RC POP.OUT: Difference between revisions

Content deleted Content added
m →‎RC_POP.OUT: updated the number of languages. -- ~~~~
m →‎output: updated the ranking of the languages. -- ~~~~
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════════════════════════timestamp: 3021 JunJul 2014 71:07pm═════════════════════════16pm═════════════════════════
720721 records read from file: RC_POP.LAN
36523679 records read from file: RC_POP.CAT
527528 (total) number of languages detected.
rank: 1 (833 entries) Tcl
rank: 2 (781783 entries) Racket
rank: 3 (769770 entries) Python
rank: 4 (730731 entries) Perl 6
rank: 5 (723726 entries) J
rank: 6 (712 entries) C
rank: 7 (706709 entries) Ruby
rank: 8 (698 entries) D
rank: 9 (674 entries) Go
rank: 10 (653658 entries) Perl
rank: 11 (649 entries) PicoLisp
rank: 12 (633636 entries) REXX
rank: 13 (620624 entries) Mathematica
rank: 14 (608 entries) Ada
rank: 15 (591 entries) Java
rank: 16 (589590 entries) Haskell
rank: 17 (581 entries) Unicon
rank: 18 (579 entries) AutoHotkey
Line 36:
rank: 23 (491 entries) Common Lisp
rank: 24 (472 entries) PureBasic
rank: 25 (462464 entries) Scala
rank: 26 (460 entries) C sharp
rank: 27 (445 entries) Erlang
rank: 28 (421436 entries) PARI/GPZkl
rank: 29 [tied] (414422 entries) ZklClojure
rank: 30 29 [tied] (402422 entries) JavaScriptPARI/GP
rank: 31 (390403 entries) ClojureJavaScript
rank: 32 (378396 entries) Seed7Nimrod
rank: 33 (363380 entries) PL/ISeed7
rank: 34 (354367 entries) RPL/I
rank: 35 (350355 entries) LuaR
rank: 36 [tied] (347350 entries) ALGOL 68Lua
rank: 3637 [tied] (347 entries) FALGOL Sharp68
rank: 38 37 [tied] (343347 entries) GroovyF Sharp
rank: 39 [tied] (338343 entries) ForthGroovy
rank: 3940 [tied] (338339 entries) PHP
rank: 41 (331338 entries) FortranForth
rank: 42 (328331 entries) MATLABFortran
rank: 43 (318328 entries) PascalMATLAB
rank: 44 (308320 entries) Liberty BASICPascal
rank: 45 (305308 entries) AWKLiberty BASIC
rank: 46 (303306 entries) XPL0AWK
rank: 47 (293303 entries) OctaveXPL0
rank: 48 (281293 entries) NetRexxOctave
rank: 49 (278282 entries) OzNetRexx
rank: 50 (275278 entries) FactorOz
rank: 51 (272276 entries) EFactor
rank: 52 (270272 entries) Run BASICE
rank: 53 (266271 entries) SchemeRun BASIC
rank: 54 (260267 entries) LassoScheme
rank: 55 (241260 entries) PrologLasso
rank: 56 (236246 entries) SmalltalkProlog
rank: 57 (234237 entries) BracmatSmalltalk
rank: 58 (232234 entries) DelphiBracmat
rank: 59 [tied] (216233 entries) EuphoriaDelphi
rank: 5960 [tied] (216 entries) ObjeckEuphoria
rank: 61 60 [tied] (215216 entries) BASICObjeck
rank: 62 (212215 entries) UNIX ShellBASIC
rank: 63 (210213 entries) JuliaUNIX Shell
rank: 64 (206210 entries) MaximaJulia
rank: 65 (196206 entries) UrsalaMaxima
rank: 66 (192196 entries) PowerShellUrsala
rank: 67 (189192 entries) LogoPowerShell
rank: 68 [tied] (188189 entries) CoffeeScript
rank: 69 68 [tied] (174189 entries) COBOLLogo
rank: 70 (164175 entries) OoRexxCOBOL
rank: 71 (160164 entries) Standard MLOoRexx
rank: 72 [tied] (156160 entries) GAPStandard ML
rank: 7273 [tied] (156158 entries) HicEstMaple
rank: 74 [tied] (155156 entries) MapleGAP
rank: 75 74 [tied] (153156 entries) FantomHicEst
rank: 76 [tied] (149153 entries) NemerleFantom
rank: 7677 [tied] (149 entries) TUSCRIPTNemerle
rank: 78 77 [tied] (147149 entries) Objective-C
rank: 79 77 [tied] (130149 entries) REBOLTUSCRIPT
rank: 80 (126130 entries) SlateREBOL
rank: 81 (120126 entries) ActionScriptSlate
rank: 82 (115120 entries) Modula-3ActionScript
rank: 83 (112115 entries) AimeModula-3
rank: 84 (111112 entries) RetroAime
rank: 85 (108111 entries) Visual Basic .NETRetro
rank: 86 (107108 entries) ApplesoftVisual BASICBasic .NET
rank: 87 (106107 entries) VeditApplesoft macro languageBASIC
rank: 88 (105106 entries) DëjáVedit Vumacro language
rank: 89 [tied] (104105 entries) TXRDëjá Vu
rank: 90 89 [tied] (103105 entries) PikeTXR
rank: 91 (102103 entries) MUMPSPike
rank: 92 (100102 entries) DWScriptMUMPS
rank: 93 [tied] (99100 entries) ACL2DWScript
rank: 9394 [tied] (99 entries) KACL2
rank: 95 94 [tied] (9899 entries) SNOBOL4K
rank: 96 (9698 entries) SidefSNOBOL4
rank: 97 (9596 entries) Pop11Sidef
rank: 98 (9495 entries) TI-89 BASICPop11
rank: 99 (9394 entries) RustTI-89 BASIC
rank: 100 (8993 entries) PostScriptRust
rank: 101 [tied] (8789 entries) MAXScriptPostScript
rank: 102 101 [tied] (8389 entries) Batch FileSwift
rank: 103 (8287 entries) NimrodMAXScript
rank: 104 (8183 entries) BcBatch File
rank: 105 [tied] (7881 entries) AutoItBc
rank: 105106 [tied] (7880 entries) Frink
rank: 105107 [tied] (78 entries) M4AutoIt
rank: 105107 [tied] (78 entries) ZX Spectrum BasicM4
rank: 109107 [tied] (7778 entries) MK-61/52ZX Spectrum Basic
rank: 109110 [tied] (77 entries) RavenMK-61/52
rank: 109110 [tied] (77 entries) SwiftRaven
rank: 109112 [tied] (7776 entries) VBScript
rank: 113 (72 entries) Mercury
rank: 114 (71 entries) NewLISP
rank: 115 (69 entries) Sather
rank: 127116 [tied] (5568 entries) VBAEmacs Lisp
rank: 116 [tied] (68 entries) Logtalk
rank: 116 [tied] (68 entries) TI-83 BASIC
rank: 118119 [tied] (6567 entries) BratAppleScript
rank: 118120 [tied] (65 entries) Emacs LispBrat
rank: 118120 [tied] (65 entries) OxygenBasic
rank: 121122 (64 entries) LabVIEW
rank: 122123 (63 entries) IDL
rank: 123124 [tied] (62 entries) AppleScriptIo
rank: 123125 [tied] (6260 entries) IoComponent Pascal
rank: 125 [tied] (60 entries) Component PascalFunL
rank: 126127 (59 entries) Wart
rank: 127128 [tied] (55 entries) Locomotive Basic
rank: 127 [tied] (55 entries) VBA
rank: 129 [tied] (54 entries) Ela
rank: 129 [tied] (54 entries) FBSL
rank: 131129 [tied] (5354 entries) BurlesqueVBA
rank: 131132 [tied] (53 entries) DartBurlesque
rank: 131132 [tied] (53 entries) EiffelDart
rank: 134 132 [tied] (5253 entries) Modula-2Eiffel
rank: 135 [tied] (5052 entries) APLModula-2
rank: 135136 [tied] (5051 entries) FALSEAPL
rank: 137136 [tied] (4951 entries) Lang5ColdFusion
rank: 137138 [tied] (4950 entries) MetafontFALSE
rank: 137139 [tied] (49 entries) OpenEdge/ProgressBefunge
rank: 137139 [tied] (49 entries) RascalLang5
rank: 141 139 [tied] (4849 entries) ValaMetafont
rank: 142139 [tied] (4749 entries) BefungeOpenEdge/Progress
rank: 142139 [tied] (4749 entries) TokaRascal
rank: 144 (4548 entries) Inform 7Vala
rank: 145 (4447 entries) JoyToka
rank: 146 [tied] (4345 entries) DcInform 7
rank: 146147 [tied] (4344 entries) WortelJoy
rank: 146148 [tied] (43 entries) X86 AssemblyDc
rank: 149148 [tied] (4243 entries) ColdFusionWortel
rank: 149148 [tied] (4243 entries) VisualX86 BasicAssembly
rank: 151 [tied] (4142 entries) AikidoVisual Basic
rank: 151152 [tied] (41 entries) PowerBASICAikido
rank: 151152 [tied] (41 entries) TorqueScriptPowerBASIC
rank: 151152 [tied] (41 entries) YorickTorqueScript
rank: 155 152 [tied] (4041 entries) VYorick
rank: 156 [tied] (3940 entries) BASIC256V
rank: 156157 [tied] (39 entries) LFEBASIC256
rank: 156157 [tied] (39 entries) SASLFE
rank: 156157 [tied] (39 entries) UnixPipesSAS
rank: 160157 [tied] (3839 entries) LisaacUnixPipes
rank: 160157 [tied] (3839 entries) Oberon-2XSLT
rank: 162 [tied] (3638 entries) FunLLisaac
rank: 163 162 [tied] (3438 entries) RLaBOberon-2
rank: 164 (3334 entries) ElenaRLaB
rank: 165 [tied] (3233 entries) AmigaEElena
rank: 165166 [tied] (32 entries) BabelAmigaE
rank: 165166 [tied] (32 entries) C ShellBabel
rank: 165166 [tied] (32 entries) EGLC Shell
rank: 165166 [tied] (32 entries) REALbasicEGL
rank: 165166 [tied] (32 entries) XSLTREALbasic
rank: 171 (31 entries) GML
rank: 172 [tied] (30 entries) Chapel
Line 243:
rank: 225 [tied] (14 entries) Inform 6
rank: 225 [tied] (14 entries) Openscad
rank: 232225 [tied] (1314 entries) 0815Whitespace
rank: 232233 [tied] (13 entries) ATS0815
rank: 232233 [tied] (13 entries) GemaATS
rank: 232233 [tied] (13 entries) KonsolScriptGema
rank: 232233 [tied] (13 entries) WhitespaceJq
rank: 237233 [tied] (1213 entries) AxiomKonsolScript
rank: 237238 [tied] (12 entries) BrlcadAxiom
rank: 237238 [tied] (12 entries) ClayBrlcad
rank: 237238 [tied] (12 entries) EsClay
rank: 237238 [tied] (12 entries) GosuEs
rank: 237238 [tied] (12 entries) KotlinGosu
rank: 237238 [tied] (12 entries) LaTeXKotlin
rank: 237238 [tied] (12 entries) Object PascalLaTeX
rank: 237238 [tied] (12 entries) PlainTeXObject Pascal
rank: 237238 [tied] (12 entries) SystemVerilogPlainTeX
rank: 237238 [tied] (12 entries) UnlambdaSystemVerilog
rank: 237238 [tied] (12 entries) VHDLUnlambda
rank: 237238 [tied] (12 entries) VorpalVHDL
rank: 250238 [tied] (1112 entries) BCPLVorpal
rank: 250251 [tied] (11 entries) CLIPSBCPL
rank: 250251 [tied] (11 entries) CocoCLIPS
rank: 250251 [tied] (11 entries) ElixirCoco
rank: 250251 [tied] (11 entries) GechoElixir
rank: 250251 [tied] (11 entries) GenyrisGecho
rank: 250251 [tied] (11 entries) SPARKGenyris
rank: 250251 [tied] (11 entries) ScratchSPARK
rank: 250251 [tied] (11 entries) ShinyScratch
rank: 250251 [tied] (11 entries) TSE SALShiny
rank: 250251 [tied] (11 entries) XQueryTSE SAL
rank: 261251 [tied] (1011 entries) App InventorXQuery
rank: 261262 [tied] (10 entries) AsymptoteApp Inventor
rank: 261262 [tied] (10 entries) ElisaAsymptote
rank: 261262 [tied] (10 entries) HyCurry
rank: 261262 [tied] (10 entries) MathprogElisa
rank: 261262 [tied] (10 entries) NiueHy
rank: 261262 [tied] (10 entries) WraplMathprog
rank: 268262 [tied] (910 entries) 360 AssemblyNiue
rank: 268262 [tied] (910 entries) 4DOS BatchOOC
rank: 268262 [tied] (910 entries) AloreWrapl
rank: 268271 [tied] (9 entries) Curry360 Assembly
rank: 268271 [tied] (9 entries) Eero4DOS Batch
rank: 268271 [tied] (9 entries) Integer BASICAlore
rank: 268271 [tied] (9 entries) LLVMEero
rank: 268271 [tied] (9 entries) LiveCodeInteger BASIC
rank: 268271 [tied] (9 entries) LotusScriptLLVM
rank: 268271 [tied] (9 entries) MonteLiveCode
rank: 268271 [tied] (9 entries) NSISLotusScript
rank: 268271 [tied] (9 entries) Pure DataMonte
rank: 268271 [tied] (9 entries) SIMPOLNSIS
rank: 268271 [tied] (9 entries) ScilabPure Data
rank: 282271 [tied] (89 entries) 4DSIMPOL
rank: 282271 [tied] (89 entries) AgdaScilab
rank: 282284 [tied] (8 entries) Dylan.NET4D
rank: 282284 [tied] (8 entries) ECAgda
rank: 282284 [tied] (8 entries) FanDylan.NET
rank: 282284 [tied] (8 entries) LhoghoEC
rank: 282284 [tied] (8 entries) MBSFan
rank: 282284 [tied] (8 entries) PIRLhogho
rank: 282284 [tied] (8 entries) POV-RayMBS
rank: 282284 [tied] (8 entries) PietPIR
rank: 282284 [tied] (8 entries) ProcessingPOV-Ray
rank: 282284 [tied] (8 entries) TIScriptPiet
rank: 282284 [tied] (8 entries) Z80 AssemblyProcessing
rank: 295284 [tied] (78 entries) 6800 AssemblyTIScript
rank: 295284 [tied] (78 entries) 8086Z80 Assembly
rank: 295297 [tied] (7 entries) AmbientTalk6800 Assembly
rank: 295297 [tied] (7 entries) Arbre8086 Assembly
rank: 295297 [tied] (7 entries) BlastAmbientTalk
rank: 295297 [tied] (7 entries) BooArbre
rank: 295297 [tied] (7 entries) CobraBlast
rank: 295297 [tied] (7 entries) CoqBoo
rank: 295297 [tied] (7 entries) CrackCobra
rank: 295297 [tied] (7 entries) DCLCoq
rank: 295297 [tied] (7 entries) EgisonCrack
rank: 295297 [tied] (7 entries) KiteDCL
rank: 295297 [tied] (7 entries) MIPS AssemblyEgison
rank: 295297 [tied] (7 entries) MySQLF
rank: 295297 [tied] (7 entries) PurityKite
rank: 295297 [tied] (7 entries) QMIPS Assembly
rank: 295297 [tied] (7 entries) RPGMySQL
rank: 295297 [tied] (7 entries) RhopePurity
rank: 295297 [tied] (7 entries) SuperColliderQ
rank: 295297 [tied] (7 entries) Transact-SQLRPG
rank: 315297 [tied] (67 entries) ANTLRRhope
rank: 315297 [tied] (67 entries) AgenaSuperCollider
rank: 315297 [tied] (67 entries) BlitzMaxTransact-SQL
rank: 315318 [tied] (6 entries) C++/CLIANTLR
rank: 315318 [tied] (6 entries) C1RAgena
rank: 315318 [tied] (6 entries) CatBlitzMax
rank: 315318 [tied] (6 entries) Dodo0C++/CLI
rank: 315318 [tied] (6 entries) FC1R
rank: 315318 [tied] (6 entries) FexlCat
rank: 315318 [tied] (6 entries) FregeDodo0
rank: 315318 [tied] (6 entries) HQ9+Fexl
rank: 315318 [tied] (6 entries) IntercalFrege
rank: 315318 [tied] (6 entries) JavaFX ScriptHQ9+
rank: 315318 [tied] (6 entries) LispIntercal
rank: 315318 [tied] (6 entries) OxygeneJavaFX Script
rank: 315318 [tied] (6 entries) PASMLisp
rank: 315318 [tied] (6 entries) SquirrelOxygene
rank: 315318 [tied] (6 entries) µC++PASM
rank: 333318 [tied] (56 entries) ALGOL 60Squirrel
rank: 333318 [tied] (56 entries) ARM AssemblyµC++
rank: 333335 [tied] (5 entries) ArcALGOL 60
rank: 333335 [tied] (5 entries) BraceARM Assembly
rank: 333335 [tied] (5 entries) Commodore BASICArc
rank: 333335 [tied] (5 entries) DMSBrace
rank: 333335 [tied] (5 entries) DelugeCommodore BASIC
rank: 333335 [tied] (5 entries) ELLADMS
rank: 333335 [tied] (5 entries) FeriteDeluge
rank: 333335 [tied] (5 entries) GEORGEELLA
rank: 333335 [tied] (5 entries) HopeFerite
rank: 333335 [tied] (5 entries) JAMES II/Rule-based Cellular AutomataGEORGE
rank: 333335 [tied] (5 entries) JCLHope
rank: 333335 [tied] (5 entries) L++JAMES II/Rule-based Cellular Automata
rank: 333335 [tied] (5 entries) NekoJCL
rank: 333335 [tied] (5 entries) OPLL++
rank: 333335 [tied] (5 entries) OccamNeko
rank: 333335 [tied] (5 entries) PDP-11 AssemblyOPL
rank: 333335 [tied] (5 entries) PSQLOccam
rank: 333335 [tied] (5 entries) QuillPDP-11 Assembly
rank: 333335 [tied] (5 entries) S-langPSQL
rank: 333335 [tied] (5 entries) Script BasicQuill
rank: 333335 [tied] (5 entries) SisalS-lang
rank: 333335 [tied] (5 entries) TPPScript Basic
rank: 333335 [tied] (5 entries) Visual PrologSisal
rank: 333335 [tied] (5 entries) WheneverTPP
rank: 333335 [tied] (5 entries) XProcVisual Prolog
rank: 333335 [tied] (5 entries) XSLT 2.0Whenever
rank: 333335 [tied] (5 entries) XTalkXProc
rank: 333335 [tied] (5 entries) ZPLXTalk
rank: 363335 [tied] (45 entries) 80386 AssemblyZPL
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) ALGOL80386 WAssembly
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) Agda2ALGOL W
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) AlgaeAgda2
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) BifernoAlgae
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) BoriBiferno
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) Clipper/XBase++Bori
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) ESQLClipper/XBase++
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) ElastiCESQL
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) FPElastiC
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) FortressFP
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) GleeFortress
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) Go!Glee
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) HLAGo!
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) HeronHLA
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) HyperTalkHeron
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) Informix 4GLHyperTalk
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) IptscraeInformix 4GL
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) JScript.NETIptscrae
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) JoCamlJScript.NET
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) JudoScriptJoCaml
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) LilypondJudoScript
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) MUFLilypond
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) MetapostMUF
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) MythrylMetapost
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) OmegaMoonScript
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) OnyxMythryl
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) RPL/2Omega
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) RTL/2Onyx
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) SMEQLRPL/2
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) SageRTL/2
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) SelfSMEQL
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) ShenSage
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) SparklingSelf
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) StreamItShen
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) TecoSparkling
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) ThyrdStreamIt
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) TwelfTeco
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) VerilogThyrd
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) Visual ObjectsTwelf
rank: 363364 [tied] (4 entries) ZEDVerilog
rank: 404364 [tied] (34 entries) .QLVisual Objects
rank: 404364 [tied] (34 entries) 8XSLT 1/2.0
rank: 404364 [tied] (34 entries) 8080 AssemblyZED
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) A+.QL
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) ALGOL8 1/2
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) AMPL8080 Assembly
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) ANTA+
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) ASPALGOL
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) ASP.NetAMPL
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) Alice MLANT
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) Application MasterASP
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) AspectC++ASP.Net
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) AspectJAlice ML
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) AxumApplication Master
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) BAspectC++
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) BattlestarAspectJ
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) BetaAxum
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) C0HB
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) CB80Battlestar
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) CamlBeta
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) CecilC0H
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) CilkCB80
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) Cilk++Caml
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) DatalogCecil
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) DieselCilk
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) ElanCilk++
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) EulerDatalog
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) FAUSTDiesel
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) FPIElan
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) FeatureC++Euler
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) FelixFAUST
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) FreeMatFPI
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) GenteeFeatureC++
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) GlagolFelix
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) GooFreeMat
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) GriGentee
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) IdrisGlagol
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) JabacoGoo
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) KayaGri
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) KeyList DatabasingIdris
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) L.in.oleumJabaco
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) Lotus 123 Macro ScriptingKaya
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) LoutKeyList Databasing
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) LushL.in.oleum
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) M680x0Lotus 123 Macro Scripting
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) ME10 macroLout
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) MGSLush
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) MaudeM680x0
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) MirelleME10 macro
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) MythonMGS
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) N/t/roffMaude
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) NQPMirelle
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) NetLogoMython
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) NiceN/t/roff
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) OpenC++NQP
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) PL/MNetLogo
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) PLUSNice
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) PLZ/SYSOpenC++
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) PPC AssemblyPL/M
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) PPLPLUS
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) Pentium AssemblyPLZ/SYS
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) PotionPPC Assembly
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) PowerbuilderPPL
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) QuakeCPentium Assembly
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) RLSLPotion
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) RTSLPowerbuilder
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) RefalQuakeC
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) SPARC AssemblyRLSL
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) Script3DRTSL
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) SheerPower 4GLRefal
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) SimulaSPARC Assembly
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) SnobolScript3D
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) SuperbaseSheerPower BASIC4GL
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) TALSimula
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) TeLaSnobol
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) ThistleSuperbase BASIC
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) TuringTAL
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) UScriptTeLa
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) UserRPLThistle
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) VB6Turing
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) VRMLUScript
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) WMLUserRPL
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) XBaseVB6
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) XSLT 1.0VRML
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) XULWML
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) YacasXBase
rank: 404407 [tied] (3 entries) ZonnonXUL
rank: 491407 [tied] (23 entries) 68000 AssemblyYacas
rank: 491407 [tied] (23 entries) BMLZonnon
rank: 491493 [tied] (2 entries) CHR68000 Assembly
rank: 491493 [tied] (2 entries) CduceBML
rank: 491493 [tied] (2 entries) GLBasicCHR
rank: 491493 [tied] (2 entries) GLSLCduce
rank: 491493 [tied] (2 entries) MoonScriptGLBasic
rank: 491493 [tied] (2 entries) OOCGLSL
rank: 491493 [tied] (2 entries) OOCalc
rank: 491493 [tied] (2 entries) Perl5i
rank: 491493 [tied] (2 entries) ToffeeScript
rank: 491493 [tied] (2 entries) XL
rank: 503493 [tied] (12 entryentries) XSLT Apricot1.0
rank: 503504 [tied] (1 entry) CafeOBJApricot
rank: 503504 [tied] (1 entry) ChucKCafeOBJ
rank: 503504 [tied] (1 entry) ElmChucK
rank: 503504 [tied] (1 entry) Jacquard LoomElm
rank: 503504 [tied] (1 entry) KamailioJacquard ScriptLoom
rank: 503504 [tied] (1 entry) LiveScriptKamailio Script
rank: 503504 [tied] (1 entry) MAPPERLiveScript
rank: 503504 [tied] (1 entry) MELMAPPER
rank: 503504 [tied] (1 entry) NeatMEL
rank: 503504 [tied] (1 entry) NewtonScriptNeat
rank: 503504 [tied] (1 entry) NickleNewtonScript
rank: 503504 [tied] (1 entry) OpaNickle
rank: 503504 [tied] (1 entry) PL/pgSQLOpa
rank: 503504 [tied] (1 entry) ParePL/pgSQL
rank: 503504 [tied] (1 entry) QorePare
rank: 503504 [tied] (1 entry) RapiraQore
rank: 503504 [tied] (1 entry) ScriptBasicRapira
rank: 503504 [tied] (1 entry) SoarScriptBasic
rank: 503504 [tied] (1 entry) SoneKing AssemblySoar
rank: 503504 [tied] (1 entry) SupernovaSoneKing Assembly
rank: 503504 [tied] (1 entry) TestMLSupernova
rank: 503504 [tied] (1 entry) VoxTestML
rank: 503504 [tied] (1 entry) XPath 2.0Vox
rank: 503504 [tied] (1 entry) XanaduXPath 2.0
rank: 504 [tied] (1 entry) Xanadu
☼ end-of-list. ☼