RC POP.OUT: Difference between revisions

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(→‎RC_POP.OUT: updated the number of languages. -- ~~~~)
m (→‎output: updated the ranking of the languages. -- ~~~~)
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════════════════════════timestamp: 12 Nov 2013 12:13pm════════════════════════
═════════════════════════timestamp: 2 Nov 2013 1:53am═════════════════════════
557 records read from file: RC_POP.LAN
35753583 records read from file: RC_POP.CAT
500 (total) number of languages detected, 500 languages found with number of entries ≥ 0
rank: 1 (759760 entries) Tcl
rank: 2 (724 entries) Racket
rank: 3 (707708 entries) Python
rank: 4 (672681 entries) C
rank: 5 (643644 entries) J
rank: 6 (tied) (635636 entries) Perl 6
rank: 7 6 (tied) (632636 entries) DPicoLisp
rank: 8 (627632 entries) PicoLispD
rank: 9 (617621 entries) Ruby
rank: 10 (610 entries) Go
rank: 11 (579584 entries) Perl
rank: 12 (574 entries) Ada
rank: 13 (566 entries) Mathematica
rank: 14 (556557 entries) Haskell
rank: 15 (546549 entries) REXX
rank: 16 (524 entries) Java
rank: 17 (521 entries) BBC BASIC
Line 38:
rank: 24 (437 entries) C Sharp
rank: 25 (430 entries) AutoHotkey
rank: 26 (407415 entries) Erlang
rank: 27 (385393 entries) Scala
rank: 28 (384 entries) JavaScript
rank: 29 (369370 entries) Clojure
rank: 30 (358360 entries) PARI/GP
rank: 31 (337 entries) R
rank: 32 (335 entries) Lua
rank: 33 (330331 entries) Seed7
rank: 34 (tied) (328329 entries) ALGOLF 68Sharp
rank: 3435 (tied) (328 entries) PHP
rank: 36 35 (tied) (323328 entries) ForthALGOL 68
rank: 37 (321327 entries) FortranForth
rank: 38 (319321 entries) F SharpFortran
rank: 39 (tied) (310318 entries) PascalPL/I
rank: 3940 (tied) (310313 entries) Groovy
rank: 41 (308312 entries) PL/IPascal
rank: 42 (303 entries) XPL0
rank: 43 (301 entries) MATLAB
rank: 44 (293 entries) Liberty BASIC
rank: 45 (286 entries) Octave
rank: 46 (280284 entries) AWK
rank: 47 (278 entries) Oz
rank: 48 (274275 entries) Factor
rank: 49 (272 entries) E
rank: 50 (tied) (266267 entries) NetRexx
rank: 5051 (tied) (266 entries) Run BASIC
rank: 52 (257 entries) Scheme
rank: 53 (226227 entries) Delphi
rank: 54 (218 entries) Smalltalk
rank: 55 (216 entries) Euphoria
rank: 56 (209210 entries) UNIX ShellBASIC
rank: 57 (207209 entries) ObjeckUNIX Shell
rank: 58 (205207 entries) BASICObjeck
rank: 59 (201202 entries) Maxima
rank: 60 (198201 entries) PrologLasso
rank: 61 (196200 entries) UrsalaProlog
rank: 62 (187196 entries) LogoUrsala
rank: 63 (185187 entries) PowerShellLogo
rank: 64 (183185 entries) CoffeeScriptPowerShell
rank: 65 (178184 entries) BracmatCoffeeScript
rank: 66 (tied) (156179 entries) HicEstBracmat
rank: 6667 (tied) (156 entries) GAPHicEst
rank: 6867 (tied) (153156 entries) FantomGAP
rank: 6869 (tied) (153154 entries) COBOLJulia
rank: 70 69 (tied) (149154 entries) NemerleCOBOL
rank: 71 (147153 entries) TUSCRIPTFantom
rank: 72 (146149 entries) Standard MLNemerle
rank: 73 (145147 entries) OOREXXTUSCRIPT
rank: 74 (tied) (140146 entries) Objective-COOREXX
rank: 7574 (tied) (126146 entries) REBOLStandard ML
rank: 7576 (tied) (126140 entries) SlateObjective-C
rank: 77 (tied) (115126 entries) Modula-3Slate
rank: 7877 (tied) (111126 entries) AimeREBOL
rank: 7879 (tied) (111115 entries) RetroModula-3
rank: 80 (tied) (109111 entries) JuliaAime
rank: 81 80 (tied) (108111 entries) Visual Basic .NETRetro
rank: 82 (107108 entries) ActionScriptVisual Basic .NET
rank: 83 (106107 entries) Vedit macro languageActionScript
rank: 84 (103106 entries) PikeVedit macro language
rank: 85 (102103 entries) MUMPSPike
rank: 86 (100102 entries) DWScriptMUMPS
rank: 87 (tied) (99100 entries) ACL2DWScript
rank: 8788 (tied) (99 entries) K
rank: 89 88 (tied) (9899 entries) SNOBOL4ACL2
rank: 90 (9598 entries) Pop11SNOBOL4
rank: 91 (9495 entries) TI-89 BASICPop11
rank: 92 (9094 entries) PostScriptTI-89 BASIC
rank: 93 (8990 entries) MAPLEPostScript
rank: 94 (8789 entries) MAXScriptMAPLE
rank: 95 (7887 entries) ZX Spectrum BasicMAXScript
rank: 96 (7778 entries) RavenZX Spectrum Basic
rank: 97 (7677 entries) M4Raven
rank: 98 (7576 entries) TXRM4
rank: 99 (7274 entries) Batch FileTXR
rank: 100 (7172 entries) NewLISPBatch File
rank: 101 (7071 entries) AutoITNewLISP
rank: 102 (tied) (6970 entries) SatherNimrod
rank: 103 102 (tied) (6870 entries) LogtalkAutoIT
rank: 104 (tied) (6569 entries) OxygenBasicSather
rank: 104105 (tied) (6568 entries) VBScriptLogtalk
rank: 106 (tied) (6465 entries) LabVIEWVBScript
rank: 106 (tied) (6465 entries) NimrodOxygenBasic
rank: 108 (tied) (6364 entries) IDLLabVIEW
rank: 108109 (tied) (63 entries) Brat
rank: 110 109 (tied) (6263 entries) TI-83 BASICIDL
rank: 111 (6162 entries) AppleScriptTI-83 BASIC
rank: 112 (tied) (6061 entries) Component PascalAppleScript
rank: 112113 (tied) (60 entries) IoComponent Pascal
rank: 112113 (tied) (60 entries) MercuryIo
rank: 115 113 (tied) (5760 entries) MK-61/52Mercury
rank: 116 (5559 entries) Locomotive BasicWart
rank: 117 (5458 entries) ElaApplesoft BASIC
rank: 118 (tied) (5356 entries) BurlesqueMK-61/52
rank: 118119 (tied) (5355 entries) WartLocomotive Basic
rank: 120 (tied) (5254 entries) Emacs LispEla
rank: 120121 (tied) (5253 entries) Modula-2Burlesque
rank: 122121 (tied) (5153 entries) LassoFBSL
rank: 122123 (tied) (5152 entries) EiffelModula-2
rank: 124123 (tied) (5052 entries) APLEmacs Lisp
rank: 124125 (tied) (5051 entries) FALSEEiffel
rank: 126 (tied) (4950 entries) RascalAPL
rank: 126 (tied) (4950 entries) Lang5FALSE
rank: 126128 (tied) (49 entries) Metafont
rank: 129128 (tied) (4849 entries) ValaRascal
rank: 129128 (tied) (4849 entries) Applesoft BASICLang5
rank: 129131 (tied) (48 entries) OpenEdge/Progress
rank: 132131 (tied) (4748 entries) FBSLVala
rank: 132133 (tied) (47 entries) Toka
rank: 134 (tied) (45 entries) Inform 7
rank: 134 (tied) (45 entries) Befunge
Line 167:
rank: 152 (tied) (38 entries) Lisaac
rank: 152 (tied) (38 entries) SAS
rank: 155 (3637 entries) LFETorqueScript
rank: 156 (tied) (3436 entries) Déjá VuLFE
rank: 156157 (tied) (34 entries) RLaBDéjá Vu
rank: 158157 (tied) (3234 entries) C ShellRLaB
rank: 158159 (tied) (32 entries) AmigaE
rank: 158159 (tied) (32 entries) EGLC Shell
rank: 161159 (tied) (3132 entries) ElenaEGL
rank: 161162 (tied) (31 entries) XSLTElena
rank: 161162 (tied) (31 entries) GUISSXSLT
rank: 164162 (tied) (3031 entries) TorqueScriptGUISS
rank: 164165 (tied) (30 entries) Sed
rank: 164165 (tied) (30 entries) Qi
rank: 164165 (tied) (30 entries) Chapel
rank: 168 (29 entries) MIRC Scripting Language
rank: 169 (tied) (28 entries) GML
rank: 169 (tied) (28 entries) CMakeRust
rank: 169 (tied) (28 entries) ABAP
rank: 169 (tied) (28 entries) Caché ObjectScript
rank: 180169 (tied) (2528 entries) SQLCMake
rank: 169 (tied) (28 entries) Order
rank: 174175 (tied) (27 entries) RustREALbasic
rank: 174175 (tied) (27 entries) REALbasicNial
rank: 174175 (tied) (27 entries) NialBrainf***
rank: 174175 (tied) (27 entries) Brainf***Clean
rank: 174175 (tied) (27 entries) CleanSQL
rank: 179180 (26 entries) Salmon
rank: 180181 (tied) (25 entries) PL/SQL
rank: 180 (tied) (25 entries) SQL
rank: 182 (tied) (24 entries) Mirah
rank: 182 (tied) (24 entries) Trith
Line 212:
rank: 198 (tied) (21 entries) PHL
rank: 198 (tied) (21 entries) Argile
rank: 200 (2019 entries) RapidQ
rank: 201 (tied) (18 entries) Babel
rank: 201 (tied) (18 entries) Fancy
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rank: 228 (tied) (12 entries) Gosu
rank: 228 (tied) (12 entries) PlainTeX
rank: 228 (tied) (12 entries) SystemVerilogHarbour
rank: 228 (tied) (12 entries) Brlcad
rank: 228 (tied) (12 entries) Unlambda
rank: 228 (tied) (12 entries) Axiom
rank: 228 (tied) (12 entries) Clay
rank: 237228 (tied) (1112 entries) SPARKSystemVerilog
rank: 237238 (tied) (11 entries) VHDLSPARK
rank: 237238 (tied) (11 entries) LaTeXVHDL
rank: 237238 (tied) (11 entries) TSE SAL
rank: 237238 (tied) (11 entries) Shiny
rank: 237238 (tied) (11 entries) GechoLaTeX
rank: 237238 (tied) (11 entries) GenyrisGecho
rank: 237238 (tied) (11 entries) CLIPS
rank: 237238 (tied) (11 entries) BCPL
rank: 237238 (tied) (11 entries) Scratch
rank: 247238 (tied) (1011 entries) Object PascalGenyris
rank: 247248 (tied) (10 entries) Mathprog
rank: 247248 (tied) (10 entries) Elisa
rank: 247248 (tied) (10 entries) NiueObject Pascal
rank: 247248 (tied) (10 entries) Wrapl
rank: 247248 (tied) (10 entries) XQuery
rank: 247248 (tied) (10 entries) AsymptoteNiue
rank: 254248 (tied) (910 entries) EeroAsymptote
rank: 254255 (tied) (9 entries) Alore
rank: 254255 (tied) (9 entries) NSIS
rank: 254255 (tied) (9 entries) 4DOS BatchEero
rank: 254255 (tied) (9 entries) LiveCode
rank: 254255 (tied) (9 entries) SIMPOL
rank: 254255 (tied) (9 entries) Integer4DOS BASICBatch
rank: 254255 (tied) (9 entries) FInteger BASIC
rank: 254255 (tied) (9 entries) LotusScriptElixir
rank: 263255 (tied) (89 entries) LhoghoLotusScript
rank: 263255 (tied) (89 entries) HarbourF
rank: 263265 (tied) (8 entries) ElixirMBS
rank: 263265 (tied) (8 entries) Piet
rank: 263265 (tied) (8 entries) AgdaLhogho
rank: 263265 (tied) (8 entries) PIR
rank: 263265 (tied) (8 entries) LLVM
rank: 263265 (tied) (8 entries) Fan
rank: 263265 (tied) (8 entries) TIScriptAgda
rank: 263265 (tied) (8 entries) EC
rank: 263265 (tied) (8 entries) POV-Ray
rank: 263265 (tied) (8 entries) 4D
rank: 263265 (tied) (8 entries) Dylan.NETTIScript
rank: 263265 (tied) (8 entries) MBSDylan.NET
rank: 277 (tied) (7 entries) SuperCollider
rank: 277 (tied) (7 entries) AmbientTalk
rank: 277 (tied) (7 entries) 6800 Assembly
rank: 277 (tied) (7 entries) Commodore BASICRhope
rank: 277 (tied) (7 entries) Cobra
rank: 277 (tied) (7 entries) Boo
Line 299:
rank: 277 (tied) (7 entries) MySQL
rank: 277 (tied) (7 entries) Purity
rank: 277 (tied) (7 entries) Rhope
rank: 277 (tied) (7 entries) Crack
rank: 277 (tied) (7 entries) RhopeBlast
rank: 277 (tied) (7 entries) Curry
rank: 277 (tied) (7 entries) MIPS Assembly
rank: 277 (tied) (7 entries) BlastQ
rank: 277 (tied) (7 entries) Arbre
rank: 277293 (tied) (76 entries) QBlitzMax
rank: 294293 (tied) (6 entries) BlitzMaxCat
rank: 294293 (tied) (6 entries) Transact-SQLCommodore BASIC
rank: 294293 (tied) (6 entries) Coq
rank: 294293 (tied) (6 entries) CatHQ9+
rank: 294293 (tied) (6 entries) Processing
rank: 294293 (tied) (6 entries) ANTLR
rank: 294293 (tied) (6 entries) HQ9+Transact-SQL
rank: 294293 (tied) (6 entries) Deluge
rank: 294293 (tied) (6 entries) Frege
rank: 294293 (tied) (6 entries) Z80 Assembly
rank: 294293 (tied) (6 entries) INTERCAL
rank: 294293 (tied) (6 entries) C++/CLI
rank: 294293 (tied) (6 entries) Squirrel
rank: 294293 (tied) (6 entries) Fexl
rank: 294293 (tied) (6 entries) RPG
rank: 294293 (tied) (6 entries) C1R
rank: 294293 (tied) (6 entries) Agena
rank: 294293 (tied) (6 entries) Dodo0
rank: 294293 (tied) (6 entries) JavaFX Script
rank: 294293 (tied) (6 entries) PASM
rank: 294293 (tied) (6 entries) µC++
rank: 294293 (tied) (6 entries) Lisp
rank: 316 (tied) (5 entries) XSLT 2.0
rank: 316 (tied) (5 entries) XTalk
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rank: 478 (tied) (1 entry) Kotlin
rank: 478 (tied) (1 entry) MAPPER
rank: 478 (tied) (1 entry) Vim Script
☼ end-of-list. ☼