Pythagorean triples: Difference between revisions

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(It's been a week and the only thing that changed doesn't really affect anything. We're good to go to a full task.)
(Added PicoLisp)
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In practice, this solution runs considerably slower than the previous one, due primarily to passing <tt>gather</tt>/<tt>take</tt> values up many levels of dynamic scope. Eventually this may be optimized. Also, this solution currently chews up gigabytes of memory, while the previous solution stays at a quarter gig or so. This likely indicates a memory leak somewhere in [[niecza]].
In practice, this solution runs considerably slower than the previous one, due primarily to passing <tt>gather</tt>/<tt>take</tt> values up many levels of dynamic scope. Eventually this may be optimized. Also, this solution currently chews up gigabytes of memory, while the previous solution stays at a quarter gig or so. This likely indicates a memory leak somewhere in [[niecza]].

<lang PicoLisp>(for (Max 10 (>= 100000000 Max) (* Max 10))
(let (Total 0 Prim 0 In (3 4 5))
(recur (In)
(let P (apply + In)
(when (>= Max P)
(inc 'Prim)
(inc 'Total (/ Max P))
(for Row
(( 1 -2 2) ( 2 -1 2) ( 2 -2 3))
(( 1 2 2) ( 2 1 2) ( 2 2 3))
((-1 2 2) (-2 1 2) (-2 2 3)) )
(mapcar '((U) (sum * U In)) Row) ) ) ) ) )
(prinl "Up to " Max ": " Total " triples, " Prim " primitives.") ) )</lang>
<pre>Up to 10: 0 triples, 0 primitives.
Up to 100: 17 triples, 7 primitives.
Up to 1000: 325 triples, 70 primitives.
Up to 10000: 4858 triples, 703 primitives.
Up to 100000: 64741 triples, 7026 primitives.
Up to 1000000: 808950 triples, 70229 primitives.
Up to 10000000: 9706567 triples, 702309 primitives.
Up to 100000000: 113236940 triples, 7023027 primitives.</pre>
