
Revision as of 08:41, 7 May 2015 by Pistacchio (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{collection|RCRPG}} Javascript version of RCRPG. The code can also be checked out and contributed to on [https://github.com/pistacchio/rcrpgjs github]...")
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Javascript version of RCRPG. The code can also be checked out and contributed to on github .

RCRPG/Javascript is part of RCRPG. You may find other members of RCRPG at Category:RCRPG.


<lang javascript>

const _ = require('lodash'),

     readline = require('readline');

/////////////////// // LODASH IMPORT // ///////////////////

// import all lodash functions to the main namespace, but isNaN not to cause conflicts _.each(_.keys(_), k => global[k === 'isNaN' ? '_isNaN' : k] = _[k]);

/////////////// // CONSTANTS // ///////////////

const DIRECTIONS = {

 n: [ 0, -1,  0],
 s: [ 0,  1,  0],
 e: [-1,  0,  0],
 w: [ 1,  0,  0],
 u: [ 0,  0, -1],
 d: [ 0,  0,  1]


///////////// // HELPERS // /////////////

function findDirection (world, dir, longName=false) {

 const maybeDirection = find(world.commands, c => contains(first(c), dir)),
       dirLetter      = first(first(maybeDirection));
 if (maybeDirection && has(DIRECTIONS, dirLetter)) {
   return longName ? first(maybeDirection)[1] : dirLetter;


function makeRoom(location) {

 return [location, null, compact([
   random(0, 2) === 0 ? 'sledge': null,
   random(0, 2) === 0 ? 'ladder': null,
   random(0, 2) === 0 ? 'gold':   null


function listToDescriptiveString (lst) {

 if (!lst) return;
 if (lst.length === 1) return first(lst);
 return dropRight(lst).join(', ') + ' and ' + last(lst);


function itemsToDescriptiveItems (items) {

return map(items, i => {
   switch (i) {
     case 'sledge': return 'a sledge';
     case 'ladder': return 'a ladder';
     case 'gold':   return 'some gold';


////////////// // MESSAGES // //////////////

function help () {

 return `You need a sledge to dig rooms and ladders to go upwards.

Valid commands are: directions (north, south...), dig, take, drop, equip, inventory and look. Additionally you can tag rooms with the 'name' command and alias commands with 'alias'. Have fun! `; }

function welcome () {

 console.log(`Welcome to the dungeon!

Grab the sledge and make your way to room 1,1,5 for a non-existant prize! `);



///////////// // ACTIONS // /////////////

function gotoRoom (direction, world) {

 const wantedRoom = zipWith(world.player.location, DIRECTIONS[direction], add),
       room       = find(world.rooms, r => isEqual(first(r), world.player.location));
 if (direction === 'u' && !contains(room[2], 'ladder')) {
   console.log("You can't go upwards without a ladder!");
 } else {
   if (find(world.rooms, r => isEqual(first(r), wantedRoom))) {
     world.player.location = wantedRoom;
   } else {
     console.log("There's no exit in that direction!");
 return world


function dig (world, [direction]) {

 let dir,
 if (!direction) {
   console.log('Where do you want to dig?');
   return world
 if (!(dir = findDirection(world, direction))) {
     console.log('That is not a direction I recognize');
     return world;
 if (!contains(world.player.inventory, 'sledge')) {
   console.log('With your bare hands?');
   return world;
 dirLongName = findDirection(world, direction, true);
 wantedRoom  = zipWith(world.player.location, DIRECTIONS[dir], add);
 if (find(world.rooms, r => isEqual(first(r), wantedRoom))) {
   console.log('There is already an exit, there!');
   return world;
 console.log(`There is now an exit ${dirLongName}ward`);
 return world;


function look (world) {

 const room = find(world.rooms, r => isEqual(first(r), world.player.location)),
       itemsOnFloor    = itemsToDescriptiveItems(room[2]),
       itemsOnFloorStr = isEmpty(itemsOnFloor)
                         : (itemsOnFloor.length === 1
                           ? itemsOnFloor[0]
                           : listToDescriptiveString(itemsOnFloor)),
       exits = chain(DIRECTIONS)
               .map((d, kd) => [kd, zipWith(d, first(room), add)])
               .filter(r => find(world.rooms, rr => isEqual(first(rr), r[1])))
               .map(d => find(world.commands, c => {
                 return contains(first(c), first(d))
       exitsStr = isEmpty(exits)
                  : (exits.length === 1
                    ? `There is one exit: ${exits[0]}.`
                    : `You can see the following exits: ${listToDescriptiveString(exits)}.`);
   (room[1] ? room[1] : `Room at ${world.player.location[0]}, ${world.player.location[1]}, ${world.player.location[2]}`) + '\n' +
   (!itemsOnFloorStr ?  : `On the floor you can see ${itemsOnFloorStr}.\n`) +
 return world;


function inventory (world) {

 if (world.player.inventory.length === 0) {
   console.log('You are not carrying anything');
 } else {
   console.log(`You are carrying: ${listToDescriptiveString(itemsToDescriptiveItems(world.player.inventory))}`);
 return world;


function take (world, [item]) {

 const room = find(world.rooms, r => isEqual(first(r), world.player.location))
 if (!item) {
   console.log('Take what?');
   return world;
 if (item === 'all') {
   if (isEmpty(room[2])) {
     console.log('There is nothing to take here');
   } else{
     world.player.inventory = uniq(world.player.inventory.concat(room[2] || []));
     room[2] = [];
     console.log('All items taken');
   return world;
 if (!contains(room[2], item)) {
   console.log("You can't see anything like that here");
   return world;
 world.player.inventory = uniq(world.player.inventory.concat([item]));
 pull(room[2], item);
 return world


function drop (world, [item]) {

 const room = find(world.rooms, r => isEqual(first(r), world.player.location))
 if (!item) {
   console.log('Drop what?');
   return world;
 if (item === 'all') {
   if (isEmpty(world.player.inventory)) {
     console.log('You have nothing to drop');
   } else{
     room[2] = uniq(room[2].concat(world.player.inventory || []));
     world.player.inventory = [];
     console.log('All items dropped');
   return world;
 if (!contains(world.player.inventory, item)) {
   console.log("You don't have that item");
   return world;
 room[2] = uniq(room[2].concat([item]));
 pull(world.player.inventory, item);
 return world


function equip (world, [item]) {

 if (!item) {
   console.log('What do you want to equip?');
   return world;
 if (!contains(world.player.inventory, item)) {
   console.log("You don't have such object");
   return world;
 world.player.equipped = item;
 console.log('Item equipped!');
 return world;


function unequip (world, [item]) {

 if (!item) {
   console.log('What do you want to unequip?');
   return world;
 if (item !== world.player.equipped) {
   console.log("You don't have it equipped");
   return world;
 world.player.equipped = null;
 console.log('Item unequipped!');
 return world;


function alias (world, [cmd, al]) {

 let foundCommand;
 if (!cmd && !al) {
   console.log('Aliases:' + chain(world.commands)
               .filter(c => first(c).length > 1)
               .reduce((acc, c) => `${acc}\n${first(c)} => ${rest(c).join(', ')}`, )
   return world;
 if (!(foundCommand = find(world.commands, c => contains(first(c), cmd)))) {
   console.log('There is no such command');
   return world
 if (!al) {
   let aliases = reject(first(foundCommand), c => c === cmd);
   if (isEmpty(aliases)) {
     console.log(`There are no aliases for ${cmd}`);
   } else {
     console.log(`Aliases for "${cmd}":  ${aliases.join(', ')}`);
   return world;
 foundCommand[0] = uniq(first(foundCommand).concat([al]));
 console.log('Alias assigned');
 return world;


////////////////////// // INPUT PROCESSING // //////////////////////

function processInput(input, world) {

 const splitInput         = trim(input).split(/\s+/g),
       [command, options] = [first(splitInput), rest(splitInput)],
       commandFn          = find(world.commands, c => contains(first(c), command.toLowerCase()));
 if (commandFn) {
   return commandFn[1](world, options);
 } else {
   console.log("I don't know what you mean.");
   return world;


/////////////// // MAIN LOOP // ///////////////

(function runGame () {

 let world = {
   rooms: [
     [[0, 0, 0],  "The room where it all started...", ['ladder', 'sledge']],
     [[1, 1 , 5], "You found it! Lots of gold!"]
   commands: [
     [['n', 'north'], partial(gotoRoom, 'n')],
     [['s', 'south'], partial(gotoRoom, 's')],
     [['w', 'west'],  partial(gotoRoom, 'w')],
     [['e', 'east'],  partial(gotoRoom, 'e')],
     [['d', 'down'],  partial(gotoRoom, 'd')],
     [['u', 'up'],    partial(gotoRoom, 'u')],
     [['help'],           help],
     [['dig'],            dig],
     [['l', 'look'],      look],
     [['i', 'inventory'], inventory],
     [['take'],           take],
     [['drop'],           drop],
     [['equip'],          equip],
     [['unequip'],        unequip],
     [['alias'],          alias]
   player: {
     location:  [0, 0, 0],
     inventory: ['sledge'],
     equipped:  null
 process.stdin.on('data', input => world = processInput(input, world))

})(); </lang>