Polymorphism: Difference between revisions

OCaml OO solution
(OCaml OO solution)
Line 554:
== [[OCaml]] ==
class point ?(x=0.0) ?(y=0.0) () = (* extra () used to erase the optional parameters *)
val mutable x = x
val mutable y = y
method x = x
method y = y
method set_x x' = x <- x'
method set_y y' = y <- y'
method print = Printf.sprintf "Point (%f, %f)" x y
method copy = {< >}
class circle ?(r=1.0) ?(x=0.0) ?(y=0.0) () =
val mutable x = x
val mutable y = y
val mutable r = r
method x = x
method y = y
method r = r
method set_x x' = x <- x'
method set_y y' = y <- y'
method set_r r' = r <- r'
method print = Printf.sprintf "Circle (%f, %f, %f)" r x y
method copy = {< >}
let print x = print_endline x#print
let () =
let p = new point () in
let c = new circle () in
print c;
print p
c#set_x 10.0;
print c;
print (new point ~y:2.1 ())
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