Quoting constructs: Difference between revisions

added Perl programming solution
m (syntax highlighting fixup automation)
(added Perl programming solution)
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('a', 1, true)
(x: 1, y: 2)</pre>
Please consult the [[https://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/Literals/String#Perl String#Perl]] page that covers almost everything on syntax. The following are just some random supplements that mainly focus on usages.
<syntaxhighlight lang="perl" line># 20221202 Perl programming solution
use strict;
use warnings;
print <<`EXEC` # superfluous alternative to qx/ / and ` `
sleep 2; ls /etc/resolv.conf
# only with quoted begin tag then you can have spaces in between
print <<END # so << 'END' or << "END" and semi-colon is always optional
Make sure that the end tag must be exactly the same as the begin tag.
; # the above wouldn't have worked had it been something like
# END␣ ␣ ␣ (with redundant trailing spaces)
print <<"HERE1", <<"HERE2" # it is also possible to stack heredocs
Hello from HERE1
Hello from HERE2
my $haystack = 'Santa says HoHoHo'; # a quoted pattern expanded before
my $needle = "\x48\x6F"; # the regex is interpreted
print "1) Found.\n" if $haystack =~ /$needle{3}/; # Matches Hooo
print "2) Found.\n" if $haystack =~ /($needle){3}/; # Do what you mean
# due to autoconversion, things may still work the same
{ use Benchmark; # under (usually overlooked) scalar interpolation
my ( $iterations, $x, $y ) = 1e7, rand, rand;
timethese( $iterations, { 'normal' => ' $x + $y',
'useless' => '"$x" + "$y"' } );
} # however in the 2nd case the boxing and unboxing are unnecessary
{ # the following illustrate some behaviors under array interpolation
my @Y_M_D = sub{$_[5]+1900,$_[4]+1,$_[3]}->(localtime(time));
local $\ = "\n";
print @Y_M_D; # YMD
print "@Y_M_D"; # Y M D
local $, = '-'; # output field separator
print @Y_M_D; # Y-M-D
print "@Y_M_D"; # Y M D
local $" = '_'; # interpolated list separator
print "@Y_M_D"; # Y_M_D
