RC POP.OUT: Difference between revisions

Content added Content deleted
m (→‎preamble: updated the number of computer programming languages.)
(→‎output, sorted by rank: updated the ranking of the computer programming languages by popularity.)
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===output, sorted by rank===
════════════════════════timestamp: 1415 May 2018 612:40pm═════════════════════════47pm════════════════════════
932 records read from file: RC_POP.LAN
6,465 records read from file: RC_POP.CAT
662663 (total) number of languages detected in the category file,
694 " " " " " " " language " ,
5758,940949 (total) number of entries detected.
rank: 1 (9801006 entries) RacketKotlin
rank: 2 (977980 entries) PythonRacket
rank: 3 (949977 entries) Perl 6Python
rank: 4 (918949 entries) TclPerl 6
rank: 5 (899918 entries) CTcl
rank: 6 (891899 entries) JC
rank: 7 (879891 entries) ZklJ
rank: 8 (870879 entries) JavaZkl
rank: 9 (860870 entries) DJava
rank: 10 (849860 entries) RubyD
rank: 11 (842849 entries) GoRuby
rank: 12 [tied] (827842 entries) HaskellGo
rank: 1213 [tied] (827 entries) REXXHaskell
rank: 14 13 [tied] (799827 entries) PerlREXX
rank: 15 (777799 entries) JuliaPerl
rank: 16 (771777 entries) PicoLispJulia
rank: 17 (764771 entries) SidefPicoLisp
rank: 18 (726764 entries) MathematicaSidef
rank: 19 (683726 entries) PhixMathematica
rank: 20 (677683 entries) C++Phix
rank: 21 (653678 entries) Common LispC++
rank: 22 (651653 entries) CCommon sharpLisp
rank: 23 (649651 entries) AdaC sharp
rank: 24 (631649 entries) ScalaAda
rank: 25 (621631 entries) AutoHotkeyScala
rank: 26 (591621 entries) JavaScriptAutoHotkey
rank: 27 (590591 entries) UniconJavaScript
rank: 28 [tied] (572590 entries) ClojureUnicon
rank: 2829 [tied] (572573 entries) LuaClojure
rank: 30 (571572 entries) RINGLua
rank: 31 (559571 entries) BBC BASICRING
rank: 32 (551559 entries) FortranBBC BASIC
rank: 33 (548551 entries) PureBasicFortran
rank: 34 (543548 entries) OCamlPureBasic
rank: 35 (542543 entries) ALGOL 68OCaml
rank: 36 (534542 entries) PARI/GPALGOL 68
rank: 37 (532534 entries) IconPARI/GP
rank: 38 (528532 entries) NimIcon
rank: 39 (513528 entries) ElixirNim
rank: 40 (489513 entries) ErlangElixir
rank: 41 (486489 entries) F SharpErlang
rank: 42 (476486 entries) PowerShellF Sharp
rank: 43 (458476 entries) FreeBASICPowerShell
rank: 44 (457458 entries) JqFreeBASIC
rank: 45 (434457 entries) ForthJq
rank: 46 (430434 entries) PascalForth
rank: 47 (420430 entries) AWKPascal
rank: 48 (410420 entries) RAWK
rank: 49 (409410 entries) FactorR
rank: 50 [tied] (407409 entries) RustFactor
rank: 5051 [tied] (407 entries) Seed7Rust
rank: 52 51 [tied] (402407 entries) PL/ISeed7
rank: 53 (392402 entries) GroovyPL/I
rank: 54 (387392 entries) PHPGroovy
rank: 55 (358387 entries) MATLABPHP
rank: 56 (353358 entries) SchemeMATLAB
rank: 57 (334353 entries) Liberty BASICScheme
rank: 58 (315334 entries) RunLiberty BASIC
rank: 59 (308315 entries) OforthRun BASIC
rank: 60 (306308 entries) OctaveOforth
rank: 61 [tied] (305306 entries) EchoLispOctave
rank: 6162 [tied] (305 entries) XPL0EchoLisp
rank: 63 62 [tied] (295305 entries) SwiftXPL0
rank: 64 (288295 entries) BracmatSwift
rank: 65 (287288 entries) NetRexxBracmat
rank: 66 (286287 entries) UNIX ShellNetRexx
rank: 67 [tied] (280286 entries) MapleUNIX Shell
rank: 6768 [tied] (280 entries) OzMaple
rank: 69 68 [tied] (277280 entries) PrologOz
rank: 70 (272278 entries) EProlog
rank: 71 (271272 entries) VBScriptE
rank: 72 (268271 entries) ObjeckVBScript
rank: 73 [tied] (264268 entries) BASICObjeck
rank: 7374 [tied] (264 entries) COBOLBASIC
rank: 75 74 [tied] (259264 entries) LassoCOBOL
rank: 76 (256259 entries) Wolfram LanguageLasso
rank: 77 (255256 entries) SmalltalkWolfram Language
rank: 78 (253255 entries) DelphiSmalltalk
rank: 79 (238253 entries) ElenaDelphi
rank: 80 (232238 entries) EuphoriaElena
rank: 81 (216232 entries) OoRexxEuphoria
rank: 82 (215216 entries) CoffeeScriptOoRexx
rank: 83 (214215 entries) AppleScriptCoffeeScript
rank: 84 (209214 entries) MaximaAppleScript
rank: 85 (206209 entries) LogoMaxima
rank: 86 (204206 entries) StataLogo
rank: 87 (202204 entries) Batch FileStata
rank: 88 (196202 entries) UrsalaBatch File
rank: 89 (194196 entries) LingoUrsala
rank: 90 (193194 entries) ZX Spectrum BASICLingo
rank: 91 (190193 entries) StandardZX MLSpectrum BASIC
rank: 92 (183190 entries) ERREStandard ML
rank: 93 (174183 entries) GAMBASERRE
rank: 94 (173174 entries) VBAGAMBAS
rank: 95 (171173 entries) 360 AssemblyVBA
rank: 96 [tied] (159171 entries) GAP360 Assembly
rank: 9697 [tied] (159 entries) Objective-CGAP
rank: 98 97 [tied] (156159 entries) HicEstObjective-C
rank: 99 (155156 entries) TUSCRIPTHicEst
rank: 100 (153155 entries) FantomTUSCRIPT
rank: 101 (151153 entries) EiffelFantom
rank: 102 (150151 entries) NemerleEiffel
rank: 103 (148150 entries) AimeNemerle
rank: 104 (145148 entries) REBOLAime
rank: 105 (144145 entries) ALGOL WREBOL
rank: 106 (139144 entries) TXRALGOL W
rank: 107 (137139 entries) NewLISPTXR
rank: 108 (136137 entries) Visual Basic .NETNewLISP
rank: 109 (130136 entries) BefungeVisual Basic .NET
rank: 110 (129130 entries) Applesoft BASICBefunge
rank: 111 (127129 entries) LiveCodeApplesoft BASIC
rank: 112 (126127 entries) SlateLiveCode
rank: 113 (121126 entries) ActionScriptSlate
rank: 114 (119121 entries) Modula-3ActionScript
rank: 115 (118119 entries) KModula-3
rank: 116 (117118 entries) Emacs LispK
rank: 117 [tied] (116117 entries) BaConEmacs Lisp
rank: 117118 [tied] (116 entries) Oberon-2BaCon
rank: 117118 [tied] (116 entries) SNOBOL4Oberon-2
rank: 120 118 [tied] (115116 entries) MAXScriptSNOBOL4
rank: 121 (112115 entries) UrsaMAXScript
rank: 122 (111112 entries) RetroUrsa
rank: 123 [tied] (107111 entries) Modula-2Retro
rank: 123124 [tied] (107 entries) TIModula-83 BASIC2
rank: 125124 [tied] (106107 entries) PikeTI-83 BASIC
rank: 125126 [tied] (106 entries) Vedit macro languagePike
rank: 127126 [tied] (105106 entries) DéjàVedit Vumacro language
rank: 127128 [tied] (105 entries) FrinkDéjà Vu
rank: 127128 [tied] (105 entries) MUMPSFrink
rank: 130 128 [tied] (104105 entries) DWScriptMUMPS
rank: 131 (100104 entries) ACL2DWScript
rank: 132 (98100 entries) APLACL2
rank: 133 [tied] (9698 entries) AutoItAPL
rank: 133134 [tied] (96 entries) Pop11AutoIt
rank: 135 134 [tied] (9596 entries) TI-89 BASICPop11
rank: 136 [tied] (9395 entries) AxeTI-89 BASIC
rank: 136137 [tied] (93 entries) IoAxe
rank: 138 137 [tied] (9293 entries) PostScriptIo
rank: 139 [tied] (9192 entries) FunLPostScript
rank: 139140 [tied] (91 entries) MercuryFunL
rank: 141 140 [tied] (8591 entries) BCMercury
rank: 142 [tied] (8185 entries) 8thBC
rank: 142143 [tied] (81 entries) MK-61/528th
rank: 144 143 [tied] (8081 entries) CeylonMK-61/52
rank: 145 (7980 entries) M4Ceylon
rank: 146 [tied] (7779 entries) LFEM4
rank: 146147 [tied] (77 entries) RavenLFE
rank: 148 147 [tied] (7677 entries) FutureBasicRaven
rank: 149 [tied] (7576 entries) Component PascalFutureBasic
rank: 149150 [tied] (75 entries) LogtalkComponent Pascal
rank: 149150 [tied] (75 entries) Sinclair ZX81 BASICLogtalk
rank: 152 150 [tied] (7475 entries) VisualSinclair ZX81 BasicBASIC
rank: 153 (7374 entries) X86Visual AssemblyBasic
rank: 154 (7273 entries) DartX86 Assembly
rank: 155 (7072 entries) SimulaDart
rank: 156 [tied] (6970 entries) ElaSimula
rank: 156157 [tied] (69 entries) SatherEla
rank: 156157 [tied] (69 entries) XLISPSather
rank: 159 157 [tied] (6869 entries) BratXLISP
rank: 160 (6768 entries) REDBrat
rank: 161 (6667 entries) ScilabRED
rank: 162 [tied] (6566 entries) LabVIEWScilab
rank: 162163 [tied] (65 entries) OxygenBasicLabVIEW
rank: 164 163 [tied] (6465 entries) SQLOxygenBasic
rank: 165 (6364 entries) IDLSQL
rank: 166 (6263 entries) WartIDL
rank: 167 (6162 entries) ColdFusionWart
rank: 168 (6061 entries) SequenceLColdFusion
rank: 169 (5960 entries) BurlesqueSequenceL
rank: 170 (5859 entries) ValaBurlesque
rank: 171 [tied] (5658 entries) FBSLVala
rank: 171172 [tied] (56 entries) SASFBSL
rank: 173 172 [tied] (5556 entries) Locomotive BasicSAS
rank: 174 (5455 entries) ABAPLocomotive Basic
rank: 175 (5354 entries) FALSEABAP
rank: 176 [tied] (5153 entries) OpenEdge/ProgressFALSE
rank: 176177 [tied] (51 entries) SPLOpenEdge/Progress
rank: 178177 [tied] (5051 entries) DcSPL
rank: 178179 [tied] (50 entries) MetafontDc
rank: 180179 [tied] (4950 entries) Lang5Metafont
rank: 180181 [tied] (49 entries) RascalLang5
rank: 182181 [tied] (4849 entries) Commodore BASICRascal
rank: 182183 [tied] (48 entries) DCLCommodore BASIC
rank: 184 183 [tied] (4748 entries) TokaDCL
rank: 185 [tied] (4647 entries) ATSToka
rank: 185186 [tied] (46 entries) Inform 7ATS
rank: 185186 [tied] (46 entries) PowerBASICInform 7
rank: 188 186 [tied] (4546 entries) JoyPowerBASIC
rank: 189 (4445 entries) BASIC256Joy
rank: 190 [tied] (4344 entries) WortelBASIC256
rank: 190191 [tied] (43 entries) XSLTWortel
rank: 192 191 [tied] (4243 entries) SparklingXSLT
rank: 193 [tied] (4142 entries) AikidoSparkling
rank: 193194 [tied] (41 entries) HolyCAikido
rank: 193194 [tied] (41 entries) TorqueScriptHolyC
rank: 193194 [tied] (41 entries) YorickTorqueScript
rank: 197194 [tied] (4041 entries) APEXYorick
rank: 197198 [tied] (40 entries) RapidQAPEX
rank: 197198 [tied] (40 entries) S-langRapidQ
rank: 197198 [tied] (40 entries) UnixPipesS-lang
rank: 197198 [tied] (40 entries) VUnixPipes
rank: 202 198 [tied] (3940 entries) SETLV
rank: 203 [tied] (3839 entries) FalconSETL
rank: 203204 [tied] (38 entries) HarbourFalcon
rank: 203204 [tied] (38 entries) LisaacHarbour
rank: 206 204 [tied] (3738 entries) BabelLisaac
rank: 207 [tied] (3637 entries) Brainf***Babel
rank: 207208 [tied] (36 entries) GW-BASICBrainf***
rank: 209208 [tied] (3536 entries) AmigaEGW-BASIC
rank: 209210 [tied] (35 entries) ChapelAmigaE
rank: 209210 [tied] (35 entries) ElmChapel
rank: 209210 [tied] (35 entries) REALbasicElm
rank: 209210 [tied] (35 entries) SedREALbasic
rank: 214210 [tied] (3435 entries) 6502 AssemblySed
rank: 214215 [tied] (34 entries) C6502 ShellAssembly
rank: 214215 [tied] (34 entries) CachéC ObjectScriptShell
rank: 214215 [tied] (34 entries) FutharkCaché ObjectScript
rank: 214215 [tied] (34 entries) GMLFuthark
rank: 214215 [tied] (34 entries) RLaBGML
rank: 214215 [tied] (34 entries) Vim ScriptRLaB
rank: 221 215 [tied] (3334 entries) SuperColliderVim Script
rank: 222 [tied] (3233 entries) EGLSuperCollider
rank: 222223 [tied] (32 entries) GnuplotEGL
rank: 222223 [tied] (32 entries) IGnuplot
rank: 222223 [tied] (32 entries) PL/SQLI
rank: 222223 [tied] (32 entries) Visual FoxProPL/SQL
rank: 227 223 [tied] (3132 entries) LOLCODEVisual FoxPro
-- More --
rank: 228 [tied] (30 entries) Agena
rank: 228 [tied] (3031 entries) CrystalLOLCODE
rank: 228229 [tied] (30 entries) GUISSAgena
rank: 228229 [tied] (30 entries) QiCrystal
rank: 228229 [tied] (30 entries) ZonnonGUISS
rank: 233229 [tied] (2930 entries) MIRC Scripting LanguageQi
rank: 233229 [tied] (2930 entries) SNUSPZonnon
rank: 233234 [tied] (29 entries) SmartMIRC BASICScripting Language
rank: 236234 [tied] (2829 entries) CMakeSNUSP
rank: 236234 [tied] (2829 entries) ECLSmart BASIC
rank: 236237 [tied] (28 entries) OrderCMake
rank: 236237 [tied] (28 entries) PlainTeXECL
rank: 240237 [tied] (2728 entries) HyOrder
rank: 240237 [tied] (2728 entries) LimboPlainTeX
rank: 240241 [tied] (27 entries) NialHy
rank: 240241 [tied] (27 entries) ProcessingLimbo
rank: 240241 [tied] (27 entries) SQL PLNial
rank: 245241 [tied] (2627 entries) CleanProcessing
rank: 245241 [tied] (2627 entries) ClipperSQL PL
rank: 245246 [tied] (26 entries) HaxeClean
rank: 245246 [tied] (26 entries) MLiteClipper
rank: 245246 [tied] (26 entries) PotionHaxe
rank: 245246 [tied] (26 entries) SalmonMLite
rank: 251246 [tied] (2526 entries) AntLangPotion
rank: 251246 [tied] (2526 entries) OlSalmon
rank: 253252 [tied] (2425 entries) MirahAntLang
rank: 253252 [tied] (2425 entries) SSEMOl
rank: 253254 [tied] (24 entries) TrithMirah
rank: 256254 [tied] (2324 entries) AstroSSEM
rank: 256254 [tied] (2324 entries) IokeTrith
rank: 256257 [tied] (23 entries) ML/IAstro
rank: 256257 [tied] (23 entries) PHLIoke
rank: 256257 [tied] (23 entries) ProDOSML/I
rank: 261257 [tied] (2223 entries) ARM AssemblyPHL
rank: 261257 [tied] (2223 entries) GolfscriptProDOS
rank: 261262 [tied] (22 entries) IdrisARM Assembly
rank: 261262 [tied] (22 entries) MLGolfscript
rank: 261262 [tied] (22 entries) SuneidoIdris
rank: 261262 [tied] (22 entries) WDTEML
rank: 267262 [tied] (2122 entries) ArgileSuneido
rank: 267262 [tied] (2122 entries) BeeswaxWDTE
rank: 267268 [tied] (21 entries) GosuArgile
rank: 267268 [tied] (21 entries) KlongBeeswax
rank: 267268 [tied] (21 entries) MIPS AssemblyGosu
rank: 267268 [tied] (21 entries) PelotonKlong
rank: 267268 [tied] (21 entries) PureMIPS Assembly
rank: 267268 [tied] (21 entries) ScratchPeloton
rank: 275268 [tied] (2021 entries) AssemblyPure
rank: 275268 [tied] (2021 entries) ChefScratch
rank: 275276 [tied] (20 entries) SelfAssembly
rank: 278276 [tied] (1920 entries) ChucKChef
rank: 278276 [tied] (1920 entries) VerbexxSelf
rank: 280279 [tied] (1819 entries) FancyChucK
rank: 280279 [tied] (1819 entries) GFA BasicVerbexx
rank: 280281 [tied] (18 entries) MakeFancy
rank: 283281 [tied] (1718 entries) 0815GFA Basic
rank: 283281 [tied] (1718 entries) DylanMake
rank: 283284 [tied] (17 entries) Efene0815
rank: 283284 [tied] (17 entries) HuginnDylan
rank: 283284 [tied] (17 entries) MMIXEfene
rank: 283284 [tied] (17 entries) MOOHuginn
rank: 289284 [tied] (1617 entries) ALGOL 60MMIX
rank: 289284 [tied] (1617 entries) EDSAC order codeMOO
rank: 289290 [tied] (16 entries) FriendlyALGOL interactive shell60
rank: 289290 [tied] (16 entries) LSLEDSAC order code
rank: 289290 [tied] (16 entries) QFriendly interactive shell
rank: 289290 [tied] (16 entries) ShenLSL
rank: 289290 [tied] (16 entries) WhitespaceQ
rank: 289290 [tied] (16 entries) WrenShen
rank: 297290 [tied] (1516 entries) FishWhitespace
rank: 297290 [tied] (1516 entries) GemaWren
rank: 297298 [tied] (15 entries) LSE64Fish
rank: 297298 [tied] (15 entries) LucidGema
rank: 297298 [tied] (15 entries) N/t/roffLSE64
rank: 297298 [tied] (15 entries) OpenscadLucid
rank: 297298 [tied] (15 entries) SystemVerilogN/t/roff
rank: 304298 [tied] (1415 entries) AxiomOpenscad
rank: 304298 [tied] (1415 entries) DaoSystemVerilog
rank: 304305 [tied] (14 entries) EzhilAxiom
rank: 304305 [tied] (14 entries) Inform 6Dao
rank: 304305 [tied] (14 entries) OOCEzhil
rank: 304305 [tied] (14 entries) Transact-SQLInform 6
rank: 304305 [tied] (14 entries) TypeScriptOOC
rank: 304305 [tied] (14 entries) Z80 AssemblyTransact-SQL
rank: 312305 [tied] (1314 entries) Computer/zero AssemblyTypeScript
rank: 312305 [tied] (1314 entries) KonsolScriptZ80 Assembly
rank: 312313 [tied] (13 entries) LaTeXComputer/zero Assembly
rank: 312313 [tied] (13 entries) Object PascalKonsolScript
rank: 312313 [tied] (13 entries) Pure DataLaTeX
rank: 317313 [tied] (1213 entries) BrlcadObject Pascal
rank: 317313 [tied] (1213 entries) ClayPure Data
rank: 317318 [tied] (12 entries) EgelBrlcad
rank: 317318 [tied] (12 entries) EsClay
rank: 317318 [tied] (12 entries) GenyrisEgel
rank: 317318 [tied] (12 entries) HalonEs
rank: 317318 [tied] (12 entries) NekoGenyris
rank: 317318 [tied] (12 entries) OASYS AssemblerHalon
rank: 317318 [tied] (12 entries) PandaNeko
rank: 317318 [tied] (12 entries) PietOASYS Assembler
rank: 317318 [tied] (12 entries) SPADPanda
rank: 317318 [tied] (12 entries) UnlambdaPiet
rank: 317318 [tied] (12 entries) VHDLSPAD
rank: 317318 [tied] (12 entries) VorpalUnlambda
rank: 317318 [tied] (12 entries) XQueryVHDL
rank: 332318 [tied] (1112 entries) ArendelleVorpal
rank: 332318 [tied] (1112 entries) BCPLXQuery
rank: 332333 [tied] (11 entries) CLIPSArendelle
rank: 332333 [tied] (11 entries) CocoBCPL
rank: 332333 [tied] (11 entries) FregeCLIPS
rank: 332333 [tied] (11 entries) GechoCoco
rank: 332333 [tied] (11 entries) Integer BASICFrege
rank: 332333 [tied] (11 entries) OnyxGecho
rank: 332333 [tied] (11 entries) SPARKInteger BASIC
rank: 332333 [tied] (11 entries) ShinyOnyx
rank: 332333 [tied] (11 entries) TSE SALSPARK
rank: 343333 [tied] (1011 entries) AgdaShiny
rank: 343333 [tied] (1011 entries) AppTSE InventorSAL
rank: 343344 [tied] (10 entries) AsymptoteAgda
rank: 343344 [tied] (10 entries) CurryApp Inventor
rank: 343344 [tied] (10 entries) ECAsymptote
rank: 343344 [tied] (10 entries) ElisaCurry
rank: 343344 [tied] (10 entries) LLVMEC
rank: 343344 [tied] (10 entries) LambdatalkElisa
rank: 343344 [tied] (10 entries) LotusScriptLLVM
rank: 343344 [tied] (10 entries) MathprogLambdatalk
rank: 343344 [tied] (10 entries) MontiLangLotusScript
rank: 343344 [tied] (10 entries) NiueMathprog
rank: 343344 [tied] (10 entries) RPGMontiLang
rank: 343344 [tied] (10 entries) WraplNiue
rank: 357344 [tied] (910 entries) 4DOS BatchRPG
rank: 357344 [tied] (910 entries) 8086 AssemblyWrapl
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) Alore4DOS Batch
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) Boo8086 Assembly
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) CoqAlore
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) EeroBoo
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) FortressCoq
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) Free PascalEero
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) IWBASICFortress
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) LilyFree Pascal
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) LuckIWBASIC
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) MonteLily
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) MorfaLuck
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) MySQLMonte
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) NSISMorfa
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) POV-RayMySQL
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) RaNSIS
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) SIMPOLPOV-Ray
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) SymsynRa
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) UTFoolSIMPOL
rank: 377358 [tied] (89 entries) 4DSymsyn
rank: 377358 [tied] (89 entries) 6800 AssemblyUTFool
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) 8051 Assembly4D
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) ALGOL-M6800 Assembly
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) Comal8051 Assembly
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) Dylan.NETALGOL-M
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) EgisonComal
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) FUZE BASICDylan.NET
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) FanEgison
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) HQ9+FUZE BASIC
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) HoonFan
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) LC3 AssemblyHQ9+
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) LhoghoHoon
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) MBSLC3 Assembly
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) NESLLhogho
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) NGSMBS
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) NitNESL
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) PILOTNGS
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) PIRNit
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) PonyPILOT
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) TIScriptPIR
rank: 398378 [tied] (78 entries) 68000 AssemblyPony
rank: 398378 [tied] (78 entries) AmbientTalkTIScript
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) Arbre68000 Assembly
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) ArcAmbientTalk
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) BlastArbre
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) CobraArc
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) CrackBlast
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) FOCALCobra
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) GleeCrack
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) IntercalFOCAL
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) KiteGlee
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) PurityIntercal
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) RhopeKite
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) Set langPurity
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) SkookumScriptRhope
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) SquirrelSet lang
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) VerilogSkookumScript
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) Visual PrologSquirrel
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) XEecVerilog
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) YacasVisual Prolog
rank: 418399 [tied] (67 entries) ANTLRXEec
rank: 418399 [tied] (67 entries) BlitzMaxYacas
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) C++/CLIANTLR
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) C1RBlitzMax
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) CatC++/CLI
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) Comefrom0x10C1R
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) DUPCat
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) Dodo0Comefrom0x10
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) FexlDUP
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) GastonaDodo0
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) GriFexl
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) JavaFX ScriptGastona
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) LispGri
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) MoonScriptJavaFX Script
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) OxygeneLisp
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) PASMMoonScript
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) SageOxygene
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) True BASICPASM
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) WheneverSage
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) µC++True BASIC
rank: 438419 [tied] (56 entries) 8080 AssemblyWhenever
rank: 438419 [tied] (56 entries) AlgaeµC++
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) Brace8080 Assembly
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) Clipper/XBase++Algae
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) DMSBrace
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) DelugeClipper/XBase++
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) ELLADMS
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) FDeluge
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) FeriteELLA
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) GEORGEF
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) HopeFerite
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) JAMES II/Rule-based Cellular AutomataGEORGE
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) JCLHope
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) L++JAMES II/Rule-based Cellular Automata
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) LilyPondJCL
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) MetapostL++
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) OPLLilyPond
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) OccamMetapost
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) PDP-11 AssemblyOPL
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) PL/MOccam
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) PSQLPDP-11 Assembly
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) PanoramicPL/M
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) QuillPSQL
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) Quite BASICPanoramic
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) RPL/2Quill
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) ScriptQuite BasicBASIC
-- More --
rank: 438 [tied] (5 entries) Sisal
rank: 438419 [tied] (56 entries) SnobolPASM
rank: 438419 [tied] (56 entries) TPPSage
rank: 438419 [tied] (56 entries) ThyrdTrue BASIC
rank: 438419 [tied] (56 entries) XProcWhenever
rank: 438419 [tied] (56 entries) XTalkµC++
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) ZPL8080 Assembly
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) 80386 AssemblyAlgae
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) AMPLBrace
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) AspectJClipper/XBase++
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) BifernoDMS
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) BoriDeluge
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) DMELLA
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) DafnyF
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) ESQLFerite
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) ElastiCGEORGE
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) FPHope
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) FelixJAMES II/Rule-based Cellular Automata
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) GenteeJCL
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) Go!L++
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) HLALilyPond
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) HPPPLMetapost
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) HeronOPL
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) HyperTalkOccam
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) InformixPDP-11 4GLAssembly
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) IptscraePL/M
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) JScript.NETPSQL
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) JoCamlPanoramic
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) JudoScriptQuill
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) LobsterQuite BASIC
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) LushRPL/2
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) MUFScript Basic
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) MythrylSisal
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) NetLogoSnobol
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) OmegaTPP
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) RTL/2Thyrd
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) SETL4XProc
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) SMEQLXTalk
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) SPARC AssemblyZPL
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) SheerPower80386 4GLAssembly
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) StreamItAMPL
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) TI-83 Hex AssemblyAspectJ
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) TecoBiferno
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) TransFORTHBori
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) TwelfDM
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) UnifaceDafny
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) VB6ESQL
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) Visual ObjectsElastiC
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) XSLT 2.0FP
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) XojoFelix
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) ZEDGentee
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) .QLGo!
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) 8 1/2HLA
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) A+HPPPL
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) ALGOLHeron
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) ANTHyperTalk
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) ASPInformix 4GL
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) ASP.NetIptscrae
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) Agda2JScript.NET
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) Alice MLJoCaml
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) Application MasterJudoScript
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) AspectC++Lobster
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) AutoLISPLush
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) AxumMUF
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) BMythryl
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) BMLNetLogo
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) BattlestarOmega
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) BetaRTL/2
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) C0HSETL4
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) CB80SMEQL
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) CamlSPARC Assembly
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) CecilSheerPower 4GL
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) CilkStreamIt
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) Cilk++TI-83 Hex Assembly
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) DatalogTeco
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) DieselTransFORTH
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) ElanTwelf
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) EulerUniface
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) FAUSTVB6
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) FPIVisual Objects
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) FeatureC++XSLT 2.0
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) FreeMatXojo
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) GlagolZED
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) Golo.QL
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) Goo8 1/2
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) JabacoA+
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) KayaALGOL
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) KeyList DatabasingANT
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) KittenASP
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) LASP.in.oleumNet
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) LiveScriptAgda2
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) LotusAlice 123 Macro ScriptingML
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) LoutApplication Master
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) M680x0AspectC++
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) MDLAutoLISP
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) ME10 macroAxum
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) MGSB
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) MaudeBML
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) MirelleBattlestar
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) MonicelliBeta
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) MythonC0H
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) NQPCB80
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) NiceCaml
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) OASYSCecil
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) OpenC++Cilk
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) PL/pgSQLCilk++
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) PLUSDatalog
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) PLZ/SYSDiesel
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) PPC AssemblyElan
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) PPLEuler
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) Pentium AssemblyFAUST
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) PowerbuilderFPI
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) PyretFeatureC++
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) QuakeCFreeMat
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) RLSLGlagol
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) RTSLGolo
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) RefalGoo
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) Script3DJabaco
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) Superbase BASICKaya
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) TALKeyList Databasing
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) TeLaKitten
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) ThistleL.in.oleum
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) TuringLiveScript
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) UScriptLotus 123 Macro Scripting
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) UserRPLLout
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) UyirM680x0
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) VRMLMDL
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) WMLME10 macro
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) XBaseMGS
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) XULMaude
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) CduceMirelle
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) GLBasicMonicelli
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) GLSLMython
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) HackNQP
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) JOVIALNice
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) JackOASYS
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) LunaOpenC++
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) MINILPL/pgSQL
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) MSX BasicPLUS
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) MalbolgePLZ/SYS
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) MathCortexPPC Assembly
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) MyrtleScriptPPL
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) OOCalcPentium Assembly
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) OpenLispPowerbuilder
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) PeopleCodePyret
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) Perl5iQuakeC
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) PictRLSL
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) RPLRTSL
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) ReasonRefal
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) RoboticScript3D
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) ScriptBasicSuperbase BASIC
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) SmileBASICTAL
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) TbasTeLa
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) TechBASICThistle
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) ToffeeScriptTuring
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) Viua VM assemblyUScript
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) VoxUserRPL
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) XLUyir
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) XSLT 1.0VRML
rank: 623516 [tied] (13 entryentries) Action!WML
rank: 623516 [tied] (13 entryentries) ApricotXBase
rank: 623516 [tied] (13 entryentries) B4JXUL
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) CHRCduce
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) CafeOBJGLBasic
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) ClarionGLSL
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) DDNCHack
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) DIV Games StudioJOVIAL
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) FRISC AssemblyJack
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) FormulaOneLuna
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) Jacquard LoomMINIL
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) MSX Kamailio ScriptBasic
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) Lambda PrologMalbolge
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) LibreOffice BasicMathCortex
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) MAPPERMyrtleScript
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) MELOOCalc
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) MondOpenLisp
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) MonkeyPeopleCode
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) NASLPerl5i
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) NeatPict
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) NewtonScriptRPL
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) NickleReason
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) NixRobotic
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) OpaScriptBasic
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) PareSmileBASIC
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) PicatTbas
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) QoreTechBASIC
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) RPGIVToffeeScript
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) Viua VM Rapiraassembly
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) SoarVox
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) SoneKing AssemblyXL
rank: 623595 [tied] (12 entryentries) XSLT Supernova1.0
rank: 623624 [tied] (1 entry) TerraAction!
rank: 623624 [tied] (1 entry) TestMLApricot
rank: 623624 [tied] (1 entry) VAX AssemblyB4J
rank: 623624 [tied] (1 entry) WollokCHR
rank: 623624 [tied] (1 entry) X86 64 AssemblyCafeOBJ
rank: 623624 [tied] (1 entry) XPath 2.0Clarion
rank: 623624 [tied] (1 entry) XanaduDDNC
rank: 623624 [tied] (1 entry) YaDIV Games Studio
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) FRISC Assembly
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) FormulaOne
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Jacquard Loom
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Kamailio Script
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Lambda Prolog
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) LibreOffice Basic
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) MAPPER
rank: 228624 [tied] (301 entriesentry) Agena MEL
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Mond
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Monkey
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) NASL
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Neat
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) NewtonScript
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Nickle
rank: 438624 [tied] (51 entriesentry) Sisal Nix
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Opa
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Pare
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Picat
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Qore
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) RPGIV
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Rapira
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Soar
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) SoneKing Assembly
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Supernova
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Terra
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) TestML
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) VAX Assembly
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Wollok
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) X86 64 Assembly
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) XPath 2.0
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Xanadu
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Ya
☼ end─of─list. ☼