RC POP.OUT: Difference between revisions

→‎output, sorted by rank: updated the ranking of computer programming languages that are used on Rosetta Code base on the number of members.
m (→‎output, sorted by programming language: updated the ranking of computer programming languages that are used on Rosetta Code based on the number of members in the category page sorted by computer programming language.)
m (→‎output, sorted by rank: updated the ranking of computer programming languages that are used on Rosetta Code base on the number of members.)
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===output, sorted by rank===
════════════════════════timestamp: 1316 Aug 2020 12:30pm════════════════════════59pm════════════════════════
1,076 records read from file: RC_POP.LAN
7,728731 records read from file: RC_POP.CAT
769 (total) number of languages detected in the category file
803 " " " " " " " language "
72,412460 (total) number of entries (solutions) detected
rank: 1 (1,266268 entries) Go
rank: 2 (1,234238 entries) Phix
rank: 3 (1,225227 entries) Julia
rank: 4 (1,220222 entries) Raku
rank: 5 (1,154156 entries) Python
rank: 6 (1,142143 entries) Perl
rank: 7 (1,092093 entries) Kotlin
rank: 8 (1,055058 entries) C
rank: 9 (1,054055 entries) Java
rank: 10 (1,051 entries) Racket
rank: 11 (1,012 entries) Zkl
rank: 12 (1,000 entries) J
rank: 13 (986988 entries) REXX
rank: 14 (965966 entries) Haskell
rank: 15 (959 entries) Ruby
rank: 16 (956 entries) Tcl
rank: 17 (938939 entries) D
rank: 18 (917 entries) C++
rank: 19 (907 entries) Scala
Line 60:
rank: 21 (859 entries) C sharp
rank: 22 (817 entries) PicoLisp
rank: 23 (783790 entries) Factor
rank: 24 (760 entries) Mathematica
rank: 25 (750 entries) Ada
rank: 26 (731 entries) Lua
rank: 27 (718 entries) Common Lisp
rank: 28 (686687 entries) JavaScript
rank: 29 (652653 entries) Rust
rank: 30 (639 entries) Ring
rank: 31 (629 entries) AutoHotKey
rank: 32 (628 entries) Clojure
rank: 33 (627 entries) Nim
rank: 34 (598599 entries) F Sharp
rank: 35 (596 entries) Unicon
rank: 36 (593595 entries) ALGOL 68
rank: 37 (573 entries) OCaml
rank: 38 [tied] (567 entries) BBC BASIC
Line 87:
rank: 48 (498 entries) Swift
rank: 49 (495 entries) Pascal
rank: 50 (476481 entries) RWren
rank: 51 (474476 entries) WrenR
rank: 52 (471 entries) Forth
rank: 53 (464 entries) Jq
rank: 54 (459 entries) Groovy
rank: 55 (451 entries) Seed7
rank: 56 (449450 entries) PHP
rank: 57 (403 entries) PL/I
rank: 58 (401 entries) Prolog
Line 107:
rank: 68 (318 entries) Objeck
rank: 69 (316 entries) Run BASIC
rank: 70 (310311 entries) AppleScript
rank: 71 (309 entries) OCTAVE
rank: 72 (308 entries) Oforth
Line 193:
rank: 153 [tied] (100 entries) Simula
rank: 153 [tied] (100 entries) Vala
rank: 156 [tied] (9798 entries) AutoItRED
rank: 156157 [tied] (97 entries) DartAutoIt
rank: 156157 [tied] (97 entries) REDDart
rank: 159 (96 entries) Pop11
rank: 160 (95 entries) TI-89 BASIC
Line 203:
rank: 163 [tied] (93 entries) Io
rank: 165 (92 entries) PostScript
rank: 166 [tied] (90 entries) FunLCommodore BASIC
rank: 167 166 [tied] (8990 entries) Commodore BASICFunL
rank: 168 [tied] (88 entries) Bc
rank: 168 [tied] (88 entries) SenseTalk
Line 271:
rank: 230 [tied] (40 entries) UnixPipes
rank: 230 [tied] (40 entries) V
rank: 687234 [tied] (239 entries) XSLT8080 1.0Assembly
rank: 234 [tied] (39 entries) Brainf***
rank: 234 [tied] (39 entries) GW-BASIC
rank: 234 [tied] (39 entries) SETL
rank: 237238 [tied] (38 entries) 8080 AssemblyFalcon
rank: 237238 [tied] (38 entries) FalconLisaac
rank: 237238 [tied] (38 entries) LisaacSed
rank: 237 [tied] (38 entries) Sed
rank: 241 [tied] (37 entries) Babel
rank: 241 [tied] (37 entries) Chapel
Line 379:
rank: 333 [tied] (17 entries) XQuery
rank: 333 [tied] (17 entries) Z80 Assembly
rank: 237342 [tied] (3816 entries) SedAgda
rank: 342 [tied] (16 entries) Friendly interactive shell
rank: 342 [tied] (16 entries) Hoon
Line 387 ⟶ 388:
rank: 342 [tied] (16 entries) Whitespace
rank: 342 [tied] (16 entries) Xojo
rank: 350351 [tied] (15 entries) AgdaGema
rank: 350351 [tied] (15 entries) GemaLSE64
rank: 350351 [tied] (15 entries) LSE64Lucid
rank: 350351 [tied] (15 entries) LucidN/t/roff
rank: 350351 [tied] (15 entries) N/t/roffObject Pascal
rank: 350351 [tied] (15 entries) Object PascalS-BASIC
rank: 350351 [tied] (15 entries) S-BASICSystemVerilog
rank: 350 [tied] (15 entries) SystemVerilog
rank: 358 [tied] (14 entries) Arc
rank: 358 [tied] (14 entries) Axiom
Line 712:
rank: 593 [tied] (3 entries) TAL
rank: 593 [tied] (3 entries) TeLa
rank: 350593 [tied] (153 entries) SystemVerilogTerraform
rank: 593 [tied] (3 entries) Thistle
rank: 593 [tied] (3 entries) Tiny BASIC
Line 724 ⟶ 725:
rank: 593 [tied] (3 entries) XBase
rank: 593 [tied] (3 entries) XUL
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) 1C
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) Basic09
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) Bird
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) Cduce
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) DeviousYarn
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) GLBasic
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) Hack
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) JOVIAL
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) Jack
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) Lean
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) Luna
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) MACRO-11
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) MINIL
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) Malbolge
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) MathCortex
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) Mosaic
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) MyrtleScript
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) Nix
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) OOCalc
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) OpenLisp
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) PeopleCode
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) Perl5i
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) Pict
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) Programming Language
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) RATFOR
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) Risc-V
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) SPSS
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) ScriptBasic
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) TechBASIC
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) TerraformToffeeScript
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) ToffeeScriptTurbo-Basic XL
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) Turbo-BasicViua XLVM assembly
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) Viua VM assemblyVox
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) VoxWebAssembly
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) WebAssemblyXL
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) XLXPath 2.0
rank: 687688 [tied] (2 entries) XPathXSLT 21.0
rank: 687 [tied] (2 entries) XSLT 1.0
rank: 725 [tied] (1 entry) Anyways
rank: 725 [tied] (1 entry) Apricot