Priority queue: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|C sharp}}: .NET 6 version)
(Add SenseTalk implementation)
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def compare(t1:Task, t2:Task):Int=t2.prio compare t1.prio
We use New to create an object instance -- in this case (for simplicity) based on the script itself, which is named PriorityQueue. The Tell command or dot notation are then used to send messages directly to that object.
<lang sensetalk>
// PriorityQueue.script
set Tasks to a new PriorityQueue
tell Tasks to add 3,"Clear drains"
tell Tasks to add 4,"Feed cat"
tell Tasks to add 5,"Make tea"
tell Tasks to add 1,"Solve RC tasks"
tell Tasks to add 2,"Tax return"
put "Initial tasks:"
put & return
put Tasks.getTop into topItem
put "Top priority: " & topItem & return
put "Remaining:" & return &
end properties
to add newPriority, newTask
repeat with each item of my queue
if newPriority comes before the priority of it then
insert {priority:newPriority, task:newTask} before item the counter of my queue
end if
end repeat
insert {priority:newPriority, task:newTask} into my queue -- add at end if last priority
end add
to getTop
pull my queue into firstItem
return firstItem
end getTop
to report
return (priority of each && task of each for each item of my queue) joined by return
end report
Initial tasks:
1 Solve RC tasks
2 Tax return
3 Clear drains
4 Feed cat
5 Make tea
Top priority: {priority:1, task:"Solve RC tasks"}
2 Tax return
3 Clear drains
4 Feed cat
5 Make tea