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*   Linear congruential generator [].
=={{header|6502 Assembly}}==
The "hardware" gives us a memory-mapped port at address $00FE which contains a different random number every clock cycle. We can use this to write to video memory (there are only 16 colors so the top 4 bits of the random value are ignored.)
<lang 6502asm>define vramPtr $00
define vramPtrHi $01
;we're guaranteed to start off with all registers zeroed.
STA vramPtr
LDA #$02
STA vramPtrHi
LDX #4
LDA $FE ;read a random byte from the port
STA (vramPtr),y
BNE loop
INC vramPtrHi
bne loop
brk ;end program</lang>
Output can be seen by copying/pasting the above code [ here.]