Pragmatic directives: Difference between revisions

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::similar to <tt>trace all</tt> for the clauses in a <tt>method</tt> with the addition that the results of all ''expression'' evaluations and any results assigned to a variable by an assignment, <tt>loop</tt>, or <tt>parse</tt> instruction are also traced.
:and ''varlist'' provides a list of variables which will be monitored during execution.
Nim provides a great number of directives known as pragmas. It is not possible to describe them here. A pragma (or list of pragmas) starts with <code>{.</code> and ends with <code>.}</code>. It may possess arguments. Here are some kinds of pragmas:
:– pragmas such as <code>pure</code> applicable to types;
:– pragmas such as <code>noSideEffect</code>, <code>compileTime</code> applicable to procedures;
:– compilation option pragmas, especially to disable or enable runtime checks;
:– <code>push</code> and <code>pop</code> pragmas to deactivate/reactivate options;
:– pragmas for objects, such as <code>inheritable</code> or <code>final</code>;
:– pragmas such as <code>linearScanEnd</code> or <code>computedGoto</code> which change the way the code is generated;
:– pragmas for variables such as <code>register</code> or <code>global</code>;
:– pragmas such as <code>hint</code> to make the compiler output a message at compilation;
:– pragmas such as <code>used</code> to avoid a warning message (here when a variable is not used);
:– <code>experimental</code> pragma to activate experimental features;
:– <code>deprecated</code> pragma to mark a type, procedure, etc. as deprecated with emission of a warning at compile time;
:– pragmas to interface with other languages: <code>importc</code>, <code>extern</code>, <code>bycopy</code>, <code>byref</code>, <code>varargs</code>, etc.
:– pragmas to declare the calling convention of a procedure: <code>nimcall</code>, <code>closure</code>, <code>stdcall</code>, <code>cdecl</code>, <code>inline</code>, etc.
:– implementation specific pragmas: <code>bitsize</code>, <code>align</code>, <code>volatile</code>, etc.
:- pragmas for templates such as <code>inject</code>, <code>gensym</code>;
:– thread pragmas;
:– pragma <code>pragma</code> which allows the users to define their own pragmas.
And here are some examples:
<lang Nim>{.checks: off, optimization: speed.} # Checks are deactivated and code is generated for speed.
# Define a type Color as pure which implies that value names are declared in their own scope
# and may/should be accessed with their type qualifier (as Color.Red).
type Color {.pure.} = enum Red, Green, Blue
# Declare a procedure to inline if possible.
proc odd(x: int): bool {.inline.} = (x and 1) != 0
# Declaration of a C external procedure.
proc printf(formatstr: cstring) {.header: "<stdio.h>", importc: "printf", varargs.}
# Declaration of a deprecated procedure. If not used, no warning will be emitted.
proc notUsed(x: int) {.used, deprecated.} = echo x
# Declaration of a type with an alignment constraint.
type SseType = object
sseData {.align(16).}: array[4, float32]
# Declaration of a procedure containing a variable to store in register, if possible, and a variable to store as global.
proc p() =
var x {.register.}: int
var y {.global.} = "abcdef"
{.push checks: on.}
# From here, checks are activated.
# From here, checks are deactivated again.