RC POP.OUT: Difference between revisions

1,679 bytes added ,  6 years ago
→‎output, sorted by programming language: updated the sorted list of computer programming languages alphabetically.
(→‎output, sorted by rank: updated the ranking of the computer programming languages by popularity.)
m (→‎output, sorted by programming language: updated the sorted list of computer programming languages alphabetically.)
Line 728:
===output, sorted by programming language===
════════════════════════timestamp: 1415 May 2018 612:40pm═════════════════════════47pm════════════════════════
932 records read from file: RC_POP.LAN
6,465 records read from file: RC_POP.CAT
662663 (total) number of languages detected in the category file,
694 " " " " " " " language " ,
5758,940949 (total) number of entries detected.
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) .QL
rank: 283284 [tied] (17 entries) 0815
rank: 9596 (171 entries) 360 Assembly
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) 4D
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) 4DOS Batch
rank: 214215 [tied] (34 entries) 6502 Assembly
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) 6800 Assembly
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) 68000 Assembly
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) 8 1/2
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) 80386 Assembly
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) 8051 Assembly
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) 8080 Assembly
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) 8086 Assembly
rank: 142143 [tied] (81 entries) 8th
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) A+
rank: 174175 (54 entries) ABAP
rank: 131132 (100 entries) ACL2
rank: 623624 [tied] (1 entry) Action!
rank: 113114 (121 entries) ActionScript
rank: 2324 (649 entries) Ada
rank: 343344 [tied] (10 entries) Agda
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) Agda2
rank: 228229 [tied] (30 entries) Agena
rank: 193194 [tied] (41 entries) Aikido
rank: 103104 (148 entries) Aime
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) Algae
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) ALGOL
rank: 289290 [tied] (16 entries) ALGOL 60
rank: 3536 (542 entries) ALGOL 68
rank: 105106 (144 entries) ALGOL W
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) ALGOL-M
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) Alice ML
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) Alore
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) AmbientTalk
rank: 209210 [tied] (35 entries) AmigaE
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) AMPL
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) ANT
rank: 251252 [tied] (25 entries) AntLang
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) ANTLR
rank: 197198 [tied] (40 entries) APEX
rank: 132133 (98 entries) APL
rank: 343344 [tied] (10 entries) App Inventor
rank: 8384 (214 entries) AppleScript
rank: 110111 (129 entries) Applesoft BASIC
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) Application Master
rank: 623624 [tied] (1 entry) Apricot
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) Arbre
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) Arc
rank: 332333 [tied] (11 entries) Arendelle
rank: 267268 [tied] (21 entries) Argile
rank: 261262 [tied] (22 entries) ARM Assembly
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) ASP
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) ASP.Net
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) AspectC++
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) AspectJ
rank: 275276 [tied] (20 entries) Assembly
rank: 256257 [tied] (23 entries) Astro
rank: 343344 [tied] (10 entries) Asymptote
rank: 185186 [tied] (46 entries) ATS
rank: 2526 (621 entries) AutoHotkey
rank: 133134 [tied] (96 entries) AutoIt
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) AutoLISP
rank: 4748 (420 entries) AWK
rank: 136137 [tied] (93 entries) Axe
rank: 304305 [tied] (14 entries) Axiom
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) Axum
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) B
rank: 623624 [tied] (1 entry) B4J
rank: 206207 (37 entries) Babel
rank: 117118 [tied] (116 entries) BaCon
rank: 7374 [tied] (264 entries) BASIC
rank: 189190 (44 entries) BASIC256
rank: 8788 (202 entries) Batch File
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) Battlestar
rank: 3132 (559 entries) BBC BASIC
rank: 141142 (85 entries) BC
rank: 332333 [tied] (11 entries) BCPL
rank: 267268 [tied] (21 entries) Beeswax
rank: 109110 (130 entries) Befunge
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) Beta
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) Biferno
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) Blast
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) BlitzMax
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) BML
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) Boo
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) Bori
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) Brace
rank: 6465 (288 entries) Bracmat
rank: 207208 [tied] (36 entries) Brainf***
rank: 159160 (68 entries) Brat
rank: 317318 [tied] (12 entries) Brlcad
rank: 169170 (59 entries) Burlesque
rank: 56 (899 entries) C
rank: 2223 (651 entries) C sharp
rank: 214215 [tied] (34 entries) C Shell
rank: 2021 (677678 entries) C++
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) C++/CLI
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) C0H
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) C1R
rank: 214215 [tied] (34 entries) Caché ObjectScript
rank: 623624 [tied] (1 entry) CafeOBJ
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) Caml
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) Cat
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) CB80
rank: 594595 [tied] (2 entries) Cduce
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) Cecil
rank: 144145 (80 entries) Ceylon
rank: 209210 [tied] (35 entries) Chapel
rank: 275276 [tied] (20 entries) Chef
rank: 623624 [tied] (1 entry) CHR
rank: 278279 [tied] (19 entries) ChucK
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) Cilk
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) Cilk++
rank: 623624 [tied] (1 entry) Clarion
rank: 317318 [tied] (12 entries) Clay
rank: 245246 [tied] (26 entries) Clean
rank: 245246 [tied] (26 entries) Clipper
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) Clipper/XBase++
rank: 332333 [tied] (11 entries) CLIPS
rank: 2829 [tied] (572573 entries) Clojure
rank: 236237 [tied] (28 entries) CMake
rank: 7374 [tied] (264 entries) COBOL
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) Cobra
rank: 332333 [tied] (11 entries) Coco
rank: 8283 (215 entries) CoffeeScript
rank: 167168 (61 entries) ColdFusion
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) Comal
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) Comefrom0x10
rank: 182183 [tied] (48 entries) Commodore BASIC
rank: 2122 (653 entries) Common Lisp
rank: 149150 [tied] (75 entries) Component Pascal
rank: 312313 [tied] (13 entries) Computer/zero Assembly
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) Coq
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) Crack
rank: 228229 [tied] (30 entries) Crystal
rank: 343344 [tied] (10 entries) Curry
rank: 910 (860 entries) D
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) Dafny
rank: 304305 [tied] (14 entries) Dao
rank: 154155 (72 entries) Dart
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) Datalog
rank: 178179 [tied] (50 entries) Dc
rank: 182183 [tied] (48 entries) DCL
rank: 623624 [tied] (1 entry) DDNC
rank: 7879 (253 entries) Delphi
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) Deluge
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) Diesel
rank: 623624 [tied] (1 entry) DIV Games Studio
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) DM
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) DMS
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) Dodo0
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) DUP
rank: 130131 (104 entries) DWScript
rank: 283284 [tied] (17 entries) Dylan
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) Dylan.NET
rank: 127128 [tied] (105 entries) Déjà Vu
rank: 7071 (272 entries) E
rank: 343344 [tied] (10 entries) EC
rank: 6162 [tied] (305 entries) EchoLisp
rank: 236237 [tied] (28 entries) ECL
rank: 289290 [tied] (16 entries) EDSAC order code
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) Eero
rank: 283284 [tied] (17 entries) Efene
rank: 317318 [tied] (12 entries) Egel
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) Egison
rank: 222223 [tied] (32 entries) EGL
rank: 101102 (151 entries) Eiffel
rank: 156157 [tied] (69 entries) Ela
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) Elan
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) ElastiC
rank: 7980 (238 entries) Elena
rank: 343344 [tied] (10 entries) Elisa
rank: 3940 (513 entries) Elixir
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) ELLA
rank: 209210 [tied] (35 entries) Elm
rank: 116117 (117 entries) Emacs Lisp
rank: 4041 (489 entries) Erlang
rank: 9293 (183 entries) ERRE
rank: 317318 [tied] (12 entries) Es
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) ESQL
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) Euler
rank: 8081 (232 entries) Euphoria
rank: 304305 [tied] (14 entries) Ezhil
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) F
rank: 4142 (486 entries) F Sharp
rank: 4950 (409 entries) Factor
rank: 203204 [tied] (38 entries) Falcon
rank: 175176 (53 entries) FALSE
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) Fan
rank: 280281 [tied] (18 entries) Fancy
rank: 100101 (153 entries) Fantom
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) FAUST
rank: 171172 [tied] (56 entries) FBSL
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) FeatureC++
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) Felix
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) Ferite
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) Fexl
rank: 297298 [tied] (15 entries) Fish
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) FOCAL
rank: 623624 [tied] (1 entry) FormulaOne
rank: 4546 (434 entries) Forth
rank: 3233 (551 entries) Fortran
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) Fortress
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) FP
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) FPI
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) Free Pascal
rank: 4344 (458 entries) FreeBASIC
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) FreeMat
rank: 332333 [tied] (11 entries) Frege
rank: 289290 [tied] (16 entries) Friendly interactive shell
rank: 127128 [tied] (105 entries) Frink
rank: 623624 [tied] (1 entry) FRISC Assembly
rank: 139140 [tied] (91 entries) FunL
rank: 214215 [tied] (34 entries) Futhark
rank: 148149 (76 entries) FutureBasic
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) FUZE BASIC
rank: 9394 (174 entries) GAMBAS
rank: 9697 [tied] (159 entries) GAP
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) Gastona
rank: 332333 [tied] (11 entries) Gecho
rank: 297298 [tied] (15 entries) Gema
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) Gentee
rank: 317318 [tied] (12 entries) Genyris
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) GEORGE
rank: 280281 [tied] (18 entries) GFA Basic
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) Glagol
rank: 594595 [tied] (2 entries) GLBasic
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) Glee
rank: 594595 [tied] (2 entries) GLSL
rank: 214215 [tied] (34 entries) GML
rank: 222223 [tied] (32 entries) Gnuplot
rank: 1112 (842 entries) Go
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) Go!
rank: 261262 [tied] (22 entries) Golfscript
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) Golo
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) Goo
rank: 267268 [tied] (21 entries) Gosu
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) Gri
rank: 5354 (392 entries) Groovy
rank: 228229 [tied] (30 entries) GUISS
rank: 207208 [tied] (36 entries) GW-BASIC
rank: 594595 [tied] (2 entries) Hack
rank: 317318 [tied] (12 entries) Halon
rank: 203204 [tied] (38 entries) Harbour
rank: 1213 [tied] (827 entries) Haskell
rank: 245246 [tied] (26 entries) Haxe
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) Heron
rank: 9899 (156 entries) HicEst
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) HLA
rank: 193194 [tied] (41 entries) HolyC
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) Hoon
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) Hope
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) HPPPL
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) HQ9+
rank: 283284 [tied] (17 entries) Huginn
rank: 240241 [tied] (27 entries) Hy
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) HyperTalk
rank: 222223 [tied] (32 entries) I
rank: 3738 (532 entries) Icon
rank: 165166 (63 entries) IDL
rank: 261262 [tied] (22 entries) Idris
rank: 304305 [tied] (14 entries) Inform 6
rank: 185186 [tied] (46 entries) Inform 7
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) Informix 4GL
rank: 332333 [tied] (11 entries) Integer BASIC
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) Intercal
rank: 136137 [tied] (93 entries) Io
rank: 256257 [tied] (23 entries) Ioke
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) Iptscrae
rank: 357358 [tied] (9 entries) IWBASIC
rank: 67 (891 entries) J
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) Jabaco
rank: 594595 [tied] (2 entries) Jack
rank: 623624 [tied] (1 entry) Jacquard Loom
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) JAMES II/Rule-based Cellular Automata
rank: 89 (870 entries) Java
rank: 418419 [tied] (6 entries) JavaFX Script
rank: 2627 (591 entries) JavaScript
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) JCL
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) JoCaml
rank: 594595 [tied] (2 entries) JOVIAL
rank: 188189 (45 entries) Joy
rank: 4445 (457 entries) Jq
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) JScript.NET
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) JudoScript
rank: 1516 (777 entries) Julia
rank: 115116 (118 entries) K
rank: 623624 [tied] (1 entry) Kamailio Script
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) Kaya
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) KeyList Databasing
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) Kite
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) Kitten
rank: 267268 [tied] (21 entries) Klong
rank: 312313 [tied] (13 entries) KonsolScript
rank: 438 [tied]1 (51006 entries) L++Kotlin
rank: 515439 [tied] (35 entries) L.in.oleum++
rank: 162516 [tied] (653 entries) LabVIEWL.in.oleum
rank: 623163 [tied] (165 entryentries) Lambda PrologLabVIEW
rank: 343624 [tied] (101 entriesentry) Lambdatalk Lambda Prolog
rank: 180344 [tied] (4910 entries) Lang5Lambdatalk
rank: 75 181 [tied] (25949 entries) LassoLang5
rank: 312 76 [tied] (13259 entries) LaTeXLasso
rank: 377313 [tied] (813 entries) LC3 AssemblyLaTeX
rank: 146378 [tied] (778 entries) LFELC3 Assembly
rank: 377147 [tied] (877 entries) LhoghoLFE
rank: 57 378 [tied] (3348 entries) Liberty BASICLhogho
rank: 623 58 [tied] (1 entry) LibreOffice(334 entries) Liberty BasicBASIC
rank: 357624 [tied] (91 entriesentry) Lily LibreOffice Basic
rank: 438358 [tied] (59 entries) LilyPondLily
rank: 240439 [tied] (275 entries) LimboLilyPond
rank: 89 241 [tied] (19427 entries) LingoLimbo
rank: 203 90 [tied] (38194 entries) LisaacLingo
rank: 418204 [tied] (638 entries) LispLisaac
rank: 111 419 [tied] (1276 entries) LiveCodeLisp
rank: 515112 [tied] (3127 entries) LiveScriptLiveCode
rank: 343516 [tied] (103 entries) LLVMLiveScript
rank: 471344 [tied] (410 entries) LobsterLLVM
rank: 173 472 [tied] (554 entries) Locomotive BasicLobster
rank: 174 85 (20655 entries) LogoLocomotive Basic
rank: 149 86 [tied] (75206 entries) LogtalkLogo
rank: 227 150 [tied] (3175 entries) LOLCODELogtalk
rank: 515228 [tied] (3 entries) Lotus 123 Macro(31 entries) ScriptingLOLCODE
rank: 343516 [tied] (103 entries) LotusScriptLotus 123 Macro Scripting
rank: 515344 [tied] (310 entries) LoutLotusScript
rank: 297516 [tied] (153 entries) LSE64Lout
rank: 289298 [tied] (1615 entries) LSLLSE64
rank: 28290 [tied] (57216 entries) LuaLSL
rank: 297 30 [tied] (15572 entries) LucidLua
rank: 357298 [tied] (915 entries) LuckLucid
rank: 594358 [tied] (29 entries) LunaLuck
rank: 471595 [tied] (42 entries) LushLuna
rank: 145 472 [tied] (794 entries) M4Lush
rank: 515146 [tied] (379 entries) M680x0M4
rank: 280516 [tied] (183 entries) MakeM680x0
rank: 594281 [tied] (218 entries) MalbolgeMake
rank: 67595 [tied] (2802 entries) MapleMalbolge
rank: 623 68 [tied] (1280 entryentries) MAPPERMaple
rank: 594624 [tied] (21 entriesentry) MathCortex MAPPER
rank: 18 595 [tied] (7262 entries) MathematicaMathCortex
rank: 343 19 [tied] (10726 entries) MathprogMathematica
rank: 55 344 [tied] (35810 entries) MATLABMathprog
rank: 515 56 [tied] (3358 entries) MaudeMATLAB
rank: 84 516 [tied] (2093 entries) MaximaMaude
rank: 120 85 (115209 entries) MAXScriptMaxima
rank: 377121 [tied] (8115 entries) MBSMAXScript
rank: 515378 [tied] (38 entries) MDLMBS
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) ME10 macroMDL
rank: 623516 [tied] (13 entryentries) ME10 MELmacro
rank: 139624 [tied] (911 entriesentry) Mercury MEL
rank: 178140 [tied] (5091 entries) MetafontMercury
rank: 438179 [tied] (550 entries) MetapostMetafont
rank: 515439 [tied] (35 entries) MGSMetapost
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) MINILMGS
rank: 267595 [tied] (212 entries) MIPS AssemblyMINIL
rank: 253268 [tied] (2421 entries) MirahMIPS Assembly
rank: 233254 [tied] (2924 entries) MIRC Scripting LanguageMirah
rank: 515234 [tied] (329 entries) MirelleMIRC Scripting Language
rank: 142516 [tied] (813 entries) MK-61/52Mirelle
rank: 261143 [tied] (2281 entries) MLMK-61/52
rank: 256262 [tied] (2322 entries) ML/I
rank: 245257 [tied] (2623 entries) MLiteML/I
rank: 283246 [tied] (1726 entries) MMIXMLite
rank: 123284 [tied] (10717 entries) Modula-2MMIX
rank: 114 124 [tied] (119107 entries) Modula-32
rank: 623115 [tied] (1 entry) (119 entries) MondModula-3
rank: 515624 [tied] (31 entriesentry) Monicelli Mond
rank: 623516 [tied] (13 entryentries) MonkeyMonicelli
rank: 357624 [tied] (91 entriesentry) Monte Monkey
rank: 343358 [tied] (109 entries) MontiLangMonte
rank: 283344 [tied] (1710 entries) MOOMontiLang
rank: 418284 [tied] (617 entries) MoonScriptMOO
rank: 357419 [tied] (96 entries) MorfaMoonScript
rank: 594358 [tied] (29 entries) MSX BasicMorfa
rank: 471595 [tied] (42 entries) MUFMSX Basic
rank: 127472 [tied] (1054 entries) MUMPSMUF
rank: 594128 [tied] (2105 entries) MyrtleScriptMUMPS
rank: 357595 [tied] (92 entries) MySQLMyrtleScript
rank: 515358 [tied] (39 entries) MythonMySQL
rank: 471516 [tied] (43 entries) MythrylMython
rank: 297472 [tied] (154 entries) N/t/roffMythryl
rank: 623298 [tied] (115 entryentries) NASLN/t/roff
rank: 623624 [tied] (1 entry) NeatNASL
rank: 317624 [tied] (121 entriesentry) Neko Neat
rank: 102 318 [tied] (15012 entries) NemerleNeko
rank: 377103 [tied] (8150 entries) NESLNemerle
rank: 471378 [tied] (48 entries) NetLogoNESL
rank: 65 472 [tied] (2874 entries) NetRexxNetLogo
rank: 107 66 (137287 entries) NewLISPNetRexx
rank: 623108 [tied] (1 entry) (137 entries) NewtonScriptNewLISP
rank: 377624 [tied] (81 entriesentry) NGS NewtonScript
rank: 240378 [tied] (278 entries) NialNGS
rank: 515241 [tied] (327 entries) NiceNial
rank: 623516 [tied] (13 entryentries) NickleNice
rank: 624 38 [tied] (1 entry) (528 entries) NimNickle
rank: 377 39 [tied] (8528 entries) NitNim
rank: 343378 [tied] (108 entries) NiueNit
rank: 623344 [tied] (110 entryentries) NixNiue
rank: 515624 [tied] (31 entriesentry) NQP Nix
rank: 357516 [tied] (93 entries) NSISNQP
rank: 515358 [tied] (39 entries) OASYSNSIS
rank: 317516 [tied] (123 entries) OASYS Assembler
rank: 117318 [tied] (11612 entries) Oberon-2OASYS Assembler
rank: 72 118 [tied] (268116 entries) ObjeckOberon-2
rank: 312 73 [tied] (13268 entries) Object PascalObjeck
rank: 96313 [tied] (15913 entries) Objective-CObject Pascal
rank: 34 97 [tied] (543159 entries) OCamlObjective-C
rank: 438 35 [tied] (5543 entries) OccamOCaml
rank: 60 439 [tied] (3065 entries) OctaveOccam
rank: 5961 (308306 entries) OforthOctave
rank: 251 60 [tied] (25308 entries) OlOforth
rank: 471252 [tied] (425 entries) OmegaOl
rank: 332472 [tied] (114 entries) OnyxOmega
rank: 304333 [tied] (1411 entries) OOCOnyx
rank: 594305 [tied] (214 entries) OOCalcOOC
rank: 81 595 [tied] (2162 entries) OoRexxOOCalc
rank: 623 82 [tied] (1 entry) Opa(216 entries) OoRexx
rank: 515624 [tied] (31 entriesentry) OpenC++ Opa
rank: 176516 [tied] (513 entries) OpenEdge/ProgressOpenC++
rank: 594177 [tied] (251 entries) OpenLispOpenEdge/Progress
rank: 297595 [tied] (152 entries) OpenscadOpenLisp
rank: 438298 [tied] (515 entries) OPLOpenscad
rank: 236439 [tied] (285 entries) OrderOPL
rank: 162237 [tied] (6528 entries) OxygenBasicOrder
rank: 418163 [tied] (665 entries) OxygeneOxygenBasic
rank: 67419 [tied] (2806 entries) OzOxygene
rank: 317 68 [tied] (12280 entries) PandaOz
rank: 438318 [tied] (512 entries) PanoramicPanda
rank: 623439 [tied] (15 entryentries) ParePanoramic
rank: 624 36 [tied] (1 entry) (534 entries) PARI/GPPare
rank: 4637 (430534 entries) PascalPARI/GP
rank: 418 47 [tied] (6430 entries) PASMPascal
rank: 438419 [tied] (56 entries) PDP-11 AssemblyPASM
rank: 267439 [tied] (215 entries) PelotonPDP-11 Assembly
rank: 515268 [tied] (321 entries) Pentium AssemblyPeloton
rank: 594516 [tied] (23 entries) PeopleCodePentium Assembly
rank: 14 595 [tied] (7992 entries) PerlPeopleCode
rank: 315 (949799 entries) Perl 6
rank: 594 [tied]4 (2949 entries) Perl5iPerl 6
rank: 19 595 [tied] (6832 entries) PhixPerl5i
rank: 256 20 [tied] (23683 entries) PHLPhix
rank: 54 257 [tied] (38723 entries) PHPPHL
rank: 623 55 [tied] (1 entry) Picat(387 entries) PHP
rank: 624 16 [tied] (1 entry) (771 entries) PicoLispPicat
rank: 594 17 [tied] (2771 entries) PictPicoLisp
rank: 317595 [tied] (122 entries) PietPict
rank: 125318 [tied] (10612 entries) PikePiet
rank: 377126 [tied] (8106 entries) PILOTPike
rank: 377378 [tied] (8 entries) PIRPILOT
rank: 52 378 [tied] (4028 entries) PL/IPIR
rank: 438 53 [tied] (5402 entries) PL/MI
rank: 515439 [tied] (35 entries) PL/pgSQLM
rank: 222516 [tied] (323 entries) PL/SQLpgSQL
rank: 236223 [tied] (2832 entries) PlainTeXPL/SQL
rank: 515237 [tied] (328 entries) PLUSPlainTeX
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) PLZ/SYSPLUS
rank: 377516 [tied] (83 entries) PonyPLZ/SYS
rank: 133378 [tied] (968 entries) Pop11Pony
rank: 138 134 [tied] (9296 entries) PostScriptPop11
rank: 245139 [tied] (2692 entries) PotionPostScript
rank: 357246 [tied] (926 entries) POV-RayPotion
rank: 185358 [tied] (469 entries) PowerBASICPOV-Ray
rank: 515186 [tied] (346 entries) PowerbuilderPowerBASIC
rank: 42 268 [tied] (47621 entries) PowerShellPeloton
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) PPCPentium Assembly
rank: 515595 [tied] (32 entries) PPLPeopleCode
rank: 240 15 [tied] (27799 entries) ProcessingPerl
rank: 256 [tied]4 (23949 entries) ProDOSPerl 6
rank: 69 595 [tied] (2772 entries) PrologPerl5i
rank: 438 20 [tied] (5683 entries) PSQLPhix
rank: 267257 [tied] (2123 entries) PurePHL
rank: 312 55 [tied] (13387 entries) Pure DataPHP
rank: 624 33 [tied] (1 entry) (548 entries) PureBasicPicat
rank: 398 17 [tied] (7771 entries) PurityPicoLisp
rank: 515595 [tied] (32 entries) PyretPict
rank: 318 2 [tied] (97712 entries) PythonPiet
rank: 289126 [tied] (16106 entries) QPike
rank: 228378 [tied] (308 entries) QiPILOT
rank: 623378 [tied] (18 entryentries) QorePIR
rank: 515 53 [tied] (3402 entries) QuakeCPL/I
rank: 438439 [tied] (5 entries) QuillPL/M
rank: 438516 [tied] (53 entries) Quite BASICPL/pgSQL
rank: 48 223 [tied] (41032 entries) RPL/SQL
rank: 357237 [tied] (928 entries) RaPlainTeX
rank: 516 1 [tied] (9803 entries) RacketPLUS
rank: 197516 [tied] (403 entries) RapidQPLZ/SYS
rank: 623378 [tied] (18 entryentries) RapiraPony
rank: 180134 [tied] (4996 entries) RascalPop11
rank: 146139 [tied] (7792 entries) RavenPostScript
rank: 209246 [tied] (3526 entries) REALbasicPotion
rank: 594358 [tied] (29 entries) ReasonPOV-Ray
rank: 104 186 [tied] (14546 entries) REBOLPowerBASIC
rank: 160 516 [tied] (673 entries) REDPowerbuilder
rank: 515 43 [tied] (3476 entries) RefalPowerShell
rank: 122 516 [tied] (1113 entries) RetroPPC Assembly
rank: 12516 [tied] (8273 entries) REXXPPL
rank: 398241 [tied] (727 entries) RhopeProcessing
rank: 30 257 [tied] (57123 entries) RINGProDOS
rank: 214 70 [tied] (34278 entries) RLaBProlog
rank: 515439 [tied] (35 entries) RLSLPSQL
rank: 594268 [tied] (221 entries) RoboticPure
rank: 343313 [tied] (1013 entries) RPGPure Data
rank: 623 34 [tied] (1 entry) RPGIV(548 entries) PureBasic
rank: 594399 [tied] (27 entries) RPLPurity
rank: 438516 [tied] (53 entries) RPL/2Pyret
rank: 471 [tied]3 (4977 entries) RTL/2Python
rank: 515290 [tied] (316 entries) RTSLQ
rank: 10 229 [tied] (84930 entries) RubyQi
rank: 58 624 [tied] (3151 entriesentry) Run BASIC Qore
rank: 50516 [tied] (4073 entries) RustQuakeC
rank: 197439 [tied] (405 entries) S-langQuill
rank: 418439 [tied] (65 entries) SageQuite BASIC
rank: 245 49 [tied] (26410 entries) SalmonR
rank: 171358 [tied] (569 entries) SASRa
rank: 156 [tied]2 (69980 entries) SatherRacket
rank: 24 198 [tied] (63140 entries) ScalaRapidQ
rank: 624 56 [tied] (1 entry) (353 entries) SchemeRapira
rank: 161 181 [tied] (6649 entries) ScilabRascal
rank: 267147 [tied] (2177 entries) ScratchRaven
rank: 438210 [tied] (535 entries) Script BasicREALbasic
rank: 515595 [tied] (32 entries) Script3DReason
rank: 594105 [tied] (2145 entries) ScriptBasicREBOL
rank: 209161 [tied] (3567 entries) SedRED
rank: 50516 [tied] (4073 entries) Seed7Refal
rank: 275123 [tied] (20111 entries) SelfRetro
rank: 168 13 [tied] (60827 entries) SequenceLREXX
rank: 398399 [tied] (7 entries) Set langRhope
rank: 202 31 (39571 entries) SETLRING
rank: 471215 [tied] (434 entries) SETL4RLaB
rank: 471516 [tied] (43 entries) SheerPower 4GLRLSL
rank: 289595 [tied] (162 entries) ShenRobotic
rank: 332344 [tied] (1110 entries) ShinyRPG
rank: 624 17 [tied] (1 entry) (764 entries) SidefRPGIV
rank: 357595 [tied] (92 entries) SIMPOLRPL
rank: 155 439 [tied] (705 entries) SimulaRPL/2
rank: 149472 [tied] (754 entries) Sinclair ZX81 BASICRTL/2
rank: 438516 [tied] (53 entries) SisalRTSL
rank: 398 11 [tied] (7849 entries) SkookumScriptRuby
rank: 112 59 (126315 entries) SlateRun BASIC
rank: 77 51 [tied] (255407 entries) SmalltalkRust
rank: 233198 [tied] (2940 entries) Smart BASICS-lang
rank: 471419 [tied] (46 entries) SMEQLSage
rank: 594246 [tied] (226 entries) SmileBASICSalmon
rank: 438172 [tied] (556 entries) SnobolSAS
rank: 117157 [tied] (11669 entries) SNOBOL4Sather
rank: 233 25 [tied] (29631 entries) SNUSPScala
rank: 623 57 [tied] (1 entry) Soar(353 entries) Scheme
rank: 623162 [tied] (1 entry) SoneKing(66 entries) AssemblyScilab
rank: 317268 [tied] (1221 entries) SPADScratch
rank: 471439 [tied] (45 entries) SPARCScript AssemblyBasic
rank: 332516 [tied] (113 entries) SPARKScript3D
rank: 192 595 [tied] (422 entries) SparklingScriptBasic
rank: 176210 [tied] (5135 entries) SPLSed
rank: 164 51 [tied] (64407 entries) SQLSeed7
rank: 240276 [tied] (2720 entries) SQL PLSelf
rank: 398169 [tied] (760 entries) SquirrelSequenceL
rank: 253399 [tied] (247 entries) SSEMSet lang
rank: 203 91 (19039 entries) Standard MLSETL
rank: 86 472 [tied] (2044 entries) StataSETL4
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) StreamItSheerPower 4GL
rank: 261290 [tied] (2216 entries) SuneidoShen
rank: 515333 [tied] (311 entries) Superbase BASICShiny
rank: 221 18 (33764 entries) SuperColliderSidef
rank: 623358 [tied] (19 entryentries) SupernovaSIMPOL
rank: 156 63 (29570 entries) SwiftSimula
rank: 357150 [tied] (975 entries) SymsynSinclair ZX81 BASIC
rank: 297439 [tied] (155 entries) SystemVerilogSisal
rank: 515399 [tied] (37 entries) TALSkookumScript
rank: 594113 [tied] (2126 entries) TbasSlate
rank: 478 (918255 entries) TclSmalltalk
rank: 594234 [tied] (229 entries) TechBASICSmart BASIC
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) TecoSMEQL
rank: 515595 [tied] (32 entries) TeLaSmileBASIC
rank: 623439 [tied] (15 entryentries) TerraSnobol
rank: 623118 [tied] (1116 entryentries) TestMLSNOBOL4
rank: 515234 [tied] (329 entries) ThistleSNUSP
rank: 438624 [tied] (51 entriesentry) Thyrd Soar
rank: 123624 [tied] (1071 entriesentry) TI-83 BASIC SoneKing Assembly
rank: 471318 [tied] (412 entries) TI-83 Hex AssemblySPAD
rank: 135 472 [tied] (954 entries) TI-89SPARC BASICAssembly
rank: 377333 [tied] (811 entries) TIScriptSPARK
rank: 594193 [tied] (242 entries) ToffeeScriptSparkling
rank: 184 177 [tied] (4751 entries) TokaSPL
rank: 193165 [tied] (4164 entries) TorqueScriptSQL
rank: 438241 [tied] (527 entries) TPPSQL PL
rank: 304399 [tied] (147 entries) Transact-SQLSquirrel
rank: 471254 [tied] (424 entries) TransFORTHSSEM
rank: 253 92 [tied] (24190 entries) TrithStandard ML
rank: 418 87 [tied] (6204 entries) True BASICStata
rank: 332472 [tied] (114 entries) TSE SALStreamIt
rank: 515262 [tied] (322 entries) TuringSuneido
rank: 99 516 [tied] (1553 entries) TUSCRIPTSuperbase BASIC
rank: 471222 [tied] (433 entries) TwelfSuperCollider
rank: 106624 [tied] (1 entry) (139 entries) TXRSupernova
rank: 304 64 [tied] (14295 entries) TypeScriptSwift
rank: 27 358 [tied] (5909 entries) UniconSymsyn
rank: 471298 [tied] (415 entries) UnifaceSystemVerilog
rank: 66 516 [tied] (2863 entries) UNIX ShellTAL
rank: 197595 [tied] (402 entries) UnixPipesTbas
rank: 317 [tied]5 (12918 entries) UnlambdaTcl
rank: 121 595 [tied] (1122 entries) UrsaTechBASIC
rank: 88 472 [tied] (1964 entries) UrsalaTeco
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) UScriptTeLa
rank: 515624 [tied] (31 entriesentry) UserRPL Terra
rank: 357624 [tied] (91 entriesentry) UTFool TestML
rank: 515516 [tied] (3 entries) UyirThistle
rank: 197439 [tied] (405 entries) VThyrd
rank: 170 124 [tied] (58107 entries) ValaTI-83 BASIC
rank: 623472 [tied] (14 entryentries) TI-83 VAXHex Assembly
rank: 471136 [tied] (495 entries) VB6TI-89 BASIC
rank: 94 378 [tied] (1738 entries) VBATIScript
rank: 71 595 [tied] (2712 entries) VBScriptToffeeScript
rank: 125185 [tied] (10647 entries) Vedit macro languageToka
rank: 278194 [tied] (1941 entries) VerbexxTorqueScript
rank: 398439 [tied] (75 entries) VerilogTPP
rank: 317305 [tied] (1214 entries) VHDLTransact-SQL
rank: 214472 [tied] (344 entries) Vim ScriptTransFORTH
rank: 152 254 [tied] (7424 entries) Visual BasicTrith
rank: 108 419 [tied] (1366 entries) Visual BasicTrue .NETBASIC
rank: 222333 [tied] (3211 entries) VisualTSE FoxProSAL
rank: 471516 [tied] (43 entries) Visual ObjectsTuring
rank: 398100 [tied] (7155 entries) Visual PrologTUSCRIPT
rank: 594472 [tied] (24 entries) Viua VM assemblyTwelf
rank: 317107 [tied] (12139 entries) VorpalTXR
rank: 594305 [tied] (214 entries) VoxTypeScript
rank: 515 28 [tied] (3590 entries) VRMLUnicon
rank: 166 472 [tied] (624 entries) WartUniface
rank: 261 67 [tied] (22286 entries) WDTEUNIX Shell
rank: 418198 [tied] (640 entries) WheneverUnixPipes
rank: 289318 [tied] (1612 entries) WhitespaceUnlambda
rank: 515122 [tied] (3112 entries) WMLUrsa
rank: 7689 (256196 entries) Wolfram LanguageUrsala
rank: 623516 [tied] (13 entryentries) WollokUScript
rank: 190516 [tied] (433 entries) WortelUserRPL
rank: 343358 [tied] (109 entries) WraplUTFool
rank: 289516 [tied] (163 entries) WrenUyir
rank: 623198 [tied] (140 entryentries) X86 64 AssemblyV
rank: 153171 (7358 entries) X86 AssemblyVala
rank: 623624 [tied] (1 entry) XanaduVAX Assembly
rank: 515472 [tied] (34 entries) XBaseVB6
rank: 398 95 [tied] (7173 entries) XEecVBA
rank: 594 72 [tied] (2271 entries) XLVBScript
rank: 156126 [tied] (69106 entries) XLISPVedit macro language
rank: 471279 [tied] (419 entries) XojoVerbexx
rank: 623399 [tied] (17 entryentries) XPath 2.0Verilog
rank: 61318 [tied] (30512 entries) XPL0VHDL
rank: 438215 [tied] (534 entries) XProcVim Script
rank: 317153 [tied] (1274 entries) XQueryVisual Basic
rank: 190109 [tied] (43136 entries) XSLTVisual Basic .NET
rank: 594223 [tied] (232 entries) XSLTVisual 1.0FoxPro
rank: 471472 [tied] (4 entries) XSLTVisual 2.0Objects
rank: 438399 [tied] (57 entries) XTalkVisual Prolog
rank: 515595 [tied] (32 entries) XULViua VM assembly
rank: 623318 [tied] (112 entryentries) YaVorpal
rank: 398595 [tied] (72 entries) YacasVox
rank: 193516 [tied] (413 entries) YorickVRML
rank: 304167 [tied] (1462 entries) Z80 AssemblyWart
rank: 471262 [tied] (422 entries) ZEDWDTE
rank: 419 7 [tied] (8796 entries) ZklWhenever
rank: 228290 [tied] (3016 entries) ZonnonWhitespace
rank: 438516 [tied] (53 entries) ZPLWML
rank: 9077 (193256 entries) ZXWolfram Spectrum BASICLanguage
rank: 418624 [tied] (61 entriesentry) µC++ Wollok
rank: 191 [tied] (43 entries) Wortel
rank: 344 [tied] (10 entries) Wrapl
rank: 290 [tied] (16 entries) Wren
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) X86 64 Assembly
rank: 154 (73 entries) X86 Assembly
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Xanadu
rank: 516 [tied] (3 entries) XBase
rank: 399 [tied] (7 entries) XEec
rank: 595 [tied] (2 entries) XL
rank: 157 [tied] (69 entries) XLISP
rank: 472 [tied] (4 entries) Xojo
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) XPath 2.0
rank: 62 [tied] (305 entries) XPL0
rank: 439 [tied] (5 entries) XProc
rank: 318 [tied] (12 entries) XQuery
rank: 191 [tied] (43 entries) XSLT
rank: 595 [tied] (2 entries) XSLT 1.0
rank: 472 [tied] (4 entries) XSLT 2.0
rank: 439 [tied] (5 entries) XTalk
rank: 516 [tied] (3 entries) XUL
rank: 624 [tied] (1 entry) Ya
rank: 399 [tied] (7 entries) Yacas
rank: 194 [tied] (41 entries) Yorick
rank: 305 [tied] (14 entries) Z80 Assembly
rank: 472 [tied] (4 entries) ZED
rank: 8 (879 entries) Zkl
rank: 229 [tied] (30 entries) Zonnon
rank: 439 [tied] (5 entries) ZPL
rank: 91 (193 entries) ZX Spectrum BASIC
rank: 419 [tied] (6 entries) µC++
☼ end─of─list. ☼