RC POP.OUT: Difference between revisions

Content added Content deleted
m (→‎output, sorted by programming language: updated the number of computer programming languages used on Rosetta Code sorted by the name of the language.)
m (→‎output, sorted by rank: updated the ranking (by popularity/number of members) of computer programming languages used on Rosetta Code.)
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===output, sorted by rank===
═════════════════════════timestamp: 13 Feb 2020 45:46pm═════════════════════════12am═════════════════════════
1,033 records read from file: RC_POP.LAN
7,349346 records read from file: RC_POP.CAT
737 (total) number of languages detected in the category file
772 " " " " " " " language "
69,046078 (total) number of entries (solutions) detected
rank: 1 (1,225226 entries) Go
rank: 2 (1,166168 entries) Phix
rank: 3 [tied] (1,165 entries) Julia
rank: 4 3 [tied] (1,163165 entries) Perl 6
rank: 5 (1,121 entries) Python
rank: 6 (1,111114 entries) Perl
rank: 7 (1,069 entries) Kotlin
rank: 8 (1,049 entries) Racket
rank: 9 (1,001 entries) C
rank: 10 (998999 entries) Zkl
rank: 11 (962 entries) Java
rank: 12 (960961 entries) REXX
rank: 13 (947 entries) J
rank: 14 (938 entries) Tcl
rank: 15 (918919 entries) Ruby
rank: 16 (916 entries) D
rank: 17 (889890 entries) Haskell
rank: 18 (886 entries) Scala
rank: 19 (849853 entries) Sidef
rank: 20 (835 entries) C sharp
rank: 21 (824 entries) C++
Line 62:
rank: 23 (758 entries) Mathematica
rank: 24 (736 entries) Ada
rank: 25 (724726 entries) Factor
rank: 26 (684 entries) Common Lisp
rank: 27 (669670 entries) JavaScript
rank: 28 (656 entries) Lua
rank: 29 (626 entries) AutoHotKey
Line 71:
rank: 32 (602 entries) Clojure
rank: 33 (590 entries) Unicon
rank: 34 (581582 entries) Rust
rank: 35 (578580 entries) ALGOL 68
rank: 36 (573 entries) OCaml
rank: 37 [tied] (567 entries) PureBasicF Sharp
rank: 38 37 [tied] (565567 entries) F SharpPureBasic
rank: 39 (563 entries) BBC BASIC
rank: 40 (561 entries) FORTRAN
Line 85:
rank: 46 (502 entries) Erlang
rank: 47 (492 entries) PowerShell
rank: 48 (487488 entries) Pascal
rank: 49 (467 entries) R
rank: 50 (464 entries) Jq
Line 92:
rank: 53 (445 entries) Swift
rank: 54 (442 entries) PHP
rank: 55 (431432 entries) Groovy
rank: 56 (403 entries) PL/I
rank: 57 (383 entries) VBA
Line 134:
rank: 95 (196 entries) Ursala
rank: 96 (194 entries) Lingo
rank: 97 (191192 entries) Nanoquery
rank: 98 (183 entries) ERRE
rank: 99 (179 entries) IS-BASIC
Line 206:
rank: 167 [tied] (77 entries) LFE
rank: 167 [tied] (77 entries) Raven
rank: 169 [tied] (76 entries) FutureBasicCommodore BASIC
rank: 170169 [tied] (7576 entries) BASIC256FutureBasic
rank: 170171 [tied] (75 entries) LogtalkBASIC256
rank: 170171 [tied] (75 entries) MinLogtalk
rank: 170171 [tied] (75 entries) Sinclair ZX81 BASICMin
rank: 174 171 [tied] (7475 entries) CommodoreSinclair ZX81 BASIC
rank: 175 [tied] (73 entries) Component Pascal
rank: 175 [tied] (73 entries) SQL
Line 270:
rank: 231 [tied] (39 entries) GW-BASIC
rank: 231 [tied] (39 entries) SETL
rank: 241233 [tied] (3538 entries) NialAArch64 Assembly
rank: 233 [tied] (38 entries) Brainf***
rank: 233 [tied] (38 entries) Falcon
rank: 233 [tied] (38 entries) Lisaac
rank: 233 [tied] (38 entries) Sed
rank: 237238 [tied] (37 entries) Babel
rank: 237238 [tied] (37 entries) Futhark
rank: 239240 [tied] (36 entries) Elm
rank: 239240 [tied] (36 entries) LOLCODE
rank: 241242 [tied] (35 entries) AArch64 AssemblyAmigaE
rank: 241242 [tied] (35 entries) AmigaEC Shell
rank: 241242 [tied] (35 entries) C ShellChapel
rank: 241242 [tied] (35 entries) ChapelGenie
rank: 241242 [tied] (35 entries) GenieNial
rank: 241 [tied] (35 entries) Nial
rank: 247 [tied] (34 entries) 6502 Assembly
rank: 247 [tied] (34 entries) GML
Line 727:
rank: 663 [tied] (2 entries) Vox
rank: 663 [tied] (2 entries) WebAssembly
rank: 663 [tied] (2 entries) XL
rank: 663 [tied] (2 entries) XPath 2.0
rank: 663 [tied] (2 entries) XSLT 1.0