Quoting constructs: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|Lua}}: added Lua solution
m (→‎{{header|Ring}}: missing the point of the task)
(→‎{{header|Lua}}: added Lua solution)
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Lua has three string definition syntaxes: single- and double-quotes, which are equivalent; and long-bracket pairs [[ ]] which may span multiple lines. Long-bracket pairs may be specified to an arbitrary depth, which may be useful for quoting Lua source code itself (which might use long-brackets). Lua strings are variable-length arrays of bytes, not 0-terminated (as in C), so may contain aribitrary raw binary data. Commonly escaped characters and octal\hexadecimal notation are supported.
<lang lua>s1 = "This is a double-quoted 'string' with embedded single-quotes."
s2 = 'This is a single-quoted "string" with embedded double-quotes.'
s3 = "this is a double-quoted \"string\" with escaped double-quotes."
s4 = 'this is a single-quoted \'string\' with escaped single-quotes.'
s5 = [[This is a long-bracket "'string'" with embedded single- and double-quotes.]]
s6 = [=[This is a level 1 long-bracket ]]string[[ with [[embedded]] long-brackets.]=]
s7 = [==[This is a level 2 long-bracket ]=]string[=[ with [=[embedded]=] level 1 long-brackets, etc.]==]
s8 = [[This is
a long-bracket string
with embedded
line feeds]]
s9 = "any \0 form \1 of \2 string \3 may \4 contain \5 raw \6 binary \7 data \xDB"
print(s9) -- with audible "bell" from \7 if supported by os
print("some raw binary:", #s9, s9:byte(5), s9:byte(12), s9:byte(17))</lang>
<pre>This is a double-quoted 'string' with embedded single-quotes.
This is a single-quoted "string" with embedded double-quotes.
this is a double-quoted "string" with escaped double-quotes.
this is a single-quoted 'string' with escaped single-quotes.
This is a long-bracket "'string'" with embedded single- and double-quotes.
This is a level 1 long-bracket ]]string[[ with [[embedded]] long-brackets.
This is a level 2 long-bracket ]=]string[=[ with [=[embedded]=] level 1 long-brackets, etc.
This is
a long-bracket string
with embedded
line feeds
any form ☺ of ☻ string ♥ may ♦ contain ♣ raw ♠ binary █ data
some raw binary: 65 0 1 2</pre>
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