Polynomial derivative: Difference between revisions

Created Nim solution.
(Created Nim solution.)
Line 503:
Derivative of x3-2x2+3x-4: 3 - 4*x + 3*x^2
Derivative of -x4-x3+x+1: 1 - 3*x^2 - 4*x^3
<syntaxhighlight lang="Nim">import std/sequtils
Polynomial[T] = object
coeffs: seq[T]
Term = tuple[coeff, exp: int]
template `[]`[T](poly: Polynomial[T]; idx: Natural): T =
template `[]=`[T](poly: var Polynomial; idx: Natural; val: T) =
poly.coeffs[idx] = val
template degree(poly: Polynomial): int =
func newPolynomial[T](coeffs: openArray[T]): Polynomial[T] =
## Create a polynomial from a list of coefficients.
result.coeffs = coeffs.toSeq
func newPolynomial[T](degree: Natural = 0): Polynomial[T] =
## Create a polynomial with given degree.
## Coefficients are all zeroes.
result.coeffs = newSeq[T](degree + 1)
const Superscripts: array['0'..'9', string] = ["⁰", "¹", "²", "³", "⁴", "⁵", "⁶", "⁷", "⁸", "⁹"]
func superscript(n: Natural): string =
## Return the Unicode string to use to represent an exponent.
if n == 1:
return ""
for d in $n:
result.add Superscripts[d]
func `$`(term: Term): string =
## Return the string representation of a term.
if term.coeff == 0: "0"
elif term.exp == 0: $term.coeff
let base = 'x' & superscript(term.exp)
if term.coeff == 1: base
elif term.coeff == -1: '-' & base
else: $term.coeff & base
func `$`[T](poly: Polynomial[T]): string =
## Return the string representation of a polynomial.
for idx in countdown(poly.degree, 0):
let coeff = poly[idx]
var term: Term = (coeff: coeff, exp: idx)
if result.len == 0:
result.add $term
elif coeff > 0:
result.add '+'
result.add $term
elif coeff < 0:
term.coeff = -term.coeff
result.add '-'
result.add $term
func derivative[T](poly: Polynomial[T]): Polynomial[T] =
## Return the derivative of a polynomial.
if poly.degree == 0: return newPolynomial[T]()
result = newPolynomial[T](poly.degree - 1)
for degree in 1..poly.degree:
result[degree - 1] = degree * poly[degree]
for coeffs in @[@[5], @[4, -3], @[-1, 6, 5], @[-4, 3, -2, 1], @[1, 1, 0, -1, -1]]:
let poly = newPolynomial(coeffs)
echo "Polynomial: ", poly
echo "Derivative: ", poly.derivative
<pre>Polynomial: 5
Derivative: 0
Polynomial: -3x+4
Derivative: -3
Polynomial: 5x²+6x-1
Derivative: 10x+6
Polynomial: x³-2x²+3x-4
Derivative: 3x²-4x+3
Polynomial: -x⁴-x³+x+1
Derivative: -4x³-3x²+1
