Quaternion type: Difference between revisions

Added Easylang
m (syntax highlighting fixup automation)
(Added Easylang)
(19 intermediate revisions by 8 users not shown)
Line 839:
q2q1:(-56.0, 18.0, 20.0, 28.0)
<syntaxhighlight lang="arturo">qnorm: $ => [sqrt fold & [x y] -> x + y*y]
qneg: $ => [map & => neg]
qconj: $[q] [@[q\0] ++ qneg drop q]
qaddr: function [q r][
[a b c d]: q
@[a+r b c d]
qadd: $ => [map couple & & => sum]
qmulr: $[q r] [map q'x -> x*r]
qmul: function [q1 q2][
[a1 b1 c1 d1]: q1
[a2 b2 c2 d2]: q2
(((a1*a2) - b1*b2) - c1*c2) - d1*d2,
(((a1*b2) + b1*a2) + c1*d2) - d1*c2,
(((a1*c2) - b1*d2) + c1*a2) + d1*b2,
(((a1*d2) + b1*c2) - c1*b2) + d1*a2
; --- test quaternions ---
q: [1 2 3 4]
q1: [2 3 4 5]
q2: [3 4 5 6]
r: 7
print ['qnorm q '= qnorm q]
print ['qneg q '= qneg q]
print ['qconj q '= qconj q]
print ['qaddr q r '= qaddr q r]
print ['qmulr q r '= qmulr q r]
print ['qadd q1 q2 '= qadd q1 q2]
print ['qmul q1 q2 '= qmul q1 q2]
print ['qmul q2 q1 '= qmul q2 q1]</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>qnorm [1 2 3 4] = 5.477225575051661
qneg [1 2 3 4] = [-1 -2 -3 -4]
qconj [1 2 3 4] = [1 -2 -3 -4]
qaddr [1 2 3 4] 7 = [8 2 3 4]
qmulr [1 2 3 4] 7 = [7 14 21 28]
qadd [2 3 4 5] [3 4 5 6] = [5 7 9 11]
qmul [2 3 4 5] [3 4 5 6] = [-56 16 24 26]
qmul [3 4 5 6] [2 3 4 5] = [-56 18 20 28]</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="ATS">
#include "share/atspre_staload.hats"
(* Here is one way to get a sqrt function without going beyond the ATS
prelude. The prelude (at the time of this writing) contains some
templates for which implementations were never added. Here I add an
The ats2-xprelude package at
https://sourceforge.net/p/chemoelectric/ats2-xprelude contains a
much more extensive and natural interface to the C math library. *)
#include <math.h>
implement (* "Generic" square root. *)
gsqrt_val<double> x =
(* Call "sqrt" from the C math library. *)
$extfcall (double, "sqrt", x)
abst@ype quaternion (tk : tkind) =
(* The following determines the SIZE of a quaternion, but not its
actual representation: *)
@(g0float tk, g0float tk, g0float tk, g0float tk)
extern fn {tk : tkind} quaternion_make :
(g0float tk, g0float tk, g0float tk, g0float tk) -<> quaternion tk
extern fn {tk : tkind} fprint_quaternion :
(FILEref, quaternion tk) -> void
extern fn {tk : tkind} print_quaternion :
quaternion tk -> void
extern fn {tk : tkind} quaternion_norm_squared :
quaternion tk -<> g0float tk
extern fn {tk : tkind} quaternion_norm :
quaternion tk -< !exn > g0float tk
extern fn {tk : tkind} quaternion_neg :
quaternion tk -<> quaternion tk
extern fn {tk : tkind} quaternion_conj :
quaternion tk -<> quaternion tk
extern fn {tk : tkind} add_quaternion_g0float :
(quaternion tk, g0float tk) -<> quaternion tk
extern fn {tk : tkind} add_g0float_quaternion :
(g0float tk, quaternion tk) -<> quaternion tk
extern fn {tk : tkind} add_quaternion_quaternion :
(quaternion tk, quaternion tk) -<> quaternion tk
extern fn {tk : tkind} mul_quaternion_g0float :
(quaternion tk, g0float tk) -<> quaternion tk
extern fn {tk : tkind} mul_g0float_quaternion :
(g0float tk, quaternion tk) -<> quaternion tk
extern fn {tk : tkind} mul_quaternion_quaternion :
(quaternion tk, quaternion tk) -<> quaternion tk
extern fn {tk : tkind} quaternion_eq :
(quaternion tk, quaternion tk) -<> bool
overload fprint with fprint_quaternion
overload print with print_quaternion
overload norm_squared with quaternion_norm_squared
overload norm with quaternion_norm
overload ~ with quaternion_neg
overload conj with quaternion_conj
overload + with add_quaternion_g0float
overload + with add_g0float_quaternion
overload + with add_quaternion_quaternion
overload * with mul_quaternion_g0float
overload * with mul_g0float_quaternion
overload * with mul_quaternion_quaternion
overload = with quaternion_eq
(* Now we decide the REPRESENTATION of a quaternion. A quaternion is
represented as an unboxed 4-tuple of "real" numbers of any one
particular typekind. *)
typedef _quaternion (tk : tkind) =
@(g0float tk, g0float tk, g0float tk, g0float tk)
assume quaternion tk = _quaternion tk
in (* local *)
implement {tk}
quaternion_make (a, b, c, d) =
@(a, b, c, d)
implement {tk}
fprint_quaternion (outf, q) =
typedef t = g0float tk
val @(a, b, c, d) = q
fprint_val<t> (outf, a);
if g0i2f 0 <= b then fprint_val<string> (outf, "+");
fprint_val<t> (outf, b);
fprint_val<string> (outf, "i");
if g0i2f 0 <= c then fprint_val<string> (outf, "+");
fprint_val<t> (outf, c);
fprint_val<string> (outf, "j");
if g0i2f 0 <= d then fprint_val<string> (outf, "+");
fprint_val<t> (outf, d);
fprint_val<string> (outf, "k");
implement {tk}
print_quaternion q =
fprint_quaternion (stdout_ref, q)
implement {tk}
quaternion_norm_squared q =
val @(a, b, c, d) = q
(a * a) + (b * b) + (c * c) + (d * d)
implement {tk}
quaternion_norm q =
gsqrt_val<g0float tk> (quaternion_norm_squared q)
implement {tk}
quaternion_neg q =
val @(a, b, c, d) = q
@(~a, ~b, ~c, ~d)
implement {tk}
quaternion_conj q =
val @(a, b, c, d) = q
@(a, ~b, ~c, ~d)
implement {tk}
add_quaternion_g0float (q, r) =
val @(a, b, c, d) = q
@(a + r, b, c, d)
implement {tk}
add_g0float_quaternion (r, q) =
val @(a, b, c, d) = q
@(r + a, b, c, d)
implement {tk}
add_quaternion_quaternion (q1, q2) =
val @(a1, b1, c1, d1) = q1
and @(a2, b2, c2, d2) = q2
@(a1 + a2, b1 + b2, c1 + c2, d1 + d2)
implement {tk}
mul_quaternion_g0float (q, r) =
val @(a, b, c, d) = q
@(a * r, b * r, c * r, d * r)
implement {tk}
mul_g0float_quaternion (r, q) =
val @(a, b, c, d) = q
@(r * a, r * b, r * c, r * d)
implement {tk}
mul_quaternion_quaternion (q1, q2) =
val @(a1, b1, c1, d1) = q1
and @(a2, b2, c2, d2) = q2
@((a1 * a2) - (b1 * b2) - (c1 * c2) - (d1 * d2),
(a1 * b2) + (b1 * a2) + (c1 * d2) - (d1 * c2),
(a1 * c2) - (b1 * d2) + (c1 * a2) + (d1 * b2),
(a1 * d2) + (b1 * c2) - (c1 * b2) + (d1 * a2))
implement {tk}
quaternion_eq (q1, q2) =
val @(a1, b1, c1, d1) = q1
and @(a2, b2, c2, d2) = q2
(a1 = a2) * (b1 = b2) * (c1 = c2) * (d1 = d2)
end (* local *)
val q = quaternion_make (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)
and q1 = quaternion_make (2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0)
and q2 = quaternion_make (3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0)
and r = 7.0
main0 () =
(* Let us print double precision numbers in a format more readable
than is the prelude's default. *)
fprint_val<double> (outf, x) =
typedef f = $extype"FILE *"
val _ = $extfcall (int, "fprintf", $UNSAFE.cast{f} outf,
"%g", x)
println! ("q = ", q);
println! ("q1 = ", q1);
println! ("q2 = ", q2);
println! ();
println! ("||q|| = ", norm q);
println! ("||q1|| = ", norm q1);
println! ("||q2|| = ", norm q2);
println! ();
println! ("-q = ", ~q);
println! ("-q1 = ", ~q1);
println! ("-q2 = ", ~q2);
println! ();
println! ("conj q = ", conj q);
println! ("conj q1 = ", conj q1);
println! ("conj q2 = ", conj q2);
println! ();
println! ("q + r = ", q + r);
println! ("r + q = ", r + q);
println! ("q1 + q2 = ", q1 + q2);
println! ();
println! ("q * r = ", q * r);
println! ("r * q = ", r * q);
println! ("q1 * q2 = ", q1 * q2);
println! ("q2 * q1 = ", q2 * q1);
println! ("((q1 * q2) = (q2 * q1)) is ", (q1 * q2) = (q2 * q1))
<pre>$ patscc -std=gnu2x -O2 quaternions_task.dats -lm && ./a.out
q = 1+2i+3j+4k
q1 = 2+3i+4j+5k
q2 = 3+4i+5j+6k
||q|| = 5.477226
||q1|| = 7.348469
||q2|| = 9.273618
-q = -1-2i-3j-4k
-q1 = -2-3i-4j-5k
-q2 = -3-4i-5j-6k
conj q = 1-2i-3j-4k
conj q1 = 2-3i-4j-5k
conj q2 = 3-4i-5j-6k
q + r = 8+2i+3j+4k
r + q = 8+2i+3j+4k
q1 + q2 = 5+7i+9j+11k
q * r = 7+14i+21j+28k
r * q = 7+14i+21j+28k
q1 * q2 = -56+16i+24j+26k
q2 * q1 = -56+18i+20j+28k
((q1 * q2) = (q2 * q1)) is false</pre>
Line 980 ⟶ 1,334:
Type: Boolean</syntaxhighlight>
{{works with|BASIC256|}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="basic256">
Line 1,086 ⟶ 1,441:
==={{header|BBC BASIC}}===
Although BBC BASIC doesn't have native support for quaternions its array arithmetic provides all of the required operations either directly or very straightforwardly.
<syntaxhighlight lang="bbcbasic"> DIM q(3), q1(3), q2(3), t(3)
Line 2,259 ⟶ 2,614:
exp(log(s)): [2, 0.33427, 0.445694, 0.557117]
log(exp(s)): [2, 0.33427, 0.445694, 0.557117]</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="Dart">
import 'dart:math' as math;
class Quaternion {
final double a, b, c, d;
Quaternion(this.a, this.b, this.c, this.d);
Quaternion operator +(Object other) {
if (other is Quaternion) {
return Quaternion(a + other.a, b + other.b, c + other.c, d + other.d);
} else if (other is double) {
return Quaternion(a + other, b, c, d);
throw ArgumentError('Invalid type for addition: ${other.runtimeType}');
Quaternion operator *(Object other) {
if (other is Quaternion) {
return Quaternion(
a * other.a - b * other.b - c * other.c - d * other.d,
a * other.b + b * other.a + c * other.d - d * other.c,
a * other.c - b * other.d + c * other.a + d * other.b,
a * other.d + b * other.c - c * other.b + d * other.a,
} else if (other is double) {
return Quaternion(a * other, b * other, c * other, d * other);
throw ArgumentError('Invalid type for multiplication: ${other.runtimeType}');
Quaternion operator -() => Quaternion(-a, -b, -c, -d);
Quaternion conj() => Quaternion(a, -b, -c, -d);
double norm() => math.sqrt(a * a + b * b + c * c + d * d);
String toString() => '($a, $b, $c, $d)';
void main() {
var q = Quaternion(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0);
var q1 = Quaternion(2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0);
var q2 = Quaternion(3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0);
var r = 7.0;
print("q = $q");
print("q1 = $q1");
print("q2 = $q2");
print("r = $r\n");
print("norm(q) = ${q.norm().toStringAsFixed(6)}");
print("-q = ${-q}");
print("conj(q) = ${q.conj()}\n");
print("r + q = ${q + r}");
print("q + r = ${q + r}");
print("q1 + q2 = ${q1 + q2}\n");
print("r * q = ${q * r}");
print("q * r = ${q * r}");
var q3 = q1 * q2;
var q4 = q2 * q1;
print("q1 * q2 = $q3");
print("q2 * q1 = $q4\n");
print("q1 * q2 != q2 * q1 = ${q3 != q4}");
q = (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)
q1 = (2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0)
q2 = (3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0)
r = 7.0
norm(q) = 5.477226
-q = (-1.0, -2.0, -3.0, -4.0)
conj(q) = (1.0, -2.0, -3.0, -4.0)
r + q = (8.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)
q + r = (8.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)
q1 + q2 = (5.0, 7.0, 9.0, 11.0)
r * q = (7.0, 14.0, 21.0, 28.0)
q * r = (7.0, 14.0, 21.0, 28.0)
q1 * q2 = (-56.0, 16.0, 24.0, 26.0)
q2 * q1 = (-56.0, 18.0, 20.0, 28.0)
q1 * q2 != q2 * q1 = true
Line 2,528 ⟶ 2,976:
? q1+(-2)
# value: (0 + 3i + 4j + 5k)</syntaxhighlight>
func qnorm q[] .
for i to 4
s += q[i] * q[i]
return sqrt s
func[] qneg q[] .
for i to 4
q[i] = -q[i]
return q[]
func[] qconj q[] .
for i = 2 to 4
q[i] = -q[i]
return q[]
func[] qaddreal q[] r .
q[1] += r
return q[]
func[] qadd q[] q2[] .
for i to 4
q[i] += q2[i]
return q[]
func[] qmulreal q[] r .
for i to 4
q[i] *= r
return q[]
func[] qmul q1[] q2[] .
res[] &= q1[1] * q2[1] - q1[2] * q2[2] - q1[3] * q2[3] - q1[4] * q2[4]
res[] &= q1[1] * q2[2] + q1[2] * q2[1] + q1[3] * q2[4] - q1[4] * q2[3]
res[] &= q1[1] * q2[3] - q1[2] * q2[4] + q1[3] * q2[1] + q1[4] * q2[2]
res[] &= q1[1] * q2[4] + q1[2] * q2[3] - q1[3] * q2[2] + q1[4] * q2[1]
return res[]
q[] = [ 1 2 3 4 ]
q1[] = [ 2 3 4 5 ]
q2[] = [ 3 4 5 6 ]
r = 7
print "q = " & q[]
print "q1 = " & q1[]
print "q2 = " & q2[]
print "r = " & r
print "norm(q) = " & qnorm q[]
print "neg(q) = " & qneg q[]
print "conjugate(q) = " & qconj q[]
print "q+r = " & qaddreal q[] r
print "q1+q2 = " & qadd q1[] q2[]
print "qr = " & qmulreal q[] r
print "q1q2 = " & qmul q1[] q2[]
print "q2q1 = " & qmul q2[] q1[]
if q1[] <> q2[]
print "q1 != q2"
q = [ 1 2 3 4 ]
q1 = [ 2 3 4 5 ]
q2 = [ 3 4 5 6 ]
r = 7
norm(q) = 5.48
neg(q) = [ -1 -2 -3 -4 ]
conjugate(q) = [ 1 -2 -3 -4 ]
q+r = [ 8 2 3 4 ]
q1+q2 = [ 5 7 9 11 ]
qr = [ 7 14 21 28 ]
q1q2 = [ -56 16 24 26 ]
q2q1 = [ -56 18 20 28 ]
q1 != q2
Line 2,652 ⟶ 3,182:
ELENA 56.0x :
<syntaxhighlight lang="elena">import system'math;
import extensions;
Line 2,659 ⟶ 3,189:
struct Quaternion
rprop real A : rprop;
rprop real B : rprop;
rprop real C : rprop;
rprop real D : rprop;
constructor new(a, b, c, d)
Line 4,743 ⟶ 5,273:
Print q1q2==q2q1 ' false
\\ multiplication and equality in one expression
Print (q1 * q2 == q2 * q1)= ' false
Print (q1 * q2 == q1 * q2)=True ' true
Line 4,762 ⟶ 5,292:
Line 5,447 ⟶ 5,977:
q1q2 and q2q1 are different quaternions
See also [[#Scheme|the entry for Scheme]].
<syntaxhighlight lang="scheme">
;; This program is written to run without modification both in Otus
;; Lisp and in any of many Scheme dialects. I assume the presence of
;; "case-lambda", but not of "let-values". The program has worked
;; (without modification) in Otus Lisp 2.4, Guile >= 2.0 (but not in
;; Guile version 1.8), CHICKEN Scheme 5.3.0, Chez Scheme 9.5.8, Gauche
;; Scheme 0.9.12, Ypsilon 0.9.6-update3.
;; Here a quaternion is represented as a linked list of four real
;; numbers. Such a representation probably has the greatest
;; portability between Scheme dialects. However, this representation
;; can be replaced, simply by redefining the procedures "quaternion?",
;; "quaternion-components", "quaternion->list", and "quaternion".
(define (quaternion? q) ; Can q be used as a quaternion?
(and (pair? q)
(let ((a (car q))
(q (cdr q)))
(and (real? a) (pair? q)
(let ((b (car q))
(q (cdr q)))
(and (real? b) (pair? q)
(let ((c (car q))
(q (cdr q)))
(and (real? c) (pair? q)
(let ((d (car q))
(q (cdr q)))
(and (real? d) (null? q)))))))))))
(define (quaternion-components q) ; Extract the basis components.
(let ((a (car q))
(q (cdr q)))
(let ((b (car q))
(q (cdr q)))
(let ((c (car q))
(q (cdr q)))
(let ((d (car q)))
(values a b c d))))))
(define (quaternion->list q) ; Get a list of the basis components.
(define quaternion ; Make a quaternion.
((a b c d)
;; Make the quaternion from basis components.
(list a b c d))
;; Make the quaternion from a scalar or from another quaternion.
;; WARNING: in the latter case, the quaternion is NOT
;; copied. This is not a problem, if you avoid things like
;; "set-car!" and "set-cdr!".
(if (real? q)
(list q 0 0 0)
(define (quaternion-norm q) ; The euclidean norm of a quaternion.
(let ((q (quaternion q)))
(call-with-values (lambda () (quaternion-components q))
(lambda (a b c d)
(sqrt (+ (* a a) (* b b) (* c c) (* d d)))))))
(define (quaternion-conjugate q) ; Conjugate a quaternion.
(let ((q (quaternion q)))
(call-with-values (lambda () (quaternion-components q))
(lambda (a b c d)
(quaternion a (- b) (- c) (- d))))))
(define quaternion+ ; Add quaternions.
(let ((quaternion-add
(lambda (q1 q2)
(let ((q1 (quaternion q1))
(q2 (quaternion q2)))
(lambda () (quaternion-components q1))
(lambda (a1 b1 c1 d1)
(lambda () (quaternion-components q2))
(lambda (a2 b2 c2 d2)
(quaternion (+ a1 a2) (+ b1 b2)
(+ c1 c2) (+ d1 d2))))))))))
(() (quaternion 0))
((q . q*)
(let loop ((accum q)
(q* q*))
(if (pair? q*)
(loop (quaternion-add accum (car q*)) (cdr q*))
(define quaternion- ; Negate or subtract quaternions.
(let ((quaternion-sub
(lambda (q1 q2)
(let ((q1 (quaternion q1))
(q2 (quaternion q2)))
(lambda () (quaternion-components q1))
(lambda (a1 b1 c1 d1)
(lambda () (quaternion-components q2))
(lambda (a2 b2 c2 d2)
(quaternion (- a1 a2) (- b1 b2)
(- c1 c2) (- d1 d2))))))))))
(let ((q (quaternion q)))
(call-with-values (lambda () (quaternion-components q))
(lambda (a b c d)
(quaternion (- a) (- b) (- c) (- d))))))
((q . q*)
(let loop ((accum q)
(q* q*))
(if (pair? q*)
(loop (quaternion-sub accum (car q*)) (cdr q*))
(define quaternion* ; Multiply quaternions.
(let ((quaternion-mul
(lambda (q1 q2)
(let ((q1 (quaternion q1))
(q2 (quaternion q2)))
(lambda () (quaternion-components q1))
(lambda (a1 b1 c1 d1)
(lambda () (quaternion-components q2))
(lambda (a2 b2 c2 d2)
(quaternion (- (* a1 a2) (* b1 b2)
(* c1 c2) (* d1 d2))
(- (+ (* a1 b2) (* b1 a2) (* c1 d2))
(* d1 c2))
(- (+ (* a1 c2) (* c1 a2) (* d1 b2))
(* b1 d2))
(- (+ (* a1 d2) (* b1 c2) (* d1 a2))
(* c1 b2)))))))))))
(() (quaternion 1))
((q . q*)
(let loop ((accum q)
(q* q*))
(if (pair? q*)
(loop (quaternion-mul accum (car q*)) (cdr q*))
(define quaternion=? ; Are the quaternions equal?
(let ((=? (lambda (q1 q2)
(let ((q1 (quaternion q1))
(q2 (quaternion q2)))
(lambda () (quaternion-components q1))
(lambda (a1 b1 c1 d1)
(lambda () (quaternion-components q2))
(lambda (a2 b2 c2 d2)
(and (= a1 a2) (= b1 b2)
(= c1 c2) (= d1 d2))))))))))
(lambda (q . q*)
(let loop ((q* q*))
(if (pair? q*)
(and (=? q (car q*))
(loop (cdr q*)))
(define q (quaternion 1 2 3 4))
(define q1 (quaternion 2 3 4 5))
(define q2 (quaternion 3 4 5 6))
(define r 7)
(display "q = ") (display (quaternion->list q)) (newline)
(display "q1 = ") (display (quaternion->list q1)) (newline)
(display "q2 = ") (display (quaternion->list q2)) (newline)
(display "r = ") (display r) (newline)
(display "(quaternion? q) = ") (display (quaternion? q)) (newline)
(display "(quaternion? q1) = ") (display (quaternion? q1)) (newline)
(display "(quaternion? q2) = ") (display (quaternion? q2)) (newline)
(display "(quaternion? r) = ") (display (quaternion? r)) (newline)
(display "(quaternion-norm q) = ")
(display (quaternion-norm q)) (newline)
(display "(quaternion-norm q1) = ")
(display (quaternion-norm q1)) (newline)
(display "(quaternion-norm q2) = ")
(display (quaternion-norm q2)) (newline)
(display "(quaternion- q) = ")
(display (quaternion->list (quaternion- q))) (newline)
(display "(quaternion- q1 q2) = ")
(display (quaternion->list (quaternion- q1 q2))) (newline)
(display "(quaternion- q q1 q2) = ")
(display (quaternion->list (quaternion- q q1 q2))) (newline)
(display "(quaternion-conjugate q) = ")
(display (quaternion->list (quaternion-conjugate q))) (newline)
(display "(quaternion+) = ")
(display (quaternion->list (quaternion+))) (newline)
(display "(quaternion+ q) = ")
(display (quaternion->list (quaternion+ q))) (newline)
(display "(quaternion+ r q) = ")
(display (quaternion->list (quaternion+ r q))) (newline)
(display "(quaternion+ q r) = ")
(display (quaternion->list (quaternion+ q r))) (newline)
(display "(quaternion+ q1 q2) = ")
(display (quaternion->list (quaternion+ q1 q2))) (newline)
(display "(quaternion+ q q1 q2) = ")
(display (quaternion->list (quaternion+ q q1 q2))) (newline)
(display "(quaternion*) = ")
(display (quaternion->list (quaternion*))) (newline)
(display "(quaternion* q) = ")
(display (quaternion->list (quaternion* q))) (newline)
(display "(quaternion* r q) = ")
(display (quaternion->list (quaternion* r q))) (newline)
(display "(quaternion* q r) = ")
(display (quaternion->list (quaternion* q r))) (newline)
(display "(quaternion* q1 q2) = ")
(display (quaternion->list (quaternion* q1 q2))) (newline)
(display "(quaternion* q q1 q2) = ")
(display (quaternion->list (quaternion* q q1 q2))) (newline)
(display "(quaternion=? q) = ")
(display (quaternion=? q)) (newline)
(display "(quaternion=? q q) = ")
(display (quaternion=? q q)) (newline)
(display "(quaternion=? q1 q2) = ")
(display (quaternion=? q1 q2)) (newline)
(display "(quaternion=? q q q) = ")
(display (quaternion=? q q q)) (newline)
(display "(quaternion=? q1 q1 q2) = ")
(display (quaternion=? q1 q1 q2)) (newline)
(display "(quaternion* q1 q2) = ")
(display (quaternion->list (quaternion* q1 q2))) (newline)
(display "(quaternion* q2 q1) = ")
(display (quaternion->list (quaternion* q2 q1))) (newline)
(display "(quaternion=? (quaternion* q1 q2)") (newline)
(display " (quaternion* q2 q1)) = ")
(display (quaternion=? (quaternion* q1 q2)
(quaternion* q2 q1))) (newline)
<pre>$ ol quaternions_task.scm
q = (1 2 3 4)
q1 = (2 3 4 5)
q2 = (3 4 5 6)
r = 7
(quaternion? q) = #true
(quaternion? q1) = #true
(quaternion? q2) = #true
(quaternion? r) = #false
(quaternion-norm q) = 116161/21208
(quaternion-norm q1) = 898285873/122241224
(quaternion-norm q2) = 6216793393/670374072
(quaternion- q) = (-1 -2 -3 -4)
(quaternion- q1 q2) = (-1 -1 -1 -1)
(quaternion- q q1 q2) = (-4 -5 -6 -7)
(quaternion-conjugate q) = (1 -2 -3 -4)
(quaternion+) = (0 0 0 0)
(quaternion+ q) = (1 2 3 4)
(quaternion+ r q) = (8 2 3 4)
(quaternion+ q r) = (8 2 3 4)
(quaternion+ q1 q2) = (5 7 9 11)
(quaternion+ q q1 q2) = (6 9 12 15)
(quaternion*) = (1 0 0 0)
(quaternion* q) = (1 2 3 4)
(quaternion* r q) = (7 14 21 28)
(quaternion* q r) = (7 14 21 28)
(quaternion* q1 q2) = (-56 16 24 26)
(quaternion* q q1 q2) = (-264 -114 -132 -198)
(quaternion=? q) = #true
(quaternion=? q q) = #true
(quaternion=? q1 q2) = #false
(quaternion=? q q q) = #true
(quaternion=? q1 q1 q2) = #false
(quaternion* q1 q2) = (-56 16 24 26)
(quaternion* q2 q1) = (-56 18 20 28)
(quaternion=? (quaternion* q1 q2)
(quaternion* q2 q1)) = #false</pre>
Line 6,967 ⟶ 7,792:
task 8: multiplication q2*q1 ──► -56+18i+20j+28k
{{works with|Halcyon Calc|4.2.7}}
By considering quaternions as arrays, negation and addition can be directly achieved by resp. <code>NEG</code> and <code>+</code> instructions. Other operations need specific RPL words:
{| class="wikitable"
! RPL code
! Comment
≪ 0 1 4 '''FOR''' q OVER q GET SQ + '''NEXT''' √ SWAP DROP
≫ '<span style="color:blue">QNORM</span>' STO
≪ NEG 1 DUP2 GET NEG PUT ≫ '<span style="color:blue">QCONJ</span>' STO
≫ '<span style="color:blue">QRADD</span>' STO
ARRY→ DROP 5 ROLL ARRY→ DROP → a2 b2 c2 d2 a1 b1 c1 d1
≪ 'a1*a2 − b1*b2 − c1*c2 − d1*d2' EVAL
'a1*b2 + b1*a2 + c1*d2 − d1*c2' EVAL
'a1*c2 − b1*d2 + c1*a2 + d1*b2' EVAL
'a1*d2 + b1*c2 − c1*b2 + d1*a2' EVAL
{ 4 } →ARRY
≫ ≫ '<span style="color:blue">QMULT</span>' STO
<span style="color:blue">QNORM</span> ''( [ a b c d ] -- √(a²+b²+c²+d²) )''
<span style="color:blue">QCONJ</span> ''( [ a b c d ] -- [ a -b -c -d ] )''
<span style="color:blue">QRADD</span> ''( [ a b c d ] r -- [ a+r b c d ] )''
switch arguments if quaternion is at stack level 1
replace a by a+r
<span style="color:blue">QMULT</span> ''( [Q1] [Q2] -- [Q1 x Q2] )''
put the 2 quaternions in local variables
do the math in stack
convert stack to a quaternion
[1 2 3 4] <span style="color:blue">QNORM</span>
[1 2 3 4] NEG
[1 2 3 4] <span style="color:blue">QCONJ</span>
[1 2 3 4] 7 <span style="color:blue">QRADD</span>
[2 3 4 5] [3 4 5 6] +
[1 2 3 4] 7 *
[2 3 4 5] [3 4 5 6] <span style="color:blue">QMULT</span>
[3 4 5 6] [2 3 4 5] <span style="color:blue">QMULT</span>
8: 5.47722557505
7: [ -1 -2 -3 -4 ]
6: [ 1 -2 -3 -4 ]
5: [ 8 2 3 4 ]
4: [ 5 7 9 11 ]
3: [ 7 14 21 28 ]
2: [ -56 16 24 26 ]
1: [ -56 18 20 28 ]
=== Quaternion multiplication through Cayley-Dickson construction===
This is a shorter and faster version of the <code>QMULT</code> word. {{trans|Ruby}}
{| class="wikitable"
! RPL code
! Comment
ARRY→ DROP R→C ROT ROT R→C → d c b a
≪ a c * d CONJ b * - C→R
d a * b c CONJ * + C→R
{ 4 } →ARRY
≫ ≫ '<span style="color:blue">QMULT</span>' STO
<span style="color:blue">QMULT</span> ''( [Q1] [Q2] -- [Q1 x Q2] )''
convert the 2 quaternions into 2 pairs of complex numbers
and store them locally
(a,b)(c,d) = (ac - conj(d).b, // (a,b) and (c,d) are pairs
da + b.conj(c)) // of complex numbers
convert stack to a quaternion
Output is the same.
===Using the matrix form===
This efficient implementation is based on an article of [https://edspi31415.blogspot.com/2015/06/hp-prime-and-hp-50g-quaternions.html?fbclid=IwAR1KTjHt4xVt2FoMqL-82MJ1SS3SBg8jNoF-8uNcqg2Y5bLD2oiyxVfO88Y Eddie's Math and Calculator Blog].
« ARRY→ DROP → a b c d
« a b R→C c d R→C
c NEG d R→C
{ 2 2 } →ARRY
» » '<span style="color:blue">→QTM</span>' STO <span style="color:grey">''@ ( [ a b c d ] → [[ a+bi c+di ][ -c+di a-bi ]] )''</span>
{ 4 } →ARRY
» '<span style="color:blue">QTM→</span>' STO <span style="color:grey">''@ ( [[ a+bi c+di ][ -c+di a-bi ]] → [ a b c d ] )''</span>
« <span style="color:blue">→QTM</span> SWAP <span style="color:blue">QTM→</span> SWAP * <span style="color:blue">QTM→</span>
» '<span style="color:blue">QMULT</span>' STO <span style="color:grey">''@ ( q1 q2 → q1*q2 ) ''</span>
« <span style="color:blue">→QTM</span> DET √ ABS
» '<span style="color:blue">QNORM</span>' STO <span style="color:grey">''@ ( q → qnorm(q) ) ''</span>
« DUP INV SWAP <span style="color:blue">QNORM</span> SQ *
» '<span style="color:blue">QCONJ</span>' STO <span style="color:grey">''@ ( q → conj(q) ) ''</span>
Quaternions' matrix form allows to quickly develop additional operations:
« DUP <span style="color:blue">QNORM</span> /
» '<span style="color:blue">QSIGN</span>' STO <span style="color:grey">''@ ( q → q/norm(q) ) ''</span>
« <span style="color:blue">→QTM</span> INV <span style="color:blue">QTM→</span>
» '<span style="color:blue">QINV</span>' STO <span style="color:grey">''@ ( q → q^(-1) ) ''</span>
« <span style="color:blue">QINV QMULT</span>
» '<span style="color:blue">QDIV</span>' STO <span style="color:grey">''@ ( q1 q2 → q1/q2 )''</span>
Line 7,373 ⟶ 8,324:
q1/r = Q(0.29, 0.43i, 0.57j, 0.71k)
r/q1 = Q(0.26, -0.39i, -0.52j, -0.65k)</pre>
For the source code, see [[#Ol|the entry for Otus Lisp]]. However, with most Scheme implementations the output will look different:
<pre>$ ypsilon quaternions_task.scm
q = (1 2 3 4)
q1 = (2 3 4 5)
q2 = (3 4 5 6)
r = 7
(quaternion? q) = #t
(quaternion? q1) = #t
(quaternion? q2) = #t
(quaternion? r) = #f
(quaternion-norm q) = 5.477225575051661
(quaternion-norm q1) = 7.3484692283495345
(quaternion-norm q2) = 9.273618495495704
(quaternion- q) = (-1 -2 -3 -4)
(quaternion- q1 q2) = (-1 -1 -1 -1)
(quaternion- q q1 q2) = (-4 -5 -6 -7)
(quaternion-conjugate q) = (1 -2 -3 -4)
(quaternion+) = (0 0 0 0)
(quaternion+ q) = (1 2 3 4)
(quaternion+ r q) = (8 2 3 4)
(quaternion+ q r) = (8 2 3 4)
(quaternion+ q1 q2) = (5 7 9 11)
(quaternion+ q q1 q2) = (6 9 12 15)
(quaternion*) = (1 0 0 0)
(quaternion* q) = (1 2 3 4)
(quaternion* r q) = (7 14 21 28)
(quaternion* q r) = (7 14 21 28)
(quaternion* q1 q2) = (-56 16 24 26)
(quaternion* q q1 q2) = (-264 -114 -132 -198)
(quaternion=? q) = #t
(quaternion=? q q) = #t
(quaternion=? q1 q2) = #f
(quaternion=? q q q) = #t
(quaternion=? q1 q1 q2) = #f
(quaternion* q1 q2) = (-56 16 24 26)
(quaternion* q2 q1) = (-56 18 20 28)
(quaternion=? (quaternion* q1 q2)
(quaternion* q2 q1)) = #f</pre>
Line 8,155 ⟶ 9,156:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascriptwren">class Quaternion {
construct new(a, b, c, d ) {
_a = a
