RC POP.OUT: Difference between revisions

517 bytes added ,  10 years ago
→‎RC_POP.OUT: updated the ranking of the languages. -- ~~~~
m (→‎RC_POP.OUT: added timestamp comment.)
(→‎RC_POP.OUT: updated the ranking of the languages. -- ~~~~)
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This is the output file from the   '''RC_POP.REX'''   (REXX)   program which is used to solve the programming task:
<br><br>This file contains the complete ranking (current as of the timestamp shown below) of all &nbsp; '''512521''' &nbsp; languages used on ''Rosetta Code'' as per the ''Languages'' page.
<pre style="overflow:scroll">
════════════════════════timestamp: 71 AprMay 2014 11:23am═════════════════════════28pm═════════════════════════
718724 records read from file: RC_POP.LAN
36273581 records read from file: RC_POP.CAT
512521 (total) number of languages detected.
rank: 1 (800812 entries) Tcl
rank: 2 (757767 entries) Racket
rank: 3 (755758 entries) Python
rank: 4 (720708 entries) C
rank: 5 (694697 entries) Perl 6
rank: 6 [tied] (682695 entries) DJ
rank: 67 [tied] (682690 entries) JRuby
rank: 8 (672686 entries) RubyD
rank: 9 (640645 entries) PicoLispGo
rank: 10 (639 entries) GoPicoLisp
rank: 11 (631632 entries) Perl
rank: 12 (617 entries) REXX
rank: 13 (589596 entries) Ada
rank: 14 (580590 entries) HaskellMathematica
rank: 15 (579585 entries) MathematicaHaskell
rank: 16 (562571 entries) AutoHotkey
rank: 17 (542550 entries) Unicon
rank: 18 (540543 entries) Java
rank: 19 (525 entries) BBC BASIC
rank: 20 (496502 entries) Icon
rank: 21 (492493 entries) OCamlC++
rank: 22 (489492 entries) C++OCaml
rank: 23 (475478 entries) Common Lisp
rank: 24 (469 entries) PureBasic
rank: 25 (447450 entries) C sharp
rank: 26 (445 entries) Erlang
rank: 27 (411 entries) Scala
rank: 28 (401409 entries) PARI/GP
rank: 29 (393394 entries) JavaScript
rank: 30 (387389 entries) Clojure
rank: 31 (359 entries) Seed7
rank: 32 [tied] (347352 entries) LuaPL/I
rank: 3233 [tied] (347 entries) PL/IF Sharp
rank: 34 33 [tied] (343347 entries) F SharpLua
rank: 35 (341342 entries) Groovy
rank: 36 (340 entries) R
rank: 37 [tied] (337 entries) Forth
rank: 37 [tied] (337 entries) PHP
rank: 39 [tied] (329330 entries) ALGOL 68
rank: 3940 [tied] (329328 entries) FORTRANFortran
rank: 41 (319322 entries) PascalZkl
rank: 42 (307317 entries) Liberty BASICPascal
rank: 43 (304307 entries) MATLABLiberty BASIC
rank: 44 (303305 entries) XPL0AWK
rank: 45 (298304 entries) AWKMATLAB
rank: 46 (291303 entries) OctaveXPL0
rank: 47 [tied] (278292 entries) NetRexxOctave
rank: 4748 [tied] (278279 entries) OzNetRexx
rank: 49 (275278 entries) FactorOz
rank: 50 (272275 entries) EFactor
rank: 51 (270272 entries) Run BASICE
rank: 52 (264270 entries) SchemeRun BASIC
rank: 53 (260266 entries) LassoScheme
rank: 54 (228260 entries) DelphiLasso
rank: 55 (226231 entries) ZklDelphi
rank: 56 [tied] (222 entries) SmalltalkProlog
rank: 57 56 [tied] (219222 entries) PrologSmalltalk
rank: 58 [tied] (216219 entries) BASICBracmat
rank: 5859 [tied] (216 entries) EuphoriaBASIC
rank: 60 59 [tied] (212216 entries) ObjeckEuphoria
rank: 61 (211213 entries) UNIX ShellObjeck
rank: 62 (208211 entries) BracmatUNIX Shell
rank: 63 (204 entries) Maxima
rank: 64 (196201 entries) UrsalaJulia
rank: 65 (192196 entries) PowerShellUrsala
rank: 66 (190192 entries) JuliaPowerShell
rank: 67 [tied] (188 entries) CoffeeScript
rank: 67 [tied] (188 entries) Logo
rank: 69 (174173 entries) COBOL
rank: 70 [tied] (156157 entries) GAPOoRexx
rank: 7071 [tied] (156 entries) HicEstGAP
rank: 7271 [tied] (154156 entries) OOREXXHicEst
rank: 7273 [tied] (154 entries) Standard ML
rank: 74 (153 entries) Fantom
rank: 75 [tied] (149 entries) Nemerle
rank: 75 [tied] (149 entries) TUSCRIPT
rank: 77 (146 entries) Objective-C
rank: 78 (135 entries) MAPLEMaple
rank: 79 (128 entries) REBOL
rank: 80 (126 entries) Slate
Line 98:
rank: 85 (108 entries) Visual Basic .NET
rank: 86 (106 entries) Vedit macro language
rank: 87 [tied] (104105 entries) DëjáApplesoft VuBASIC
rank: 87 [tied] (104105 entries) TXRDëjá Vu
rank: 89 (103104 entries) PikeTXR
rank: 90 (102103 entries) MUMPSPike
rank: 91 (100102 entries) DWScriptMUMPS
rank: 92 [tied] (99100 entries) ACL2DWScript
rank: 9293 [tied] (99 entries) KACL2
rank: 94 93 [tied] (9899 entries) SNOBOL4K
rank: 95 [tied] (9598 entries) Applesoft BASICSNOBOL4
rank: 9596 [tied] (95 entries) Pop11
rank: 97 (94 entries) TI-89 BASIC
rank: 98 (9089 entries) PostScript
rank: 99 (87 entries) MAXScript
rank: 100 (8083 entries) Batch FileRust
rank: 101 (7982 entries) NimrodBatch File
rank: 102 [tied] (7880 entries) AutoItBc
rank: 102103 [tied] (7879 entries) ZX Spectrum BasicNimrod
rank: 104 [tied] (7778 entries) MK-61/52AutoIt
rank: 104 [tied] (7778 entries) RavenM4
rank: 104 [tied] (7778 entries) RustZX Spectrum Basic
rank: 107 [tied] (7677 entries) FrinkMK-61/52
rank: 107 [tied] (7677 entries) M4Raven
rank: 107109 [tied] (76 entries) VBScriptFrink
rank: 110 109 [tied] (7276 entries) MercuryVBScript
rank: 111 (7172 entries) NewLISPMercury
rank: 112 (6971 entries) SatherNewLISP
rank: 113 [tied] (6869 entries) LogtalkSather
rank: 113114 [tied] (68 entries) TI-83 BASICLogtalk
rank: 115 114 [tied] (6768 entries) BcTI-83 BASIC
rank: 116 [tied] (65 entries) OxygenBasicBrat
rank: 117116 [tied] (6465 entries) BratOxygenBasic
rank: 117118 [tied] (64 entries) LabVIEW
rank: 119 (63 entries) IDL
rank: 120 (62 entries) AppleScript
Line 144:
rank: 128 [tied] (53 entries) FBSL
rank: 132 (52 entries) Modula-2
rank: 133 [tied] (5051 entries) APLSidef
rank: 133134 [tied] (50 entries) FALSEAPL
rank: 135134 [tied] (4950 entries) Lang5FALSE
rank: 135136 [tied] (49 entries) MetafontLang5
rank: 135136 [tied] (49 entries) RascalMetafont
rank: 138136 [tied] (4849 entries) OpenEdge/Progress
rank: 138136 [tied] (4849 entries) ValaRascal
rank: 140 [tied] (4748 entries) BefungeVala
rank: 140141 [tied] (47 entries) TokaBefunge
rank: 142 141 [tied] (4547 entries) Inform 7Toka
rank: 143 [tied] (4445 entries) JoyInform 7
rank: 143144 [tied] (44 entries) X86 AssemblyJoy
rank: 145 [tied] (4243 entries) Visual BasicDc
rank: 145 [tied] (4243 entries) WortelX86 Assembly
rank: 147 [tied] (4142 entries) AikidoVisual Basic
rank: 147 [tied] (4142 entries) DcWortel
rank: 147149 [tied] (41 entries) PowerBASICAikido
rank: 147149 [tied] (41 entries) YorickPowerBASIC
rank: 151 149 [tied] (4041 entries) VYorick
rank: 152 [tied] (3940 entries) BASIC256V
rank: 152153 [tied] (39 entries) ColdFusionBASIC256
rank: 152153 [tied] (39 entries) Oberon-2ColdFusion
rank: 152153 [tied] (39 entries) UnixPipes
rank: 156 [tied] (38 entries) Lisaac
rank: 156 [tied] (38 entries) Oberon-2
rank: 156 [tied] (38 entries) SAS
rank: 156 [tied] (38 entries) TorqueScript
rank: 159160 (3637 entries) LFE
rank: 160161 (34 entries) RLaB
rank: 161162 (33 entries) Elena
rank: 162163 [tied] (32 entries) AmigaE
rank: 162163 [tied] (32 entries) C ShellBabel
rank: 162163 [tied] (32 entries) EGLC Shell
rank: 162163 [tied] (32 entries) XSLTEGL
rank: 166 163 [tied] (3132 entries) GMLXSLT
rank: 167168 [tied] (3031 entries) ChapelGML
rank: 167169 [tied] (30 entries) GUISSChapel
rank: 167169 [tied] (30 entries) QiGUISS
rank: 167169 [tied] (30 entries) SQLQi
rank: 167169 [tied] (30 entries) SedSQL
rank: 172169 [tied] (2930 entries) HarbourSed
rank: 172174 [tied] (29 entries) MIRC Scripting LanguageHarbour
rank: 174 [tied] (2829 entries) ABAPMIRC Scripting Language
rank: 174176 [tied] (28 entries) Brainf***ABAP
rank: 174176 [tied] (28 entries) CMakeBrainf***
rank: 174176 [tied] (28 entries) MK-61/52 ObjectScriptCMake
rank: 174176 [tied] (28 entries) OrderMK-61/52 ObjectScript
rank: 179176 [tied] (2728 entries) CleanOrder
rank: 179176 [tied] (2728 entries) NialREALbasic
rank: 179176 [tied] (2728 entries) REALbasicVim Script
rank: 182183 [tied] (2627 entries) ClipperClean
rank: 182183 [tied] (2627 entries) PL/SQLNial
rank: 182185 [tied] (26 entries) SalmonClipper
rank: 185 [tied] (2526 entries) BabelPL/SQL
rank: 186185 [tied] (2426 entries) ECLSalmon
rank: 186188 [tied] (24 entries) LOLCODEECL
rank: 186188 [tied] (24 entries) MirahLOLCODE
rank: 186188 [tied] (24 entries) TrithMirah
rank: 190188 [tied] (2324 entries) 6502 AssemblyTrith
rank: 190192 [tied] (23 entries) Ioke6502 Assembly
rank: 190192 [tied] (23 entries) ML/IIoke
rank: 190192 [tied] (23 entries) ProtiumML/I
rank: 190192 [tied] (23 entries) SNUSPProtium
rank: 195192 [tied] (2223 entries) FalconSNUSP
rank: 195197 [tied] (22 entries) GW-BASICFalcon
rank: 195197 [tied] (22 entries) GnuplotGW-BASIC
rank: 195197 [tied] (22 entries) GolfscriptGnuplot
rank: 195197 [tied] (22 entries) HaXeGolfscript
rank: 195197 [tied] (22 entries) ProDOSHaXe
rank: 195197 [tied] (22 entries) SuneidoProDOS
rank: 202197 [tied] (2122 entries) ArgileSuneido
rank: 202204 [tied] (21 entries) PHLArgile
rank: 202204 [tied] (21 entries) SidefPHL
rank: 205206 (1920 entries) RapidQWolfram Language
rank: 206207 [tied] (1819 entries) ChefRapidQ
rank: 206208 [tied] (18 entries) FancyChef
rank: 206208 [tied] (18 entries) PureFancy
rank: 209208 [tied] (1718 entries) EfenePure
rank: 209211 [tied] (17 entries) MMIXEfene
rank: 209211 [tied] (17 entries) MOOMMIX
rank: 212211 [tied] (1617 entries) DylanMOO
rank: 212214 [tied] (16 entries) GambasDylan
rank: 212214 [tied] (16 entries) LSLGambas
rank: 212214 [tied] (16 entries) LimboLSL
rank: 212214 [tied] (16 entries) SETLLimbo
rank: 217214 [tied] (1516 entries) ExcelSETL
rank: 217219 [tied] (15 entries) LSE64Excel
rank: 217219 [tied] (15 entries) LucidLSE64
rank: 217219 [tied] (15 entries) MakeLucid
rank: 221219 [tied] (1415 entries) AssemblyMake
rank: 221223 [tied] (14 entries) DaoAssembly
rank: 221223 [tied] (14 entries) FishDao
rank: 221223 [tied] (14 entries) Friendly interactive shellEzhil
rank: 221223 [tied] (14 entries) Inform 6Fish
rank: 221223 [tied] (14 entries) OpenscadFriendly interactive shell
rank: 227223 [tied] (1314 entries) 0815Inform 6
rank: 227223 [tied] (1314 entries) ATSOpenscad
rank: 227230 [tied] (13 entries) Gema0815
rank: 227230 [tied] (13 entries) KonsolScriptATS
rank: 227230 [tied] (13 entries) WhitespaceGema
rank: 232230 [tied] (1213 entries) AxiomKonsolScript
rank: 232230 [tied] (1213 entries) BrlcadWhitespace
rank: 232235 [tied] (12 entries) ClayAxiom
rank: 232235 [tied] (12 entries) EsBrlcad
rank: 232235 [tied] (12 entries) GosuClay
rank: 232235 [tied] (12 entries) KotlinEs
rank: 232235 [tied] (12 entries) LaTeXGosu
rank: 232235 [tied] (12 entries) Object PascalKotlin
rank: 232235 [tied] (12 entries) PlainTeXLaTeX
rank: 232235 [tied] (12 entries) SystemVerilogObject Pascal
rank: 232235 [tied] (12 entries) UnlambdaPlainTeX
rank: 232235 [tied] (12 entries) VHDLSystemVerilog
rank: 232235 [tied] (12 entries) VorpalUnlambda
rank: 245235 [tied] (1112 entries) BCPLVHDL
rank: 245235 [tied] (1112 entries) CLIPSVorpal
rank: 245248 [tied] (11 entries) CocoBCPL
rank: 245248 [tied] (11 entries) GechoCLIPS
rank: 245248 [tied] (11 entries) GenyrisCoco
rank: 245248 [tied] (11 entries) SPARKElixir
rank: 245248 [tied] (11 entries) ScratchGecho
rank: 245248 [tied] (11 entries) ShinyGenyris
rank: 245248 [tied] (11 entries) TSE SALSPARK
rank: 245248 [tied] (11 entries) XQueryScratch
rank: 255248 [tied] (1011 entries) AsymptoteShiny
rank: 255248 [tied] (1011 entries) ElisaTSE SAL
rank: 255248 [tied] (1011 entries) ElixirXQuery
rank: 255259 [tied] (10 entries) MathprogApp Inventor
rank: 255259 [tied] (10 entries) NiueAsymptote
rank: 255259 [tied] (10 entries) WraplElisa
rank: 261259 [tied] (910 entries) 4DOS BatchMathprog
rank: 261259 [tied] (910 entries) AloreNiue
rank: 261259 [tied] (910 entries) EeroWrapl
rank: 261265 [tied] (9 entries) Integer4DOS BASICBatch
rank: 261265 [tied] (9 entries) LLVMAlore
rank: 261265 [tied] (9 entries) LiveCodeEero
rank: 261265 [tied] (9 entries) LotusScriptInteger BASIC
rank: 261265 [tied] (9 entries) NSISLLVM
rank: 261265 [tied] (9 entries) Pure DataLiveCode
rank: 261265 [tied] (9 entries) SIMPOLLotusScript
rank: 271265 [tied] (89 entries) 4DNSIS
rank: 271265 [tied] (89 entries) Dylan.NETPure Data
rank: 271265 [tied] (89 entries) ECSIMPOL
rank: 271275 [tied] (8 entries) Fan4D
rank: 271275 [tied] (8 entries) LhoghoDylan.NET
rank: 271275 [tied] (8 entries) MBSEC
rank: 271275 [tied] (8 entries) PIRFan
rank: 271275 [tied] (8 entries) POV-RayLhogho
rank: 271275 [tied] (8 entries) PietMBS
rank: 271275 [tied] (8 entries) ProcessingPIR
rank: 271275 [tied] (8 entries) TIScriptPOV-Ray
rank: 282275 [tied] (78 entries) 6800 AssemblyPiet
rank: 282275 [tied] (78 entries) 8086 AssemblyProcessing
rank: 282275 [tied] (78 entries) AgdaTIScript
rank: 282275 [tied] (78 entries) AmbientTalkZ80 Assembly
rank: 282287 [tied] (7 entries) Arbre6800 Assembly
rank: 282287 [tied] (7 entries) Blast8086 Assembly
rank: 282287 [tied] (7 entries) BooAgda
rank: 282287 [tied] (7 entries) CobraAmbientTalk
rank: 282287 [tied] (7 entries) CoqArbre
rank: 282287 [tied] (7 entries) CrackBlast
rank: 282287 [tied] (7 entries) CurryBoo
rank: 282287 [tied] (7 entries) EgisonCobra
rank: 282287 [tied] (7 entries) KiteCoq
rank: 282287 [tied] (7 entries) MIPS AssemblyCrack
rank: 282287 [tied] (7 entries) MySQLCurry
rank: 282287 [tied] (7 entries) PurityDCL
rank: 282287 [tied] (7 entries) QEgison
rank: 282287 [tied] (7 entries) RPGKite
rank: 282287 [tied] (7 entries) RhopeMIPS Assembly
rank: 282287 [tied] (7 entries) ScilabMySQL
rank: 282287 [tied] (7 entries) SuperColliderPurity
rank: 282287 [tied] (7 entries) Z80 AssemblyQ
rank: 304287 [tied] (67 entries) ANTLRRPG
rank: 304287 [tied] (67 entries) AgenaRhope
rank: 304287 [tied] (67 entries) BlitzMaxScilab
rank: 304287 [tied] (67 entries) C++/CLISuperCollider
rank: 304287 [tied] (67 entries) C1RTransact-SQL
rank: 304310 [tied] (6 entries) CatANTLR
rank: 304310 [tied] (6 entries) Dodo0Agena
rank: 304310 [tied] (6 entries) FBlitzMax
rank: 304310 [tied] (6 entries) FexlC++/CLI
rank: 304310 [tied] (6 entries) FregeC1R
rank: 304310 [tied] (6 entries) HQ9+Cat
rank: 304310 [tied] (6 entries) INTERCALDodo0
rank: 304310 [tied] (6 entries) JavaFX ScriptF
rank: 304310 [tied] (6 entries) LispFexl
rank: 304310 [tied] (6 entries) OxygeneFrege
rank: 304310 [tied] (6 entries) PASMHQ9+
rank: 304310 [tied] (6 entries) SquirrelIntercal
rank: 304310 [tied] (6 entries) Transact-SQLJavaFX Script
rank: 304310 [tied] (6 entries) µC++Lisp
rank: 323310 [tied] (56 entries) 360 AssemblyOxygene
rank: 323310 [tied] (56 entries) ALGOL 60PASM
rank: 323310 [tied] (56 entries) ARM AssemblySquirrel
rank: 323310 [tied] (56 entries) BraceµC++
rank: 323328 [tied] (5 entries) Commodore360 BASICAssembly
rank: 323328 [tied] (5 entries) DMSALGOL 60
rank: 323328 [tied] (5 entries) DelugeARM Assembly
rank: 323328 [tied] (5 entries) ELLABrace
rank: 323328 [tied] (5 entries) FeriteCommodore BASIC
rank: 323328 [tied] (5 entries) HopeDMS
rank: 323328 [tied] (5 entries) JAMES II/Rule-based Cellular AutomataDeluge
rank: 323328 [tied] (5 entries) JCLELLA
rank: 323328 [tied] (5 entries) NekoFerite
rank: 323328 [tied] (5 entries) OPLHope
rank: 323328 [tied] (5 entries) OccamJAMES II/Rule-based Cellular Automata
rank: 323328 [tied] (5 entries) PDP-11 AssemblyJCL
rank: 323328 [tied] (5 entries) PSQLNeko
rank: 323328 [tied] (5 entries) QuillOPL
rank: 323328 [tied] (5 entries) S-langOccam
rank: 323328 [tied] (5 entries) ScriptPDP-11 BasicAssembly
rank: 323328 [tied] (5 entries) SisalPSQL
rank: 323328 [tied] (5 entries) TPPQuill
rank: 323328 [tied] (5 entries) Visual PrologS-lang
rank: 323328 [tied] (5 entries) WheneverScript Basic
rank: 323328 [tied] (5 entries) XProcSisal
rank: 323328 [tied] (5 entries) XSLT 2.0TPP
rank: 323328 [tied] (5 entries) XTalkVisual Prolog
rank: 323328 [tied] (5 entries) ZPLWhenever
rank: 351328 [tied] (45 entries) 80386 AssemblyXProc
rank: 351328 [tied] (45 entries) ALGOLXSLT W2.0
rank: 351328 [tied] (45 entries) Agda2XTalk
rank: 351328 [tied] (45 entries) AlgaeZPL
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) Biferno80386 Assembly
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) BoriALGOL W
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) Clipper/XBase++Agda2
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) ESQLAlgae
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) ElastiCBiferno
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) FPBori
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) FortressClipper/XBase++
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) GleeESQL
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) Go!ElastiC
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) HLAFP
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) HeronFortress
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) HyperTalkGlee
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) Informix 4GLGo!
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) IptscraeHLA
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) JScript.NETHeron
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) JoCamlHyperTalk
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) JudoScriptInformix 4GL
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) LilypondIptscrae
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) MUFJScript.NET
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) MetapostJoCaml
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) MythrylJudoScript
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) OmegaLilypond
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) OnyxMUF
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) RPL/2Metapost
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) RTL/2Mythryl
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) SMEQLOmega
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) SageOnyx
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) SelfRPL/2
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) ShenRTL/2
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) SparklingSMEQL
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) StreamItSage
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) TecoSelf
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) ThyrdShen
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) TwelfSparkling
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) VerilogStreamIt
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) Vim ScriptTeco
rank: 351356 [tied] (4 entries) Visual ObjectsThyrd
rank: 392356 [tied] (34 entries) .QLTwelf
rank: 392356 [tied] (34 entries) 8 1/2Verilog
rank: 392356 [tied] (34 entries) 8080Visual AssemblyObjects
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) A+.QL
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) ALGOL8 1/2
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) AMPL8080 Assembly
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) ANTA+
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) ASPALGOL
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) ASP.NetAMPL
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) Alice MLANT
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) Application MasterASP
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) AspectC++ASP.Net
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) AspectJAlice ML
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) AxumApplication Master
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) BAspectC++
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) BetaAspectJ
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) C0HAxum
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) CB80B
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) CamlBeta
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) CecilC0H
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) CilkCB80
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) Cilk++Caml
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) DatalogCecil
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) DieselCilk
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) ElanCilk++
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) EulerDatalog
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) FAUSTDiesel
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) FPIElan
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) FeatureC++Euler
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) FelixFAUST
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) FreeMatFPI
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) GenteeFeatureC++
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) GooFelix
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) GriFreeMat
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) JabacoGentee
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) KayaGlagol
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) KeyList DatabasingGoo
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) L.in.oleumGri
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) Lotus 123 Macro ScriptingJabaco
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) LoutKaya
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) LushKeyList Databasing
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) M680x0L.in.oleum
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) ME10Lotus macro123 Macro Scripting
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) MGSLout
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) MS SQLLush
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) MSSQLM680x0
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) MaudeME10 macro
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) MirelleMGS
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) MythonMS SQL
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) N/t/roffMSSQL
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) NQPMaude
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) NetLogoMirelle
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) NiceMython
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) OpenC++N/t/roff
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) PL/MNQP
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) PLUSNetLogo
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) PLZ/SYSNice
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) PPC AssemblyOpenC++
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) PPLPL/M
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) Pentium AssemblyPLUS
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) PotionPLZ/SYS
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) PowerbuilderPPC Assembly
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) QuakeCPPL
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) RLSLPentium Assembly
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) RTSLPotion
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) RefalPowerbuilder
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) SPARC AssemblyQuakeC
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) Script3DRLSL
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) SheerPower 4GLRTSL
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) SimulaRefal
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) SnobolSPARC Assembly
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) Superbase BASICScript3D
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) TALSheerPower 4GL
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) TeLaSimula
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) ThistleSnobol
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) TuringSuperbase BASIC
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) UScriptTAL
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) UserRPLTeLa
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) VB6Thistle
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) VRMLTuring
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) WMLUScript
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) XBaseUserRPL
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) XSLT 1.0VB6
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) XULVRML
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) YacasWML
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) ZEDXBase
rank: 392396 [tied] (3 entries) ZonnonXSLT 1.0
rank: 479396 [tied] (23 entries) 68000 AssemblyXUL
rank: 479396 [tied] (23 entries) BMLYacas
rank: 479396 [tied] (23 entries) CHRZonnon
rank: 479483 [tied] (2 entries) Cduce68000 Assembly
rank: 479483 [tied] (2 entries) GLBasicBML
rank: 479483 [tied] (2 entries) GLSLBattlestar
rank: 479483 [tied] (2 entries) OOCCHR
rank: 479483 [tied] (2 entries) OOCalcCduce
rank: 479483 [tied] (2 entries) Perl5iGLBasic
rank: 479483 [tied] (2 entries) ToffeeScriptGLSL
rank: 479483 [tied] (2 entries) XLOOC
rank: 490483 [tied] (12 entryentries) ApricotOOCalc
rank: 490483 [tied] (12 entryentries) CafeOBJPerl5i
rank: 490483 [tied] (12 entryentries) ChucKToffeeScript
rank: 490483 [tied] (12 entryentries) Jacquard LoomXL
rank: 490483 [tied] (12 entryentries) Kamailio ScriptZED
rank: 490496 [tied] (1 entry) LiveScriptApricot
rank: 490496 [tied] (1 entry) MAPPERCafeOBJ
rank: 490496 [tied] (1 entry) MELChucK
rank: 490496 [tied] (1 entry) MoonScriptElm
rank: 490496 [tied] (1 entry) NeatGEORGE
rank: 490496 [tied] (1 entry) NewtonScriptJacquard Loom
rank: 490496 [tied] (1 entry) NickleKamailio Script
rank: 490496 [tied] (1 entry) OpaLiveScript
rank: 490496 [tied] (1 entry) PL/pgSQLMAPPER
rank: 490496 [tied] (1 entry) QoreMEL
rank: 490496 [tied] (1 entry) ScriptBasicMoonScript
rank: 490496 [tied] (1 entry) SoarNeat
rank: 490496 [tied] (1 entry) SoneKing AssemblyNewtonScript
rank: 490496 [tied] (1 entry) SupernovaNickle
rank: 490496 [tied] (1 entry) TestMLOpa
rank: 490496 [tied] (1 entry) VoxPL/pgSQL
rank: 490496 [tied] (1 entry) XPath 2.0Qore
rank: 490496 [tied] (1 entry) XanaduRapira
rank: 496 [tied] (1 entry) ScriptBasic
rank: 496 [tied] (1 entry) Soar
rank: 496 [tied] (1 entry) SoneKing Assembly
rank: 496 [tied] (1 entry) Supernova
rank: 496 [tied] (1 entry) TestML
rank: 496 [tied] (1 entry) Vox
rank: 496 [tied] (1 entry) XPath 2.0
rank: 496 [tied] (1 entry) Xanadu
☼ end-of-list. ☼