Polynomial long division: Difference between revisions

polynomial long division in common lisp
m (→‎{{header|E}}: simplify printing, fix bug with zero polynomial)
(polynomial long division in common lisp)
Line 228:
return 0;
=={{header|Common Lisp}}==
Polynomials are represented as lists of degree/coefficient pairs ordered by degree (highest degree first), and pairs with zero coefficients can be omitted. <code>Multiply</code> and <code>divide</code> perform long multiplication and long division, respectively. <code>multiply</code> returns one value, the product, and <code>divide</code> returns two, the quotient and the remainder.
<lang lisp>(defun add (p1 p2)
(do ((sum '())) ((and (endp p1) (endp p2)) (nreverse sum))
(let ((pd1 (if (endp p1) -1 (caar p1)))
(pd2 (if (endp p2) -1 (caar p2))))
(multiple-value-bind (c1 c2)
((> pd1 pd2) (values (cdr (pop p1)) 0))
((< pd1 pd2) (values 0 (cdr (pop p2))))
(t (values (cdr (pop p1)) (cdr (pop p2)))))
(let ((csum (+ c1 c2)))
(unless (zerop csum)
(setf sum (acons (max pd1 pd2) csum sum))))))))
(defun multiply (p1 p2)
(flet ((*p2 (p)
(destructuring-bind (d . c) p
(loop for (pd . pc) in p2
collecting (cons (+ d pd) (* c pc))))))
(reduce 'add (mapcar #'*p2 p1) :initial-value '())))
(defun subtract (p1 p2)
(add p1 (multiply '((0 . -1)) p2)))
(defun divide (dividend divisor &aux (sum '()))
(assert (not (endp divisor)) (divisor)
:operation 'divide
:operands (list dividend divisor))
(flet ((floor1 (dividend divisor)
(if (endp dividend) (values '() ())
(destructuring-bind (d1 . c1) (first dividend)
(destructuring-bind (d2 . c2) (first divisor)
(if (> d2 d1) (values '() dividend)
(let* ((quot (list (cons (- d1 d2) (/ c1 c2))))
(rem (subtract dividend (multiply divisor quot))))
(values quot rem))))))))
(loop (multiple-value-bind (quotient remainder)
(floor1 dividend divisor)
(if (endp quotient) (return (values sum remainder))
(setf dividend remainder
sum (add quotient sum)))))))</lang>
The [[wp:Polynomial_long_division#Example|wikipedia example]]:
<lang lisp>> (divide '((3 . 1) (2 . -12) (0 . -42)) ; x^3 - 12x^2 - 42
'((1 . 1) (0 . -3))) ; x - 3
((2 . 1) (1 . -9) (0 . -27)) ; x^2 - 9x - 27
((0 . -123)) ; -123</lang>
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