Prime decomposition: Difference between revisions

Added a new solution in Elm language
(→‎{{header|Quackery}}: added tests for primality)
(Added a new solution in Elm language)
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module Main exposing (main)
{{task|Prime Numbers}}
import Html exposing (Html, div, h1, text)
import Html.Attributes exposing (style)
-- See live:
-- <nowiki></nowiki>
accumulator : List Int
accumulator =
ts =
    showFactors compositeNr 2 accumulator
--compositeNr = 84894624407 -- ==> 3067 4357 6353
-- compositeNr = 65536 -- = 2^16
compositeNr = 2*3*5*7*11*13*17 -- = 510510
main =
            [ style "margin" "5%"
            , style "font-size" "1.5em"
            , style "color" "blue"
            [ h1 [] [ text "Prime Factorizer" ]
            , text
                ("Prime factors: "
                    ++ listAsString ts
                    ++ " from number "
                    ++ String.fromInt (List.product ts)
showFactors : Int -> Int -> List Int -> List Int
showFactors number factor acc =
    if number < 2 then
        -- returns the final result if number < 2
    else if
        modBy factor number == 0
        -- modulo used to get prime factors
then let
            v2 : List Int
            v2 =
                factor :: acc
            number2 : Int
            number2 =
                number // factor
        showFactors number2 factor v2
        -- recursive call
        -- this modulus function is used
        -- in order to output factor !=2
            factor2 : Int
            factor2 =
                factor + 1
        showFactors number factor2 acc
listAsString : List Int -> String
listAsString myList = String.fromInt myList
        |> (\el -> " " ++ el)
        |> List.foldl (++) " "
-- Driver program to test above function
-- compositeNr = 84894624407
--      result = 3067 4357 6353{{task|Prime Numbers}}
[[Category:Arbitrary precision]]
{{omit from|GUISS}}
<nowiki><syntaxhighlight lang=”elm"></nowiki>{{omit from|GUISS}}
The prime decomposition of a number is defined as a list of prime numbers
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