Pseudorandom number generator image: Difference between revisions

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(Added Delphi example)
Line 301:
save("randombw.png", rand(Float16, 1000, 1000))
Nim standard PRNG is an implementation of the <code>xoroshiro128+</code> (xor/rotate/shift/rotate) algorithm which is extremely fast. The standard library provides a Mersenne Twister implementation too. For this task, we used the first one.
<lang Nim>import random
import imageman
const Size = 500
var image = initImage[ColorRGBU](Size, Size)
for x in 0..<Size:
for y in 0..<Size:
let color = ColorRGBU([rand(255).byte, rand(255).byte, rand(255).byte])
image[x, y] = color
image.savePNG("prng_image.png", compression = 9)</lang>