RC POP.OUT: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
Content added Content deleted
(re-did the explanation of what is included in the report.)
(Rename "Vlang" in "V (Vlang)")
(362 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Line 1:
[[Category:REXX library routines]]
<big> This page contains two versions of the output of the &nbsp; '''REXX''' &nbsp; program's output. </big>
For a listing which may be more up-to-date, see
Line 8 ⟶ 14:
This is the output file from the &nbsp; &nbsp; '''RC_POP.REXREXX''' &nbsp; &nbsp; example/solution &nbsp; (thewhich is used to REXXsolve the computerRosetta programmingCode languagetask:
:::::: <brbig><big>entry) &nbsp; which is used to solve the Rosetta Code task[https: &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;//rosettacode.org/wiki/Rosetta_Code/Rank_languages_by_popularity <bigu>Rosetta ''Code/Rank languages by popularity''.</u>] </big></big>
<br>The output file &nbsp;(which is shown below)&nbsp; contains the complete ranking &nbsp; (current as of the timestamp
<br>shown below) &nbsp; of all &nbsp; '''719''' &nbsp; computer programming languages used on &nbsp; ''Rosetta Code'' &nbsp; as per the &nbsp;
<br>[https://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:Programming_Languages <u>Category:Programming Languages</u>] &nbsp; page,
and only&nbsp; computer programming languages thatused on &nbsp; ''Rosetta Code'' &nbsp; as per havethe at&nbsp;
<br><big> [https://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:Programming_Languages <u>Category:Programming Languages</u>] </big> &nbsp; page, &nbsp;
<br>least one &nbsp; &nbsp; ''member'' &nbsp; &nbsp; mentioned for the programming language entry in the &nbsp; [http://www.rosettacode.org/mw/index.php?title=Special:Categories&limit=5000 <u>Special:Categories</u>] &nbsp;
and <u>only</u> computer programming languages that have
<br>file are included here.
<br>at least one &nbsp; &nbsp; ''member'' &nbsp; &nbsp; mentioned for the programming language entry in the &nbsp; <big> [http://www.rosettacode.org/mw/index.php?title=Special:Categories&limit=5000 <u>Special:Categories</u>] </big> &nbsp;
<br>page are included here.
Line 23 ⟶ 32:
[Note: &nbsp; the timestamp reflects the local time &nbsp; (where the computer program is executed) &nbsp; which is in
<br>the U.S.A. &nbsp; within the &nbsp; '''CST''' &nbsp; or &nbsp; '''CDT''' &nbsp; time zone &nbsp; ('''C'''entral '''S'''tandard '''T'''ime &nbsp; or &nbsp; '''C'''entral '''D'''aylight '''T'''ime). <br><br><br>
===output, sorted by rank===
════════════════════════timestamp: 3019 AugSep 20192021 51:38pm═════════════════════════09pm═════════════════════════
1,010127 records read from file: RC_POP.LAN
78,118293 records read from file: RC_POP.CAT
719813 (total) number of languages detected in the category file,
759851 " " " " " " " language " ,
6682,281995 (total) number of entries (solutions) detected.
rank: 1 (1,171438 entries) GoPhix
rank: 2 [tied] (1,104425 entries) Perl 6Go
rank: 23 [tied] (1,104412 entries) PhixJulia
rank: 4 (1,098401 entries) JuliaRaku
rank: 5 (1,076392 entries) PythonNim
rank: 6 (1,052355 entries) KotlinWren
rank: 7 (1,027342 entries) RacketPerl
rank: 8 (1,026287 entries) PerlPython
rank: 9 (9681,146 entries) C
rank: 10 (9571,144 entries) ZklREXX
rank: 11 (9451,131 entries) JKotlin
rank: 12 (9321,122 entries) REXXJava
rank: 13 (9311,082 entries) TCLRacket
rank: 14 (9101,071 entries) JavaMathematica
rank: 15 (9021,063 entries) RubyC++
rank: 16 (8981,050 entries) DJ
rank: 17 [tied] (8741,040 entries) Haskell
rank: 18 17 [tied] (8391,040 entries) ScalaRuby
rank: 19 (8221,012 entries) SidefZkl
rank: 20 (800978 entries) C sharpD
rank: 21 (792976 entries) PicoLispTcl
rank: 22 (774944 entries) C++Sidef
rank: 23 (749925 entries) MathematicaFactor
rank: 24 (679916 entries) Common LispScala
rank: 25 (676899 entries) AdaC sharp
rank: 26 (649852 entries) JavaScriptFreeBASIC
rank: 27 (642836 entries) FactorRust
rank: 28 [tied] (634832 entries) LuaAda
rank: 29 28 [tied] (628832 entries) AutoHotkeyPicoLisp
rank: 30 (611813 entries) RingLua
rank: 31 (595768 entries) ClojureRing
rank: 32 (590747 entries) UniconJavaScript
rank: 33 (573741 entries) ALGOLF 68Sharp
rank: 34 (571740 entries) NimCommon Lisp
rank: 35 (570730 entries) OCamlAutoHotkey
rank: 36 (564707 entries) PureBasicALGOL 68
rank: 37 (562684 entries) BBC BASIC11l
rank: 38 (560673 entries) FORTRANJq
rank: 39 (559655 entries) F SharpDelphi
rank: 40 (541637 entries) PARI/GPClojure
rank: 41 (539628 entries) RustAWK
rank: 42 [tied] (532624 entries) FreeBASICPureBasic
rank: 4243 [tied] (532597 entries) IconOCaml
rank: 44 (518596 entries) ElixirUnicon
rank: 45 (495595 entries) ErlangFortran
rank: 46 (480568 entries) PowerShellBBC BASIC
rank: 47 (470557 entries) AWKPARI/GP
rank: 48 [tied] (463546 entries) JqForth
rank: 4849 [tied] (463544 entries) PascalSwift
rank: 50 (456540 entries) ForthPascal
rank: 51 (448537 entries) Seed7Icon
rank: 52 (441530 entries) R
rank: 53 (422529 entries) GroovyElixir
rank: 54 (403511 entries) PL/IErlang
rank: 55 [tied] (402505 entries) PHPGroovy
rank: 56 55 [tied] (383505 entries) VBAPowerShell
rank: 57 (365473 entries) SwiftSeed7
rank: 58 (363457 entries) MATLABPHP
rank: 59 (361445 entries) SchemeArturo
rank: 60 (349433 entries) M2000 InterpreterProlog
rank: 61 (343431 entries) MapleXPL0
rank: 62 (338425 entries) Liberty BASICPL/I
rank: 63 [tied] (315409 entries) Run BASICAppleScript
rank: 64 63 [tied] (310409 entries) ObjeckMaple
rank: 65 (309404 entries) PrologVBA
rank: 66 (308396 entries) OforthVisual Basic .NET
rank: 67 (306385 entries) OctaveMATLAB
rank: 68 [tied] (305384 entries) EchoLispQuackery
rank: 6869 [tied] (305373 entries) XPL0Scheme
rank: 70 (293371 entries) VBScriptM2000 Interpreter
rank: 71 [tied] (291353 entries) BracmatBASIC
rank: 7172 [tied] (291348 entries) UNIXLiberty ShellBASIC
rank: 73 [tied] (287329 entries) NetRexxOCTAVE
rank: 7374 [tied] (287325 entries) Visual Basic .NETSmalltalk
rank: 75 (280324 entries) OzObjeck
rank: 76 [tied] (273319 entries) COBOL
rank: 77 76 [tied] (272319 entries) EUNIX Shell
rank: 78 (270316 entries) Run BASIC
rank: 79 (265308 entries) SmalltalkOforth
rank: 80 [tied] (259307 entries) LassoVBScript
rank: 8081 [tied] (259306 entries) Wolfram LanguageBracmat
rank: 82 (253305 entries) DelphiEchoLisp
rank: 83 (247287 entries) AppleScriptNetRexx
rank: 84 (239284 entries) ElenaStandard ML
rank: 85 (232281 entries) EuphoriaOz
rank: 86 (221272 entries) OoREXXE
rank: 87 (218265 entries) CoffeeScriptALGOL W
rank: 88 [tied] (210259 entries) MaximaLasso
rank: 8889 [tied] (210244 entries) StataElena
rank: 8890 [tied] (210239 entries) ZX Spectrum BasicYabasic
rank: 91 (208238 entries) Batch FileAPL
rank: 92 (206237 entries) LogoEuphoria
rank: 93 (204228 entries) 360 AssemblyCrystal
rank: 94 (196222 entries) UrsalaOoREXX
rank: 95 (194221 entries) LingoCoffeeScript
rank: 96 (193220 entries) Standard MLStata
rank: 97 (183218 entries) ERRE360 Assembly
rank: 98 (175215 entries) GambasZX Spectrum Basic
rank: 99 (174214 entries) IS-BASICMaxima
rank: 100 (169212 entries) AimeBatch File
rank: 101 (168210 entries) ALGOL WLogo
rank: 102 (166199 entries) BefungeNanoquery
rank: 103 (164198 entries) ModulaIS-2BASIC
rank: 104 (161196 entries) GAPUrsala
rank: 105 (159194 entries) Objective-CLingo
rank: 106 (157192 entries) YabasicLambdatalk
rank: 107 (156191 entries) HicEstARM Assembly
rank: 108 (155188 entries) TUSCRIPTBaCon
rank: 109 (153183 entries) FantomERRE
rank: 110 (152182 entries) EiffelGambas
rank: 111 (150174 entries) NemerleFrink
rank: 112 (148171 entries) Applesoft BASICFôrmulæ
rank: 113 [tied] (145169 entries) REBOLAime
rank: 114 113 [tied] (143169 entries) NewLISPBefunge
rank: 115 (140165 entries) KModula-2
rank: 116 [tied] (139161 entries) Emacs LispGAP
rank: 116 [tied] (139161 entries) TXRObjective-C
rank: 118 (138158 entries) JsishNewLISP
rank: 119 [tied] (127157 entries) LiveCodeAArch64 Assembly
rank: 120 119 [tied] (126157 entries) SlateEiffel
rank: 121 (125156 entries) ARM AssemblyHicEst
rank: 122 [tied] (124155 entries) Modula-3BASIC256
rank: 123 122 [tied] (121155 entries) ActionScriptTUSCRIPT
rank: 124 [tied] (120153 entries) BaConApplesoft BASIC
rank: 125 124 [tied] (119153 entries) MAXScriptFantom
rank: 126 [tied] (116151 entries) Oberon-2Pike
rank: 126127 [tied] (116150 entries) SNOBOL4Nemerle
rank: 128 [tied] (115149 entries) TI-83 BASICOl
rank: 129 128 [tied] (113149 entries) Visual BasicREBOL
rank: 130 (112148 entries) UrsaEmacs Lisp
rank: 131 (111147 entries) DyalectMiniScript
rank: 132 (110141 entries) MUMPSTXR
rank: 133 (109140 entries) RetroK
rank: 134 (108138 entries) 11lJsish
rank: 135 (107135 entries) PikeBCPL
rank: 136 (106132 entries) Vedit macro languageLiveCode
rank: 137 [tied] (105127 entries) DéjàCommodore VuBASIC
rank: 137138 [tied] (105126 entries) FrinkSNOBOL4
rank: 139138 [tied] (104126 entries) APLSlate
rank: 139140 [tied] (104125 entries) DWScriptDyalect
rank: 141 (100123 entries) ACL2Modula-3
rank: 142 [tied] (97121 entries) CrystalActionScript
rank: 142 [tied] (97121 entries) MercuryTI-83 BASIC
rank: 144 [tied] (96120 entries) AutoItCowgol
rank: 144145 [tied] (96119 entries) Pop11MAXScript
rank: 146 [tied] (95117 entries) TI-89 BASICPhixmonti
rank: 147 146 [tied] (94117 entries) CeylonRED
rank: 148 [tied] (93116 entries) AxeOberon-2
rank: 148 [tied] (93116 entries) IoVisual BASIC
rank: 150 (92115 entries) PostScriptEasyLang
rank: 151 [tied] (91112 entries) FunLMUMPS
rank: 152 151 [tied] (89112 entries) EasyLangUrsa
rank: 153 [tied] (88111 entries) BCMin
rank: 153154 [tied] (88110 entries) SimulaMercury
rank: 155 [tied] (86109 entries) 8thSenseTalk
rank: 156155 [tied] (81109 entries) M4Vedit macro language
rank: 156157 [tied] (81108 entries) MK-61/52Vala
rank: 156158 [tied] (81105 entries) OlDéjà Vu
rank: 159 (80104 entries) DartRetro
rank: 160 [tied] (77103 entries) LFEDWScript
rank: 160161 [tied] (77100 entries) RavenACL2
rank: 162 161 [tied] (76100 entries) FutureBasicSimula
rank: 163 [tied] (7599 entries) BASIC256Dart
rank: 163164 [tied] (7598 entries) LogtalkAutoIt
rank: 163165 [tied] (7597 entries) MinProcessing
rank: 163165 [tied] (7597 entries) SinclairX86 ZX81 BASICAssembly
rank: 163167 [tied] (7596 entries) X86 AssemblyPop11
rank: 168 [tied] (7495 entries) Component8080 PascalAssembly
rank: 169168 [tied] (7295 entries) REDTI-89 BASIC
rank: 169170 [tied] (7294 entries) SQLCeylon
rank: 171 [tied] (6993 entries) ABAPAxe
rank: 171 [tied] (6993 entries) ElaIo
rank: 171173 [tied] (6992 entries) SatherPostScript
rank: 171174 [tied] (6990 entries) XLISPFunL
rank: 175 174 [tied] (6890 entries) BratPlain English
rank: 176 [tied] (6689 entries) Neko8th
rank: 176 [tied] (6689 entries) ScilabBc
rank: 178176 [tied] (6589 entries) BurlesqueTailspin
rank: 178179 [tied] (6586 entries) LabVIEWMK-61/52
rank: 178180 [tied] (6585 entries) OxygenBasicPL/M
rank: 181 (6482 entries) FôrmulæM4
rank: 182 (6381 entries) IDL8086 Assembly
rank: 183 [tied] (6279 entries) DcLangur
rank: 183184 [tied] (6278 entries) ValaDc
rank: 183184 [tied] (6278 entries) WartFutureBasic
rank: 186 [tied] (6177 entries) ColdFusion6502 Assembly
rank: 187 186 [tied] (6077 entries) SequenceLLFE
rank: 188186 [tied] (5777 entries) Commodore BASICRaven
rank: 188186 [tied] (5777 entries) Locomotive BasicSQL
rank: 188190 [tied] (5776 entries) SASSinclair ZX81 BASIC
rank: 191 [tied] (5675 entries) FBSLLogtalk
rank: 191192 [tied] (5674 entries) PowerBASICSather
rank: 193 (5473 entries) FALSEComponent Pascal
rank: 194 (5372 entries) OpenEdge/ProgressExcel
rank: 195 [tied] (5171 entries) SPLLocomotive Basic
rank: 196 195 [tied] (5071 entries) MetafontQB64
rank: 197 [tied] (4970 entries) Lang5ABAP
rank: 197 [tied] (4970 entries) RascalNeko
rank: 199 [tied] (4869 entries) DCLEla
rank: 199 [tied] (4869 entries) Microsoft Small BasicXLISP
rank: 201 [tied] (4768 entries) TokaBQN
rank: 202201 [tied] (4668 entries) ATSBrat
rank: 202203 [tied] (4666 entries) Inform 7Burlesque
rank: 204 203 [tied] (4566 entries) JoyScilab
rank: 205 [tied] (4365 entries) Caché ObjectScriptLabVIEW
rank: 205 [tied] (4365 entries) ProcessingOxygenBasic
rank: 205207 [tied] (4364 entries) WortelIDL
rank: 205208 [tied] (4363 entries) XSLTGW-BASIC
rank: 209 [tied] (4262 entries) HolyCColdFusion
rank: 209 [tied] (4262 entries) SQL PLWart
rank: 209211 [tied] (4261 entries) SparklingFree Pascal
rank: 212 [tied] (4160 entries) AikidoFALSE
rank: 212 [tied] (4160 entries) HarbourSequenceL
rank: 212214 [tied] (4159 entries) MiniScriptSAS
rank: 212215 [tied] (4157 entries) TorqueScriptPowerBASIC
rank: 212216 [tied] (4156 entries) YorickFBSL
rank: 217 [tied] (4055 entries) APEXMAD
rank: 217218 [tied] (4053 entries) RapidQHaxe
rank: 217218 [tied] (4053 entries) S-langOpenEdge/Progress
rank: 217220 [tied] (4051 entries) UnixPipesFOCAL
rank: 217220 [tied] (4051 entries) VSPL
rank: 222 [tied] (3950 entries) GW-BASICMetafont
rank: 222223 [tied] (3949 entries) SETLLang5
rank: 224223 [tied] (3849 entries) Brainf***Rascal
rank: 224223 [tied] (3849 entries) FalconZig
rank: 224226 [tied] (3848 entries) LisaacDCL
rank: 224226 [tied] (3848 entries) SedMicrosoft Small Basic
rank: 228 [tied] (3747 entries) BabelCaché ObjectScript
rank: 228 [tied] (3747 entries) FutharkHarbour
rank: 230 228 [tied] (3647 entries) ElmToka
rank: 231 [tied] (3546 entries) AmigaEInform 7
rank: 231 [tied] (3546 entries) C ShellKlingphix
rank: 231233 [tied] (3545 entries) ChapelJoy
rank: 231234 [tied] (3544 entries) GenieTrue BASIC
rank: 231235 [tied] (3543 entries) TailspinALGOL 60
rank: 236235 [tied] (3443 entries) 6502 AssemblyALGOL-M
rank: 236235 [tied] (3443 entries) GMLATS
rank: 236235 [tied] (3443 entries) NialS-lang
rank: 236235 [tied] (3443 entries) RLaBTiny BASIC
rank: 236235 [tied] (3443 entries) SuperColliderWortel
rank: 236235 [tied] (3443 entries) Vim ScriptXSLT
rank: 242 [tied] (3342 entries) WDTEHolyC
rank: 243242 [tied] (3242 entries) EGLLOLCODE
rank: 243242 [tied] (3242 entries) GnuplotNS-HUBASIC
rank: 243242 [tied] (3242 entries) IQ
rank: 243242 [tied] (3242 entries) LOLCODESQL PL
rank: 243242 [tied] (3242 entries) PL/SQLSparkling
rank: 243248 [tied] (3241 entries) QAikido
rank: 243248 [tied] (3241 entries) Visual FoxProTorqueScript
rank: 250248 [tied] (3041 entries) AgenaYorick
rank: 250251 [tied] (3040 entries) GUISSAPEX
rank: 250251 [tied] (3040 entries) HuginnRapidQ
rank: 250251 [tied] (3040 entries) QiUnixPipes
rank: 250251 [tied] (3040 entries) REALbasicV
rank: 250255 [tied] (3039 entries) ZonnonBrainf***
rank: 256255 [tied] (2939 entries) Free PascalSed
rank: 256257 [tied] (2938 entries) MIRC Scripting LanguageChapel
rank: 256257 [tied] (2938 entries) SNUSPElm
rank: 256257 [tied] (2938 entries) Smart BASICFalcon
rank: 260257 [tied] (2838 entries) CMakeLisaac
rank: 260257 [tied] (2838 entries) ECLProcessing Python mode
rank: 260257 [tied] (2838 entries) HexiscriptSETL
rank: 260263 [tied] (2837 entries) HyBabel
rank: 260263 [tied] (2837 entries) NS-HUBASICEDSAC order code
rank: 260263 [tied] (2837 entries) OrderFuthark
rank: 260266 [tied] (2836 entries) PlainTeXGML
rank: 267266 [tied] (2736 entries) LILPL/SQL
rank: 267266 [tied] (2736 entries) LimboVim Script
rank: 269 [tied] (2635 entries) ALGOL68000 60Assembly
rank: 269 [tied] (2635 entries) CleanAmigaE
rank: 269 [tied] (2635 entries) ClipperC Shell
rank: 269 [tied] (2635 entries) HaxeGenie
rank: 269 [tied] (2635 entries) MLiteNial
rank: 269 [tied] (2635 entries) PotionSuperCollider
rank: 269275 [tied] (2634 entries) SalmonRLaB
rank: 276 (2533 entries) LLVMWDTE
rank: 277 [tied] (2432 entries) IdrisEGL
rank: 277 [tied] (2432 entries) MirahGnuplot
rank: 277 [tied] (2432 entries) SSEMI
rank: 277 [tied] (2432 entries) TrithVisual FoxPro
rank: 281 [tied] (2331 entries) AstroFermat
rank: 281282 [tied] (2330 entries) IokeAgena
rank: 281282 [tied] (2330 entries) ML/IGUISS
rank: 281282 [tied] (2330 entries) PHLHuginn
rank: 281282 [tied] (2330 entries) ProDOSOrder
rank: 286282 [tied] (2230 entries) BeeswaxQi
rank: 286282 [tied] (2230 entries) GolfscriptREALbasic
rank: 286282 [tied] (2230 entries) MIPSSmart AssemblyBASIC
rank: 286282 [tied] (2230 entries) MLZoea
rank: 286282 [tied] (2230 entries) SuneidoZonnon
rank: 291 [tied] (2129 entries) ArgileAssembly
rank: 291 [tied] (2129 entries) GosuCMake
rank: 291 [tied] (2129 entries) KlongHy
rank: 291 [tied] (2129 entries) PelotonMIRC Scripting Language
rank: 291 [tied] (2129 entries) PureSNUSP
rank: 291 [tied] (2129 entries) ScratchSymsyn
rank: 297291 [tied] (2029 entries) AssemblyXBasic
rank: 297298 [tied] (2028 entries) ChefECL
rank: 297298 [tied] (2028 entries) FishGolfscript
rank: 297298 [tied] (2028 entries) NanoqueryHexiscript
rank: 297298 [tied] (2028 entries) SelfLIL
rank: 297298 [tied] (2028 entries) TypeScriptPotion
rank: 297303 [tied] (2027 entries) Wee BasicAvail
rank: 304303 [tied] (1927 entries) ChucKLatitude
rank: 304303 [tied] (1927 entries) VerbexxLimbo
rank: 306303 [tied] (1827 entries) FancyPlainTeX
rank: 306303 [tied] (1827 entries) MakeTypeScript
rank: 308303 [tied] (1727 entries) 0815Zoea Visual
rank: 308309 [tied] (1726 entries) DylanClean
rank: 308309 [tied] (1726 entries) EfeneClipper
rank: 308309 [tied] (1726 entries) GFA BasicIdris
rank: 308309 [tied] (1726 entries) MMIXMLite
rank: 308309 [tied] (1726 entries) MOORelation
rank: 308309 [tied] (1726 entries) ShenSalmon
rank: 315 [tied] (1625 entries) DragonLLVM
rank: 315 [tied] (1625 entries) EDSAC order codeScratch
rank: 315 [tied] (1625 entries) FriendlyZ80 interactive shellAssembly
rank: 315318 [tied] (1624 entries) LSLMiniZinc
rank: 315318 [tied] (1624 entries) LambdatalkMirah
rank: 315318 [tied] (1624 entries) SpinRobotic
rank: 315318 [tied] (1624 entries) Transact-SQLSSEM
rank: 315318 [tied] (1624 entries) WhitespaceTrith
rank: 315318 [tied] (1624 entries) WrenVerilog
rank: 315324 [tied] (1623 entries) XojoAstro
rank: 325324 [tied] (1523 entries) GemaIoke
rank: 325324 [tied] (1523 entries) LSE64Lobster
rank: 325324 [tied] (1523 entries) LucidML/I
rank: 325324 [tied] (1523 entries) N/t/roffPHL
rank: 325324 [tied] (1523 entries) OpenscadProDOS
rank: 325324 [tied] (1523 entries) SystemVerilogV (Vlang)
rank: 331 [tied] (1422 entries) ALGOL-MBeeswax
rank: 331 [tied] (1422 entries) ArcFuror
rank: 331 [tied] (1422 entries) AxiomKlong
rank: 331 [tied] (1422 entries) DaoMIPS Assembly
rank: 331 [tied] (1422 entries) EzhilML
rank: 331 [tied] (1422 entries) Inform 6Suneido
rank: 331337 [tied] (1421 entries) LangurArgile
rank: 331337 [tied] (1421 entries) LatitudeGosu
rank: 331337 [tied] (1421 entries) OOCPeloton
rank: 331337 [tied] (1421 entries) Pure Data
rank: 331337 [tied] (1421 entries) VAX AssemblyShen
rank: 331337 [tied] (1421 entries) Z80Wee AssemblyBasic
rank: 343 [tied] (1320 entries) Computer/zero AssemblyChef
rank: 343 [tied] (1320 entries) KonsolScriptDragon
rank: 343 [tied] (1320 entries) LaTeXFish
rank: 343 [tied] (1320 entries) Object PascalS-BASIC
rank: 343 [tied] (1320 entries) PonySelf
rank: 343 [tied] (1320 entries) RoboticXBS
rank: 343349 [tied] (1319 entries) SPADChucK
rank: 343349 [tied] (1319 entries) SmileBASICDBL
rank: 343349 [tied] (1319 entries) VHDLPony
rank: 352349 [tied] (1219 entries) AgdaVerbexx
rank: 352349 [tied] (1219 entries) BrlcadWhitespace
rank: 352354 [tied] (1218 entries) ClayFancy
rank: 352354 [tied] (1218 entries) EgelMake
rank: 352354 [tied] (1218 entries) EsXQuery
rank: 352357 [tied] (1217 entries) Genyris0815
rank: 352357 [tied] (1217 entries) GoloBeads
rank: 352357 [tied] (1217 entries) HalonDylan
rank: 352357 [tied] (1217 entries) OASYS AssemblerEfene
rank: 352357 [tied] (1217 entries) PandaFriendly interactive shell
rank: 352357 [tied] (1217 entries) PietGFA Basic
rank: 352357 [tied] (1217 entries) RPGMMIX
rank: 352357 [tied] (1217 entries) UnlambdaMOO
rank: 352357 [tied] (1217 entries) VorpalQBASIC
rank: 352357 [tied] (1217 entries) XBasicTransact-SQL
rank: 352357 [tied] (1217 entries) XQueryXojo
rank: 368 [tied] (1116 entries) ArendelleAgda
rank: 368 [tied] (1116 entries) BCPLHoon
rank: 368 [tied] (1116 entries) CLIPSLSL
rank: 368 [tied] (1116 entries) CocoLaTeX
rank: 368 [tied] (1116 entries) CurryObject Pascal
rank: 368 [tied] (1116 entries) FregeOpenscad
rank: 368 [tied] (1116 entries) GechoSpin
rank: 368375 [tied] (1115 entries) Integer BASICArc
rank: 368375 [tied] (1115 entries) OnyxGema
rank: 368375 [tied] (1115 entries) SPARKLSE64
rank: 368375 [tied] (1115 entries) ShinyLucid
rank: 368375 [tied] (1115 entries) TSE SALN/t/roff
rank: 380375 [tied] (1015 entries) App InventorSystemVerilog
rank: 380375 [tied] (1015 entries) AsymptoteTransd
rank: 380375 [tied] (1015 entries) BlzUnlambda
rank: 380383 [tied] (1014 entries) CoqAxiom
rank: 380383 [tied] (1014 entries) ECDao
rank: 380383 [tied] (1014 entries) ElisaEzhil
rank: 380383 [tied] (1014 entries) GlovePIEInform 6
rank: 380383 [tied] (1014 entries) LotusScriptIsabelle
rank: 380383 [tied] (1014 entries) MathprogOOC
rank: 380383 [tied] (1014 entries) MontiLangPicat
rank: 380383 [tied] (1014 entries) NiuePure Data
rank: 380383 [tied] (1014 entries) WraplSmileBASIC
rank: 392383 [tied] (914 entries) 4DOSVAX BatchAssembly
rank: 392383 [tied] (914 entries) 8086 AssemblyVHDL
rank: 392394 [tied] (913 entries) AloreComputer/zero Assembly
rank: 392394 [tied] (913 entries) BooCoq
rank: 392394 [tied] (913 entries) ComalKonsolScript
rank: 392394 [tied] (913 entries) EeroLittle
rank: 392394 [tied] (913 entries) FortressSPAD
rank: 392394 [tied] (913 entries) IWBASICX86-64 Assembly
rank: 392400 [tied] (912 entries) LilyAmigaBASIC
rank: 392400 [tied] (912 entries) LuckArnoldC
rank: 392400 [tied] (912 entries) MonteBrlcad
rank: 392400 [tied] (912 entries) MorfaClay
rank: 392400 [tied] (912 entries) MySQLEgel
rank: 392400 [tied] (912 entries) NSISEs
rank: 392400 [tied] (912 entries) POV-RayGenyris
rank: 392400 [tied] (912 entries) RaGolo
rank: 392400 [tied] (912 entries) SIMPOLHalon
rank: 392400 [tied] (912 entries) SymsynInteger BASIC
rank: 392400 [tied] (912 entries) UTFoolMontiLang
rank: 392400 [tied] (912 entries) ZigNever
rank: 412400 [tied] (812 entries) 4DOASYS Assembler
rank: 412400 [tied] (812 entries) 6800 AssemblyPanda
rank: 412400 [tied] (812 entries) 68000 AssemblyPiet
rank: 412400 [tied] (812 entries) 8051 AssemblyRPG
rank: 412400 [tied] (812 entries) AsciiDotsShale
rank: 412400 [tied] (812 entries) BVorpal
rank: 412418 [tied] (811 entries) ClioArendelle
rank: 412418 [tied] (811 entries) Dylan.NETCLIPS
rank: 412418 [tied] (811 entries) EgisonCoco
rank: 412418 [tied] (811 entries) FUZE BASICComal
rank: 412418 [tied] (811 entries) FanCurry
rank: 412418 [tied] (811 entries) GleeFrege
rank: 412418 [tied] (811 entries) HQ9+Gecho
rank: 412418 [tied] (811 entries) HoonGlovePIE
rank: 412418 [tied] (811 entries) LC3 AssemblyOnyx
rank: 412418 [tied] (811 entries) LhoghoSPARK
rank: 412418 [tied] (811 entries) MBSShiny
rank: 412418 [tied] (811 entries) NESLSnobol
rank: 412418 [tied] (811 entries) NGSTMG
rank: 412418 [tied] (811 entries) NitTSE SAL
rank: 412432 [tied] (810 entries) PILOTApp Inventor
rank: 412432 [tied] (810 entries) PIRAsymptote
rank: 412432 [tied] (810 entries) PicatBlz
rank: 412432 [tied] (810 entries) QBASICEC
rank: 412432 [tied] (810 entries) TIScriptElisa
rank: 412432 [tied] (810 entries) VerilogINTERCAL
rank: 438432 [tied] (710 entries) AmbientTalkJanet
rank: 438432 [tied] (710 entries) ArbreLotusScript
rank: 438432 [tied] (710 entries) BlastMathprog
rank: 438432 [tied] (710 entries) CobraNiue
rank: 438432 [tied] (710 entries) CrackWrapl
rank: 438432 [tied] (710 entries) FOCALZoomscript
rank: 438444 [tied] (79 entries) GLSL4DOS Batch
rank: 438444 [tied] (79 entries) IntercalAlore
rank: 438444 [tied] (79 entries) JCLBoo
rank: 438444 [tied] (79 entries) KiteEero
rank: 438444 [tied] (79 entries) PurityFortress
rank: 438444 [tied] (79 entries) RhopeIWBASIC
rank: 438444 [tied] (79 entries) SASLLily
rank: 438444 [tied] (79 entries) Set langLuck
rank: 438444 [tied] (79 entries) SkookumScriptMonte
rank: 438444 [tied] (79 entries) SquirrelMorfa
rank: 438444 [tied] (79 entries) TbasMySQL
rank: 438444 [tied] (79 entries) Visual ObjectsNSIS
rank: 438444 [tied] (79 entries) Visual PrologPOV-Ray
rank: 438444 [tied] (79 entries) XEecRa
rank: 438444 [tied] (79 entries) YacasSIMPOL
rank: 459444 [tied] (69 entries) ANTLRUTFool
rank: 459460 [tied] (68 entries) BlitzMax4D
rank: 459460 [tied] (68 entries) C++/CLI6800 Assembly
rank: 459460 [tied] (68 entries) C1R8051 Assembly
rank: 459460 [tied] (68 entries) CatAsciiDots
rank: 459460 [tied] (68 entries) Comefrom0x10B
rank: 459460 [tied] (68 entries) DUPClio
rank: 459460 [tied] (68 entries) Dodo0Dylan.NET
rank: 459460 [tied] (68 entries) FexlEgison
rank: 459460 [tied] (68 entries) GastonaFUZE BASIC
rank: 459460 [tied] (68 entries) GriFan
rank: 459460 [tied] (68 entries) HopeGLSL
rank: 459460 [tied] (68 entries) JavaFX ScriptGlee
rank: 459460 [tied] (68 entries) LispHQ9+
rank: 459460 [tied] (68 entries) MANOOLLC3 Assembly
rank: 459460 [tied] (68 entries) MoonScriptLSE
rank: 459460 [tied] (68 entries) OPLLhogho
rank: 459460 [tied] (68 entries) OxygeneMBS
rank: 459460 [tied] (68 entries) PASMMoonScript
rank: 459460 [tied] (68 entries) PDP-11 AssemblyNESL
rank: 459460 [tied] (68 entries) RockstarNGS
rank: 459460 [tied] (68 entries) SageNit
rank: 459460 [tied] (68 entries) TernPILOT
rank: 459460 [tied] (68 entries) True BASICPIR
rank: 459460 [tied] (68 entries) WheneverPointless
rank: 459460 [tied] (68 entries) µC++SASL
rank: 485460 [tied] (58 entries) 8080 AssemblyTIScript
rank: 485460 [tied] (58 entries) AlgaeVisual Prolog
rank: 485460 [tied] (58 entries) ArnoldCWhenever
rank: 485460 [tied] (58 entries) BraceYacas
rank: 485489 [tied] (57 entries) Clipper/XBase++AmbientTalk
rank: 485489 [tied] (57 entries) DMSArbre
rank: 485489 [tied] (57 entries) DelugeBlast
rank: 485489 [tied] (57 entries) ELLABootBASIC
rank: 485489 [tied] (57 entries) FeriteC++/CLI
rank: 485489 [tied] (57 entries) GEORGECobra
rank: 485489 [tied] (57 entries) JAMES II/Rule-based Cellular AutomataCrack
rank: 485489 [tied] (57 entries) L++Fennel
rank: 485489 [tied] (57 entries) LilypondJCL
rank: 485489 [tied] (57 entries) MetapostKite
rank: 485489 [tied] (57 entries) OccamNix
rank: 485489 [tied] (57 entries) PL/MPurity
rank: 485489 [tied] (57 entries) PSQLQuite BASIC
rank: 485489 [tied] (57 entries) PanoramicRhope
rank: 485489 [tied] (57 entries) QuillSage
rank: 485489 [tied] (57 entries) RPL/2Set lang
rank: 485489 [tied] (57 entries) Script BasicSkookumScript
rank: 485489 [tied] (57 entries) SisalSquirrel
rank: 485489 [tied] (57 entries) SnobolTbas
rank: 485489 [tied] (57 entries) TPPVisual Objects
rank: 485489 [tied] (57 entries) ThyrdWebAssembly
rank: 485489 [tied] (57 entries) VlangXEec
rank: 485489 [tied] (57 entries) XProcXProfan
rank: 485512 [tied] (56 entries) XTalkANTLR
rank: 485512 [tied] (56 entries) ZPLBlitzMax
rank: 514512 [tied] (46 entries) 80386 AssemblyC1R
rank: 514512 [tied] (46 entries) AMPLCASIO BASIC
rank: 514512 [tied] (46 entries) AspectJCat
rank: 514512 [tied] (46 entries) BifernoComefrom0x10
rank: 514512 [tied] (46 entries) BlooPDUP
rank: 514512 [tied] (46 entries) BoriDatalog
rank: 514512 [tied] (46 entries) DMDodo0
rank: 514512 [tied] (46 entries) DafnyFexl
rank: 514512 [tied] (46 entries) ESQLGastona
rank: 514512 [tied] (46 entries) ElastiCGri
rank: 514512 [tied] (46 entries) FHope
rank: 514512 [tied] (46 entries) FPJavaFX Script
rank: 514512 [tied] (46 entries) FelixLisp
rank: 514512 [tied] (46 entries) GenteeMANOOL
rank: 514512 [tied] (46 entries) Go!OPL
rank: 514512 [tied] (46 entries) HLAOxygene
rank: 514512 [tied] (46 entries) HPPPLPASM
rank: 514512 [tied] (46 entries) HeronPDP-11 Assembly
rank: 514512 [tied] (46 entries) HyperTalkPixilang
rank: 514512 [tied] (46 entries) Informix 4GLRockstar
rank: 514512 [tied] (46 entries) IptscraeTern
rank: 514512 [tied] (46 entries) JScript.NETTerraform
rank: 514512 [tied] (46 entries) JoCamlTuring
rank: 514512 [tied] (46 entries) JudoScriptXTalk
rank: 514512 [tied] (46 entries) KabapµC++
rank: 514539 [tied] (45 entries) LDPLAlgae
rank: 514539 [tied] (45 entries) LobsterBrace
rank: 514539 [tied] (45 entries) LushClipper/XBase++
rank: 514539 [tied] (45 entries) MUFDIBOL-11
rank: 514539 [tied] (45 entries) MiniZincDMS
rank: 514539 [tied] (45 entries) MythrylDeluge
rank: 514539 [tied] (45 entries) NetLogoELLA
rank: 514539 [tied] (45 entries) NyquistFerite
rank: 514539 [tied] (45 entries) OmegaGEORGE
rank: 514539 [tied] (45 entries) PyretJAMES II/Rule-based Cellular Automata
rank: 514539 [tied] (45 entries) Quite BASICKQL
rank: 514539 [tied] (45 entries) RTL/2L++
rank: 514539 [tied] (45 entries) SETL4Lilypond
rank: 514539 [tied] (45 entries) SMEQLMalbolge
rank: 514539 [tied] (45 entries) SPARC AssemblyMathcad
rank: 514539 [tied] (45 entries) SheerPower 4GLMelonBasic
rank: 514539 [tied] (45 entries) StreamItMetapost
rank: 514539 [tied] (45 entries) TI-83 Hex AssemblyNickle
rank: 514539 [tied] (45 entries) TecoNyquist
rank: 514539 [tied] (45 entries) TransFORTHOccam
rank: 514539 [tied] (45 entries) TwelfPSQL
rank: 514539 [tied] (45 entries) UnifacePanoramic
rank: 514539 [tied] (45 entries) VB6Pyret
rank: 514539 [tied] (45 entries) XSLT 2.0Quill
rank: 514539 [tied] (45 entries) ZEDRPL/2
rank: 564539 [tied] (35 entries) .QLScratchScript
rank: 564539 [tied] (35 entries) 8Script 1/2Basic
rank: 564539 [tied] (35 entries) A+Sisal
rank: 564539 [tied] (35 entries) ALGOLTPP
rank: 564539 [tied] (35 entries) ANTThyrd
rank: 564539 [tied] (35 entries) ASPUltimate++
rank: 564539 [tied] (35 entries) ASP.NetXProc
rank: 564539 [tied] (35 entries) Agda2ZPL
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) Alice80386 MLAssembly
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) Application MasterAMPL
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) AspectC++AspectJ
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) AutoLISPAtari BASIC
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) AxumB4X
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) BMLBasic09
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) Basic CasioBiferno
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) BattlestarBlooP
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) BetaBori
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) C0HC3
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) CB80Cind
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) CamlCorescript
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) CecilCubescript
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) CilkDM
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) Cilk++Dafny
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) CubescriptESQL
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) DatalogElastiC
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) DieselEmojicode
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) ElanF
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) EulerFP
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) Extended BrainF***Felix
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) FAUSTFhidwfe
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) FPIGentee
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) FeatureC++Go!
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) FreeMatHLA
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) GB BASICHPPPL
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) GlagolHeron
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) Global ScriptHyperTalk
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) GooInformix 4GL
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) JabacoIptscrae
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) KQLJScript.NET
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) KayaJinja
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) KeyList DatabasingJoCaml
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) KittenJudoScript
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) L.in.oleumKabap
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) LiveScriptKeg
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) Lotus 123 Macro ScriptingKsh
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) LoutLDPL
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) M680x0Lush
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) MDLMSX Basic
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) ME10 macroMUF
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) MGSMythryl
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) MaudeNetLogo
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) MirelleOmega
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) MonicelliPL/pgSQL
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) MyrddinQL SuperBASIC
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) MythonRASEL
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) NQPRPL
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) NiceRTL/2
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) OASYSSETL4
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) OpenC++SMEQL
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) PL/pgSQLSPARC Assembly
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) PLUSSheerPower 4GL
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) PLZ/SYSSimpleCode
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) PPC AssemblyStreamIt
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) PPLTI-83 Hex Assembly
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) Pentium AssemblyTeco
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) PowerbuilderTransFORTH
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) QuakeCTwelf
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) RLSLUniface
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) RPLUnison
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) RTSLVB6
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) RefalWisp
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) Sass/SCSSXSLT 2.0
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) Script3DZED
rank: 564637 [tied] (3 entries) Superbase BASIC.QL
rank: 564637 [tied] (3 entries) TAL8 1/2
rank: 564637 [tied] (3 entries) TeLaA+
rank: 564637 [tied] (3 entries) ThistleALGOL
rank: 564637 [tied] (3 entries) TuringANT
rank: 564637 [tied] (3 entries) UScriptASP
rank: 564637 [tied] (3 entries) UserRPLASP.Net
rank: 564637 [tied] (3 entries) UyirAction!
rank: 564637 [tied] (3 entries) VRMLAcurity Architect
rank: 564637 [tied] (3 entries) WMLAgda2
rank: 564637 [tied] (3 entries) X86Alice 64 AssemblyML
rank: 564637 [tied] (3 entries) XBaseApplication Master
rank: 564637 [tied] (3 entries) XULAspectC++
rank: 650637 [tied] (23 entries) BirdAutoLISP
rank: 650637 [tied] (23 entries) CduceAxum
rank: 650637 [tied] (23 entries) DeviousYarnBML
rank: 650637 [tied] (23 entries) GLBasicBattlestar
rank: 650637 [tied] (23 entries) HackBeta
rank: 650637 [tied] (23 entries) JOVIALC0H
rank: 650637 [tied] (23 entries) JackCB80
rank: 650637 [tied] (23 entries) LunaCHR
rank: 650637 [tied] (23 entries) MINILCaml
rank: 650637 [tied] (23 entries) MSX BasicCecil
rank: 650637 [tied] (23 entries) MalbolgeCilk
rank: 650637 [tied] (23 entries) MathCortexCilk++
rank: 650637 [tied] (23 entries) MyrtleScriptContextFree
rank: 650637 [tied] (23 entries) OOCalcDataWeave
rank: 650637 [tied] (23 entries) OpenLispDiesel
rank: 650637 [tied] (23 entries) PeopleCodeElan
rank: 650637 [tied] (23 entries) Perl5iEuler
rank: 650637 [tied] (23 entries) PictExplore
rank: 650637 [tied] (23 entries) ReasonExtended BrainF***
rank: 650637 [tied] (23 entries) ScriptBasicFAUST
rank: 650637 [tied] (23 entries) TechBASICFPI
rank: 650637 [tied] (23 entries) ToffeeScriptFeatureC++
rank: 650637 [tied] (23 entries) Viua VM assemblyFreeMat
rank: 650637 [tied] (23 entries) VoxGB BASIC
rank: 650637 [tied] (23 entries) XLGlagol
rank: 650637 [tied] (23 entries) XPathGlobal 2.0Script
rank: 650637 [tied] (23 entries) XSLT 1.0Goo
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) 1CJabaco
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) Action!Kaya
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) KeyList AnywaysDatabasing
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) ApricotKitten
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) B4JL.in.oleum
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) CHRLiveScript
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) Lotus 123 CafeOBJMacro Scripting
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) ClarionLout
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) DDNCM680x0
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) DIV Games StudioMDL
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) ME10 Emojicodemacro
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) FRISC AssemblyMGS
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) FormulaOneMPIF90
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) G-fuMaude
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) Jacquard LoomMirelle
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) Kamailio ScriptMonicelli
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) Lambda PrologMyrddin
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) LibreOffice BasicMython
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) LychenNQP
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) MAPPERNice
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) MELOASYS
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) MondOpenC++
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) MonkeyPLUS
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) NASLPLZ/SYS
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) NeatPPL
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) Pentium NewtonScriptAssembly
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) NicklePepsiScript
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) NixPowerbuilder
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) OpaProcessing.R
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) PareQuakeC
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) QoreRLSL
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) RPGIVRTSL
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) RapiraRefal
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) SoarSPSS
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) SoneKing AssemblySass/SCSS
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) SuperTalkScript3D
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) Superbase SupernovaBASIC
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) TerraSwahili
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) TestMLTAL
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) WebAssemblyTeLa
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) WollokThistle
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) XanaduTosh
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) YaUScript
rank: 637 [tied] (3 entries) UserRPL
rank: 637 [tied] (3 entries) Uyir
rank: 637 [tied] (3 entries) VRML
rank: 637 [tied] (3 entries) WML
rank: 637 [tied] (3 entries) XBase
rank: 637 [tied] (3 entries) XUL
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) 1C
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) Bird
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) Cduce
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) DeviousYarn
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) GLBasic
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) Hack
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) JOVIAL
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) JSE
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) Jack
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) Koka
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) Lean
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) Little Man Computer
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) Luna
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) MACRO-11
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) MINIL
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) MathCortex
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) Mosaic
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) MyrtleScript
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) NOWUT
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) OOCalc
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) OpenLisp
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) PeopleCode
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) Perl5i
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) Pict
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) Programming Language
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) RATFOR
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) Risc-V
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) ScriptBasic
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) Sing
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) SuperTalk
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) TechBASIC
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) ToffeeScript
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) Turbo-Basic XL
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) Viua VM assembly
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) Vox
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) XL
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) XPath 2.0
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) XSLT 1.0
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) Anyways
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) Apricot
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) Aquarius BASIC
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) B4J
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) Batari Basic
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) Binary Lambda Calculus
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) C2
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) CafeOBJ
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) Clarion
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) Coconut
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) DDNC
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) DIV Games Studio
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) FRISC Assembly
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) FormulaOne
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) G-fu
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) Guile
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) Inko
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) Jacquard Loom
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) KL1
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) Kamailio Script
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) Lambda Prolog
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) LibreOffice Basic
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) Lychen
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) MAPPER
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) MEL
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) Mond
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) Monkey
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) NASL
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) NATURAL
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) Neat
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) NewtonScript
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) Night
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) Odin
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) Opa
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) Pare
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) Plan
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) PowerPC Assembly
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) Qore
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) RPGIV
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) Rapira
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) Reason
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) Soar
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) SoneKing Assembly
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) Supernova
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) Terra
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) TestML
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) TutorialD
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) Wollok
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) Xanadu
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) Ya
☼ end─of─list. ☼
===output, sorted by programming language===
════════════════════════timestamp: 3019 AugSep 20192021 51:38pm═════════════════════════09pm═════════════════════════
1,010127 records read from file: RC_POP.LAN
78,118293 records read from file: RC_POP.CAT
719813 (total) number of languages detected in the category file,
759851 " " " " " " " language " ,
6682,281995 (total) number of entries (solutions) detected.
rank: 564637 [tied] (3 entries) .QL
rank: 308357 [tied] (17 entries) 0815
rank: 134 37 (108684 entries) 11l
rank: 677726 [tied] (12 entryentries) 1C
rank: 9397 (204218 entries) 360 Assembly
rank: 412460 [tied] (8 entries) 4D
rank: 392444 [tied] (9 entries) 4DOS Batch
rank: 236186 [tied] (3477 entries) 6502 Assembly
rank: 412460 [tied] (8 entries) 6800 Assembly
rank: 412269 [tied] (835 entries) 68000 Assembly
rank: 564637 [tied] (3 entries) 8 1/2
rank: 514572 [tied] (4 entries) 80386 Assembly
rank: 412460 [tied] (8 entries) 8051 Assembly
rank: 485168 [tied] (595 entries) 8080 Assembly
rank: 392182 [tied] (981 entries) 8086 Assembly
rank: 155 176 [tied] (8689 entries) 8th
rank: 564637 [tied] (3 entries) A+
rank: 171119 [tied] (69157 entries) ABAPAArch64 Assembly
rank: 141 197 [tied] (10070 entries) ACL2ABAP
rank: 677161 [tied] (1100 entryentries) Action!ACL2
rank: 123 637 [tied] (1213 entries) ActionScriptAction!
rank: 25 142 [tied] (676121 entries) AdaActionScript
rank: 352637 [tied] (123 entries) AgdaAcurity Architect
rank: 564 28 [tied] (3832 entries) Agda2Ada
rank: 250368 [tied] (3016 entries) AgenaAgda
rank: 212637 [tied] (413 entries) AikidoAgda2
rank: 100 282 [tied] (16930 entries) AimeAgena
rank: 485248 [tied] (541 entries) AlgaeAikido
rank: 564113 [tied] (3169 entries) ALGOLAime
rank: 269539 [tied] (265 entries) ALGOL 60Algae
rank: 33 637 [tied] (5733 entries) ALGOL 68
rank: 101 235 [tied] (16843 entries) ALGOL W60
rank: 331 36 [tied] (14707 entries) ALGOL-M 68
rank: 564 87 [tied] (3265 entries) AliceALGOL MLW
rank: 392235 [tied] (943 entries) AloreALGOL-M
rank: 438637 [tied] (73 entries) AmbientTalkAlice ML
rank: 231444 [tied] (359 entries) AmigaEAlore
rank: 514489 [tied] (47 entries) AMPLAmbientTalk
rank: 564400 [tied] (312 entries) ANTAmigaBASIC
rank: 459269 [tied] (635 entries) ANTLRAmigaE
rank: 677572 [tied] (14 entryentries) AnywaysAMPL
rank: 217637 [tied] (403 entries) APEXANT
rank: 139512 [tied] (1046 entries) APLANTLR
rank: 380764 [tied] (101 entriesentry) App Inventor Anyways
rank: 83 251 [tied] (24740 entries) AppleScriptAPEX
rank: 112 91 (148238 entries) Applesoft BASICAPL
rank: 564432 [tied] (310 entries) ApplicationApp MasterInventor
rank: 677 63 [tied] (1409 entryentries) ApricotAppleScript
rank: 438124 [tied] (7153 entries) ArbreApplesoft BASIC
rank: 331637 [tied] (143 entries) ArcApplication Master
rank: 368764 [tied] (111 entriesentry) Arendelle Apricot
rank: 291764 [tied] (211 entriesentry) Argile Aquarius BASIC
rank: 121 489 [tied] (1257 entries) ARM AssemblyArbre
rank: 485375 [tied] (515 entries) ArnoldCArc
rank: 412418 [tied] (811 entries) AsciiDotsArendelle
rank: 564337 [tied] (321 entries) ASPArgile
rank: 564107 [tied] (3191 entries) ASP.NetARM Assembly
rank: 564400 [tied] (312 entries) AspectC++ArnoldC
rank: 514 59 [tied] (4445 entries) AspectJArturo
rank: 297460 [tied] (208 entries) AssemblyAsciiDots
rank: 281637 [tied] (233 entries) AstroASP
rank: 380637 [tied] (103 entries) AsymptoteASP.Net
rank: 202637 [tied] (463 entries) ATSAspectC++
rank: 29 572 [tied] (6284 entries) AutoHotkeyAspectJ
rank: 144291 [tied] (9629 entries) AutoItAssembly
rank: 564324 [tied] (323 entries) AutoLISPAstro
rank: 47 432 [tied] (47010 entries) AWKAsymptote
rank: 148572 [tied] (934 entries) AxeAtari BASIC
rank: 331235 [tied] (1443 entries) AxiomATS
rank: 564 35 [tied] (3730 entries) AxumAutoHotkey
rank: 412164 [tied] (898 entries) BAutoIt
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) B4JAutoLISP
rank: 228303 [tied] (3727 entries) BabelAvail
rank: 124 41 (120628 entries) BaConAWK
rank: 78 171 [tied] (27093 entries) BASICAxe
rank: 564383 [tied] (314 entries) Basic CasioAxiom
rank: 163637 [tied] (753 entries) BASIC256Axum
rank: 91 460 [tied] (2088 entries) Batch FileB
rank: 564764 [tied] (31 entriesentry) Battlestar B4J
rank: 37 572 [tied] (5624 entries) BBC BASICB4X
rank: 153263 [tied] (8837 entries) BCBabel
rank: 368108 [tied] (11188 entries) BCPLBaCon
rank: 286 71 [tied] (22353 entries) BeeswaxBASIC
rank: 102 572 [tied] (1664 entries) BefungeBasic09
rank: 564122 [tied] (3155 entries) BetaBASIC256
rank: 514764 [tied] (41 entriesentry) Biferno Batari Basic
rank: 650100 [tied] (2212 entries) BirdBatch File
rank: 438637 [tied] (73 entries) BlastBattlestar
rank: 459 46 [tied] (6568 entries) BlitzMaxBBC BASIC
rank: 514176 [tied] (489 entries) BlooPBc
rank: 380135 [tied] (10135 entries) BlzBCPL
rank: 564357 [tied] (317 entries) BMLBeads
rank: 392331 [tied] (922 entries) BooBeeswax
rank: 514113 [tied] (4169 entries) BoriBefunge
rank: 485637 [tied] (53 entries) BraceBeta
rank: 71572 [tied] (2914 entries) BracmatBiferno
rank: 224764 [tied] (381 entriesentry) Brainf*** Binary Lambda Calculus
rank: 175 726 [tied] (682 entries) BratBird
rank: 352489 [tied] (127 entries) BrlcadBlast
rank: 178512 [tied] (656 entries) BurlesqueBlitzMax
rank: 572 9 [tied] (9684 entries) CBlooP
rank: 20 432 [tied] (80010 entries) C sharpBlz
rank: 231637 [tied] (353 entries) C ShellBML
rank: 22 444 [tied] (7749 entries) C++Boo
rank: 459489 [tied] (67 entries) C++/CLIBootBASIC
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) C0HBori
rank: 459201 [tied] (668 entries) C1RBQN
rank: 205539 [tied] (435 entries) Caché ObjectScriptBrace
rank: 677 81 [tied] (1 entry) CafeOBJ(306 entries) Bracmat
rank: 564255 [tied] (339 entries) CamlBrainf***
rank: 459201 [tied] (668 entries) CatBrat
rank: 564400 [tied] (312 entries) CB80Brlcad
rank: 650203 [tied] (266 entries) CduceBurlesque
rank: 564 [tied]9 (31,146 entries) CecilC
rank: 147 25 (94899 entries) CeylonC sharp
rank: 231269 [tied] (35 entries) ChapelC Shell
rank: 297 15 [tied] (201,063 entries) ChefC++
rank: 677489 [tied] (17 entryentries) CHRC++/CLI
rank: 304637 [tied] (193 entries) ChucKC0H
rank: 564512 [tied] (36 entries) CilkC1R
rank: 564764 [tied] (31 entriesentry) Cilk++ C2
rank: 677572 [tied] (14 entryentries) ClarionC3
rank: 352228 [tied] (1247 entries) ClayCaché ObjectScript
rank: 269764 [tied] (261 entriesentry) Clean CafeOBJ
rank: 412637 [tied] (83 entries) ClioCaml
rank: 269512 [tied] (266 entries) ClipperCASIO BASIC
rank: 485512 [tied] (56 entries) Clipper/XBase++Cat
rank: 368637 [tied] (113 entries) CLIPSCB80
rank: 31 726 [tied] (5952 entries) ClojureCduce
rank: 260637 [tied] (283 entries) CMakeCecil
rank: 170 76 (27394 entries) COBOLCeylon
rank: 438257 [tied] (738 entries) CobraChapel
rank: 368343 [tied] (1120 entries) CocoChef
rank: 87 637 [tied] (2183 entries) CoffeeScriptCHR
rank: 186 349 [tied] (6119 entries) ColdFusionChucK
rank: 392637 [tied] (93 entries) ComalCilk
rank: 459637 [tied] (63 entries) Comefrom0x10Cilk++
rank: 188572 [tied] (574 entries) Commodore BASICCind
rank: 24 764 [tied] (6791 entriesentry) Common Lisp Clarion
rank: 168 400 [tied] (7412 entries) Component PascalClay
rank: 343309 [tied] (1326 entries) Computer/zero AssemblyClean
rank: 380460 [tied] (108 entries) CoqClio
rank: 438309 [tied] (726 entries) CrackClipper
rank: 142539 [tied] (975 entries) CrystalClipper/XBase++
rank: 564418 [tied] (311 entries) CubescriptCLIPS
rank: 368 40 [tied] (11637 entries) CurryClojure
rank: 16 291 [tied] (89829 entries) DCMake
rank: 514 76 [tied] (4319 entries) DafnyCOBOL
rank: 331489 [tied] (147 entries) DaoCobra
rank: 159 418 [tied] (8011 entries) DartCoco
rank: 564764 [tied] (31 entriesentry) Datalog Coconut
rank: 183 95 [tied] (62221 entries) DcCoffeeScript
rank: 199209 [tied] (4862 entries) DCLColdFusion
rank: 677418 [tied] (111 entryentries) DDNCComal
rank: 82 512 [tied] (2536 entries) DelphiComefrom0x10
rank: 485137 [tied] (5127 entries) DelugeCommodore BASIC
rank: 650 34 [tied] (2740 entries) DeviousYarnCommon Lisp
rank: 564193 [tied] (373 entries) DieselComponent Pascal
rank: 677394 [tied] (113 entryentries) Computer/zero DIV Games StudioAssembly
rank: 514637 [tied] (43 entries) DMContextFree
rank: 485394 [tied] (513 entries) DMSCoq
rank: 459572 [tied] (64 entries) Dodo0Corescript
rank: 315144 [tied] (16120 entries) DragonCowgol
rank: 459489 [tied] (67 entries) DUPCrack
rank: 139 93 [tied] (104228 entries) DWScriptCrystal
rank: 131 572 [tied] (1114 entries) DyalectCubescript
rank: 308418 [tied] (1711 entries) DylanCurry
rank: 412 20 [tied] (8978 entries) Dylan.NETD
rank: 137572 [tied] (1054 entries) Déjà VuDafny
rank: 77 383 [tied] (27214 entries) EDao
rank: 152163 (8999 entries) EasyLangDart
rank: 380512 [tied] (106 entries) ECDatalog
rank: 68637 [tied] (3053 entries) EchoLispDataWeave
rank: 260349 [tied] (2819 entries) ECLDBL
rank: 315184 [tied] (1678 entries) EDSAC order codeDc
rank: 392226 [tied] (948 entries) EeroDCL
rank: 308764 [tied] (171 entriesentry) Efene DDNC
rank: 352 39 [tied] (12655 entries) EgelDelphi
rank: 412539 [tied] (85 entries) EgisonDeluge
rank: 243726 [tied] (322 entries) EGLDeviousYarn
rank: 110 539 [tied] (1525 entries) EiffelDIBOL-11
rank: 171637 [tied] (693 entries) ElaDiesel
rank: 564764 [tied] (31 entriesentry) Elan DIV Games Studio
rank: 514572 [tied] (4 entries) ElastiCDM
rank: 84 539 [tied] (2395 entries) ElenaDMS
rank: 380512 [tied] (106 entries) ElisaDodo0
rank: 44 343 [tied] (51820 entries) ElixirDragon
rank: 485512 [tied] (56 entries) ELLADUP
rank: 230 160 (36103 entries) ElmDWScript
rank: 116140 [tied] (139125 entries) Emacs LispDyalect
rank: 677357 [tied] (117 entryentries) EmojicodeDylan
rank: 45 460 [tied] (4958 entries) ErlangDylan.NET
rank: 97158 (183105 entries) ERREDéjà Vu
rank: 352 86 [tied] (12272 entries) EsE
rank: 514150 [tied] (4115 entries) ESQLEasyLang
rank: 564432 [tied] (310 entries) EulerEC
rank: 8582 (232305 entries) EuphoriaEchoLisp
rank: 564298 [tied] (328 entries) Extended BrainF***ECL
rank: 331263 [tied] (1437 entries) EzhilEDSAC order code
rank: 514444 [tied] (49 entries) FEero
rank: 39 357 [tied] (55917 entries) F SharpEfene
rank: 27 400 [tied] (64212 entries) FactorEgel
rank: 224460 [tied] (388 entries) FalconEgison
rank: 193 277 [tied] (5432 entries) FALSEEGL
rank: 412119 [tied] (8157 entries) FanEiffel
rank: 306199 [tied] (1869 entries) FancyEla
rank: 109 637 [tied] (1533 entries) FantomElan
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) FAUSTElastiC
rank: 191 89 [tied] (56244 entries) FBSLElena
rank: 564432 [tied] (310 entries) FeatureC++Elisa
rank: 514 53 [tied] (4529 entries) FelixElixir
rank: 485539 [tied] (5 entries) FeriteELLA
rank: 459257 [tied] (638 entries) FexlElm
rank: 297130 [tied] (20148 entries) FishEmacs Lisp
rank: 438572 [tied] (74 entries) FOCALEmojicode
rank: 677 54 [tied] (1 entry) FormulaOne(511 entries) Erlang
rank: 50109 (456183 entries) ForthERRE
rank: 38 400 [tied] (56012 entries) FORTRANEs
rank: 392572 [tied] (94 entries) FortressESQL
rank: 514637 [tied] (43 entries) FPEuler
rank: 564 92 [tied] (3237 entries) FPIEuphoria
rank: 256194 [tied] (2972 entries) Free PascalExcel
rank: 42637 [tied] (5323 entries) FreeBASICExplore
rank: 564637 [tied] (3 entries) FreeMatExtended BrainF***
rank: 368383 [tied] (1114 entries) FregeEzhil
rank: 315572 [tied] (164 entries) Friendly interactive shellF
rank: 137 33 [tied] (105741 entries) FrinkF Sharp
rank: 677 23 [tied] (1 entry) FRISC(925 entries) AssemblyFactor
rank: 151 257 [tied] (9138 entries) FunLFalcon
rank: 228212 [tied] (3760 entries) FutharkFALSE
rank: 162 460 [tied] (768 entries) FutureBasicFan
rank: 412354 [tied] (818 entries) FUZE BASICFancy
rank: 181 124 [tied] (64153 entries) FôrmulæFantom
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) G-fuFAUST
rank: 216 98 (17556 entries) GambasFBSL
rank: 104 637 [tied] (1613 entries) GAPFeatureC++
rank: 459572 [tied] (64 entries) GastonaFelix
rank: 564489 [tied] (37 entries) GB BASICFennel
rank: 368539 [tied] (115 entries) GechoFerite
rank: 325281 [tied] (1531 entries) GemaFermat
rank: 231512 [tied] (356 entries) GenieFexl
rank: 514572 [tied] (4 entries) GenteeFhidwfe
rank: 352343 [tied] (1220 entries) GenyrisFish
rank: 485220 [tied] (551 entries) GEORGEFOCAL
rank: 308764 [tied] (171 entriesentry) GFA Basic FormulaOne
rank: 564 48 [tied] (3546 entries) GlagolForth
rank: 650 45 [tied] (2595 entries) GLBasicFortran
rank: 412444 [tied] (89 entries) GleeFortress
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) Global ScriptFP
rank: 380637 [tied] (103 entries) GlovePIEFPI
rank: 438211 [tied] (761 entries) GLSLFree Pascal
rank: 236 26 [tied] (34852 entries) GMLFreeBASIC
rank: 243637 [tied] (323 entries) GnuplotFreeMat
rank: 418 1 [tied] (1,17111 entries) GoFrege
rank: 514357 [tied] (417 entries) Go!Friendly interactive shell
rank: 286111 [tied] (22174 entries) GolfscriptFrink
rank: 352764 [tied] (121 entriesentry) Golo FRISC Assembly
rank: 564174 [tied] (390 entries) GooFunL
rank: 291331 [tied] (2122 entries) GosuFuror
rank: 459263 [tied] (637 entries) GriFuthark
rank: 53 184 [tied] (42278 entries) GroovyFutureBasic
rank: 250460 [tied] (308 entries) GUISSFUZE BASIC
rank: 222112 [tied] (39171 entries) GW-BASICFôrmulæ
rank: 650764 [tied] (21 entriesentry) Hack G-fu
rank: 352110 [tied] (12182 entries) HalonGambas
rank: 212116 [tied] (41161 entries) HarbourGAP
rank: 17 512 [tied] (8746 entries) HaskellGastona
rank: 269637 [tied] (263 entries) HaxeGB BASIC
rank: 514418 [tied] (411 entries) HeronGecho
rank: 260375 [tied] (2815 entries) HexiscriptGema
rank: 107 269 [tied] (15635 entries) HicEstGenie
rank: 514572 [tied] (4 entries) HLAGentee
rank: 209400 [tied] (4212 entries) HolyCGenyris
rank: 412539 [tied] (85 entries) HoonGEORGE
rank: 459357 [tied] (617 entries) HopeGFA Basic
rank: 514637 [tied] (43 entries) HPPPLGlagol
rank: 412726 [tied] (82 entries) HQ9+GLBasic
rank: 250460 [tied] (308 entries) HuginnGlee
rank: 260637 [tied] (283 entries) HyGlobal Script
rank: 514418 [tied] (411 entries) HyperTalkGlovePIE
rank: 243460 [tied] (328 entries) IGLSL
rank: 42266 [tied] (53236 entries) IconGML
rank: 182 277 [tied] (6332 entries) IDLGnuplot
rank: 277 [tied]2 (241,425 entries) IdrisGo
rank: 331572 [tied] (144 entries) Inform 6Go!
rank: 202298 [tied] (4628 entries) Inform 7Golfscript
rank: 514400 [tied] (412 entries) Informix 4GLGolo
rank: 368637 [tied] (113 entries) Integer BASICGoo
rank: 438337 [tied] (721 entries) IntercalGosu
rank: 148512 [tied] (936 entries) IoGri
rank: 281 55 [tied] (23505 entries) IokeGroovy
rank: 514764 [tied] (41 entriesentry) Iptscrae Guile
rank: 99 282 [tied] (17430 entries) IS-BASICGUISS
rank: 392208 [tied] (963 entries) IWBASICGW-BASIC
rank: 11 726 [tied] (9452 entries) JHack
rank: 564400 [tied] (312 entries) JabacoHalon
rank: 650228 [tied] (247 entries) JackHarbour
rank: 677 17 [tied] (1,040 entryentries) Jacquard LoomHaskell
rank: 485218 [tied] (553 entries) JAMES II/Rule-based Cellular AutomataHaxe
rank: 14 572 [tied] (9104 entries) JavaHeron
rank: 459298 [tied] (628 entries) JavaFX ScriptHexiscript
rank: 26121 (649156 entries) JavaScriptHicEst
rank: 438572 [tied] (74 entries) JCLHLA
rank: 514242 [tied] (442 entries) JoCamlHolyC
rank: 650368 [tied] (216 entries) JOVIALHoon
rank: 204 512 [tied] (456 entries) JoyHope
rank: 48572 [tied] (4634 entries) JqHPPPL
rank: 514460 [tied] (48 entries) JScript.NETHQ9+
rank: 118 282 [tied] (13830 entries) JsishHuginn
rank: 514291 [tied] (429 entries) JudoScriptHy
rank: 572 4 [tied] (1,0984 entries) JuliaHyperTalk
rank: 115 277 [tied] (14032 entries) KI
rank: 514 51 [tied] (4537 entries) KabapIcon
rank: 677207 [tied] (1 entry) Kamailio(64 entries) ScriptIDL
rank: 564309 [tied] (326 entries) KayaIdris
rank: 564383 [tied] (314 entries) KeyListInform Databasing6
rank: 438231 [tied] (746 entries) KiteInform 7
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) KittenInformix 4GL
rank: 291764 [tied] (211 entriesentry) Klong Inko
rank: 343400 [tied] (1312 entries) KonsolScriptInteger BASIC
rank: 432 6 [tied] (1,05210 entries) KotlinINTERCAL
rank: 564171 [tied] (393 entries) KQLIo
rank: 485324 [tied] (523 entries) L++Ioke
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) L.in.oleumIptscrae
rank: 178103 [tied] (65198 entries) LabVIEWIS-BASIC
rank: 677383 [tied] (114 entryentries) Lambda PrologIsabelle
rank: 315444 [tied] (169 entries) LambdatalkIWBASIC
rank: 197 16 [tied] (491,050 entries) Lang5J
rank: 331637 [tied] (143 entries) LangurJabaco
rank: 80726 [tied] (2592 entries) LassoJack
rank: 343764 [tied] (131 entriesentry) LaTeX Jacquard Loom
rank: 331539 [tied] (145 entries) LatitudeJAMES II/Rule-based Cellular Automata
rank: 412432 [tied] (810 entries) LC3 AssemblyJanet
rank: 514 12 [tied] (41,122 entries) LDPLJava
rank: 160512 [tied] (776 entries) LFEJavaFX Script
rank: 412 32 [tied] (8747 entries) LhoghoJavaScript
rank: 62 489 [tied] (3387 entries) Liberty BASICJCL
rank: 677572 [tied] (14 entryentries) LibreOffice BasicJinja
rank: 267572 [tied] (274 entries) LILJoCaml
rank: 392726 [tied] (92 entries) LilyJOVIAL
rank: 485233 [tied] (545 entries) LilypondJoy
rank: 267 38 [tied] (27673 entries) LimboJq
rank: 95 572 [tied] (1944 entries) LingoJScript.NET
rank: 224726 [tied] (382 entries) LisaacJSE
rank: 459134 [tied] (6138 entries) LispJsish
rank: 119 572 [tied] (1274 entries) LiveCodeJudoScript
rank: 564 [tied]3 (31,412 entries) LiveScriptJulia
rank: 276 133 (25140 entries) LLVMK
rank: 514572 [tied] (4 entries) LobsterKabap
rank: 188764 [tied] (571 entriesentry) Locomotive Basic Kamailio Script
rank: 92 637 [tied] (2063 entries) LogoKaya
rank: 163572 [tied] (754 entries) LogtalkKeg
rank: 243637 [tied] (323 entries) LOLCODEKeyList Databasing
rank: 564489 [tied] (37 entries) Lotus 123 Macro ScriptingKite
rank: 380637 [tied] (103 entries) LotusScriptKitten
rank: 564764 [tied] (31 entriesentry) Lout KL1
rank: 325231 [tied] (1546 entries) LSE64Klingphix
rank: 315331 [tied] (1622 entries) LSLKlong
rank: 28 726 [tied] (6342 entries) LuaKoka
rank: 325394 [tied] (1513 entries) LucidKonsolScript
rank: 392 11 [tied] (91,131 entries) LuckKotlin
rank: 650539 [tied] (25 entries) LunaKQL
rank: 514572 [tied] (4 entries) LushKsh
rank: 677539 [tied] (15 entryentries) LychenL++
rank: 60 637 [tied] (3493 entries) M2000 InterpreterL.in.oleum
rank: 156205 [tied] (8165 entries) M4LabVIEW
rank: 564764 [tied] (31 entriesentry) M680x0 Lambda Prolog
rank: 306106 [tied] (18192 entries) MakeLambdatalk
rank: 650223 [tied] (249 entries) MalbolgeLang5
rank: 459183 [tied] (679 entries) MANOOLLangur
rank: 6188 (343259 entries) MapleLasso
rank: 677368 [tied] (116 entryentries) MAPPERLaTeX
rank: 650303 [tied] (227 entries) MathCortexLatitude
rank: 23 460 [tied] (7498 entries) MathematicaLC3 Assembly
rank: 380572 [tied] (104 entries) MathprogLDPL
rank: 58 726 [tied] (3632 entries) MATLABLean
rank: 564186 [tied] (377 entries) MaudeLFE
rank: 88460 [tied] (2108 entries) MaximaLhogho
rank: 125 72 (119348 entries) MAXScriptLiberty BASIC
rank: 412764 [tied] (81 entriesentry) MBS LibreOffice Basic
rank: 564298 [tied] (328 entries) MDLLIL
rank: 564444 [tied] (39 entries) ME10 macroLily
rank: 677539 [tied] (15 entryentries) MELLilypond
rank: 142303 [tied] (9727 entries) MercuryLimbo
rank: 196 105 (50194 entries) MetafontLingo
rank: 485257 [tied] (538 entries) MetapostLisaac
rank: 564512 [tied] (36 entries) MGSLisp
rank: 199394 [tied] (4813 entries) Microsoft Small BasicLittle
rank: 163726 [tied] (752 entries) MinLittle Man Computer
rank: 650136 [tied] (2132 entries) MINILLiveCode
rank: 212637 [tied] (413 entries) MiniScriptLiveScript
rank: 514315 [tied] (425 entries) MiniZincLLVM
rank: 286324 [tied] (2223 entries) MIPS AssemblyLobster
rank: 277195 [tied] (2471 entries) MirahLocomotive Basic
rank: 256101 [tied] (29210 entries) MIRC Scripting LanguageLogo
rank: 564191 [tied] (375 entries) MirelleLogtalk
rank: 156242 [tied] (8142 entries) MK-61/52LOLCODE
rank: 286637 [tied] (223 entries) MLLotus 123 Macro Scripting
rank: 281432 [tied] (2310 entries) ML/ILotusScript
rank: 269637 [tied] (263 entries) MLiteLout
rank: 308460 [tied] (178 entries) MMIXLSE
rank: 103 375 [tied] (16415 entries) Modula-2LSE64
rank: 122 368 [tied] (12416 entries) Modula-3LSL
rank: 677 30 [tied] (1 entry) Mond(813 entries) Lua
rank: 564375 [tied] (315 entries) MonicelliLucid
rank: 677444 [tied] (19 entryentries) MonkeyLuck
rank: 392726 [tied] (92 entries) MonteLuna
rank: 380572 [tied] (104 entries) MontiLangLush
rank: 308764 [tied] (171 entriesentry) MOO Lychen
rank: 459 70 [tied] (6371 entries) MoonScriptM2000 Interpreter
rank: 392181 [tied] (982 entries) MorfaM4
rank: 650637 [tied] (23 entries) MSX BasicM680x0
rank: 514726 [tied] (42 entries) MUFMACRO-11
rank: 132217 (11055 entries) MUMPSMAD
rank: 564354 [tied] (318 entries) MyrddinMake
rank: 650539 [tied] (25 entries) MyrtleScriptMalbolge
rank: 392512 [tied] (96 entries) MySQLMANOOL
rank: 564 63 [tied] (3409 entries) MythonMaple
rank: 514764 [tied] (41 entriesentry) Mythryl MAPPER
rank: 325539 [tied] (155 entries) N/t/roffMathcad
rank: 297726 [tied] (202 entries) NanoqueryMathCortex
rank: 677 14 [tied] (1,071 entryentries) NASLMathematica
rank: 677432 [tied] (110 entryentries) NeatMathprog
rank: 176 67 [tied] (66385 entries) NekoMATLAB
rank: 111 637 [tied] (1503 entries) NemerleMaude
rank: 412 99 [tied] (8214 entries) NESLMaxima
rank: 514145 [tied] (4119 entries) NetLogoMAXScript
rank: 73460 [tied] (2878 entries) NetRexxMBS
rank: 114 637 [tied] (1433 entries) NewLISPMDL
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) ME10 NewtonScriptmacro
rank: 412764 [tied] (81 entriesentry) NGS MEL
rank: 236539 [tied] (345 entries) NialMelonBasic
rank: 564154 [tied] (3110 entries) NiceMercury
rank: 677222 [tied] (1 entry) Nickle(50 entries) Metafont
rank: 34 539 [tied] (5715 entries) NimMetapost
rank: 412637 [tied] (83 entries) NitMGS
rank: 380226 [tied] (1048 entries) NiueMicrosoft Small Basic
rank: 677153 [tied] (1 entry) (111 entries) NixMin
rank: 564726 [tied] (32 entries) NQPMINIL
rank: 260131 [tied] (28147 entries) NS-HUBASICMiniScript
rank: 392318 [tied] (924 entries) NSISMiniZinc
rank: 514331 [tied] (422 entries) NyquistMIPS Assembly
rank: 564318 [tied] (324 entries) OASYSMirah
rank: 352291 [tied] (1229 entries) OASYSMIRC AssemblerScripting Language
rank: 126637 [tied] (1163 entries) Oberon-2Mirelle
rank: 179 64 (31086 entries) ObjeckMK-61/52
rank: 343331 [tied] (1322 entries) Object PascalML
rank: 105 324 [tied] (15923 entries) Objective-CML/I
rank: 35 309 [tied] (57026 entries) OCamlMLite
rank: 485357 [tied] (517 entries) OccamMMIX
rank: 67115 (306165 entries) OctaveModula-2
rank: 66141 (308123 entries) OforthModula-3
rank: 156764 [tied] (811 entriesentry) Ol Mond
rank: 514637 [tied] (43 entries) OmegaMonicelli
rank: 368764 [tied] (111 entriesentry) Onyx Monkey
rank: 331444 [tied] (149 entries) OOCMonte
rank: 650400 [tied] (212 entries) OOCalcMontiLang
rank: 86 357 [tied] (22117 entries) OoREXXMOO
rank: 677460 [tied] (18 entryentries) OpaMoonScript
rank: 564444 [tied] (39 entries) OpenC++Morfa
rank: 194 726 [tied] (532 entries) OpenEdge/ProgressMosaic
rank: 650637 [tied] (23 entries) OpenLispMPIF90
rank: 325572 [tied] (154 entries) OpenscadMSX Basic
rank: 459572 [tied] (64 entries) OPLMUF
rank: 260151 [tied] (28112 entries) OrderMUMPS
rank: 178637 [tied] (653 entries) OxygenBasicMyrddin
rank: 459726 [tied] (62 entries) OxygeneMyrtleScript
rank: 75 444 [tied] (2809 entries) OzMySQL
rank: 352637 [tied] (123 entries) PandaMython
rank: 485572 [tied] (54 entries) PanoramicMythryl
rank: 677375 [tied] (115 entryentries) PareN/t/roff
rank: 40102 (541199 entries) PARI/GPNanoquery
rank: 48764 [tied] (4631 entriesentry) Pascal NASL
rank: 459764 [tied] (61 entriesentry) PASM NATURAL
rank: 459764 [tied] (61 entriesentry) PDP-11 Assembly Neat
rank: 291197 [tied] (2170 entries) PelotonNeko
rank: 564127 [tied] (3150 entries) Pentium AssemblyNemerle
rank: 650460 [tied] (28 entries) PeopleCodeNESL
rank: 572 8 [tied] (1,0264 entries) PerlNetLogo
rank: 83 2 [tied] (1,104287 entries) Perl 6NetRexx
rank: 650400 [tied] (212 entries) Perl5iNever
rank: 118 2 [tied] (1,104158 entries) PhixNewLISP
rank: 281764 [tied] (231 entriesentry) PHL NewtonScript
rank: 55 460 [tied] (4028 entries) PHPNGS
rank: 412269 [tied] (835 entries) PicatNial
rank: 21 637 [tied] (7923 entries) PicoLispNice
rank: 650539 [tied] (25 entries) PictNickle
rank: 352764 [tied] (121 entriesentry) Piet Night
rank: 135 5 (1071,392 entries) PikeNim
rank: 412460 [tied] (8 entries) PILOTNit
rank: 412432 [tied] (810 entries) PIRNiue
rank: 54 489 [tied] (4037 entries) PL/INix
rank: 485726 [tied] (52 entries) PL/MNOWUT
rank: 564637 [tied] (3 entries) PL/pgSQLNQP
rank: 243242 [tied] (3242 entries) PL/SQLNS-HUBASIC
rank: 260444 [tied] (289 entries) PlainTeXNSIS
rank: 564539 [tied] (35 entries) PLUSNyquist
rank: 564637 [tied] (3 entries) PLZ/SYSOASYS
rank: 343400 [tied] (1312 entries) PonyOASYS Assembler
rank: 144148 [tied] (96116 entries) Pop11Oberon-2
rank: 150 75 (92324 entries) PostScriptObjeck
rank: 269368 [tied] (2616 entries) PotionObject Pascal
rank: 392116 [tied] (9161 entries) POVObjective-RayC
rank: 191 43 [tied] (56597 entries) PowerBASICOCaml
rank: 564539 [tied] (35 entries) PowerbuilderOccam
rank: 4673 (480329 entries) PowerShellOCTAVE
rank: 564764 [tied] (31 entriesentry) PPC Assembly Odin
rank: 564 79 [tied] (3308 entries) PPLOforth
rank: 205128 [tied] (43149 entries) ProcessingOl
rank: 281572 [tied] (234 entries) ProDOSOmega
rank: 65 418 [tied] (30911 entries) PrologOnyx
rank: 485383 [tied] (514 entries) PSQLOOC
rank: 291726 [tied] (212 entries) PureOOCalc
rank: 331 94 [tied] (14222 entries) Pure DataOoREXX
rank: 764 36 [tied] (1 entry) (564 entries) PureBasicOpa
rank: 438637 [tied] (73 entries) PurityOpenC++
rank: 514218 [tied] (453 entries) PyretOpenEdge/Progress
rank: 726 5 [tied] (1,0762 entries) PythonOpenLisp
rank: 243368 [tied] (3216 entries) QOpenscad
rank: 412512 [tied] (86 entries) QBASICOPL
rank: 250282 [tied] (30 entries) QiOrder
rank: 677205 [tied] (165 entryentries) QoreOxygenBasic
rank: 564512 [tied] (36 entries) QuakeCOxygene
rank: 485 85 [tied] (5281 entries) QuillOz
rank: 514400 [tied] (412 entries) Quite BASICPanda
rank: 52 539 [tied] (4415 entries) RPanoramic
rank: 392764 [tied] (91 entriesentry) Ra Pare
rank: 47 7 (1,027557 entries) RacketPARI/GP
rank: 217 50 [tied] (40540 entries) RapidQPascal
rank: 677512 [tied] (16 entryentries) RapiraPASM
rank: 197512 [tied] (496 entries) RascalPDP-11 Assembly
rank: 160337 [tied] (7721 entries) RavenPeloton
rank: 250637 [tied] (303 entries) REALbasicPentium Assembly
rank: 650726 [tied] (2 entries) ReasonPeopleCode
rank: 113 637 [tied] (1453 entries) REBOLPepsiScript
rank: 169 [tied]7 (721,342 entries) REDPerl
rank: 564726 [tied] (32 entries) RefalPerl5i
rank: 133 1 (1091,438 entries) RetroPhix
rank: 12 146 [tied] (932117 entries) REXXPhixmonti
rank: 438324 [tied] (723 entries) RhopePHL
rank: 3058 (611457 entries) RingPHP
rank: 236383 [tied] (3414 entries) RLaBPicat
rank: 564 28 [tied] (3832 entries) RLSLPicoLisp
rank: 343726 [tied] (132 entries) RoboticPict
rank: 459400 [tied] (612 entries) RockstarPiet
rank: 352126 [tied] (12151 entries) RPGPike
rank: 677460 [tied] (18 entryentries) RPGIVPILOT
rank: 564460 [tied] (38 entries) RPLPIR
rank: 485512 [tied] (56 entries) RPL/2Pixilang
rank: 514 62 [tied] (4425 entries) RTLPL/2I
rank: 564180 [tied] (385 entries) RTSLPL/M
rank: 15 572 [tied] (9024 entries) RubyPL/pgSQL
rank: 63 266 [tied] (31536 entries) Run BASICPL/SQL
rank: 41 174 [tied] (53990 entries) RustPlain English
rank: 217303 [tied] (4027 entries) S-langPlainTeX
rank: 459764 [tied] (61 entriesentry) Sage Plan
rank: 269637 [tied] (263 entries) SalmonPLUS
rank: 188637 [tied] (573 entries) SASPLZ/SYS
rank: 438460 [tied] (78 entries) SASLPointless
rank: 564349 [tied] (319 entries) Sass/SCSSPony
rank: 171167 [tied] (6996 entries) SatherPop11
rank: 173 18 (83992 entries) ScalaPostScript
rank: 59 298 [tied] (36128 entries) SchemePotion
rank: 176444 [tied] (669 entries) ScilabPOV-Ray
rank: 291215 [tied] (2157 entries) ScratchPowerBASIC
rank: 485637 [tied] (53 entries) Script BasicPowerbuilder
rank: 564764 [tied] (31 entriesentry) Script3D PowerPC Assembly
rank: 650 55 [tied] (2505 entries) ScriptBasicPowerShell
rank: 224637 [tied] (383 entries) SedPPL
rank: 51 165 [tied] (44897 entries) Seed7Processing
rank: 297257 [tied] (2038 entries) SelfProcessing Python mode
rank: 187 637 [tied] (603 entries) SequenceLProcessing.R
rank: 438324 [tied] (723 entries) Set langProDOS
rank: 222726 [tied] (392 entries) SETLProgramming Language
rank: 514 60 [tied] (4433 entries) SETL4Prolog
rank: 514539 [tied] (45 entries) SheerPower 4GLPSQL
rank: 308337 [tied] (1721 entries) ShenPure
rank: 368383 [tied] (1114 entries) ShinyPure Data
rank: 1942 (822624 entries) SidefPureBasic
rank: 392489 [tied] (97 entries) SIMPOLPurity
rank: 153539 [tied] (885 entries) SimulaPyret
rank: 163 [tied]8 (751,287 entries) Sinclair ZX81 BASICPython
rank: 485242 [tied] (542 entries) SisalQ
rank: 438195 [tied] (771 entries) SkookumScriptQB64
rank: 120 357 [tied] (12617 entries) SlateQBASIC
rank: 79 282 [tied] (26530 entries) SmalltalkQi
rank: 256572 [tied] (294 entries) SmartQL BASICSuperBASIC
rank: 514764 [tied] (41 entriesentry) SMEQL Qore
rank: 343 68 [tied] (13384 entries) SmileBASICQuackery
rank: 485637 [tied] (53 entries) SnobolQuakeC
rank: 126539 [tied] (1165 entries) SNOBOL4Quill
rank: 256489 [tied] (297 entries) SNUSPQuite BASIC
rank: 677 52 [tied] (1 entry) Soar(530 entries) R
rank: 677444 [tied] (19 entryentries) SoneKing AssemblyRa
rank: 343 13 [tied] (131,082 entries) SPADRacket
rank: 514 [tied]4 (41,401 entries) SPARC AssemblyRaku
rank: 368251 [tied] (1140 entries) SPARKRapidQ
rank: 209764 [tied] (421 entriesentry) Sparkling Rapira
rank: 315223 [tied] (1649 entries) SpinRascal
rank: 195 572 [tied] (514 entries) SPLRASEL
rank: 169726 [tied] (722 entries) SQLRATFOR
rank: 209186 [tied] (4277 entries) SQL PLRaven
rank: 438282 [tied] (730 entries) SquirrelREALbasic
rank: 277764 [tied] (241 entriesentry) SSEM Reason
rank: 96 128 [tied] (193149 entries) Standard MLREBOL
rank: 88146 [tied] (210117 entries) StataRED
rank: 514637 [tied] (43 entries) StreamItRefal
rank: 286309 [tied] (2226 entries) SuneidoRelation
rank: 564159 [tied] (3104 entries) Superbase BASICRetro
rank: 236 10 [tied] (341,144 entries) SuperColliderREXX
rank: 677489 [tied] (17 entryentries) SupernovaRhope
rank: 677 31 [tied] (1 entry) SuperTalk(768 entries) Ring
rank: 57 726 [tied] (3652 entries) SwiftRisc-V
rank: 392275 [tied] (934 entries) SymsynRLaB
rank: 325637 [tied] (153 entries) SystemVerilogRLSL
rank: 231318 [tied] (3524 entries) TailspinRobotic
rank: 564512 [tied] (36 entries) TALRockstar
rank: 438400 [tied] (712 entries) TbasRPG
rank: 764 13 [tied] (1 entry) (931 entries) TCLRPGIV
rank: 650572 [tied] (24 entries) TechBASICRPL
rank: 514539 [tied] (45 entries) TecoRPL/2
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) TeLaRTL/2
rank: 459637 [tied] (63 entries) TernRTSL
rank: 677 17 [tied] (1,040 entryentries) TerraRuby
rank: 677 78 [tied] (1316 entryentries) Run TestMLBASIC
rank: 564 27 [tied] (3836 entries) ThistleRust
rank: 485343 [tied] (520 entries) ThyrdS-BASIC
rank: 128 235 [tied] (11543 entries) TIS-83 BASIClang
rank: 514489 [tied] (47 entries) TI-83 Hex AssemblySage
rank: 146 309 [tied] (9526 entries) TI-89 BASICSalmon
rank: 412214 [tied] (859 entries) TIScriptSAS
rank: 650460 [tied] (28 entries) ToffeeScriptSASL
rank: 201 637 [tied] (473 entries) TokaSass/SCSS
rank: 212192 [tied] (4174 entries) TorqueScriptSather
rank: 485 24 [tied] (5916 entries) TPPScala
rank: 315 69 [tied] (16373 entries) Transact-SQLScheme
rank: 514203 [tied] (466 entries) TransFORTHScilab
rank: 277315 [tied] (2425 entries) TrithScratch
rank: 459539 [tied] (65 entries) True BASICScratchScript
rank: 368539 [tied] (115 entries) TSEScript SALBasic
rank: 564637 [tied] (3 entries) TuringScript3D
rank: 108 726 [tied] (1552 entries) TUSCRIPTScriptBasic
rank: 514255 [tied] (439 entries) TwelfSed
rank: 116 57 [tied] (139473 entries) TXRSeed7
rank: 297343 [tied] (20 entries) TypeScriptSelf
rank: 32 155 [tied] (590109 entries) UniconSenseTalk
rank: 514212 [tied] (460 entries) UnifaceSequenceL
rank: 71489 [tied] (2917 entries) UNIXSet Shelllang
rank: 217257 [tied] (4038 entries) UnixPipesSETL
rank: 352572 [tied] (124 entries) UnlambdaSETL4
rank: 130 400 [tied] (11212 entries) UrsaShale
rank: 94 572 [tied] (1964 entries) UrsalaSheerPower 4GL
rank: 564337 [tied] (321 entries) UScriptShen
rank: 564418 [tied] (311 entries) UserRPLShiny
rank: 392 22 [tied] (9944 entries) UTFoolSidef
rank: 564572 [tied] (34 entries) UyirSimpleCode
rank: 217444 [tied] (409 entries) VSIMPOL
rank: 183161 [tied] (62100 entries) ValaSimula
rank: 331190 [tied] (1476 entries) VAXSinclair ZX81 AssemblyBASIC
rank: 514726 [tied] (42 entries) VB6Sing
rank: 56 539 [tied] (3835 entries) VBASisal
rank: 70 489 [tied] (2937 entries) VBScriptSkookumScript
rank: 136 138 [tied] (106126 entries) Vedit macro languageSlate
rank: 304 74 [tied] (19325 entries) VerbexxSmalltalk
rank: 412282 [tied] (830 entries) VerilogSmart BASIC
rank: 343572 [tied] (134 entries) VHDLSMEQL
rank: 236383 [tied] (3414 entries) Vim ScriptSmileBASIC
rank: 129 418 [tied] (11311 entries) Visual BasicSnobol
rank: 73138 [tied] (287126 entries) Visual Basic .NETSNOBOL4
rank: 243291 [tied] (3229 entries) Visual FoxProSNUSP
rank: 438764 [tied] (71 entriesentry) Visual Objects Soar
rank: 438764 [tied] (71 entriesentry) Visual Prolog SoneKing Assembly
rank: 650394 [tied] (213 entries) Viua VM assemblySPAD
rank: 485572 [tied] (54 entries) VlangSPARC Assembly
rank: 352418 [tied] (1211 entries) VorpalSPARK
rank: 650242 [tied] (242 entries) VoxSparkling
rank: 564368 [tied] (316 entries) VRMLSpin
rank: 183220 [tied] (6251 entries) WartSPL
rank: 242 637 [tied] (333 entries) WDTESPSS
rank: 677186 [tied] (177 entryentries) WebAssemblySQL
rank: 297242 [tied] (2042 entries) WeeSQL BasicPL
rank: 459489 [tied] (67 entries) WheneverSquirrel
rank: 315318 [tied] (1624 entries) WhitespaceSSEM
rank: 564 84 [tied] (3284 entries) WMLStandard ML
rank: 8096 [tied] (259220 entries) Wolfram LanguageStata
rank: 677572 [tied] (14 entryentries) WollokStreamIt
rank: 205331 [tied] (4322 entries) WortelSuneido
rank: 380637 [tied] (103 entries) WraplSuperbase BASIC
rank: 315269 [tied] (1635 entries) WrenSuperCollider
rank: 564764 [tied] (31 entriesentry) X86 64 AssemblySupernova
rank: 163726 [tied] (752 entries) X86 AssemblySuperTalk
rank: 677637 [tied] (13 entryentries) XanaduSwahili
rank: 564 49 [tied] (3544 entries) XBaseSwift
rank: 352291 [tied] (1229 entries) XBasicSymsyn
rank: 438375 [tied] (715 entries) XEecSystemVerilog
rank: 650176 [tied] (289 entries) XLTailspin
rank: 171637 [tied] (693 entries) XLISPTAL
rank: 315489 [tied] (167 entries) XojoTbas
rank: 650 21 [tied] (2976 entries) XPath 2.0Tcl
rank: 68726 [tied] (3052 entries) XPL0TechBASIC
rank: 485572 [tied] (54 entries) XProcTeco
rank: 352637 [tied] (123 entries) XQueryTeLa
rank: 205512 [tied] (436 entries) XSLTTern
rank: 650764 [tied] (21 entriesentry) XSLT 1.0 Terra
rank: 514512 [tied] (46 entries) XSLT 2.0Terraform
rank: 485764 [tied] (51 entriesentry) XTalk TestML
rank: 564637 [tied] (3 entries) XULThistle
rank: 677539 [tied] (15 entryentries) YaThyrd
rank: 106 142 [tied] (157121 entries) YabasicTI-83 BASIC
rank: 438572 [tied] (74 entries) YacasTI-83 Hex Assembly
rank: 212168 [tied] (4195 entries) YorickTI-89 BASIC
rank: 331235 [tied] (1443 entries) Z80Tiny AssemblyBASIC
rank: 514460 [tied] (48 entries) ZEDTIScript
rank: 392418 [tied] (911 entries) ZigTMG
rank: 10 726 [tied] (9572 entries) ZklToffeeScript
rank: 250228 [tied] (3047 entries) ZonnonToka
rank: 485248 [tied] (541 entries) ZPLTorqueScript
rank: 88637 [tied] (2103 entries) ZX Spectrum BasicTosh
rank: 459539 [tied] (65 entries) µC++TPP
rank: 357 [tied] (17 entries) Transact-SQL
rank: 375 [tied] (15 entries) Transd
rank: 572 [tied] (4 entries) TransFORTH
rank: 318 [tied] (24 entries) Trith
rank: 234 (44 entries) True BASIC
rank: 418 [tied] (11 entries) TSE SAL
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) Turbo-Basic XL
rank: 512 [tied] (6 entries) Turing
rank: 122 [tied] (155 entries) TUSCRIPT
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) TutorialD
rank: 572 [tied] (4 entries) Twelf
rank: 132 (141 entries) TXR
rank: 303 [tied] (27 entries) TypeScript
rank: 539 [tied] (5 entries) Ultimate++
rank: 44 (596 entries) Unicon
rank: 572 [tied] (4 entries) Uniface
rank: 572 [tied] (4 entries) Unison
rank: 76 [tied] (319 entries) UNIX Shell
rank: 251 [tied] (40 entries) UnixPipes
rank: 375 [tied] (15 entries) Unlambda
rank: 151 [tied] (112 entries) Ursa
rank: 104 (196 entries) Ursala
rank: 637 [tied] (3 entries) UScript
rank: 637 [tied] (3 entries) UserRPL
rank: 444 [tied] (9 entries) UTFool
rank: 637 [tied] (3 entries) Uyir
rank: 251 [tied] (40 entries) V
rank: 157 (108 entries) Vala
rank: 383 [tied] (14 entries) VAX Assembly
rank: 572 [tied] (4 entries) VB6
rank: 65 (404 entries) VBA
rank: 80 (307 entries) VBScript
rank: 155 [tied] (109 entries) Vedit macro language
rank: 349 [tied] (19 entries) Verbexx
rank: 318 [tied] (24 entries) Verilog
rank: 383 [tied] (14 entries) VHDL
rank: 266 [tied] (36 entries) Vim Script
rank: 148 [tied] (116 entries) Visual BASIC
rank: 66 (396 entries) Visual Basic .NET
rank: 277 [tied] (32 entries) Visual FoxPro
rank: 489 [tied] (7 entries) Visual Objects
rank: 460 [tied] (8 entries) Visual Prolog
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) Viua VM assembly
rank: 324 [tied] (23 entries) V (Vlang)
rank: 400 [tied] (12 entries) Vorpal
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) Vox
rank: 637 [tied] (3 entries) VRML
rank: 209 [tied] (62 entries) Wart
rank: 276 (33 entries) WDTE
rank: 489 [tied] (7 entries) WebAssembly
rank: 337 [tied] (21 entries) Wee Basic
rank: 460 [tied] (8 entries) Whenever
rank: 349 [tied] (19 entries) Whitespace
rank: 572 [tied] (4 entries) Wisp
rank: 637 [tied] (3 entries) WML
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) Wollok
rank: 235 [tied] (43 entries) Wortel
rank: 432 [tied] (10 entries) Wrapl
rank: 6 (1,355 entries) Wren
rank: 165 [tied] (97 entries) X86 Assembly
rank: 394 [tied] (13 entries) X86-64 Assembly
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) Xanadu
rank: 637 [tied] (3 entries) XBase
rank: 291 [tied] (29 entries) XBasic
rank: 343 [tied] (20 entries) XBS
rank: 489 [tied] (7 entries) XEec
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) XL
rank: 199 [tied] (69 entries) XLISP
rank: 357 [tied] (17 entries) Xojo
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) XPath 2.0
rank: 61 (431 entries) XPL0
rank: 539 [tied] (5 entries) XProc
rank: 489 [tied] (7 entries) XProfan
rank: 354 [tied] (18 entries) XQuery
rank: 235 [tied] (43 entries) XSLT
rank: 726 [tied] (2 entries) XSLT 1.0
rank: 572 [tied] (4 entries) XSLT 2.0
rank: 512 [tied] (6 entries) XTalk
rank: 637 [tied] (3 entries) XUL
rank: 764 [tied] (1 entry) Ya
rank: 90 (239 entries) Yabasic
rank: 460 [tied] (8 entries) Yacas
rank: 248 [tied] (41 entries) Yorick
rank: 315 [tied] (25 entries) Z80 Assembly
rank: 572 [tied] (4 entries) ZED
rank: 223 [tied] (49 entries) Zig
rank: 19 (1,012 entries) Zkl
rank: 282 [tied] (30 entries) Zoea
rank: 303 [tied] (27 entries) Zoea Visual
rank: 282 [tied] (30 entries) Zonnon
rank: 432 [tied] (10 entries) Zoomscript
rank: 539 [tied] (5 entries) ZPL
rank: 98 (215 entries) ZX Spectrum Basic
rank: 512 [tied] (6 entries) µC++
☼ end─of─list. ☼

Latest revision as of 10:11, 16 October 2022


This page contains two versions of the output of the   REXX   program's output.

For a listing which may be more up-to-date, see Rosetta_Code/Rank_languages_by_popularity/Full_list


This is the output file from the   REXX   example/solution   which is used to solve the Rosetta Code task:

Rosetta Code/Rank languages by popularity

The output file  (which is shown below)  contains the complete ranking   (current as of the timestamp
shown below)   of all   813   computer programming languages used on   Rosetta Code   as per the  
Category:Programming Languages   page,   and only computer programming languages that have
at least one     member     mentioned for the programming language entry in the   Special:Categories  
page are included here.

Tied rankings are handled correctly;   tied computer programming languages are sorted alphabetically.

[Note:   the timestamp reflects the local time   (where the computer program is executed)   which is in
the U.S.A.   within the   CST   or   CDT   time zone   (Central Standard Time   or   Central Daylight Time).

output, sorted by rank

════════════════════════timestamp:  19 Sep 2021 1:09pm═════════════════════════

    1,127 records read from file:  RC_POP.LAN
    8,293 records read from file:  RC_POP.CAT
      813 (total) number of languages detected in the category file
      851    "       "    "     "         "     "  "  language   "
   82,995 (total) number of entries (solutions) detected

          rank:   1             (1,438 entries)  Phix
          rank:   2             (1,425 entries)  Go
          rank:   3             (1,412 entries)  Julia
          rank:   4             (1,401 entries)  Raku
          rank:   5             (1,392 entries)  Nim
          rank:   6             (1,355 entries)  Wren
          rank:   7             (1,342 entries)  Perl
          rank:   8             (1,287 entries)  Python
          rank:   9             (1,146 entries)  C
          rank:  10             (1,144 entries)  REXX
          rank:  11             (1,131 entries)  Kotlin
          rank:  12             (1,122 entries)  Java
          rank:  13             (1,082 entries)  Racket
          rank:  14             (1,071 entries)  Mathematica
          rank:  15             (1,063 entries)  C++
          rank:  16             (1,050 entries)  J
          rank:  17  [tied]     (1,040 entries)  Haskell
          rank:  17  [tied]     (1,040 entries)  Ruby
          rank:  19             (1,012 entries)  Zkl
          rank:  20               (978 entries)  D
          rank:  21               (976 entries)  Tcl
          rank:  22               (944 entries)  Sidef
          rank:  23               (925 entries)  Factor
          rank:  24               (916 entries)  Scala
          rank:  25               (899 entries)  C sharp
          rank:  26               (852 entries)  FreeBASIC
          rank:  27               (836 entries)  Rust
          rank:  28  [tied]       (832 entries)  Ada
          rank:  28  [tied]       (832 entries)  PicoLisp
          rank:  30               (813 entries)  Lua
          rank:  31               (768 entries)  Ring
          rank:  32               (747 entries)  JavaScript
          rank:  33               (741 entries)  F Sharp
          rank:  34               (740 entries)  Common Lisp
          rank:  35               (730 entries)  AutoHotkey
          rank:  36               (707 entries)  ALGOL 68
          rank:  37               (684 entries)  11l
          rank:  38               (673 entries)  Jq
          rank:  39               (655 entries)  Delphi
          rank:  40               (637 entries)  Clojure
          rank:  41               (628 entries)  AWK
          rank:  42               (624 entries)  PureBasic
          rank:  43               (597 entries)  OCaml
          rank:  44               (596 entries)  Unicon
          rank:  45               (595 entries)  Fortran
          rank:  46               (568 entries)  BBC BASIC
          rank:  47               (557 entries)  PARI/GP
          rank:  48               (546 entries)  Forth
          rank:  49               (544 entries)  Swift
          rank:  50               (540 entries)  Pascal
          rank:  51               (537 entries)  Icon
          rank:  52               (530 entries)  R
          rank:  53               (529 entries)  Elixir
          rank:  54               (511 entries)  Erlang
          rank:  55  [tied]       (505 entries)  Groovy
          rank:  55  [tied]       (505 entries)  PowerShell
          rank:  57               (473 entries)  Seed7
          rank:  58               (457 entries)  PHP
          rank:  59               (445 entries)  Arturo
          rank:  60               (433 entries)  Prolog
          rank:  61               (431 entries)  XPL0
          rank:  62               (425 entries)  PL/I
          rank:  63  [tied]       (409 entries)  AppleScript
          rank:  63  [tied]       (409 entries)  Maple
          rank:  65               (404 entries)  VBA
          rank:  66               (396 entries)  Visual Basic .NET
          rank:  67               (385 entries)  MATLAB
          rank:  68               (384 entries)  Quackery
          rank:  69               (373 entries)  Scheme
          rank:  70               (371 entries)  M2000 Interpreter
          rank:  71               (353 entries)  BASIC
          rank:  72               (348 entries)  Liberty BASIC
          rank:  73               (329 entries)  OCTAVE
          rank:  74               (325 entries)  Smalltalk
          rank:  75               (324 entries)  Objeck
          rank:  76  [tied]       (319 entries)  COBOL
          rank:  76  [tied]       (319 entries)  UNIX Shell
          rank:  78               (316 entries)  Run BASIC
          rank:  79               (308 entries)  Oforth
          rank:  80               (307 entries)  VBScript
          rank:  81               (306 entries)  Bracmat
          rank:  82               (305 entries)  EchoLisp
          rank:  83               (287 entries)  NetRexx
          rank:  84               (284 entries)  Standard ML
          rank:  85               (281 entries)  Oz
          rank:  86               (272 entries)  E
          rank:  87               (265 entries)  ALGOL W
          rank:  88               (259 entries)  Lasso
          rank:  89               (244 entries)  Elena
          rank:  90               (239 entries)  Yabasic
          rank:  91               (238 entries)  APL
          rank:  92               (237 entries)  Euphoria
          rank:  93               (228 entries)  Crystal
          rank:  94               (222 entries)  OoREXX
          rank:  95               (221 entries)  CoffeeScript
          rank:  96               (220 entries)  Stata
          rank:  97               (218 entries)  360 Assembly
          rank:  98               (215 entries)  ZX Spectrum Basic
          rank:  99               (214 entries)  Maxima
          rank: 100               (212 entries)  Batch File
          rank: 101               (210 entries)  Logo
          rank: 102               (199 entries)  Nanoquery
          rank: 103               (198 entries)  IS-BASIC
          rank: 104               (196 entries)  Ursala
          rank: 105               (194 entries)  Lingo
          rank: 106               (192 entries)  Lambdatalk
          rank: 107               (191 entries)  ARM Assembly
          rank: 108               (188 entries)  BaCon
          rank: 109               (183 entries)  ERRE
          rank: 110               (182 entries)  Gambas
          rank: 111               (174 entries)  Frink
          rank: 112               (171 entries)  Fôrmulæ
          rank: 113  [tied]       (169 entries)  Aime
          rank: 113  [tied]       (169 entries)  Befunge
          rank: 115               (165 entries)  Modula-2
          rank: 116  [tied]       (161 entries)  GAP
          rank: 116  [tied]       (161 entries)  Objective-C
          rank: 118               (158 entries)  NewLISP
          rank: 119  [tied]       (157 entries)  AArch64 Assembly
          rank: 119  [tied]       (157 entries)  Eiffel
          rank: 121               (156 entries)  HicEst
          rank: 122  [tied]       (155 entries)  BASIC256
          rank: 122  [tied]       (155 entries)  TUSCRIPT
          rank: 124  [tied]       (153 entries)  Applesoft BASIC
          rank: 124  [tied]       (153 entries)  Fantom
          rank: 126               (151 entries)  Pike
          rank: 127               (150 entries)  Nemerle
          rank: 128  [tied]       (149 entries)  Ol
          rank: 128  [tied]       (149 entries)  REBOL
          rank: 130               (148 entries)  Emacs Lisp
          rank: 131               (147 entries)  MiniScript
          rank: 132               (141 entries)  TXR
          rank: 133               (140 entries)  K
          rank: 134               (138 entries)  Jsish
          rank: 135               (135 entries)  BCPL
          rank: 136               (132 entries)  LiveCode
          rank: 137               (127 entries)  Commodore BASIC
          rank: 138  [tied]       (126 entries)  SNOBOL4
          rank: 138  [tied]       (126 entries)  Slate
          rank: 140               (125 entries)  Dyalect
          rank: 141               (123 entries)  Modula-3
          rank: 142  [tied]       (121 entries)  ActionScript
          rank: 142  [tied]       (121 entries)  TI-83 BASIC
          rank: 144               (120 entries)  Cowgol
          rank: 145               (119 entries)  MAXScript
          rank: 146  [tied]       (117 entries)  Phixmonti
          rank: 146  [tied]       (117 entries)  RED
          rank: 148  [tied]       (116 entries)  Oberon-2
          rank: 148  [tied]       (116 entries)  Visual BASIC
          rank: 150               (115 entries)  EasyLang
          rank: 151  [tied]       (112 entries)  MUMPS
          rank: 151  [tied]       (112 entries)  Ursa
          rank: 153               (111 entries)  Min
          rank: 154               (110 entries)  Mercury
          rank: 155  [tied]       (109 entries)  SenseTalk
          rank: 155  [tied]       (109 entries)  Vedit macro language
          rank: 157               (108 entries)  Vala
          rank: 158               (105 entries)  Déjà Vu
          rank: 159               (104 entries)  Retro
          rank: 160               (103 entries)  DWScript
          rank: 161  [tied]       (100 entries)  ACL2
          rank: 161  [tied]       (100 entries)  Simula
          rank: 163                (99 entries)  Dart
          rank: 164                (98 entries)  AutoIt
          rank: 165  [tied]        (97 entries)  Processing
          rank: 165  [tied]        (97 entries)  X86 Assembly
          rank: 167                (96 entries)  Pop11
          rank: 168  [tied]        (95 entries)  8080 Assembly
          rank: 168  [tied]        (95 entries)  TI-89 BASIC
          rank: 170                (94 entries)  Ceylon
          rank: 171  [tied]        (93 entries)  Axe
          rank: 171  [tied]        (93 entries)  Io
          rank: 173                (92 entries)  PostScript
          rank: 174  [tied]        (90 entries)  FunL
          rank: 174  [tied]        (90 entries)  Plain English
          rank: 176  [tied]        (89 entries)  8th
          rank: 176  [tied]        (89 entries)  Bc
          rank: 176  [tied]        (89 entries)  Tailspin
          rank: 179                (86 entries)  MK-61/52
          rank: 180                (85 entries)  PL/M
          rank: 181                (82 entries)  M4
          rank: 182                (81 entries)  8086 Assembly
          rank: 183                (79 entries)  Langur
          rank: 184  [tied]        (78 entries)  Dc
          rank: 184  [tied]        (78 entries)  FutureBasic
          rank: 186  [tied]        (77 entries)  6502 Assembly
          rank: 186  [tied]        (77 entries)  LFE
          rank: 186  [tied]        (77 entries)  Raven
          rank: 186  [tied]        (77 entries)  SQL
          rank: 190                (76 entries)  Sinclair ZX81 BASIC
          rank: 191                (75 entries)  Logtalk
          rank: 192                (74 entries)  Sather
          rank: 193                (73 entries)  Component Pascal
          rank: 194                (72 entries)  Excel
          rank: 195  [tied]        (71 entries)  Locomotive Basic
          rank: 195  [tied]        (71 entries)  QB64
          rank: 197  [tied]        (70 entries)  ABAP
          rank: 197  [tied]        (70 entries)  Neko
          rank: 199  [tied]        (69 entries)  Ela
          rank: 199  [tied]        (69 entries)  XLISP
          rank: 201  [tied]        (68 entries)  BQN
          rank: 201  [tied]        (68 entries)  Brat
          rank: 203  [tied]        (66 entries)  Burlesque
          rank: 203  [tied]        (66 entries)  Scilab
          rank: 205  [tied]        (65 entries)  LabVIEW
          rank: 205  [tied]        (65 entries)  OxygenBasic
          rank: 207                (64 entries)  IDL
          rank: 208                (63 entries)  GW-BASIC
          rank: 209  [tied]        (62 entries)  ColdFusion
          rank: 209  [tied]        (62 entries)  Wart
          rank: 211                (61 entries)  Free Pascal
          rank: 212  [tied]        (60 entries)  FALSE
          rank: 212  [tied]        (60 entries)  SequenceL
          rank: 214                (59 entries)  SAS
          rank: 215                (57 entries)  PowerBASIC
          rank: 216                (56 entries)  FBSL
          rank: 217                (55 entries)  MAD
          rank: 218  [tied]        (53 entries)  Haxe
          rank: 218  [tied]        (53 entries)  OpenEdge/Progress
          rank: 220  [tied]        (51 entries)  FOCAL
          rank: 220  [tied]        (51 entries)  SPL
          rank: 222                (50 entries)  Metafont
          rank: 223  [tied]        (49 entries)  Lang5
          rank: 223  [tied]        (49 entries)  Rascal
          rank: 223  [tied]        (49 entries)  Zig
          rank: 226  [tied]        (48 entries)  DCL
          rank: 226  [tied]        (48 entries)  Microsoft Small Basic
          rank: 228  [tied]        (47 entries)  Caché ObjectScript
          rank: 228  [tied]        (47 entries)  Harbour
          rank: 228  [tied]        (47 entries)  Toka
          rank: 231  [tied]        (46 entries)  Inform 7
          rank: 231  [tied]        (46 entries)  Klingphix
          rank: 233                (45 entries)  Joy
          rank: 234                (44 entries)  True BASIC
          rank: 235  [tied]        (43 entries)  ALGOL 60
          rank: 235  [tied]        (43 entries)  ALGOL-M
          rank: 235  [tied]        (43 entries)  ATS
          rank: 235  [tied]        (43 entries)  S-lang
          rank: 235  [tied]        (43 entries)  Tiny BASIC
          rank: 235  [tied]        (43 entries)  Wortel
          rank: 235  [tied]        (43 entries)  XSLT
          rank: 242  [tied]        (42 entries)  HolyC
          rank: 242  [tied]        (42 entries)  LOLCODE
          rank: 242  [tied]        (42 entries)  NS-HUBASIC
          rank: 242  [tied]        (42 entries)  Q
          rank: 242  [tied]        (42 entries)  SQL PL
          rank: 242  [tied]        (42 entries)  Sparkling
          rank: 248  [tied]        (41 entries)  Aikido
          rank: 248  [tied]        (41 entries)  TorqueScript
          rank: 248  [tied]        (41 entries)  Yorick
          rank: 251  [tied]        (40 entries)  APEX
          rank: 251  [tied]        (40 entries)  RapidQ
          rank: 251  [tied]        (40 entries)  UnixPipes
          rank: 251  [tied]        (40 entries)  V
          rank: 255  [tied]        (39 entries)  Brainf***
          rank: 255  [tied]        (39 entries)  Sed
          rank: 257  [tied]        (38 entries)  Chapel
          rank: 257  [tied]        (38 entries)  Elm
          rank: 257  [tied]        (38 entries)  Falcon
          rank: 257  [tied]        (38 entries)  Lisaac
          rank: 257  [tied]        (38 entries)  Processing Python mode
          rank: 257  [tied]        (38 entries)  SETL
          rank: 263  [tied]        (37 entries)  Babel
          rank: 263  [tied]        (37 entries)  EDSAC order code
          rank: 263  [tied]        (37 entries)  Futhark
          rank: 266  [tied]        (36 entries)  GML
          rank: 266  [tied]        (36 entries)  PL/SQL
          rank: 266  [tied]        (36 entries)  Vim Script
          rank: 269  [tied]        (35 entries)  68000 Assembly
          rank: 269  [tied]        (35 entries)  AmigaE
          rank: 269  [tied]        (35 entries)  C Shell
          rank: 269  [tied]        (35 entries)  Genie
          rank: 269  [tied]        (35 entries)  Nial
          rank: 269  [tied]        (35 entries)  SuperCollider
          rank: 275                (34 entries)  RLaB
          rank: 276                (33 entries)  WDTE
          rank: 277  [tied]        (32 entries)  EGL
          rank: 277  [tied]        (32 entries)  Gnuplot
          rank: 277  [tied]        (32 entries)  I
          rank: 277  [tied]        (32 entries)  Visual FoxPro
          rank: 281                (31 entries)  Fermat
          rank: 282  [tied]        (30 entries)  Agena
          rank: 282  [tied]        (30 entries)  GUISS
          rank: 282  [tied]        (30 entries)  Huginn
          rank: 282  [tied]        (30 entries)  Order
          rank: 282  [tied]        (30 entries)  Qi
          rank: 282  [tied]        (30 entries)  REALbasic
          rank: 282  [tied]        (30 entries)  Smart BASIC
          rank: 282  [tied]        (30 entries)  Zoea
          rank: 282  [tied]        (30 entries)  Zonnon
          rank: 291  [tied]        (29 entries)  Assembly
          rank: 291  [tied]        (29 entries)  CMake
          rank: 291  [tied]        (29 entries)  Hy
          rank: 291  [tied]        (29 entries)  MIRC Scripting Language
          rank: 291  [tied]        (29 entries)  SNUSP
          rank: 291  [tied]        (29 entries)  Symsyn
          rank: 291  [tied]        (29 entries)  XBasic
          rank: 298  [tied]        (28 entries)  ECL
          rank: 298  [tied]        (28 entries)  Golfscript
          rank: 298  [tied]        (28 entries)  Hexiscript
          rank: 298  [tied]        (28 entries)  LIL
          rank: 298  [tied]        (28 entries)  Potion
          rank: 303  [tied]        (27 entries)  Avail
          rank: 303  [tied]        (27 entries)  Latitude
          rank: 303  [tied]        (27 entries)  Limbo
          rank: 303  [tied]        (27 entries)  PlainTeX
          rank: 303  [tied]        (27 entries)  TypeScript
          rank: 303  [tied]        (27 entries)  Zoea Visual
          rank: 309  [tied]        (26 entries)  Clean
          rank: 309  [tied]        (26 entries)  Clipper
          rank: 309  [tied]        (26 entries)  Idris
          rank: 309  [tied]        (26 entries)  MLite
          rank: 309  [tied]        (26 entries)  Relation
          rank: 309  [tied]        (26 entries)  Salmon
          rank: 315  [tied]        (25 entries)  LLVM
          rank: 315  [tied]        (25 entries)  Scratch
          rank: 315  [tied]        (25 entries)  Z80 Assembly
          rank: 318  [tied]        (24 entries)  MiniZinc
          rank: 318  [tied]        (24 entries)  Mirah
          rank: 318  [tied]        (24 entries)  Robotic
          rank: 318  [tied]        (24 entries)  SSEM
          rank: 318  [tied]        (24 entries)  Trith
          rank: 318  [tied]        (24 entries)  Verilog
          rank: 324  [tied]        (23 entries)  Astro
          rank: 324  [tied]        (23 entries)  Ioke
          rank: 324  [tied]        (23 entries)  Lobster
          rank: 324  [tied]        (23 entries)  ML/I
          rank: 324  [tied]        (23 entries)  PHL
          rank: 324  [tied]        (23 entries)  ProDOS
          rank: 324  [tied]        (23 entries)  V (Vlang)
          rank: 331  [tied]        (22 entries)  Beeswax
          rank: 331  [tied]        (22 entries)  Furor
          rank: 331  [tied]        (22 entries)  Klong
          rank: 331  [tied]        (22 entries)  MIPS Assembly
          rank: 331  [tied]        (22 entries)  ML
          rank: 331  [tied]        (22 entries)  Suneido
          rank: 337  [tied]        (21 entries)  Argile
          rank: 337  [tied]        (21 entries)  Gosu
          rank: 337  [tied]        (21 entries)  Peloton
          rank: 337  [tied]        (21 entries)  Pure
          rank: 337  [tied]        (21 entries)  Shen
          rank: 337  [tied]        (21 entries)  Wee Basic
          rank: 343  [tied]        (20 entries)  Chef
          rank: 343  [tied]        (20 entries)  Dragon
          rank: 343  [tied]        (20 entries)  Fish
          rank: 343  [tied]        (20 entries)  S-BASIC
          rank: 343  [tied]        (20 entries)  Self
          rank: 343  [tied]        (20 entries)  XBS
          rank: 349  [tied]        (19 entries)  ChucK
          rank: 349  [tied]        (19 entries)  DBL
          rank: 349  [tied]        (19 entries)  Pony
          rank: 349  [tied]        (19 entries)  Verbexx
          rank: 349  [tied]        (19 entries)  Whitespace
          rank: 354  [tied]        (18 entries)  Fancy
          rank: 354  [tied]        (18 entries)  Make
          rank: 354  [tied]        (18 entries)  XQuery
          rank: 357  [tied]        (17 entries)  0815
          rank: 357  [tied]        (17 entries)  Beads
          rank: 357  [tied]        (17 entries)  Dylan
          rank: 357  [tied]        (17 entries)  Efene
          rank: 357  [tied]        (17 entries)  Friendly interactive shell
          rank: 357  [tied]        (17 entries)  GFA Basic
          rank: 357  [tied]        (17 entries)  MMIX
          rank: 357  [tied]        (17 entries)  MOO
          rank: 357  [tied]        (17 entries)  QBASIC
          rank: 357  [tied]        (17 entries)  Transact-SQL
          rank: 357  [tied]        (17 entries)  Xojo
          rank: 368  [tied]        (16 entries)  Agda
          rank: 368  [tied]        (16 entries)  Hoon
          rank: 368  [tied]        (16 entries)  LSL
          rank: 368  [tied]        (16 entries)  LaTeX
          rank: 368  [tied]        (16 entries)  Object Pascal
          rank: 368  [tied]        (16 entries)  Openscad
          rank: 368  [tied]        (16 entries)  Spin
          rank: 375  [tied]        (15 entries)  Arc
          rank: 375  [tied]        (15 entries)  Gema
          rank: 375  [tied]        (15 entries)  LSE64
          rank: 375  [tied]        (15 entries)  Lucid
          rank: 375  [tied]        (15 entries)  N/t/roff
          rank: 375  [tied]        (15 entries)  SystemVerilog
          rank: 375  [tied]        (15 entries)  Transd
          rank: 375  [tied]        (15 entries)  Unlambda
          rank: 383  [tied]        (14 entries)  Axiom
          rank: 383  [tied]        (14 entries)  Dao
          rank: 383  [tied]        (14 entries)  Ezhil
          rank: 383  [tied]        (14 entries)  Inform 6
          rank: 383  [tied]        (14 entries)  Isabelle
          rank: 383  [tied]        (14 entries)  OOC
          rank: 383  [tied]        (14 entries)  Picat
          rank: 383  [tied]        (14 entries)  Pure Data
          rank: 383  [tied]        (14 entries)  SmileBASIC
          rank: 383  [tied]        (14 entries)  VAX Assembly
          rank: 383  [tied]        (14 entries)  VHDL
          rank: 394  [tied]        (13 entries)  Computer/zero Assembly
          rank: 394  [tied]        (13 entries)  Coq
          rank: 394  [tied]        (13 entries)  KonsolScript
          rank: 394  [tied]        (13 entries)  Little
          rank: 394  [tied]        (13 entries)  SPAD
          rank: 394  [tied]        (13 entries)  X86-64 Assembly
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  AmigaBASIC
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  ArnoldC
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  Brlcad
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  Clay
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  Egel
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  Es
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  Genyris
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  Golo
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  Halon
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  Integer BASIC
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  MontiLang
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  Never
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  OASYS Assembler
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  Panda
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  Piet
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  RPG
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  Shale
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  Vorpal
          rank: 418  [tied]        (11 entries)  Arendelle
          rank: 418  [tied]        (11 entries)  CLIPS
          rank: 418  [tied]        (11 entries)  Coco
          rank: 418  [tied]        (11 entries)  Comal
          rank: 418  [tied]        (11 entries)  Curry
          rank: 418  [tied]        (11 entries)  Frege
          rank: 418  [tied]        (11 entries)  Gecho
          rank: 418  [tied]        (11 entries)  GlovePIE
          rank: 418  [tied]        (11 entries)  Onyx
          rank: 418  [tied]        (11 entries)  SPARK
          rank: 418  [tied]        (11 entries)  Shiny
          rank: 418  [tied]        (11 entries)  Snobol
          rank: 418  [tied]        (11 entries)  TMG
          rank: 418  [tied]        (11 entries)  TSE SAL
          rank: 432  [tied]        (10 entries)  App Inventor
          rank: 432  [tied]        (10 entries)  Asymptote
          rank: 432  [tied]        (10 entries)  Blz
          rank: 432  [tied]        (10 entries)  EC
          rank: 432  [tied]        (10 entries)  Elisa
          rank: 432  [tied]        (10 entries)  INTERCAL
          rank: 432  [tied]        (10 entries)  Janet
          rank: 432  [tied]        (10 entries)  LotusScript
          rank: 432  [tied]        (10 entries)  Mathprog
          rank: 432  [tied]        (10 entries)  Niue
          rank: 432  [tied]        (10 entries)  Wrapl
          rank: 432  [tied]        (10 entries)  Zoomscript
          rank: 444  [tied]         (9 entries)  4DOS Batch
          rank: 444  [tied]         (9 entries)  Alore
          rank: 444  [tied]         (9 entries)  Boo
          rank: 444  [tied]         (9 entries)  Eero
          rank: 444  [tied]         (9 entries)  Fortress
          rank: 444  [tied]         (9 entries)  IWBASIC
          rank: 444  [tied]         (9 entries)  Lily
          rank: 444  [tied]         (9 entries)  Luck
          rank: 444  [tied]         (9 entries)  Monte
          rank: 444  [tied]         (9 entries)  Morfa
          rank: 444  [tied]         (9 entries)  MySQL
          rank: 444  [tied]         (9 entries)  NSIS
          rank: 444  [tied]         (9 entries)  POV-Ray
          rank: 444  [tied]         (9 entries)  Ra
          rank: 444  [tied]         (9 entries)  SIMPOL
          rank: 444  [tied]         (9 entries)  UTFool
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  4D
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  6800 Assembly
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  8051 Assembly
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  AsciiDots
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  B
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  Clio
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  Dylan.NET
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  Egison
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  FUZE BASIC
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  Fan
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  GLSL
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  Glee
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  HQ9+
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  LC3 Assembly
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  LSE
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  Lhogho
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  MBS
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  MoonScript
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  NESL
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  NGS
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  Nit
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  PILOT
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  PIR
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  Pointless
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  SASL
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  TIScript
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  Visual Prolog
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  Whenever
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  Yacas
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  AmbientTalk
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  Arbre
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  Blast
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  BootBASIC
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  C++/CLI
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  Cobra
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  Crack
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  Fennel
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  JCL
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  Kite
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  Nix
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  Purity
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  Quite BASIC
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  Rhope
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  Sage
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  Set lang
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  SkookumScript
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  Squirrel
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  Tbas
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  Visual Objects
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  WebAssembly
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  XEec
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  XProfan
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  ANTLR
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  BlitzMax
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  C1R
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  CASIO BASIC
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  Cat
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  Comefrom0x10
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  DUP
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  Datalog
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  Dodo0
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  Fexl
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  Gastona
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  Gri
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  Hope
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  JavaFX Script
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  Lisp
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  MANOOL
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  OPL
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  Oxygene
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  PASM
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  PDP-11 Assembly
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  Pixilang
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  Rockstar
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  Tern
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  Terraform
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  Turing
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  XTalk
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  µC++
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Algae
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Brace
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Clipper/XBase++
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  DIBOL-11
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  DMS
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Deluge
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  ELLA
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Ferite
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  GEORGE
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  JAMES II/Rule-based Cellular Automata
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  KQL
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  L++
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Lilypond
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Malbolge
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Mathcad
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  MelonBasic
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Metapost
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Nickle
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Nyquist
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Occam
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  PSQL
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Panoramic
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Pyret
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Quill
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  RPL/2
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  ScratchScript
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Script Basic
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Sisal
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  TPP
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Thyrd
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Ultimate++
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  XProc
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  ZPL
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  80386 Assembly
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  AMPL
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  AspectJ
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Atari BASIC
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  B4X
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Basic09
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Biferno
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  BlooP
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Bori
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  C3
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Cind
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Corescript
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Cubescript
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  DM
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Dafny
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  ESQL
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  ElastiC
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Emojicode
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  F
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  FP
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Felix
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Fhidwfe
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Gentee
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Go!
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  HLA
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  HPPPL
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Heron
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  HyperTalk
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Informix 4GL
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Iptscrae
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  JScript.NET
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Jinja
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  JoCaml
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  JudoScript
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Kabap
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Keg
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Ksh
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  LDPL
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Lush
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  MSX Basic
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  MUF
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Mythryl
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  NetLogo
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Omega
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  PL/pgSQL
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  QL SuperBASIC
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  RASEL
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  RPL
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  RTL/2
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  SETL4
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  SMEQL
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  SPARC Assembly
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  SheerPower 4GL
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  SimpleCode
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  StreamIt
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  TI-83 Hex Assembly
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Teco
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  TransFORTH
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Twelf
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Uniface
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Unison
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  VB6
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Wisp
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  XSLT 2.0
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  ZED
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  .QL
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  8 1/2
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  A+
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  ALGOL
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  ANT
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  ASP
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  ASP.Net
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Action!
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Acurity Architect
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Agda2
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Alice ML
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Application Master
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  AspectC++
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  AutoLISP
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Axum
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  BML
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Battlestar
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Beta
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  C0H
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  CB80
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  CHR
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Caml
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Cecil
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Cilk
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Cilk++
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  ContextFree
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  DataWeave
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Diesel
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Elan
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Euler
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Explore
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Extended BrainF***
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  FAUST
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  FPI
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  FeatureC++
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  FreeMat
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  GB BASIC
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Glagol
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Global Script
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Goo
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Jabaco
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Kaya
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  KeyList Databasing
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Kitten
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  L.in.oleum
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  LiveScript
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Lotus 123 Macro Scripting
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Lout
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  M680x0
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  MDL
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  ME10 macro
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  MGS
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  MPIF90
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Maude
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Mirelle
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Monicelli
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Myrddin
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Mython
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  NQP
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Nice
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  OASYS
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  OpenC++
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  PLUS
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  PLZ/SYS
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  PPL
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Pentium Assembly
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  PepsiScript
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Powerbuilder
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Processing.R
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  QuakeC
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  RLSL
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  RTSL
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Refal
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  SPSS
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Sass/SCSS
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Script3D
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Superbase BASIC
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Swahili
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  TAL
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  TeLa
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Thistle
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Tosh
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  UScript
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  UserRPL
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Uyir
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  VRML
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  WML
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  XBase
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  XUL
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  1C
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Bird
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Cduce
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  DeviousYarn
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  GLBasic
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Hack
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  JOVIAL
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  JSE
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Jack
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Koka
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Lean
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Little Man Computer
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Luna
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  MACRO-11
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  MINIL
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  MathCortex
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Mosaic
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  MyrtleScript
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  NOWUT
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  OOCalc
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  OpenLisp
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  PeopleCode
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Perl5i
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Pict
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Programming Language
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  RATFOR
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Risc-V
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  ScriptBasic
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Sing
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  SuperTalk
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  TechBASIC
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  ToffeeScript
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Turbo-Basic XL
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Viua VM assembly
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Vox
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  XL
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  XPath 2.0
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  XSLT 1.0
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Anyways
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Apricot
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Aquarius BASIC
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    B4J
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Batari Basic
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Binary Lambda Calculus
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    C2
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    CafeOBJ
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Clarion
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Coconut
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    DDNC
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    DIV Games Studio
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    FRISC Assembly
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    FormulaOne
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    G-fu
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Guile
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Inko
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Jacquard Loom
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    KL1
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Kamailio Script
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Lambda Prolog
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    LibreOffice Basic
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Lychen
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    MAPPER
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    MEL
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Mond
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Monkey
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    NASL
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    NATURAL
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Neat
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    NewtonScript
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Night
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Odin
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Opa
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Pare
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Plan
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    PowerPC Assembly
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Qore
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    RPGIV
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Rapira
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Reason
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Soar
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    SoneKing Assembly
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Supernova
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Terra
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    TestML
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    TutorialD
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Wollok
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Xanadu
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Ya

                           ☼  end─of─list.  ☼

output, sorted by programming language

════════════════════════timestamp:  19 Sep 2021 1:09pm═════════════════════════

    1,127 records read from file:  RC_POP.LAN
    8,293 records read from file:  RC_POP.CAT
      813 (total) number of languages detected in the category file
      851    "       "    "     "         "     "  "  language   "
   82,995 (total) number of entries (solutions) detected

          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  .QL
          rank: 357  [tied]        (17 entries)  0815
          rank:  37               (684 entries)  11l
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  1C
          rank:  97               (218 entries)  360 Assembly
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  4D
          rank: 444  [tied]         (9 entries)  4DOS Batch
          rank: 186  [tied]        (77 entries)  6502 Assembly
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  6800 Assembly
          rank: 269  [tied]        (35 entries)  68000 Assembly
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  8 1/2
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  80386 Assembly
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  8051 Assembly
          rank: 168  [tied]        (95 entries)  8080 Assembly
          rank: 182                (81 entries)  8086 Assembly
          rank: 176  [tied]        (89 entries)  8th
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  A+
          rank: 119  [tied]       (157 entries)  AArch64 Assembly
          rank: 197  [tied]        (70 entries)  ABAP
          rank: 161  [tied]       (100 entries)  ACL2
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Action!
          rank: 142  [tied]       (121 entries)  ActionScript
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Acurity Architect
          rank:  28  [tied]       (832 entries)  Ada
          rank: 368  [tied]        (16 entries)  Agda
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Agda2
          rank: 282  [tied]        (30 entries)  Agena
          rank: 248  [tied]        (41 entries)  Aikido
          rank: 113  [tied]       (169 entries)  Aime
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Algae
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  ALGOL
          rank: 235  [tied]        (43 entries)  ALGOL 60
          rank:  36               (707 entries)  ALGOL 68
          rank:  87               (265 entries)  ALGOL W
          rank: 235  [tied]        (43 entries)  ALGOL-M
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Alice ML
          rank: 444  [tied]         (9 entries)  Alore
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  AmbientTalk
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  AmigaBASIC
          rank: 269  [tied]        (35 entries)  AmigaE
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  AMPL
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  ANT
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  ANTLR
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Anyways
          rank: 251  [tied]        (40 entries)  APEX
          rank:  91               (238 entries)  APL
          rank: 432  [tied]        (10 entries)  App Inventor
          rank:  63  [tied]       (409 entries)  AppleScript
          rank: 124  [tied]       (153 entries)  Applesoft BASIC
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Application Master
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Apricot
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Aquarius BASIC
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  Arbre
          rank: 375  [tied]        (15 entries)  Arc
          rank: 418  [tied]        (11 entries)  Arendelle
          rank: 337  [tied]        (21 entries)  Argile
          rank: 107               (191 entries)  ARM Assembly
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  ArnoldC
          rank:  59               (445 entries)  Arturo
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  AsciiDots
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  ASP
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  ASP.Net
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  AspectC++
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  AspectJ
          rank: 291  [tied]        (29 entries)  Assembly
          rank: 324  [tied]        (23 entries)  Astro
          rank: 432  [tied]        (10 entries)  Asymptote
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Atari BASIC
          rank: 235  [tied]        (43 entries)  ATS
          rank:  35               (730 entries)  AutoHotkey
          rank: 164                (98 entries)  AutoIt
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  AutoLISP
          rank: 303  [tied]        (27 entries)  Avail
          rank:  41               (628 entries)  AWK
          rank: 171  [tied]        (93 entries)  Axe
          rank: 383  [tied]        (14 entries)  Axiom
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Axum
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  B
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    B4J
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  B4X
          rank: 263  [tied]        (37 entries)  Babel
          rank: 108               (188 entries)  BaCon
          rank:  71               (353 entries)  BASIC
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Basic09
          rank: 122  [tied]       (155 entries)  BASIC256
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Batari Basic
          rank: 100               (212 entries)  Batch File
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Battlestar
          rank:  46               (568 entries)  BBC BASIC
          rank: 176  [tied]        (89 entries)  Bc
          rank: 135               (135 entries)  BCPL
          rank: 357  [tied]        (17 entries)  Beads
          rank: 331  [tied]        (22 entries)  Beeswax
          rank: 113  [tied]       (169 entries)  Befunge
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Beta
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Biferno
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Binary Lambda Calculus
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Bird
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  Blast
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  BlitzMax
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  BlooP
          rank: 432  [tied]        (10 entries)  Blz
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  BML
          rank: 444  [tied]         (9 entries)  Boo
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  BootBASIC
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Bori
          rank: 201  [tied]        (68 entries)  BQN
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Brace
          rank:  81               (306 entries)  Bracmat
          rank: 255  [tied]        (39 entries)  Brainf***
          rank: 201  [tied]        (68 entries)  Brat
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  Brlcad
          rank: 203  [tied]        (66 entries)  Burlesque
          rank:   9             (1,146 entries)  C
          rank:  25               (899 entries)  C sharp
          rank: 269  [tied]        (35 entries)  C Shell
          rank:  15             (1,063 entries)  C++
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  C++/CLI
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  C0H
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  C1R
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    C2
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  C3
          rank: 228  [tied]        (47 entries)  Caché ObjectScript
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    CafeOBJ
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Caml
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  CASIO BASIC
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  Cat
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  CB80
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Cduce
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Cecil
          rank: 170                (94 entries)  Ceylon
          rank: 257  [tied]        (38 entries)  Chapel
          rank: 343  [tied]        (20 entries)  Chef
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  CHR
          rank: 349  [tied]        (19 entries)  ChucK
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Cilk
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Cilk++
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Cind
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Clarion
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  Clay
          rank: 309  [tied]        (26 entries)  Clean
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  Clio
          rank: 309  [tied]        (26 entries)  Clipper
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Clipper/XBase++
          rank: 418  [tied]        (11 entries)  CLIPS
          rank:  40               (637 entries)  Clojure
          rank: 291  [tied]        (29 entries)  CMake
          rank:  76  [tied]       (319 entries)  COBOL
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  Cobra
          rank: 418  [tied]        (11 entries)  Coco
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Coconut
          rank:  95               (221 entries)  CoffeeScript
          rank: 209  [tied]        (62 entries)  ColdFusion
          rank: 418  [tied]        (11 entries)  Comal
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  Comefrom0x10
          rank: 137               (127 entries)  Commodore BASIC
          rank:  34               (740 entries)  Common Lisp
          rank: 193                (73 entries)  Component Pascal
          rank: 394  [tied]        (13 entries)  Computer/zero Assembly
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  ContextFree
          rank: 394  [tied]        (13 entries)  Coq
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Corescript
          rank: 144               (120 entries)  Cowgol
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  Crack
          rank:  93               (228 entries)  Crystal
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Cubescript
          rank: 418  [tied]        (11 entries)  Curry
          rank:  20               (978 entries)  D
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Dafny
          rank: 383  [tied]        (14 entries)  Dao
          rank: 163                (99 entries)  Dart
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  Datalog
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  DataWeave
          rank: 349  [tied]        (19 entries)  DBL
          rank: 184  [tied]        (78 entries)  Dc
          rank: 226  [tied]        (48 entries)  DCL
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    DDNC
          rank:  39               (655 entries)  Delphi
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Deluge
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  DeviousYarn
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  DIBOL-11
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Diesel
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    DIV Games Studio
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  DM
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  DMS
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  Dodo0
          rank: 343  [tied]        (20 entries)  Dragon
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  DUP
          rank: 160               (103 entries)  DWScript
          rank: 140               (125 entries)  Dyalect
          rank: 357  [tied]        (17 entries)  Dylan
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  Dylan.NET
          rank: 158               (105 entries)  Déjà Vu
          rank:  86               (272 entries)  E
          rank: 150               (115 entries)  EasyLang
          rank: 432  [tied]        (10 entries)  EC
          rank:  82               (305 entries)  EchoLisp
          rank: 298  [tied]        (28 entries)  ECL
          rank: 263  [tied]        (37 entries)  EDSAC order code
          rank: 444  [tied]         (9 entries)  Eero
          rank: 357  [tied]        (17 entries)  Efene
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  Egel
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  Egison
          rank: 277  [tied]        (32 entries)  EGL
          rank: 119  [tied]       (157 entries)  Eiffel
          rank: 199  [tied]        (69 entries)  Ela
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Elan
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  ElastiC
          rank:  89               (244 entries)  Elena
          rank: 432  [tied]        (10 entries)  Elisa
          rank:  53               (529 entries)  Elixir
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  ELLA
          rank: 257  [tied]        (38 entries)  Elm
          rank: 130               (148 entries)  Emacs Lisp
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Emojicode
          rank:  54               (511 entries)  Erlang
          rank: 109               (183 entries)  ERRE
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  Es
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  ESQL
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Euler
          rank:  92               (237 entries)  Euphoria
          rank: 194                (72 entries)  Excel
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Explore
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Extended BrainF***
          rank: 383  [tied]        (14 entries)  Ezhil
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  F
          rank:  33               (741 entries)  F Sharp
          rank:  23               (925 entries)  Factor
          rank: 257  [tied]        (38 entries)  Falcon
          rank: 212  [tied]        (60 entries)  FALSE
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  Fan
          rank: 354  [tied]        (18 entries)  Fancy
          rank: 124  [tied]       (153 entries)  Fantom
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  FAUST
          rank: 216                (56 entries)  FBSL
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  FeatureC++
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Felix
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  Fennel
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Ferite
          rank: 281                (31 entries)  Fermat
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  Fexl
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Fhidwfe
          rank: 343  [tied]        (20 entries)  Fish
          rank: 220  [tied]        (51 entries)  FOCAL
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    FormulaOne
          rank:  48               (546 entries)  Forth
          rank:  45               (595 entries)  Fortran
          rank: 444  [tied]         (9 entries)  Fortress
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  FP
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  FPI
          rank: 211                (61 entries)  Free Pascal
          rank:  26               (852 entries)  FreeBASIC
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  FreeMat
          rank: 418  [tied]        (11 entries)  Frege
          rank: 357  [tied]        (17 entries)  Friendly interactive shell
          rank: 111               (174 entries)  Frink
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    FRISC Assembly
          rank: 174  [tied]        (90 entries)  FunL
          rank: 331  [tied]        (22 entries)  Furor
          rank: 263  [tied]        (37 entries)  Futhark
          rank: 184  [tied]        (78 entries)  FutureBasic
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  FUZE BASIC
          rank: 112               (171 entries)  Fôrmulæ
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    G-fu
          rank: 110               (182 entries)  Gambas
          rank: 116  [tied]       (161 entries)  GAP
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  Gastona
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  GB BASIC
          rank: 418  [tied]        (11 entries)  Gecho
          rank: 375  [tied]        (15 entries)  Gema
          rank: 269  [tied]        (35 entries)  Genie
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Gentee
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  Genyris
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  GEORGE
          rank: 357  [tied]        (17 entries)  GFA Basic
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Glagol
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  GLBasic
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  Glee
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Global Script
          rank: 418  [tied]        (11 entries)  GlovePIE
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  GLSL
          rank: 266  [tied]        (36 entries)  GML
          rank: 277  [tied]        (32 entries)  Gnuplot
          rank:   2             (1,425 entries)  Go
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Go!
          rank: 298  [tied]        (28 entries)  Golfscript
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  Golo
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Goo
          rank: 337  [tied]        (21 entries)  Gosu
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  Gri
          rank:  55  [tied]       (505 entries)  Groovy
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Guile
          rank: 282  [tied]        (30 entries)  GUISS
          rank: 208                (63 entries)  GW-BASIC
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Hack
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  Halon
          rank: 228  [tied]        (47 entries)  Harbour
          rank:  17  [tied]     (1,040 entries)  Haskell
          rank: 218  [tied]        (53 entries)  Haxe
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Heron
          rank: 298  [tied]        (28 entries)  Hexiscript
          rank: 121               (156 entries)  HicEst
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  HLA
          rank: 242  [tied]        (42 entries)  HolyC
          rank: 368  [tied]        (16 entries)  Hoon
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  Hope
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  HPPPL
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  HQ9+
          rank: 282  [tied]        (30 entries)  Huginn
          rank: 291  [tied]        (29 entries)  Hy
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  HyperTalk
          rank: 277  [tied]        (32 entries)  I
          rank:  51               (537 entries)  Icon
          rank: 207                (64 entries)  IDL
          rank: 309  [tied]        (26 entries)  Idris
          rank: 383  [tied]        (14 entries)  Inform 6
          rank: 231  [tied]        (46 entries)  Inform 7
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Informix 4GL
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Inko
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  Integer BASIC
          rank: 432  [tied]        (10 entries)  INTERCAL
          rank: 171  [tied]        (93 entries)  Io
          rank: 324  [tied]        (23 entries)  Ioke
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Iptscrae
          rank: 103               (198 entries)  IS-BASIC
          rank: 383  [tied]        (14 entries)  Isabelle
          rank: 444  [tied]         (9 entries)  IWBASIC
          rank:  16             (1,050 entries)  J
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Jabaco
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Jack
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Jacquard Loom
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  JAMES II/Rule-based Cellular Automata
          rank: 432  [tied]        (10 entries)  Janet
          rank:  12             (1,122 entries)  Java
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  JavaFX Script
          rank:  32               (747 entries)  JavaScript
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  JCL
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Jinja
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  JoCaml
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  JOVIAL
          rank: 233                (45 entries)  Joy
          rank:  38               (673 entries)  Jq
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  JScript.NET
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  JSE
          rank: 134               (138 entries)  Jsish
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  JudoScript
          rank:   3             (1,412 entries)  Julia
          rank: 133               (140 entries)  K
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Kabap
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Kamailio Script
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Kaya
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Keg
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  KeyList Databasing
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  Kite
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Kitten
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    KL1
          rank: 231  [tied]        (46 entries)  Klingphix
          rank: 331  [tied]        (22 entries)  Klong
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Koka
          rank: 394  [tied]        (13 entries)  KonsolScript
          rank:  11             (1,131 entries)  Kotlin
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  KQL
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Ksh
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  L++
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  L.in.oleum
          rank: 205  [tied]        (65 entries)  LabVIEW
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Lambda Prolog
          rank: 106               (192 entries)  Lambdatalk
          rank: 223  [tied]        (49 entries)  Lang5
          rank: 183                (79 entries)  Langur
          rank:  88               (259 entries)  Lasso
          rank: 368  [tied]        (16 entries)  LaTeX
          rank: 303  [tied]        (27 entries)  Latitude
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  LC3 Assembly
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  LDPL
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Lean
          rank: 186  [tied]        (77 entries)  LFE
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  Lhogho
          rank:  72               (348 entries)  Liberty BASIC
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    LibreOffice Basic
          rank: 298  [tied]        (28 entries)  LIL
          rank: 444  [tied]         (9 entries)  Lily
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Lilypond
          rank: 303  [tied]        (27 entries)  Limbo
          rank: 105               (194 entries)  Lingo
          rank: 257  [tied]        (38 entries)  Lisaac
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  Lisp
          rank: 394  [tied]        (13 entries)  Little
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Little Man Computer
          rank: 136               (132 entries)  LiveCode
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  LiveScript
          rank: 315  [tied]        (25 entries)  LLVM
          rank: 324  [tied]        (23 entries)  Lobster
          rank: 195  [tied]        (71 entries)  Locomotive Basic
          rank: 101               (210 entries)  Logo
          rank: 191                (75 entries)  Logtalk
          rank: 242  [tied]        (42 entries)  LOLCODE
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Lotus 123 Macro Scripting
          rank: 432  [tied]        (10 entries)  LotusScript
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Lout
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  LSE
          rank: 375  [tied]        (15 entries)  LSE64
          rank: 368  [tied]        (16 entries)  LSL
          rank:  30               (813 entries)  Lua
          rank: 375  [tied]        (15 entries)  Lucid
          rank: 444  [tied]         (9 entries)  Luck
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Luna
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Lush
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Lychen
          rank:  70               (371 entries)  M2000 Interpreter
          rank: 181                (82 entries)  M4
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  M680x0
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  MACRO-11
          rank: 217                (55 entries)  MAD
          rank: 354  [tied]        (18 entries)  Make
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Malbolge
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  MANOOL
          rank:  63  [tied]       (409 entries)  Maple
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    MAPPER
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Mathcad
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  MathCortex
          rank:  14             (1,071 entries)  Mathematica
          rank: 432  [tied]        (10 entries)  Mathprog
          rank:  67               (385 entries)  MATLAB
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Maude
          rank:  99               (214 entries)  Maxima
          rank: 145               (119 entries)  MAXScript
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  MBS
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  MDL
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  ME10 macro
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    MEL
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  MelonBasic
          rank: 154               (110 entries)  Mercury
          rank: 222                (50 entries)  Metafont
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Metapost
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  MGS
          rank: 226  [tied]        (48 entries)  Microsoft Small Basic
          rank: 153               (111 entries)  Min
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  MINIL
          rank: 131               (147 entries)  MiniScript
          rank: 318  [tied]        (24 entries)  MiniZinc
          rank: 331  [tied]        (22 entries)  MIPS Assembly
          rank: 318  [tied]        (24 entries)  Mirah
          rank: 291  [tied]        (29 entries)  MIRC Scripting Language
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Mirelle
          rank: 179                (86 entries)  MK-61/52
          rank: 331  [tied]        (22 entries)  ML
          rank: 324  [tied]        (23 entries)  ML/I
          rank: 309  [tied]        (26 entries)  MLite
          rank: 357  [tied]        (17 entries)  MMIX
          rank: 115               (165 entries)  Modula-2
          rank: 141               (123 entries)  Modula-3
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Mond
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Monicelli
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Monkey
          rank: 444  [tied]         (9 entries)  Monte
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  MontiLang
          rank: 357  [tied]        (17 entries)  MOO
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  MoonScript
          rank: 444  [tied]         (9 entries)  Morfa
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Mosaic
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  MPIF90
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  MSX Basic
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  MUF
          rank: 151  [tied]       (112 entries)  MUMPS
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Myrddin
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  MyrtleScript
          rank: 444  [tied]         (9 entries)  MySQL
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Mython
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Mythryl
          rank: 375  [tied]        (15 entries)  N/t/roff
          rank: 102               (199 entries)  Nanoquery
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    NASL
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    NATURAL
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Neat
          rank: 197  [tied]        (70 entries)  Neko
          rank: 127               (150 entries)  Nemerle
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  NESL
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  NetLogo
          rank:  83               (287 entries)  NetRexx
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  Never
          rank: 118               (158 entries)  NewLISP
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    NewtonScript
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  NGS
          rank: 269  [tied]        (35 entries)  Nial
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Nice
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Nickle
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Night
          rank:   5             (1,392 entries)  Nim
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  Nit
          rank: 432  [tied]        (10 entries)  Niue
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  Nix
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  NOWUT
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  NQP
          rank: 242  [tied]        (42 entries)  NS-HUBASIC
          rank: 444  [tied]         (9 entries)  NSIS
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Nyquist
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  OASYS
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  OASYS Assembler
          rank: 148  [tied]       (116 entries)  Oberon-2
          rank:  75               (324 entries)  Objeck
          rank: 368  [tied]        (16 entries)  Object Pascal
          rank: 116  [tied]       (161 entries)  Objective-C
          rank:  43               (597 entries)  OCaml
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Occam
          rank:  73               (329 entries)  OCTAVE
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Odin
          rank:  79               (308 entries)  Oforth
          rank: 128  [tied]       (149 entries)  Ol
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Omega
          rank: 418  [tied]        (11 entries)  Onyx
          rank: 383  [tied]        (14 entries)  OOC
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  OOCalc
          rank:  94               (222 entries)  OoREXX
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Opa
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  OpenC++
          rank: 218  [tied]        (53 entries)  OpenEdge/Progress
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  OpenLisp
          rank: 368  [tied]        (16 entries)  Openscad
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  OPL
          rank: 282  [tied]        (30 entries)  Order
          rank: 205  [tied]        (65 entries)  OxygenBasic
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  Oxygene
          rank:  85               (281 entries)  Oz
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  Panda
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Panoramic
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Pare
          rank:  47               (557 entries)  PARI/GP
          rank:  50               (540 entries)  Pascal
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  PASM
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  PDP-11 Assembly
          rank: 337  [tied]        (21 entries)  Peloton
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Pentium Assembly
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  PeopleCode
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  PepsiScript
          rank:   7             (1,342 entries)  Perl
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Perl5i
          rank:   1             (1,438 entries)  Phix
          rank: 146  [tied]       (117 entries)  Phixmonti
          rank: 324  [tied]        (23 entries)  PHL
          rank:  58               (457 entries)  PHP
          rank: 383  [tied]        (14 entries)  Picat
          rank:  28  [tied]       (832 entries)  PicoLisp
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Pict
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  Piet
          rank: 126               (151 entries)  Pike
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  PILOT
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  PIR
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  Pixilang
          rank:  62               (425 entries)  PL/I
          rank: 180                (85 entries)  PL/M
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  PL/pgSQL
          rank: 266  [tied]        (36 entries)  PL/SQL
          rank: 174  [tied]        (90 entries)  Plain English
          rank: 303  [tied]        (27 entries)  PlainTeX
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Plan
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  PLUS
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  PLZ/SYS
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  Pointless
          rank: 349  [tied]        (19 entries)  Pony
          rank: 167                (96 entries)  Pop11
          rank: 173                (92 entries)  PostScript
          rank: 298  [tied]        (28 entries)  Potion
          rank: 444  [tied]         (9 entries)  POV-Ray
          rank: 215                (57 entries)  PowerBASIC
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Powerbuilder
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    PowerPC Assembly
          rank:  55  [tied]       (505 entries)  PowerShell
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  PPL
          rank: 165  [tied]        (97 entries)  Processing
          rank: 257  [tied]        (38 entries)  Processing Python mode
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Processing.R
          rank: 324  [tied]        (23 entries)  ProDOS
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Programming Language
          rank:  60               (433 entries)  Prolog
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  PSQL
          rank: 337  [tied]        (21 entries)  Pure
          rank: 383  [tied]        (14 entries)  Pure Data
          rank:  42               (624 entries)  PureBasic
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  Purity
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Pyret
          rank:   8             (1,287 entries)  Python
          rank: 242  [tied]        (42 entries)  Q
          rank: 195  [tied]        (71 entries)  QB64
          rank: 357  [tied]        (17 entries)  QBASIC
          rank: 282  [tied]        (30 entries)  Qi
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  QL SuperBASIC
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Qore
          rank:  68               (384 entries)  Quackery
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  QuakeC
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Quill
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  Quite BASIC
          rank:  52               (530 entries)  R
          rank: 444  [tied]         (9 entries)  Ra
          rank:  13             (1,082 entries)  Racket
          rank:   4             (1,401 entries)  Raku
          rank: 251  [tied]        (40 entries)  RapidQ
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Rapira
          rank: 223  [tied]        (49 entries)  Rascal
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  RASEL
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  RATFOR
          rank: 186  [tied]        (77 entries)  Raven
          rank: 282  [tied]        (30 entries)  REALbasic
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Reason
          rank: 128  [tied]       (149 entries)  REBOL
          rank: 146  [tied]       (117 entries)  RED
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Refal
          rank: 309  [tied]        (26 entries)  Relation
          rank: 159               (104 entries)  Retro
          rank:  10             (1,144 entries)  REXX
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  Rhope
          rank:  31               (768 entries)  Ring
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Risc-V
          rank: 275                (34 entries)  RLaB
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  RLSL
          rank: 318  [tied]        (24 entries)  Robotic
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  Rockstar
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  RPG
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    RPGIV
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  RPL
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  RPL/2
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  RTL/2
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  RTSL
          rank:  17  [tied]     (1,040 entries)  Ruby
          rank:  78               (316 entries)  Run BASIC
          rank:  27               (836 entries)  Rust
          rank: 343  [tied]        (20 entries)  S-BASIC
          rank: 235  [tied]        (43 entries)  S-lang
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  Sage
          rank: 309  [tied]        (26 entries)  Salmon
          rank: 214                (59 entries)  SAS
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  SASL
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Sass/SCSS
          rank: 192                (74 entries)  Sather
          rank:  24               (916 entries)  Scala
          rank:  69               (373 entries)  Scheme
          rank: 203  [tied]        (66 entries)  Scilab
          rank: 315  [tied]        (25 entries)  Scratch
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  ScratchScript
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Script Basic
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Script3D
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  ScriptBasic
          rank: 255  [tied]        (39 entries)  Sed
          rank:  57               (473 entries)  Seed7
          rank: 343  [tied]        (20 entries)  Self
          rank: 155  [tied]       (109 entries)  SenseTalk
          rank: 212  [tied]        (60 entries)  SequenceL
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  Set lang
          rank: 257  [tied]        (38 entries)  SETL
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  SETL4
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  Shale
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  SheerPower 4GL
          rank: 337  [tied]        (21 entries)  Shen
          rank: 418  [tied]        (11 entries)  Shiny
          rank:  22               (944 entries)  Sidef
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  SimpleCode
          rank: 444  [tied]         (9 entries)  SIMPOL
          rank: 161  [tied]       (100 entries)  Simula
          rank: 190                (76 entries)  Sinclair ZX81 BASIC
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Sing
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Sisal
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  SkookumScript
          rank: 138  [tied]       (126 entries)  Slate
          rank:  74               (325 entries)  Smalltalk
          rank: 282  [tied]        (30 entries)  Smart BASIC
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  SMEQL
          rank: 383  [tied]        (14 entries)  SmileBASIC
          rank: 418  [tied]        (11 entries)  Snobol
          rank: 138  [tied]       (126 entries)  SNOBOL4
          rank: 291  [tied]        (29 entries)  SNUSP
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Soar
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    SoneKing Assembly
          rank: 394  [tied]        (13 entries)  SPAD
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  SPARC Assembly
          rank: 418  [tied]        (11 entries)  SPARK
          rank: 242  [tied]        (42 entries)  Sparkling
          rank: 368  [tied]        (16 entries)  Spin
          rank: 220  [tied]        (51 entries)  SPL
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  SPSS
          rank: 186  [tied]        (77 entries)  SQL
          rank: 242  [tied]        (42 entries)  SQL PL
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  Squirrel
          rank: 318  [tied]        (24 entries)  SSEM
          rank:  84               (284 entries)  Standard ML
          rank:  96               (220 entries)  Stata
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  StreamIt
          rank: 331  [tied]        (22 entries)  Suneido
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Superbase BASIC
          rank: 269  [tied]        (35 entries)  SuperCollider
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Supernova
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  SuperTalk
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Swahili
          rank:  49               (544 entries)  Swift
          rank: 291  [tied]        (29 entries)  Symsyn
          rank: 375  [tied]        (15 entries)  SystemVerilog
          rank: 176  [tied]        (89 entries)  Tailspin
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  TAL
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  Tbas
          rank:  21               (976 entries)  Tcl
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  TechBASIC
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Teco
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  TeLa
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  Tern
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Terra
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  Terraform
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    TestML
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Thistle
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Thyrd
          rank: 142  [tied]       (121 entries)  TI-83 BASIC
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  TI-83 Hex Assembly
          rank: 168  [tied]        (95 entries)  TI-89 BASIC
          rank: 235  [tied]        (43 entries)  Tiny BASIC
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  TIScript
          rank: 418  [tied]        (11 entries)  TMG
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  ToffeeScript
          rank: 228  [tied]        (47 entries)  Toka
          rank: 248  [tied]        (41 entries)  TorqueScript
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Tosh
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  TPP
          rank: 357  [tied]        (17 entries)  Transact-SQL
          rank: 375  [tied]        (15 entries)  Transd
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  TransFORTH
          rank: 318  [tied]        (24 entries)  Trith
          rank: 234                (44 entries)  True BASIC
          rank: 418  [tied]        (11 entries)  TSE SAL
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Turbo-Basic XL
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  Turing
          rank: 122  [tied]       (155 entries)  TUSCRIPT
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    TutorialD
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Twelf
          rank: 132               (141 entries)  TXR
          rank: 303  [tied]        (27 entries)  TypeScript
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  Ultimate++
          rank:  44               (596 entries)  Unicon
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Uniface
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Unison
          rank:  76  [tied]       (319 entries)  UNIX Shell
          rank: 251  [tied]        (40 entries)  UnixPipes
          rank: 375  [tied]        (15 entries)  Unlambda
          rank: 151  [tied]       (112 entries)  Ursa
          rank: 104               (196 entries)  Ursala
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  UScript
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  UserRPL
          rank: 444  [tied]         (9 entries)  UTFool
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  Uyir
          rank: 251  [tied]        (40 entries)  V
          rank: 157               (108 entries)  Vala
          rank: 383  [tied]        (14 entries)  VAX Assembly
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  VB6
          rank:  65               (404 entries)  VBA
          rank:  80               (307 entries)  VBScript
          rank: 155  [tied]       (109 entries)  Vedit macro language
          rank: 349  [tied]        (19 entries)  Verbexx
          rank: 318  [tied]        (24 entries)  Verilog
          rank: 383  [tied]        (14 entries)  VHDL
          rank: 266  [tied]        (36 entries)  Vim Script
          rank: 148  [tied]       (116 entries)  Visual BASIC
          rank:  66               (396 entries)  Visual Basic .NET
          rank: 277  [tied]        (32 entries)  Visual FoxPro
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  Visual Objects
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  Visual Prolog
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Viua VM assembly
          rank: 324  [tied]        (23 entries)  V (Vlang)
          rank: 400  [tied]        (12 entries)  Vorpal
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  Vox
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  VRML
          rank: 209  [tied]        (62 entries)  Wart
          rank: 276                (33 entries)  WDTE
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  WebAssembly
          rank: 337  [tied]        (21 entries)  Wee Basic
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  Whenever
          rank: 349  [tied]        (19 entries)  Whitespace
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  Wisp
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  WML
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Wollok
          rank: 235  [tied]        (43 entries)  Wortel
          rank: 432  [tied]        (10 entries)  Wrapl
          rank:   6             (1,355 entries)  Wren
          rank: 165  [tied]        (97 entries)  X86 Assembly
          rank: 394  [tied]        (13 entries)  X86-64 Assembly
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Xanadu
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  XBase
          rank: 291  [tied]        (29 entries)  XBasic
          rank: 343  [tied]        (20 entries)  XBS
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  XEec
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  XL
          rank: 199  [tied]        (69 entries)  XLISP
          rank: 357  [tied]        (17 entries)  Xojo
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  XPath 2.0
          rank:  61               (431 entries)  XPL0
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  XProc
          rank: 489  [tied]         (7 entries)  XProfan
          rank: 354  [tied]        (18 entries)  XQuery
          rank: 235  [tied]        (43 entries)  XSLT
          rank: 726  [tied]         (2 entries)  XSLT 1.0
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  XSLT 2.0
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  XTalk
          rank: 637  [tied]         (3 entries)  XUL
          rank: 764  [tied]         (1 entry)    Ya
          rank:  90               (239 entries)  Yabasic
          rank: 460  [tied]         (8 entries)  Yacas
          rank: 248  [tied]        (41 entries)  Yorick
          rank: 315  [tied]        (25 entries)  Z80 Assembly
          rank: 572  [tied]         (4 entries)  ZED
          rank: 223  [tied]        (49 entries)  Zig
          rank:  19             (1,012 entries)  Zkl
          rank: 282  [tied]        (30 entries)  Zoea
          rank: 303  [tied]        (27 entries)  Zoea Visual
          rank: 282  [tied]        (30 entries)  Zonnon
          rank: 432  [tied]        (10 entries)  Zoomscript
          rank: 539  [tied]         (5 entries)  ZPL
          rank:  98               (215 entries)  ZX Spectrum Basic
          rank: 512  [tied]         (6 entries)  µC++ 

                            ☼  end─of─list.  ☼