RC POP.OUT: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎output: changed the name of one language to Ascii-8. -- ~~~~)
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This is the output file from the   '''RC_POP.REX'''   (REXX)   program which is used to solve the programming task:
<br><br>This file contains the complete ranking of all &nbsp; '''479481''' &nbsp; languages used on ''Rosetta Code'' as per the ''Languages'' page.
<pre style="overflow:scroll">
════════════════════════timestamp: 2630 Mar 2013 62:25pm═════════════════════════01pm═════════════════════════
529532 records read from file: RC_POP.LAN
33283323 records read from file: RC_POP.CAT
479481 (total) number of languages detected, 479481 languages found with number of entries ≥ 0
rank: 1 (717718 entries) Tcl
rank: 2 (663664 entries) Python
rank: 3 (643646 entries) C
rank: 4 (626 entries) PicoLisp
rank: 5 (622 entries) J
rank: 6 (tied) (587 entries) GoRuby
rank: 76 (tied) (587 entries) RubyGo
rank: 8 (584585 entries) D
rank: 9 (568 entries) Perl 6
rank: 10 (564565 entries) Ada
rank: 11 (554555 entries) Mathematica
rank: 12 (535 entries) Perl
rank: 13 (532 entries) Haskell
rank: 14 (514 entries) BBC BASIC
rank: 15 (504505 entries) REXX
rank: 16 (491 entries) Java
rank: 17 (478480 entries) OCaml
rank: 18 (469 entries) PureBasic
rank: 19 (462 entries) Unicon
rank: 20 (430 entries) AutoHotkey
rank: 21 (429 entries) Icon
rank: 22 (425 entries) Common Lisp
rank: 23 (421 entries) C Sharp
rank: 24 (401 entries) C++
rank: 25 (367 entries) JavaScript
rank: 26 (343 entries) Clojure
rank: 27 (342 entries) Scala
rank: 28 (341 entries) PARI/GP
rank: 29 (326 entries) R
rank: 30 (324 entries) Lua
rank: 31 (316 entries) PHP
rank: 32 (314 entries) ALGOL 68
rank: 33 (312 entries) Forth
rank: 34 (305 entries) Pascal
rank: 35 (296 entries) Groovy
rank: 36 (294295 entries) XPL0
rank: 37 (292 entries) Liberty BASIC
rank: 38 (288 entries) Fortran
rank: 39 (277 entries) Oz
rank: 40 (275 entries) PL/I
rank: 41 (272 entries) E
rank: 42 (270 entries) Seed7
rank: 43 (260 entries) MATLAB
rank: 44 (259 entries) Factor
rank: 45 (253 entries) Scheme
rank: 46 (246249 entries) Run BASIC
rank: 47 (235 entries) Octave
rank: 48 (231 entries) AWK
rank: 49 (226 entries) Delphi
rank: 50 (216 entries) Smalltalk
rank: 51 (tied) (215 entries) EuphoriaRacket
rank: 5251 (tied) (212215 entries) F SharpEuphoria
rank: 53 (tied) (209214 entries) NetRexx
rank: 5453 (tied) (207214 entries) RacketF Sharp
rank: 55 (tied) (199 entries) BASIC
rank: 5655 (tied) (199 entries) Erlang
rank: 57 (197 entries) UNIX Shell
rank: 58 (196 entries) Ursala
rank: 59 (188 entries) Objeck
rank: 60 (186 entries) Prolog
rank: 61 (185 entries) Maxima
rank: 62 (183 entries) Logo
rank: 63 (175 entries) PowerShell
rank: 64 (168 entries) CoffeeScript
rank: 65 (156 entries) HicEst
rank: 66 (153 entries) Fantom
rank: 67 (147 entries) TUSCRIPT
rank: 68 (146 entries) Bracmat
rank: 69 (tied) (138 entries) Objective-CStandard ML
rank: 7069 (tied) (138 entries) Standard MLObjective-C
rank: 71 (133134 entries) GAPOOREXX
rank: 72 (133 entries) OOREXXGAP
rank: 73 (126 entries) Slate
rank: 74 (125 entries) REBOL
rank: 75 (115 entries) Modula-3
rank: 76 (111 entries) Retro
rank: 77 (108 entries) Visual Basic .NET
rank: 78 (107 entries) ActionScript
rank: 79 (103 entries) Pike
rank: 80 (102 entries) Vedit macro language
rank: 81 (101 entries) MUMPS
rank: 82 (tied) (99 entries) K
rank: 8382 (tied) (99 entries) DWScriptACL2
rank: 8482 (tied) (99 entries) ACL2DWScript
rank: 85 (98 entries) SNOBOL4
rank: 86 (94 entries) Pop11
rank: 87 (93 entries) TI-89 BASIC
rank: 88 (91 entries) Nemerle
rank: 89 (89 entries) PostScript
rank: 90 (88 entries) MAXScript
rank: 91 (87 entries) MAPLE
rank: 92 (78 entries) ZX Spectrum Basic
rank: 93 (tied) (75 entries) M4TXR
rank: 9493 (tied) (75 entries) TXRM4
rank: 95 (71 entries) NewLISP
rank: 96 (tied) (69 entries) AutoIT
rank: 9796 (tied) (69 entries) Sather
rank: 98 (68 entries) Batch File
rank: 99 (tied) (65 entries) OxygenBasic
rank: 100 99 (tied) (65 entries) VBScript
rank: 101 (64 entries) LabVIEW
rank: 102 (6263 entries) TI-83 BASICJulia
rank: 103 (6162 entries) BratTI-83 BASIC
rank: 104 (tied) (61 entries) IDLBrat
rank: 105104 (tied) (5961 entries) AppleScriptIDL
rank: 106 (5659 entries) JuliaAppleScript
rank: 107 (56 entries) Mercury
rank: 108 (5455 entries) ElaIo
rank: 109 (54 entries) IoEla
rank: 110 (5253 entries) Burlesque
rank: 111 (52 entries) Locomotive Basic
rank: 112 (51 entries) Modula-2
rank: 113 (tied) (49 entries) MetafontRascal
rank: 114113 (tied) (49 entries) RascalMetafont
rank: 115 (tied) (48 entries) OpenEdge/Progress
rank: 116115 (tied) (48 entries) Lang5
rank: 117 (tied) (47 entries) TokaMK-61/52
rank: 118117 (tied) (4647 entries) FALSEToka
rank: 119 (46 entries) MK-61/52FALSE
rank: 120 (45 entries) Inform 7
rank: 121 (tied) (44 entries) Joy
rank: 122121 (tied) (4344 entries) BC
rank: 123 (tied) (43 entries) BefungeFrink
rank: 124123 (tied) (43 entries) ValaBefunge
rank: 125123 (tied) (4243 entries) FrinkVala
rank: 126 (tied) (42 entries) Eiffel
rank: 127126 (tied) (42 entries) APL
rank: 128 (tied) (41 entries) Raven
rank: 129128 (tied) (41 entries) Aikido
rank: 130128 (tied) (41 entries) Yorick
rank: 131 (tied) (40 entries) V
rank: 132131 (tied) (40 entries) Emacs LispDc
rank: 133131 (tied) (40 entries) DcVisual Basic
rank: 134131 (tied) (40 entries) X86 Assembly
rank: 135131 (tied) (40 entries) VisualEmacs BasicLisp
rank: 136 (tied) (39 entries) UnixPipesPowerBASIC
rank: 137136 (tied) (39 entries) PowerBASICUnixPipes
rank: 138 (tied) (38 entries) VBAColdFusion
rank: 139138 (tied) (38 entries) LisaacVBA
rank: 140138 (tied) (38 entries) ColdFusionDart
rank: 141138 (tied) (38 entries) DartLisaac
rank: 142 (tied) (37 entries) COBOLOberon-2
rank: 143142 (tied) (37 entries) Oberon-2COBOL
rank: 144 (36 entries) Euler Math Toolbox
rank: 145 (tied) (34 entries) Nimrod
rank: 146145 (tied) (34 entries) RLaB
rank: 147145 (tied) (34 entries) SAS
rank: 148 (33 entries) Aime
rank: 149 (tied) (32 entries) EGL
rank: 150149 (tied) (32 entries) C Shell
rank: 151 (tied) (31 entries) XSLT
rank: 152151 (tied) (31 entries) AmigaE
rank: 153151 (tied) (31 entries) GUISSBASIC256
rank: 154151 (tied) (31 entries) BASIC256GUISS
rank: 155 (tied) (30 entries) ElenaQi
rank: 156155 (tied) (30 entries) QiElena
rank: 157 (tied) (29 entries) MIRC Scripting Language
rank: 158157 (tied) (29 entries) Sed
rank: 159157 (tied) (29 entries) Logtalk
rank: 160 (tied) (28 entries) CMakeTorqueScript
rank: 161160 (tied) (28 entries) TorqueScriptCMake
rank: 162 (tied) (27 entries) OrderNial
rank: 163162 (tied) (27 entries) NialBrainf***
rank: 164162 (tied) (27 entries) ABAP
rank: 165162 (tied) (27 entries) Brainf***Order
rank: 166 (tied) (26 entries) GML
rank: 167166 (tied) (26 entries) Salmon
rank: 168166 (tied) (26 entries) Clean
rank: 169 (tied) (24 entries) MirahTrith
rank: 170169 (tied) (24 entries) TrithPL/SQL
rank: 171169 (tied) (24 entries) PL/SQLMirah
rank: 172 (tied) (23 entries) REALbasic
rank: 173172 (tied) (23 entries) Applesoft BASIC
rank: 174172 (tied) (23 entries) SNUSPIoke
rank: 175172 (tied) (23 entries) IokeSNUSP
rank: 176172 (tied) (23 entries) ML/I
rank: 177 (tied) (22 entries) SuneidoProDOS
rank: 178177 (tied) (22 entries) Golfscript
rank: 179177 (tied) (22 entries) FalconGW-BASIC
rank: 180177 (tied) (22 entries) HaXe
rank: 181177 (tied) (22 entries) ProDOSSuneido
rank: 182177 (tied) (22 entries) GW-BASICFalcon
rank: 183 (tied) (21 entries) Argile
rank: 184183 (tied) (21 entries) SQL
rank: 185183 (tied) (21 entries) Protium
rank: 186183 (tied) (21 entries) 6502 Assembly
rank: 187 (tied) (20 entries) GnuplotLOLCODE
rank: 188187 (tied) (1920 entries) RapidQGnuplot
rank: 189 (19 entries) LOLCODERapidQ
rank: 190 (tied) (18 entries) FancyChef
rank: 191190 (tied) (18 entries) ChefPure
rank: 192190 (tied) (18 entries) PureBabel
rank: 193190 (tied) (18 entries) BabelFancy
rank: 194 (tied) (17 entries) MMIXEfene
rank: 195194 (tied) (17 entries) EfeneMMIX
rank: 196194 (tied) (17 entries) MOO
rank: 197 (tied) (16 entries) Gambas
rank: 198197 (tied) (16 entries) LSL
rank: 199197 (tied) (16 entries) SETL
rank: 200 (tied) (15 entries) Lucid
rank: 201200 (tied) (15 entries) LSE64
rank: 202 (tied) (14 entries) AssemblyOpenscad
rank: 203202 (tied) (14 entries) OpenscadAssembly
rank: 204202 (tied) (14 entries) Inform 6
rank: 205202 (tied) (14 entries) Friendly interactive shellDao
rank: 206202 (tied) (1314 entries) MakeFriendly interactive shell
rank: 207 (tied) (13 entries) GemaMake
rank: 208207 (tied) (13 entries) DaoRust
rank: 209207 (tied) (13 entries) RustKonsolScript
rank: 210207 (tied) (13 entries) Dylan
rank: 211207 (tied) (13 entries) KonsolScriptATS
rank: 212207 (tied) (13 entries) ATSGema
rank: 213207 (tied) (1213 entries) ClayWhitespace
rank: 214 (tied) (12 entries) SystemVerilogDéjá Vu
rank: 215214 (tied) (12 entries) UnlambdaFish
rank: 216214 (tied) (12 entries) AxiomClay
rank: 217214 (tied) (12 entries) FishPlainTeX
rank: 218214 (tied) (12 entries) PlainTeXBrlcad
rank: 219214 (tied) (12 entries) VorpalSystemVerilog
rank: 220214 (tied) (12 entries) EsAxiom
rank: 221214 (tied) (12 entries) BrlcadUnlambda
rank: 222214 (tied) (12 entries) Déjá VuVorpal
rank: 223214 (tied) (12 entries) WhitespaceEs
rank: 224 (tied) (11 entries) LaTeXGecho
rank: 225224 (tied) (11 entries) CLIPS
rank: 226224 (tied) (11 entries) SPARKVHDL
rank: 227224 (tied) (11 entries) VHDLTSE SAL
rank: 228224 (tied) (11 entries) ShinyBCPL
rank: 229224 (tied) (11 entries) BCPLScratch
rank: 230224 (tied) (11 entries) GosuCaché ObjectScript
rank: 231224 (tied) (11 entries) GenyrisSPARK
rank: 232224 (tied) (11 entries) GechoF
rank: 233224 (tied) (11 entries) ScratchGosu
rank: 234224 (tied) (11 entries) FShiny
rank: 235224 (tied) (11 entries) TSE SALLaTeX
rank: 236224 (tied) (1011 entries) Object PascalGenyris
rank: 237 (tied) (10 entries) Component PascalMathprog
rank: 238237 (tied) (10 entries) ElisaXQuery
rank: 239237 (tied) (10 entries) NiueObject Pascal
rank: 240237 (tied) (10 entries) WraplElisa
rank: 241237 (tied) (10 entries) XQueryComponent Pascal
rank: 242237 (tied) (10 entries) MathprogNiue
rank: 243237 (tied) (910 entries) AloreWrapl
rank: 244 (tied) (9 entries) SIMPOLInteger BASIC
rank: 245244 (tied) (9 entries) Caché ObjectScriptNSIS
rank: 246244 (tied) (9 entries) LotusScript
rank: 247244 (tied) (9 entries) NSISSIMPOL
rank: 248244 (tied) (9 entries) 4DOS Batch
rank: 249244 (tied) (9 entries) Integer BASICAlore
rank: 250 (tied) (8 entries) Fan4D
rank: 251250 (tied) (8 entries) PIREC
rank: 252250 (tied) (8 entries) ECFan
rank: 253250 (tied) (8 entries) PietTIScript
rank: 254250 (tied) (8 entries) TIScriptLLVM
rank: 255250 (tied) (8 entries) Dylan.NETPIR
rank: 256250 (tied) (8 entries) 4DPiet
rank: 257250 (tied) (8 entries) POV-RayMBS
rank: 258250 (tied) (8 entries) AgdaDylan.NET
rank: 259250 (tied) (8 entries) MBSAgda
rank: 260250 (tied) (8 entries) LLVMPOV-Ray
rank: 261 (tied) (7 entries) KiteClipper
rank: 262261 (tied) (7 entries) AsymptoteQ
rank: 263261 (tied) (7 entries) 8086 AssemblyPurity
rank: 264261 (tied) (7 entries) BooKite
rank: 265261 (tied) (7 entries) ArbreAmbientTalk
rank: 266261 (tied) (7 entries) SuperColliderCrack
rank: 267261 (tied) (7 entries) ClipperCurry
rank: 268261 (tied) (7 entries) CobraRhope
rank: 269261 (tied) (7 entries) QSuperCollider
rank: 270261 (tied) (7 entries) BlastAsymptote
rank: 271261 (tied) (7 entries) MIPS AssemblyBoo
rank: 272261 (tied) (7 entries) CurryArbre
rank: 273261 (tied) (7 entries) Rhope8086 Assembly
rank: 274261 (tied) (7 entries) PurityBlast
rank: 275261 (tied) (67 entries) RPGCobra
rank: 276261 (tied) (67 entries) HQ9+MIPS Assembly
rank: 277 (tied) (6 entries) FregeFexl
rank: 278277 (tied) (6 entries) C1RDeluge
rank: 279277 (tied) (6 entries) SquirrelRPG
rank: 280277 (tied) (6 entries) FexlSquirrel
rank: 281277 (tied) (6 entries) CrackZ80 Assembly
rank: 282277 (tied) (6 entries) Z80 AssemblyPASM
rank: 283277 (tied) (6 entries) Transact-SQLFrege
rank: 284277 (tied) (6 entries) AmbientTalkHQ9+
rank: 285277 (tied) (6 entries) CatC1R
rank: 286277 (tied) (6 entries) AgenaDCL
rank: 287277 (tied) (6 entries) JavaFX ScriptTransact-SQL
rank: 288277 (tied) (6 entries) PASM0815
rank: 289277 (tied) (6 entries) C++/CLIAgena
rank: 290277 (tied) (6 entries) DelugeDodo0
rank: 291277 (tied) (6 entries) INTERCALC++/CLI
rank: 292277 (tied) (6 entries) DCLµC++
rank: 293277 (tied) (6 entries) Dodo0INTERCAL
rank: 294277 (tied) (6 entries) µC++JavaFX Script
rank: 295277 (tied) (56 entries) BlitzMaxCat
rank: 296 (tied) (5 entries) Script6800 BasicAssembly
rank: 297296 (tied) (5 entries) 6800JAMES II/Rule-based Cellular AssemblyAutomata
rank: 298296 (tied) (5 entries) WheneverBrace
rank: 299296 (tied) (5 entries) QuillScript Basic
rank: 300296 (tied) (5 entries) JAMES II/RuleS-based Cellular Automatalang
rank: 301296 (tied) (5 entries) XSLTALGOL 2.060
rank: 302296 (tied) (5 entries) ZPLXProc
rank: 303296 (tied) (5 entries) HopeXTalk
rank: 304296 (tied) (5 entries) FeriteBlitzMax
rank: 305296 (tied) (5 entries) LispANTLR
rank: 306296 (tied) (5 entries) S-langDMS
rank: 307296 (tied) (5 entries) XTalkJCL
rank: 308296 (tied) (5 entries) BraceQuill
rank: 309296 (tied) (5 entries) XProcWhenever
rank: 310296 (tied) (5 entries) JCLHope
rank: 311296 (tied) (5 entries) ELLASisal
rank: 312296 (tied) (5 entries) ProcessingXSLT 2.0
rank: 313296 (tied) (5 entries) ALGOL 60Processing
rank: 314296 (tied) (5 entries) ANTLRFerite
rank: 315296 (tied) (5 entries) DMSOccam
rank: 316296 (tied) (5 entries) SisalLisp
rank: 317296 (tied) (5 entries) CoqELLA
rank: 318296 (tied) (5 entries) OxygeneCoq
rank: 319296 (tied) (5 entries) OccamPSQL
rank: 320296 (tied) (5 entries) PSQLZPL
rank: 321296 (tied) (5 entries) TPPOxygene
rank: 322296 (tied) (45 entries) FPTPP
rank: 323 (tied) (4 entries) JoCamlMUF
rank: 324323 (tied) (4 entries) MUFLimbo
rank: 325323 (tied) (4 entries) HLAClipper/XBase++
rank: 326323 (tied) (4 entries) ThyrdSage
rank: 327323 (tied) (4 entries) Visual ObjectsSelf
rank: 328323 (tied) (4 entries) 360 AssemblyRevolution
rank: 329323 (tied) (4 entries) StreamItLilypond
rank: 330323 (tied) (4 entries) SageMetapost
rank: 331323 (tied) (4 entries) AlgaeOnyx
rank: 332323 (tied) (4 entries) Clipper/XBase++Bori
rank: 333323 (tied) (4 entries) TecoElastiC
rank: 334323 (tied) (4 entries) LilypondMySQL
rank: 335323 (tied) (4 entries) Fortress80386 Assembly
rank: 336323 (tied) (4 entries) GleeVisual Objects
rank: 337323 (tied) (4 entries) MetapostJudoScript
rank: 338323 (tied) (4 entries) MythrylVerilog
rank: 339323 (tied) (4 entries) MySQLAgda2
rank: 340323 (tied) (4 entries) IptscraeESQL
rank: 341323 (tied) (4 entries) SMEQLHeron
rank: 342323 (tied) (4 entries) PDP-11 AssemblyHLA
rank: 343323 (tied) (4 entries) ElastiCMPIF90
rank: 344323 (tied) (4 entries) RPL/2StreamIt
rank: 345323 (tied) (4 entries) SelfMythryl
rank: 346323 (tied) (4 entries) MPIF90Informix 4GL
rank: 347323 (tied) (4 entries) LimboThyrd
rank: 348323 (tied) (4 entries) JScript.NETGlee
rank: 349323 (tied) (4 entries) OPLElixir
rank: 350323 (tied) (4 entries) ElixirGo!
rank: 351323 (tied) (4 entries) ANTLhogho
rank: 352323 (tied) (4 entries) BifernoRTL/2
rank: 353323 (tied) (4 entries) 80386 AssemblyFP
rank: 354323 (tied) (4 entries) HeronJoCaml
rank: 355323 (tied) (4 entries) TwelfIptscrae
rank: 356323 (tied) (4 entries) Omega
rank: 357323 (tied) (4 entries) VerilogBiferno
rank: 358323 (tied) (4 entries) OnyxTwelf
rank: 359323 (tied) (4 entries) JudoScriptAlgae
rank: 360323 (tied) (4 entries) GDLOPL
rank: 361323 (tied) (4 entries) Agda2PDP-11 Assembly
rank: 362323 (tied) (4 entries) Go!GDL
rank: 363323 (tied) (4 entries) RevolutionRPL/2
rank: 364323 (tied) (4 entries) RTL/2SMEQL
rank: 365323 (tied) (4 entries) BoriJScript.NET
rank: 366323 (tied) (4 entries) Informix360 4GLAssembly
rank: 367323 (tied) (4 entries) LhoghoFortress
rank: 368323 (tied) (4 entries) ESQLALGOL W
rank: 369323 (tied) (4 entries) C0HANT
rank: 370323 (tied) (4 entries) ALGOL WTeco
rank: 371 (tied) (3 entries) UserRPLDatalog
rank: 372371 (tied) (3 entries) FelixQuakeC
rank: 373371 (tied) (3 entries) SPARCPPC Assembly
rank: 374371 (tied) (3 entries) SuperbaseME10 BASICmacro
rank: 375371 (tied) (3 entries) DatalogSimula
rank: 376371 (tied) (3 entries) BAlice ML
rank: 377371 (tied) (3 entries) XSLTSPARC 1.0Assembly
rank: 378371 (tied) (3 entries) QuakeCFreeMat
rank: 379371 (tied) (3 entries) KeyList DatabasingB
rank: 380371 (tied) (3 entries) YacasAxum
rank: 381371 (tied) (3 entries) FAUSTMSSQL
rank: 382371 (tied) (3 entries) PLZ/SYSZED
rank: 383371 (tied) (3 entries) ThistleJabaco
rank: 384371 (tied) (3 entries) KayaVB6
rank: 385371 (tied) (3 entries) Alice MLUserRPL
rank: 386371 (tied) (3 entries) L.in.oleumK3d
rank: 387371 (tied) (3 entries) Application MasterZonnon
rank: 388371 (tied) (3 entries) SheerPower 4GLNQP
rank: 389371 (tied) (3 entries) CilkWML
rank: 390371 (tied) (3 entries) Pentium AssemblyRTSL
rank: 391371 (tied) (3 entries) FreeMatKeyList Databasing
rank: 392371 (tied) (3 entries) ME10Pentium macroAssembly
rank: 393371 (tied) (3 entries) JabacoMGS
rank: 394371 (tied) (3 entries) GenteeL.in.oleum
rank: 395371 (tied) (3 entries) CamlFelix
rank: 396371 (tied) (3 entries) FPIFAUST
rank: 397371 (tied) (3 entries) VB6Superbase BASIC
rank: 398371 (tied) (3 entries) PLUSLout
rank: 399371 (tied) (3 entries) MSARM SQLAssembly
rank: 400371 (tied) (3 entries) PL/MMS SQL
rank: 401371 (tied) (3 entries) NetLogoPL/M
rank: 402371 (tied) (3 entries) LoutPPL
rank: 403371 (tied) (3 entries) Pure DataCaml
rank: 404371 (tied) (3 entries) SnobolPLUS
rank: 405371 (tied) (3 entries) VRMLPLZ/SYS
rank: 406371 (tied) (3 entries) PPC AssemblyNetLogo
rank: 407371 (tied) (3 entries) SimulaSnobol
rank: 408371 (tied) (3 entries) TuringRLSL
rank: 409371 (tied) (3 entries) HyperTalkXBase
rank: 410371 (tied) (3 entries) ElanCB80
rank: 411371 (tied) (3 entries) WMLYacas
rank: 412371 (tied) (3 entries) K3dPure Data
rank: 413371 (tied) (3 entries) OpenC++Refal
rank: 414371 (tied) (3 entries) MythonOpenC++
rank: 415371 (tied) (3 entries) Script3DKaya
rank: 416371 (tied) (3 entries) EulerThistle
rank: 417371 (tied) (3 entries) Cilk++Turing
rank: 418371 (tied) (3 entries) GooHyperTalk
rank: 419371 (tied) (3 entries) BetaTAL
rank: 420371 (tied) (3 entries) Lotus 123 Macro ScriptingUScript
rank: 421371 (tied) (3 entries) RLSLGoo
rank: 422371 (tied) (3 entries) ZEDLotus 123 Macro Scripting
rank: 423371 (tied) (3 entries) DieselCecil
rank: 424371 (tied) (3 entries) TALVRML
rank: 425371 (tied) (3 entries) PPLTeLa
rank: 426371 (tied) (3 entries) NQPScript3D
rank: 427371 (tied) (3 entries) ASP.Net
rank: 428371 (tied) (3 entries) ASPGentee
rank: 429371 (tied) (3 entries) AxumMython
rank: 430371 (tied) (3 entries) ARM AssemblyAspectC++
rank: 431371 (tied) (3 entries) NiceM680x0
rank: 432371 (tied) (3 entries) UScriptDiesel
rank: 433371 (tied) (3 entries) AMPLFPI
rank: 434371 (tied) (3 entries) AspectJFeatureC++
rank: 435371 (tied) (3 entries) XBaseC0H
rank: 436371 (tied) (3 entries) AspectC++AspectJ
rank: 437371 (tied) (3 entries) ALGOLScilab
rank: 438371 (tied) (3 entries) MGSALGOL
rank: 439371 (tied) (3 entries) M680x0N/t/roff
rank: 440371 (tied) (3 entries) FeatureC++XSLT 1.0
rank: 441371 (tied) (3 entries) N/t8 1/roff2
rank: 442371 (tied) (3 entries) Refal.QL
rank: 443371 (tied) (3 entries) 8080SheerPower Assembly4GL
rank: 444371 (tied) (3 entries) CecilASP
rank: 445371 (tied) (3 entries) TeLaLush
rank: 446371 (tied) (3 entries) MSSQLCilk++
rank: 447371 (tied) (3 entries) CB80Application Master
rank: 448371 (tied) (3 entries) MirelleBeta
rank: 449371 (tied) (3 entries) Scilab8080 Assembly
rank: 450371 (tied) (3 entries) .QLCilk
rank: 451371 (tied) (3 entries) ZonnonElan
rank: 452371 (tied) (3 entries) A+
rank: 453371 (tied) (3 entries) 8 1/2AMPL
rank: 454371 (tied) (3 entries) LushMirelle
rank: 455371 (tied) (3 entries) RTSLNice
rank: 456371 (tied) (23 entries) CduceEuler
rank: 457 (tied) (2 entries) ExcelCduce
rank: 458457 (tied) (2 entries) OOCalc
rank: 459457 (tied) (2 entries) OOCXL
rank: 460457 (tied) (2 entries) XULGLBasic
rank: 461457 (tied) (2 entries) XLExcel
rank: 462457 (tied) (2 entries) GLBasicXUL
rank: 463457 (tied) (12 entries) NickleOOC
rank: 464 (tied) (1 entries) Visual PrologNickle
rank: 465464 (tied) (1 entries) UBASICNeko
rank: 466464 (tied) (1 entries) KotlinNeat
rank: 467464 (tied) (1 entries) NeatChapel
rank: 468464 (tied) (1 entries) MELUBASIC
rank: 469464 (tied) (1 entries) NekoQore
rank: 470464 (tied) (1 entries) SupernovaJacquard Loom
rank: 471464 (tied) (1 entries) QoreKotlin
rank: 472464 (tied) (1 entries) OpaMEL
rank: 473464 (tied) (1 entries) MAPPERVox
rank: 474464 (tied) (1 entries) MoonScriptMAPPER
rank: 475464 (tied) (1 entries) ScriptBasicOpa
rank: 476464 (tied) (1 entries) XanaduMoonScript
rank: 477464 (tied) (1 entries) SoarVisual Prolog
rank: 478464 (tied) (1 entries) VoxScriptBasic
rank: 479464 (tied) (1 entries) ChapelXanadu
rank: 464 (tied) (1 entries) Supernova
rank: 464 (tied) (1 entries) Soar
☼ end-of-list. ☼