Prime conspiracy: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|PARI/GP}}: format the pari/gp code)
(Added Easylang)
Line 755: Line 755:
9 -> 7 count: 58130 frequency: 5.81%
9 -> 7 count: 58130 frequency: 5.81%
9 -> 9 count: 42843 frequency: 4.28%</pre>
9 -> 9 count: 42843 frequency: 4.28%</pre>

fastfunc isprim num .
# test only odd numbers
i = 3
while i <= sqrt num
if num mod i = 0
return 0
i += 2
return 1
func nextprim num .
num += 2
until isprim num = 1
return num
len d[][] 9
for i to 9
len d[i][] 9
d[2][3] = 1
p = 3
for i to 1000000
pp = p
p = nextprim p
d[pp mod 10][p mod 10] += 1
for i to 9
for j to 9
if d[i][j] > 0
print i & " -> " & j & ": " & d[i][j] & " = " & d[i][j] / 10000 & "%"
