Polymorphism: Difference between revisions

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// Destructors are never used in Go. Objects are garbage collected.</lang>
<lang golo>#!/usr/bin/env golosh
This module demonstrates Golo's version of polymorphism.
module Polymorphism
# Each struct automatically gets a constructor and also accessor and assignment methods for each field.
# For example, the constructor for Point is Point(1, 2)
# and the accessor methods are x() and y()
# and the assignment methods are x(10) and y(10).
struct Point = { x, y }
struct Circle = { x, y, r }
# Augmentations are the way to give your struct methods.
# They're like extension methods in C# or Xtend.
augment Point {
function print = |this| { println("Point " + this: x() + " " + this: y()) }
augment Circle {
function print = |this| { println("Circle " + this: x() + " " + this: y() + " " + this: r()) }
# You can define functions with the same name as your struct that work
# basically like constructors.
A contructor with no arguments that initializes all fields to 0
function Point = -> Point(0, 0)
This is the copy constructor when the argument is another point
function Point = |x| -> match {
when x oftype Point.class then Point(x: x(), x: y())
otherwise Point(x, 0)
A contructor with no arguments that initializes all fields to 0
function Circle = -> Circle(0, 0, 0)
This is the copy constructor when the argument is another circle
function Circle = |x| -> match {
when x oftype Circle.class then Circle(x: x(), x: y(), x: r())
otherwise Circle(x, 0, 0)
This one initializes the radius to zero
function Circle = |x, y| -> Circle(x, y, 0)
function main = |args| {
let p = Point(10, 20)
let c = Circle(10, 20, 30)
let shapes = vector[
Point(), Point(1), Point(1, 2), Point(p),
Circle(), Circle(1), Circle(1, 2), Circle(1, 2, 3), Circle(c)
foreach shape in shapes {
shape: print()
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