Polynomial synthetic division: Difference between revisions

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(1 -12 0 -42) / (1 -3) = (1 -9 -27) remainder (-123)</pre>
(1 -12 0 -42) / (1 -3) = (1 -9 -27) remainder (-123)</pre>


This uses a common utility proc <tt>range</tt>, and a less common one called <tt>lincr</tt>, which increments elements of lists. The routine is placed in a namespace ensemble, such that it can be conveniently shared with other commands for polynomial arithmetic.

<lang Tcl># range ?start? end+1
# start defaults to 0: [range 5] = {0 1 2 3 4}
proc range {a {b ""}} {
if {$b eq ""} {
set b $a
set a 0
for {set r {}} {$a<$b} {incr a} {
lappend r $a
return $r

# lincr list idx ?...? increment
# By analogy with [lset] and [incr]:
# Adds incr to the item at [lindex list idx ?...?]. incr may be a float.
proc lincr {_ls args} {
upvar 1 $_ls ls
set incr [lindex $args end]
set idxs [lrange $args 0 end-1]
lset ls {*}$idxs [expr {$incr + [lindex $ls {*}$idxs]}]

namespace eval polynomial {
# polynomial division, returns [list $dividend $remainder]
proc divide {top btm} {
set out $top
set norm [lindex $btm 0]
foreach i [range [expr {[llength $top] - [llength $btm] + 1}]] {
lset out $i [set coef [expr {[lindex $out $i] * 1.0 / $norm}]]
if {$coef != 0} {
foreach j [range 1 [llength $btm]] {
lincr out [expr {$i+$j}] [expr {-[lindex $btm $j] * $coef}]
set terms [expr {[llength $btm]-1}]
list [lrange $out 0 end-$terms] [lrange $out end-[incr terms -1] end]
namespace export *
namespace ensemble create

proc test {} {
set top {1 -12 0 -42}
set btm {1 -3}
set div [polynomial divide $top $btm]
puts "$top / $btm = $div"

<pre>1 -12 0 -42 / 1 -3 = {1.0 -9.0 -27.0} -123.0</pre>
