Queue/Definition: Difference between revisions

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→‎{{header|Ruby}}: Add RDoc comments and a few more aliases. Usage remains as before.
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The core class ''Array'' already implements all queue operations, so this class ''FIFO'' delegates everything to methods of ''Array''.
<lang ruby>class FIFO

def initialize
<lang ruby>require 'forwardable'
@fifo = []

# A FIFO queue contains elements in first-in, first-out order.
# FIFO#push adds new elements to the end of the queue;
# FIFO#pop or FIFO#shift removes elements from the front.
class FIFO
extend Forwardable

# Creates a FIFO containing _objects_.
def self.[](*objects)

# Creates an empty FIFO.
def push(*args)
def initialize; @ary = []; end

# Appends _objects_ to the end of this FIFO. Returns self.
def push(*objects)
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alias enqueue push
alias enqueue push

# popping an empty FIFO returns nil, or [] if a number is specified
def pop(*args)
# :method: pop
# :call-seq:
# pop -> obj or nil
alias dequeue pop
# pop(n) -> ary
# Removes an element from the front of this FIFO, and returns it.
def empty?
# Returns nil if the FIFO is empty.
# If passing a number _n_, removes the first _n_ elements, and returns
# an Array of them. If this FIFO contains fewer than _n_ elements,
# returns them all. If this FIFO is empty, returns an empty Array.
def_delegator :@ary, :shift, :pop
alias shift pop
alias dequeue shift

# :method: empty?
# Returns true if this FIFO contains no elements.
def_delegator :@ary, :empty?

# :method: size
# Returns the number of elements in this FIFO.
def_delegator :@ary, :size
alias length size

# Converts this FIFO to a String.
def size
def to_s
alias inspect to_s

f = FIFO.new
<lang ruby>f = FIFO.new
f.empty? # => true
f.empty? # => true
f.pop # => nil
f.pop # => nil
f.pop(2) # => []
f.pop(2) # => []
f.push(14) # => #<FIFO:...>
f.push(14) # => FIFO[14]
f << "foo" << [1,2,3] # => #<FIFO:...>
f << "foo" << [1,2,3] # => FIFO[14, "foo", [1, 2, 3]]
f.enqueue("bar", Hash.new, "baz") # => #<FIFO:...>
f.enqueue("bar", Hash.new, "baz")
# => FIFO[14, "foo", [1, 2, 3], "bar", {}, "baz"]
f.size # => 6
f.size # => 6
f.pop(3) # => [14, "foo", [1, 2, 3]]
f.pop(3) # => [14, "foo", [1, 2, 3]]
f.dequeue # => "bar"
f.dequeue # => "bar"
f.empty? # => false</lang>
f.empty? # => false
g = FIFO[:a, :b, :c]
g.pop(2) # => [:a, :b]
g.pop(2) # => [:c]
g.pop(2) # => []</lang>
