RC POP.OUT: Difference between revisions

→‎output, sorted by rank: updated the ranking (by popularity/number of members) of computer programming languages used on Rosetta Code.
m (→‎preamble: updated the number of computer programming languages used on Rosetta Code.)
m (→‎output, sorted by rank: updated the ranking (by popularity/number of members) of computer programming languages used on Rosetta Code.)
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===output, sorted by rank===
════════════════════════timestamp: 261 JulAug 2019 312:34pm═════════════════════════46am═════════════════════════
999991 records read from file: RC_POP.LAN
6,945 records read from file: RC_POP.CAT
715716 (total) number of languages detected in the category file,
755756 " " " " " " " language " ,
65,607692 (total) number of entries detected.
rank: 1 (1,155156 entries) Go
rank: 2 (1,090092 entries) Perl 6Phix
rank: 3 (1,073090 entries) PhixPerl 6
rank: 4 (1,072075 entries) Julia
rank: 5 (1,066 entries) Python
rank: 6 (1,046 entries) Kotlin
rank: 7 (1,026 entries) Perl
rank: 8 (991 entries) Racket
rank: 9 (952954 entries) C
rank: 10 (945 entries) J
rank: 11 (942943 entries) Zkl
rank: 12 (930931 entries) TCL
rank: 13 (916 entries) REXX
rank: 14 (910 entries) Java
rank: 15 (897 entries) Ruby
rank: 16 (890892 entries) D
rank: 17 (871872 entries) Haskell
rank: 18 (816 entries) Sidef
rank: 19 (813814 entries) Scala
rank: 20 (786 entries) C sharp
rank: 21 (784 entries) PicoLisp
rank: 22 (772773 entries) C++
rank: 23 (748749 entries) Mathematica
rank: 24 (679 entries) Common Lisp
rank: 25 (669 entries) Ada
Line 62:
rank: 27 (633 entries) Lua
rank: 28 (628 entries) AutoHotkey
rank: 29 (611614 entries) RingFactor
rank: 30 (610611 entries) FactorRing
rank: 31 (594 entries) Clojure
rank: 32 (590 entries) Unicon
rank: 33 (567571 entries) ALGOL 68Nim
rank: 34 [tied] (564567 entries) NimALGOL 68
rank: 3435 [tied] (564 entries) PureBasicOCaml
rank: 3635 [tied] (560564 entries) BBC BASICPureBasic
rank: 3637 [tied] (560 entries) FORTRANBBC BASIC
rank: 38 37 [tied] (557560 entries) OCamlFORTRAN
rank: 39 (544545 entries) F Sharp
rank: 40 (541 entries) PARI/GP
rank: 41 (532 entries) Icon
rank: 42 [tied] (518 entries) Elixir
rank: 43 42 [tied] (513518 entries) FreeBASIC
rank: 44 [tied] (495 entries) Erlang
rank: 44 [tied] (495 entries) Rust
rank: 46 (479480 entries) PowerShell
rank: 47 (463468 entries) AWK
rank: 48 (462 entries) Jq
rank: 49 (457458 entries) Pascal
rank: 50 (451 entries) Forth
rank: 51 (448 entries) Seed7
Line 90:
rank: 55 (401 entries) PHP
rank: 56 (383 entries) VBA
rank: 57 [tied] (363 entries) MATLAB
rank: 58 57 [tied] (362363 entries) Swift
rank: 59 (361 entries) Scheme
rank: 60 (347349 entries) M2000 Interpreter
rank: 61 (343 entries) Maple
rank: 62 (337 entries) Liberty BASIC
rank: 63 (315 entries) Run BASIC
rank: 64 (309 entries) Prolog
rank: 65 [tied] (308 entries) OforthObjeck
rank: 66 65 [tied] (306308 entries) OctaveOforth
rank: 67 [tied] (305306 entries) EchoLispOctave
rank: 6768 [tied] (305 entries) XPL0EchoLisp
rank: 69 68 [tied] (304305 entries) ObjeckXPL0
rank: 70 (293 entries) VBScript
rank: 71 (291 entries) UNIX Shell
Line 132:
rank: 97 (183 entries) ERRE
rank: 98 (175 entries) Gambas
rank: 99 (171173 entries) IS-BASIC
rank: 100 (169 entries) Aime
rank: 101 (168 entries) ALGOL W
Line 139:
rank: 104 (161 entries) GAP
rank: 105 (159 entries) Objective-C
rank: 106 [tied] (156 entries) HicEst
rank: 107106 [tied] (155156 entries) TUSCRIPTYabasic
rank: 107108 [tied] (155 entries) YabasicTUSCRIPT
rank: 109 (153 entries) Fantom
rank: 110 (152 entries) Eiffel
Line 165:
rank: 130 (109 entries) Retro
rank: 131 (108 entries) 11l
rank: 132 [tied] (107 entries) PikeARM Assembly
rank: 133132 [tied] (106107 entries) MUMPSPike
rank: 133134 [tied] (106 entries) Vedit macro languageMUMPS
rank: 135134 [tied] (105106 entries) ARMVedit Assemblymacro language
rank: 135136 [tied] (105 entries) Déjà Vu
rank: 135136 [tied] (105 entries) Frink
rank: 138 (104 entries) DWScript
rank: 139 [tied] (102 entries) APL
Line 192:
rank: 156 [tied] (81 entries) MK-61/52
rank: 156 [tied] (81 entries) Ol
rank: 159 (7980 entries) Dart
rank: 160 [tied] (77 entries) LFE
rank: 160 [tied] (77 entries) Raven
Line 207:
rank: 170 [tied] (69 entries) Sather
rank: 170 [tied] (69 entries) XLISP
rank: 174 [tied] (68 entries) BratBASIC256
rank: 175 174 [tied] (6768 entries) BASIC256Brat
rank: 176 [tied] (66 entries) Neko
rank: 176 [tied] (66 entries) Scilab
Line 224:
rank: 187 [tied] (57 entries) SAS
rank: 190 [tied] (56 entries) FBSL
rank: 192190 [tied] (5456 entries) Fôrmulæ
rank: 190 [tied] (56 entries) PowerBASIC
rank: 192193 [tied] (54 entries) FALSE
rank: 192 [tied] (54 entries) Fôrmulæ
rank: 194 (53 entries) OpenEdge/Progress
rank: 195 (51 entries) SPL
Line 258:
rank: 222 [tied] (38 entries) Falcon
rank: 222 [tied] (38 entries) Lisaac
-- More --
rank: 222 [tied] (38 entries) Sed
rank: 226 [tied] (37 entries) Babel
Line 491 ⟶ 492:
rank: 456 [tied] (6 entries) ANTLR
rank: 456 [tied] (6 entries) BlitzMax
-- More --
rank: 456 [tied] (6 entries) C++/CLI
rank: 456 [tied] (6 entries) C1R
Line 568 ⟶ 570:
rank: 509 [tied] (4 entries) Kabap
rank: 509 [tied] (4 entries) LDPL
rank: 674509 [tied] (14 entryentries) Kamailio ScriptLangur
rank: 509 [tied] (4 entries) Lobster
rank: 509 [tied] (4 entries) Lush
Line 588 ⟶ 591:
rank: 509 [tied] (4 entries) Uniface
rank: 509 [tied] (4 entries) VB6
rank: 509 [tied] (4 entries) Vlang
rank: 509 [tied] (4 entries) XSLT 2.0
rank: 509 [tied] (4 entries) ZED
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) .QL
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) 8 1/2
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) A+
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) ALGOL
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) ANT
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) ASP
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) ASP.Net
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Agda2
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Alice ML
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Application Master
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) AspectC++
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) AutoLISP
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Axum
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) BML
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Basic Casio
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Battlestar
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Beta
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) C0H
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) CB80
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Caml
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Cecil
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Cilk
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Cilk++
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Cubescript
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Datalog
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Diesel
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Elan
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Euler
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Extended BrainF***
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) FAUST
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) FPI
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) FeatureC++
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) FreeMat
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) GB BASIC
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Glagol
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Global Script
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Golo
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Goo
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Jabaco
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) KQL
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Kaya
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) KeyList Databasing
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Kitten
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) L.in.oleum
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) LiveScript
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Lotus 123 Macro Scripting
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Lout
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) M680x0
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) MDL
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) ME10 macro
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) MGS
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Maude
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Mirelle
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Monicelli
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Mython
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) NQP
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Nice
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) OASYS
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) OpenC++
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) PL/pgSQL
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) PLUS
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) PLZ/SYS
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) PPC Assembly
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) PPL
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Pentium Assembly
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Powerbuilder
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Pyret
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) QuakeC
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) RLSL
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) RPL
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) RTSL
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Refal
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Sass/SCSS
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Script3D
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Superbase BASIC
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) TAL
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) TeLa
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Thistle
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Turing
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) UScript
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) UserRPL
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) Uyir
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) VRML
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) VlangWML
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) WMLXBase
rank: 557559 [tied] (3 entries) XBaseXUL
rank: 557645 [tied] (32 entries) XULBird
rank: 644645 [tied] (2 entries) BirdCduce
rank: 644645 [tied] (2 entries) CduceDeviousYarn
rank: 644645 [tied] (2 entries) DeviousYarnGLBasic
rank: 644645 [tied] (2 entries) GLBasicHack
rank: 644645 [tied] (2 entries) HackJOVIAL
rank: 644645 [tied] (2 entries) JOVIALJack
rank: 644645 [tied] (2 entries) JackLuna
rank: 644645 [tied] (2 entries) LunaMINIL
rank: 644645 [tied] (2 entries) MINILMSX Basic
rank: 644645 [tied] (2 entries) MSX BasicMalbolge
rank: 644645 [tied] (2 entries) MalbolgeMathCortex
rank: 644645 [tied] (2 entries) MathCortexMiniZinc
rank: 644645 [tied] (2 entries) MiniZincMyrddin
rank: 644645 [tied] (2 entries) MyrddinMyrtleScript
rank: 644645 [tied] (2 entries) MyrtleScriptOOCalc
rank: 644645 [tied] (2 entries) OOCalcOpenLisp
rank: 644645 [tied] (2 entries) OpenLispPeopleCode
rank: 644645 [tied] (2 entries) PeopleCodePerl5i
rank: 644645 [tied] (2 entries) Perl5iPict
rank: 644645 [tied] (2 entries) PictReason
rank: 644645 [tied] (2 entries) ReasonScriptBasic
rank: 644645 [tied] (2 entries) ScriptBasicTechBASIC
rank: 644645 [tied] (2 entries) TechBASICToffeeScript
rank: 644645 [tied] (2 entries) ToffeeScriptViua VM assembly
rank: 644645 [tied] (2 entries) Viua VM assemblyVox
rank: 644645 [tied] (2 entries) VoxX86 64 Assembly
rank: 644645 [tied] (2 entries) X86 64 AssemblyXL
rank: 644645 [tied] (2 entries) XLXPath 2.0
rank: 644645 [tied] (2 entries) XPathXSLT 21.0
rank: 644675 [tied] (21 entriesentry) XSLT 1.0 1C
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) 1CAction!
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) Action!Anyways
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) AnywaysApricot
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) ApricotB4J
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) B4JCHR
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) CHRCafeOBJ
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) CafeOBJClarion
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) ClarionDDNC
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) DDNCDIV Games Studio
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) DIV Games StudioEmojicode
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) EmojicodeFRISC Assembly
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) FRISC AssemblyFormulaOne
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) FormulaOneG-fu
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) G-fuJacquard Loom
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) JacquardKamailio LoomScript
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rank: 674 [tied] (1 entry) Kamailio Script
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) Lambda Prolog
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) LibreOffice Basic
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) MAPPER
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) MEL
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) Mond
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) Monkey
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) NASL
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) Neat
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) NewtonScript
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) Nickle
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) Nix
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) Opa
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) Pare
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) Qore
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) RPGIV
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) Rapira
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) Soar
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) SoneKing Assembly
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) SuperTalk
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) Supernova
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) Terra
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) TestML
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) WebAssembly
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) Wollok
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) Xanadu
rank: 674675 [tied] (1 entry) Ya
☼ end─of─list. ☼