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Any possible desired effect can be achieved by calling a function or setting a variable.
Any possible desired effect can be achieved by calling a function or setting a variable.
Function calls are traced using the Trace[] function.
Function calls are traced using the Trace[] function.

NetRexx provides three pragma-like instructions: <tt>OPTIONS</tt>, <tt>NUMERIC</tt> and <tt>TRACE</tt>.
* '''<tt>OPTIONS</tt>''' provides the ability to pass special requests to the language processor (i.e. a compiler or interpreter).
:The syntax is:<lang NetRexx>options wordlist;</lang>
:where ''wordlist'' is one or more symbols separated by blanks. The individual words in ''wordlist'' might control optimizations, enforce standards, enable implementation-dependent features, etc.
:The current default settings of <tt>OPTIONS</tt> is:<lang NetRexx>options -
nobinary nocomments nocompact console crossref decimal nodiag noexplicit noformat java logo noreplace nosavelog nosourcedir -
nostrictargs nostrictassign nostrictcase nostrictimport nostrictprops nostrictsignal nosymbols trace2 noutf8 verbose3</lang>
* '''<tt>NUMERIC</tt>''' is used to change the way in which arithmetic operations are carried out by a program.
:The syntax is:<lang NetRexx>numeric digits [exprd];
numeric form [scientific | engineering];</lang>
:*'''<tt>numeric digits</tt>''' controls the precision under which arithmetic operations will be evaluated. The default for ''exprd'' is '''9''' i.e. '''<tt>numeric digits 9</tt>'''.<br />There is normally no limit to the value for <tt>'''numeric digits'''</tt> (except the constraints imposed by the amount of storage and other resources available) but note that high precisions are likely to be expensive in processing time.
:*'''<tt>numeric form</tt>''' controls which form of exponential notation is to be used for the results of operations.
* '''<tt>TRACE</tt>''' is used to control the tracing of the execution of NetRexx methods, and is primarily used for debugging.
:The Syntax is:<lang NetRexx>trace tracesetting
trace var [varlist]</lang>
:where ''tracesetting'' is one of:
::All clauses (except null clauses without commentary) which are in methods and which are executed after the trace instruction will be traced.
::All <tt>method</tt> clauses in the class will be traced when the method they introduce is invoked, together with the values of the arguments passed to each method.
::turns tracing off.
::similar to <tt>trace all</tt> for the clauses in a <tt>method</tt> with the addition that the results of all ''expression'' evaluations and any results assigned to a variable by an assignment, <tt>loop</tt>, or <tt>parse</tt> instruction are also traced.
:and ''varlist'' provides a list of variables which will be monitored during execution.
