tied] (70 entries) QB64ABAP
rank: 195194 [tied] (6970 entries) ElaNeko
rank: 195196 [tied] (69 entries) XLISPEla
rank: 197196 [tied] (6869 entries) 8086 AssemblyXLISP
rank: 197198 [tied] (68 entries) Brat8086 Assembly
rank: 199198 [tied] (6668 entries) BurlesqueBrat
rank: 199200 [tied] (66 entries) ScilabBurlesque
rank: 201200 [tied] (6566 entries) LabVIEWScilab
rank: 201202 [tied] (65 entries) OxygenBasicLabVIEW
rank: 203 202 [tied] (6465 entries) IDLOxygenBasic
rank: 204 [tied] (6264 entries) ColdFusionIDL
rank: 204205 [tied] (62 entries) GW-BASICColdFusion
rank: 204205 [tied] (62 entries) WartGW-BASIC
rank: 207 205 [tied] (6162 entries) Free PascalWart
rank: 208 (6061 entries) SequenceLFree Pascal
rank: 209 (5960 entries) FALSESequenceL
rank: 210 (5859 entries) SASFALSE
rank: 211 (5758 entries) PowerBASICSAS
rank: 212 (5657 entries) FBSLPowerBASIC
rank: 213 [tied] (5356 entries) HaxeFBSL
rank: 213214 [tied] (53 entries) OpenEdge/ProgressHaxe
rank: 215 214 [tied] (5153 entries) SPLOpenEdge/Progress
rank: 216 (5051 entries) MetafontSPL
rank: 217 [tied] (4950 entries) Lang5Metafont
rank: 217218 [tied] (49 entries) RascalLang5
rank: 219218 [tied] (4849 entries) DCLPL/M
rank: 219218 [tied] (4849 entries) Microsoft Small BasicRascal
rank: 221 [tied] (4748 entries) TokaDCL
rank: 222221 [tied] (4648 entries) Caché ObjectScriptMAD
rank: 222221 [tied] (4648 entries) InformMicrosoft 7Small Basic
rank: 222224 [tied] (4647 entries) MADToka
rank: 225 [tied] (4546 entries) JoyCaché ObjectScript
rank: 226 225 [tied] (4446 entries) PL/MInform 7
rank: 227 [tied] (4345 entries) ATSJoy
rank: 227228 [tied] (4344 entries) FOCAL
rank: 227229 [tied] (43 entries) SALGOL-langM
rank: 227229 [tied] (43 entries) Tiny BASICATS
rank: 227229 [tied] (43 entries) WortelS-lang
rank: 227229 [tied] (43 entries) XSLTTiny BASIC
rank: 233229 [tied] (4243 entries) HarbourWortel
rank: 233229 [tied] (4243 entries) HolyCXSLT
rank: 233235 [tied] (42 entries) NS-HUBASICHarbour
rank: 233235 [tied] (42 entries) SQL PLHolyC
rank: 233235 [tied] (42 entries) SparklingNS-HUBASIC
rank: 238235 [tied] (4142 entries) AikidoSQL PL
rank: 238235 [tied] (4142 entries) QSparkling
rank: 238240 [tied] (41 entries) TorqueScriptAikido
rank: 238240 [tied] (41 entries) YorickQ
rank: 242240 [tied] (4041 entries) ALGOL 60TorqueScript
rank: 242240 [tied] (4041 entries) APEXYorick
rank: 242244 [tied] (40 entries) RapidQALGOL 60
rank: 242244 [tied] (40 entries) UnixPipesAPEX
rank: 242244 [tied] (40 entries) VRapidQ
rank: 247244 [tied] (3940 entries) Brainf***UnixPipes
rank: 247244 [tied] (3940 entries) SedV
rank: 249 [tied] (3839 entries) ElmBrainf***
rank: 249 [tied] (3839 entries) FalconSed
rank: 249251 [tied] (38 entries) LisaacElm
rank: 249251 [tied] (38 entries) Processing Python modeFalcon
rank: 249251 [tied] (38 entries) SETLLisaac
rank: 254251 [tied] (3738 entries) BabelProcessing Python mode
rank: 254251 [tied] (3738 entries) ChapelSETL
rank: 254256 [tied] (37 entries) EDSAC order codeBabel
rank: 254256 [tied] (37 entries) FutharkChapel
rank: 254256 [tied] (37 entries) LOLCODEEDSAC order code
rank: 259 256 [tied] (3637 entries) GMLFuthark
rank: 260256 [tied] (3537 entries) 6502 AssemblyLOLCODE
rank: 260261 [tied] (3536 entries) AmigaEGML
rank: 260262 [tied] (35 entries) C6502 ShellAssembly
rank: 260262 [tied] (35 entries) GenieAmigaE
rank: 260262 [tied] (35 entries) NialC Shell
rank: 260262 [tied] (35 entries) PL/SQLGenie
rank: 260262 [tied] (35 entries) SuperColliderNial
rank: 267262 [tied] (3435 entries) RLaBPL/SQL
rank: 267262 [tied] (3435 entries) Vim ScriptSuperCollider
rank: 269 [tied] (3334 entries) KlingphixRLaB
rank: 269 [tied] (3334 entries) WDTEVim Script
rank: 271 [tied] (3233 entries) EGLKlingphix
rank: 271 [tied] (3233 entries) GnuplotWDTE
rank: 271273 [tied] (32 entries) IEGL
rank: 271273 [tied] (32 entries) Visual FoxProGnuplot
rank: 275273 [tied] (3132 entries) FermatI
rank: 275273 [tied] (3132 entries) ZigVisual FoxPro
rank: 277 [tied] (3031 entries) AgenaFermat
rank: 277 [tied] (3031 entries) GUISSZig
rank: 277279 [tied] (30 entries) HuginnAgena
rank: 277279 [tied] (30 entries) OrderGUISS
rank: 277279 [tied] (30 entries) QiHuginn
rank: 277279 [tied] (30 entries) REALbasicOrder
rank: 277279 [tied] (30 entries) Smart BASICQi
rank: 277279 [tied] (30 entries) ZoeaREALbasic
rank: 277279 [tied] (30 entries) ZonnonSmart BASIC
rank: 286279 [tied] (2930 entries) AssemblyZoea
rank: 286279 [tied] (2930 entries) CMakeZonnon
rank: 286288 [tied] (29 entries) HyAssembly
rank: 286288 [tied] (29 entries) MIRC Scripting LanguageCMake
rank: 286288 [tied] (29 entries) SNUSPHy
rank: 286288 [tied] (29 entries) SymsynMIRC Scripting Language
rank: 286288 [tied] (29 entries) XBasicSNUSP
rank: 293288 [tied] (2829 entries) ECLSymsyn
rank: 293288 [tied] (2829 entries) HexiscriptXBasic
rank: 293295 [tied] (28 entries) LILECL
rank: 293295 [tied] (28 entries) PotionHexiscript
rank: 297295 [tied] (2728 entries) AvailLIL
rank: 297295 [tied] (2728 entries) LatitudePotion
rank: 297299 [tied] (27 entries) LimboAvail
rank: 297299 [tied] (27 entries) PlainTeXLatitude
rank: 301299 [tied] (2627 entries) ALGOL-MLimbo
rank: 301299 [tied] (2627 entries) CleanPlainTeX
rank: 301303 [tied] (26 entries) ClipperClean
rank: 301303 [tied] (26 entries) IdrisClipper
rank: 301303 [tied] (26 entries) MLiteIdris
rank: 301303 [tied] (26 entries) RelationMLite
rank: 301303 [tied] (26 entries) SalmonRelation
rank: 301303 [tied] (26 entries) TypeScriptSalmon
rank: 309 303 [tied] (2526 entries) LLVMTypeScript
rank: 310 [tied] (2425 entries) GolfscriptLLVM
rank: 310311 [tied] (24 entries) MirahGolfscript
rank: 310311 [tied] (24 entries) RoboticMirah
rank: 310311 [tied] (24 entries) SSEMRobotic
rank: 310311 [tied] (24 entries) TrithSSEM
rank: 315311 [tied] (2324 entries) AstroTrith
rank: 315316 [tied] (23 entries) IokeAstro
rank: 315316 [tied] (23 entries) LobsterIoke
rank: 315316 [tied] (23 entries) ML/ILobster
rank: 315316 [tied] (23 entries) PHLML/I
rank: 315316 [tied] (23 entries) ProDOSPHL
rank: 315316 [tied] (23 entries) ScratchProDOS
rank: 322316 [tied] (2223 entries) BeeswaxScratch
rank: 322323 [tied] (22 entries) FurorBeeswax
rank: 322323 [tied] (22 entries) KlongFuror
rank: 322323 [tied] (22 entries) MIPS AssemblyKlong
rank: 322323 [tied] (22 entries) MLMIPS Assembly
rank: 322323 [tied] (22 entries) SuneidoML
rank: 328323 [tied] (2122 entries) ArgileSuneido
rank: 328329 [tied] (21 entries) GosuArgile
rank: 328329 [tied] (21 entries) PelotonGosu
rank: 328329 [tied] (21 entries) PurePeloton
rank: 328329 [tied] (21 entries) ShenPure
rank: 328329 [tied] (21 entries) VlangShen
rank: 328329 [tied] (21 entries) Wee BasicVlang
rank: 335329 [tied] (2021 entries) ChefWee Basic
rank: 335336 [tied] (20 entries) DragonChef
rank: 335336 [tied] (20 entries) FishDragon
rank: 335336 [tied] (20 entries) SelfFish
rank: 339336 [tied] (1920 entries) ChucKSelf
rank: 339340 [tied] (19 entries) MiniZincChucK
rank: 339340 [tied] (19 entries) VerbexxMiniZinc
rank: 342340 [tied] (1819 entries) FancyVerbexx
rank: 342343 [tied] (18 entries) MakeFancy
rank: 342343 [tied] (18 entries) Z80 AssemblyMake
rank: 345343 [tied] (1718 entries) 0815Z80 Assembly
rank: 345346 [tied] (17 entries) Beads0815
rank: 345346 [tied] (17 entries) DylanBeads
rank: 345346 [tied] (17 entries) EfeneDylan
rank: 345346 [tied] (17 entries) Friendly interactive shellEfene
rank: 345346 [tied] (17 entries) GFAFriendly Basicinteractive shell
rank: 345346 [tied] (17 entries) MMIXGFA Basic
rank: 345346 [tied] (17 entries) MOOMMIX
rank: 345346 [tied] (17 entries) PonyMOO
rank: 345346 [tied] (17 entries) S-BASICPony
rank: 345346 [tied] (17 entries) TransactS-SQLBASIC
rank: 345346 [tied] (17 entries) WhitespaceTransact-SQL
rank: 345346 [tied] (17 entries) XQueryWhitespace
rank: 345346 [tied] (17 entries) XojoXQuery
rank: 359346 [tied] (1617 entries) AgdaXojo
rank: 359360 [tied] (16 entries) HoonAgda
rank: 359360 [tied] (16 entries) LSLHoon
rank: 359360 [tied] (16 entries) LaTeXLSL
rank: 359360 [tied] (16 entries) Object PascalLaTeX
rank: 359360 [tied] (16 entries) OpenscadObject Pascal
rank: 359360 [tied] (16 entries) SpinOpenscad
rank: 366360 [tied] (1516 entries) ArcSpin
rank: 366367 [tied] (15 entries) GemaArc
rank: 366367 [tied] (15 entries) LSE64Gema
rank: 366367 [tied] (15 entries) LucidLSE64
rank: 366367 [tied] (15 entries) N/t/roffLucid
rank: 366367 [tied] (15 entries) SystemVerilogN/t/roff
rank: 372367 [tied] (1415 entries) AxiomSystemVerilog
rank: 372373 [tied] (14 entries) DaoAxiom
rank: 372373 [tied] (14 entries) EzhilDao
rank: 372373 [tied] (14 entries) Inform 6Ezhil
rank: 372373 [tied] (14 entries) IsabelleInform 6
rank: 372373 [tied] (14 entries) OOCIsabelle
rank: 372373 [tied] (14 entries) Pure DataOOC
rank: 372373 [tied] (14 entries) VAXPure AssemblyData
rank: 372373 [tied] (14 entries) VHDLVAX Assembly
rank: 381373 [tied] (1314 entries) BCPLVHDL
rank: 381382 [tied] (13 entries) Computer/zero Assembly
rank: 381382 [tied] (13 entries) DBL
rank: 381382 [tied] (13 entries) KonsolScript
rank: 381382 [tied] (13 entries) SPAD
rank: 381382 [tied] (13 entries) SmileBASIC
rank: 387 [tied] (12 entries) AmigaBASIC
rank: 387 [tied] (12 entries) ArnoldC
Line 444:
rank: 387 [tied] (12 entries) Panda
rank: 387 [tied] (12 entries) Piet
rank: 160 387 [tied] (9912 entries) CowgolQBASIC
rank: 387 [tied] (12 entries) RPG
rank: 387 [tied] (12 entries) Unlambda
rank: 387 [tied] (12 entries) Vorpal
rank: 405406 [tied] (11 entries) Arendelle
rank: 405406 [tied] (11 entries) CLIPS
rank: 405406 [tied] (11 entries) Coco
rank: 405406 [tied] (11 entries) Curry
rank: 405406 [tied] (11 entries) Frege
rank: 405406 [tied] (11 entries) Gecho
rank: 405406 [tied] (11 entries) GlovePIE
rank: 405406 [tied] (11 entries) Onyx
rank: 405406 [tied] (11 entries) QBASICSPARK
rank: 405406 [tied] (11 entries) SPARKShale
rank: 405406 [tied] (11 entries) ShaleShiny
rank: 405406 [tied] (11 entries) ShinySnobol
rank: 405406 [tied] (11 entries) SnobolTMG
rank: 405406 [tied] (11 entries) TMGTSE SAL
rank: 405 [tied] (11 entries) TSE SAL
rank: 420 [tied] (10 entries) App Inventor
rank: 420 [tied] (10 entries) Asymptote
Line 508:
rank: 451 [tied] (8 entries) INTERCAL
rank: 451 [tied] (8 entries) LC3 Assembly
rank: 451 [tied] (8 entries) LSE
rank: 451 [tied] (8 entries) Lhogho
rank: 451 [tied] (8 entries) MBS
Line 520 ⟶ 521:
rank: 451 [tied] (8 entries) Transd
rank: 451 [tied] (8 entries) Visual Prolog
rank: 478479 [tied] (7 entries) AmbientTalk
rank: 478479 [tied] (7 entries) Arbre
rank: 478479 [tied] (7 entries) Blast
rank: 478479 [tied] (7 entries) BootBASIC
rank: 478479 [tied] (7 entries) C++/CLI
rank: 478479 [tied] (7 entries) Cobra
rank: 478479 [tied] (7 entries) Crack
rank: 478479 [tied] (7 entries) GLSL
rank: 478479 [tied] (7 entries) JCL
rank: 478479 [tied] (7 entries) Kite
rank: 478479 [tied] (7 entries) MoonScript
rank: 478479 [tied] (7 entries) Purity
rank: 478479 [tied] (7 entries) Quite BASIC
rank: 478479 [tied] (7 entries) Rhope
rank: 478479 [tied] (7 entries) Sage
rank: 478479 [tied] (7 entries) Set lang
rank: 478479 [tied] (7 entries) SkookumScript
rank: 478479 [tied] (7 entries) Squirrel
rank: 478479 [tied] (7 entries) Tbas
rank: 478479 [tied] (7 entries) Visual Objects
rank: 478479 [tied] (7 entries) WebAssembly
rank: 478479 [tied] (7 entries) XEec
rank: 478479 [tied] (7 entries) XProfan
rank: 478479 [tied] (7 entries) Yacas
rank: 502503 [tied] (6 entries) ANTLR
rank: 502503 [tied] (6 entries) BlitzMax
rank: 502503 [tied] (6 entries) C1R
rank: 502503 [tied] (6 entries) Cat
rank: 502503 [tied] (6 entries) Comefrom0x10
rank: 502503 [tied] (6 entries) DUP
rank: 502503 [tied] (6 entries) Dodo0Datalog
rank: 502503 [tied] (6 entries) FexlDodo0
rank: 502503 [tied] (6 entries) GastonaFexl
rank: 502503 [tied] (6 entries) GriGastona
rank: 502503 [tied] (6 entries) HopeGri
rank: 502503 [tied] (6 entries) JavaFX ScriptHope
rank: 502503 [tied] (6 entries) LispJavaFX Script
rank: 502503 [tied] (6 entries) MANOOLLisp
rank: 502503 [tied] (6 entries) OPLMANOOL
rank: 502503 [tied] (6 entries) OxygeneOPL
rank: 502503 [tied] (6 entries) PASMOxygene
rank: 502503 [tied] (6 entries) PDP-11 AssemblyPASM
rank: 502503 [tied] (6 entries) PixilangPDP-11 Assembly
rank: 502503 [tied] (6 entries) RockstarPixilang
rank: 502503 [tied] (6 entries) TernRockstar
rank: 502503 [tied] (6 entries) True BASICTern
rank: 502503 [tied] (6 entries) TuringTrue BASIC
rank: 502503 [tied] (6 entries) WheneverTuring
rank: 502503 [tied] (6 entries) XTalkWhenever
rank: 502503 [tied] (6 entries) µC++XTalk
rank: 528503 [tied] (56 entries) AlgaeµC++
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) BraceAlgae
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) Casio BASICBrace
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) Clipper/XBase++Casio BASIC
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) DIBOL-11Clipper/XBase++
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) DMSDIBOL-11
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) DatalogDMS
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) Deluge
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) ELLA
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) Ferite
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) GEORGE
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) JAMES II/Rule-based Cellular Automata
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) KQL
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) L++
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) Lilypond
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) Mathcad
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) MelonBasic
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) Metapost
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) Nickle
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) Nyquist
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) Occam
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) PSQL
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) Panoramic
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) Pyret
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) Quill
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) RPL/2
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) ScratchScript
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) Script Basic
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) Sisal
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) TPP
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) Terraform
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) Thyrd
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) Ultimate++
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) X86-64 Assembly
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) XProc
rank: 528530 [tied] (5 entries) ZPL
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) 80386 Assembly
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) AMPL
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) AspectJ
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) B4X
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) Basic09
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) Biferno
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) BlooP
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) Bori
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) Cind
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) Corescript
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) Cubescript
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) DM
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) Dafny
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) ESQL
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) ElastiC
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) Emojicode
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) F
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) FP
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) Felix
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) Fhidwfe
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) Gentee
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) Go!
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) HLA
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) HPPPL
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) Heron
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) HyperTalk
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) Informix 4GL
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) Iptscrae
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) JScript.NET
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) JoCaml
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) JudoScript
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) Kabap
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) Keg
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) LDPL
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) Lush
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) MUF
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) Mythryl
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) NetLogo
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) Omega
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) PL/pgSQL
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) QL SuperBASIC
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) RPL
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) RTL/2
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) SETL4
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) SMEQL
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) SPARC Assembly
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) SheerPower 4GL
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) SimpleCode
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) StreamIt
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) TI-83 Hex Assembly
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) Teco
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) TransFORTH
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) Twelf
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) Uniface
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) Unison
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) VB6
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) Wisp
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) XSLT 2.0
rank: 564565 [tied] (4 entries) ZED
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) .QL
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) 8 1/2
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) A+
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) ALGOL
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) ANT
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) ASP
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) ASP.Net
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Action!
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Acurity Architect
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Agda2
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Alice ML
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Application Master
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) AspectC++
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Atari BASIC
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) AutoLISP
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Axum
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) BML
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Battlestar
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Beta
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) C0H
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) CB80
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) CHR
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Caml
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Cecil
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Cilk
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Cilk++
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) ContextFree
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) DataWeave
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Diesel
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Elan
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Euler
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Explore
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Extended BrainF***
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) FAUST
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) FPI
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) FeatureC++
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) FreeMat
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) GB BASIC
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Glagol
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Global Script
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Goo
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Jabaco
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Kaya
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) KeyList Databasing
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Kitten
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) L.in.oleum
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) LiveScript
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Lotus 123 Macro Scripting
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Lout
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) M680x0
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) MDL
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) ME10 macro
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) MGS
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) MSX Basic
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Maude
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Mirelle
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Monicelli
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Myrddin
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Mython
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) NQP
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Nice
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) OASYS
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) OpenC++
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) PLUS
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) PLZ/SYS
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) PPL
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Pentium Assembly
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) PepsiScript
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Powerbuilder
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Processing.R
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) QuakeC
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) RLSL
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) RTSL
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Refal
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) SPSS
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Sass/SCSS
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Script3D
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Superbase BASIC
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Swahili
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) TAL
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) TeLa
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Thistle
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Tosh
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) UScript
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) UserRPL
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) Uyir
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) VRML
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) WML
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) XBase
rank: 623624 [tied] (3 entries) XUL
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) 1C
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) Bird
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) Cduce
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) DeviousYarn
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) Fennel
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) GLBasic
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) Hack
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) JOVIAL
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) Jack
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) Koka
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) Lean
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) Little Man Computer
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) Luna
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) MACRO-11
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) MINIL
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) Malbolge
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) MathCortex
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) Mosaic
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) MyrtleScript
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) NOWUT
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) Nix
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) OOCalc
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) OpenLisp
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) PeopleCode
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) Perl5i
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) Pict
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) Programming Language
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) RATFOR
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) Risc-V
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) ScriptBasic
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) TechBASIC
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) ToffeeScript
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) Turbo-Basic XL
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) Viua VM assembly
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) Vox
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) XL
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) XPath 2.0
rank: 713714 [tied] (2 entries) XSLT 1.0
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) Anyways
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) Apricot
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) Aquarius BASIC
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) B4J
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) Batari Basic
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) Binary Lambda Calculus
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) C2
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) CafeOBJ
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) Clarion
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) Coconut
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) DDNC
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) DIV Games Studio
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) FRISC Assembly
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) FormulaOne
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) G-fu
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) Guile
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) Inko
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) Jacquard Loom
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) KL1
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) Kamailio Script
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) Lambda Prolog
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) LibreOffice Basic
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) Lychen
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) MAPPER
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) MEL
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) Mond
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) Monkey
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) NASL
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) NATURAL
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) Neat
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) NewtonScript
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) Night
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) Opa
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) Pare
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) Plan
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) PowerPC Assembly
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) Qore
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) RPGIV
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) Rapira
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) Reason
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) Soar
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) SoneKing Assembly
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) SuperTalk
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) Supernova
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) Terra
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) TestML
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) Wollok
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) Xanadu
rank: 751752 [tied] (1 entry) Ya
☼ end─of─list. ☼