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[ 3.0b0 ]</lang>
The library “arraymancer” provides a function “qr” to get the QR decomposition. Using the Tensor type of “arraymancer” we propose here an implementation of this decomposition adapted from the Python version.
<lang Nim>import math, strformat, strutils
import arraymancer
# First part: QR decomposition.
proc eye(n: Positive): Tensor[float] =
## Return the (n, n) identity matrix.
result = newTensor[float](n.int, n.int)
for i in 0..<n: result[i, i] = 1
proc norm(v: Tensor[float]): float =
## return the norm of a vector.
assert v.shape.len == 1
result = sqrt(dot(v, v)) * sgn(v[0]).toFloat
proc houseHolder(a: Tensor[float]): Tensor[float] =
## return the house holder of vector "a".
var v = a / (a[0] + norm(a))
v[0] = 1
result = eye(a.shape[0]) - (2 / dot(v, v)) * (v.unsqueeze(1) * v.unsqueeze(0))
proc qrDecomposition(a: Tensor): tuple[q, r: Tensor] =
## Return the QR decomposition of matrix "a".
assert a.shape.len == 2
let m = a.shape[0]
let n = a.shape[1]
result.q = eye(m)
result.r = a.clone
for i in 0..<(n - ord(m == n)):
var h = eye(m)
h[i..^1, i..^1] = houseHolder(result.r[i..^1, i].squeeze(1))
result.q = result.q * h
result.r = h * result.r
# Second part: polynomial regression example.
proc lsqr(a, b: Tensor[float]): Tensor[float] =
let (q, r) = a.qrDecomposition()
let n = r.shape[1]
result = solve(r[0..<n, _], (q.transpose() * b)[0..<n])
proc polyfit(x, y: Tensor[float]; n: int): Tensor[float] =
var z = newTensor[float](x.shape[0], n + 1)
var t = x.reshape(x.shape[0], 1)
for i in 0..n: z[_, i] = t^.i.toFloat
result = lsqr(z, y.transpose())
proc printMatrix(a: Tensor) =
var str: string
for i in 0..<a.shape[0]:
let start = str.len
for j in 0..<a.shape[1]:
str.addSep(" ", start)
str.add &"{a[i, j]:8.3f}"
str.add '\n'
stdout.write str
proc printVector(a: Tensor) =
var str: string
for i in 0..<a.shape[0]:
str.addSep(" ")
str.add &"{a[i]:4.1f}"
echo str
let mat = [[12, -51, 4],
[ 6, 167, -68],
[-4, 24, -41]].toTensor.astype(float)
let (q, r) = mat.qrDecomposition()
echo "Q:"
printMatrix q
echo "R:"
printMatrix r
let x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10].toTensor.astype(float)
let y = [1, 6, 17, 34, 57, 86, 121, 162, 209, 262, 321].toTensor.astype(float)
echo "polyfit:"
printVector polyfit(x, y, 2)</lang>
-0.857 0.394 0.331
-0.429 -0.903 -0.034
0.286 -0.171 0.943
-14.000 -21.000 14.000
0.000 -175.000 70.000
0.000 -0.000 -35.000
1.0 2.0 3.0</pre>